President Trump is set to hold an event at 10 a.m. in the Rose Garden at White House, where he is expected to sign spending legislation to avert a government shutdown while at the same declare a national emergency with the aim of securing about $6.5 billion more to build his long-promised border wall without congressional approval.Trump is expected to use about $3.6 billion from a military construction fund and $600 million from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund in "an effort to cobble together roughly $8 billion for wall."
Many of Trump’s Republican allies have called the move ill-advised, and Democrats are promising immediate action aimed at blocking it. The declaration is expected to face an array of legal challenges, possibly including from congressional Democrats....
February 15, 2019
"Trump’s border emergency: President plans a 10 a.m. announcement in the Rose Garden."
WaPo reports.
This is an OUTRAGE!
Other than the 31 current National Emergencies, NO PRESIDENT HAS EVER Declared a National Emergency!!
(except for the others that have expired)
Maybe there will be a court challenge to court challenges.
A parliamentary system wouldn't have these problems. The deep state nominates the prime minister. No Trump is possible.
He is simply following through on a campaign promise. The declaration of an emergency simply allows the redirection of funds. This is not a big deal.
I have a lot to do today, so I'll get very upset later.
Much later.
I think a court challenge is actually good for Trump. Bad for the country, but good for Trump.
Rose Garden at White House, ...wall
It reminded me of the scene in "The 100 Year Old Man ..." where the guy is in the Rose Garden with Reagan, spying for the Soviets with a hidden microphone, and they hear Reagan telling the gardener to "tear down that wall".
Court challenge means nothing till it reaches the Supreme Court. The Court will side with Trump, since the law allows such declarations of national emergency. The only worry I have is whether Chief Justice Roberts will rule on the law, or on the political make-up of the Supreme Court. Be interesting to see the vote that results from such a challenge.
Oops, Reagan says "DON'T tear down that wall". So the Soviets tear it down ...
Trump has already succeeded in having 'Racist' and 'Nazi' to be redefined to mean "Anyone I disagree with who is Republican"
Now it seems he is redefining 'National Emergency'. (Maybe it already was redefined and I wasn't paying attention -- but emergencies have in the past been unexpected) I will be interested to hear what he has to say today. I'm glad, at least, that the Govt shutdown is averted, apparently.
I agree that a Court Challenge is good for Trump.
Emergency! Everybody to get from street.
A national referendum on the immigration issue is long overdue. The 2020 election will be the referendum.
When and how did the Federal Government decide to import a million legal immigrants every year? When did the public discussion for that decision happen?
When and how did the Federal Government decide that tourists who entered the USA with temporary visas can stay as long as they want without legal consequences?
When and how did we decide to allow foreign women to visit the USA in order to give birth so that their children can grow up and enable their entire families to immigrate preferentially?
Such issues have been denied the public discussion and decision that they deserve.
Since Donald Trump has been elected President, these issues now have been included in the political agenda.
If Trump limits the rhetoric to minimize spin by the leftmediaswine this can be a winner.
alanc709 said...
Court challenge means nothing till it reaches the Supreme Court. The Court will side with Trump, since the law allows such declarations of national emergency. The only worry I have is whether Chief Justice Roberts will rule on the law, or on the political make-up of the Supreme Court. Be interesting to see the vote that results from such a challenge.
2/15/19, 8:51 AM
The question is does he ignore the lower court rulings? Can the US allow one lone judge to put a national injunction on what the President of the United States deems as a national emergency. Stated another way, is one non-elected judge more powerful than office of the Presidency.
Trump should consider having some bumbling attorneys in Texas file the first lawsuit against the National Emergency Declaration. Preempt Leftwing forum shopping with Rightwing forum shopping.
Just a thought.
The problem is signing that CR.
Even if a nation-wide injunction issues, Trump can start construction with the money in the bill.
My question is how Trump deals with the various "poison pills" in the bill that cause most Republican in the house to vote against it (I'd say in support of sending Trump sending better).
The great showman is orchestrating the 2020 election, with The Wall Part Deux as its centerpiece. He could ignore the district courts, but I suspect he won't. The court challenge makes the courts look ridiculous, the law with its poison pills makes Congress look ridiculous, and he is the last adult standing, respecting the Constitution, and waiting for the Supreme Court to speak.
And even a 5-4 decision against him, late this year or early next, tells the electorate they need one more Justice and can only get a conservative majority and a Wall by voting for Trump.
What's that thing called where whatever your opponent does, you win?
Trump's political instincts are usually right on.
I'll wait to see how this plays out.
I’m not willing to go through the paywall, but I’d like to know which “Republican allies” think it is ill-advised. Or are they just more of the WaPo ghost army without names or faces.
More than half the “news” about Trump comes from ghosts. Fodder for Democrats and other nincompoops.
He might announce that Mexico is going to pay for the wall.
Who's gonna pay for the wall? Mexico.
Flashback: When Schumer sounded extra heavy duty Trump on illegal immigration.
MadisonMan Obama declared an emergency for the Zika virus, did anyone hear about that, Bush signed the 2006 secure fence act, some fence was built but no more money was appropriated, that is signed law sill in affect, When dems do eo's and emergency there is a standing ovation.
The analogy is far from perfect, especially with the motivations of the opposition/resistance, but there is a passing resemblance here to FDR finding a way to get aid to Britain by the most tortuous twisting of logic and law. It was necessary then, and is now, but it is NOT good for the country in the long run. Slowly but surely the consensus necessary for a democracy to function is being dismantled.
I’d like to know which “Republican allies” think it is ill-advised.
The same Republicans that allowed all the poison pills in the CR. What a shit-sandwich of a bill. I hope he comes out and says he vetoed it AND declared an emergency.
The Bill essentially grants child traffickers immunity. Not sure how an emergency declaration overrides that.
There are provisions in this bill that could have been written by El Chapo.
The Republicans screwed Trump yet again.
If Trump limits the rhetoric to minimize spin by the leftmediaswine this can be a winner.
As if the media needs anything from Trump on this topic to spin.
This is just play-pretend so you people will continue being marks of Trump. The wall ain't getting built, Trump doesn't care about the wall, he cares about the con he's running to keep hicks and hayseeds in his back pocket.
Howard, most Americans want to stop illegal immigration. Do you have a better way to do it, without a wall?
Obama found a way to send $1.6 billion in small bills to Iran for no particular reason and with no authorization.
Trump is on much firmer ground on this one.
"The same Republicans that allowed all the poison pills in the CR. What a shit-sandwich of a bill. I hope he comes out and says he vetoed it AND declared an emergency."
I couldn't believe the list of restrictions in the bill (well, OK, I could believe them). The bill deserves to be vetoed, but I don't think it's a good strategy because I don't think it puts any pressure on the democrats.
The wall ain't getting built,
The 2020 election will decide that. Trump campaigned for Senators in 2018. 2020 will be about the House.
Looking forward to the President but he is delayed. "Executive time" this morning may have stretched to 11:00. Or Krispy Kreme was late to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
What Mike Sylvester said at 8:56AM!
This puts pressure on the GOP. They love illegal immigration. Rubio and McConnell are pissed. Their paymasters want open borders.
If Trump loses in court, so be it. Everyone has to put their cards on the table. Roberts loves to manage the image of the federal judiciary. Wants to protect the fairy tale that these boys in girls in their silky robes aren’t just optical hacks in black.
Those days are over.
Jersey Fled said...
Obama found a way to send $1.6 billion in small bills to Iran for no particular reason and with no authorization.
Trump is on much firmer ground on this one.
That was Iran's own money. Sent by international agreement. An agreement that is certainly arguable (and good Repbulicans spoke against it, but they didn't do it as stupidly as you just now did) but which did net some results for the U.S., including the release of persons imprisoned in Iran.
Trump is talking about U.S. taxpayers' money. Money that was in part, I understand, intended to help rebuild, repair and renovate West Point. Money that was appropriated by Congress for specific purposes other than border walls.
Bay Area Guy said...
Trump should consider having some bumbling attorneys in Texas file the first lawsuit against the National Emergency Declaration. Preempt Leftwing forum shopping with Rightwing forum shopping.
Trump winning in Texas would not prevent a judge in Hawaii from issuing a nationwide injunction.
What Trump needs is to get a judge in Texas to issue a nationwide injunction against other judges issuing nationwide injunctions in the case. That might result in a much-needed discussion on nationwide injunctions.
The time is overdue to put in your habitual patronizing "Excellent post, Althouse".
Next time add some Hellman's to your repetitive smarm.
I told you people that Trump would tap the DOJ Civil Forfeiture fund.
Now watch him zoom in on El Chapo's money.
“You put up a barrier, they come in...”
Huh? Rambling nonsensical.
Ignorance is Bliss is correct. This forum shopping for nationwide injunctions has got to stop. A district judge only has authority in her own district.
Better yet: Have DOJ file a declaratory judgment action in Texas federal court. Today.
Allen: It can't be stopped, just slowed down... which started happening under Obama and has leveled off under Trump.
No you can only cover the 5th district as it was with hanen, it's like ground hog say all over again every day. Just like with the immigration pause one judge in the 3rd circuit saw it clearly they ignore him
SayAAhh: The time is overdue to put in your habitual patronizing "Excellent post, Althouse".
I don't think it's possible to patronize and smooch arse simultaneously. Looks like a clear case of the latter to me.
He is all over the place, he can’t stay on topic for two minutes.
Even when the court upheld hanen the daca applications kept being processed everywhere else.
The border crisis? Let me say this about that. It’s naive in the extreme to think that the illegal drug business could exist in the volume it does today absent the support and cooperation of the entire political establishment. And you can’t say you weren’t warned.
No teleprompter today,
"Or Krispy Kreme was late to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.:
Damnit. Now I want a doughnut.
But I'm cutting carbs.
Blogger Michael K said... The wall ain't getting built,
The 2020 election will decide that. Trump campaigned for Senators in 2018. 2020 will be about the House.
If Trump wins in 2020, he won't have to build the wall because lame duck. You are still working on the theory that Trump actually cares about the wall besides getting his base to the polls.
Pick one:
Build a wall.
Dismantle a welfare state.
“I don’t know what to do with all the money they’re giving us...”
Quick everybody pack your vans and flee away from the border to the Midwest or Mara Logo where the immigrants are legally employed and won't hurt you.
" You are still working on the theory that Trump actually cares about the wall besides getting his base to the polls."
You are apparently still working on the theory that Trump is a politician.
Did he say if he was signing the Bill?
Howard can read minds.
That's a neat trick.
The issue of border control is an issue of the continued existence of America as a functioning society.
Leftists demand we eat the seed corn and will wonder why we starve.
It is as if Venezuela does not exist.
But Howard knows who cares about what.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
He is all over the place, he can’t stay on topic for two minutes.
I would say that he couldn't stay on topic for two sentences, and I'd mean that seriously and literally; but the fact is, it is hard to divine two complete sentences in a row in any Trump rant.
Me, me, me ,, win, win...
Is he or is he not signing the Bill? Why didn’t he mention the Bill?
It is as if Venezuela does not exist.
And exactly how many Venezuelans are part of Trump's "invasion" of illegals. As far as I know, and correct me if I am wrong, the vast majority are from Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.
The more he talks about this, the less convincing the case gets.
This won't be like one of his development projects where he can talk in vague generalities about funding and spending. This is all going to be on the record. We are all going to know where every dollar comes from, and which generals have said to Trump that (he claims) said that their departmental funding can be sacrificed for border wall funding.
I cannot believe that Althouse listens to this stuff and has no urge to call it out for falsity and nonsense.
"No, the goal of a national emergency is for Trump to scam the stupidest people in his base for 2 more years."
Ann Coulter
Smeary comments. Mayonnaise throwers.
Apparently Ann Coulter can "read minds" too
slowed down... which started happening under Obama
LOL because the economy was shit under Obama, not because of enforcement. Even border crossers react to economic incentives. That's why it has picked back up yuuuugely since 2016.
No but the caravans include persons from middle east countries who transit through Panama and Costa rica.
He is bat shit crazy.
“What difference does it make?”
Without comity, democracy will disintegrate.
There is plenty of blame to spread onto both parties.
We should not be in a situation where the President will declare a national emergency to build a border barrier that Congress did not fund in the current budget.
Both parties should compromise to advance our country's immigration policies. Both parties should compromise in the nation's common interest.
In my opinion, the Democrats are opposing the border barrier largely because they want to prevent President Trump from fulfilling any of his campaign promise to build a barrier. Their position is not based on the national interest, but on their party's interest.
I suppose that the Democrats think that the Republicans oppostion to ObamaCare was similar.
More members of Congress -- especially the leading members -- need to act more like statesmen. Otherwise our Democracy will continue to disintegrate.
I think this is right:
“The wall ain't getting built,
The 2020 election will decide that. Trump campaigned for Senators in 2018. 2020 will be about the House.”
Chain did Melania’s family get here?
Inga...Allie Oop said...
He is bat shit crazy.
LMFAO. Inga I was in fact ready to type, "this shitshow is hilarious." I suppose that if I was watching this in a private meeting and I was the acting director of the FBI, after this guy summarily fired the Director without warning, it would not be so funny. And I would regard it as part of my oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America to think about investigating the application of the 25th Amendment of that Constitution.
Chain did Melania’s family get here?
Rank has its privileges.
Also, what mccullough said at 9:39 AM
Yeah, use grieving families, ugh disgusting.
Meade, the Senate cycle in 2016 was as easy for Republicans as it could possibly be.
Why didn't Trump work on House races in 2016? The House was lost in dozens of suburban swing districts, many of which should have been at least marginally favorable to Republicans.
The Senate majority is going to be very much in play in 2020. And a difficult map for Republicans.
It was existing law,
Trump tells NBC news reporter "I didn't need to do this, I just want to do it faster."
So it's not a national emergency?
Do you come to court this unprepared chuck,
OMG, liar. I sure hope Obama pushes back on that lie about him supposedly telling Trump he was going to start a war with NK.
Good for Trump! He did it!
Can't wait to see how it plays out!
"I didn't need to do this, I just want to do it faster."
“So it's not a national emergency?
To be used in court.
SO, did he or did he not sign the Bill?
Inga, you're on here way too much.
You obviously don't have anything to do.
Take up a hobby. It will prevent you from saying so many stupid thing.
LLR Chuck: "I suppose that if I was watching this in a private meeting and I was the acting director of the FBI, after this guy summarily fired the Director without warning, it would not be so funny.
And I would regard it as part of my oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America to think about investigating the application of the 25th Amendment of that Constitution."
And with this comment, LLR Chuck removes any remaining doubt of his full blown lefty-aligned philosophy.
Not that we meeded further evidence of course.
I resent that typo.
Inga: "Yeah, use grieving families, ugh disgusting."
This has been the single most prevalent political tactic used by the left over the last 50 years.
By far.
Right, Drago... your man is going full Alinski by turning the tables on the libtards.
Howard: "Right, Drago... your man is going full Alinski by turning the tables on the libtards."
As with your misunderstanding ans misapplication of "cuck", you now demonstrate zero familiarity with Alinsky's rules.
Just because some words sound neat slapped together, doesnt make your point logical or coherent
Seriously, a 2 minute sojourn to Alinsky online could have helped you on this one.
I am listening to Chris Wallace say that Trump "will be able to say to his supporters, 'I did the best I could, and I got as much money as I could from Congress'..."
But with respect to Chris Wallace (I love Chris Wallace), Trump can't say that truthfully. Trump didn't get as much as he could have from Congress. By pulling his shutdown stunt, when the Democrats had the House, Trump got less than he could have at an earlier time, and less than a skilled negotiator could have gotten. Democrats on the Conference Committee were laughing yesterday, when it was clear that the President would sign, that they were LOWERING their offers for wall funding during the Conference talks.
Blogger Drago said..
Seriously, a 2 minute sojourn to Alinsky online could have helped you on this one.
No link, so we know it's bullshit.
Senate cycle in 2018 is what I meant. Yeah, sorry about that.
I am always thinking about the disaster that was 2016.
I'm impressed with this tactic.
Prez Trump has made securing the southern border the most important issue in the 2020 campaign.
The American people will make the decision, and I think that's a good thing.
Meade, do you have the phone number for the Palacio Nacional in Mexico City? I'd like to give President Lopez Obrador a call and tell him to pay for that wall!
Howard: "No link, so we know it's bullshit."
You need me to provide a link to Alinsky's Rules for Radicals?
You've never heard of them or something?
This is like saying you need me to provide a link to that Reagan guy, who supposedly was President.
Seriously, just type in "Alinsky Rules" and pick anyone of 10,000 possibilities to find the list.
And if you need directions to how to get to your bathroom in your own home, make sure you send me the floorplan and I'll direct you from there.
LLR Chuck: "I am always thinking about the disaster that was 2016."
"....the disaster that was 2016."
Republicans win the House, the Senate and White House with the ability to change the Supreme Court to solid conservative for a generation.
LLR Chuck finds this to be a "disaster".
The mask has come completely off and fallen down a storm drain!
They reacted much the same way to Uribe in Colombia, who broke the guerillas and the cartel, to Netanyahu who they are still conjuring bogus charges they spent 20 years going after Berlusconi
They got to get better material, meanwhile food supplies are finally getting to Venezuelan border.
Drago, Republicans LOST 6 House seats in 2016. Democrats running for the House picked up a 2.5% increase in the vote nationwide for all seats.
And Republicans LOST 2 Senate seats in 2016.
Those aren't disasters, but they aren't wins.
The disaster was the primary win by Trump.
I am for Republicans, not Trump.
Blogger rhhardin said...
A parliamentary system wouldn't have these problems. The deep state nominates the prime minister. No Trump is possible.
Not only that, if we are talking about Great Britain. I was doing some research on how it works a couple month's ago. Best answer, it's confusing. The deeper I got, the more confusing it was.
Some takeaways:
The Prime Minister is selected by the party that gets the most seats in parliament.
That party recommends their selection to the Queen (or king as the case may be)
The queen may or may not agree with their selection and is free to choose whoever they want for PM
The PM has no legal status in Great Britain and the position didn't even exist until the the 1700's or so.
The queen appoints a PM by custom, not by any legal requirement to do so.
Not appointing a PM would cause the dreaded "CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS!!!" but, since Great Britain has no constitution in any real sense, I don't see this as a big deal.
Yes, they claim to have a constitution but it is not written. It is just a series of laws and customs that parliament or the courts can change from one day to the next.
Thank God for our system and Constitution where we can get a President Trump.
Bagehot's "The English Constitution", although written in the 1860's is a pretty good read on this. Available via the portal but free so Ann doesn't earn anything.
I have the 2nd edition, published about 7 years after the 1st. Why a new edition so soon?
This difficulty has been constantly in my way in preparing a second edition of this book. It describes the English Constitution as it stood in the years 1865 and 1866. Roughly speaking, it describes its working as it was in the time of Lord Palmerston; and since that time there have been many changes, some of spirit and some of detail. In so short a period there have rarely been more changes. If I had given a sketch of the Palmerston time as a sketch of the present time, it would have been in many points untrue; and if I had tried to change the sketch of seven years since into a sketch of the present time, I should probably have blurred the picture and have given something equally unlike both.
John Henry
Trump actually got rid of some incumbent Democratic Senators, which defeating an incumbent senator historically has seldom happened recently.
I blame the house loss more on gop reps retiring. Ryan seemed to want to lose the house, which seems crazy, but... seems to be lots of Trump passive aggressiveness by the gop establishment against Trump, yet he keeps on winning.
Returning the Iranian money with an unbelievably pro Iranian deal allowed the Iranian rulers to show their incompetence, which they soon did. It removed using the us as an excuse for their economy.
Trump is changing the rules of the game, for the betterment of the country. He’s moving the Overton window in many areas. And forcing the Democrats to defend horrible positions. Very Alinsky.
Read trollopes phineas series to see how the system worked in the 1850s, he was a,disgruntled liberal but he had a good read on the tories.
Who lost Joe heck in Nevada and Ayotte in new Hampshire in part because they thought distancing themselves from trump would win them plaudits. Dems know what team they are even if Republicans dont
Blogger Chuck said...
He might announce that Mexico is going to pay for the wall.
Who's gonna pay for the wall? Mexico.
I think that if the President of Mexico sent President Trump a cashiers check for $8bn or whatever to pay for the wall our resident Charlie would still complain.
"Oh, it's a check. That is not really payment. It is only payment if they hand over bags of used bills in $10 & $20 denominations."
See BOTV for a discussion of "Charlies"
John Henry
See B
What should be done is to feed them into Cali, sue them to clean up their boters roles, and after the 2020 census is done, make sure they only get reapportionment and tax $ for natural and legal citizens. Let them raise taxes to support their decision.
It's 196-pages. Can't read that in 2-minutes, but did go straight to tactics.
For an elementary illustration of tactics, take parts of your face as the point of reference; your eyes, your ears, and your nose. First the eyes; if you have organized a vast, mass-based people's organization,you can parade it visibly before the enemy and openly show your power. Second the ears; if your organization is small in numbers,then do what Gideon did: conceal the members in the dark but raise a din and clamor that will make the listener believe that your organization numbers many more than it does. Third, the nose; if your organization is too tiny even for noise, stink up the place
Trump does all these things:
Big crowded WWE-type events that "parade it visibly before the enemy"
Declare an emergency to "raise a din and clamor"
Play the victim card to "stink up the place"
LLR Chuck: "Drago, Republicans LOST 6 House seats in 2016. Democrats running for the House picked up a 2.5% increase in the vote nationwide for all seats."
All of your obfuscation, smears and lies cannot hide this simple fact:
You have called a republican sweep of the House, the Senate, the White House and multiple Supreme Court picks a literal "disaster".
A republican clean sweep is only a disaster for the far left and the dems....and you.
Something tells me you are going to seriously regret having exposed your true left-wing feelings and philosophy with this latest careless admission by you.
Just as with your clear self-admitted lefty-aligned smear mission declaration.
There really isnt anything left for you to lie about now, is there? Its all out there...and "teh interwebs" are forever.
Sue Cali to clean up their voters roles
Trump Rulz
Howard forgot that he applied a specific term incorrectly. Simply going full-Inga with cutting and pasting a larger volume on non-applicable material does not address the problem.
Careful Howard, you are within sight of posting like noted knucklehead and admitted liar Chuck who for some strange reason decided to expose his ignorance related to the 25th Amendment along with all his previously poor "legal" (wink wink) "analysis".
Blogger narciso said...
Read trollopes phineas series to see how the system worked in the 1850s, he was a,disgruntled liberal but he had a good read on the tories.
I think you mean the Palliser series of which "Phineas Finn" was one novel. Phineas himself is a main character in most of the books. But yes, excellent recommendation.
Also watch the 26 part miniseries The Pallisers. It is great! You can, or used to be able to, download it from YouTube.
All of Trollope's other books are worth reading as well. Try "The American Senator" in which an American Senator visits England and causes mischief.
Many are available as free audio books at
John Henry
It's not a pre-flight checklist flyboy nor a prospectus moneyman.
Howard: "It's not a pre-flight checklist flyboy nor a prospectus moneyman."
Thats all you've got?
Drago going full LLR lawyer to litigate his weak-ass case.
Linking to other media heads who jump on an incorrect theme does not make the theme correct.
But at least you arent standing alone I guess.
No true Alinsky... full cuckholster nice try, counsellor
BHoward: "Drago going full LLR lawyer to litigate his weak-ass case."
Still logically incoherent but at least had the pissibility of creating an emotional response.
Overall I give you 5 out of 10 marks for te effort.
Trump is Hillary in Drag?
Howard: "No true Alinsky... full cuckholster nice try, counsellor"
Combining the 2 incorrect applications is still twice as wrong but is at least humorous.
johnhenry100 said...
Blogger Chuck said...
He might announce that Mexico is going to pay for the wall.
Who's gonna pay for the wall? Mexico.
I think that if the President of Mexico sent President Trump a cashiers check for $8bn or whatever to pay for the wall our resident Charlie would still complain.
"Oh, it's a check. That is not really payment. It is only payment if they hand over bags of used bills in $10 & $20 denominations."
See BOTV for a discussion of "Charlies"
John Henry
See B
Don't give me any of your "what if" baloney.
Trump claimed that he'd build a great border wall and that Mexico would pay for it.
No great border wall is being built.
Mexico isn't paying for anything.
Trump the negotiator couldn't make a deal to get anything more than the kind of small, incremental wall repair/rebuild/new funding that Congresses and Preseidents of both parties have been doing for years.
Trump didn't do a single goddamn thing that was new, and his skill as a negotiator got him less than what Mitch McConnell could have gotten for him.
I think that there is no limit to the abuse that Trump has earned, for his idiotic promise to build A Great Border Wall, and the Mexico Will Pay For It.
don't forget to sponsor the Altazon Porthole
Trump actually got rid of some incumbent Democratic Senators, which defeating an incumbent senator historically has seldom happened recently.
I blame the house loss more on gop reps retiring. Ryan seemed to want to lose the house, which seems crazy, but... seems to be lots of Trump passive aggressiveness by the gop establishment against Trump, yet he keeps on winning.
Returning the Iranian money with an unbelievably pro Iranian deal allowed the Iranian rulers to show their incompetence, which they soon did. It removed using the us as an excuse for their economy.
Trump is changing the rules of the game, for the betterment of the country. He’s moving the Overton window in many areas. And forcing the Democrats to defend horrible positions. Very Alinsky.
Ahh, a calm sober voice in a sea of cacophony. Well stated!
I tend to also agree with Shouting Thomas above - that few folks "know" how this deal plays out yet. We have to just wait and see. We do know that the open borders crowd has many members in the GOP, in addition to the conspicuous left-wing idiots. Myself, I'm for closing the southern border and deporting a chunk of illegal aliens, who are already here. That will send a good message.
But I am surprised that so many on the right are flipping out over this, as if this CR is High Noon. It may just be another shitty budget deal, just like the last 20. Unfortunately, the Dems tend to win the Budget deals. But life goes on.
Because the country is divided, Trump's reelection chances are 50-50. This means Kamala Harris also has a 50-50 shot. No need to freak out.
Interesting times.
Chuck is still "suffering" from the "disaster that was 2016" when republicans swept the House, Senate, White House and 2 Supreme Court appts.
Most pro-left/dem self-admitted liars/smear merchants like Chuck still are...
Shorter Drago: Running away, eh? You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to ya! I'll bite your legs off!
Howard: "Shorter Drago..."
Who you calling short?
Shirley your joking
Howard: "Shirley your joking"
LISTEN KID! I've been hearing that crap ever since I was in the Nav. I'm out there busting my buns every night. Tell your old man to drag Walton and Lanier and LLR Chuck up and down the conservative court for 48 minutes."
Trump will win this legal battle, I think. Congress is the body that passed the law Trump is using, and it gives the executive broad power to declare such an event. I think the only way you can challenge this in court successfully in the present SCOTUS is to attack the law itself as an unconstitutional transfer of congressional power.
The real question for me, though, is this- as a declared emergency- to even question it judicially really does require the case to move almost immediately to SCOTUS. It is either an emergency or it isn't, but either way a final judicial decision is required quickly.
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
The real question for me, though, is this- as a declared emergency- to even question it judicially really does require the case to move almost immediately to SCOTUS. It is either an emergency or it isn't, but either way a final judicial decision is required quickly. I agree and I hope so. I'm not sure how long that meat puppet they are trying to pass off as RBG will pass the smell test.
Are you referring to:
Rod Rosenstein's letter recommending Comey be fired
"Today is the day for some to claim expertise on a statutory regime they didn’t learn about until yesterday." ~ Randy Burnett
It's amazing how many people slept through the eight years of President Pen and Phone.
I think we've had emergencies that lasted like 20-30 years....haven't we allowed some 200,000 Haitians to stay her "temporarily" due to an earthquake that happened decades ago?
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