From "Virginia Capitol Thrown Into Chaos as Pressure on Northam Intensifies" NYT.
Here's that WaPo article, "Va. Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax denies sex assault allegation from 2004":
The woman approached The Post after Fairfax won election in November 2017 and before he was inaugurated in January 2018, saying she felt like she had an obligation to speak out... Fairfax and the woman told different versions of what happened in the hotel room with no one else present. The Washington Post could not find anyone who could corroborate either version. The Post did not find “significant red flags and inconsistencies within the allegations,” as the Fairfax statement incorrectly said....Fairfax waiting in the wings is no longer wonderfully convenient for Democrats. I picture Northam waiting this out and surviving. I expect all those presidential candidates to just shut up about the embarrassing Virginia situation and move on to something else, and I expect Republicans to get back to super-late-term abortions.
The woman described a sexual encounter that began with consensual kissing and ended with a forced act that left her crying and shaken. She said Fairfax guided her to the bed, where they continued kissing, and then at one point she realized she could not move her neck. She said Fairfax used his strength to force her to perform oral sex.
The Washington Post, in phone calls to people who knew Fairfax from college, law school and through political circles, found no similar complaints of sexual misconduct against him. Without that, or the ability to corroborate the woman’s account — in part because she had not told anyone what happened — The Washington Post did not run a story.
She said she never told anyone about what happened at the time or in the years that followed until shortly before she approached The Post. The Post reached out to the woman again Monday and she has not returned messages....
So Fairfax leaked the Blackface-N-Klansman photo and now Northam leaked the sexual assault story.
Or maybe Trump is behind both.
". . . The Washington Post had investigated the claims around the time of the lieutenant governor’s inauguration last year but did not publish an article."
Yell, and yell, and yell some more that the Woman is to be Believed, but only if the accusations are leveled at a Republican.
This double-standard/hypocrisy sickens me.
Governor Northam should nominate Lieutenant Governor Fairfax to the Virginia Supreme Court and see what happens.
Looks like the Post tried to Darken Democracy by not publishing.
The Washington Post had investigated the claims around the time of the lieutenant governor’s inauguration last year but did not publish an article
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
"Thrown Into Chaos"
Sounds like the Greek Gods whipping the town
Way out East, they got a name for Gov. his Lt. and the AG
They call the Lt. "Rapist, " the AG "Republican"
And the Gov, they call Pariah.
I think what we're learning here is that the kinds of election professionals Republicans hire are actually really bad at oppo research.
They were responding to an accusation published late Sunday that in 2004 he sexually assaulted a woman while at the Democratic National Convention in Boston
What is it with lefties and forbidden sex at the convention? Do they all fantasize about participating in the 1988 Rob Lowe underage sex video? Extra creepy...
How the governor already isolated?
The Dem establishment seems like a cat trying to violently regurgitate a hairball. But the hairball still refusing to come up.
Good thing for them that the LG claims came out before Northam resigned.
There was a time ago - a long time ago - I actually would vote Democrat and attend Democratic party events.
To your questions - you have no idea. I came away from several, including one convention, that felt like singles mixers. The aura was overpowering, especially for those - like myself - in their mid to late 20s. That much power, sex, alcohol, and travel does have an effect for sure, especially when someone else is paying for a lot of it. I heard one operative remark about some other operative colleague that he'd brought a new group of interns with him in language that could only be described as in they knew exactly what they were there for and what they planned to do.
We can now see the hierarchy of victimization. All women are to be believed unless the accused is a black man with a promising political future!
"I think what we're learning here is that the kinds of election professionals Republicans hire are actually really bad at oppo research."
This is true. If they even bother to campaign.
Interestingly, Gillespie was a "a senior advisor to Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign".
Which may explain some things.
“Modern journalism is all about deciding which facts the public shouldn't know because they might reflect badly on Democrats.” -- Jim Treacher
Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.--Iowahawk
'nuff said
Was it rape-rape or just a grope that made her feel bad?
It sounds like the Washington Post behaved exactly as you would have expected a media organization to behave in light of a he said/she said situation like that.
Sadly, no one can expect the news media to act so responsibly anymore when it comes to Republicans.
We are only skeptical, and I mean seriously, deeply, skeptical, when the allegations are against Democrats. Why? Well, because we know Republicans are all like that, so it totally fits. Whereas Democrats are the good guys.
"The Washington Post had investigated the claims around the time of the lieutenant governor’s inauguration last year but did not publish an article"
Democracy dies in darkness, but Democrats win when people are kept in the dark.
If you don't complain at the time it didn't happen. Fog of memory, grudges, resentments, suspicions nursed for years.
Women are a sex of retroactive mind-changers.
Virginia is for lusters.
I get it. Republican- believe all women
Democrat - smother the story with a pillow.
The democrat propaganda arms at work.
She has a right to be believed, you know.
Time for The Senators to demand that Fairfax resign.
There is an allegation of sexual assault
There are problems with a yearbook page.
I'm thinking Brett Kavanaugh might be behind these leaks. He's coming for The Senators next.
The Count of Monte Cristo
". . . The Washington Post had investigated the claims around the time of the lieutenant governor’s inauguration last year but did not publish an article."
Hmmm, I wonder what happened last year?
If it wasn't for double standards, we wouldn't have no standards at all.
She said Fairfax used his strength to force her to perform oral sex.
What? No teeth in her head?
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Hypocrisy Lies in Marxists
Bureaucracy Thrives in Largeness
Northam should resign; Fairfax should resign; any chance we can get the Washington Post to resign?
Virginia Capitol Thrown Into Chaos Because Governor Might Have Worn Wrong Make-up 30-Some Years Ago.
It's so silly.
Isolated from Virginia Dem leaders?
I thought I heard U.S. Senators Kaine and Warner came out in support of Wortham?
How to Tell Love from Passion
Thurber and White
Dems started all this. I’m loving every minute of it. I hope he doesn’t resign and this just keeps going and growing. LMAO!
What would the NYT do if it encountered real chaos?
Ruh roh.
Black face vs black rapist
Must. find. popcorn.
The sexual accusation against Fairfax that the WaPost "investigated" is the classic double standard.
If against a Dem, just a mere "allegation," where's the conviction?
If against a Repub, believe all women!
I presciently misread my State motto -- which replaces the V in the last word with a little heart-- to say "Virginia is for Losers".
He is wearing a Michael Jackson costume.
Republicans can just wait until that awesome Michael Jackson blackface moonwalk video surfaces.
Pretty slick how the New York Times "covered" the Fairfax revelations, as a passing reference to its competitor's reporting with a longer article.
Quaestor said...
"She said Fairfax used his strength to force her to perform oral sex."
What? No teeth in her head?
Unfortunately, too many federal government employees in Virginia for it to be the...
Last State House on the... Left?
In the picture of the guys by the car, the guy wearing the plaid pants is not Northam and is shorter than Northam.
However, Michael Jackson often wore pants that were cut a bit short at the ankles. To get that look for himself, Northam borrowed his shorter friend's plaid pants.
The yearbook picture shows Northam dressed in a Michael Jackson costume.
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand should invite the accusing woman to attend the State of the Union address.
This is a new publicity opportunity for Gillibrand, who invited Mattress Girl to attend a previous State of the Union speech.
It's all so confusing. Fairfax is the one accused of sexual assault, but Northam is the one who likes beer. You know we have to believe the accuser, of course. The incident is indelible on the hippocampus.
Interestingly, the Washington Post disabled comments on the Justin Fairfax story, a marked contrast from the thousands of comments they allowed on each of many days' Brett Kavanaugh stories.
The guillotine must be fed.
Feed your head.
The plaid pants pic was from Northam's high school yearbook I think which would have been 7 years or so before his final year at med school. It's hard to believe those pants stayed in fashion that many years!
Who art the man in the paid pants so that we may kill him too?
1948 -- the mystery of Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers' pumpkin papers
2019 -- the mystery of Ralph Northam and Terry Smoot's plaid pants
When your defense is "yes, I had sex with that woman, but it was consensual," you're already 80 percent of the way to a finding of guilt. And when the woman makes the charge over a year earlier, there is less of a motive for her to be lying about it.
The picture of the guys standing by the car is labeled Hi-Y, which was a high-school club associated with the Young Men's Christian Organization.
Three of the club's officers are Whites, and two are Blacks. Unfortunately, the photo's caption does not clearly match the names and officers.
How did those plaid pants get from that one guy in high school to Northam in medical school?
This is very interesting, even though the scandal is absurd.
Our resident dullard #IngaKnew avoiding these posts like they had the clap.
The dynamic duo from Virginia, that would be Gov Abortham and Groper Fairfax, could go for a hike on the Appalachian Trail and find themselves.
They could go as (Mark) Sanford and Son.
Two of the five officers of Hi-Y were Blacks. I wonder if either of them will come to Northam's defense.
Such an act would be courageous. The defender would be denounced angrily by the entire Congressional Black Caucus.
Maybe one of those two Blacks taught Northam how to dance like Michael Jackson.
Yes but was the LG wearing a Klan outfit or in black face when he sexually assaulted her?
I'm going to quit my job and write a novel called Brotherhood of the Traveling Pants.
Finally I have a good idea that might make me rich!
Twitter hides a Gladys Knight interview on CNN because it was deemed “sensitive”
This doesn’t sound like a confident movement to me.
Is the NYT soliciting stories from other Fairfax victims?
All you need then Mike is to get parents to buy it for their sons who will never actually read it. Because that’s how the other one seems to have worked.
I, for one, #BelieveAllWomen.
I mean I had some trouble with that concept at first (with uncritically accepting any and all accusations when made by any woman against any man) but I learned my lesson, yes indeed. Weird that the WashPo investigated these allegations earlier (allegedly) but didn't choose to write it up--the excuse that they found only uncorroborated accusations and therefore didn't have any story to run makes just zero sense given the new should at least have merited a "here's another accusation/he-said-she-said story about a local politician." Inexplicable lapse!
Wikipedia: Seppuku
Wikipedia: Kaishakunin
Have some self respect, politicians!
If I could stick a knife in my heart
Suicide right on stage
Would it be enough for your [wokeness] lust
Would it help to ease the pain?
Ease your brain?
If I could dig down deep in my heart
Feelings would flood on the page
Would it satisfy ya, would it slide on by ya
Would ya think the boy's insane?
He's insane
They haven't gotten around to reporting the REAL news yet. You'll know it's a story when the "Republicans Pounce/Republicans Seize" headlines show up!
The first rule of the cult is that you don't dwell on science, logic, or human rights. The second rule is that you don't expose the Gosnells who are leading social progress.
Believe all women...
Unless they accuse a democrat...
Then it's - destroy all women.
Teh Democratic Party - not just the Republicans - need to grow a pair and quit sucking up to the MSM.
"WaPo concluded..."
LOL That's funny. Super-Media digs deep. Finds no wrong doing.
GOP oppo-research - total suckage.
Not that I give them total blame. When the entire corrupt machine is against you, it's hard to find good people to do good work. It's time for the common man to join Project Veritas.
I could never be in Northam's situation, because I never learned how to moon-walk. Therefore I never would have pretended to be Michael Jackson in a dance contest.
I dodged that bullet in my life.
Washington Post could not find anyone who could corroborate either version.
A reasonable question is whether they looked all that hard for evidence to corroborate her version.
super-late-term abortions
@Althouse, much better than writing "infanticide." Waaaayyy better than "post-partum abortions." Good euphemism.
With such a story, why would one stop at one news outlet?
“Does anybody think it’s any coincidence that on the eve of potentially my being elevated that that’s when this uncorroborated smear comes out?” Mr. Fairfax told reporters surrounding him in the rotunda of the state capitol about whether he believes Mr. Northam, a fellow Democrat, was behind the accusation coming to light.
- NY Times today.
There may be trouble in Paradise as the Times implies that Northam is attempting to abort Fairfax just before his crowning.
tim in vermont: Twitter hides a Gladys Knight interview on CNN because it was deemed “sensitive”
"This video may contain sensitive material."
They were referring to that Lemon idiot being an idiot to La Knight, right? I can see how some people might find that offensive.
I got the strangest impression that he didn't really know who she was.
She should have just told the WaPo that she told a dead cop who told her he never filed a report.
Keep him comfortable while the discussion ensues.
Teh Democratic Party - not just the Republicans - need to grow a pair and quit sucking up to the MSM.
It's an intra-Dem matter. They've got a white man purge in progress.
On the one hand, yeah, they should tell the MSM, etc. to piss right off. On the other hand, they sowed the wind, so...ha ha ha.
Democracy Dies in Darkness isn't their motto, it's their mission statement.
Whole lotta Republican pouncing going on today.
Aside from the obvious double standard of the Washington Post reporting, or rather lack thereof, what struck me odd in the NY Times article was this.
But even after meeting Sunday night with a group of his African-American aides, most of whom told him the only way he could clear his name would be to quit,
How would the Governor resigning clear his name? If anything doesn't it do the opposite? Isn't it an admission of guilt? Is him resigning like an act of penance? Does this absolve him of partaking in an incredibly offensive joke costume 30 years ago? If neither person depicted was him and he was merely incredibly offensive joke adjacent does that lower the penance he needs to perform?
Whole lotta Republican pouncing going on today.
I haven't followed that many articles on this story. Have there been lots of pieces covering it as a process story about how Republicans are seizing on a political opportunity? It seems like the Democrat establishment has the long knives out for the Governor, so I would be surprised if the media tried to protect him.
So... Remember when Democrats were the "serious" party?
I don't think they're bad at it. They're just playing at different rules for OPPO research. Look. The WaPo was given a scoop and demured not to hurt their preferred political party. Even if Republicans had the facts they couldn't do much with them.
"Even if Republicans had the facts they couldn't do much with them."
Couldn't or wouldn't? Where there's a will there's a way. That picture would get memed all over and would have to be addressed. Leaflets if nothing else.
"The WaPo was given a scoop and demured not to hurt their preferred political party. "
Of course. The problem is that this particular story was not given to other venues. Its something like the Weinstein story, given to NBC and suppressed. Granted that the subject was not very prominent - a candidate for Virginia Vice-Gov. But both stories together?
See. I think Fairfax deserves the same wait and see I gave Kavanaugh. The beauty is watching the left squirm over it. No corroborating proof indeed they say. I wonder how long for accuser #2 to appear.
A hole lotta squirrel going on. Don't let the door hit you on the cha-ching on your way out of the WaPo Althole
Tell us the important things Howie. Save us!
True story, my mom fed a squirrel walnuts and called him Walter. One day, Walter showed up preggers, so she named it Will Mena.
I knew you'd deliver.
I wonder if anyone at the WaPoo comprehends how loathsome this story makes them look. Hollywood, the Catholic Church, US Gymnastics, Penn State, WaPo. They think if they pedal fast enough they can kep moving when the wheels fall off.
Matthew Sablan said...
See. I think Fairfax deserves the same wait and see I gave Kavanaugh. The beauty is watching the left squirm over it. No corroborating proof indeed they say.
Fairfax now says she asked for it
Jonathan Martin
Replying to @jmartNYT
NEW: An extraordinary day turns chaotic as Fairfax suggests Northam is behind "a smear" aimed at blocking his ascent to the governorship and recounts a sexual encounter with a woman he said was "very interested in me."
Back in last election?
That's playing the long game.
I want to see this dance called the Republican Pounce.
Buzzards circle. Hyenas circle. Firing squads line up.
Who first thought up that image of the circular firing squad?
I first heard it as a Polish joke as a kid. Yes, that was in the '60's.
....and it's only a problem if your divisor can divide 360 degrees evenly.
The circular firing squad is basically the woke Democratic base turning on a Democrat politician when they've been revealed to have been unforgivably unwoke at some point in the past.
The problem is that all people are sinners in some fashion against whatever is woke in the here and now, and it's difficult to know what is going to be woke even a few weeks down the road to say nothing of 2020. With forgiveness not exactly being a thing among the left, their politicians can't predict everything in their past that might be disqualifying in their future. I predict the 2020 primaries are going to be full of dumpster fires similar to the Northam mess as the oppo research teams ruthlessly try to take out their fellow Democrats in this fashion.
cyrus83 wrote: “The circular firing squad is basically the woke Democratic base turning on a Democrat politician when they've been revealed to have been unforgivably unwoke at some point in the past.”
Ouroboros Moment.
Watch out! It could be “Youroboros” moment next...
I don't think they're bad at it. They're just playing at different rules for OPPO research. Look. The WaPo was given a scoop and demured not to hurt their preferred political party. Even if Republicans had the facts they couldn't do much with them.
If the Republicans had gone to the media with either of the Virginia stories, the media would have covered it as "Dirty tricks by the Republicans". However, that being said, when Northam accused his opponent of being a racist (tried and true Democratic strategy #1) the picture should have been known about and "leaked" to popular media. If the Republicans had the picture and didn't use it...they were stupid. If they didn't have the picture, they were incompetent.
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Mike Sylwester said...
Two of the five officers of Hi-Y were Blacks. I wonder if either of them will come to Northam's defense.
Such an act would be courageous. The defender would be denounced angrily by the entire Congressional Black Caucus.
Maybe they have no wish to defend him. I looked several times and none of them was smiling, none looked happy to be there. Maybe if they talked it would sink him good.
I still say Northam is connected with a terrorist cell, the KKK, and should be made to talk. If his wife is one, so be it.
As for Fairfax, the woman went down on him willingly enough, but at the end he held her head and made her take it.
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