Diaz Barragan gave a quick "no" and immediately shifted into her own topic, Trump:
No, but we need to think about doing what's right and what's right for Virginians and what's right overall. I mean, the race issue in today's day and age with the president at the helm who has been one of the most divisive presidents and, frankly, racist himself, is a conversation we do need to have. But looking at just the line of order and saying we're not going to do that because of the consequence is not the right way to do this. And so for me, I would -- I do think we need to have this conversation and we should continue to have this conversation, but it has to be front and center. And we can't forget about the person who is dividing us and who himself is injecting this into the country to live up again and coming out again. We haven't seen it be this bad in recent time until the president has really made this a race issue whether it's about African-Americans, certainly he's doing it all over the board with immigrants, but we need to have this conversation.That lit up the CNN commentator Nina Turner (who is black):
Jake, I cannot. I just can't. 1984, 1980, Gucci just a few days ago. This is not about President Donald Trump. This is about racism in the United States of America. Congresswoman, I hear you, but on this, we're not blaming President Trump.Diaz Barragan tried to break in — "I'm saying he has divided this country" — and Turner — very excited said:
No, let me just say this... I am not going to continue to let politicians use this man as the excuse to deal with racism in this country. It's been going on for far too long in the United States of America. We need some real truth and reconciliation. Yes, president Trump is a racist. There is no doubt about it. But as we have seen, Democrats delve in racism as well. We've got to stop making this about who is a Republican, who is a Democrat. I want to know who say humanitarian. I want to know who's going to stand up for people's lives, starting with black people's lives. Because when you take care of black lives everybody's life is taken care of. Everyone's life taken care of. So no more about this -- these three men. It had nothing to do with President Trump. What Lieutenant Governor Fairfax is going through don't have nothing to do with President Trump. Northam wearing blackface don't have nothing to do with Donald Trump. Herring, wearing blackface has nothing to do with Donald Trump. This is about racism in the DNA of this country. And I am over it. We are traumatized, Jake, and we are sick of it. Politicians need to stop playing games.
Yes, president Trump is a racist. There is no doubt about it
I doubt it. When would he find the time?
Dems need a new crisis so they can focus attention away from Virginia. Stat.
Unrelated: anyone seen RBG lately?
Yes, Trump is a Racist. Really?? I wish someone would explain to me just what makes Trump a racist, and do the explaining in a sane rational way. Don't just say that because he want's a strong border and strong immigration plan that makes him a racist. Tried of this shit. We had that for 8 yr of BO. I am called a racist just because I am white (and male). This deserved the BS label.
It's racial healing. They blame other whites, not Trump.
FINALLY!! Some sanity coming out of CNN!!!
It had nothing to do with Trump, even though Trump is a racist. What the fuck?
The right focus is idiotic charges in the first place.
I imagine LLR Chuck immediately deleted that CNN segment from his DVR.
Wow! The shit in Virginia really has to stink when even CNN can't stand the stink.
Trump wins again. Watch out elite liberals, your foot soldiers are getting restless.
Trumps racism in a nutshell....https://www.facebook.com/NoLapdogMedia1/photos/a.644924592343900/1177585352411152/?type=3&theater
We're just getting going and words that have already been used: Circular, Firing, Squad. Words that could be used but never will be used: Clown, Car, Dumpster, Fire
I agree with LYNNDH and this is coming from a "never" Trumper (in this case I mean I didn't vote for him, I'm not sure I'll vote for him if he runs for re-election but I'm begrudgingly accepting of the fact he's performed better than I expected, especially with the judiciary). Trump has certainly said some impolitic things and isn't very nuanced. However, just about every time I hear the MSM claim Trump says/tweeted something racist, then go listen to his remarks, in context, or look at the actual tweet, it is clear that the MSM has taken the least charitable view of his remarks if not outright made up outrage over something that actually wasn't said.
When I ask for evidence it's never forthcoming, only an uncharitable paraphrasing of his statement/tweet.
Both claim, without foundation, that Trump is a racist. A pox on both their houses.
Virginia in crisis. The top three officials, all Democrats, refuse to resign, one calling for due process and denying two allegations of sexual assault. The embattled governor says he wants to atone for his past racist behavior. But will that be enough? We will have the latest details.
More of a manufactured crisis, I'd say.
The real crisis is that anointing the fourth-in-line Republican puts him in charge of redistricting.
That's the real crisis they're dealing with down there: how can we appear to live our values while paying absolutely no price for doing so?
wendybar said...
Trumps racism in a nutshell....https://www.facebook.com/NoLapdogMedia1/photos/a.644924592343900/1177585352411152/?type=3&theater
Just felt like linking it again. All that evidence in a meme, in unrefuted and verifiable, and liberals and never-Trumpers can't see it
Blogger Drago said...
I imagine LLR Chuck immediately deleted that CNN segment from his DVR.
Once again you are being a despicable manipulator, liar and slander about Chuck. You know as well as I do that he doesn't look at CNN... he only has eyes for Rachael, and she don't work weekends
I would also add, that if we keep judging yesterday by today's standards we're going to destroy tomorrow (a very likely expectation of the Left).
Of the 3, the only one that should be an issue is Fairfax. If the allegations are true, then he should be tried. Otherwise, stop applying today's standards to yesterday's behavior.
But it is fun watching the Left try to exempt themselves from the rules they've created.
Howard's got you this time, Drago. ;)
The Left in the US has convinced most of the public that Republicans are racists, that Democrats are never racist, that only whites can be racists and that racism is endemic among whites. Democrats are wrong on all counts. Nice to here a Leftist actually think through the meme and declare that Northam's racism is not related to Trump.
Someone ask Turner what she is doing about racism against white folk? Racism against white people is in the DNA, to use her words, of thousands Americans.
I'm sick of Nina Turner's whinging, that's what I'm sick of. No one is a bigger impediment to the advancement of blacks in this country than blacks themselves.
meanwhile back at the rumor mill... Don Jr. telling friends that his indictment from the Mueller Which Hunt is just around the corner.
The Democrats are going to burn the Black man at the cross to spare the minstrels? No wonder Turner isn't going for that.
What a crock. The United States, today, is the most tolerant, non-racist country in the world, and as far as I know, in history. Have these people ever traveled overseas? Acknowledging the US's many imperfections, where is the nation that has done better in this regard, or even as well?
Of course, it is possible to continuously redefine "racism" so that it never recedes as an alleged factor in social outcomes, which is what the Left does all the time. They need boogeymen, and create them, so that they can present themselves as saviors of the oppressed. It is always and everywhere nothing but a cynical power grab.
The truth is that practically no one fails or is held back in the US today because of racism. People fail, or fall behind, because of lack of ability, poor socialization, mental or physical illness, or bad luck. The only one of those factors that can be plausibly influenced by others is socialization, and that is overwhelmingly the effect of experiences in the family during childhood.
"Racism" is the magic multi-tool that the Left whips out whenever they are losing the argument on the merits.
I'd really like someone to explain how anyone besides Northam and Herring was harmed by Northam or Herring wearing blackfaces.
If Nina Tuner wants to keep her CNN job, she better not do that again.
They'll let it go this time, but only because she said Trump is a racist.
I'd ask these two to draw a Venn diagram just to show who isn't a racist at this point.
This is a very strong and specific tipping point in the politics of this nation.
wendybar: FINALLY!! Some sanity coming out of CNN!!!
There are statements that appear to be sensible, isolated from their larger context. When we find them along for the ride in a load of babble that includes phrases like "Trump is racist", etc., what we're witnessing is not a breakthrough of sanity.
When someone starts trotting out comrade-speak like "truth and reconciliation" (way more disturbing than Diaz Barragan tossing the irritating "have a conversation" trope
into her word salad), it's past time for getting alarmed about the way things are going, not relieved.
Trump is not a racist. Most leftwingers - ARE.
"Politicians need to stop playing games."
Translation: I want whitey's stuff. Why don't I have whitey's stuff yet? Politicians need to give me whitey's stuff!
"...don't have nothing to do with Donald Trump."
Did Turner think misusing the double negative make her sound more authentic?
How is what’s going on in Virginia about race/racism in America now?
These two Virginia Ds wore blackface three and half decades ago, when they were callow and in college. It was dumb hi jinks *then* and it wasn’t uncommon *then.* That’s 35 years ago! Neither of them are racists and both are dedicated public servants, agree with them about policy or not. One can say what one wants about their 35 year old blackface as it was then but can say nothing about these men now as racists or what they did 35 years ago as signifying something about race/racism in America now.
And I note too how Turner says blithely in scolding the Congresswoman that Trump is a racist. How easily and conventionally this assertion rolls off so many tongues as if it’s it’s a given. But it’s not a given and on the balance of probabilities I’d judge him not to be one.
In fact Turner’s overall point is that, paraphrase, “Sure Trump is a racist, but his racism oughtn’t to distract us from America’s racism as signified by the Virginia Ds’ 35 year old blackface.” I say, to repeat, Trump isn’t a racist; the 35 year old blackface signifies next to nothing about the state of race in America now and that America isn’t racist as such, certainly not de jure and not de facto either.
The deal is, a rapist and 2 racists are better than an evil rethuglican.
We can't do that.
That's why Bob Menendez winz in leftwing New Jersey. Leftwing criminal trumps any innocent R.
The media is the democrat party and the democrat party is desperate to make sure blacks do not think for themselves.
E Warren just lost her election
“Every day, there is a racist tweet, a hateful tweet, something really dark and ugly,” Warren said. “And what are we as candidates, as activists, as the press, going to do about that? Are we going to chase after those every day? Are we going to let him use those to divide us?”
"We" - notice she admits WE = Democrats and the Media.
Here's a suggestion: The Dems could show their allegiance to principles rather than to power by resigning, all three in mass. This would cause them some short term pan in Virginia, but it would demonstrate to the rest of the nation that they are serious about the ideals they enunciate....,,,In another post, I suggested a crash program to develop gossamer wings to shorten commutation times in the D.C. Area.
Good for Nina Turner, she’s right.
Abortion to ensure the black population doesn’t increase and importation of Mexicans to keep blacks down the last 50 years.
Blacks would have more political power if they formed their own independent coalition and made the two major parties adopt their preferred positions.
Eventually the Latinos will outnumber the blacks in Virginia and then they won’t have to hear about it anymore.
California is the largest state and has very few blacks. No one gives a shit there about this stuff.
America is becoming less white but not more black. The black grievances are going the way of blackface.
Here's something I've always been curious about: why do saintly black leaders like MLK and Nelson Mandela only arise under conditions of white oppression? There is no shortage of despotic governments that oppress their black citizens, but only in white ruled countries do you find such saints as Mandela and MLK.......White Americans are asked to examine their history, and parts of it are indeed shameful. However, I would ask Turner to examine how it happened that in Rwanda neighbors were hunting down neighbors in order to chop them to death with garden tools. Perhaps unrestrained and hateful rhetoric had something to do with this.
“E Warren just lost her election.”
Ha, you wish.
“Every day, there is a racist tweet, a hateful tweet, something really dark and ugly,” Warren said. “And what are we as candidates, as activists, as the press, going to do about that? Are we going to chase after those every day? Are we going to let him use those to divide us?”
Absolutely right. We have enough structural racism, as Nina Turner pointed out. We don’t need Trump’s tweets or utterances distract us from getting the country back on track.
I heard a new Democratic partisan gambit today. It goes like this:
Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax resigns because rape accusations yaddy yada...
Then Governor Ralph Northam appoints former Governor (African-American and Virginia's Democrat-emeritus) Douglas Wilder as Lt. Governor.
Then, Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring both resign because Black-face Et Cetera.
And Douglas Wilder becomes Governor, and the Virginia Democrats start a do-over.
Haha. Completely corrupt.
Warren claimed to be an American Indian. She’s the racist. She took an actual Injun’s spot. Very cynical and corrupt what she did.
Everyday is a fresh lie out of the mouth of the leftwing hivemind.
Do show us Trump's daily racist tweets.
Warren is catering to the lowest common denominator. Shameful.
Lautenberg replaced Florio illegally in NJ decades ago.
Democrats don't even care about the appearance of propriety
These leftie candidates are fighting the last war, trying to appeal to Obama’s constituents but the barber shop black guys aren’t going to vote for a sour white woman. America is also sexist, remember lefties?
Turner's black victimhood trumping Barragan's Mexican victimhood.
Skin games within skin games.
In the voodoo religion, the efficacy of a curse depends on the vehemence with which you deliver it. This is fine for voodoo priests, but it has a downside when politicians start demonizing their enemies with such fierce hatred. I don't know the full circumstances of these politicians ill advised choice of costumes over thirty years ago, but I do know it's possible to direct more hate at them for wearing such costumes than they caused by wearing the costumes.
The Dems are are going after The Black Man in Virginia again.
Trump is a divider, but it takes two to be divided. Trump is a racist, but I can't really point to anything racist that he's fine. Ok, maybe his comment about Mexico not sending its best. Racism is in America's DNA. No. Tribalism, of which racism is a form, is in human nature, but by the standards of anywhere else in Earth present day America is not very racist at all.
And you thought it was satire?
(Two minute hate scene from the movie "1984")
Mandela was a saint, no he was a terrorist, the reason why he could not be classified as a 'prisoner of conscience' the Rivonia trials were not fake, now we give him credit because he didn't push for full nationalization, at the outset, well neither did Mugabe, but they are that point now,
"We are traumatized."
By record low unemployment, higher wages, and an end to immigration policies that hurt blacks??
In 1984 George Wallace was still in office as governor of Alabama. I can't remember if he was also running for president, but even if he was not, he certainly would have been a current topic in the press. And it was after he had "seen the light and come to Jesus" on civil rights, etc.
That could easily be the background for the Northam picture of a blackface minstrel and a KKK get-up having a friendly chat and a drink act at a costume party.
Anyway, as this has developed, Northam needs to stay as governor of Virginia for the good of the party. If he resigns, the guns will really be turned onto Fairfax, and after him to the No. 3 guy. For the Democrats, the best way out is for this to get old and die, and change the subject.
the acceptable hate:
I want to know who say humanitarian
I suspect that is an error in the transcript. It would make sense as I want to know who's a humanitarian
We've got to stop making this about who is a Republican, who is a Democrat.
The quickest, easiest and most reliable way to make this happen is for 50% of the Black community to start voting Republican. Right now the Democrats pay lip service to Black issues because they know they have at least 80% of the Black vote sewn up. The Republicans largely ignore Black issues because they know the Democrats have 80% of the Black vote sewn up. If the Republicans ever pull anywhere near to 50% of the Black vote, I guarantee the next election will focus on Black issues.
I guarantee the next election will focus on Black issues.
You mean like criminal justice reform or lowering black unemployment rates?
Forget it, Jake, it's Trauma Town.
My lived experience includes traumatic facial makeup, so I know what they're completely freaked out about.
Is there nothing the Donald can't do? He handed these two future Democrat politicians tins of black Shinola shoe polish back in the 80s? More than 30 years before he became President?
Doug Wilder would be an acceptable compromise Democrat to the Republicans.
But the Virginia Constitution does not provide for filling a vacancy to the office of lieutenant governor.
Either he would need to be appointed AG, or the Republican Speaker of the House would need to refuse the governorship and the vacancy to that office is filled by the General Assembly with Wilder, if he accepted the job.
Blah, blah, Trump is a racist blah, blah. It's good that someone says the problem transcends party, it would be even more helpful if they would point out that Trump is obviously *not* a racist.
Governor Northam just was on the evening news saying it was now about 400 years ago that the first "indentured servants from Africa" started to arrive in America.
Putting that with his statements about "late term abortion," I am wondering about his competence to be governor. Speaking in public is large part of the job.
Good thing we have people like Rahm Emanuel to “take care of black lives.”
For a racist, President Trump has done more to lift up ALL minorities and women, he is far better than the Democrats.
President Trump is no racist. He has never exhibited any racist actions. President is the most color blind President we have ever had.
I guarantee the next election will focus on Black issues.
You mean like criminal justice reform or lowering black unemployment rates?
Yes, but not exclusively. (and yes I agree with the fact that Trump is the best president for Black people in decades. But the precise problem I am talking about is the fact that Trump will never receive any credit from the Black community for being so.)
I would add failing inner city schools and inner city violence. Black activists would push on "police brutality", the number of Black men in prison, Affirmative Action and increased welfare.
Some of these issues are valid, some aren't. But they sure as Hell would matter.
"We are traumatized."
This is a new form of racism.
There's a theory that stress causes DNA to change in that sidechains form which shut off how genes function at certain times in certain tissues. And theory proposes that African-Americans as the most stressed group in America have many of these stress-induced sidechains in their DNA - and some are being inherited. And that the functions being altered include those that promote social resilience and protect against absorbing violent and criminal behavior from one's surroundings - these protective genes are being turned off. That is why there are high crime rates or poor school outcomes in black neighborhoods.
This is a new form of racism. They used to talk about "bad blood", bad heredity in a given race. Now the DNA - the heredity of a given race - is good but racism through stress has turned it bad. Thus you can say bad things, terrible things, about the heredity of the black community but it isn't racist because you put the blame on the white community. Millennials of all races find this very attractive.
But this is a new form of racism. RACISM. RACISM. Environmental heredity creating a group which is lesser but lesser through the fault of others. Less smart - due to other. Less controlled - due to others. More violent - due to others. A group created lesser by an adverse environment. Not a group held down by the rotten public schools. A group whose DNA makes them lesser - due to racism, yes, but lesser in their genes and in their heredity.
This is false, this is a tricky, slimy, smarmy form of racism. "Oh, I'm so sorry they did that to you - and your little boy, oh so sorry, here we have some preventative drugs, start him early." Indigenous groups around the world refuse to let DNA define them because they understand how it can be used against them. And the American blacks will just have to decide how they will handle this new form of racism in their group. But Republicans and others of good will - never, NEVER, NEVER allow anyone to say that African-Americans are lesser as a group in their DNA because stress or any thing else has made them so. It is false "science", it's racism.
And undoubtedly, Millennials, they'll you get in thirty years for false-outrage face.
"What Lieutenant Governor Fairfax is going through don't have nothing to do with President Trump. Northam wearing blackface don't have nothing to do with Donald Trump."
Wow. Bitch went full ebonic.
Aren't we neglecting the fact that the number two asshole is not accused of wearing blackface? Two white guys wearing blackface twenty or thirty years ago is pretty obviously unacceptable. But since when do we fire a brother just for raping a couple bitches? Hell, it wasn't even, you know, rape-rape.
LLR Chuck: "I heard a new Democratic partisan gambit today."
Funny on so many levels.
Two negatives meaning negative is not an error in black American dialect.
The dementia issue disappeared over time..which may be a first.
But they always come back to Old Faithful...comfortable in trumping Alveda King.
I want to know who's going to stand up for people's lives, starting with black people's lives.
But note you still have to support racism she approves of in order to get past party lines.
Sorry, I can't support racism in exchange for not being called a racist. If I found that trade worthwhile I'd already be a leftist.
"Illegal alien" is not a race.
And theory proposes that African-Americans as the most stressed group in America have many of these stress-induced sidechains in their DNA
I got an idea. How about as an indicator of societal stress we use suicide rates? (For ease of understanding, see bar graphs at end of article).
It's interesting, in spite of all the social stressors that afflict the black community, how low "relatively" low their suicide has been & still is.
I often wonder for how many more centuries we will be hearing the "Woe is me,I'm Black and you're a racist" bullshit.
Trump has been caring for black peoples lives much more than the racist democrats. Creating manufacturing and blue collar jobs that black Americans can get. Reducing illegal aliens so that black people do not have to compete against slave labor in the job market. Criminal justice reform. Tax policies that help middle and lower income people.
Getting rid of the title ix witch hunts that threaten any and all black male students.
Donald J Trump has been the most pro black president in two generations. No ONE can call themselves an objective "journalist" and still allow that racist smear yo go unchallenged. But then the media is a democrat propaganda arm.
Trump isn’t in fact racist. But if we are going to hold people accountable for blackface there are a whole bunch of leftists who should lose their careers since they did black face and were never punished for it
"What Lieutenant Governor Fairfax is going through don't have nothing to do with President Trump"
Hmmm. Didn't she mean to say
"What Vanessa Tyson went through don't have nothing to do with President Trump"
After getting a prolonged glimpse of Coonman, I'm not sure which is more concerning, that he's a governor, or that he's a pediatrician.
Explain how trump went back in time to put this guy in black face or a klan outfit.
The really fun part is that the prospect of a Republican becoming Governor makes it more feasible for Northam and Fairfax to hold onto their jobs. So the type of power play that they might use to bootstrap in another D Governor makes their positions more precarious. Not a good way to promote teamwork.
Oh but the fact that the lieutenant governor has two credible rape accusations against him, that's Trump's fault, right? I mean, Trump has to be guilty of something.
I mean trump was honored, *as a humanitarian*, alongside Rosa Parks. Worst. Racist. Ever.
"Lautenberg replaced Florio illegally in NJ decades ago.
Democrats don't even care about the appearance of propriety"
That was Robert "The Torch"Torricelli. New Jersey has the best politrickions mony can buy.
'Because when you take care of black lives everybody's life is taken care of.' That's one weird sentence.
I testified in front of Nina Turner when she was an OH State Senator. She looks at everything, and I do mean Every Little Thing, thru the lens of 1) race and 2)her preferred narrative. Full stop. Decades ago Democrats decided that tribalism was the hill they would defend. No one told them to be careful what you wish for, their "intersectional" tribalism will be the hill they die on.
I can't wait for the pictures to come out of guys dressed in drag in the 80's and how that makes them transphobic now. I think that having a costume choice that you made nearly 40 years ago ruin your career is stupid. I abhor racism but God forbid we look at their most recent behavior and not some costume choice from ages ago to determine whether to remove them from office. Governor Northam should be removed but not for black face - he should be removed for endorsing the murder of babies after they are born. That is way more radical than we should accept or allow to become mainstream. Whatever you may think about abortion, we should all be able to agree that killing a baby after it's born is abhorrent!!
Interesting poster on Trump's racism.
You could do the same for Trump is Putin's Puppet.
Ahhh, the power of media with a mission from God.
Blah blah blah blah RACIST!!!!!11! blah blah blah blah RACIST!!111!!! blah blah blah blah. . . . . ..
Regarding William (posted at 4:46pm on the 10th) and partly answered by Narciso at 5:29 pm on the 10, the question of why Dr. King and Nelson Mandela were able to affect change in "white ruled" countries is really quite simple.
I suspect you already know, but it isn't all "white ruled" countries, only those who have been influenced by the traditions of British law. And to completely follow the trail one has to include Gandhi.
Gandhi was trained as an English barrister. When he got to South Africa he used his training to affect change in the status of South Asian immigrants in South Africa. He moved on to India and became active in the independence movement utilizing public relations and protest to raise consciousness amongst the English and to tie the authorities up in the details of their own legal reasoning and understandings.
Marine Luther King took Gandhi as his model, and MLK was operating within the United States, a strong follower of English jurisprudence. While certain statutes (and the underlying understanding which had resulted in those statutes) had to change, the basic philosophy of English and American common law underwrote the possibility of change and protected those who were agitating for change.
Mandela had clerked in a law firm, read law, and attended law school in South Africa. Too busy with his campaign to abolish apartheid, he failed to graduate, but the education and understanding was rooted in his mind. While incarcerated he completed a law degree by correspondence with the University of London. Thus, Mandela led South Africa rejected marxist anti-private property actions in contrast to Mugabe's Zimbabwe.
Because of training in English and American law, those who were minorities were given the space to affect change nonviolently.
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