The police said that four people, including three men and one woman, had been taken into custody....ADDED: Why would a right-wing fascist want to "to stir discord in the United States over the Second Amendment’s provision on the right to bear arms"? I understand that the man is (he says) Australian and may not understand American ideology and politics and there may be something wrong with trying to make sense of the thinking of a mass murderer, but it seems to me that discord over the Second Amendment boosts the cause of limiting the right to bear arms. When Americans are not under stress, our resting state is to accept widespread gun possession.
A 17-minute video posted to social media appears to show part of the attack. The clip, ... may have been taken from a helmet camera worn by a gunman.... “There wasn’t even time to aim, there was so many targets,” he says at one point...
Before the shooting, someone appearing to be the gunman posted links to a white-nationalist manifesto on Twitter and 8chan, an online forum known for extremist right-wing discussions. The 8chan post included a link to what appeared to be the gunman’s Facebook page, where he said he would also broadcast live video of the attack.....
In his manifesto, he identified himself as a 28-year-old man born in Australia and listed his white nationalist heroes. Writing that he had purposely used guns to stir discord in the United States over the Second Amendment’s provision on the right to bear arms, he also declared himself a fascist. “For once, the person that will be called a fascist, is an actual fascist,” he wrote.
Someone posted the video he took of his own shootings on a thread in Twitter. I didn't want to see it. It just started playing.Twitter should disable autoplay.
ALSO: Daily Mail reports:
The gunman, who identified himself as Brenton Tarrant from Grafton, New South Wales, Australia, named [Candace Owens] as his biggest influence in his 74-page manifesto [posted on Twitter]. [He] said that Owens helped 'push me further and further into the belief of violence over meekness' - but claimed some of the 'extreme actions' she calls for are 'too much, even for my tastes'.Owens is getting attacked for reacting to that tweet with a laughing emoji. She also reacted in words (including "LOL"):
'I’ve never created any content espousing my views on the 2nd Amendment or Islam. The Left pretending I inspired a mosque massacre in...New Zealand because I believe black America can do it without government hand outs is the reachiest reach of all reaches!! LOL!' she said.It's a mistake to use laughter as opposed to straight outrage.
She continued to tweet over the next several hours that she refused to be blamed for the massacre. When followers pointed out the impropriety of her response, she was indignant.
'Laughter is not the response one would expect after these murders,' one follower said.
Owens shot back: 'No. But a bunch of racist white liberals flooding my mentions is almost exactly what one would expect. You guys will never de-platform me.'
MORE IN THE COMMENTS: Freeman Hunt said:
I actually read his screed. He's not a right winger. He's an eco-fascist. He's not a fan of capitalism or conservatives or Marxists. He wants the United States to have a civil war and thinks that will come about by provoking people to fight over the Second Amendment.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 358 of 358It is fun to watch Inga prattle on and on about racism when it is obvious that she views everything through the lense of skin color and race. And yes, Inga, the left are extremely violent. Just because there are violent people who aren't leftists doesn't mean a thing.
No one ever claimed that the left are the only violent people in the World. The left just have the distinction of murdering more people in the last century than any other group - by far. That lust for blood is probably why the left love Islam so much.
If you kill enough people like Muslims do you will get blowback. It has nothing to do with race. Violence against unbelievers is an essential part of the theology of Islam and devout Muslims murder others every day without respect to race. In Myanmar the normally peaceful Buddhists grew tired of the constant jihad activity of the Rhoingya Muslims and decided to eject them from their country. Last time I checked these Buddhists are Inga's sacred people of color. China grew tired of the violence of the Uhigur Muslims and is busy supressing their own Muslim minority. Last time I checked, Chinese generally have brown skin and thus also qualify as "people of color."
I thought you people would be happy to support your comrades in arms for starting the fire to ignite your violent fantasy of a civil war against the elite betters who keep you down and out because they do maths
Since New Zealand has gone full in on leftism and environmentalism, although Australia has suffered a whole series of lone wolf attacks in recent years.
I declare 40 hours "Holding the High Watch", a heart/Mind steady attention at this Radiant I Am infinite Being that is our very physics in this moment, this ready Flowing stream of Reality is something we share across the planet, the actual Truth of each one of us, We Share this moment beyond all our limitations and beliefs, our personal walls. Behind each and every wall and under every ceiling, i pray, we sense the sweet consciousness calling us each to Our Own True Good in ever-new abundance of beauty joy delight. >> each and every one of us, Cada uno! the very highest in us.
40 minutes of every hour, will mostly fail -- busy mind --can i rest 4 minutes fully abiding in this Vast joyful reality? Nice goal, mostly only a minute & 40 seconds is about all i can do steady, ahh start again. . .
Started an hour ago, friday 7 am pdt. + 40 hours = 11 PM Saturday night.
I know our true good naturally is calling us, i know it, and ever-new abundance is streaming.
Inga: Nationalism is a right wing ideology. Open your eyes.
No, it isn't. Nationalism has been used for both good and ill by political movements all across the political spectrum. Even Stalin used it when it served his purposes. The bulk of WWII is called the "Great Patriotic War" in Russia for a reason. The Ukrainians officially renamed it back to the Second World War in an effort to "decommunize."
The World Cup is the largest Nationalistic event.
Perhaps we should ban soccer because of this.
Not just soccer but the Olympic Games. After all, we can't have nations competing against other nations and--GASP!--rooting for their home country! The horror! The horror!
Howard said...
I thought you people would be happy to support your comrades in arms for starting the fire to ignite your violent fantasy of a civil war against the elite betters who keep you down and out because they do maths
I knew this mass murder would please you because it's an opportunity to say something nasty about those you hate. What a lovely person.
On a broader subject -
The manifesto is also interesting in that it points out that the target is the US, and US cultural conflict.
The use of weapons controversial in the US is also telling.
They understand where their propaganda of the deed matters.
They say as much, that this was intended to worsen existing faults in US culture. As I have often said, the US politico-cultural war is the biggest danger in the world today. New Zealand is irrelevant.
Guns and the Second Amendment are a very touchy subject, because this is seen by much of the middle class as their last point of leverage against a class-caste (a white caste mind you) that is determined to dominate and possibly exterminate them. The often unstated, unconscious anxiety is, I think, why gun sales have exploded in the last 15 years. It is an outlet for general anxieties.
Also interesting is their political program could have been cribbed from Spanish regional parties dominating their governments. The nationalism, cultural chauvinism, vague socialism/communalism, etc., you could get from the Basque, Catalan and Galicians. Ultimately the problem and situation is similar - anxiety about their tribal survival vs an overweening central state and homogenizing culture.
Nationalism was a common feature of Marxist anticolonial activists for over a century.
It’s a very common mix. Leave Western Europe and the US and you will find it is universal.
“Finally, to create conflict between the two ideologies within the United States on the ownership of firearms in order to further the social, cultural, political and racial divide within the United States. This conflict over the 2nd amendment and the attempted removal of firearms rights will ultimately result in a civil war that will eventually balkanize the US [that] will not only result in the the racial separation of people within the United States ensuring the future of the White race on the North American continent but also ensuring the death of the ‘melting pot’ pipe dream,” he writes."
Looks like a fairly plausible analysis to me, although the endgame is a little doubtful. It usually is.
Funny Rick. You people are a target rich environment on a daily basis.
Even though this happened in another country on the other side of the planet it's pretty obvious that this event will further divide us. When so much in life can be unpredictable, it's a little sad that the reactions to this are so predictable. I could practically write the lines, the arguments that are doubtless going on all over social media right now. The blaming, the shaming, the comeuppances, the counter arguments. But never any learning or new awareness. It's all so tedious.
Who benefits from the US politico-cultural war? It's not hard to imagine.
The Inga reaction is precisely what the manifesto-writer anticipated.
The point is to begin or increase persecution, in order to speed up the social -cultural-political split, and to create incentives for avengers or copycats to amplify the effect
Yes. The other three are so far incommunicado. One is a woman. This sounds like the Breivik case. I don't think he got much reaction but I don't know Norway.
I remember the Manson thing very well. A friend lived next door to the LaBiancas. Manson got enough traction with his crazy girls to almost kill Ford.
The country had just been through the 60s rioting and bombings. He was just too early,.
BIll Ayres did a better job. He got to groom a president.
The often unstated, unconscious anxiety is, I think, why gun sales have exploded in the last 15 years. It is an outlet for general anxieties.
They dropped off after Trump was elected. The Democrats are doing what they can to stimulate them again. The Connecticut lawsuits against Remington will stimulate a bit. Gun makers have all moved out of Connecticut but the residents seem not interested in economics or they would have moved by now.
On the internet, no one knows you are a dog.
It's a shame this Kiwi terrorist didn't know about Inga's ten bazillion made up children. Since he is so concerned about overpopulation and all.
I read this article, posted over at Insty, on the killer's manifesto.
This guy would have made a very good late 1920's German national Socialist. Not surprisingly, he claims Oswald Mosley as one of his chief influences.
One problem with the resurgence in explicitly Marxist & Post-Modernist left-wing ideologies is that their resurgence carries with it a guaranteed resurgence in Fascist ideologies as an attempted counter-balance.
If you keep saying white men are the problem over & over, don't be surprised if one morning you wake up & white men have decided to be a problem & make the most of it.
"BIll Ayres did a better job. He got to groom a president."
Michael K, you are the Dude.
““Merkel [German Chancellor], the mother of all things anti-white and anti-germanic, is top of the list. Few have done more to damage and racially cleanse Europe of its people,” reads the opening excerpt to Tarrant’s manifesto titled “The Great Replacement”. That is a reference to the same “white genocide” theory that drove the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter, who killed 11 Jewish worshippers in October of last year.”
“Jew/you will not replace us!”
Heard at Unite the Right rally in Charlottesvile VA.
MK: "I remember the Manson thing very well."
Ditto. Manson's stated purpose and his desire to instigate a race war would seem almost comical except for the innocents murdered.
Bugliosi's book was mesmerizing. I am still freaked out by the made for tv movie scene where the actor playing Bugliosi notices his watch has stopped in the courtroom and the catches Manson's eye and Manson is creepily smiling at him.
It is fascinating watching our whirling dervish Inga go off the rails in her quite typical History Began This Morning schtick.
Its like all those islamic supremacist terrorist attacks across the globe never happened and its completely out of the blue that some disturbed dude would seek to respond in kind.
Just look at what the Chinese are doing with their Uygurs after deciding they weren't going to put up with it any longer.
Btw, can anyone point to a single Inga post at anytime criticizing islamic supremacist mass murder/beheadings/mass child kidnapping & sexual slavery? Mass islamic rapes and sexual assaults in Europe?
I am going to guess the answer is "no".
Frankly I am surprised that Inga is so upset about this mass killing after she has ignored the thousands of islamic and lefty mass killings over the years.
Plus, no one named "Heather Heyer" was killed yesterday, right?
YH, I read that "manifesto" and good this from it.
"The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China. [Communist China]"
Pretty close as that is a good example of a Fascist economy,
If you keep saying white men are the problem over & over, don't be surprised if one morning you wake up & white men have decided to be a problem & make the most of it.
I've known two men who were shot and killed and both were black, as were their shooters. Anecdotal, to be sure, but not to be written off as a rare circumstance.
Drag, I had Bugliosi's book hidden so my kids would not read it but years later they all told me they found it and read it.
The old "Jews will not replace us" lie is best countered by listening to the audio. The white boys protest was "You will not replace us" but the left, which wants to replace all white males, lies and the gullible or malicious drink it up.
“Arrested Suspect Had Praised Donald Trump
The suspect in the mosques’ attack has been arrested. He had previously praised Donald Trump in a written manifesto. He also called the U.S. president “a symbol of renewed white identity.””
Inga appears quite thrilled by this. Predictable. Now we can have a worldwide Muslim hug in.
but it seems to me that discord over the Second Amendment boosts the cause of limiting the right to bear arms
Thus the left-right nexus, where anarchists and totalitarians coexist.
“The “great replacement” has been a battle cry of the French far right, even after immigration arrivals into Europe fell significantly after their peak in 2015. In the words of Marion Maréchal, granddaughter of convicted Holocaust denier Jean-Marie Le Pen and a darling of the American far right, the idea perfectly corresponds to reality.”
An eco-fascist I used to know said that half the world's population should be killed off. I suggested he go first.
“Inga appears quite thrilled by this. Predictable. Now we can have a worldwide Muslim hug in.”
Inga is shoving your despicable rightism in your face. This is what your rightism has wrought. You own it.
You will never hear a peep about the 21 Coptic Christians killed or the massacres of Christians by Islamists anywhere. Inga?
From the killer's screed:
"Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump?
As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no."
Most mosque mass murders are committed by rival Muslims.
“The notion of “massive immigration” that will inevitably provoke a violent cultural clash has spread from the fringes of French public discourse into the political mainstream. Laurent Wauquiez, leader of France’s mainstream conservative party, Les Républicains, likewise called Camus's idea “a reality” in 2017.
It has also crossed oceans. In Charlottesville in August 2017, protesters chanted “Jews will not replace us!” (In 2018, Camus released another book, this time titled “You Will Not Replace US!”)
In Pittsburgh in November 2018, the shooter who killed 11 Jews in the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in U.S. history was apparently motivated by outrage over immigration, and specifically the activities of HIAS, originally the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which provides humanitarian assistance to refugees.”
"Western culture is trivialized, pulped and blended into a smear of meaningless nothing, with the only tenets and beliefs seemingly held to are the myth of the individual, the value of work (productivity for the benefit of your capitalist owners) and the sovereignty of private property (to ensure none of us get grand ideas of taking the unearned wealth of our owners)."
Face it, Inga, you haven’t been this happy in weeks.
“Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump?
As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no."”
So this guy liked that Trump is a white nationalist, but even he thinks Trump is incompetent.
I grew up with Weathermen, FALN, SDS, Malcolm X, Red Brigade, IRA, Viet Cong, Black Panthers, Patty Hearst, the KKK. You know what I'm saying. These were real badass crazy SOBs in large groups who tried to and sometimes did instigate race wars, class wars, civil wars, using tried and true revolutionary methodology based on historical methods that led to such wars elsewhere in the world.
Now we have assclowns like Breivik and Unabomber and and faux hate crimes and these murderous jerks who get so wrapped up in their echo chambers via selection limitations of social media that they think what they do will be important to the world beyond their twitter feeds. Charlie Manson tried to start a race war using his murderous Family, in the same closed minded way, knowing nothing outside of his limited LSD addled mind. That didn't work either.
I recall reading from reports after the fall of the Soviet Union that the KGB had real trouble finding competent revolutionaries around the world, able to do more than rob banks or blow up ROTC offices. The same proves true today. To hell with these self-professed idiots.
a supporter of Donald Trump?
As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose?
Trump is not a diversitist. He is conservative in the American sense, which does not indulge color judgments including racism.
“Face it, Inga, you haven’t been this happy in weeks.”
Face it Michael, you’re as much of an asshole today as you were weeks ago.
Face it, Inga, you haven’t been this happy in weeks.
"Anyone can be a member of our nation, as long as they have the paperwork. They need not be born here, share our race, our language, our culture or our beliefs. Hear the conservatives cry, as long as they are willing to WORK, let them in! Let them earn our wealthy benefactors their second yachts and their fifth properties!
"Not a thing has been conserved other than corporate profits and the the ever increasing wealth of the 1% that exploit the people for their own benefit.
Conservatism is dead. Thank god. Now let us bury it and move on to something of worth."
Please, tell me more about this devout right winger...
Most mosque mass murders are committed by rival Muslims.
The same thing happened in Africa, where the Mandela faction was at odds (i.e. competing interests) with other black factions, and the British were at odds (i.e. natural resources) with the native South Africans. Then there are the Hutu-Tutsi cycles of redistributive and retributive change. The Maoist imperial reign over the deplorable Chinese. And, of course, the well documented intra-diversity violence in the Western countries. The planned parenthood protocol (e.g. selective-child, dodo dynasties or evolutionary dysfunction), immigration reform, and monotonic social divergence is a genocidal effort of people and culture.
Sounds like there is something for everyone in this Manifesto.
I agree with Buwaya. The deed is most of the propaganda.
“Please, tell me more about this devout right winger...”
“Significant portions of the manifesto appear to be an elaborate troll, written to prey on mainstream media’s worst tendencies. As the journalist Robert Evans noted, “This manifesto is a trap … laid for journalists searching for the meaning behind this horrific crime. There is truth in there, and valuable clues to the shooter’s radicalization, but it is buried beneath a great deal of, for lack of a better word, ‘shitposting.’”
Shitposting is a slang term used to describe the act of posting trollish and usually ironic content designed to derail a conversation or elicit a strong reaction from people who aren’t in on the joke. Certain aspects of the shooter’s manifesto fall into this category. He includes Navy Seal Copypasta, a meme that originated on 4chan. He claims that Spyro the Dragon 3, a video game, taught him ethno-nationalism and Fortnite taught him to “floss on the corpses,” referring to a viral dance move from the game. These absurd references are meant to troll readers.”
The fact is he murdered 49 Muslims immigrants and residents of NZ. He chose them because of his white nationalist views. White nationalism is not left wing ideology.
“The shooter also credits the far-right personality Candace Owens with helping to “push me further and further into the belief of violence over meekness.” Though the shooter could be a genuine fan of Owens, who has been known to espouse right-leaning views on immigration and gun control, this reference may be meant to incite Owens’s critics to blame her.
That doesn’t mean the racism expressed throughout the 74-page manifesto isn’t genuine. But the complexities of the crime are still unfolding and, as the New York Times journalist Kevin Roose cautioned, “The NZ shooter’s apparent manifesto is thick with irony and meta-text and very easy to misinterpret.” Unfortunately, when journalists report on these horrific acts, the shooter’s hateful messages are sometimes amplified in the process. But the origins of that hate and the shooter’s public postings do need to examined, even when it’s difficult to take them at face value.”
New Zealand is a “Western Nation.”
This is the first large attack against Muslims by non Muslims in a Western Country.
What happens in the Midfle East or Africa isn’t really relevant to this.
The issue is whether Islam is compatible in Western Countries. A number of attacks by Muslims against Westerners in their own country. A fairly common occurrence.
I can’t see any government serious about stamping out White Supremacy ignoring Muslim Supremacy any longer.
Conservatism is dead. Thank god. Now let us bury it and move on to something of worth."
Please, tell me more about this devout right winger..
The shooter is not an original thinker, nor does he claim to be.
He is a 1920s/30s British Fascist, with a dollop of environmentalism thrown in. Even that is present in 1920'30s National Socialism. The Nazis took the phrase "Reinen Blut, Reinen Boden" (Pure Blood, Pure Soil) in a literal as well as a metaphorical sense. They were into "health food", exercise, love of nature as opposed to the corrupting influence of "the city". The Nazis & other European Fascisms had strong streaks of what would later be called "environmentalism". It's not surprising that one of the biggest philosophical influences on the modern environmental movement is Martin Heidegger, himself very much a Nazi sympathizer.
White nationalism is not left wing ideology.
Only because you phrase it as "white nationalism", a phrase that really has very little historical meaning outside of American politics, and precious little even then.
If you replace the phrase "White Nationalism" with "Great Russian Chauvinism" or "Han Chinese Chauvinism" racial/ethnic consciousness has played large historical rolls in the history of the two largest Communist regimes.
Entho nationalism is not right or left on the American political spectrum. That is where you are going wrong, Inga.
“Conservatism is dead. Thank god. Now let us bury it and move on to something of worth."
He’s probably lamenting that conservatism doesn’t veer far enough right for him. Just like the Synagogue shooter did.
White nationalism is a diversity ideology and organization. There is nothing special about nationalism or globalism, other than the scope of the ideas and administration.
Freeman Hunt said...
From the killer's screed:
"Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump?
As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure.
Who has made Trump that "symbol" more than the left?
Inga said...
Rightism is a rising fascism.
Basically by "rightism" you mean conservative?
Anyone right of... well, please tell us where you draw that line at its leftmost point.
"Frankly I am surprised that Inga is so upset about this mass killing after she has ignored the thousands of islamic and lefty mass killings over the years."
She's not upset at all. She's thrilled and excited. The Heather Heyer line was getting old. Now she gets to virtue signal over the dead bodies of 49 people. What a happy day for her.
Don't bring up the murder of Copts or Pakistani Christians, Inga has never heard of those incidents and is sure it's all just alt right propaganda.
In America, the right is libertarian, the center is conservative, which does not in principle indulge diversity, sexism, etc., the progressives, liberals of the left, and the far left-far right nexus that coexist with mutual benefit.
There are times I can’t believe you come from Europe. You should know this stuff by now, Inga.
None of it takes. Hitler was a lefty. Stalin was a lefty. Greens are lefty. Chicoms are lefty. He’s supporting lefties.
“Basically by "rightism" you mean conservative?”
No. I mean out and out fascism.
So the white nationalist in Quebec City killed six at a mosque in 2017.
The New Zealand shooters killed 49 (same number as The Pulse Jihadi in Orlando).
These white nationalist shootings of Muslims he are pretty rare and random.
As Obama would say, more likely you’d slip and die in your bathtub.
Seeing Red said...
There are times I can’t believe you come from Europe. You should know this stuff by now, Inga"
They don't teach history in nursing school.
I learned that stuff in high school, well not the greenies.
A white nationalist killed 6 people in a Sikh themple in Oak Creek WI, thinking hey were Muslim.
9 were killed at the black Charleston church by a white Supremacist.
A white nationalist shot and killed 11 Jews in a Synagogue in PA.
How soon they are forgotten.
Who knew that the People's Republic of China was right wing?
Was Pol Pot right wing?
“Who knew that the People's Republic of China was right wing?”
He was “shitposting” aka trolling. Maybe he wanted to hide his true motivations. BUT the fact he chose to kill 49 Muslims and not 49 white speaks loudly. Why do you think he chose them?
mockturtle: "Was Pol Pot right wing"
That wont work with Inga.
Inga literally called the fact of communust mass murder in the 20th century "propaganda.
“Was Pol Pot right wing?”
Did Pol Pot rise from the dead and go to NZ? Should this guy’s crimes be downplayed because of what Pol Pot did?
MS13 kills more people every couple months and the lefties praise them with "spark of divinity" talk.
“Inga literally called the fact of communust mass murder in the 20th century "propaganda.”
And Drago literally lies as he breaths. Go find where I ever opined on communist mass murder in the 20th century except to say murder is wrong and a sin.
If you don't accept leftism as your Boss and Savior, you're responsible for the death for 49 people!
“MS13 kills more people every couple months and the lefties praise them with "spark of divinity" talk.”
Same old rightist talking points snatched from Breitbart. Boring and repetitive.
So hes really an agent of chaos, like the joker in the dark knight. He chose anti islamism because it's the most political incorrect, but like Breivik he is unorthodox.
A white nationalist killed 6 people in a Sikh themple in Oak Creek WI, thinking hey were Muslim.
9 were killed at the black Charleston church by a white Supremacist.
A white nationalist shot and killed 11 Jews in a Synagogue in PA.
You can't take a common thread among what can be very disparate ideologies & then claim that's their "essential characteristic". It's just ideologically sloppy, and God knows there's a lot of that to going around. For example, David Duke. David Duke keeps on getting referred to as a Klansman & he broke with the Klan in 1985! Now, he's into the International Jewish Conspiracy much more than string up black people. Matter of fact, he's in with some European Nationalist groups, and even got a PhD in Advanced Joo-Hatin' from some university in Ukraine.
Both the French government of Francois Mitterand & the leaders of the Soviet Union called themselves "socialist". Francois Mitterand's administration did not murder millions of the French people, while the Soviets did murder millions of Soviet citizens. Were both "socialist"?
Labels often obscure more than they reveal. Labels used in political one-upsmanship obscure most of all. Differences matter.
You literally never said that.
You called the fact of communist mass murder "propaganda".
I can see you now recognize how insane that is and so you want to rewrite the record.
As you often do.
“If you don't accept leftism as your Boss and Savior, you're responsible for the death for 49 people!”
Who said? Are you trying to copy Drago? There is only one Drago, ya know.
“You called the fact of communist mass murder "propaganda".”
And you are a lying sack of shit.
No mitterand was originally vichy and an associate of the prefect of Lyon rene bouquet, much like the gaullist Chirac he has a shwarma for baathism.
OCDrago, you’re losing your mojo.
Tsk tsk tsk.
Just because your pal LLR whats-his-name is not here you neednt emulate his foul language.
You know who is losing their mojo?
Your islamic supremacist pals in Syria and Iraq.
How many do you recommemd we allow to come to the US?
“Just because your pal LLR whats-his-name is not here you neednt emulate his foul language.”
OCDrago has to drag in commenters that haven’t even commented on this thread. What a weak pathetic tactic. But you do it daily. The thread is basically over once Drago appears and repeats his mantra, LLR...LLR...LLR....LLR, like a broken record.
Inga said...
Rightism is a rising fascism.
Inga is not handling the collapse of the transparently false collusion mass delusion very well at all.
OCDrago, “ your pals....your pals... your pals ...your pals...
Yawn. Boring. I think I’ll go watch the paint dry in my dining room.
BUT the fact he chose to kill 49 Muslims and not 49 white speaks loudly. Why do you think he chose them?
Why did you chose to use the terms 'Muslim" and "White"? White and Muslim are not opposites...and it seems pretty racist to think their are. The shooter says he chose Muslims because they have more children than non-Muslims.
Inga: "I think I’ll go watch the paint dry in my dining room."
Why tax yourself unduly?
You could use the time to research Reid Hoffman and his lefty/russian troll antics in the AL senate race, which you also claimed was "propaganda".
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
White Nationalism. Let’s call it what it really is. Don’t play games.3/15/19, 8:42 AM
I really feel sorry for people like "Inga". She's been brainwashed into this bottle of everything "White", "Western", etc. is bad for her beliefs. Yet, Inga has no idea of the thousands killed by mass shootings, slayings, executions which occur around the World in non-white dominated countries, yet rarely get reported by those "Western" news sources. Inga, have you ever wondered why?
Or college hate speech rules, which you called "propaganda".
Or democrat infanticide bills, which you called "propaganda".
Or anti-semitism at the top of the hateful Womens March, which you called "propaganda".
buwaya: The nationalism, cultural chauvinism, vague socialism/communalism, etc., you could get from the Basque, Catalan and Galicians. Ultimately the problem and situation is similar - anxiety about their tribal survival vs an overweening central state and homogenizing culture.
The re-assertion of various forms of "tribalism" is also a result of increased economic insecurity, not just perceived threats to "identity". The more materially insecure life becomes, the greater the need to cultivate and strengthen the social networks necessary to survive in economically precarious environments. This most commonly and naturally will take the form of (re)establishing and strengthening extended kin and ethnic networks.
This is vaguely comprehensible to crusading globalists when it happens among non-whites, but they lose their capacity for rational thinking when whites respond to economic instability in the same way as any other group undergoing the same economic stresses.
I'm cribbing this particular point about social capital and economic insecurity from a book I read a few weeks ago - Christophe Guilluy's Twilight of the Elites: Prosperity, the Periphery, and the Future of France. Not a great book - annoyingly repetitive among other things - but a quick read and a useful correction to Americans stuck in thinking about national events and politics in strictly parochial American political terms. Same caste dynamics everywhere. (Oh, and the author is not a "conservative", so no one need be scared off. )
"Inga, have you ever wondered why?"
Inga wont even speak out against the kidnapping and sexual slavery of thousands of young girls across the world by islamic supremacists.
Nor the thousands of underage western
girls sexually abused by large islamic rape gangs.
To even mention these things is to raise the ire of the Ingas of the world.
#MeToo movement.....(snort)
My God, this is what right wing extremism has wrought. We have enough of them right here on these comments sections.
Inga cashing in her frequent flier miles to travel halfway around the world to dance on the victims' graves. It's quite unseemly.
Don't tell anyone but I suspect Inga is...WHITE! :-O
Ask Inga what is worse: the horrible deplorables on Althouse or the massive FGM problem in our nation due to the usual suspects.
Then sit back and be amazed..
Oh let’s not forget the 77 that Andrew Brevik murdered. This guy wanted to model himself after Brevik. White nationalist.
These threads that get over 200 comments always seem to have about 50 by one commenter,
Inga seems to know with precision the number of murders by one particular simplustic category of her choosing, but is unable to remotely recall any other events.
I wonder why that is?.....
......(not really)
Inga, quick!
How many killed and woundedat Ft Hood?
Expected Inga Response: What's Ft Hood?
Second expected Inga response: Propaganda!
Third expected Inga response: You don't know what Mueller knows!!
These threads that get over 200 comments always seem to have about 50 by one commenter,
It's interesting, no? I mean, if we were half as violent as we're accused of being, one would think it would be wise to lay low.
But, no. There she sits, pounding her keyboard with righteous fury. It's almost as if she doesn't believe a word she writes.
That, or she's kinda slow in the head.
Or both.
Inga is having to research the Ft Hood shooting because she long ago History-Resetted that one...
Inga said: "He was “shitposting” aka trolling. Maybe he wanted to hide his true motivations"
Ah, yes, when he said things that contradict Inga's narrative, he was hiding his true motivations. When he said things that confirm her narrative, well, then, that is OF COURSE, exactly what he meant.
Funny how that works, but I guess it makes sense to a vicious, stupid hag.
Jim at said...
These threads that get over 200 comments always seem to have about 50 by one commenter,
It's interesting, no? I mean, if we were half as violent as we're accused of being, one would think it would be wise to lay low."
Especially since Inga lives in a red county, surrounded by Trump voters. She doesn't seem too frightened by them, does she?
Exiled: "She doesn't seem too frightened by them, does she?"
Inga should carry a great big bible and take a stroll thru Dearborn MI.
Oh, and Tom Steyer and Al Gore and all the rest who have been shoving the end of the world environmentalism down our throats every fucking day for decades? Thank God they remain blameless for giving murderous cause to twisted minds.
This guy wanted to model himself after Brevik. White nationalist.
No! This is a prime example of mislabeling!
Brevik considered himself a Norwegian nationalist. He murdered a bunch of Social Democrats, not a bunch of non-white immigrants. While he didn't like immigrants, he saw the Social Democrats as giving away the store & destroying Norwegian culture & society. He knew who he hated & he targeted them, and his targets were by a large majority his fellow Norwegians (some of his victims at the Social Democrat youth camp were immigrants).
This is Brevik's manifesto, and he makes his case quite clear. It isn't "white supremacy".
Inga assumes all crime in done in the name of white nationalism. Don't bother correcting her - she likes to delude herself.
I hope that this horrific event doesnt cause Stolen Valor liar Da Nang Dick Blumenthal to suffer from combat flashbacks due to the trauma he suffered while fighting in Vietnam.
What a contrast to see the media almost pinpoint and ascribe the killer motives to right wing beliefs.
Yet when the killer is a Muslim nutcase, the media tends to report "we may never know the motive" even when the nutcase goes down yelling "Allah Akbar".
Also worth highlighting, again, what Freeman said.
I actually read his screed. He's not a right winger. He's an eco-fascist. He's not a fan of capitalism or conservatives or Marxists. He wants the United States to have a civil war and thinks that will come about by provoking people to fight over the Second Amendment."
Three Spanish regional nationalist parties of the left, of greater or lesser significance.
National-socialists in other words.
The Catalan one is the largest in Catalunia, the Galician one is a minor party, the Basque one has a long heritage dating to old parties affiliated with the terrorist ETA.
This is a fairly common situation.
There are also rightist-nationalist parties though the Spanish right is fundamentally Spanish-nationalist, that is, its core belief is in Spanish unity.
You will however find that even the rightist parties in the regions are culturally and sometimes economically chauvinistic.
Brevik considered himself a Norwegian nationalist. He murdered a bunch of Social Democrats, not a bunch of non-white immigrants. While he didn't like immigrants, he saw the Social Democrats as giving away the store & destroying Norwegian culture & society...This is Brevik's manifesto, and he makes his case quite clear. It isn't "white supremacy".
Just took a look at that "manifesto" -- his first two bullet points in his summary of what’s in it:
1. The rise of cultural Marxism/multiculturalism in Western Europe
2. Why the Islamic colonization and Islamisation of Western Europe began
Smells of white nationalism/supremacy to me.
I know almost nothing about this case, but I'm going to declare it fake until verified. I can't go far wrong with that policy.
Smells of white nationalism/supremacy to me.
With some people everything smells of white nationalism/ supremacy
Just took a look at that "manifesto" -- his first two bullet points in his summary of what’s in it:
1. The rise of cultural Marxism/multiculturalism in Western Europe
2. Why the Islamic colonization and Islamisation of Western Europe began
Smells of white nationalism/supremacy to me.
Based on your posting record here, I assume this is meant to make sense and isn't written as a parody of antifa witch-sniffers.
So, based on your criterion that a "white nationalist/supremacist" is anybody who notices that "multiculturalism" is being pushed in Western Europe...who isn't a white nationalist/supremacist? Because at least one of your criteria includes some immaculately globalist anti-nationalist European leaders.
You're an odd one, Lyd. You don't post much, but in the past I had the vague impression that maybe you're one of those weird "evangelical Christian Zionist" types spoken of in ancient internet lore. Don't remember why I thought that, but this makes me think you're of an odder ilk than that.
Idly curious.
Everything smells of white nationalism to Inga, that is true.
You could have a three way gang battle between a black gang, some Koreans, and a group of Philipino militant Muslims over some food stamps and the meaning of Kwanzaa and Inga would say it's all the fault of Trump and white nationalists and that the only solution is to strip every conservative, regardless of color, of every right they have and to round them all up and send them to a "reeducation camp" run by Hillary Clinton. The Bill Ayers solution.
Heck, I am pretty sure she still claims that the Pulse nightclub shooting was done by a conservative white Christian. Like a lot of other leftists.
Howard said...
"I thought,'''''"
There ya go. Workin' without tools again.
“Heck, I am pretty sure she still claims that the Pulse nightclub shooting was done by a conservative white Christian. Like a lot of other leftists.”
Looks like everyone wants to emulate Drago today. Liar. You people are seriously weird. But without you folks, who would Trump have?
Leftist always use the freshest tragedy to blame their political foes. Leftist will ignore the facts and lie, to do this. They do this because they don't believe their own ideology and by attempting to pin every tragedy on their opponents, it makes their own tribe less bad, by comparison.
What is the "cause" of the New Zealand tragedy? The media.
The solution is plain. Govt enforced Media blackout. Including this blog.
Mass killers get their ideas form other mass killers. If they had never heard of them, they would have never taken action.
Inga, islam is a murderous ideology, not a color. Why are you insisting he attacked muslims, not whites?
Iran, home of one branch of islam, is mostly Persian. Drop a Persian in the middle of America, dress him (or her) like the surrounding natives, they're white. Same with muslims from Iraq or Saudi Arabia, the home of islam. They're white.
Sort of like trying to insist that Jews are a race. Take any of the Hasidim, shave them, dress them normally, you won't know they're Jewish.
Now if you live around a group of anyone, you'll unconciouslly pick up some identify hints. About a third of my 400 student HS graduating class was Jewish. I had no trouble picking them out. But it's not perfect. After 3 years there one girl asked me which synagogue's graduation service I was going to. She was shocked to find I wasn't Jewish.
I now live in a small town that was settled by a large number of Italian immigrants. Before moving here I had heard of a Roman nose, but never paid attention to what it meant. Whether at church, carnival, or any other local gathering looking at someone's nose here will give you a clue as to whether or not they have Italian ancestors.
“COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — The manifesto that the presumed New Zealand shooter published is shorter and “more sloppy” than the one written by a Norwegian right-wing extremist who killed 77 people in 2011, but expresses similar sentiments, a Swedish terror expert said Friday.
Magnus Ranstorp of the Swedish National Defense College says the shooter is against mass immigration and “has to some extent the same themes as (Anders Behring) Breivik,” who posted his 1,500-page manifesto online before carrying out his deadly attacks.
Ranstorp told Swedish radio Friday that the New Zealand shooter, who killed at least 49 people in two mosques in Christchurch on Friday, claims to “have been in contact with Breivik’s sympathizers.
Yet another narcissistic right-wing extremist terrorist who has a distorted fantasy world,” Ranstorp wrote.””
Smells of white nationalism/supremacy to me.
The first few pages of his rant correctly describe how whites are biologically inferior to non-whites. Nothing new there.
It's not "white genocide", as the crazy guy claimed, it's white inferiority, in the most basic and fundamental sense of "inferior".
“Why are you insisting he attacked muslims, not whites?”
I didn’t mention their color whatsoever. I mentioned Muslims because he went to two Mosques and killed them. Muslims come in all colors. Your comment is almost gibberish.
the most basic and fundamental sense of "inferior"
I should have said the most basic sense of "biologically inferior" or "genetically inferior".
That's really quite good. Thank you.
The West's transnationalist progressives, especially in US and Canada, our global citizens, abhor nationalism but at the same time encourage subnational, ethnic and gender and sexual identity based tribalism. Promoting the worst aspects of nationalism while abjuring its beneficial aspect. We call them "lefties," which traces their ideological lineage, fine, but confounds our discourse. This is unjust to the actual economic leftists, the universalists who still uphold the ethical framework of socialism. Transnational progressives dumped those in the 69s. This confusion has got poor Inga thinking nationalism is right-wing.
“Now if you live around a group of anyone, you'll unconciouslly pick up some identify hints. About a third of my 400 student HS graduating class was Jewish. I had no trouble picking them out.”
White Nationalists hate Jews a (religion and an ethnicity) too, hence the Synagogue shooting in PA. And don’t try to tell me there are no dna tests that show Jewish heritage. My 23&Me came back with 5.5% Ashkenazi Jewish. And my children’s show far more as their father was Jewish.
I note that Inga only complained about my suggesting that she thought the Pulse nightclub shooter was a conservative Christian. She otherwise seemed perfectly happy to accept the idea that all white conservative Christians should lose all their rights and be sent to Bill Ayer's reeducation camps.
Not that anyone is surprised by her openness to mass genocide of conservatives. It's what the left does best after all. Scratch a leftist, and you'll always find the guillotine or Zykon Bunder the surface.
If white nationalists hate Jews, then that means all of us who do not hate Jews cannot be White Nationalists. Which of course is the vast, vast majority of conservatives including Donald Trump.
On the other hand, if you are looking for anti-Jew hatred, check the ranks of the Democrat party. As their New Democrat congress critters demonstrate almost daily, Jew hatred runs rampant on the left.
But hey, racial hatreds from the left are a-ok, and Inga is proud to support them!Nothing makes Inga and the rest of the left happier than to hear some good old fashioned Protocols of the Elders of Zion, as spouted by Democrat Islamic Congresswomen and the women's march for life. It's right up there with Democrat governors in KKK outfits and blackface--also something Inga and company defend passionately. She must, because the left certainly didn't get rid of any of it, did they?
List of White Nationalist organizations around the world.
Black nationalists hate Dark Blacks
Black nationalists hate Light Blacks
Black nationalists hate competing Black Blacks
Black nationalists hate Tutsi hate Hutu hate Tutsi
Progressives, liberals, and progressive liberals indulge, on principle, in diversity including racism or color judgments, as well as political congruence ("=") or selective exclusion, and sex chauvinistic ideologies
Libertarians do not have a principle of diversity
American conservatives do not have a principle of diversity
#HateLovesAbortion... summary judgments (e.g. baby trials, warlock trials), cruel and unusual punishment (e.g. selective and cannibalized-child), and planned parenthood protocol including normalizing dodo dynasties
“She otherwise seemed perfectly happy to accept the idea that all white conservative Christians should lose all their rights and be sent to Bill Ayer's reeducation camps.”
I’m a Christian and belong to the Presbyterian Church. You are one of the idiots that give your fellow conservatives a bad name.
Some National Socialists hate Jews. Some Democratic Socialists hate Jews. There was a German variety that indulged in diversity and justified their uniform hate with "Jew privilege" and wallowed in a policy of selective-Jew (i.e. Pro-Choice) for social progress and redistributive change.
“All Democrats hate Jews”
Donald Trump
No wonder you conservatives are so confused about what you should defend and what you should condemn.
78% of Jewish Americans voted Democratic in 2018. Jews don’t hate themselves.
All you people got is the no true right winger argument.
I’m a Christian and belong to the Presbyterian Church. You are one of the idiots that give your fellow conservatives a bad name.
Which has shit to do with the fact you hate white, conservative Christians.
“Which has shit to do with the fact you hate white, conservative Christians.”
No I don’t even hate idiots like you.
have you met Chuck?
I'm sure you two will get along.
Inga: "White Nationalists hate Jews a (religion and an ethnicity) too, hence the Synagogue shooting in PA."
So, by definition, Trump cannot be a white nationalist.
The lefty cognitive dissonance is palpable.
Inga is up to speed on every nuance and detail of an extraordinarily small subset of global violence.
Mention the tidal wave of islamic supremacist attacks, forced sexual slavery of young girls, beheadings, burning gays alive in cages or throwing them off roofs, throwing acid in the faces of girls attempting to learn, etc, and Inga goes utterly, completely mute.
But only utterly.
The Egyptian Coptic Christians are massacred on a regular basis.
Alas, none are named "Heather Heyer".
""Islamist extremist organisations executed 1,976 individuals in 2017... [they] adopted a warped ideological justification for killing scores and devastating communities." Read @InstituteGC's first annual Global Extremism Monitor report"
The response by the left?
Let them in! Let them in! Let them in!
"These executions, which were conducted by 21 extremist groups in 15 countries, were carried out in retribution for alleged offences. Violent Islamist organisations use executions to bolster their rule and order, ensuring local communities conform to their authority. Public executions demonstrate the scale of a militant group’s autonomy and power over a territory.
21 extremist groups.
15 nations.
1,976 executions (beheadings).
Leftist response? Nothing to see here, then......
Guy shoots up a Mosque in New Zealand?
Leftist response?
It's the most important story in the universe for this week and tells us everything we need to know about our domestic political opponents and our opponents must accept responsibility for it.
Although, I have to admit, the clear excitement and joy on the part of the left over this has at least slowed them down in delivering another Kill Babies Born Alive bill.
Kill Babies Born Alive bill.
The first rule of Pro-Choice ethics is that once the baby is deemed unworthy of life (or profitable parts) she must be silenced.
How many comments from you-know-who is this now? 100? About one third on these politics threads is average,.
OK, first 10 hours of 40 hour "high watch" over my own heart and mind from this incitement to mayhem from across the globe, and Look! Comments on this post are still coming in!
this event made it so I could only barely go online, didn't even listen to scott adams until a while ago while cleaning up, and he wisely kept it brief today, and let everything else rest.
everybody could take that cue & rest a bit: take a break from what will play as the "news" in these hours, offer ourselves a quiet respect for the dead and for Our Times.
a gentle grace now for every soul, i pray.
Time for the liberals 9/11 question..
What did they do to be hated so?
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Right wing extremism. Lets hear agian how it’s the left who are violent. Our own idiot President talks about violence by his police, his military, his motorcycle thugs against his political enemies. 11 are murdered in a Synagogue here in our own country because of some alt right nut got triggered by the anti migrant rhetoric, which is yelled from the bully pulpit.
My God, this is what right wing extremism has wrought. We have enough of them right here on these comments sections.
3/15/19, 7:24 AM
Inga, you, you yourself, Inga Binga Banga-Bunga or whatever your real name is, you yourself are partners with the killer Brenton Tarrant.
He, literally, killed all of those people, and filmed it, expressly and solely in order to provide people like you with a political talking point, and you have accepted this poisonous Gift like it was the golden goose. Congratulations. I don't suppose one can arrest you for receiving stolen property...
We should take pains to prevent
the backlash against the peaceful white community
The folly of much of the bleating on the internet is personified here daily:
Inga seems to think she will someday convince someone of something, while the anti-Ingas
think they can budge her from her talking points in any way, shape or form.
No one wins unless Althouse somehow gets paid by the comment.
Maybe Althouse IS Inga, trolling her readers to drive up traffic. Ever think of that?
I'm old enough to remember when Barack Obama called 40 people getting shot at Ft Hood (while the gunman shouted Allahu Akbar) "workplace violence" and denied family members their military death benefits
"These threads that get over 200 comments always seem to have about 50 by one commenter"
We absolutely should adopt the Cedarford protocol with respect to her (and Ritmo and LLR): no more than one reply per post, so that the careful reader will not think silence equals consent, and everyone else should rigorously ignore her. All it takes is a little self-discipline.
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