February 4, 2019

At the Bloodshot Café...

... you can talk all night.


Humperdink said...

Speaking of bloodshot, every time Sherrod Brown surfaces, it's looks like someone just hoisted him off the bar room floor. He seems to have the perpetual hungover look.

Meade said...


chillblaine said...

Kuato said to say to Mr. Meadfoamy to something along the lines of, quaid, please don't stare, quaidddddd, please turn on your lights. QUAID

Meade said...

Quaid’s not here

mccullough said...

Tough night for that rat

traditionalguy said...

The Rat must be taking her pre surgery eye drops. Very expensive Rx as I recall.

tcrosse said...

Civility bloodshot.

Drago said...

Meade: "Quaid’s not here"

Come on Meade, geeeve dem der ochseegeen!!

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Surgery today? Surgery tomorrow? Either way good luck and heal quickly.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Althouse is clearly a horrible rat mother. Green rats, pink rats, pink eye rats, tattoed rats, freezing rats, cubist rats...what's next dirty rats!?! Dont let their smirks fool you, she clearly beats them.

Call PETA.

Drago said...

mccullough: "Tough night for that rat"

Tough night for the rat? LOL

Have you seen LLR Chuck?

le Douanier said...

How about an AOC-post? Or twenty? I don't see a rat connection, so (if there's a limited number of posts available) maybe AOC-posts should take the places of the blackface-guy's posts. Nobody cares about that jabber. IMHO.

Hotair seems to know what works. Good stuff over there. Re the chick. IMHO.

Re Hotair, perhaps another post re the folks' fixation w/ AOC. Go meta.

le Douanier said...

Movie review post?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Was that today? If so, hope it all went well.

FIDO said...

Whatever my critiques of her character or passive aggressive biased political nature, I wish Althouse a quick and painless recovery and full restoration of her vision.

Because whatever her political sins, they pall in comparison to a McAuliffe, a Clinton, a CNN reporter.

Meade said...


Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Toxygen feminity?

le Douanier said...

OK, I gots a rat angle: AOC is the Hamelin hero who takes care of rats, but then gets evil and does socialism.

Yur welcome.

le Douanier said...

Or, was it socialism to not pay Harmelin hero for a completed job? So the evil response was capitalism.


Meade said...

Rat’s right.

chickelit said...

Shelium huffer!

Big Mike said...

In France, the rats chase the cats. It is certain that the cat is French, but I have not been able to determine whether the rat is wearing a yellow vest, or is it merely German?

Big Mike said...

@Meade, your beloved hasn't had her surgery, has she? Her eyes aren't bloodshot because of being sliced up? As an atheist, I have no prayers to offer, but she will be in my thoughts (if that helps).

320Busdriver said...

Thankfully cataract surgery is fairly routine and safe as far as I know. I saw a piece last week that highlighted the bad side of Lasik surgery. My oldest has very poor eyesight and I would lobby against him ever getting that done after seeing that.
Speedy recovery Professor!!

le Douanier said...


Your thoughts do help. Your thoughts use the power of quantum field theory to do magic, cause I heard that from Marlee Matlin.

What Would Marlee Do?

FullMoon said...

Anonymous Chicagp cop blog (https://secondcitycop.blogspot.com/)

posted by SCC at 12:01 AM 21 comments
Saturday, February 02, 2019
"Making Gains"
Pardon our laughter, but no Special Ed, no we aren't:

Chicago police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said Friday detectives are "making gains" in their investigation of a report that "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett was attacked by two men who yelled slurs and put a noose around his neck in Streeterville early this week.

"We are making gains in the investigation and hopefully we’ll bring it to a successful resolution soon," Johnson told reporters at the Shakespeare District police station on the Northwest Side.

He did not provide details. "I don’t like to comment too much on it out of respect for the victim, as well as I don’t want to compromise the detectives’ investigation.’’

Well, that's just bullshit. Would you like to know what detectives are telling us?

It never happened. CPD is wasting hundreds of man hours to solve a Grindr date gone bad. The "victim" is refusing all forms of cooperation, his "ear witness" isn't cooperating, the Hollywood press is running with a non-existent narrative. The "persons of interest" are all but unidentifiable and left the area 20 minutes before the "attack," not to mention the anonymous witness who saw a "hillbilly looking" character that not a single camera in a one mile radius has a picture of.

And that's just from a couple of people working the case.

narciso said...

Well it could be t gondii:


Henry said...

Best wishes for the surgery, Althouse. I'm looking forward to the rainbow rats on the other side.

Big Mike said...

@320Busdriver, I just had cataract surgery myself. First eye healed slowly, and surgery on the second had to be postponed for over a month. Second eye went well. Today I have 20/25 and only need +1.00 reading glasses for working on the computer, +2.00 for my iPhone. So can we amend your comment to generally cataract surgery is routine and safe?

narciso said...

Well what's the truth got to do with it, Matthew shepherd Trayvon Martin and Mike brown still haven't been clarified totally.

narciso said...

Best wishes, Ann althouse.

FullMoon said...

Ginsberg apparently alive.No photo or video.


le Douanier said...

"+2.00 for my iPhone."

How about Settings > General > Accessibility > Larger Text ?

And, re tips, re now:

Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift ?

FTR, I don't need glasses. Yet.

SeanF said...

In FullMoon's Ginsberg link, we find this wonderfully written sentence:

"What's interesting is the program was composed by her daughter-in-law and performer, Patrice Michaels."

"Her daughter-and-law and performer"?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Don't roll those bloodshot eyes at me
I can see you're a no-good R. A. T.
It's plain that you're lyin'
When you tell you've been cryin'
Don't roll those bloodshot eyes at me"

le Douanier said...


The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Thankfully cataract surgery is fairly routine and safe as far as I know. I saw a piece last week that highlighted the bad side of Lasik surgery. My oldest has very poor eyesight and I would lobby against him ever getting that done after seeing that.
Speedy recovery Professor!!”

Sure if you have it done by a Croatian ophthalmologist in a discount strip mall LASIK clinic. It’s a freakin’ miracle, be willing to pay for it. If they’re charging less than $1600 an eye you’re getting Maaco LASIK. Look for Anglo or Asian surgeons (preferably Korean-Americans), in-house pre-surgery testing and post-op examination, on top of whatever your optometrist is doing. A quality place should have a decent little selection of snacks in the waiting room. No vending machines.

le Douanier said...

BTW, it just occurred to me that that video must have been posted here a bunch. Since there's so much ratt jabber.

Sorry fer being lame re repetition.

OTOH, it does sorta occur to me that it's possible that that sorta cultural oversight could happen here.


P.S. Here is how ya teach gay tolerance:



Carry on.

mockturtle said...

Meade, I hope you will keep us updated on Ann's surgery and recovery. You're both in my prayers. Was it today?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Quality LASIK and cataract ASUs don’t advertise. They build relationships with referring optometrists. When both their reputations are at stake, everybody has an interest in seeing that excellent work is done. Unlike Vlad, who’s mainly interested in Beemers and 25 year-old blondes.

William said...

Good luck with your operation. I'm up for it later this year. I don't know anyone who's had a bad experience, but it is, nonetheless, a scary experience. I don't think it matters either way whether you're brave or apprehensive. I intend to be apprehensive. Flinching has gotten me through the many bad moments of my life.

Hagar said...

If I was going to spin the infamous yearbook photograph, I would say that Blackface is his friend with the same pants in the high school photo and the figure in the KKK get-up is either that friend's wife or one of his black friends in the high school photo.
(The cone hat is too impossibly high to be a real one; very inconvenient to wear in any real KKK action in the bad old days.)
Governor Northam knows who they are, but they are, or were, his friends, and he knows the media would utterly destroy them if he names them, given the level of hysteria the media have raised.

But anyway, they have indeed succeeded in changing the debate from a serious discussion about Democrats and infanticide to a frivolous one about Halloween costumes.

Linda said...

What did we do before AOC? How did we figure anything out? Seriously, I started following her Twitter feed - she is in your face all the time.

le Douanier said...

It's nice to have thoughts and prayers re hoping that all goes well for Althouse.

But, am a bad person for being the sort re messaging such that if that doc doesn't do the best work he/she/they has ever done, and Althouse doesn't have the best procedure and recovery in history, then the F-up (aka less than perfection) will flow two ways, but much more harsh re return?

Passiveness has never been my style.

le Douanier said...

"I started following her Twitter feed - she is in your face all the time."

Not if you have more than 1500 that you follow, like I do.

OTHO, I don't follow her. Maybe she could overwhelm my feed.

Jimmy said...

Thoughts and prayers for Ann. Now that those crazy low temps are gone, I hope post surgery is filled with walks to the bake shop, coffee, and more great photos.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Setting larger text on the iPhone has no effect on ancient sites such as Blogger.

Althouse, heartfelt prayers from the Pants household for a smooth procedure and quick recovery.

eddie willers said...

Meade, I hope you will keep us updated on Ann's surgery and recovery.

My guess is that he'll be the guest typist for a few days.

narciso said...

For a change of pace:


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law." Ps 119:18

Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chillblaine said...

Quaid . Quaaaaiid. Please stop staring at my weird body and ehhh. Ok. AGENT 99 VOICE. "What did he say, Max?" Max: "he asked me to take my knee off of his chest. "

Ralph L said...

My oldest has very poor eyesight

I'm in the -11 diopter range, and 2 ophthalmologists have told me Lasik can't be done on me. Guess I'll have to wait for my cataract to get worse and get a new lens or two.

chillblaine said...

My personal favorite femme archetype might be that broad, Mrs. Emma Piel. Such. Uhhhhh hottie. Dang. I need four or five minutes to myself now.

rehajm said...

RBG? Back to work in two weeks was the line, yes? Been a very long two weeks...

Humperdink said...

It is virtually impossible to get a conceal carry permit in New York state, even less of a chance in the Large Apple. However, the odds swing in your favor if you are a friend of deBlasio.

"Dean’s supervisor in the (CCW licensing) unit allegedly told him, “This person (Gayle) takes care of Mayor de Blasio and in return we are supposed to take care of this person,” Dean’s attorney wrote.

One source described the applications coming into the division via Gayle as “a de Blasio special.” Another source said they were “a done deal.” The men she was assisting in the gun applications expected to get the least-restrictive “full-carry” gun licenses without having to fill out the required paperwork, according to a source.


rehajm said...

With less than a minute on the clock before the half the Patriots have the ball on the two yard line, snap the ball and take a knee, giving up a yard in the process. With two time outs remaining the Rams should have stopped the clock and forced the Patriots to either try and take a knee from the one yard line or run a play to get away from the end zone to avoid a safety or turnover. Twice, since the Rams had two time outs.

rehajm said...

Attacking companies for buying back their own stock is as stupid as claiming GE doesn’t pay taxes.

Rusty said...

Ann. Are you usin Correl Draw?
I think you'll find the recovery from surgery anticimactic.

rehajm said...

One more, from Obama's Tax Rates Don't Matter Dept: New York, Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, Connecticut suffering record budget shortfalls as rich people flee for Florida as a result of the cap on the state and local tax deduction. New Jersey suffered a 35% drop in revenue for December vs last year. New York has a $2.3 Billion dollar budget shortfall, which Cuomo blamed on the new federal tax law that's causing people to leave.

The trend of people seeking tax refugee status in place like Florida is reflected in real estate prices. Ninety percent of deals in Miami reals estate over $10 Million were tax refugees.

Florida needs to build a wall.

Humperdink said...

"Florida needs to build a wall."

Or New York needs to built a Berlin-type wall, complete with towers/guards/full-auto weapons to keep freedom seeking people at heel in the Empire state.

gilbar said...

Professor Althouse, you are in my Prayers and Thoughts. May your surgery go well!

Nichevo said...

Governor Northam knows who they are, but they are, or were, his friends, and he knows the media would utterly destroy them if he names them, given the level of hysteria the media have raised.

Exactly! Make him inform. KKK are domestic terrorists, right? How could a patriotic Democrat not inform in eeeevil? So what if one is his wife? Pavel Morozov would understand...perhaps not as well as his parents. He probably has a exploded full of KKK. Exploit! Climb the tree. Map his social networks. Achilles can explain.

Nichevo said...

And a full and speedy recovery, Althouse. One'd have to be a miserable cuss to wish you ill, like Sitter.

Jaq said...

A nice Florida golf home pays for itself.

Leslie Graves said...

I feel like I should know the answer but I don't.

Are these new rats, or are these from the earlier drawing periods in your life?

I thought they were from an earlier time, but this one has a very contemporary vibe.

Jaq said...

Florida has some laws that protect real estate from seizure, so if you spend $10 million on a house, it can't be taken away in a lawsuit. Same with annuities, which was how OJ was still golfing all the time until, well, we all know until what.

Jaq said...

ads knows his only working argument is "shut up."

Professional lady said...

Speaking of rats, I just saw "They Shall Not Grow Old." The movie is fascinating from a historical, visual, film making, and restoration perspective. There were lots of rats in those WWI trenches.

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