March 23, 2019

Is the Trump Derangement Syndrome fever breaking?


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rcocean said...

We honored that pact, we held our noses and supported Establishment RINOs like McCain and Romney. And when Trump was chosen as the GOP nominee you not only broke that deal, you joined with the Left in public opposition.

We will never support your chosen canfldidates again. And you are high if you think we will ever go back to the Failure Theater, Graceful Surrenders and Groveling Apology Tours of traitorous cucks like yourself. Burn it all to the ground, the GOP included.

This. X 1000. I will NEVER support another cuckservative, establishment globalist again. Ever. If they didn't support Trump in 2016, to hell with them. Anyone, like Rubio or Yeb, or Ron Paul, who didn't "honor the pact" is dead to me. Of course, the dumb Republicans aka "the base" - can play the "We need to support X because otherwise..." but I'm no longer playing that game.

We went down that road before - with Gerald Ford and Rockefeller. Conservatives FORCED Jerry Ford to dump Rocky because he'd stabbed Goldwater in the back in 1964.

Drago said...

narciso: "I must have read as much commentary as national review norman podhoretz is still a giant, Irving Kristol was one, the sons are pitifully unable to measure up."

Which is why their weak inconsequential sons, like ALL LLR's, so very desperately crave the acceptance of cultural leftists.

The idea that you would stand and fight on principle against any odds is utterly unknown to the LLR Vichy types who prefer lefty pats on the head over non-Failure Theatre conservative wins.

There is no hiding this reality and no turning back the clock to a time these jerkoff secret lefties had any credibility on the right.

I cant wait to see the current lefty masters of these low-T cucks tire of them and kick them to the curb because their usefulness to left hits ZERO.

Consider the extraordinarily pathetic LLR-leftist Max Boot, who has been made to grovel in the most unseemly of ways by his lefty task-masters, only to have other lefties show him precisely how they feel about him by blasting his earlier (fake) conservative positions!!


Then Li'l Maxie couldnt get ANYONE to interview him about his stupid faux-intellectual lefty suckup tome!!

He complained bitterly conservatives ignored him!!

You'd have to have a heart of stone not to revel in his fully exposed fake-LLR pain.

Birkel said...

Note well that some conservatives, including this one, refused to vote for McCain or Romney because I knew they were liars. I knew they were blowing sunshine up my skirt. And I knew they were never conservative. They were shills nominated by insider Republicans as next in line to lose quietly.

Glad the rest of you slow learners caught on to the con job.

Amadeus 48 said...

"How interesting that Trump is so quiet, not a tweet out of him. You’d think he’d be crowing out his “victory” if he had gotten good news."

It does make you wonder doesn't it? It makes me wonder if you have been underestimating his calculation and self-control. It makes me wonder if he has been playing people like you, and Chuck, and Matthews, and Maddow, like a fiddle. After all, if the media complex is angry about the way he behaves, they have less time to figure out what he has been doing. And because most reporters are stupid and lazy, they just chow down on any dog food he puts out there.

I don't think Trump is in any way brilliant. I just think that he is smarter than most of the people who style themselves political reporters and analysts. It isn't difficult.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Trump Indictment coming

MikeR said...

Dennis Prager challenged Frum in a public forum a while ago: I am willing to risk my reputation that there will be nothing about collusion in the Mueller report. Are you willing to risk your reputation that it will show collusion? Crickets.

Big Mike said...

I don't think Trump is in any way brilliant. I just think that he is smarter than most of the people who style themselves political reporters and analysts.

@Amadeus, you are correct in noting that this is a very low bar.

Fen said...

Found on Twitter feed over at Ace on the side bar: "The Hodge Twins"?
I'd post the link but I don't have the HTML code handy. Guess I'll have to memorize it later. Anyways, back to our show, here is what I found at the Twitter link:

"I thought Trump would have tweeted something about it already if it was good news for him."

Gosh that sounds familiar. It's almost as if certain people here are just parroting talking points they've been fed.

Aside from being boring, shouldn't our "quality" commentariot exclude plaigerists? Or at least those who's thoughts aren't their own?

Fen said...

"Glad the rest of you slow learners caught on to the con job."

Yah, sorry Birkel. Guilty as charged. I even told those fuckers I liked Micheal Bolton... errr, I mean I even worked on the Romney campaign.

I'll do penance though. Heads on pikes.

Birkel said...

Fen, I had the strongest of advantages in life: I am skeptical of everything. It's the main reason I never considered voting for a Democratic.

The con has been on since Nixon, imho. Reagan was not in on the con but he was talked into hiring HW Bush by confidence men. And that gave us two fake conservatives. Trump noticed the con and found otherwise ignored voters. And doesn't it feel great to finally be heard?

Michael K said...

My son is an engineer, so I want to take offense at this.

Most engineers I know laugh hardest at Engineer jokes. I was one. We exchange new ones.

I can tell you a surgeon joke, which I became after I was an Engineer.

Three doctors went duck haunting and agreed each would have a shot in turn. They were an internist, a pathologist and a surgeon.

The first duck comes over and the internist gets first shot. He asks the others, "Was that a duck?"
"Are you sure that was a duck?" By this time the duck is long gone.

The surgeon has next turn. The duck flies over and BLAM, BLAM. The surgeon turns to the pathologist and says, "Make sure that was a duck!"

See how easy that was ?

Big Mike said...

@Fen, okay as long as you don’t use a gun.

daskol said...

I expect that we’ll soon see unflattering bits of Trump’s tax returns leaked or other sealed judicial bits because it’s more necessary now than ever to damage Trump. That furnace needs feeding. It’s not a fever people have caught, we’re being cooked. They really can’t stop now. The Congressional investigations and the Southern District probes into Trump’s business dealings will be front page news next week. The M.O. is already familiar. So what if fewer and fewer fair-minded people believe it’s valid? That’s such a small percentage of people.

Chuck said...

I’m just wondering when the Trump tax audit will be done. Because we just know that he will release copies of his returns just as soon as that happens.

Narayanan said...

When I look at Romney I see ... Mr. Collins simpering From BBC Pride and Prejudice.

Definitely not good optics for President of USA

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Why did you never use terms like "Clinton Derangement Syndrome," both to address the anti-Hillary hatefest and, if you can recall, the crazed frenzy into which Republicans worked themselves when they impeached her husband?

I also notice no tags here for the clearly deranged FOX News bonanza when they promote whatever paranoia of the day that impels them to go foaming at the mouth over Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The more I see that gratuitous and inflammatory tag, the more I think people use it to denounce any emotional reactions to a clearly sick and detached president, and the likelier I find it as an attempt - witting or not - at quieting dissent at best, and the deliberate enabling a would-be dictator's poor boundary issues at best.

The first check-and-balance should be that of the people on the chief executive. Denouncing the sanity of the former on behalf of the obvious psychiatric problems of the latter is a disservice to democracy.

BUMBLE BEE said...

"Collusion" far outstrips "Birthers". Birthers had demonstrated a font on a birth record that was not in existence at the time of the birth. Donald has given us a civics lesson unlike no other.

Chuck said...

Blogger Fen said...
Click on the Mollie twitter feed. No shame from the Coup Crowd.

The only way this will be settled is with blood.

And Republicans are pussies so...



One of Rush Limbaugh’s major themes is that liberals are all so humorless, so darkly apocalyptic. When in fact much of his audience sounds just like this commenter. Not that they’d ever do anything about it. They will sit at home, watch the Fox News Channel, look at their Medicare statements and buy gold from Rosslyn Capital.

Some of them might get excited enough to vote. On rare occasions. Providing ever more support for H.L. Mencken’s dictum that democracy is the theory that common people know what they want and they deserve to get it good and hard. Hello, Brexit.

Rusty said...

Blogger Chuck said...
"I’m just wondering when the Trump tax audit will be done. Because we just know that he will release copies of his returns just as soon as that happens."
I'm sure that if he did something wrong the IRS has already flagged it. Besides I doubt you'd understand what you're looking at. I have an accountant do mine and it usually runs more than 20 pages.

Skipper said...

What's worse, incurable Trump Derangement Syndrome or the criminal misuse of "literally"?

Birkel said...

daskol anticipates the next line of Democratic attack.

Chuck confirms in the very next comment.


Yancey Ward said...

I feel sorry for Chuck- the Pastry Squad is facing cutbacks this fiscal year.

Jim at said...

Wait a minute.

So if Trump is tweeting, it's a sign of bad news for him in the report.

And if Trump isn't tweeting, it's a sign of bad news for him in the report.

How does one think this way and not trip over his or her own drool every day?

Gospace said...

Trump International Crime Syndicate said...
Why did you never use terms like "Clinton Derangement Syndrome," both to address the anti-Hillary hatefest and, if you can recall, the crazed frenzy into which Republicans worked themselves when they impeached her husband?

William Jefferson Clinton lied under oath, committed perjury. Obstructed justice. You know, things that people like George Papadopoulos spent 14 days in jail for- lying to the FBI.

People suffering from TDS are celebrating people being punished and put in jail for crimes that arose FROM the investigation. The same crimes that William Jefferson Clinton committed.

And let's not forget the ones Hillary committed- that no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute for. Crimes that every one of us who has or has had a security clearance knows would land us in jail if we committed them. And further, know people who have been jailed for the same or lesser behavior. Jailing Hillary- or at the very least, forcing her to go to trial- would show that we do not have a two tier justice system. But Democrats continue to show we do. To their benefit.

Fen said...

Chuck: One of Rush Limbaugh’s major themes is that liberals are all so humorless, so darkly apocalyptic. When in fact much of his audience sounds just like this commenter. Not that they’d ever do anything about it.

But of course, the LLR is has pivoted from defending the MSM to insulting Rush's audience.

But if you really think I'm all talk, how come you declined to give me your address? I said I would send my driver over to pick you up, remember? Why so shy?

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