March 11, 2019

I'm reading "Tucker Carlson unapologetic over ‘misogynistic’ comments on statutory rape, insults against women."

In WaPo.
Carlson was widely criticized on Sunday following a report from the nonprofit Media Matters for America that compiled and transcribed more than a dozen instances of the host appearing on the “Bubba the Love Sponge Show,” a popular radio program broadcast from Tampa [recorded between 2006 and 2011]...

On at least two separate occasions, Carlson voiced opinions on underage marriage and Warren Jeffs, the former leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who is currently serving a life sentence for child rape.... “Now this guy may be . . ., may be a child rapist,” Carlson said. “I’m just telling you that arranging a marriage between a 16-year-old and a 27-year-old is not the same as pulling a stranger off the street and raping her.”

Three years later in another segment on the radio show, Carlson clarified that he was not defending underage marriage but added, “I just don’t think it’s the same thing exactly as pulling a child from a bus stop and sexually assaulting that child.... The rapist, in this case, has made a lifelong commitment to live and take care of the person, so it is a little different,” he said... ... Carlson continued to argue on behalf of Jeffs, saying he was in prison “because he’s weird and unpopular and he has a different lifestyle that other people find creepy.... He’s like got some weird religious cult where he thinks it’s okay to, you know, marry underaged girls, but he didn’t do it. Why wouldn’t the guy who actually did it, who had sex with an underaged girl, he should be the one who’s doing life.”...

In other segments, Carlson called for the elimination of rape shield laws.... “So if I’m alleging rape, I have the protection of anonymity. I can say whatever I want while hiding behind anonymity, while the person I accused, whether he’s guilty or not, has his life destroyed. That’s totally unfair.”

Then, in an October 2009 show, Bubba the Love Sponge launched into what appeared to be a hypothetical description of the young girls at the boarding school attended by Carlson’s daughter experimenting with each other sexually. “I ain’t got my mom and dad here telling me that they love me and tuck me in bed,” the radio host said. “So, here’s Trixie, she wants to explore my body a little bit, so hey, let’s go crazy.”

Carlson responded: “If it weren’t my daughter, I would love that scenario.”

[On another occasion he] said, “I love women, but they’re extremely primitive, they’re basic, they’re not that hard to understand.” In another appearance, he implied that women like being instructed by men to “just be quiet and kind of do what you’re told.”...

In May 2010, Carlson said he felt sorry for [Elena] Kagan, then a Supreme Court nominee, who was “never going to be an attractive woman.”

“I feel sorry for unattractive women,” he said, adding that the “problems” with Kagan’s physical appearance were “fundamental.”

He called [Arianna] Huffington “a pig” and used the c-word when discussing [TV personality Alexis] Stewart, noting that he wanted to “give her the spanking she so desperately needs."...
It's useful to know that he said these things, providing material for that Howard-Stern-type radio show. And it's useful to people who would like to get him off the air to get all excited about these things now. I'm resistant to getting excited about something somebody said years ago because somebody is telling me that's what everyone is supposed to get excited about today.

What's the real news? What is actually happening now? The news seems to have turned into the news of what old thing has been served up as news.

And what about the gratuitous collateral damage to Elena Kagan? These get-Carlson people have decided to make her looks today's topic of conversation. That's pretty rude. It was also rude for Carlson to have said what he did 9 years ago, but that rudeness had been forgotten, if it was ever noticed.

ADDED: Robert Stacy McCain writes: "Tucker Carlson must have read Vox Day’s SJWs Always Lie, because he is following Vox’s advice to those under SJW attack: Do not apologize!"


tim maguire said...

I love the way media matters is described as a non-profit, as though left wing propoganda outfit weren’t more meaningful.

The comments are icky, but not that big a deal. They don’t call it shock radio for nothing.

MayBee said...

I'm trying to figure out why Trump's looks are a subject of daily mockery, but Elena Kagan's are off limits.

We don't really need to bring in looks at all, but we do. Or at least, a lot of people do.
Other than that, big deal. Carlson said something outrageous. Que the "liberal" outcry.

rhhardin said...

Apparently he used to think like a guy. Maybe he will apologize.

MayBee said...

We don't want to know what anyone actually thinks. We certainly don't want any humor, or outrageous humor. We want to be held in the comfortable cupped palms of groupthink and acceptablewords.

MadisonMan said...

Outrage du Jour. It will pass.

Digression, but I had to roll my eyes at the story in the paper today about dreamy Trudeau's problems in Canada. The first paragraph was all about Trump! Collusion! Stormy Daniels! (Alleged was thrown in there too) Derangement Syndrome is strong at the AP.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

What did he say that was wrong? Everything about that Jeff guy and rape shield law was correct.

The stuff about school girls is common meme. Kagan is an adult who wanted a lifetime appointment to the legislate from the bench.

Just one more example of leftist censorship.

Gunner said...

MayBee, the SJWs would say that Trump deserves appearance mockery because he has done it to others first. However, Democrats obviously made fun of George W. Bush’s and Dick Cheney’s looks, when those guys never did anything like that to others.

In conclusion, they are morons.

CJinPA said...

the nonprofit Media Matters for America

Not only did the writer choose to withhold information on the group's partisan agenda, they add "nonprofit" to further mislead. Brilliantly sinister.

Browndog said...

I remember when Tucker took over Bill O'Reilly's prime time slot from Megan Kelly. He made the point he was going to tell it like he saw it, unafraid. He pointed to the fact that he had worked for every single network and cable news channel, and was fired from each of them. Then said "I'll probably be fired from this job too."

You're not going to bully Tucker into submission.

gilbar said...

but, it isn't rape rape?

iowan2 said...

Tucker is over the target. It's the only time you get so much flak

rhhardin said...

Speaking of Keagan, this speaker has me puzzled

gilbar said...

Wince said...

“I feel sorry for unattractive women,” he said, adding that the “problems” with Kagan’s physical appearance were "fundamental."

Althouse said...
And what about the gratuitous collateral damage to Elena Kagan? These get-Carlson people have decided to make her looks today's topic of conversation. That's pretty rude.

I supposed they'd say there's a compelling interest in revisiting Kagan's "fundamental" homeliness that is narrowly tailored to eliminating Tucker Carlson from the airwaves, and there is no less restrictive means of achieving that compelling interest.

Birches said...

This is what happens when you embarrass the press. Tucker had that picture with the prostitute and the prostitute gave them hell for it. Pretty bad self own. So the "good guys" decide Tucker has to pay for it. So dumb.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I saw nothing - absolutely nothing - he said that wasn't the truth.

That's why he caught flack. That's what telling the truth these days gets you.

He was also smart not to apologize. He didn't say or do anything wrong.

Curious George said...

"You're not going to bully Tucker into submission."

You can't cuck the Tuck!

Drago said...

Pure deflection by the left/LLR's who did not have a good week last week.

Bay Area Guy said...

I feel my life is incomplete having never heard of, nor heard, an episode of Bubba the Love Sponge.

roesch/voltaire said...

For women looks matter, for men words about those looks don’t matter. Little,micro aggressions like pinching and whistling as women pass by—no big deal for a man.

Wince said...

Coincidentally wasn't it Bubba the Love Loofah that took down O'Reily?

Dave Begley said...

Distinctions are hard to make these days. Everything has to be so black and white.

As to Justice Kagan, I think she is kind of cute. I'd date her if she wasn't in DC. But that liberal thing makes it kind of tough.

Darrell said...

Wasn't he defending Islam?
Ask The Imam said we will know when the 12-year-old bride is ready.

Darrell said...

Media Matters never mattered.

iowan2 said...

Congresswomen Rashida and Ilhan, will never be asked to renounce child brides, and the associated serial rapes they represent.

iowan2 said...

Re: Kagen Why does MediaMatters so loathe her to focus on her appearance? I devour a lot of news and was especial attentive to news about Kagen, as she went through the confirmation process. Never saw this bit of information. My conclusion is, MediaMatters is slimy hate mongers to make it such a focus to the rest of the world.

Ambrose said...

Two common rhetorical devices in the very first sentence. First, the handy passive voice; Tucker "was widely criticized." Who in fact criticized Tucker? Isn't it actually WaPo that is criticizing him rather than merely reporting on third party actions? Second, gratuitous use of "non profit" to modify Media Matters. This implies that because the organization is not tainted by the pursuit of profit, it must be highly credible and non-partisan - when in fact it is neither.

Dave Begley said...

Notice the word "nonprofit" attached to Media Matters. I'd rewrite it as "Media Matters, the left wing hack group which is funded by crazy liberals, …."

As if its nonprofit status makes it noble or good. Heck, the KKK is probably a nonprofit. Nonprofit is just a tax code term.

Sebastian said...

"What's the real news? What is actually happening now?"

It's not news, but what's happening now is that progs fight: to scorch the earth, to devastate the culture, to take down opponents, to seize power.

It's nice that, for now, nice women tsk, tsk from the sideline. But progs don't care: they don't fight nice and gamble that pretty soon they won't need nice.

exhelodrvr1 said...

And the comments about Sarah Sanders appearance are OK, because orange man bad.

Darrell said...

How did Tucker Carlson review Captain Marvel?

Hagar said...

Sally Hemings was 17 when she had her first child by Thomas Jefferson.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

They’re late to the party. As with racism, overuse has drawn the venom from the misogyny stinger. Now it’s just Things Progs Always Say About Conservatives.

M Jordan said...

I usually don’t like “This just shows how much the [Left/Right] fear him” comments but really, that’s what’s going on here. Tucker’s nightly monologue to open the show is the sharpest, most incisive voice in media. He is feared because he, like Trump, fights, but unlike Trump, Tucker is extremely articulate. His has his Achilles heel but Media Matters has not found it here. His vulnerable spot is his ever-changing ideology which is childish and brittle. But smart he is and fearless and he’s not above name-calling right down to the mud hole level of the left.

Xmas said...

FYI, Bubba the Love Sponge is the guy who videotaped Hulk Hogan banging his wife. That tape wound up taking down the whole Gawker empire.

narciso said...

In other news:

M Jordan said...

I usually don’t like “This just shows how much the [Left/Right] fear him” comments but really, that’s what’s going on here. Tucker’s nightly monologue to open the show is the sharpest, most incisive voice in media. He is feared because he, like Trump, fights, but unlike Trump, Tucker is extremely articulate. His has his Achilles heel but Media Matters has not found it here. His vulnerable spot is his ever-changing ideology which is childish and brittle. But smart he is and fearless and he’s not above name-calling right down to the mud hole level of the left.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Note the leftwing bias right off

"nonprofit Media Matters for America."

Media Matters is LEFTIST. iT'S LEFTWING. Truth in advertising would say so.

M Jordan said...

Sorry for the double post. IT WASNT MY FAULT!

narciso said...

You know who went on bubba the live sponge when he was campaigning obama

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Media Matters was started by ultra corrupt leftwing money whore Hillary Clinton.

rehajm said...

Tucker is over the target. It's the only time you get so much flak

I don't find him all that interesting and his show seems food for his audience and not much else so it's interesting he draws so much attention from the left.

He deserves Ralph Northam's punishment which is nothing or Justin Fairfax's punishment which is nothing or he gives an Ilhan Omar apology which was nothing and is nothing.

CJinPA said...

Tucker’s nightly monologue to open the show is the sharpest, most incisive voice in media.

Agreed. Sadly, I do think he will be brought down at some point. The Left is more dedicated, and the Right, outgunned, is more cowardly.

narciso said...

Remind me when tucker asked some to be taken off the air which is what media matters does as a matter of habit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The only reason for the thought-crime-digging is the corrupt horrid totalitarian speech crime left know Tucker is a threat and they want him fired.

Actually -they want him dead. But that's because the modern left ARE the new Nazis.

Darrell said...

Sorry for the double post. IT WASNT MY FAULT!

You can delete your own comments. See the trash can next to the time stamp?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"nonprofit" should be changed to the reality "Leftist"

mockturtle said...

“I’m just telling you that arranging a marriage between a 16-year-old and a 27-year-old is not the same as pulling a stranger off the street and raping her.”

He's right. It isn't.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The modern Left are terrified of anyone who can out-debate them.

The vile left cannot debate using the truth/facts/argument - so they slime slime slime. They will find a crime in your past if it's the last fucking thing they do.

Kevin said...

The Democrats are shielding an anti-semite, so we're forced to listen to "what about Tucker Carlson in 2006?"

Leland said...

So the left has indeed started its Spring Offensive against Fox News. This won't end well for them. They are setting the rules that will be used against them.

Kevin said...

What's the real news? What is actually happening now?

The news isn't about what's happening.

It's about what's going to happen that you need to be on the right side of, and what happened long ago so those people can never be on the right side of anything again.

It's bullying in its most modern form.

Amadeus 48 said...

They’ll take him down. The outrage never ceases.

Someday, perhaps soon, the nation will switch off the outrage machine because it is too depressing. But not yet.

It is interesting to see all go quiet in Virginia, even with an accused rapist as lieutenant governor. Fen’s law in action: those on the left don’t really believe the nonsense they spout about the right. They’ll happily ignore allegations of rape (one made by PhD and discussed at the time it occurred) if it would cost them power in Virginia.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Monday, January 1, 2018
David Brock of Media Matters And Clinton Pal Funneled $700K To Fund Trump Sexual Harassment Accusers Weeks after The Hill revealed a $750,000 scheme by California woman's rights attorney Lisa Bloom to compensate women accusing Donald Trump of sexual misconduct - one of whom had her mortgage paid off after Trump ignored her pleas to become his makeup-artist during the campaign - the New York Times claims in a bombshell report that DNC operative and Media Matters founder David Brock, along with major Hillary Clinton friend and donor, Susie Tompkins Buell, steered $700,000 towards Bloom's efforts to smear Trump with sexual misconduct claims right before the 2016 election.

Kevin said...

They are setting the rules that will be used against them.

Oh no. That would be irresponsible, unprecedented, an attack on women and minorities, and the end of the Republican Party...

Suburban soccer moms would be outraged.

NPR would see to that.

readering said...

Althouse: it's old

Her commenters: it's true.

Amadeus 48 said...

By the way, Elena Kagen is such an intelligent, charming woman that you come away from a dinner with her thinking how attractive she is.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

“So if I’m alleging rape, I have the protection of anonymity. I can say whatever I want while hiding behind anonymity, while the person I accused, whether he’s guilty or not, has his life destroyed. That’s totally unfair.”

- Carlson

That's totally true as well.

I was just listening to a law show over the weekend discussing a few cases where the male was falsely accused, bu this life was totally ruined. Cases that happened here in Boulder here the DA -Stan Garnet, acted like a total bullyboy to ruin lives without due process. Thankfully, the jury cut thru the lies. Not guilty. I'll try to look up the case.

Chuck said...

Althouse, I agree with just about all of your blog post. Mostly at the granular level, respecting what it is that you (probably rightly) really care about.

My own observations are two:

First, grown adults who go on programs like Howard Stern and "Bubba the Love Sponge"(?!) do so at their peril. I know the idea is to talk about stuff like they were in their own club. And, media personalities sometimes have to do publicity stuff that might be less than savory. But sorry; if you go on those programs knowing what they are all about and you play their game, it is at your own risk. See, e.g., Donald Trump on Howard Stern.

Second, sorry for the all caps but THIS IS THE SORT OF STORY THAT TUCKER CARLSON TRAFICS IN ALL THE TIME. If Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Ilhan Omar, Ocasi-Cortez or Rashida Tlaib had said something similar, Carlson and his producers would develop the entire A-block of the show around it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Desperate leftists totalitarian speech crime harvesting.

By Hillary Clinton's Media Matters.

Bob Boyd said...

At this point the only question is, should Tucker be burned at the stake or beheaded?

Mark said...

The people complaining about Carlson would be the first ones to hand out a bunch of condoms -- and later drive them to abortion clinics -- to those kids they purport to care about.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

wiki on Media Matters:

Media Matters for America (MMfA) is a progressive[2][3] tax-exempt, nonprofit organization, with the stated mission of "comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media".[2][4] MMfA was founded in 2004 by journalist and political activist David Brock as a counterweight to the conservative Media Research Center.[5] It is known for its aggressive criticism of conservative journalists and media outlets, including its "War on Fox News."[6][7]

WaPo dutifully used leftist source as "news"

Amadeus 48 said...

Geoff Stone—the paragon of William Brennan liberalism—has had to back off a “fighting words” annecdote that he has used for years because he directly used the n-word without euphamism. He pushed back and then reconsidered.

We have gotten to the point that a breach of manners can cost you your job. That’s what my mom always warned me about.

dbp said...

The founding idea of Media Matters is that it exists to, in their own words:

"comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media"

After you stop laughing. (No. it is true, there actually is an organization with these aims.)

You may insert your own 'As useful as' joke here:

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fuck the corrupt left and their speech-crime policing.


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Sounds nuanced. I thought Progs liked nuance. Not from the mouths of Deplorables apparently.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The larger story is the fact that left-wing WaPO is dutifully carrying the water for leftwing Media Matters. These speech-mind-crimes are BIG NEWS! Now they have Tucker! Off with his head!
The COORDINATION of leftist talking points is the larger story. Corruption of our news continues. WaPo is a joke.

fivewheels said...

So here in 2019, at the intersection of Hoaxville and Empowerment streets, USA, is anyone still a big fan of rape shield laws? Is there anyone who can't at least see the argument against them? Is there any way to spin his position there as anything but prescient?

gilbar said...

is it surprising when Life Long Liberals TOTALLY support people attacking Fox News people?
is it surprising when Life Long Liberals TOTALLY attack Fox News people?
not really

Lurker21 said...

A chance to appear with "Bubba the Love Sponge"?

What could go wrong there?

We've all made comments like that, but mostly when we were about half Tucker's age.

I hope he doesn't lose his job, but he does come down some in stature.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I hope this inspires Tucker to dig deep into the schmarmy and skeevey tactics of corrupt Leftwinger Brock-Clinton Media Matters.

ooo I forgot - nonprofit. LOL>>

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Media Matters = totalitarian speech police. Bought and paid for by Clinton corruption. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Michael K said...

A lot of money is being spent to get Carlson off the air. Fox News is vulnerable because of the sponsors and the left has been going after his sponsors, as they did with Bill O'Reilly's. Rush Limbaugh made himself invulnerable to this tactic by syndicating his own show, which has local sponsors in all his outlet cities. Remember when the left went after him with Florida Orange Juice?

Carlson is not economically threatened by this but they might get him off the air if Fox yields to the pressure. Fox has been edging left as the Murdoch sons take over but he still seems pretty popular and may be a lead in to other shows.

Big Mike said...

“I love women, but they’re extremely primitive, they’re basic, they’re not that hard to understand.”

I think I speak for married men everywhere in America when I say that anybody who thinks they understand women — doesn’t.

Curious George said...



Martin said...

Media Matters and SPLC are two organizations that, when I see them mentioned as sources, I stop paying attention.

The Final Call, too, I suppose.

NYT and WaPo are getting close.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No One should ever apologize to corrupt leftwing Media Matters. Ever.

Big Mike said...

Carlson is responding in exactly the right way: tell the worthless, disgusting lefties to FOAD.

Lefties do not understand reality or reason. They understand force and violence, hence antifa and “protests” that are actually riots. Punch them hard in the face. Knock them down. Break their ribs. It’s what they would do to us if they could.

narciso said...

Yes the Murdoch boys want to go full bulwinkle

BamaBadgOR said...

I still miss Don Imus and Imus in the Morning.

narciso said...

Yes they were replaced by morning joke, not a good tradeoff

Michael K said...

I still miss Don Imus and Imus in the Morning.

I do, too. Not enough to join Sirius. When I lived in New Hampshire, I used to listen to Howie Carr every morning. He still writes a great column and I read it when I see it.

Static Ping said...

I really do not give a crap who is offended by what anymore. No one cares when I am offended, and I am applying that policy to everyone else.

Michael K said...

I think Howie's show was afternoon but it was a while ago.

n.n said...

Here's Why The Media Is Lying About "Reconstruction" At North Korea's Sohae Launch Facility

Kim has credible fear that he and North Koreans will be Gaddafied by another administration.

Molly said...


Just goes to show that Tucker can be a jerk sometimes.

Otherwise, just spent a minute or so looking at pictures of Elena Kagan. If Tucker thinks her appearance is terminally unattractive, he's a little dumb, too. She has a good smile and looks fairly bright-eyed--probably fun to talk to. (And I want a solidly conservative Supreme Court, so I'm not saying nice things because I like what I think are her politics.)

On the other hand, Tucker has a good smile too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's OK when Bernie says it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's OK when Bernie DOES it. #

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tucker could say he really thinks Kagan is adorable. She is.

Mike Sylwester said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

People on the left spend enormous amounts of time and energy mocking the appearance and "looks" of anyone on the right they hate.

Shall we stream the leftwing hate about Sarah Sander's appearance? It's a million times more mean-spirited and fat-shaming than anything Tucker ever said about Kagan.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm loving the fact that the dems are going full old white hypocrite socialist Bernie.
Yeah - he's a disaster, but if were going straight to ruin, lets get in the fast lane.

Drago said...

Bleachbit: "The COORDINATION of leftist talking points is the larger story."

One mustnt overlook the use, by the left, of False Flag operations whereby supposed conservatives hit popular blogsites in perfect narrative support of lefty talking points.

We have seen quite a bit of that on Althouseblog over the last several years.

Not unlike what happened in the Alabama Senate race as well as use by the leftists of faux "conservative" sites like the pro-infanticide/pro-Open Borders "The Bulwark".

Openidname said...

I happen to think Justice Kagan is attractive and appealing.

But she does look like David Mitchell.

tim in vermont said...

So media matters is a non partisan organization, right? Otherwise Lois Lerner would have been all over that shit.

MikeyParks said...

I wonder what Islam's stance is on statutory rape?

tim in vermont said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim in vermont said...

I wonder why Burlington, VT, the city of which Bernie was mayor, and one of the loci of East Coast progressive politics dumps 500,000 gallons of raw sewage into Lake Champlain last year. It’s almost as if they failed to invest in critical infrastructure needed to protect the environment.

Drago said...

Michael K: "A lot of money is being spent to get Carlson off the air."

There is indeed a strong lefty/dem/LLR alliance to shut down dussident and non-lefty conforming voices across all media platforms and channels in the run up to the 2020 election.

There were many hack lefties pretending to be conservatives in places like The Weekly Standard cheering the de-platforming of typical conservative voices.

This monopoly would then be fully exploited by the left and their "LLR" allies posing as "True Conservatives" by continuous smearing of republicans with no possible venue for effective response.

At the same time, there will be a complete "sanitizing" of obvious hack lefty outlets like Media Matters, the SPLC, The Bulwark, etc.

This effort will be buttressed by increased activity by fake conservatives on social media to try and depress the republican vote.

In fact, we are already seeing that sort of activity here.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I could see Carlson as a professional defendant. The man is a hate magnet. People still rip on him for wearing a bow tie, something he hasn't done for thirteen years.

narciso said...

It doesn't matter who it is, they just want to make an example of course one of the big media minders waa the finance chair for the dnc they pushed the hush beck Baxter Limbaugh and Ingraham purge.

hombre said...

Just words. BFD.

Democrats and the leftmediaswine are obsessed with words because deeds are beyond them except, of course, for the Antifa wing of the party.

bgates said...

Not that he'll back down, but if he did, I guess the apology would have to be, "arranging a marriage between a 16-year-old and a 27-year-old is exactly the same as pulling a stranger off the street and raping her". And then he could mention that was very close to the age gap between Beyonce and Jay-Z when they met (19 and 30 respectively). And that while only 3.9% of American women between the ages of 15-19 are married, in the Congo that percentage is 74, which does not reflect badly on them at all.

I wonder what Islam's stance is on statutory rape?

I wonder about its position on shield laws, since a woman's testimony has less value than a man's.

mockturtle said...

Am I the only one concerned that Disney has bought FOX?

walter said...

It depends on if the 16 yr old pays taxes..or something.
I'll wait for THE Rev. Al Sharpton to weigh in on this.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mockturtle - NO.

Chuck said...

Blogger mockturtle said...
Am I the only one concerned that Disney has bought FOX?

You would indeed be the only one concerned about “Fox News,” since the cable news division isn’t part of the Disney merger/purchase with 20th Century Fox:

Or is it 21st Century Fox?

Drago said...

"Am I the only one concerned that Disney has bought FOX?"


I am more curious to know if Charlie Sykes, fake conservative at the fake conservative "The Bulwark" is taking the radical lefty billionaire cash because he's that far left now or if he is simply behind on his child support payments again.

effinayright said...

Michael K said...
I still miss Don Imus and Imus in the Morning.

I do, too. Not enough to join Sirius. When I lived in New Hampshire, I used to listen to Howie Carr every morning. He still writes a great column and I read it when I see it.
You can get his radio show on the 'net now, at

He's live from 3 to 7 pm. EST

Chuck said...

Blogger Curious George said...


Sure. At the bottom of this comment is video that I selected as typical. It is Tucker “debating” (berating, really) some 4th-tier nobody who has said something stupid or ornery or hypocritical and instead of debating the federal budget, or healthcare reform or tariff policy or the future of entitlements (all issues of great importance to conservatives), Tucker likes to do smack downs with silly people from the left. Tucker likes campus speech controversies. He likes left wingers who have said stupid and offensive things without realizing it, and Tucker is going to make them realize it.

I think that the reason that Tucker never does serious, hard issues is because his audience wants a kind of professional wrestling presentation of easy stuff, where they can yell at their TV sets.

Drago said...

"I think that the reason that Tucker never does serious, hard issues ..."

This is typical of the left wing lies launched at Tucker who routinely goes deep on significant issues that do not get their due on "brilliant" MSNBC shows or typical hack lefty shows.

Its important for the left to delegitimize any and all outlets that are not part of the monolithic dem/farleft/LLR talking point driven hack media.

You could argue that its Carlsons willingness to engage in these more complex and difficult issues that marks him for destruction by the far left and their LLR allies.

Drago said...

One topic area that Tucker covers consistently are the manufactured crises put forward by the lrft/dems/LLR's.

This causes leftists and LLR's great distress as they never want to revisit the genesis of te ridiculous leftist/LLR activities in support of spying on Americans and going full "East Germany" against domestic political opponents.

As we get closer to 2020 expect a significant ramp up by the left/LLR's in their attacks on conservative sources, particularly those sources that represent the greatest narrative danger to the daily
Lefty/LLR talking points.

walter said...

Oh..just for fun:

Quaestor said...

In another appearance, he implied that women like being instructed by men to “just be quiet and kind of do what you’re told.”

Implied? Why not explicit? Feminists who dispute this must account for the popularity of Islam among feminists first.

Krumhorn said...

Am I the only one concerned that Disney has bought FOX?

Fortunately, the Fox News Channel wasn't part of the Disney deal. Still, for folks in the business, there is plenty to worry about with the Disney acquisition. The entire structure of the industry is unrecognizable from a relatively few years ago. The new major production silos are Disney, Comcast, At&T, Netflix, Apple, and Amazon......and everyone else.

In that assortment, the only entity that even retains the name and appearance of a studio is Disney. MGM, Paramount, Sony (Columbia) are largely irrelevant, and Lionsgate is tryhard even with Starz.

Comcast is unlikely to succeed with its streaming venture, and AT&T has its work cut out for itself even with HBO as the lead property. Disney + is almost guaranteed to succeed with content from Marvel, Pixar, Lucasfilm, and the Disney Studios.

It's hard to know how Fox News will thrive in a stripped down Fox Corporate. As in almost everything else in life, size matters.

- Krumhorn

Krumhorn said...

Probably the biggest threat to Fox News is Lachlan Murdoch. He is not Rupert.

- Krumhorn

Drago said...

By the way, if you want to know who else is pushing this nonsense Tucker story besides Medua Matters, you can add the entire lefty team at the Pierre Omidyar-owned lefty website The Bulwark.

In particular, hack Jim Swift who has made quite a name for himself by championing the wholesale de-platforming of conservatives across the board.

There can be no question now that this is ANOTHER joint lefty/dem/LLR coordinated "hit" on a conservative in the lead up to 2020.

So, having our very own LLR pushing this story today is making alot more sense now.

Big Mike said...

Am I the only one concerned that Disney has bought FOX?


Fen said...

True story - back in 2019 they used the term "people of color" even though rhey had banned the term "colored people" more than a decade earlier.

Nose blind doesn't begin to cover it.

Fen said...

Disney has sided with the postmodernist marxists to ruin both Star Wars and Marvel with SJW crap.

They need to be punished.