January 21, 2019

"watch whiteness work."

(DeRay Mckesson is a Black Lives Matter activist — Wikipedia.)

ADDED: Another we're-not-sorry angle:

I certainly hope the kid is not all alone. He should have adult counseling! I thought the statement sounded genuine — like a teenager telling a straight story — but I assumed that meant he had a good lawyer. And he should have a good lawyer.

AND: Here's a third approach to digging in:


gilbar said...

"watch whiteness work."
there was a white guy; it MUST HAVE BEEN HIS FAULT! on account of because that's how whiteness works

Fernandinande said...

deray say he be Activist. Organizer. Educator.

Nowadays all those words are often or almost always euphemisms for "racist lying scammer".

Marcus said...

So the racists and haters are still out in force. No surprise.

Sue as many of them as you can. They may not repent, but they will have empty pockets.


"White Smiles Matter"

alanc709 said...

It isn't that this story went viral that appalls me. It's that people still promote that narrative even after they know it's discredited. Could there have been a worse week for journalism, with this and the Buzzfeed Cohen debacle?

Tank said...

The original incorrect story is on the Front Page of my local paper today.


Gahrie said...

As Althouse knows, being on the Left means two things: 1) Never admit that you were wrong.
2) Feelings mean more than facts.

FIDO said...

Well, I can't blame the first twitter feed for his disbelief.

It is totally outside of his experience to have an eloquent, rational, logical young man who is literate and well spoken from his community.

In fact, the last one we had from his community we made president in celebration.

roesch/voltaire said...

The Rashomon story continues.

Fernandinande said...

The original incorrect story is on the Front Page of my local paper today.

Our rag has this inadvertently funny semi-headline:
"Zimbabwe returning to normal after week of turmoil, violence"

The Navajo Times main headline is:
"Navajo police say Nazlini incident didn’t involve Russian roulette"

Leland said...

I'm bored of the left's racial hatred. It is sad that on the day to celebrate MLK, we still have people judging others by the color of their skin. And worse, using that judgment to pre-determine character.

Shouting Thomas said...

The Kamala Harris story and the Catholic boy story are bookends.

"I'm black and I'm a woman, so you have to give me what I want," is Harris' message.

The Catholic boy is supposed to know better than to even express his self-interest because he's white, male and Catholic.

ANoKneedMouse said...

Standing in Washington now requires a good lawyer? Do you mean for the lawsuit you expect him to file...

Temujin said...

He goes to a parochial school. To those who attend public schools, that means he's getting a better education than you are. So, yes, he can put sentences together, form complete thoughts, and clearly state his position, or in this case, properly defend himself. Also- he's been taught how to treat other people. Even when being attacked by a strangely and heavily biased press, and other random bigots and racists on the Left. (And at some point you'll have to admit, the Left is teeming with them.)

I can see why you all feel so threatened by them.

Temujin said...

And by 'you all' I don't mean the commenters here. I mean the screaming meanies on TV and the press.

donald said...

Fox 5 Atlanta has had their clown staff member (Paul Millikan) look into a camera all morning and vomiting forth this false news story.

Not even Joanne Feldman’s weather reports will bring me back.

Jaq said...

This is far too valuable a propaganda coup for the left, with RBG circling the drain, for them to let the facts stand in the way. It’s all about listening to the anti-Catholic prejudice now, feel it run through you, feel the power of the bigotry. Feels good, doesn’t it? Makes you feel all superior to be a bigot, that’s why bigots do it, and that’s why the left is playing into bigotry now.

Kevin said...

This seems like the first time the media has gone after an average citizen with the intensity they go after Trump every day.

The media no longer knows how to check facts or do corrections. The whole “this story might not be true but everyone knows Trump is a despicable human being” non-correction isn’t going to work here.

But to acknowledge why they got this story wrong is to validate everything Trump’s been saying about fake news.

The media machine does not know how to operate in a world where white people wearing red hats might be decent.

Hagar said...

I think it is the young man's statement, but edited by "adults" to hit the right phrases.

The editing grated on me, since even at that age I would never have allowed anyone to "edit" anything I wrote and then publish it under my name.
But then I am just a very old-fashioned Norwegian.

Henry said...

I haven't watched any of the videos.

But I find the phrase "teen at center of confrontation" to be weird. It seems to be literally true, but it's not.

Nick Sandmann was literally in the center of the video.

That's because the person with the camera put him there.

Did Sandmann move toward Phillips or did Phillips move toward him? Did Sandmann move into the frame of the camera on his own, or did the camera point toward him?

It's an accident that Sandmann is the center of anything.

Whoever Phillips approached was going to be the center of something. Because that's how cameras work.

Meade said...

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington apologized for the incident on Saturday, saying “this behavior is opposed to the Church’s teachings on the dignity and respect of the human person.” They promised to take “appropriate action, up to and including expulsion.”

Memo to The Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington: You like Protestants? Because this is how you get more Protestants.

Chris of Rights said...

I didn't go to CovCath, because at the time I wasn't Catholic. (I am now.) Had I been Catholic, this likely would have been my high school. I went to a different school, literally right up the street. I had many friends who went to CCH. It was an all boys school at the time. I assume that it still is, but I don't know. From my experience though, this is a statement that I would expect a CCH upper-classman to be able to write mostly on his own.

CCH had some issues. All schools do. And certainly all male private parochial schools have issues. But I never had any issues with any of the students other than hating their football team. :) In a contentious situation, my experiences would make me tend to believe the students rather than those who oppose them.

Sydney said...

The bishop and his minions owe an apology to those kids. In person. But that isn't likely to happen, as we know from the bishops history of far worse things.

Martha said...

Kristen Gillibrand was still touting Buzzfeed’s discredited scoop on the Cohen/Trump Congressional perjury on a Sunday talk show—an incredulous Martha Radditz interrupted her to sayYOU KNOW MUELLER HAS DISCREDITED THAT REPORT, RIGHT?

Jaq said...

Sure it’s Rashomon, but the thing is that there are certain things asserted as “fact” that the video shows to be false. For instance, that the Covington boys surrounded this demonstrator to mock him. He came across the plaza like a heat seeking missile drawn by the MAGA hats. Banging his drum, marched right into the center of it and continued banging his drum, apparently shocked that the boy didn’t back down, but was somewhat amused.

The story was that they surrounded a frail old tribal elder and he was just standing his ground while they hurled mockery at him. The longer tape shows that it was the other way around. That the boys were the objects of insults like “school shooters” and “inbred.” These are not facts that are in dispute per the actual evidence.

What we have is a group of people deeply steeped in the hatred of anything Trump who see everything through that lens. It’s just possible, R/V, that you are the baddie.

One way you can tell if you are one of the baddies is if you refuse to look at ALL of the video but maintain your opinions that you got from like minded sources, but I am sure that doesn’t describe our high-minded student of the rarified philosophies of the world, R/V!

gilbar said...

Last april; my dad* went on an honor flight to Washington, and i went with (to push his wheelchair). Everywhere we went, we had police escorts. I'd thought it was to make us feel important; now i see it was to protect us from wackos

my dad* spent the winter of 1952-53 in north korea.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Kevin said...

This seems like the first time the media has gone after an average citizen with the intensity they go after Trump every day.

Joe the Plumber got this treatment.

Jaq said...

Blogger Kevin said...
This seems like the first time the media has gone after an average citizen with the intensity they go after Trump every day.

Joe the Plumber who dared to question Obama when Obama knocked on his door, rather than swoon in adoration. Same dynamic. The left believe themselves to be a kind of aristocracy owed blind deference.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

We’re to believe a 16-year-old wrote this statement. Huh

Well.....the kid IS attending a Catholic School, which are known for their good curriculum and no nonsense approach to obtaining actual real tangible learning results.

I could write like this at 16. Why do they assume that all 16 year olds are illiterate? Other 16yr olds are more evolved in math. We each have our own skill sets.

Jaq said...

One of the things that nobody wants to say is that these street corner preachers, of whatever persuasion or race, are kind of comic. Add in the tom tom and you have a cross cultural experience.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Every interview of Kampala Harris should have her questioned about this and what she believes about it. Get her on record early and often to show the racist intolerant political hack she is.

Ann Althouse said...

"As Althouse knows, being on the Left means two things: 1) Never admit that you were wrong. 2) Feelings mean more than facts."

In my observation of people of the left, the most distinctive attribute is the belief that you are one of the good people.

And that can get you into trouble.

Ann Althouse said...

"the belief that you are one of the good people" ≈ "Never admit that you were wrong."

But as for "Feelings mean more than facts" — that's a conventional right-opinion about lefties. That's the self-love of the right, the idea that you've risen about passions and are grounded in reason.

Ironically, that view is out of touch with fact and reason.

chuck said...

Yesterday there was an earth shattering kaboom and the wreckage is still falling into the crater. And yes, I hope the kid has an excellent lawyer.

Dave Begley said...

Chris of Rights:

Yes, I could see a junior or senior from Omaha's all boys Catholic high school writing that.

And I also expect one of the biggest false light lawsuits ever in Kentucky federal court. CNN is already trying to mitigate damages by publishing his unedited statement. They should put him on the air and watch him destroy the likes of Anderson Cooper.

tcrosse said...

the belief that you are one of the good people.

And that can get you into trouble.

It leads you to think that whatever you do, no matter how bad, is good because you're the one who's doing it. The corollary is that bad people are incapable of doing good. There's a technical name for this, but it escapes me this morning.

alanc709 said...

This is what being "woke" means.

MartyH said...

Having been occasionally approached by crazy people, my natural reaction is to try to smile until the episode comes to an end. I’m sure that’s the situation this young man was in. WTF is going on? I’ll just try to smile until this nightmare ends.

Ralph L said...

I've heard nothing about the Sunday shows' reactions to this. I guess their revelance is past.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sue the fucking radical brown-shirted left.

Sue sue sue sue sue.

Matt Sablan said...

When some kid basically says: "We didn't do what you said we did," we have to check which side they are on before we decide if they are a woke teenager who we should listen due to their absolute moral authority or wisdom of babesness, or if they're a MAGA hat wearing troglodyte who probably can't spell their own name.

Matt Sablan said...

"In my observation of people of the left, the most distinctive attribute is the belief that you are one of the good people."

-- C.S. Lewis: "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Racism is out and proud now on the Left. Hating whitey ain't just for BLM anymore. Now everyone can do it!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing tyrannical harpies don't know they are tyrannical harpies.


See Kathy Griffin and Ruth Graham.

Professional lady said...

If you're a Catholic school kid, chances are that you can write a coherent and grammatically correct essay. Oh, and chances are the spelling will be correct too. I think the Archdiocese owes these kids an apology.

Unknown said...

> And he should have a good lawyer.

So any kid of no color who doesn't back down from a drum beating propagandist will need to spend $300 / hr to defend himself from psych analysis by the national press?

Chest Rockwell said...

"Racism is out and proud now on the Left. Hating whitey ain't just for BLM anymore. Now everyone can do it!""

Well, this is the Democratic party we're talking about. We had to burn Atlanta down to get them to heel. I propose Portland be the new test subject.

Anonymous said...

Disgusting hag Inga is TOO STUPID to realize they're talking about her grandsons.

Seeing Red said...

But as for "Feelings mean more than facts" — that's a conventional right-opinion about lefties.

Or it comes from listening to them and believing them.

Derek Kite said...

This is a fascinating situation. The 'story' is as nothing as anyone could come up with. A group of boys, a few protesters. Nothing happens. Nothing.

But out of nothing is brought forth one of these Rorschach pictures and we find out quite a bit about lots of people.

I expect some media people to be fired this week, but I suspect none will.

Lessons? They aren't nice.

1. Don't believe a word you see or read on any media. Wait 3 days, and then maybe there will be some indication of what went on, if at all.

2. The Catholic Church could take some lessons from Islamists. If that was a group of muslim kids the native american would have been pilloried. Killing journalists works. It underlies the threats needed every few days to keep the coverage positive.

3. Any journalistic organization should go through their staff this morning and fire anyone who has based a story on what they read on Twitter. They won't though, rule #1 still stands.

4. If the actions of those boys is 'whiteness', then I want more whiteness.

5. The desires and actions taken to hurt these kids will mean that the settlement or awards the media organizations pay will be higher. Someone will figure this out by the end of the week, maybe. On second thought, no. See rule #3.

6. The smirk or smile is so galling because the appropriate reaction needs to be fear. There was a pattern where authoritarian or totalitarian governments would have over the top reactions to those who didn't fear them. That is the root of religious persecution; people don't fear the authorities which is a direct challenge to an authority whose only power is fear. The 'social justice' movement operates on fear, which is their only power. Hence the over the top reaction to the apparent lack of fear on the faces of these boys.

buwaya said...

Joe the Plumber did get this treatment. I thought it was bizarre at the time, Joe obviously being working class and all. One would at the time, based on all priors, naturally assume that Democrats were looking for his vote. That was the old Democratic base after all. Indeed, Obama was apparently trying for his vote, understandably so. In the old days the candidate would have swallowed his pride and politely thanked the citizen for his opinion, and the allied press would have ignored the incident.

Instead it was treated as a crime of lese majeste.

But it was the vicious reaction, official and unofficial, was very disturbing. The "deep state", as far as it went among local authorities in Ohio, tried to shut down access to his trade. In retrospect it was a precursor to the situation today. Joe the plumber was a decade ago, and that situation is now normal. There certainly isn't going to be contrary political speech from licensed tradesmen in California!

stlcdr said...

"... It's that people still promote that narrative even after they know it's discredited ..."

Yes, this as absolutely true. And it puts another chalk mark against whites/conservatives/trump regardless of the truth. That's what matters to these people; the count of atrocities (sic) against minorities and not the facts.

Matt Sablan said...

I just don't comment when people bring up something that has been debunked. It isn't worth the effort since it doesn't matter. I'm still seeing people post the original edited clip.

By the way: Where's all the outrage over an edited video? Why has the left not uniformly decried the deceptive edits? That used to be the thing for Veritas videos -- even a stinger opening was enough to call it deceptively edited.

Unknown said...

> watch whiteness work

We got to see and hear blackness work on film with the Black Israelites.

They atrocious adult behavior towards teens is accepted as

normal for them

rather than called out at all.

"Watch whiteness work" goes a step further, saying white teens get no defense, and the result is white privilege.


1:06:45 – Threatening an innocent bystander with violence
1:07:49 – Black Hebrews calls the teens “incest babies.”
1:12:36 – Nathan Phillips, Indian drummer of sacred healing beats, marches to the spot with others, stops walking, and faces the students. He approaches the teens, not the other way around as reported by the media.
1:15:25 – “This is a bunch of future school shooters. When y’all gonna go shoot up another school?” asked by the Black Hebrews
1:18:15 – They get called “crackers” multiple times.
1:18:35 – “You only got one nigger in the crowd,” said by the Black Hebrews
1:18:42 – “Oh, you got two niggers in the crowd,” said by the Black Hebrews
1:19:05 – “Get out, nigger. Get out,” said by the Black Hebrews
1:21:27 – “This is a faggot child molester,” said by the Black Hebrews
1:21:52 – “Christ is coming back to kick yo cracker ass,” said by the Black Hebrews
1:25:00 – “But you give faggots rights,” said by the Black Hebrews. Teens jeer this.
1:27:00 – “There will be no peace until there is bloodshed,” said by the Black Hebrews.

Anonymous said...


buwaya said...

The school in question is a parochial high school. That means it is about as cheap as private high schools get. These kids are way closer to Joe the Plumber in social class than to Bret Kavanaugh, who went to Georgetown Prep. And for most parents of these kids it is quite a financial sacrifice even then.

They are much lower in the social order than their critics, who mainly come from the higher reaches of American academics, besides their being provincials.

wendybar said...

Just because Nick Sandmann writes more coherently than Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, doesn't mean he didn't write it himself.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Facts don't matter when you're morally right!

MD Greene said...

Yes, it's not as if this high school student is really noble and upstanding like David (aka "Camera") Hogg, who spoke truth to power and got admitted to Harvard for it.

Sebastian said...

@Althouse: "But as for "Feelings mean more than facts" — that's a conventional right-opinion about lefties. That's the self-love of the right, the idea that you've risen about passions and are grounded in reason. Ironically, that view is out of touch with fact and reason."

I agree that some conservatives overstate the feelings of the left. But in a deep sense the Burkean conservative critique is right, since it is aimed at the lefty feeling that reason must prevail in reordering society. It also does justice to the fact of the left's ignoring facts. The fact of the French Revolution's terror made no difference to the left. The fact of socialism's horrors makes no difference to self-described socialists today. Just this weekend you featured Nathan Glazer--the whole point of his work was to show how lefty feelings about social policy did not fit the facts.

The right doesn't believe we have "risen above passions and are grounded in reason." Ironically, that view is out of touch wth the reality of the right. If there is one thing that unites the Burkeans and the Hayekians, it is an understanding of the limits of "reason" in running society.

holdfast said...

The Joe The Plumber story was sort of buried in the overall campaign. If you didn't care about it, it was easy to miss.

Darrell said...

In my observation of people of the left, the most distinctive attribute is the belief that you are one of the good people.

Yeah, false belief.
And it's not even that.--it's a cloak they put on, knowing that it is not the case. Like that Lefty that smiled then kicked the woman in the face outside of that abortion clinic. Or that Lefty that smiled and tried to cold cock that Hispanic Vet, until a giant of a man caught his punch in his giant palm.

Big Mike said...

But as for "Feelings mean more than facts" — that's a conventional right-opinion about lefties.

@Althouse, it’s an opinion based on repeated observations. I also have a “conventional right-wing opinion” that fire is hot and a “conventional right-wing opinion” that water is wet.

Unknown said...

> But as for "Feelings mean more than facts" — that's a conventional right-opinion about lefties.

AOC is handy because she validates this with her Year Zero socialism.

It doesn't matter her Green New Deal is not only unworkable by orders of magnitude, its also an unwanted Socialist intrusion.

She wants to remove choice and enforce equality because its


from a recent column
:: Leon Trotsky understood the power of single-payer systems: “The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced with a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.”

Jaq said...

I wrote like that in high school, I might even have used redundancies like “derogatory insults.” Nobody who can write waited until college to learn to do it.

Big Mike said...

Thanks to the English teachers in my public high school I certainly could write like that when I was a junior.

But I was a junior back in the 1962-1963 school year.

Jon Burack said...

Yes, he should have a good lawyer and he should aggressively go after EVERY ONE of the media ghouls who sought to destroy him. Perhaps he won't, because he seems like a decent kid. But at least Kathy Griffith, since she very clearly and directly incited a mob against him. This incident is a new low. It points down to the lowest depths yet to come.

le Douanier said...

"I certainly hope the kid is not all alone."

Since reading his statement yesterday, I watched the confrontation clip for the first time. I had trouble seeing parallels to typical high school cheering. Maybe Catholic schools are more rowdy than I witnessed re Protestant school experience.

Anywho, everybody knows that the statement was constructed w/ info added to the kid's own narrative. E.g., stuff cobbled from news reports, e.g. the info re the Marine.

Amadeus 48 said...

Feelings don't care about your facts.
--Titania McGrath

Matt Sablan said...

"Anywho, everybody knows that the statement was constructed w/ info added to the kid's own narrative."

-- Well, yeah. That's how you defend a point. I believe this, and this information external to my beliefs backs that belief up.

le Douanier said...

"watch whiteness work."

BTW, that BLM guy is working w/ the Obama Bros now.

And, IIRC, he's a gay guy.

So, a lot to oppose for some cons.

Jaq said...

But as for "Feelings mean more than facts" — that's a conventional right-opinion about lefties. That's the self-love of the right, the idea that you've risen about passions and are grounded in reason.

Ironically, that view is out of touch with fact and reason.

Well, there you have made an assertion with that last statement. But I seriously doubt you can back it up in this case with evidence. You are reaching into your own mind to understand how people unlike you think. You just wrote something about that. There are plenty of people on the right who feel more than think, I could name check a few on this blog, but I won’t. But as a rule, I think that the right is far more interested in getting all of the facts, and the left, just enough facts to bolster their will to power and to curate their bigotry.

If there is a well-reasoned case to show me I am wrong, I would love to hear it.

Jaq said...

Maybe Catholic schools are more rowdy than I witnessed re Protestant school experience.

Did you ever get singled out as a group while sight seeing and be called “incest babies” and “school shooters”? Just curious.

bagoh20 said...

"And, IIRC, he's a gay guy.

So, a lot to oppose for some cons."

That's just ignorant. I know a lot of conservative gays. They just don't make a lot of noise. Like most conservatives, they have things to do.

And in this little episode, like many others, it was not conservatives calling these young people "fags" and believing that calling them gay was an insult.

Unknown said...

It is disgusting that the democrat propaganda machine is now so virulent, so vile that teenagers need lawyers for...standing there.

Freder Frederson said...

Well, whoever wrote it appears to believe "diffuse" means "defuse".

And being the spelling police is as deep as I am going to wade into this shark tank.

Rick said...


watch whiteness work.

Apparently he means judging based on the facts and circumstances rather than skin color is "whiteness". The result sounds pretty good but I'm confounded by the belief this is whiteness. Apparently white supremacy is so alluring it seduces even left wing black activists.

It's amazing what leftism will cause people to support. Hate is corrupting.

Freder Frederson said...

Thanks to the English teachers in my public high school I certainly could write like that when I was a junior.

That is nothing to be proud of. See my previous post.

bagoh20 said...

"Ironically, that view is out of touch with fact and reason."

Have you ever seen a congregation of lefties, a protest, a rally? Compare that to a Tea Party one for instance. How about one of those Occupy protests, where most of the people were very passionate, screaming and crying about a protest for which the actually purpose they had not figured out yet. There are videos of the organizers not even being able to articulate a message for their emotional circus. One reason there are so many more leftist protests is that they are drawn to the emotional experience regardless of the message, or facts. How you could have attended the protest in Madison and not see the emotionalism shows a tenacious attachment to defending the left.

Gahrie said...

I have a dream that my four little chi1dren will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character

Sadly, not yet Martin.

Rick said...

roesch/voltaire said...
The Rashomon story continues.

It's revealing rv continues to push this easily disproven narrative as the fallback position. Video clearly proves Phillips lied while also showing no conflict with the students' version. RV is in full propaganda mode trying to wrap the entire issue up as a "misunderstanding" when in fact it was a deliberate propaganda effort which failed. Left wingers are now lying to protect their allies.

Anonymous said...

r/V: The Rashomon story continues.

That reference. You keep using that reference...

Rashomon isn't a story about people cynically pushing or idiotically clinging to a demonstrably false narrative.

Gahrie said...

But as for "Feelings mean more than facts" — that's a conventional right-opinion about lefties. That's the self-love of the right, the idea that you've risen about passions and are grounded in reason.

No it's the belief that the attempt must be made.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Rick, didn't mean to repeat your comment. Your post wasn't there when I started typing out mine.

JaimeRoberto said...

And yet Deray will keep his Twitter blue check despite his racism.

Trumpit said...

I've met and hired plenty of lawyers, and I've yet to meet a good one or an honest one. I'll swear to that. I hate their fake smile for starters. They've all written the same book: How to Use Your Law Degree to Steal. Actually, they never smile because they have no soul. They never emote because they are empty inside. They are fake bad news. Children, stay away from them! They are a pack of rabid wolves. They will hurt you badly. This isn't funny nor is it meant to be.

Francisco D said...

In my observation of people of the left, the most distinctive attribute is the belief that you are one of the good people.

I agree completely.

The problem with that belief system is that people tend to seek out information that confirms that belief system (including the belief that people on the right are bad) and avoid information that disconfirms it.

The MSM suffers from this confirmation bias which makes it stronger for the average liberal progressive. Their constant assault on Republican POTUS' and the coddling of Democrat POTUS' gives people a very skewed view of the world. It takes an exceptional lefty to look through the media filter in order to figure out things for themselves.

Jaq said...

Well, whoever wrote it appears to believe "diffuse" means "defuse".

Yeah, definitely NOT a high school kid’s own words.

Jaq said...

"I've met and hired plenty of lawyers,”

The rest of your post says that this is a lie. There are lawyers that meet your description, and worse, but there are plenty of decent lawyers. The problem is that the bad ones can cause you a lot of pain.

Rick said...

And it's not even that.--it's a cloak they put on, knowing that it is not the case. Like that Lefty that smiled then kicked the woman in the face outside of that abortion clinic. Or that Lefty that smiled and tried to cold cock that Hispanic Vet, until a giant of a man caught his punch in his giant palm.

This misunderstands their psychology. Those actions do not prove left wingers know they are not good. Left wingers act that way because they believe they are doing so in the cause of good.

stlcdr said...

tim in vermont said... "Nobody who can write waited until college to learn to do it."
Nice, and certainly true.

Rick said...

Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...

No need to be, happens all the time.

bagoh20 said...

Just the treatment of all things Trump and the reaction to losing an election by the left compared to the right shows pretty clearly the difference emotion plays in theses two groups. The argument that the left is more emotion driven is so easy to prove in so many places that the opposite argument can only be emotion driven itself, based in "self love". I bet you can't even find a leftie protest without tears, screaming and other emotional outbursts. I rarely see that at gatherings of the right. This is why conservatives usually avoid exposing their political leanings around lefties, becuase you get exactly what these students did - emotional reaction completely at odds with the facts.

chickelit said...

Wow. So many Twitter "blue checks" defiling their own privilege.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

Remember when the left chastised Trump and others for calling members of the MS-13 gang animals? That was mistreating them, denying them their humanity. Yes, gang members known for raping and murdering people.
But a teenage boy wearing a MAGA hat? He's pure evil and must be destroyed. Is that denying him his humanity? Never mind, he's got a MAGA hat on and that's good enough.
These are some crazy times.

chickelit said...

Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...Rashomon isn't a story about people cynically pushing or idiotically clinging to a demonstrably false narrative.

Well, I think it is in Madison, WI, which is where RV comes from.

stlcdr said...

re. 'watch whiteness work'.

This is the why white people (sic) disassociate themselves from black people: the more 'white privilege' we hear about from black people, the more that black people aren't worth the effort to deal with.

A sad state of affairs, because it's such a small but vocal minority which pushes this view. The media likes to play out anecdotes and these voices as 'the majority'. So be it.

Not Sure said...

This episode--particularly the way the SJW crowd persists without embarrassment in its persecution of this kid--convinces me that the left in this country is indeed motivated solely by emotion. And those emotions are not compassion, they are hatred and resentment, fed daily by the media--both mainstream and social.

Conservative commenters like Rod Dreher fell all over themselves in a rush to denounce this kid when they thought he was guilty of White Smugness. Now that extended video is out, what do we hear from the left? Doubling down on hatred. On this site, the best that the leftish commenters can muster is some bullshit "who-can-know-the-truth?" crap.

Nick Sandman is the new Steve Bartman. The media are doing now what they did then--whipping up a frenzy of hatred for the sake of eyeballs. They are beneath contempt.

Freder Frederson said...

Just the treatment of all things Trump and the reaction to losing an election by the left compared to the right shows pretty clearly the difference emotion plays in theses two groups.

Are you freaking kidding me?! Do you just choose to ignore the Tea Party reaction to Obama's election? Or that so many people believed, without a shred of evidence, Obama was not born in the U.S.? And there is an entire industry based on the emotional hatred of the left led by Rush and Hannity.

walter said...

Blogger Unknown said...
1:12:36 – Nathan Phillips, Indian drummer of sacred healing beats
That's some powerful healing there.

1:21:52 – “Christ is coming back to kick yo cracker ass,” said by the Black Hebrews
WWJD? Result of too many comic book based movies.

Rick said...

Are you freaking kidding me?! Do you just choose to ignore the Tea Party reaction to Obama's election?

The Tea Party existed before Obama's election, plus the Tea Party was neither violent nor tied to Obama's birthplace. The Tea Party specifically organized itself to elevate economic issues over cultural issues. Revealingly even though the left spent decades claiming to want exactly this when they got it they freaked out. The left media imposed the narrative it found most effective regardless of reality and left wingers either believe it or understand they have to act like they believe it.

Freder Frederson said...

The Tea Party specifically organized itself to elevate economic issues over cultural issues.

The tea party's bete noire was Obamacare. To claim healthcare is not a cultural issue (as well as an economic one) is nonsense. And granted, they were not violent, but they sure got emotional and one of their most successful (and intentional) tactics was flooding Congress people's town hall meetings and shouting everyone else down.

That the birthers were not necessarily congruent with the Tea Party, doesn't diminish their delusions based entirely on the dislike of Obama.

Hagar said...

"Diffuse" is a perfectly acceptable verb to use in this context and indeed better describes what Mr. Sandmann says he was trying to do than "defuse."

bagoh20 said...

This episode combined with the Kavanaugh fiasco prove beyond a doubt that the Left, the media, and the Democrats do not argue in good faith, cannot be trusted to fight fair, and are dangerous with their passion. The best one can say is that they suffer from mass hysteria, but that seems unlikely. It is more likely they are just dishonest and willing to do any damage necessary to push their agenda. Democracy is not a sufficient set of rules for them, and they have little respect for the founding principles of the nation, and don't even respect their own stated standards and ideals. They just want to vent, fight, win, and destroy. If Hillary had won that would not have changed anything about the character of the Left, but Trump has exposed it in all its ugliness, bringing it out front and center every day. You can try and defend it, but as the left likes to say, that is gonna put you on the wrong side of history.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"this is nothing and I hope you have a good lawyer"

walter said...

as for "Feelings mean more than facts" — that's a conventional right-opinion about lefties.
Ben Shapiro: "Facts don't care about your feelings"
as well as spouted by AOC in her own defense.

"That's the self-love of the right, the idea that you've risen about passions and are grounded in reason.
Ironically, that view is out of touch with fact and reason."
Yeah, yeah..everybody has passions.
But then cruel neutrality devolved into sobbing upon the sight of choreographed imagery of boys in an ad.

Rick said...

The tea party's bete noire was Obamacare.

Incorrect. The Tea Party resisted the bailouts after the financial crises which developed into TARP and started under Bush. But you believe they started to oppose Obama because you're incapable of understanding any fact which does not fit the narrative.

one of their most successful (and intentional) tactics was flooding Congress people's town hall meetings and shouting everyone else down.

Not only are you incapable of understanding any fact which does not fit the narrative you simply invent other "facts" which would support the narrative if only they were true.

Ladies and Gentlemen: the perfect leftist is among us.

Martin said...

Just like we're supposed to believe that the Parkland HS "survivors" just spontaneously organized themselves and got a lot of media and demonstration gigs?

People who live in glass houses, etc. etc. etc.

Jack Klompus said...

"It's revealing rv continues to push this easily disproven narrative as the fallback position."
In R/Vs defense I've yet to read one post by him that isn't painfully stupid and pretentious. He probably saw the movie once and has been dying to name drop it for years.

cacimbo said...

NPR interviewed the American Indian at the center of this controversy today. He was given full deference despite the fact the full video shows he is a liar. He demands the students be suspended. He does not condemn or call for any action against the "Black Israelites" despite the fact they insulted and demeaned the Native American group for over an hour. Racism against whites demands you hate on whitey even when attacked by non-whites. Bizarre how eager white leftists are to jump in and attack fellow whites. Do they actually think their white children would have been treated differently just because they were not wearing maga hats.

bagoh20 said...

I was there at the first Tea Party gatherings out in California, I still have the T-shirts, and it was not about Obama or Obamacare. It was about Taxed Enough Already. Those events were attended by LGBT groups, blue collar workers, veterans, and a pretty good distribution of average Americans - not older, nor younger, and it included, plenty of minorities. I distinctly remember at one in Santa Monica, CA standing next to a group of lesbians talking with a group of Blacks. It was upbeat, friendly, and enthusiastic, but there was no crying or screaming, and nobody felt the need to shout anybody down. There was extensive talking in reasonable voices among the crowd, actually discussing issues, not just yelling out mindless chants, although there were a few of those from time to time.

Although I agreed with the basic message of reducing taxes, I was mostly drawn into the movement by the diversity, civility, and camaraderie among such diverse people. It seemed like it was the 70's again when we used to talk to each other. Then the left attacked, and scared off much of the diversity. The behavior of the protest remained respectful, clean, and responsible. Still not much crying or screaming, not to mention trashing places.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Watch DeRay end up in prison.

walter said...

Must be whiteness at work at the Blexit rally...

chickelit said...

Cacimbo Cacimbo said...
NPR interviewed the American Indian at the center of this controversy today. He was given full deference despite the fact the full video shows he is a liar. He demands the students be suspended. He does not condemn or call for any action against the "Black Israelites" despite the fact they insulted and demeaned the Native American group for over an hour. Racism against whites demands you hate on whitey even when attacked by non-whites.

This is the Ritmo doctrine of racism: It doesn't matter how egregious black on white racism is, it simply doesn't matter because of population imbalance.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

BTW, that BLM guy is working w/ the Obama Bros now. And, IIRC, he's a gay guy. So, a lot to oppose for some cons.

I guess that's why a conservative posted this comment. Oh, my mistake, it's Ritmo the raging idiot anarchist.! Because the Alt-Left is always first to note the race and sexual orientation because that matters to idiots like Ritmo. Republicans aren't the ones making jokes about Lindsey Graham's orientation, it's the newly elected Muslim racists in the DemoRAT party.

In the real world, conservatives have families that include all races; friends and relatives that are gay. We don't live in isolation like you freaky racist maladjusted shut-ins, tethered to reality only by their keyboards. You should get out more.

Jupiter said...

Ann Althouse said...

"But as for "Feelings mean more than facts" — that's a conventional right-opinion about lefties."

I think you misunderstand the claim. For me, at least, this claim refers to the habit Lefties have of pointing to an unfortunate person -- not one of their own victims, of course -- and claiming that the person's suffering, such as it may be, is all the justification their preferred policy requires. As if there are no trade-offs in this World, every choice is between Good and Evil. "If one child goes to bed hungry at night, anyone who doesn't want his taxes raised is a NAZI!" And of course, if you grant that sharp dichotomy, then yes, pointing to a single instance of suffering is certainly pointing to Evil. No additional evidence would be required.

Jaq said...

A brief foray into Twitter revealed on commenter countering video evidence with the story told by Mr. Power Drum Song, as if the video evidence was meaningless.

Jupiter said...

And you are also wrong about the "believing they are good people" part. What the Leftists believe is that they are perilously close to being BAD people. They dimly recognize their own racism, sexism, selfishness, etc, and they desperately fear that others might recognize it as well. Thus the haste to point the finger -- There! There! There is racism! There is sexism! There is greed! There!

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The kid's article is thoughtful and conforms to the known facts. It has a few spelling/word choice errors, could have been better punctuated, is fairly simple and straightforward, but is still intelligently composed. It's well written, but nothing out of the ordinary for a well-schooled teenager, that is, it's beyond the capacity of most of the semi-literate morons the public schools churn out every year.

Jaq said...

I can't help but have a sneaking suspicion that this is why McAuliffe is making sure that we never see all of the video from Charlottesville.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Do you just choose to ignore the Tea Party reaction to Obama's election?

Another leftist myth. It started under Bush, gained momentum during the "Crisis" of 2008 when Tea Party groups warned not to bail out banks and laughed at the "too big to fail" bullshit. We were right. Bush and Obama were wrong. And yeah, the Tea Party led the revolt against Obamacare because the weak-kneed GOPe would not do it. Some things never change. Like Freder lying to advance his agenda.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I was there at the first Tea Party gatherings out in California, I still have the T-shirts, and it was not about Obama or Obamacare. It was about Taxed Enough Already. Those events were attended by LGBT groups, blue collar workers, veterans, and a pretty good distribution of average Americans - not older, nor younger, and it included, plenty of minorities. I distinctly remember at one in Santa Monica, CA standing next to a group of lesbians talking with a group of Blacks. It was upbeat, friendly, and enthusiastic, but there was no crying or screaming, and nobody felt the need to shout anybody down. There was extensive talking in reasonable voices among the crowd, actually discussing issues, not just yelling out mindless chants, although there were a few of those from time to time.

Yep. Only those who weren't there or buy the DNC-Media's spin on history would spout the bullshit Freder does. We were there. Bush was president.

walter said...

What a funhouse mirror view this became.
"Black Israelites" spouting off in about as vile a fashion possible, but hacks focus on a teen's smile at an activist banging a drum at him.

It may be MLK day, but it's Emily Litella week..maybe month at this rate.

n.n said...

Diversity or color judgment at work... for political, social, and economic leverage over competing interests. Perhaps a projection of a long-held prejudice or a displacement of unhappy experience or perception on a convenient target.

buwaya said...

Catholic parochial schools cater to a much more blue-collar population than most other private schools, including most of those affiliated with mainline Protestant denominations. The exceptions I suppose would be the Evangelical schools, but I have little experience with those.

Now, there are many expensive, selective Catholic schools also, but the majority are oriented to the ordinary person, to the extent possible. Everything is done to keep them affordable. The difference in cost can be extreme. We are talking about 1/2 to 1/4 the price, and even more in some cases.

Catholic school funding, especially scholarship programs to pay poor childrens tuition, are my only charities. It is a very worthwhile effort, the difference in atmosphere and expectations between a Catholic parochial and a "normal" urban public school can be stunning.

Jack Klompus said...

I guess Deray must've wrapped up his $165k gig having turned around the Baltimore public schools into the shining success story they are today.

Marcus said...

I could have written that statement at 14. Not all of us are illiterate -- even if we did attend public school.


Marcus said...

The hostess said: But as for "Feelings mean more than facts" — that's a conventional right-opinion about lefties. That's the self-love of the right, the idea that you've risen about passions and are grounded in reason.

Ironically, that view is out of touch with fact and reason.

Naw. You must FEEL that way to espouse that opinion.


buwaya said...

The foundation of the Tea Party, or its name at least, is usually ascribed to Rick Santelli, in the course of complaints about the government (effectively) bailing out Fannie Mae, just one of several such things. He called for a "Tea Party" response to these absurd giveaways. That was in February 2009. I remember watching it at the time.

This was long before the struggle over Obamacare began.

The bailouts were indeed a bi-partisan program. Obamacare was something else.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"Well, whoever wrote it appears to believe "diffuse" means "defuse".

It's a common mistake, one made by many who claimed that Phillips was trying to "diffuse" the situation, something he manifestly was not doing, however it's spelled.

Also, the students not only didn't voice any slurs or insults, they were the only ones present who pushed back at the homophobia of BHI, and not because they were personally targeted, but because of their belief in the innate human dignity of all person.

Fritz said...

The Washington Post has an article this morning where they try to walk back their total support for the Indian dude. It's typically dishonest, putting as negative a spin on anything the kids did as they can, and as positive as they can on the Indian. It's about as much of an apology for getting it wrong as we're going to get.

A tribal elder and a high school junior stood face to face, and the world reacted

"To Jessica Travis, a Florida attorney who was at the memorial with her mother, the students looked out of control.

“The kids really went into a mob mentality, honestly,” she said, adding that she didn’t see any chaperones trying to control the situation. She said she heard one student tell the Hebrew Israelites to “drink the Trump water.”"

About 19 paragraphs later:

"Travis, who was in town to attend the Women’s March before sightseeing, said the scene on Friday shocked her and her mother.

“It was really depressing,” she said, “to see we are even more divided than ever.”"

She was doing her part.

MayBee said...

In my observation of people of the left, the most distinctive attribute is the belief that you are one of the good people.

And that can get you into trouble.

Yes. And as you said, and as I believe we are seeing in this story, the racism inherent in believing people of color (and sometimes women, and sometimes people from other countries) are not capable of a full range of independent actions and emotions. They are only capable of reacting to white people (or white men, or Americans) and not fully responsible for their own actions or thoughts.

In this story, it is the privileged white teen wearing a Maga hat vs. the mystical native American man drumming and the Black Israelites screaming epithets who apparently can't be expected to do any better.

Freder Frederson said...

And yeah, the Tea Party led the revolt against Obamacare because the weak-kneed GOPe would not do it.

I'm so confused. I am being criticized for claiming that one of the Tea Party's signature issues was and is Obamacare, yet you seem to be admitting that, indeed, it was.

Which is it?

And forgive if by looking at the various tea party websites (e.g., teaparty.org, teapartyexpress.org and teapartypatriots.org) I am led to believe that their issues do not "elevate economic issues over cultural issues".

Michael Fitzgerald said...

The very dangerous aspect of this episode is the fact that so very many influential individuals know the truth, but not only still propogate the lie, but intend to exaggerate and prosecute it. They were allowed to get away with it against Kav-brah, and now it's katy-bar-the-door for Democrat party members using false accusations to destroy innocent lives.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I'm so confused. I am being criticized for claiming that one of the Tea Party's signature issues was and is Obamacare, yet you seem to be admitting that, indeed, it was.

You claimed that opposing Obamacare was an origin story for Tea Party protests and several of us corrected you to indicate we started gathering and opposing any new taxation in Spring 2008. (This is also the correct time frame for Santelli's rant.) Out of kindness I extended a small olive branch to you, acknowledging that LATER Tea Party groups protested PPACA, leaving out the explanation that it was because of the huge tax increases needed to fund it. You see, there's a certain consistency to the Taxed Enough Already efforts!

But you have to wade back in feigning "confusion" again. This post is for other readers to have as context within which to judge your disingenuous remarks. You can continue to be confused, as you wish. Who knows what "those groups" are up to now? Most of us learned that the GOP hated grass roots opposition to bigger government as much as the DNC does. Tea Party-type protests were not effective in that respect, although the momentum did show Congress just how much opposition to the ACA there was "out there" outside of DC. That's why it had to passed in the dead of night, un-read, despite a million promises of an OPEN and TRANSPARENT process.

Original Mike said...

Blogger bagoh20 said..."Just the treatment of all things Trump and the reaction to losing an election by the left compared to the right shows pretty clearly the difference emotion plays in theses two groups."


Freder Frederson said...

You claimed that opposing Obamacare was an origin story for Tea Party protests

As usual, your reading comprehension is extraordinarily bad. I suppose you could make an argument that when I said "the tea party's bete noire" was Obamacare, I meant Obamacare and Obamacare alone was the Tea Party's issue. Which of course would be a ridiculous statement (and a ridiculous interpretation of what I wrote).

So I will correct and clarify my statement and say that one of the Tea Party's bete noires was Obamacare.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So I will correct and clarify my statement and say that one of the Tea Party's bete noires was Obamacare.

I can't vouch for your French, but that at least is more like the truth. To paraphrase Mary Matalin's husband, "It's the taxation, Stupid!" would have been a viable and accurate slogan for the Tea Party in those early oughts.

Marty said...

Althouse said, But as for "Feelings mean more than facts" — that's a conventional right-opinion about lefties. That's the self-love of the right, the idea that you've risen about passions and are grounded in reason.

1. The one does not follow from the other. One can claim that for the left, "feelings mean more than facts," and either fall into the same trap or avoid it entirely. I certainly have not suppressed my passions, but the difference just might be that I am aware of them and am willing to take them into account when expressing myself. OTOH I rarely meet a person of SJW convictions with very much self-awareness. This site is replete with commenters demonstrating this observation.

2. Postmodernists explicitly reject Reason as a tool of oppressive Dead White Men, thus elevating Emotion as the medium of argumentation. Although there are certainly postmodernists outside of the left (e.g. the President), the shrillest and loudest pomo voices reside firmly in liberal-left land.

Rabel said...

"He should have adult counseling!"

"And he should have a good lawyer."

And he should have a gun on his hip.

They want blood.

Freder Frederson said...

And he should have a gun on his hip.

And in the confrontation at issue here, what possible good could come from any of the parties having a gun on their hip?

Marcus said...

I have a dream that one day we will judge people by the content of their character rather than by the color of their hat.


Rabel said...

"And in the confrontation at issue here, what possible good could come from any of the parties having a gun on their hip?"

Not that confrontation Freder, the one to come if any of your thugs are able to get him alone.

SGT Ted said...

Amanda Marcotte is a shitbag garbage human being.

That is all.

rcocean said...

Amanda Marcotte is a shitbag piece of garbage.


Jim at said...

And in the confrontation at issue here, what possible good could come from any of the parties having a gun on their hip?

The confrontation never starts?

Freder Frederson said...

The confrontation never starts?

And why would that be? What possible justification is there for threatening someone with a firearm because they get in your personal space. There is no evidence of violence or threat of violence in this situation.

And really?! You are going to encourage a fit sixteen year old to threaten an old man (armed only with a drum) with a firearm?

You must love the second amendment a lot more than the first.

Rick said...

I can't vouch for your French, but that at least is more like the truth.

Still not correct though. TARP animated the Tea Party and its next opposition was the so called stimulus package. So Obamacare is at best third on the list of three items which is better characterized as everyday rather than bete noire.

Then add in the smear effort with birthers and the lie that Tea Party positions were grounded in dislike of Obama instead of consistent with the positions they supported under another president. So to sum up Freder is the perfect little leftist not just believing long debunked assertions (and sliming those he hates) but also making up things which would be convenient if only they were true.

Freder Frederson said...

Not that confrontation Freder, the one to come if any of your thugs are able to get him alone.

Since I have not expressed an opinion on who I think was right or wrong (I just criticized Sandmann's use of the wrong verb), what makes you think that I want (or even have) thugs that I am directing to physically harm this young man?

Gospace said...

Freder Frederson said...

... Or that so many people believed, without a shred of evidence, Obama was not born in the U.S.?...

Yep, absolutely no evidence at all. None whatsoever. I mean, just because some guys publisher has for years put out a publicity statement approved by the author stating he was born in Kenya- I mean, that's not any kind of evidence at all whatsoever that the author was born in Kenya, right? No one could possibly think that was evidence. No one!


So- there's more documented evidence that Obama was born in Kenya than there is evidence Trump colluded with Russia.

There's still plenty of rumors he went to college as a foreign student on a scholarship only available to a foreign student. And the rumors will persist unless his unedited student records are released. They never will be.

Rick said...

There is no evidence of violence or threat of violence in this situation.

It's too bad such sober evaluation of risk wasn't available Saturday. Then left wingers claim edto believe some old man was at risk because a kid smiled. Others nearby were referred to as "prey". Many on the left still claim to believe this assessment.

If we grouped these wildly disparate assessments of risk by some characteristic of the targets I wonder if we could identify some consistent trigger.

Static Ping said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Static Ping said...

So let's see. Example #1 is blatant racism, though the speaker will most certainly claim that he cannot be racist for reasons that make perfectly good sense to him but baffle anyone with an ounce of objectivity. If you like, we can compromise on hateful, because it certainly is that. Example #2 is someone who sees grand conspiracies in the obvious. Yes, I am pretty sure that the kid had at least one editor and probably a lawyer look it over before release, and given the trauma you just helped put him through it would not surprise me if someone wrote down what he said with a bit more polish. Spell check was also likely involved. That's not unusual at all. So congratulations on... something. Yay, you, I guess. Example #3 is someone putting the worst possible and grossly biased spin on things for her own benefit, not considering for a moment that applying the same standards to herself would almost certainly force her to shut up forever. (Put Hillary Clinton through that meat grinder and enjoy the show, I say.) While that specific result would be quite pleasant, I cannot agree to your terms at this time as we do require at least a quorum of human beings to communicate to make modern society work and that will require more than perhaps four (4) non-infant persons who could survive the test.

At this point, if we could vote to close down Twitter I would all for its permanent removal from public life. It's a useless thing. If television is the idiot box, Twitter is the hate app.

ccscientist said...

Amanda Marcotte affirms that the Left believes that anyone supporting Trump and not in favor of abortion does not have a right to that opinion, but is de facto a bigot and sexist which makes them beyond the pale and ok to threaten them and doxx them. Only one side in the political world has a right to their opinion, the Dems. Got it.

Jim at said...

What possible justification is there for threatening someone with a firearm because they get in your personal space. There is no evidence of violence or threat of violence in this situation.

Carrying a gun on your hip is not threatening anyone.

Freder Frederson said...

Carrying a gun on your hip is not threatening anyone.

If true, then how would a gun on the hip prevent such a confrontation? You can't have it both ways, claim that carrying a gun on your hip is not threatening yet will make someone think twice about exercising their constitutional rights.

walter said...

noun: deterrent; plural noun: deterrents

a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.

Freder Frederson said...

deterrent; plural noun: deterrents

a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.

The only way a deterrent works is if there is a credible threat that the deterrent will be used.

Rabel said...

"If true, then how would a gun on the hip prevent such a confrontation?"

Please don't play dumb, Freder. It's not a good look on you and there are several others here who are much more practiced at it and do it better.

walter said...

Threats all around Freder...size, strength..attitude..victim card.
Jello on, my friend.

Rusty said...

Blogger rcocean said...
"Amanda Marcotte is a shitbag piece of garbage. "
Now, now. A little charity is in order. After all the girl can't utter a sentence unless it has the word,"patriarcy" in it. She also has a dildo attached to an industrial grade hammer drill.

Rusty said...

Freder Frederson said...
"Carrying a gun on your hip is not threatening anyone.

If true, then how would a gun on the hip prevent such a confrontation? You can't have it both ways, claim that carrying a gun on your hip is not threatening yet will make someone think twice about exercising their constitutional rights."

Freder is afraid of cops

ccscientist said...

Why might the kid need a lawyer? Because he is being threatened and his family is being threatened and he might be expelled for smiling.

In high school back in the 60s we had to write 30 page English papers, so yes I could write like that back in the day. It wasn't even that great of a school.

How shabby is reporting these days when there is a 2 hour video and they get the story backwards? Oh, but silly me, it was intentional.

walter said...

So..in such sensitive times, will Kendrik Lamar be asked about his BHI brethren's vile insults?

cf said...

"They were wearing hats celebrating a man who bragged about assaulting women"

for the record, Sexy millionaire Donald Trump did not brag about assaulting women. He expressed amazement at the power he had with a steady flow of a certain kind of woman, that they would let him do anything at all like "grab em by the pussy".

and he is right. There is a whole chunk of the pie of females that will do just about anything to get the power, money, or ego hit of rubbing up against a "powerful" man.

if the delicate knitters of pussy hats can't understand that many of their sisters are whores, well, they gotta a lot to learn.

that's why I am sticking to voting for Men. men. men.

til these dames get their shit together.

Howard said...

Cucks need gun like binkie. Passivation of their fear of helplessness

Rusty said...

Howard. Are you really Amanda? It would explain a lot.

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