February 24, 2019

"One of the worst things to happen in America in the last two years is, surely, the birth and spread of the phrase 'nothing burger.'"

"It is used by President Trump’s supporters whenever Robert Mueller issues anything, including the many times he’s issued things that are, quite clearly, something burgers, with lots of shocking and damaging information that implicates people close to the President in something that seems like potential collusion with Russia or other possibly related crimes. [The Paul Manafort sentencing memo], Mueller’s longest, can be seen, by avid followers of his investigation, as not only an exquisitely built nothing burger but a commentary on our age and our expectations—at least, as it relates to the question of collusion during the 2016 election. Andy Kaufman could have hardly done so good a job at tweaking our deepest hunger."

Writes Adam Davidson in The New Yorker in "Robert Mueller’s Nothing-Burger Sentencing Memo on Paul Manafort."

Help me understand what Davidson was picturing when he wrote "Andy Kaufman could have hardly done so good a job at tweaking our deepest hunger." Presumably, he thinks Andy Kaufman did a really good job of tweaking our deep hungers, but which hungers? When? Can you dig up any clips of Kaufman that show him excelling at tweaking deep hungers? Outstripping Andy Kaufman — in Davidson's idea is Robert Mueller — right? — not the "avid followers" of the investigation. The "avid followers" are the audience for Mueller, and Mueller, like Kaufman, is seen as putting on a show for aficionados.

We, the audience, sit expectantly, wanting something from the showman, but he  withholds, even as he maintains our rapt attention. We keep watching, because he's captured our attention, but Mueller has captured our attention because we hope/fear he's got something devastating on Trump. The "deepest hunger" Davidson is thinking about is for the destruction of Trump. How is that like what Andy Kaufman did when — to name 2 examples of Kaufman playing with audience expectations — he did a show that consisted of nothing but singing all the verses of "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall" or he stood on stage and read the entire text of "The Great Gatsby"?

There was no "deep hunger" that Kaufman was tweaking. He was tweaking the shallow hunger — borne of ticket-buying and seat-sitting — that there will be a show. When will this get funny? The joke is that it will never get funny. It will just go on like this. It's the nothing. The joke's on you for expecting something conventional and the only way to squirm out of your predicament is to realize it before the other people sitting around you not understanding that I'm never going to give you what you're dumb enough to want.

Am I approaching the enigma of the Mueller/Kaufman comparison?

ADDED: Davidson is surely wrong that the term "nothingburger" was born in the last 2 years! The OED traces the term all the way back to 1953. The official definition is: "A person or thing of no importance, value, or substance. Now esp.: something which, contrary to expectations, turns out to be insignificant or unremarkable."

Maybe Davidson — a fan of Kaufman's? — really is doing comedy. I must admit I laughed a lot while reading it out loud last night. He can't really mean that the phrase "nothing burger" is "One of the worst things to happen in America," so that's the tip-off, right? I'm overthinking this. I know!

But he could be serious. Aside from the mistake of believing the term got born during the Trump administration, he could genuinely believe it's one of the worst things to happen in America in the last 2 years. All he'd need is a long "worst things" list. You could have a list of "The 1 Million Worst Things to Happen in the Last 2 Years," and then some irritating word could be on it.


Shane said...

The worst thing to happen in the Althouse blog in the last two years is to realize Adam Davidson has his own tag.

Howard said...

Better than a Nothing Burger is a high standard

Ann Althouse said...

Technically, Shane, I didn't realize that Adam Davidson has his own tag. I was hoping he did, but when, typing his name, it didn't autocomplete, so in fact, what I realized is precisely the opposite, that he didn't have his own tag.

I resisted making a tag, but I'd talked about him too much to withhold it, and I made a new tag.

I should go back and see if I've ever mentioned him before.

Shouting Thomas said...

My definition of the term as "all bun, no beef."

NYT going pretty nuts right now trying to distract readers from noticing Trump's success and the hate crime hoax.

Trying to revive Russia collusion and get the focus on the real menace... white supremacists.

LordSomber said...

If they only knew Tony Clifton uses the New Yorker for toilet paper.

Shane said...

Resist you much

Ann Althouse said...

There was one other appearance of Adam Davidson in the archive. I've added the tag. I'm just assuming its the same Adam Davidson.

It's a 2007 post about blog commenting. Some interview he did. Includes video of me (at a different thing, some panel at Dartmouth) talking about blog commenting.

Ann Althouse said...

"My definition of the term as "all bun, no beef.""

Yes, I had the folk belief that the term originated in the "Where's the beef?" era (the Wendy's commercial and the 1984 insult from Walter Mondale to Gary Hart).

"NYT going pretty nuts right now trying to distract readers from noticing Trump's success and the hate crime hoax."

To be fair to the NYT, the linked article is in The New Yorker.

stevew said...

This is "one of the worst things to happen in America in the last two years"? Wow.

I actually like the phrase "nothing burger", it seems especially apt when used to reference Mueller investigation output, particularly when comparing a pronouncement or action to the original mission of the investigation.

I don't think it suffers from overuse either. Davidson is attempting to use this faux controversy to further besmirch Trump, prop up Mueller, and keep the "Trump conspired with Russia to win in 2016" meme afloat.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Very good. The joke with Kaufman was that it wasn't going to get funny, so you laugh at people who expect conventional comedy, or who laugh at things that are supposed to be funny, but aren't. Steve Martin at his best got into this: I recently discovered a YouTube of Martin on the Tonight Show, of all places, doing jokes that only dogs will get (he actually had some dogs), and then a bit of music that only dogs can hear. That's Mueller. There is no collusion, in any meaningful sense, involving anyone we have investigated. But we're going to keep this going for an appreciative audience.

Neil Gorsuch's mother had one good job thanks to Nixon. Because of a controversy over the environment, she resigned in order to help the President, on the understanding she would get another good job. She told friends the offered job was a "nothing burger," and she refused it.

Howard said...

Perhaps he referred to Kaufman wrestling women?

Bob Boyd said...

Considering the dire predictions about what would happen with Trump in the Oval, if the phrase "nothing burger" is one of the worst things to happen in America in the last two years, Trump must be doing a bang-up job. Maybe it's time for an agonizin' re-appraisal at the New Yawka.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

"he’s issued things that are, quite clearly, something burgers, with lots of shocking and damaging information that implicates people close to the President in something that seems like potential collusion with Russia or other possibly related crimes.

I think a good definition of a nothing burger is a fact that requires tortured writing to seem like a thing.

Ann Althouse said...

"Resist you much"

LOL. Thanks for reminding me of that. Sharpton.

MayBee said...

t in something that seems like potential collusion with Russia or other possibly related crimes

I can see Davidson's frustrations.
This is quite obviously something that possibly seems like a potential something burger.

Amadeus 48 said...

Adam Davidson commits snuggle ambush of Robert Mueller on pages of New Yorker.

Davidson was teasing Mueller with a nothing burger, when Mueller suddenly turned on him viciously with a special counsel's report that showed nothing special. Davidson was separated from Mueller by neighbors who applied tourniquets to both men's wounds until Andy Kaufman arrived from the great beyond singing "99 Bottles of Beer". All of it.

Friends are awaiting an autopsy report explaining what went wrong with Mueller.

David Begley said...

"It is used by President Trump’s supporters whenever Robert Mueller issues anything....”


The indictment and conviction of Manafort was a big deal. But not of Pappadoplous. That was a joke. The guy was set-up. The indictment of the Russians was a PR stunt.

This is another type of Fake News: setting expectations and creating a narrative.

Yeah, Manafort is a criminal but his crimes were committed long before he worked for Trump. Guilt by association.

What shitty writing and thinking by Andy Davidson. And no editing. Pure propaganda.

David Begley said...

Many members of the coup are leaking and talking that Mueller’s report is going to be a nothingburger. Limbaugh had a segment on it. He recalled the leaks after Bill Clinton’s depot that POTUS allegedly lost it. No such thing happened.

Mike Sylwester said...

The New Yorker used to be famous for its strict editing.

Danno said...

Aside from the fact that the article is in the New Yorker and NYT or NYT magazine, and hence had a chance to read it. I must note that I find all of the New York based publications full of writing for the sophisticated elites is authored by verbose jack-asses. People who are a legend in their own mind. - Jus sayin'

Danno said...


Humperdink said...

A Texas nothing burger: "All hat and no cattle".

Jaq said...

Remember when Clinton supporters used to say “That dog won’t hunt.”

What the guy wants is editorship of the Newspeak dictionary so that he can make the expression of disagreement with his opinion impossible to do without bringing on the jackboots in the night to get the utterers mind right.

rhhardin said...

99 and 98 bottles of beer and letter counts on the wall, with correct letter counts, both beer and letter counts strictly falling

Ninety nine bottles of beer, three a's, three b's, one c, two d's, thirty five e's,
seven f's, four g's, eight h's, twelve i's, one j, one k, five l's, one m,
twenty one n's, seventeen o's, one p, one q, eight r's, twenty six s's, twenty two t's, four u's, six v's, eight w's, four x's, six y's, and one z on the wall,

Ninety nine bottles of beer,

If one of those bottles, four e's, one g, one i, one k, one m, six n's, seven o's,
one p, one q, one r, two t's, two u's, two w's, one y, and one z should
happen to fall,

Ninety eight bottles of beer, three a's, three b's, one c, two d's, thirty one e's,
seven f's, three g's, eight h's, eleven i's, one j, five l's, fifteen n's, ten o's,
seven r's, twenty six s's, twenty t's, two u's, six v's, six w's, four x's, and five y's on the wall.

narciso said...

Now they are Michael j foxs character in bright lights big city


Rob said...

How frustrating it is for The New Yorker to contemplate that not everybody in America shares their opinions. If they had their way, the Thought Police would attend to these apostates.

Jaq said...


If you are tempted to read the joke to the punch line, you will only be frustrated, just saying.

Mueller's Lament:

“I started a joke
which started the whole world crying
Why couldn’t I see
that the joke was on me’

“I started to cry
which started the whole world laughing
why could I see....

I started to die
which started the whole world living... - The Bee Gees

Jaq said...

I am sure that there are commenters who see that as a death threat against Mueller, it’s not, it’s a song and a metaphor only.

stlcdr said...

Whether ‘nothing burger’ is new or not, as already noted, it is particularly apt in this situation. Further, it’s not a torturing of words; twisting a word or a phrase to mean something it isn’t, or unrelated. An apt description that doesn’t need Wikipedia, a dictionary, urban dictionary or man/womansplaining.

The author is just upset that it describes the situation well.

narciso said...

They deserve the Nelson mintz treatment


Wilbur said...

Andy Kaufman made me hungry for the Mighty Mouse theme song.

tcrosse said...

Mueller would be the Nothing Burgermeister.

James Sarver said...

"...things that are, quite clearly, something burgers...implicates people...something that seems like potential...possibly related..."

OK, then. Nothing-but-speculation burgers.

CWJ said...

27 of the last 28 Davidson articles in The New Yorker have revolved around Trump and/or the Mueller investigation. He's got quite a personal investment in this not being a nothing burger. So for him, yeah, this is one of the worst things to happen.

sinz52 said...

The first known use of the term "nothingburger" was in 1953 by the columnist Louella Parsons.

Helen Gurley Brown used it repeatedly in the 1960s.


tcrosse said...

Years ago Helen Gurley Brown coined the term Mouseburger, meaning "a woman of no particular intellect or attractiveness."

rhhardin said...

Being and Nothingburger.

Ann Althouse said...

"The New Yorker used to be famous for its strict editing."

I know. I was thinking maybe Davidson's making it 2 words tripped them up.

narciso said...

Manafort was handing out the money on behalf of a well connected outfit, the hapsburg group of European dignitaries, it was Podesta and weber who lobbied congressman and govt officials

rhhardin said...

Dark matter is composed of nothingburgers.

Ann Althouse said...

"Years ago Helen Gurley Brown coined the term Mouseburger, meaning "a woman of no particular intellect or attractiveness." "

I was just talking about that here at Meadhouse.

I think "-burger" might have been more of a thing before everyone just lazily settled on "nothingburger."

The "-burger" part indicated nothingness (or just low quality). In that view, "nothingburger" is a redundancy, like saying "absolutely nothing."

rhhardin said...

An anythingburger would be less positive than a nothingburger.

I gave him a nothingburger.

I didn't give him an anythingburger.

rhhardin said...

Burger is a resident of a burg.

Michael said...

Davidson is just not that smart. The New Yorker has devoted itself to becoming a quasi literate Vanity Fair with far too much of the writing devoted to #resistsnce. A once great magazine has become a tiresome, predictable political broadsheet. Peer in occasionally at the online version and count the articles devoted to the President. Sad actually.

rhhardin said...

Ich bin ein Hamburger.

Fernandinande said...

There was no "deep hunger"

One of the worst things, just after phony articles which are just vehicles to associate "shocking and damaging" words with Trump, are "deep" and even worser, "deeply"

site:althouse.blogspot.com "deeply"

Republcian[sic] Party 'deeply unpopular.

conservatism as an ideology was deeply discredited

This is deeply disturbing. It would be a dog whistle

Amadeus 48 said...


I know I am way ahead of myself here, but I better have fun while I can. If Mueller comes up with something, I can always eat crow or go dark.

hombre said...

Projection. The most common usage of “nothing burger” has been in connection with Hillary misconduct, particularly the email felonies.

Saint Croix said...

I'm not sure what it means--metaphor is not really my thing--but I think it's critical in our nothing burger analysis that we recognize that in a proper nothing burger, you have to have a really nice bun.

The bun is so nice, it leads you to expect some big whopper. But sometimes a bun is just a bun. I think I just hurt my head a little with this analysis.

Anyway, I want to ask Mr. Mueller, do you have a nice bun? I never saw a nice bun. So I was never outraged about the lack of beef underneath. Or in between, I guess. I went a little Dr. Seuss there. Just had to say "the lack of beef underneath." Although obviously it's supposed to be inside. We all know how it works.

Anyway, it's been a shit show from the beginning. It's a turd sitting on a plate is what it is. What it's always been. It's a bare turd, without any bread. Obvious and not edible. We missed all the appetizing stuff, the aroma, the good taste, the fun times in the digestive system. All that stuff was never there. It was shit on a plate from day one.

Saint Croix said...

hey, sorry for the result-oriented analysis!

Jaq said...

A once great magazine has become a tiresome, predictable political broadsheet.

Find a great organization, kill it, gut it, and wear its skin. I think that there is a Tweet like that from Iowahawk.

Jaq said...

Democrats didn’t really hate Republicans until somewhere around ’94. Something must have happened that year...

JAORE said...

A nothing burger is the only one allowed under the Green New Deal.

And THAT is a great, big, double patty burger, with bacon and cheese.

Fernandinande said...

Put on your shirt with the name tag over the pocket, look in the mirror and ask yourself:

"Would you like nothingfries with that?"

cronus titan said...

IF AOC is successful at banning hamburgers, a hamburger is a nothing burger. THen hamburger would mean nothing burger, and nothing burger would mean hamburger.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the Nothingburg Trials -- tribunals set to deal with these type of things

Jupiter said...

'Help me understand what Davidson was picturing when he wrote "Andy Kaufman could have hardly done so good a job at tweaking our deepest hunger." '

Hon, you're gonna have to work it out for yourself. These New Yorker writers don't make any sense at all to me. They sound kind of feminine. They aren't making a point about the physical world we actually exist in, they're talking about the fantasy they wander around in all day.

rcocean said...

Nothing burger has been around for ever. Its related to "Where's the Beef" which was a 80s catch phrase.

rcocean said...

THE New Yorker had been living off its prior glory for 30 years. It stopped being the Shawn/Ross New Yorker in the 1980s, and has been on the decline ever since.

Even the cartoons are mostly shit.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Wray Crock, the lib reporter, started a small leftie news outlet,
but since then has been cranked out Nothingburgers worldwide--
Billions and Billions served!

Wince said...

Help me understand what Davidson was picturing when he wrote "Andy Kaufman could have hardly done so good a job at tweaking our deepest hunger." Presumably, he thinks Andy Kaufman did a really good job of tweaking our deep hungers, but which hungers?


wildswan said...

Isn't the Mueller Report as reported by the AP an indictment of the FBI and CIA. These agencies according to the AP story allowed the Russian troll farm to operate unchecked, did not warn the public about the Russian abuse of use of social media for propaganda, kept no track of Mifsud (who was arranging a Trump-Putin summit with the help of Papadopoulos so that's an important guy), ignored Manafort's tax evasion, and ignored non-registration of foreign lobbyists. And much more.
It adds up that the FBI and the CIA have an enormous budget yet they were unable to discover threats that Mueller with a relatively puny budget - also hasn't found.
But what I mean is that the AP is suggesting the Mueller has found threats missed by the FBI and CIA
Or maybe I better say that the AP isn't suggesting that Mueller has found anything significant which the FBI and CIA missed because if you go word by word through the AP story the last sentence of a paragraph often contradicts the rest of the paragraph. There's a lot of paragraphs of this type: He was arranging a summit ... no one ever heard it; they said ... there's no agreement on what was said; provided private briefings ... there's no evidence private briefings were provided; he claimed to have know what Wikileaks was doing ... he was e-mailing everyone asking what Wikileaks was doing. And so on. And look at this beauty: "a meeting that went to the “heart” of the Russia investigation ... remains an enigma."

Remember that guy that ate nothing but McDonald's for a year and then published a book on how bad it was for him. The media ate Nothingburgers from Mueller's Shack for two years and thus became the media that disgraced themselves in the Covington Kids story and then immediately fell for the Jussie Smollett hoax. And still they're eagerly looking for someone to fool them again. And AOC as a wise latina women has her hand up.

Big Mike said...

Andy Kaufman was before his time. He’d have been unbelievably successful in the Era of That’s Not Funny!

Yancey Ward said...

You want to know how something is a nothing burger? It is a nothing burger when you have to write a sentence like this:

"things that are, quite clearly, something burgers, with lots of shocking and damaging information that implicates people close to the President in something that seems like potential collusion with Russia or other possibly related crimes."

Yancey Ward said...

I just loved the "800 page memo" meme going around. The memo was actually about 20-30 pages- the rest were just court exhibits and descriptions- and even large parts of the 20-30 pages were redacted and/or footnote directions.

In short, the memo was pretty much all about Manafort's crimes before he was in the campaign, and Manafort's alleged crimes after he was indicted. Indeed, there is nothing about the Trump campaign colluding with Russians.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The left keeps feeding us nothingburgers, and they wonder why we won't eat them.

I've been told that there are no conservative comedians, or that there are some, but they suck. In the Era of Thats Not Funny, lefties like former comedian Stephen Colbert rule the roost.

Colbert now simply preaches to the choir in place of comedy, and conservative comedians like Steven Crowder have gone on to the serious business of calling out the left, now that they've been deplatformed from comedy, like Crowder and Owen Benjamin, or practically erased from the public eye like Sam Hyde and Gavin McInnes.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Davidson knows he's feeding us nothingburgers, and our refusal to eat them is what garners his ire.

Sebastian said...

Being and Nothingburger."


Make it at least a Nothingcheeseburger.

Zach said...

shocking and damaging information that implicates people close to the President in something that seems like potential collusion with Russia or other possibly related crimes.

This is seven levels of indirection!

shocking and damaging -> information -> implicates -> people close to the President -> something that seems -> potential collusion -> other possibly related crimes.

Remember, we were promised proof that the President is a Russian agent.

A prosecutor is supposed to prove that a specific person did a specific thing at a specific time and place. Every level of indirection is something they can't prove. Seven levels of indirection is just nothing.

M Jordan said...

I didn’t think I liked Andy Kauffman but this clip really made me laugh. His joke was his fight with the audience. LOL. Get it?

steve uhr said...

It's a no-brainer.

tcrosse said...

One of the worst things to happen in America in the last three years is, surely, the birth and spread of the phrase "I'm With H>er"

Sam L. said...

Oh, poor, POOR, Mr. Muehller!!

McCackie said...

They hate Trump for being, not immune to their "slings and arrows", but indifferent. Being indifferent removes any validation of their accusations, so in a cycle they ratchet up; and up; till it is beyond self parody.

Truly the MSM is a circular firing squad with Trump outside said circle.

n.n said...

Process crimes. Warlock hunts. Selective prosecution. Whole cloth invention. Trials by press. Where's the baby... I mean, beef?

Kevin said...

ADDED: Davidson is surely wrong that the term "nothingburger" was born in the last 2 years!

The term came back into vogue during the campaign with regards to Hillary's e-mails.

It was the Left using the term for Comey's investigation and the underlying facts it uncovered. Every disclosure was immediately called a "nothing burger" before the substance of the information could even be understood or debated.

It's for precisely that reason the Right is throwing the exact term back at the Left regarding Mueller's investigation.

Nichevo said...

rhhardin said...
99 and 98 bottles of beer and letter counts on the wall, with correct letter counts, both beer and letter counts strictly falling

Conga rats, RH, in one post you made both Andy Kaufman and "99 Bottles" more tedious than they already were.

Lurker21 said...

"Nothingburger" is a media word. I've never found anyone using it in real life, or on the Internet.

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