Wrote Jake Tapper, in email to Buzzfeed's Ben Smith, quoted in "Emails Reveal Jake Tapper Ripping BuzzFeed Editor Ben Smith as ‘Irresponsible’ For Publishing Trump Dossier" (Mediaite).
Male bravado, even in humiliation. It's a funny expression. You've got the concession that the other man has impinged on you and hurt you, but you've worked in an image of your huge, out-there dick.
ADDED: In other news of newsfolk talking about body parts, there's "Rachel Maddow Skewers Matt Whitaker for Chugging Water at Hearing: 'A Lullaby for Your Kidney Health.'" I guess that's all they had on Matt Whitaker. Matt Watertaker. So much less amusing that "Collegiality wise it was you stepping on my dick." But to be fair to Rachel. She was on TV. We're not seeing her email, which might have much sexier body parts than kidneys.
I think "eat a bag of dicks" is a funny insult.
There's even an industry:
wait didn't cnn publish them too, yes whittaker's patience must have been merely infinite,
I think your move makes the story less serious and credible[.] I think you damaged its impact
IOW, our plan would have worked if we had the frightening folder with unidentified contents to wave around. You screwed it all up when you exposed all the goofy crap inside.
What a dick.
Didn't they make fun of Paul Ryan for drinking water too?
I don’t understand why the public doesn’t have a right to know what was in the Steele dossier?
BTW, after Nixon and Little Marco were both being taken down by Watergate, I wouldn't undersell the power of the Bobby Boucher elixir.
Didn't they make fun of Paul Ryan for drinking water too?
Male bravado, even in humiliation.
"Step on someone's dick" means the stepper fucked up.
You've got the concession that the other man has impinged on you and hurt you,
Not really.
but you've worked in an image of your huge, out-there dick.
Well, you got that image. I get an image of a long-ago big meeting where I first heard the expression and people trying not to laugh.
Publishing the dossier presents an interesting dilemma. On the one hand, it was clearly nonsense, had never been verified, and could never be verified.
On the other hand, it had already been driving events for a year. Including a full FBI counterintelligence operation and wiretapping effort that has turned into a major scandal and resulted in a large number of FBI officials resigning in disgrace.
Poor Mr Whittaker had to keep his true emotions ( a/k/a authentic anger) under control. So he relied on the sip some water trick. It works. And he is now a hero.
CNN just wanted to push the stupid under investigation meme.
When the whole report was made public it was obvious to any intelligent person it was a fabricated pile of shit.
Tapper was mad that he was outed as a dishonest hack pushing obvious garbage to attack trump.
Did Whitaker really tell a congressCritter that his 5 minutes were up?
If true, too funny.
Having a dick so long that it could be stepped on would be bad.
I think the tipping point for too big of a dick is related to doing two. If sitting on the throne means yur tip is dipping = too big. That's the cut off.
Jake Tapper, of CNN says "Collegiality wise it was you stepping on my dick."
Maybe fellow CNN stablemate Anderson Cooper needs to explain to Jake that true collegiality would mean he was SUCKING on your dick.
Things for them to discuss in the CNN Sauna Room.
I am Laslo.
"Did Whitaker really tell a congressCritter that his 5 minutes were up?
If true, too funny."
The Chairman.
The image is a guy too stupid to keep track of his own dick and thus out there to be stepped on.
"Did Whitaker really tell a congressCritter that his 5 minutes were up?"
-- I think so; I heard someone listening to someone say that. Going over your allotted time because of grandstanding and not getting to ask your question is a better example of stepping on one's own dick.
Great Scot!,
Also, fake referral to notes and labored putting on of those funky glasses..that I suspect have no rx.
Kinda redefined Acting AG
(Also: I've only ever heard until this, it phrased like stepping on his own dick, as in: He screwed up. I've never heard it phrased where someone else stepped on someone else's dick.)
I mean, it's probably okay if you're a show-er. If you're a grow-er, what the hell?
Since there is debate over the phrase, Tapper should illustrate with a cartoon.
Tapper's complaint is very odd. He tried to make seem like it was wrong to publish it because the content was unverified, but then also complains about how it undercut the narrative about its existence. If you are going to write stories about dossier's existence, then I think you have an absolute obligation to publish the content so that readers can form a judgment about its veracity. Tapper really sounds like he wanted to tell the readers/listeners what to think, and BuzzardFeed undercut that process. Tapper appears from his own e-mail to be incredibly dishonest and corrupt.
Everybody had this dossier before the election took place and they had it because Christopher Steele himself was giving it to them and discussing it with them. Steele wanted them to publish the details- that is what he was paid to do. The media largely didn't publish for political reasons- they knew it would likely backfire on the Clinton Campaign because it was so outlandish. Their judgment was correct, in my opinion. After the election, that calculation changes a bit, but Tapper does seem to have realized that talking about the dossier's existence was better than actually revealing it- that is also correct, in my opinion, but that is a very dishonest road to follow.
Apart from Tapper complaining that CNN's credibility was damaged when the public found out what a fabrication the dossier was, why on earth should Buzzfeed care about collegiality? It's so revealing that they hacks see themselves as one coordinated resistance blob instead of tough competitors.
@anti-de Sitter, please don’t put “cut off” in the same paragraph as the slang expression for a penis.
The loose thread I keep coming back to is the Logan Act nonsense.
You remember how many news articles were suddenly interested in whether Trump might have violated an obscure 1799 law that no one has ever been prosecuted under, ever?
Well, it turns out that the "legal" justification for the wiretapping was the Logan Act.
Not that Trump had *violated* it, you understand. That he might be *subject to blackmail* for violating it.
So, in the eyes of the warrant application, the thing they were investigating was the possibility of some Russian oligarch waving a crumbling yellow parchment under Trump's nose and insisting they would turn him in for violating this incredibly obscure statute unless he turned full traitor and worked to advance their interests.
That's such an absurd legal theory that I have to doubt that someone came up with it all at once just for this one, extremely sensitive wiretapping warrant. I think they reused some boilerplate justification that they've used before.
I would find it really, really interesting to find out just how many FISA warrant applications cite the Logan Act.
Remember, the subject of the Logan Act is taking someone else's side against the United States. "Violating the Logan Act" just means disagreeing with the President about foreign policy.
How many people got wiretapped for disagreeing with the President? When did this start? And how can we make it stop?
Interestingly, Jake Tapper was born in Nantucket.
Espionage and the Richard Welch act were the hook for the last special counsel.
I can understand a journalist criticizing Buzzfeed for publishing an unverified dossier, but Tapper's complaint that publishing it was "uncollegial" makes no sense. Is it uncollegial for news media to deviate from the consensus approach to a story? That makes it sound like the bad old days of Journolist, which tried to get left-leaning media all on the same page.
Consistent with this interpretation is this comment by Tapper: “I think your move makes the story less serious and credible[.] I think you damaged its impact.” The objective, it seems, was to make the story of a derogatory dossier about Trump as impactful as possible. Actually publishing the dossier seemed to Tapper to undermine that objective. And his working assumption--no doubt, correct--is that Buzzfeed shared the goal of Tapper and other elite journalists, to harm Trump. The difference, such as it was, was not in the desired end but in the best means to reach that end.
anti-de Sitter space said...
Having a dick so long that it could be stepped on would be bad.
I think the tipping point for too big of a dick is related to doing two. If sitting on the throne means yur tip is dipping = too big. That's the cut off.
2/9/19, 12:36 PM
In your barbarous way you are almost correct for once. When I was redoing my rat-loft in Brooklyn I had the hardest time at Home Depot badgering the sales guy to find me the seat with the longest (front-to-back) bowl, because it's extremely annoying to have the head hitting the front of the bowl or, gah, wedging under the front of the seat. Especially because I was delicate about describing the problem.
Can the quality of public discourse get any coarser?
Now buzzfeed is in a lawsuit with those three Russian businessman. Libeled in the dossier.
I actually watched most of the lengthy Whittaker testimony. I had very low expectations for everyone involved. The Attorney General, the Dem hacks on the committee, all of them.
And I was actually hoping to see Trump get hurt in the process.
I was very surprised at Whittaker’s composure and competence. The Democrats — to my partisan eyes — looked like jackasses.
Drinking water is good for your kidneys. Is there any end to the fake news?
Forget about stepping on it, for decades Nadler couldn't even grab his dick.
I had the hardest time at Home Depot
‘I need more room to work’ has worked at Home Depot.
BTW, John Dingell died. Time to celebrate!
He was a dick. Which is why I brought it up.
“I think your move makes the story less serious and credible[.] I think you damaged its impact.”
As others have indicated, it is revealing, isn't it.
Publishing the whole thing only make the story "less serious and credible" if the content is itself "less serious and credible."
Which Tapper et al. knew but initially tried to conceal, as if they want democracy to die in darkness.
And of course revealing the incredible also "damaged its impact" because the partial revelation was intended to be a sufficient smear to damage Trump badly, while the full revelation might, and did, boomerang.
Which means that Tapper et al. cared most about having that "impact."
We know that, of course, and always assume the worst, even if Althouse sometimes pretends to be "sad" at the latest prog outrage. Still, it's useful to have such evidence laid out for all to see.
The more common expression is that one steps on one's own dick, in the sense committing a huge faux pas. By the same token, women have been known to step on their tits.
I get an image of a fuckup. But that expression has been around a long time, maybe to the point of being a dead metaphor.
rehajm said...
I think your move makes the story less serious and credible[.] I think you damaged its impact
IOW, our plan would have worked if we had the frightening folder with unidentified contents to wave around. You screwed it all up when you exposed all the goofy crap inside.
I agree.
Jake Tapper, if you found the actual dossier made your story less serious, you shouldn't have presented the story as serious in the first place.
"...that true collegiality would mean he was SUCKING on your dick."
Let's try to keep Kamala Harris out of this.
I am not Laslo.
Probably best not to put your dick where it can get stepped on, metaphorically or otherwise.
Richard Nixon to the media in 1962, after losing California Governor race to Pat Brown:
"You won't have my dick to step on anymore!"
Boy, was he wrong 10 years later.
This is a great blog. Between grabbing pussies and stepping on dicks, there's a lot to learn here:)
OW, our plan would have worked if we had the frightening folder with unidentified contents to wave around. You screwed it all up when you exposed all the goofy crap inside.
Yeah, what happened was that he was bragging about having a big one, then got pantsed.
Tapper was not implying he has a big dick. He is saying he is a big dick.
Sorry I couldn’t get the new emoji to show up, but here it is for Jake and his dossier
In the old days newspapers would compete for "scoops", that is, stories or information the competition didn't have, yet. The point was to attract public custom to a superior news source, in a state of competition. "Collegiality" would have seemed absurd. The expectation of "collegiality" indicates a condition of a lack of competition.
Which is obvious of course. It is a system that not only shares political goals and does not compete, but that coordinates messaging and colludes to exclude actual competitors. This information is just a look inside that system, the sort of thing that happens when some indisciplined component blunders.
Maddow is a Hillary hack.
Yancey said...
Everybody had this dossier before the election took place and they had it because Christopher Steele himself was giving it to them and discussing it with them. Steele wanted them to publish the details- that is what he was paid to do. The media largely didn't publish for political reasons- they knew it would likely backfire on the Clinton Campaign because it was so outlandish. Their judgment was correct, in my opinion. After the election, that calculation changes a bit, but Tapper does seem to have realized that talking about the dossier's existence was better than actually revealing it - that is also correct, in my opinion, but that is a very dishonest road to follow.
Maddow waves hands in the air "We've got him now!"
Up next, after the break.
I used to think that Tapper was sort of honest, or at least tried to be. Now it’s clear that he’s a partisan hack. Did the Russians release this too? Because if they were making up propaganda to undermine American’s faith in our systems, this would have been a brilliant move.
"That's why I wear Gadsen Flag jockey shorts"
What kind of cocksucker is hoping for others to be hurt?
“I think your move makes the story less serious and credible[.] I think you damaged its impact,” Tapper wrote in an email to Smith on Jan. 10, 2017.
“That was pretty uncollegial[.] Not to mention irresponsible[.] No one has verified this stuff,”
This could have been Mel Brooks writing this stuff.
It's a phrase used when someone is crowding you. Especially if some one is looking o ver your shoulder at work. "Stend back. You're stepping on my dick."
More like he irritated Tapper's vag.
If you watch a lot of MSNBC, you get the impression that Trump has often stepped on Rachel Maddow's dick.
"You really chafe my vulva" is also considered 'uncollegial'
Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
If you watch a lot of MSNBC, you get the impression that Trump has often stepped on Rachel Maddow's dick.
With his golf shoes on.
Uncollegial? How about flat-out unprofessional?
Would that invoke standards which are so little used that it's more effective to wax on about metaphorical dick stepping?
And if so, why wouldn't that be of greater import to an industry pillar like Tapper?
It certainly would have been to the industry giants of the preceding age.
Journalism died with Tim Russert.
Ralph L said...
Forget about stepping on it, for decades Nadler couldn't even grab his dick.
Hard to grab something you've never seen.....
Rob... Seriously, bad OLD days of journolist?? At over %90 negative reporting of some of the greatest economic improvement all round? The foreign trade deals happening? The lowest unemployment of the able bodied? You don't see the curtain move, but as buwaya has pointed out repeatedly, there is more than something random going down back there. I smell a rat!
The traditional sign of collegiality is towel snapping.
1st time I've ever seen the word sexier and Rachel Maddow used in the same sentence. Question, if wearing black face is wrong, how long before wearing all black clothing will become inappropriate?
And I was actually hoping to see Trump get hurt in the process.
The above is why no one with a single working brain cell should listen to a single thing you say. No one should hope ANY sitting president is hurt, politically or otherwise. The country and the office is damaged it that happens, but you don’t give a fuck about that. That you feel this way is a testament to your insane, blind hatred.
I am not a lawyer, but if you were the only one left in the planet, I’d rather go to prison for life than trust anything you have to tell me.
Bill, Republic of Texas said...
Did Whitaker really tell a congressCritter that his 5 minutes were up?
Yes, he told the Chairman that. It was about that time that Whitaker was told something along the lines of 'we're not here to listen to Your jokes!'
The Best Joke of the day, was the honorable Representative from El Paso;
that started out by saying that she'd been waiting ALL DAY to ask her question, and that she Only had Five Minutes; and that She Appreciate It if he wouldn't burn up her time, like he had so many others; and that As the honorable Representative from El Paso, her question would be Very Important, and that it Needed to be Answered; and that she Only had Five Minutes (so far, she'd used up about 3 minutes of her time talking about how little time she had).
Then she asked her question, and Whitaker repeated it to her for confirmation? and then her time was gone :)
jeff said...Question,
if wearing black face is wrong, how long before wearing all black clothing will become inappropriate?
That is a Racist comment, you are A Racist for posting it; you Racist!!
Kevin said...
Journalism died with Tim Russert.
Whatever happened to his son?
if you lived in florida, you would know better about tapper, he threw the whole state under the bus, in salon and his book, remaindered in many libraries, all the excuses he could gather to ignore w's win,
many of tapper's colleagues, like lichtblau, who carried the water for mueller and fitz back then, are no longer employed by cnn,
Chuck, Meade is not going to die today, and Althouse is not going to fall into your arms in paroxysms of sobbing grief. Go away.
"That's why I wear Gadsen Flag jockey shorts"
Bumpersticker idea: "I Brake For Jake Tapper's Dick"
Sorry, that was unnecessarily rude of me. Better bumpersticker idea: "Yes, I brake for squirrels, but not smeary squirrels like Chuck"
Meade said...
"That's why I wear Gadsen Flag jockey shorts"
Bumpersticker idea: "I Brake For Jake Tapper's Dick"
You're a helluva guy.
Well, at least Buzzfeed didn't step on Rachel Maddow's dick.
I have zero respect for anyone who takes Rachel Maddow seriously or for anyone who watches her of their own volition.
jeff said...1st time I've ever seen the word sexier and Rachel Maddow used in the same sentence. Question, if wearing black face is wrong, how long before wearing all black clothing will become inappropriate?
How long before she starts her own line of drabwear?
Jake, the only way that could happen is if you were lying down on the job.
Tapper is a flake. Everyone knows that the only use one can properly make of this image is the classic, "He stepped on his own dick." It is used to refer to a massive, self-inflicted fiasco, often involving shenanigans of a sexual nature.
I don't know what Tapper is saying here.
I actually had my dick stepped on as a kid.
I was lying on my side trying to tie-up the play as the goalie in street hockey.
The toe of the other kid's shoe pinned the head of my penis against the asphalt.
Good thing I was wearing heavy gauge jeans.
A little blood in my underwear but I was good to go.
Man-up, Tapper.
I nominate Yancey Ward at 12:44 as the winner of this thread.
Do I hear a second?
Seconded, with a grin.
Well, it turns out that the "legal" justification for the wiretapping was the Logan Act
Do you have a link?
I laughed out loud at this one:
They decided it was illegal for the incoming president to have any contact with foreign nations until he was sworn in. I bet there has never been a president who wasn’t already vice president, who hasn’t violated that interpretation. Certainly Obama has violated it, and John Kerry, both following Trump around on his trips telling foreign governments to ignore him, he will be gone soon.
This was another goodie: https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/the-administration/319955-yes-leaking-flynns-name-to-press-was-illegal-but
Did they ever find out who authorized all of that unmasking? Of course not.
now it was clapper (who I dubbed general magoo) who leaked the dossier to tapper, of course he perjured himself multiple times, but no prosecutor seems interested in investigating that,
There once was a man name of Tapper
Who read out the news like a rapper.
CNN gave him a job
Feeding slops to the mob.
Now Tapper gets his tips from the crapper.
Tapper fell for a story not salubrious
Concerning a dossier most dubious
But when he was aced out
By Buzzfeed's tale raced-out
Tapper whipped out his pecker most tuberous.
Tapper said to Buzzfeed "You're not nice.
You've taken the glory in a trice.
When Pulitzers come
It is clear I'll have none.
You've stepped on my manhood. Get ice."
Rachel Maddow does not have a sexier part.
Unless you think anger or stupidity is sexy.
Yeah....like that fucker has enough dick to step on!!
There once was a man name of Tapper
You start a limerick like that for a guy born in Nantucket??? Blasphemy.
Apropos of nothing:
Did they ever find out who authorized all of that unmasking? Of course not.
They know damn well who it was. But she's another WOC, and a future Presidential hopeful in case Harris flops.
Gonna have me a..beer
Birkel: "Rachel Maddow does not have a sexier part. Unless you think anger or stupidity is sexy."
Careful! Maddow is "brilliant" according to LLR Chuck.
So very magically brillianty "brilliant".
Though not as "masterful" as hack Lawrence O'Donnell...according to our LLR....
Hillary teases a 2020 run - still holds a burning desire to step on our collective dicks.
There is actually a wee segment of the S&M cult that gets into having their dicks stepped on.
It's problematic, however, if you're a woman.
There once was a Dem hack named Tapper
Who fancied his dick a knee capper
He smeared and he lied
but the truth was espied
And his credibility's gone down the crapper
Maybe Maddow wants to have her dick stepped on, too.
There once was a Tapper named Jake
Who thought not a lot ‘ere he spake
He unfurled his dick
Ben Smith gave it a kick
He fell back and stepped on a rake.
Let's see:
A man is said to have "stepped on his own dick" when he makes a stupid mistake of consequence.
A woman, who does something and gets in trouble for it, is said to have "caught her tit in a wringer".
The chefs behind the line at high-volume restaurants, those alpha men (and sometimes women) are known in the craft as "a bunch of swinging dicks". In other words, chefs that can handle anything you throw at them and more.
(still swinging after all these years)
The traditional sign of collegiality is towel snapping.
Really? I hated when someone snapped a towel at me in the locker-room. If the did so, I stepped on their dicks.
If they were smaller then me.
If it really a coincidence that Tapper, Clapper, and Crapper all rhyme?
It takes a wild imagination to believe that your dick is long enough to step on, but to believe CNN has some credibility to lose is just crazy talk.
Making fun of a Republican drinking water worked against Bobby Jindal and Maco Rubio, so why not give it another go?
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