Yes this wreaks of green lantern syndrome, why did they use Blake lively, ost why did this already mailed product and not black widow get her own movie.
Democrats, led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Green New Deal, have been claiming the world will end in twelve years if Climate Change is not addressed.
To highlight their commitment to the urgent need, Speaker Nancy Pelosi created a House subcommittee dedicated to selling the need for the Green New Deal. To reinforce the urgency, the new House Oversight Subcommittee scheduled a hearing with the intent to target climate change deniers called: “The Denial Playbook”. The hearing was today.
A panel was set to deliver testimonials and statements to advance the priorities of the Democrat congressional team selling the Green New Deal; except, well, the majority Democrats ran into a problem…. they didn’t show up for the hearing.
According to the position of Democrats and the GND supporters, the world is ending in less than twelve years. Yet, no-one shows up for their Climate Change hearing?
With only two democrats showing up for the hearing; and highlighting the fraud that surrounds the entire premise of the effort; and with four sub-committee republicans who did show up, outnumbering the Democrat majority; ranking minority member Louie Gohmert made a motion to adjourn. The adjournment motion passed 4 votes to 2 and the hearing was adjourned.
From USA Today. Madison Wisconsin. Number 4 on the list of drunkest cities in the USA
Pct. adults drinking to excess: 25.9% Pct. driving deaths involving alcohol: 38.0% Est. number of restaurants and bars: 1,464 (225.6 per 100,000) Median household income: $68,497 All four U.S. metro areas with the highest excessive drinking rates are in Wisconsin, and Madison is fourth. Some 25.9% of adults in the metro area report drinking excessively compared to 18.0% of adults nationwide. There are about 226 bars and restaurants for every 100,000 Madison metro area residents. Nationwide, there are 184 drinking establishments per 100,000 people.
Nearly 44,000 students attend the University of Wisconsin in Madison. College students often report high levels of binge drinking, likely contributing to the city's overall excessive drinking rate.
adSs: "I agree. Yur the only one out of many billions of people who wonder that."
I think you meant to write Kurt Eichenwald agreed, and naturally you follow.
But, for the record, I do think its nice that adSs, Democrat, is openly declaring zero concern over the number of slaves murdered by the ancestors of a current democrat Presidential candidate and attacking a republican who mentions it.
I see that President Trump has given China an extension on the upcoming tarriff increases. I assume it is to keep them on the hook about keeping the pressure on NK. China has gone from zero to our main economic competitor in 50 years by stealing our IP. NK is a 70 year old problem and longtime threat. I am astounded by the the progress this President has made on these longstanding problems in such a very short time.
“A North Texas teen who admitted to lying to police about being kidnapped and raped by three black men on March 8, of 2017 will likely only get probation.
Breana Harmon, 19, of Pottsboro, Texas was reported missing to the Denison Police Department after witnesses say her car door open and her phone and keys on the ground.
Several hours later, Harmon walked into a local church dressed in a shirt, bra, and underpants. She claimed she'd been kidnapped by three black men, wearing ski masks. She told authorities she'd been raped by two of them, while the third held her down.
Harmon pleaded guilty Thursday to four felony charges of tampering with physical evidence and government documents.
No suspects were ever identified or arrested in the case.
Bob Jarvis, Harmon's attorney told the Herald Democrat that his client is "remorseful" for what she did.
"China has gone from zero to our main economic competitor in 50 years by stealing our IP. NK is a 70 year old problem and longtime threat. I am astounded by the the progress this President has made on these longstanding problems in such a very short time."
What progress? Is he stealing IP from them?
Samsung and Huawei both have folding phones. I looked for Apple rumors: nothing that interesting seems like it's around the corner.
Sure, that's just one tiny thing re tech (and most folks aren't into paying 2 or 2.6 grand for a phone), but it's not obvious that China still needs or will always continue to need to steal tech from us.
Li'l Tomahawk Lizzie Warren's family actually participated in the abuse of Cherokee Tribe members on the Trail of Tears...
Kamala Harris is descended from vicious slaveowners in Jamaica...
Bernie Sanders vacationed in the Soviet Union, got his naked partying in with his commie comrades, defended Fidel Castro and his regime and recently defended commie murderer Maduro...
..and lefties on this blog are running around with their hands over their heads saying lawdy lawdy I aint never heard of no Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!! Sounds like a republican/russian plot!!
Inga: "Drago, I suspect you’ll dissapear and we won’t see hide nor hair of you after the Mueller report is finished and published. I wouldn’t blame you."
Given your track record, thats money in the bank the other way.
“A North Texas teen who admitted to lying to police about being kidnapped and raped by three black men on March 8, of 2017 will likely only get probation. "
Inga: "If that young woman lied about being raped by three black men 50 years ago in the Deep South, there would be three black men swinging from nooses."
I am not responsible for what democrats did in the south 50 years ago.
Looking at the prosecution memo, which reacts unnecessarily I and thata only in the first 13 out of more than 500 pages! I imagine there will be redactions to protect the gulity.
“One day before Michael Cohen appears before the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a conservative firebrand from Florida and a White House ally, accused President Trump’s former lawyer of straying from his marriage and suggested that his wife would leave him once he goes to prison.
“Hey @MichaelCohen212 - Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat. I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot…””
Calling the House Ethics Comittee, toxic spill in Aisle 9!
The long knives came out today on the morning Schmoe. Schmoe and his co-host and sexual submissive, along with Failed and shunned Missouri Ex Senator, Claire McCaskill, went after the new Democrat Star. It seems AOC has yet to open a constituency office in her district. She is the only freshman congress critter that has not opened an office. When asked, AOC asked the reporter what she thought her constituents wanted. An office where the voters could get answers from an actual congress critter? Or their congress critter leading and advocating on important national issues. Like running off 25,000 jobs that averaged $125k per year, or managing cow farts and eliminating the internal combustion engine in 12 years.
The adults are going to bend her the their will, or she will be primaried into the unemployment lines.
I wonder which cigar store Indian they'll put forward
The people of Great Britian realized it was a huge mistake and pushed their leaders to vote the way they did today. They don’t want Brexit. They’ve had massive buyers remorse.
Inga: "The people of Great Britian realized it was a huge mistake and pushed their leaders to vote the way they did today."
Thanks for making my point.
IF anti-brexit wins THEN game over. IF pro-brexit wins THEN delay delay delay until time runs out and call for new election Repeat until desired lefty result achieved...
"You can vote your way into socialism, but you always have to shoot your way out"
Of course also spinelli spent years weaving this spider web, that does what 1,000 of battles from Normandy on, had prevented the subjugation of the UK to germany.
Rouhani, who is still having a heck of a time, dealing with the protests which have been blotted out as they were in Venezuela lied to p 5+ 1 contact group along with mousavian
“Democrats on Tuesday pushed unprecedented legislation through the House to block President Trump's national emergency declaration to steer billions of extra dollars to his southern border wall, raising the prospect that Trump might issue his first-ever veto to defeat the effort.
The vote was 245-182, with all Democrats voting yea and 13 Republicans joining them.”
The last time lefties made a big deal about some guy's supposed "bravery" and "courage" and "honor" it was in the White House Rose Garden...and that "hero" was deserter Bowe Bergdahl who helped the taliban kill other American soldiers.
He has put pressure on them economically with actions and threats. We hold the upper hand economicaly. There is a lot of professional agreement with the Trump strategy. Obviously NK is intertwined. It ain't going to get done in 2 years. Maybe 8.
"but it's not obvious that China still needs or will always continue to need to steal tech from us."
Not always. That the point of it. We'll be stealing from them if the playing field isn't leveled.
This is problematic, than again so is letting him back in England
Later Inga is not going to appreciate Earlier Inga offerings.
This could be the worst matter/anti-matter encounter since wwww and Inga had to stop pretending they didnt know anything about dems supporting the killing if babies born alive.
Ill bet we could get the dems to support building the wall if we promised to only use the body parts of babies born alive as the pieces.
As was made clear from the Court-ruled Tech-forensic analysis PROVED non-edited versions of those tapes, those Planned Parenthood "workers"/ghouls literally shrieked with delight when they found whole legs, and arms, and, as the gal on camera said point blank: whole heads.
I'm an old man and most labrador puppies, if properly cared for, will live longer than me. I take some comfort from the fact that the world is going to end in twelve years and that I won't be missing out on much. I was a little bummed out by this whole mortality thing, but if everybody else perishes with me, then I won't feel so bad. In fact, I'll feel somewhat lucky in being the last generation on planet earth to have lived out a natural life span. Shame about AOC though. She looked like she was having a good time,and who wouldn't want to live forever in a Netflix world where there are no commercials.
A vote against civil rights, and, in close association, against emigration reform, for refugee crises, for social justice, for selective-child, and for green as in naive deals.
Firm that created iconic Bernie ad out:
They do find ways of ignoring a host of statutes. Re Zarif one of Kerry's bffs, they will probably switch him out for some pasdaran (revolutionary guard) supergrade.
Inga: "I’ve got some really good snacks for the Cohen testimony! Can’t wait! How about you Drago? Maybe you’ll want some alcohol."
The lefties gave the game away again today when they were quoted as saying Cohen would have some interesting "anecdotes" to share.
I almost fell out of my seat laughing over that one.
I hope Cohen shares the "anecdote" about how he and Trump kidnapped Lindbergs baby...and then later that year flew to Havana where they had some Cubana "ladies" pour coconut milk over them in the bed that Teddy Roosevelt slept in.
Wait til you hear the one about Trump and Cohen in Chicago with bleach and a rope!!
Poor Inga. Toobin was sending as many signals as he could for the looney lefties to cool their jets. But once you've gone all in on the hoax dossier, I guess you gotta keep believing...even when the lefty media types are warning "slow down"...
In the 80s the soviets were running a corporate espionage network in France called fairwell I'm guessing that inspired part of the plot from a view to a kill, how max zorin company was transferring emp proof chips to the sovo
On the Caracas front, Ramos found this 'speaking truth to power' doesn't work in real police states. The trickle of enlisted personal to colombiA some of whom included the feared faes is proceeding.
What, again? I'm not that interesting unless you want to chat about toddlers, analytics, or kid TV shows. I am interested in talking about how the internet is changing the American public sphere & socialization.
How can he want to argue about politics this much? I got nothing for you. If you were in high school, I'd suggest high school debate, but you gotta argue both sides of a policy or idea.
Does anyone want to chat about Meghan Markle? What's up with her father and half-sister?
Anyone see that facebook language question about regions? Fun! Do you say soda or pop. I say soda-pop or soft drink. Firefly or lightning bug? Kitty corner or diagonal?
Ot, people are considering Arnie hammer to replace Ben Affleck as Batman, he was very good in social network I didnt realize he was playing both vinklevossi, and on the undertated guy ritchie vehicle, man from uncle.
To be clear, any Indian of reasonably high caste - that is, someone like K.Harris mother for instance - is certainly descended from slaveowners. Slavery was an ancient tradition and continued into modern times, and some say to this day, concealed in various ways.
Yay, Methodists! Nice to see the "progressives" actually lose a fight.
If you haven't read it yet, there was an amazing speech by a Liberian theologian, taking American liberals to task for their arrogance in imposing western sexual mores on African Christians. (via Dreher)
"But we know of no compelling arguments for forsaking our church’s understanding of Scripture and the teachings of the church universal. And then please hear me when I say as graciously as I can: we Africans are not children in need of western enlightenment when it comes to the church’s sexual ethics. We do not need to hear a progressive U.S. bishop lecture us about our need to “grow up.”"
They were trying for the ethos of the Frank Miller comic but it doesn't translate, nolan captured the character best.
Oh yeah, that was obvious in the Batman v. Superman movie, but yeah, doesn't translate without the whole Dark Knight Returns storyline behind it. I did like the throwaway laugh line in the Justice League movie between Alfred & Batman, something to the effect: "Remember when the worst thing we had to worry about was exploding mechanical penguins?" You do get the sense there of two guys who have been around a while.
wwww: "I'm not that interesting unless you want to chat about toddlers, analytics, or kid TV shows."
Why didnt you just say so?
Perhaps we could chat about Harry Lasker, his career as an individual and organizational learning expert as well as role he played in developing the approach utilized by Sesame Street to ensure children in test groups were internalizing the intended content.
Lasker developed an adaptive learning model which Bob Kaplan and David Norton (of Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecard fame) used as the foundation for the Strategy Execution overall adaptive methodology.
Kaplan and Norton first published their Balanced Scorecard book in 1992 but it took 5 years for them to revisit and correct some very misleading interpretations of their methodology, which, to this day, have created chaos amongst many ill-trained consultants.
Hoever, once past that, the fundamentals developed by Lasker of how individuals and organizations "learn" and "grow" and "adapt" married to the systems-like analysis of how successful organizations execute have been proven over and over again...just like on Sesame Street.
Jereny irons was an interesting choice, Miller conjured up the dark knight as his response to the turmoil that had inspired Wolfe to write bonfire, I think Sean pertwee on Gotham has more a handle on the character.
Interesting! I can attest the show gets toddlers into the counting sections & the "letter of the day." It's a catchy tune: "And the letter of the day is !" I"m not a huge Elmo fan, but if it works to teach counting I'm ok with it.
The people behind Daniel Tiger's neighbourhood put a lot of research into the show. A recent vegetable episode was shockingly effective.
Narciso: "It does seem like we threw away the guidelines how actually learn, and then we wonder why people are unwilling to learn"
The left long ago completed their "Long March" thru academia/Schools of Education and Federal, State and local school administrations.
Once in they made sure to do what they always do, replicate the leftism in ebery new hire until almost every decision maker at every level is a leftist.
They control the content development companies and groups along with textbook producers and all of these are bent towards leftist/marxist/identity politics/Social Justice purposes.
Bottom line: kids arent being educated They are being indoctrinated...and its been going on since the 60's. 3 full generations have been indictrinated inthe marxist worldview and we see the results.
wwww: "The people behind Daniel Tiger's neighbourhood put a lot of research into the show. A recent vegetable episode was shockingly effective."
Word to the wise, use of the word "vegetable" in the same sentence as the term "shockingly effective" is guaranteed to result in my staring at the camera for about 30 seconds with a twinkle in my eye and a wry grin while wearing a Groucho mustache....
narciso: "So how does one deprogram, the operational templates have been laid out clearly in invisible serfs collar."
The good news is that a surprising number of students come to see and intuitively understand the absurdity of the lies being pushed (Climate Change will kill us all, you can change your sex/race/ethnicity/etc just by wishing it). There is a strong intuitive Vaclev Havel "Green Grocer" thing going on.
Better yet, opt out of the brainwashing schools by going private and/or homeschooling.
Many school jurisdictions allow local homeschoolers to participate a la carte with local private and public schools athletics and extra-currucular activities.
Surprisingly, increasing numbers of self-identified liberals homeschool their children.
“One day before Michael Cohen appears before the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a conservative firebrand from Florida and a White House ally, accused President Trump’s former lawyer of straying from his marriage and suggested that his wife would leave him once he goes to prison.”
“Hey @MichaelCohen212 - Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat. I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot…””
Going to be interesting. We had a debate as to whether this was a threat or a promise. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Cohen had a mistress or two hidden away from his family. As I understand it esp for some richer Jewish men, affairs and mistresses are almost expected, but you are never supposed to embarrass the family with them. For the threat/promise, there have to be a couple mistresses somewhere, and the Republicans know names and locations. And, of course, if he lies when asked, he will get referred to the DoJ for lying, and that lying is presumably not covered by his plea agreement with Mueller. This would make him a repeat offender, which means increased penalties, and the prosecution won’t be by Mueller’s prosecutors this time.
And, I think that the threat of an ethics investigation is probably overblown. Several of Palsi Pelosi’s committee chairs have been in fairly egregious breach of House rules, led by the odious Adam Schiff, who by all rights, should be completely recused from his Trump investigation due to multiple conflicts of interest as well as repeated illegal disclosures (through leaking) of classified material. Far worse conflicts tha Nunes had, and was forced out of the investigation for. If Palsi has the ethics committee nail Republicans while giving er senior team passes, then whe the House flips back in an election or two (most of her caucus essentially voted for infanticide, with 3rd trimester abortions now down to a roughly 25% approval, and voted against building a wall by voting to overturn Trump’s emergency determination - as with Obamacare, Palsi is again forcing the moderates in her caucus to commit electoral suicide), then they should expect payback, starting with her, ad working down through her corrupt committee chairs.
That guy has, hands down, the most punchable face in Congress. Not as punchable as the face of the eponymous David Hogg, but among Congesscritters he surely is the number one.
I was reading an article about the deportation proceedings against Rosiane Santos, the drunken fat woman who assaulted a guy in a bar for wearing a MAGA hat. She was uncooperative with the police after her arrest, so they fingerprinted her and got in touch with ICE. Even in Massachusetts it is a bad idea to lip off to police.
That led to this:
On Monday, ICE arrested an illegal immigrant from Guatemala, Victor Bamaca-Perez, who had been “unlawfully present” in Lynn [Massachusetts].
The Guatemalan had been arrested by Lynn police after crashing his car into a light pole near Pine Grove Cemetery in Lynn. His 7-year-old daughter was in the back seat.
In the car, police found 17 empty Corona cans and one empty Modelo can. When moving the 7-year-old to an ambulance, EMTs noticed something protruding from under her sweatshirt. Prosecutors said it was a full can of Modelo beer.
The man was charged with operating under the influence, driving without a license and child endangerment. The prosecutor asked that he be held without bail, but the judge, a Mitt Romney appointee named Matthew Nestor, set bail at $5,000.
I like that little dig: “a Mitt Romney appointee.”
Following FIDO's earlier thread, I'd suggest that Rotten Tomatoes, Facebook, Google and the MSM are the present day incarnation of Hitler's BROWN SHIRTS, suppressing free speech, promoting "Right Think" and the genocide of Western Civilization. Any disagreements? Speak freely, if you dare.
Inga is asking us to use logic, and come to her conclusion. Specifically, that Cohen has evidence and personal knowledge of CRIMES committed by President Trump while in office. We are then suppose to ignore the fact, that if that were true, Cohen would be utilized as a cooperating witness when charges were filed. Not testifying before closed door committees run by Democrats chasing unicorns and rainbows.
Not sure why they need Cohen anyway. Schiff for brains has repeatedly told us he has seen evidence of crimes... still waiting for that proof. As we will be waiting for evidence after the Cohen testimony.
Lucy is still pulling the football away from the Ingas of the world
Blogger narciso said...On the Caracas front, Ramos found this 'speaking truth to power' doesn't work in real police states. -- Yes..well put. That he seems surprised his gear and footage was taken is laughable. "Hey..what kind of people are you?"
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Michael Jackson’s Neverland listed @ 70% off.
People want to make their own crazy.
From an earlier thread, YouTube banned don shirley, the one who uncovered private maytag (elder phillips) stolen valor.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "Today is WORLD SPAY DAY."
I nominate Trumpit.
I am also willing to have Trumpits mother and a doctor determine if a Very Very Very Late Term Post-birth Abortion is warranted.
Like the Lorax, I wish it to save the trees.
Marvel went Political with their Captain Marvel movie and the star ran her mouth against pudgy, older white men, aka her core viewing audience.
They responded with their usual subtlety and thoughtfulness and decided to call for a boycott of her movie.
I know Althouse is already rolling her eyes about a film she has zero interest in.
But here is the part which may be interesting to the core demographic here.
Rotten Tomatoes has a 'want to see' and 'don't want to see' button.
Brie Larson, said charismatic, diplomatic and very shy actress, had driven some small vocal segment of the fans to drive her score down to 27%
I are still bored.
Rotten Tomatoes REMOVED that stat from their entire website. They censored at the behest of Disney.
That is the problem with free speech: people keep saying things you don't want to hear.
Fantastic news on the race front!
Kamala Harris' father asserts, and traces lineage by name to demonstrate it, that the Harris family are descended FROM slaveowners in Jamaica!!
And Kamala doesnt even have the high cheekbones indicative of slaveowning progeny!!
I put it at 95% probability Inga will call Kamala's father's claims "propaganda".
How many slaves, one wonders, were butchered at the hands of Kamalas family?
Yes this wreaks of green lantern syndrome, why did they use Blake lively, ost why did this already mailed product and not black widow get her own movie.
"How many slaves, one wonders, were butchered at the hands of Kamalas family?"
I agree. Yur the only one out of many billions of people who wonder that.
Democrats, led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Green New Deal, have been claiming the world will end in twelve years if Climate Change is not addressed.
To highlight their commitment to the urgent need, Speaker Nancy Pelosi created a House subcommittee dedicated to selling the need for the Green New Deal. To reinforce the urgency, the new House Oversight Subcommittee scheduled a hearing with the intent to target climate change deniers called: “The Denial Playbook”. The hearing was today.
A panel was set to deliver testimonials and statements to advance the priorities of the Democrat congressional team selling the Green New Deal; except, well, the majority Democrats ran into a problem…. they didn’t show up for the hearing.
According to the position of Democrats and the GND supporters, the world is ending in less than twelve years. Yet, no-one shows up for their Climate Change hearing?
With only two democrats showing up for the hearing; and highlighting the fraud that surrounds the entire premise of the effort; and with four sub-committee republicans who did show up, outnumbering the Democrat majority; ranking minority member Louie Gohmert made a motion to adjourn. The adjournment motion passed 4 votes to 2 and the hearing was adjourned.
From USA Today.
Madison Wisconsin. Number 4 on the list of drunkest cities in the USA
Pct. adults drinking to excess: 25.9%
Pct. driving deaths involving alcohol: 38.0%
Est. number of restaurants and bars: 1,464 (225.6 per 100,000)
Median household income: $68,497
All four U.S. metro areas with the highest excessive drinking rates are in Wisconsin, and Madison is fourth. Some 25.9% of adults in the metro area report drinking excessively compared to 18.0% of adults nationwide. There are about 226 bars and restaurants for every 100,000 Madison metro area residents. Nationwide, there are 184 drinking establishments per 100,000 people.
Nearly 44,000 students attend the University of Wisconsin in Madison. College students often report high levels of binge drinking, likely contributing to the city's overall excessive drinking rate.
adSs: "I agree. Yur the only one out of many billions of people who wonder that."
I think you meant to write Kurt Eichenwald agreed, and naturally you follow.
But, for the record, I do think its nice that adSs, Democrat, is openly declaring zero concern over the number of slaves murdered by the ancestors of a current democrat Presidential candidate and attacking a republican who mentions it.
It has a real 1858 "feel" to it....
"why did they use Blake lively"
She did well for Karl.
BTW, why hasn't powdered hair ever made a comeback?
Presumably it's messy, but you'd think there could a tech fix. For a new version.
Seems like GLH or that stuff the dork from Santa Monica uses are not a lot better than the original powder.
I read Kurt Eichenwald everyday. He's the best ever!
I'm an LLKEF.
Life Long Kurt Eichenwald Fan.
When someone disparages Kurt Eichenwald, I'm the hardest hit.
I see that President Trump has given China an extension on the upcoming tarriff increases. I assume it is to keep them on the hook about keeping the pressure on NK. China has gone from zero to our main economic competitor in 50 years by stealing our IP. NK is a 70 year old problem and longtime threat. I am astounded by the the progress this President has made on these longstanding problems in such a very short time.
In a previous thread Blogger Robert Cook said...
"What is the purpose of life?", the answer is and only this: "To make more life."
I prefer the Westminster Shorter Catechism version:
Q. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.
It hasn't been improved upon since 1648.
I have twenty Kurt Eichenwald tattoos.
My license plates all say: KurtE[and then a numeral]
My license plate frames say: My other car is a Kurt Eichenwald.
A common sense revolution lead by a madman.
I think adSs and LLR Chuck should have a "sit down" to discuss an effective division of labor.....
....and tentacle porn...
As a bizarre follow-up to the post a few days back about quicksand and movie genres...
We left out pirate movies!
Firefighters Rescue Man, Parrot From Mud in Belleville, Illinois
Obadiah: "It hasn't been improved upon since 1648."
Robert Cook will disagree with that as he is big advocate for the Moscow 1917 Revision.
“A North Texas teen who admitted to lying to police about being kidnapped and raped by three black men on March 8, of 2017 will likely only get probation.
Breana Harmon, 19, of Pottsboro, Texas was reported missing to the Denison Police Department after witnesses say her car door open and her phone and keys on the ground.
Several hours later, Harmon walked into a local church dressed in a shirt, bra, and underpants. She claimed she'd been kidnapped by three black men, wearing ski masks. She told authorities she'd been raped by two of them, while the third held her down.
Harmon pleaded guilty Thursday to four felony charges of tampering with physical evidence and government documents.
No suspects were ever identified or arrested in the case.
Bob Jarvis, Harmon's attorney told the Herald Democrat that his client is "remorseful" for what she did.
Harmon will be sentenced on March 20.”
From Drudge,
"Woman Charged With Attacking Falmouth Man Wearing MAGA Hat Taken Into ICE Custody"
Apparently she's a Brazilian who is in the country illegally. Hopefully deportation proceedings will be completed with all possible speed.
Stop peddling your anti-woman propaganda Inga.
Everyone knows Women Dont Lie.
A position you held, passionately,just about 5 months ago....
David53: "Apparently she's a Brazilian who is in the country illegally."
Oh, that makes it a "spark of divinity" assault, so its all good.
“I put it at 95% probability Inga will call Kamala's father's claims "propaganda".”
I have no reason to doubt the man, but you.... well...
So Inga, what is your emotional reaction to this?
I mean...believe all women, but protect minorities.
Are you happy she got away with it? Sad she isn't punished?
No doubt you are offended by the question, but you have been all over the place on everything except Trump hatred.
As a MAN, I believe in due process, asking for evidence and innocence until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
What do you believe? Assume we remember your comments on Christine Blasey Ford before you answer.
Inga: "I have no reason to doubt the man, but you.... well..."
....."well" what?....
Do you believe it, or do you need someone to pop it into a "dossier" to give it an acceptable "Inga" truthiness vibe?
"China has gone from zero to our main economic competitor in 50 years by stealing our IP. NK is a 70 year old problem and longtime threat. I am astounded by the the progress this President has made on these longstanding problems in such a very short time."
What progress? Is he stealing IP from them?
Samsung and Huawei both have folding phones. I looked for Apple rumors: nothing that interesting seems like it's around the corner.
Sure, that's just one tiny thing re tech (and most folks aren't into paying 2 or 2.6 grand for a phone), but it's not obvious that China still needs or will always continue to need to steal tech from us.
“Everyone knows Women Dont Lie.”
Drago is letting us know we should believe her because she’s white and accused black men. ( propaganda)
If that young woman lied about being raped by three black men 50 years ago in the Deep South, there would be three black men swinging from nooses.
Drago, I suspect you’ll dissapear and we won’t see hide nor hair of you after the Mueller report is finished and published. I wouldn’t blame you.
So, for those keeping track:
Li'l Tomahawk Lizzie Warren's family actually participated in the abuse of Cherokee Tribe members on the Trail of Tears...
Kamala Harris is descended from vicious slaveowners in Jamaica...
Bernie Sanders vacationed in the Soviet Union, got his naked partying in with his commie comrades, defended Fidel Castro and his regime and recently defended commie murderer Maduro...
..and lefties on this blog are running around with their hands over their heads saying lawdy lawdy I aint never heard of no Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!! Sounds like a republican/russian plot!!
And its not even March yet.
Inga: "Drago, I suspect you’ll dissapear and we won’t see hide nor hair of you after the Mueller report is finished and published. I wouldn’t blame you."
Given your track record, thats money in the bank the other way.
Is this still supposed to be Muller week?
“A North Texas teen who admitted to lying to police about being kidnapped and raped by three black men on March 8, of 2017 will likely only get probation. "
Commonly known as a "Pussy Pass"
Inga: "If that young woman lied about being raped by three black men 50 years ago in the Deep South, there would be three black men swinging from nooses."
I am not responsible for what democrats did in the south 50 years ago.
I once dated a black girl who had parents from Jamaica.
They were rich. Not crazy rich, but net somewhere around eight million, I'd guess.
She was (is?) insanely hot. Presumably that's why she was a model.
Anywho, I wonder if her family was in that KH family biz.
I dunno.
So tall.
So, it now appears there will be no Brexit.
Never was so much taken from so many by so few.
Looking at the prosecution memo, which reacts unnecessarily I and thata only in the first 13 out of more than 500 pages! I imagine there will be redactions to protect the gulity.
Happy Tuesday, Althouse.
“One day before Michael Cohen appears before the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a conservative firebrand from Florida and a White House ally, accused President Trump’s former lawyer of straying from his marriage and suggested that his wife would leave him once he goes to prison.
“Hey @MichaelCohen212 - Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat. I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot…””
Calling the House Ethics Comittee, toxic spill in Aisle 9!
Given the Marvel track record, I feel fairly sure Larson is only making an ass of herself and that the movie itself will be fine.
Unknown: "Never was so much taken from so many by so few."
Failure Theatre, as drawn up by May, Merkel and Macron.
What the EU did to Belgium, Denmark, Greece and tried to do with Italy, is continued with this latest insider Brussels ploy.
As Merkel said openly just weeks ago, EU members need to be prepared to completely surrender their sovereinty. And she's not joking.
“So, it now appears there will be no Brexit.”
LOL, they had second thoughts.
AOC is officially over.
The long knives came out today on the morning Schmoe. Schmoe and his co-host and sexual submissive, along with Failed and shunned Missouri Ex Senator, Claire McCaskill, went after the new Democrat Star. It seems AOC has yet to open a constituency office in her district. She is the only freshman congress critter that has not opened an office.
When asked, AOC asked the reporter what she thought her constituents wanted. An office where the voters could get answers from an actual congress critter? Or their congress critter leading and advocating on important national issues. Like running off 25,000 jobs that averaged $125k per year, or managing cow farts and eliminating the internal combustion engine in 12 years.
The adults are going to bend her the their will, or she will be primaried into the unemployment lines.
History Began This Morning-Inga: "Calling the House Ethics Comittee, toxic spill in Aisle 9!"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
"I have noticed that Junior here has a habit of posting nonsense about me whenever the Mueller investigation heats up.
Please, keep it coming Jr - it’s definitely a “very, very large brain” idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month.
Have fun!"
December 7, 2018
Number of Inga complaints about the AOC tweet? ZERO
Inga: "LOL, they had second thoughts."
No, "they" didnt.
There were 3 distinct votes taken which represented a pro-brexit vs anti-brexit position.
Including the specific referendum on the issue, which pro-brexit won 52-48.
The lefty abd pro-EU leaders simply decided to sabotage the deal, which is what they've done.
Not to worry, the lefties here have made it clear that only the votes they win count.
Democratic institutions are a real pain to stalinists.
Didnt Cortez threaten someone with subpoena power recently, what was the committee's ruling, rhetorical.
Btw John fry the fellow who leaked cohens Sears to farrow and co is a 54 year old o'Rourke suporter.
narciso: "Didnt Cortez threaten someone with subpoena power recently, what was the committee's ruling, rhetorical."
Yes, and oh how the lefties laughed and laughed.
But Inga is very very upset about that Gaetz tweet.....wink wink..
Did Ocasio-Cortez threaten Jr. the day before he was to testify in front of the House Oversight Committee?
Drago yelling “squirrel!” again.
He bonded out on 50k, I guess hes like that lone Cincinnati cell.
How much do you want to bet that Inga had no idea that a nation referendum in Brexit was held and pro-brexit won 52-48?
She probably thought it was some sub-committee or something.
Inga does not like to hear that AOC threatened a private citizen.
The good news is that, after thinking about it, the lefties have decided that pretending they had never heard of AOC is not a winning strategy.
I wonder which cigar store Indian they'll put forward
The people of Great Britian realized it was a huge mistake and pushed their leaders to vote the way they did today. They don’t want Brexit. They’ve had massive buyers remorse.
Inga: "The people of Great Britian realized it was a huge mistake and pushed their leaders to vote the way they did today."
Thanks for making my point.
IF anti-brexit wins THEN game over.
IF pro-brexit wins THEN delay delay delay until time runs out and call for new election
Repeat until desired lefty result achieved...
"You can vote your way into socialism, but you always have to shoot your way out"
I love how the lefties disregard votes and simply appoint themselves as spokespersons for entire populations of other nations.
Thats alot easier that way isnt it?
Of course also spinelli spent years weaving this spider web, that does what 1,000 of battles from Normandy on, had prevented the subjugation of the UK to germany.
Well, maybe not every Law Professor with a twitter account.
“Every Law Professor With a Twitter Account Says Congressman Matt Gaetz Just Committed Witness Tampering”
Rouhani, who is still having a heck of a time, dealing with the protests which have been blotted out as they were in Venezuela lied to p 5+ 1 contact group along with mousavian
“Democrats on Tuesday pushed unprecedented legislation through the House to block President Trump's national emergency declaration to steer billions of extra dollars to his southern border wall, raising the prospect that Trump might issue his first-ever veto to defeat the effort.
The vote was 245-182, with all Democrats voting yea and 13 Republicans joining them.”
Inga: “Every Law Professor With a Twitter Account Says Congressman Matt Gaetz Just Committed Witness Tampering”
All of our Soviet-psycologists scream for the 25th amendment.
All of our lefty engineers swear that 9-11 was an inside job AND that GW Bush blew up the New Orleans levees.
All of our lefty historians say (insert current republican President name here) is the worst President in our history!
Emoluments!! Money laundering!! Collusion!! Treason!!
Meanwhile add fiat to the companies who who will be investing in this country.
Inga: "The vote was 245-182, with all Democrats voting yea and 13 Republicans joining them.”
Yep. They came up short. Whats your point?
Haha you need 2/3 in both houses to override a veto, that 290 for those in riolinda.
13 Republicans defected. Brave men.
Inga: "13 Republicans defected. Brave men."
The wall is losing its chinking, just a little trickle at first...
The last time lefties made a big deal about some guy's supposed "bravery" and "courage" and "honor" it was in the White House Rose Garden...and that "hero" was deserter Bowe Bergdahl who helped the taliban kill other American soldiers.
Drago...still yelling “squirrel !”
Later Forgetful Inga: "Drago...still yelling “squirrel !”
Earlier Not-thinking-ahead Inga: "The wall is losing its chinking, just a little
trickle at first..."
What progress? Is he stealing IP from them"
He has put pressure on them economically with actions and threats. We hold the upper hand economicaly. There is a lot of professional agreement with the Trump strategy. Obviously NK is intertwined. It ain't going to get done in 2 years. Maybe 8.
"but it's not obvious that China still needs or will always continue to need to steal tech from us."
Not always. That the point of it. We'll be stealing from them if the playing field isn't leveled.
This is problematic, than again so is letting him back in England
Later Inga is not going to appreciate Earlier Inga offerings.
This could be the worst matter/anti-matter encounter since wwww and Inga had to stop pretending they didnt know anything about dems supporting the killing if babies born alive.
Ill bet we could get the dems to support building the wall if we promised to only use the body parts of babies born alive as the pieces.
As was made clear from the Court-ruled Tech-forensic analysis PROVED non-edited versions of those tapes, those Planned Parenthood "workers"/ghouls literally shrieked with delight when they found whole legs, and arms, and, as the gal on camera said point blank: whole heads.
Drago, stop talking about Inga and wwww non stop. You haven’t mentioned any “LLR” for the last 5 minutes, he might feel neglected.
I'm an old man and most labrador puppies, if properly cared for, will live longer than me. I take some comfort from the fact that the world is going to end in twelve years and that I won't be missing out on much. I was a little bummed out by this whole mortality thing, but if everybody else perishes with me, then I won't feel so bad. In fact, I'll feel somewhat lucky in being the last generation on planet earth to have lived out a natural life span. Shame about AOC though. She looked like she was having a good time,and who wouldn't want to live forever in a Netflix world where there are no commercials.
I’ve got some really good snacks for the Cohen testimony! Can’t wait! How about you Drago? Maybe you’ll want some alcohol.
Wow Inga! Are we supposed to be surprised ? I guess you think we are stupid which makes you stupid. Politics is not rocket science.
A vote against civil rights, and, in close association, against emigration reform, for refugee crises, for social justice, for selective-child, and for green as in naive deals.
Firm that created iconic Bernie ad out:
Faiz Shakir in:
They do find ways of ignoring a host of statutes.
Re Zarif one of Kerry's bffs, they will probably switch him out for some pasdaran (revolutionary guard) supergrade.
Inga: "I’ve got some really good snacks for the Cohen testimony! Can’t wait! How about you Drago? Maybe you’ll want some alcohol."
The lefties gave the game away again today when they were quoted as saying Cohen would have some interesting "anecdotes" to share.
I almost fell out of my seat laughing over that one.
I hope Cohen shares the "anecdote" about how he and Trump kidnapped Lindbergs baby...and then later that year flew to Havana where they had some Cubana "ladies" pour coconut milk over them in the bed that Teddy Roosevelt slept in.
Wait til you hear the one about Trump and Cohen in Chicago with bleach and a rope!!
Poor Inga. Toobin was sending as many signals as he could for the looney lefties to cool their jets. But once you've gone all in on the hoax dossier, I guess you gotta keep believing...even when the lefty media types are warning "slow down"...
In the 80s the soviets were running a corporate espionage network in France called fairwell I'm guessing that inspired part of the plot from a view to a kill, how max zorin company was transferring emp proof chips to the sovo
On the Caracas front, Ramos found this 'speaking truth to power' doesn't work in real police states. The trickle of enlisted personal to colombiA some of whom included the feared faes is proceeding.
Correction vetrov was the KGB operative that revealed, it had been ongoing for a number of years.
Drago, stop talking about Inga and wwww non stop.
What, again? I'm not that interesting unless you want to chat about toddlers, analytics, or kid TV shows. I am interested in talking about how the internet is changing the American public sphere & socialization.
How can he want to argue about politics this much? I got nothing for you. If you were in high school, I'd suggest high school debate, but you gotta argue both sides of a policy or idea.
Does anyone want to chat about Meghan Markle? What's up with her father and half-sister?
Anyone see that facebook language question about regions? Fun! Do you say soda or pop. I say soda-pop or soft drink. Firefly or lightning bug? Kitty corner or diagonal?
Language quiz for regions of the USA:
This is great! You can see soda vs. pop down to the town level:
Ot, people are considering Arnie hammer to replace Ben Affleck as Batman, he was very good in social network I didnt realize he was playing both vinklevossi, and on the undertated guy ritchie vehicle, man from uncle.
To be clear, any Indian of reasonably high caste - that is, someone like K.Harris mother for instance - is certainly descended from slaveowners. Slavery was an ancient tradition and continued into modern times, and some say to this day, concealed in various ways.
LOL I like the MEAD region. What's up with calling all soda-pop coke? Seems like it's confusing if you want a ginger ale or 7-up.
I though Affleck was a bit old for Batman. He made it work as the Justice League's Eminence Grise, but that can only go so long.
What's up with calling all soda-pop coke?
More properly "Co-Cola", at least for a vanishing generation of Southerners.
They were trying for the ethos of the Frank Miller comic but it doesn't translate, nolan captured the character best.
Yay, Methodists! Nice to see the "progressives" actually lose a fight.
If you haven't read it yet, there was an amazing speech by a Liberian theologian, taking American liberals to task for their arrogance in imposing western sexual mores on African Christians. (via Dreher)
"But we know of no compelling arguments for forsaking our church’s understanding of Scripture and the teachings of the church universal. And then please hear me when I say as graciously as I can: we Africans are not children in need of western enlightenment when it comes to the church’s sexual ethics. We do not need to hear a progressive U.S. bishop lecture us about our need to “grow up.”"
Well that is the thing, one doesn't necessarily want to hear fire and brimstone but if the sermon is weak on the Word what good is it?
They were trying for the ethos of the Frank Miller comic but it doesn't translate, nolan captured the character best.
Oh yeah, that was obvious in the Batman v. Superman movie, but yeah, doesn't translate without the whole Dark Knight Returns storyline behind it. I did like the throwaway laugh line in the Justice League movie between Alfred & Batman, something to the effect: "Remember when the worst thing we had to worry about was exploding mechanical penguins?" You do get the sense there of two guys who have been around a while.
wwww: "I'm not that interesting unless you want to chat about toddlers, analytics, or kid TV shows."
Why didnt you just say so?
Perhaps we could chat about Harry Lasker, his career as an individual and organizational learning expert as well as role he played in developing the approach utilized by Sesame Street to ensure children in test groups were internalizing the intended content.
Lasker developed an adaptive learning model which Bob Kaplan and David Norton (of Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecard fame) used as the foundation for the Strategy Execution overall adaptive methodology.
Kaplan and Norton first published their Balanced Scorecard book in 1992 but it took 5 years for them to revisit and correct some very misleading interpretations of their methodology, which, to this day, have created chaos amongst many ill-trained consultants.
Hoever, once past that, the fundamentals developed by Lasker of how individuals and organizations "learn" and "grow" and "adapt" married to the systems-like analysis of how successful organizations execute have been proven over and over again...just like on Sesame Street.
Jereny irons was an interesting choice, Miller conjured up the dark knight as his response to the turmoil that had inspired Wolfe to write bonfire, I think Sean pertwee on Gotham has more a handle on the character.
It does seem like we threw away the guidelines how actually learn, and then we wonder why people are unwilling to learn
Interesting! I can attest the show gets toddlers into the counting sections & the "letter of the day." It's a catchy tune: "And the letter of the day is !" I"m not a huge Elmo fan, but if it works to teach counting I'm ok with it.
The people behind Daniel Tiger's neighbourhood put a lot of research into the show. A recent vegetable episode was shockingly effective.
Narciso: "It does seem like we threw away the guidelines how actually learn, and then we wonder why people are unwilling to learn"
The left long ago completed their "Long March" thru academia/Schools of Education and Federal, State and local school administrations.
Once in they made sure to do what they always do, replicate the leftism in ebery new hire until almost every decision maker at every level is a leftist.
They control the content development companies and groups along with textbook producers and all of these are bent towards leftist/marxist/identity politics/Social Justice purposes.
Bottom line: kids arent being educated
They are being indoctrinated...and its been going on since the 60's. 3 full generations have been indictrinated inthe marxist worldview and we see the results.
wwww: "The people behind Daniel Tiger's neighbourhood put a lot of research into the show. A recent vegetable episode was shockingly effective."
Word to the wise, use of the word "vegetable" in the same sentence as the term "shockingly effective" is guaranteed to result in my staring at the camera for about 30 seconds with a twinkle in my eye and a wry grin while wearing a Groucho mustache....
So how does one deprogram, the operational templates have been laid out clearly in invisible serfs collar.
I love Daniel Tiger, though I find the ratio of Town Royalty to Town Average Citizens to be disturbingly high.
They are always signing the eloi klaxin:
narciso: "So how does one deprogram, the operational templates have been laid out clearly in invisible serfs collar."
The good news is that a surprising number of students come to see and intuitively understand the absurdity of the lies being pushed (Climate Change will kill us all, you can change your sex/race/ethnicity/etc just by wishing it). There is a strong intuitive Vaclev Havel "Green Grocer" thing going on.
Better yet, opt out of the brainwashing schools by going private and/or homeschooling.
Many school jurisdictions allow local homeschoolers to participate a la carte with local private and public schools athletics and extra-currucular activities.
Surprisingly, increasing numbers of self-identified liberals homeschool their children.
There is hope there.
They have worse conditions probably now than back in the early 90s but there is no remedy in sight.
narciso: "They have worse conditions probably now than back in the early 90s but there is no remedy in sight."
Correct. School choice, vouchers and opting out of govt schools (generally) remains the only viable option for the near term.
Well that's probably true, but I was referring to New York, how snake plissken will probably dropping in on a glider.
toddlers asking to eat veggies = a miracle. The show teaches tooth brushing too.
"the ratio of Town Royalty to Town Average Citizens"
I like how the older prince has odd jobs & works at the restaurant. My DH said, "well, it's not Game of Thrones vision of royalty."
“One day before Michael Cohen appears before the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), a conservative firebrand from Florida and a White House ally, accused President Trump’s former lawyer of straying from his marriage and suggested that his wife would leave him once he goes to prison.”
“Hey @MichaelCohen212 - Do your wife & father-in-law know about your girlfriends? Maybe tonight would be a good time for that chat. I wonder if she’ll remain faithful when you’re in prison. She’s about to learn a lot…””
Going to be interesting. We had a debate as to whether this was a threat or a promise. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Cohen had a mistress or two hidden away from his family. As I understand it esp for some richer Jewish men, affairs and mistresses are almost expected, but you are never supposed to embarrass the family with them. For the threat/promise, there have to be a couple mistresses somewhere, and the Republicans know names and locations. And, of course, if he lies when asked, he will get referred to the DoJ for lying, and that lying is presumably not covered by his plea agreement with Mueller. This would make him a repeat offender, which means increased penalties, and the prosecution won’t be by Mueller’s prosecutors this time.
And, I think that the threat of an ethics investigation is probably overblown. Several of Palsi Pelosi’s committee chairs have been in fairly egregious breach of House rules, led by the odious Adam Schiff, who by all rights, should be completely recused from his Trump investigation due to multiple conflicts of interest as well as repeated illegal disclosures (through leaking) of classified material. Far worse conflicts tha Nunes had, and was forced out of the investigation for. If Palsi has the ethics committee nail Republicans while giving er senior team passes, then whe the House flips back in an election or two (most of her caucus essentially voted for infanticide, with 3rd trimester abortions now down to a roughly 25% approval, and voted against building a wall by voting to overturn Trump’s emergency determination - as with Obamacare, Palsi is again forcing the moderates in her caucus to commit electoral suicide), then they should expect payback, starting with her, ad working down through her corrupt committee chairs.
I have twenty Kurt Eichenwald tattoos.
Are all of them on your ass, ten on the left cheek and ten on the right?
Remeber when Affleck was talked about as Presiddntial material? Good times...
First Full Back Tatt President.
the odious Adam Schiff
That guy has, hands down, the most punchable face in Congress. Not as punchable as the face of the eponymous David Hogg, but among Congesscritters he surely is the number one.
Michael Cohen thinks we all just fell off the turnip truck. What an ass.
I was reading an article about the deportation proceedings against Rosiane Santos, the drunken fat woman who assaulted a guy in a bar for wearing a MAGA hat. She was uncooperative with the police after her arrest, so they fingerprinted her and got in touch with ICE. Even in Massachusetts it is a bad idea to lip off to police.
That led to this:
On Monday, ICE arrested an illegal immigrant from Guatemala, Victor Bamaca-Perez, who had been “unlawfully present” in Lynn [Massachusetts].
The Guatemalan had been arrested by Lynn police after crashing his car into a light pole near Pine Grove Cemetery in Lynn. His 7-year-old daughter was in the back seat.
In the car, police found 17 empty Corona cans and one empty Modelo can. When moving the 7-year-old to an ambulance, EMTs noticed something protruding from under her sweatshirt. Prosecutors said it was a full can of Modelo beer.
The man was charged with operating under the influence, driving without a license and child endangerment. The prosecutor asked that he be held without bail, but the judge, a Mitt Romney appointee named Matthew Nestor, set bail at $5,000.
I like that little dig: “a Mitt Romney appointee.”
Following FIDO's earlier thread, I'd suggest that Rotten Tomatoes, Facebook, Google and the MSM are the present day incarnation of Hitler's BROWN SHIRTS, suppressing free speech, promoting "Right Think" and the genocide of Western Civilization. Any disagreements? Speak freely, if you dare.
re, the Cohn testimony
Inga is asking us to use logic, and come to her conclusion. Specifically, that Cohen has evidence and personal knowledge of CRIMES committed by President Trump while in office. We are then suppose to ignore the fact, that if that were true, Cohen would be utilized as a cooperating witness when charges were filed. Not testifying before closed door committees run by Democrats chasing unicorns and rainbows.
Not sure why they need Cohen anyway. Schiff for brains has repeatedly told us he has seen evidence of crimes... still waiting for that proof. As we will be waiting for evidence after the Cohen testimony.
Lucy is still pulling the football away from the Ingas of the world
Cohen is testifying in private?
Blogger narciso said...On the Caracas front, Ramos found this 'speaking truth to power' doesn't work in real police states.
Yes..well put.
That he seems surprised his gear and footage was taken is laughable.
"Hey..what kind of people are you?"
(He is learning what true Univision looks like)
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