Phrases jump out at me as I try to read Rebecca Traister's
"Don’t Give Up on the Women’s March" (New York Magazine):
[T]he fact that millions of women and men have turned out for mass protests for two years in a row, not despite tensions over racial, religious, ideological, and economic differences — but in the midst of them, some engaging them head-on — has been one of the most defining and electrifying features of this iteration of a women’s movement. The hot messiness has been one of contemporary feminism’s surest signs of life and of a willingness to work toward being better than it has been in the past.
At the Women’s March convention in 2017, the session on confronting white womanhood was the most oversubscribed of the weekend.... In the two years since, there has been vivid, if insufficient, acknowledgment of white patriarchy, not just within the nation but within the women’s movement.....
There was too little sense that a march of resistance to Donald Trump — organized and primarily attended by white women, co-opting a renewed culture of public protest pioneered within movements for racial justice (BLM) and leftist policy (Occupy), held in the wake of an election in which exit polls showed the majority of white women voting for Donald Trump and 94 percent of black women voting for Hillary Clinton — would have been disastrous. Such an event would have ensured that a contemporary revivification of a woman’s movement was bound to replicate the mistakes of the past, rather than to address and correct them. In other words, Mallory, Perez, and Sarsour wound up covering a lot of white-woman ass in 2017....
The reporting on Mallory, on Farrakhan, on the Women’s March, has taught me so much: about the history and role of the Nation of Islam, about the history of anti-Semitism in some black communities, and of racism within some Jewish communities. Is this not the ideal future for a movement of women, in which we must expose and examine the twisted histories of our own resentments?....
ADDED: It's almost as if Traister is calling on white women — especially Jewish women — to
patronize women of color?
we must expose and examine the twisted histories of our own resentments
Not only resentments, but grudges, needs, fears, suspicions and narcissistic postures.
The proper response to this article requires a lot of mocking quotations, as follows:
The "leaders" of the women's march who are so "brave" and stand up to "racism" and "patriarchy" cannot be relied upon to denounce an actual bigot - Farrakhan.
When the reality of the "bravery" of your movements' leaders is that they are not standing up against all racism, bigotry, and patriarchy but are instead a political and identity movement, a lot of people who signed up SHOULD drop away.
Calling a spade a spade is a hallmark of intellectual integrity. Failure to do so...
They're women. Any thought gets short-circuited into feelings right away by too many left-right brain connections.
I thought the tampon lady nailed it all in the first march. I forget what her point was.
Is there any downside, as a white woman, to ignoring all this masturbatory nonsense?
Maybe thoughts are like holograms. If you get enough supporting feelings you can funnel them across the brain and generate a thought.
Maybe it will help in the question what do women want.
She writes like she thinks. Messy and curiously informed. Speaking of hot messes.
Paglia thought menstruation was what put women in a primitive state. They just arise to a coherent view of the world and then at 28 days they're thrown back into the muck.
This kind of rhetoric doesn't always mean people are being sent to camps but this kind of rhetoric always precedes people being sent to camps.
White women are about to replace white men as Enemy Number One. Put it together, white people are enemy number one
Are women a tribe or are they just confused as to in which tribe they belong?
Why do feminist women take so much pride in being miserable?
Shit, I grew up poor and miserable. The struggle of my life has been to leave that behind.
And I did. I'm happy.
Be grateful and happy, girls. It's a better way to live. The grudge battle isn't worth it.
Can't, can't we all just get along?
At least a march gets people outdoors. The life outdoors is always changing.
“Try to read” encapsulates about every experience of mine with a New York Magazine article. It is a supposedly award winning magazine, but it just seems like trash to me. They like to put the word “horny” in their headlines, I suppose to lure internet porn searchers. They also publish all out porn in some of their lifestyle pieces.
Excuse me, is this a discussion about Spanx?
Paglia said while men are studying pee trajectories, aim and physics, women are just watering the ground under them. Not everybody eliminates the same.
Paglia's theory was that sex differences come from sex differences.
The amazing thing about Paglia wasn't so much what she said but that Yale University Press published it.
Possibly Yale didn't read it. It was a large book.
It was painful to try to read what that person wrote. The language of totalitarianism is the same, whether it is 1920's Soviet Union, or 1970's PRC. The phrasing, pace, and lack of clarity and common sense is what happens when you want to advance an agenda, lacking facts and against objective reality.
March for Life is today! THAT is the real Woman's March!!! They don't discriminate like the pussy hatted one!!!
Anti-white woman
This does not track as a successful political program.
It can't be repeated enough. Today, across the planet, life has never been so good. Only obscene wealth generates enough time to wallow in yourself they way these faux SJW wallow.
Having said that, know that the normal people out here in the real world have no respect for any of your blather.
I just heard that federal Trump investigators have found something and an investigation will follow.
They do seem to play right into rhhardin's shtick, don't they?
Women in Omaha aren't up in arms. Maybe in NYC.
The importance of the insane women idea is that they drive the news media by way of being the audience, and the news media edit every public discussion of everything.
Huge ridicule has to fall on the entire system so that they can no longer edit.
The real problem is democracy. Until we get rid of that, the problem of paying too much attention to white people is not going away.
The idea that the Nation of Islam are heroes because they teach us to hate white women is going to be a difficult sell to the general public in 2020.
This hot mess is not about stomping some white privileged women. They are not big contributors. The knife edge the Dems are perched on is how do they keep their Jewish big contributors writing checks while the Progressive Dem's Muslims go jihadist on them.
Is there any downside, as a white woman, to ignoring all this masturbatory nonsense?
I dunno.... that Koolaid Traister's drinking sounds like powerful stuff :p
Wait, what? I thought Republicans were reprehensible because we do not feel the need to go out of our way and get rid of every white supremacist who votes Republican. But liberals are allowed to be led by antisemites? It's "complicated", and that's great.
Re: the Women's March. A bunch of our friends marched on that famous day in 2017. AS near as we could tell, they didn't know what they were marching for or against...because WOMEN.
So precious. Wank away, ladies. You can't grovel enough to women "of color".
But there's hope! You can probably make yourself non-white if you try. What's your background, Rebecca? Lots of blonde, blue-eyed Hispanics are no longer white. Got anything Iberian in your background? Are you Jewish? Italian? Even Irish? If so, I have it on good authority that you too can expunge the shame of being white and adopt a purified new identity.
Please, do it. All of your lot. What's that? Brain-dead degraded groveling is your kink, you get off on it too much and don't want to change? Do it anyway, toots. You're an embarrassment to self-respecting white women everywhere, and we'd appreciate it if you'd voluntarily remove yourself from our particular sub-population. Go make some other demographic cringe.
Sydney: ...but it just seems like trash to me.
Written by and for people (mostly women, I'd guess) "educated" beyond their intelligence. A type guaranteed, once hired, to degrade any institution or publication.
Blogger rhhardin said...
"I thought the tampon lady nailed it all in the first march. I forget what her point was."
"Cable host and political science professor Melissa Harris-Perry has made an on-air fashion statement with tampons."
We remember the tampons, but forget the blather.
Maybe they should make a Tampax commercia to lecture white women on this problem of theirs that is keeping them from being better women.
They could have fixed that Gillette commercial with the simple expedient of putting Bill Clinton in the role of the one being shamed by the barbecuing men. Then the sides would have flipped almost %100.
"This does not track as a successful political program."
Dunno. Seems to be working in South Africa.
Blogger Tom T. said...
The idea that the Nation of Islam are heroes because they teach us to hate white women is going to be a difficult sell to the general public in 2020.
Islam’s big problem here is there position on dogs. They’re against them.
Why are you assuming that the Jewish women are white?
Pack Wové
Only if the program is concealed until resistance is gone.
The zealots at the antI-Jew FemMarch cannot hide their zeal.
If Trump turns his attention to the HateMarch, fuggetaboudit.
Why are lefty minorities so obsessed with 'whiteness'? Is it because they feel like they can't compete with it, so the only solution is to eradicate it?
Ha! They must be pathetic losers.
Go ahead, Prog's - keep pounding away at white people and heterosexuals, because the majority or people (of all kinds) are already sick of it, and are having the scales drop from their eyes, to boot. The result will be that MORE people will not care or want to hear about the problems of minorities or women or whoever, real or imagined.
Just when white women thought they were going to crack the glass ceiling, they’re told white privilege means they must step aside so women of color can move to the front.
"ADDED: It's almost as if Traister is calling on white women — especially Jewish women — to patronize women of color? "
Oh, Ann. The Democrat Party has been patronizing women and minorities since its inception. I find it amazing that you've ever perceived their rhetoric and policies as anything else.
It's OK to hate White people and Jews because they're a bunch of evil racists.
Part of the new revealed religion is the problematic nature of whiteness. Your estrogen will not wash away the problem.
Why was it Beto and not Stacey Abrams? The teeth. The hank of hair. They appeal to the HuffPo editorial board, but they are now problematic and must go. Stacey may be a bridge too far, but we have Kamala Harris in the on deck circle, and she knows how to play the game.
Plus, she's a winner. Estrogen and so little problematic whiteness. And curb appeal.
Don't discount curb appeal. It's what got Beto to where he is today.
For centuries, violence has been done in the name of--and even physically enacted by—white women.
"As white women, we simultaneously hold social and financial power as white people, while suffering under the confines of "womanhood." In this way we often enact harm while relieving ourselves of responsibility for our actions. We are viewed as objects to be defended (or violated) by our white male protectors. White men's presumed ownership of "pure" white women does not keep us safe - and it certainly does not free us from patriarchy. It reinforces it. The silencing of women's history has erased the ways in which we were (and are) active creators of the white supremacist system we live in today. We believe there are four main areas which we participate; Violence, Universalism, Post Racial Optimism, and White Saviorism."
IOW, these people are crazy, 'specially dem white wimmin-folks.
I fully support the left revealing their plan to make white women class citizens.
At least a march gets people outdoors. The life outdoors is always changing.
Outdoors activities are toxically masculine.
It’s all just too much fun. Where is Paddy Chayefsky when we need him?
It's almost as if Traister is calling on white women — especially Jewish women — to patronize women of color?
It's her nature. Fish gotta swim. Traister's gotta patronize women of color.
millions of women and men have turned out for mass protests for two years in a row,
AND so???
Millions of women and men turn out for Black Friday Sales to beat each other up over video games and coats being on sale.
The "Women's March" has about the same relevance.
Only obscene wealth generates enough time to wallow in yourself they way these faux SJW wallow.
That's why their goal is a government job: then they can wallow on your wealth.
It was inevitable that the Left’s ever increasing nuttiness would lead them into Nuremberg Rally territory. That’s what extremism does.
"From Rebecca Traister, the New York Times bestselling author of All the Single Ladies—whom Anne Lamott called “the most brilliant voice on feminism in this country”—comes a vital, incisive exploration into the transformative power of female anger and its ability to transcend into a political movement."
In the year 2018, women’s anger erupted into the public Pantsuit Nation March #MeToo women’s anger catalytic but problematic female fury and bitter resentment enshrouded women’s political power as well as anger when it comes from women as opposed to when it comes from men with eloquence and the history of female anger as political suffragettes to office workers after Clarence Thomas explores women’s anger at anger between the varied ways anger is perceived based the history of female anger and the way women’s collective fury has become society’s female rage perpetuated against women by all sexes, and its disastrous, stultifying galvanizing force of women’s collective anger, which, when harnessed, can change diapers and make sammiches.
A white Jewish woman rejects the FemMarch.
Debbie Whatsername Schmaltz!?!
“address and correct them”. This is the essence of leftist jargon. They just can’t help but reveal their authoritarian mindset. It’s who they are.
Seems to be working in South Africa.
Hating the minority is a workable program. Hating the majority works less well.
White women (and the beta men) who support this......., let's beat up on white people for toxic whiteness and patriarchy bullshit....., remind me of battered women who keep staying with their batterers despite being the target of their abuser. Why do they do this? I'll never understand it.
Perhaps they think that if they cower to and appease the abuser, they will escape being the one(s) receiving the abuse. The Jews in pre WWII learned this to their everlasting sorrow.
Perhaps they think if THEY pile onto the the other targets of the abuse (white men and now white women) THEY will be perceived as not being one of the targets. See? I am not like them. Accept me.
Wrong again white woman.
When will they ever learn....sing it people!!!!
Alligators have to eat somebody last.
That's the plan.
Islam’s big problem here is there position on dogs. They’re against them.
Indeed. "No angel will enter a house in which there is a dog."
Harsh, butt it sounds like battle space prep to bring forth Michelle. Sock it to me!
I was hoping a WNBA team in Atlanta would be named the Hot Mess. Alas, it is not to be ... yet.
"It's almost as if Traister is calling on white women — especially Jewish women — to patronize women of color?"
Traister went to Germantown Friends School, long known as a haven for upper-class liberal Philadelphia-area Jewish families to send their children to learn the public presentation of one-dimensional virtue signaling while behind the scenes engaging in every cut throat tactic imaginable to get into the Ivy League. The Quakers are hideous.
"Are women a tribe or are they just confused as to in which tribe they belong?"
The basic premise was, "Women despise Trump!" Yet the premise is obviously false, as a very significant number of women voted for Trump.
But, many of these women who voted for Trump are white. Thus, there can be no place for white women in this "women's movement."
Or, if it's impossible to actually exclude them, they can at least be demoted from "leaders" or even "participants" to "allies." Who, in prog-speak, are those whose role is limited to support. White women-allies are permitted to be fans, but must never aspire to stardom. Allies may to ride in the prog-bus (if they behave themselves) but, they damn well better stay in the back of it, far far away from the driver's seat.
Because? Because progressive stacking, but especially because white women now bear the group-sin of having had too many of their "sisters" vote for Trump.
It's almost as if intersectional progressivism were a religion that's gone down the path of defining orthodoxy in ever-more-narrow terms, only to discover that this zeal for purity has made it impossible to organize a mass movement.
Rebecca Traister -- one of the butt sistahs?
Just formally change the name to “the Non-white Women’s March” and own it. Bunch of racists!
We have a place for Traister, and all community members, at Peace Pavilion West.
Worship with the leader at Our Lady Of The Global Village. Cry with the leader at The Hall of Environtmental Sorrows. Shiver with ecstatic grievance as you lock arms with the leader, organizing and protesting for a better future.
‘Turn you inward eyes from the existential void towards this World again. Let our work lead from the darkness of Historical Oppression into the lightness of Empathy, Peace and Progress.’
-Dale Lonagan, founder Peace Pavilion West, spiritual leader The Human Pagoda.
@Chicken Little: No, Rebecca Traister is of the self-loathing lily hue.
"patronize women of color?"
When you say "women of color" do you mean "colored women" ?
And why do you marginalize yourself? Are you self-loathing? Because your skin is not colorless.
All the "colorless" people - hold your hand up to this white background. Are you really without color? You look light brown to me.
Are we back to that? African Americans othering the lightest amount them? Why are you playing into that, Althouse?
And you know what's going to happen. In 10 years, probably sooner, the SJWs will declare "people of color" a racist term, like Negro is deemed, and you will be unpersoned. It actually is a racist term, but not for the reasons they think.
Why are you accepting that you are without color? What's next, you don't have a soul? You, a law professor, are expected to be smarter than this.
Edit, should be
"African Americans othering the lightest AMOUNG them?
Maybe AOC meant to say "run Traister [not "train"] on the progressive agenda"?
I got no bitch in this fight.
As an AUTHENTIC OLD WHITE GUY, I would like to inform you all that I am ALL ABOUT white woman ass, especially that of young Ukrainian women.
NOTE: They aren't fatties and man-haters like young American women.
Fen: And you know what's going to happen. In 10 years, probably sooner, the SJWs will declare "people of color" a racist term, like Negro is deemed, and you will be unpersoned.
Maybe, but "person of color" isn't really analogous to "Negro", or the U.S. usage of "colored person". (Despite the ready-made joke.) "Person of color" indicates that the speaker thinks that the human race is divided into whites, and people who are not white, and that the latter (the good kind of human) are in solidarity against the former (the bad kind). It's as poisonous as it is stupid, whether it's used by white-haters who know exactly what they're up to, or the dim-bulb journalists with Angry Studies degrees who follow them, or deluded virtue-signalling white people with terminal cases of Bwana Syndrome. (Althouse using it made me cringe.)
It's purpose isn't to dignify a minority, or even to play those little control-freak "gotcha" power games (for which ever-changing "correct" terms were and are used). It's to isolate and demonize whites. Since that trend has been on the upswing, with all of "cultural institutions" really going balls-to-the-wall on it lately, I don't think "person of color" will be going anywhere anytime soon.
@Althouse, let me simplify Traister for you. She wants you to go to Hell and stay there. Or stop asking questions that imply you are thinking independently.
The Guardian features an article from Hope Solo about the problem of "white girls next door". Diversity or color judgment, is a clear and progressive problem.
How do you solve a problem like white women?
I am not sure what Ann means about "patronizing white women." What I see in this tortured screed is summed up in this phrase:
"about the history of anti-Semitism in some black communities, and of racism within some Jewish communities."
That is, this totally phony equivalency. What has happened with Mallory, Sarsour, Perez, and Angela Davis as well is the exposing fairly dramatically of the vicious new form that anti-Semitism takes on the left now. There are no Jewish racists leading marches for women now, are there? In fact, the issue the march raises is the rising tide of openly anti-Semitic viciousness on the left, increasingly unconvincingly masked by claims that it is only anti-Zionist not anti-Semitic. Traister also deflects from the fact that this disease has been brought out into the open by the presence of bigoted Muslim women. She does this by focusing almost exclusively on Mallory - in part so she can then juxtapose that black woman to some supposed Jewish racism against blacks. In fact, Sarsour is far more blameworthy in all this, she who praises openly terrorist bigots and wants to rip off Ayan Hirsi Ali's vagina - as are also the vile Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Ohmar. This is the Red-Green alliance in the making, something that is very far along in development in Europe.
Sorry, I meant "patronize women of color." I am still not sure I see that. But I do see what I wrote above
Shoot me for saying this, but the asses of pretty young white women have a truly immense influence on the events of the world. Admiring or worse, touching a white woman’s ass is becoming a major crime on both the Right and Left. Half of the people griping about immigration are primarily concerned about protecting young white women’s asses from the savage dusky heathens, and an even larger percentage of the “male feminists” at the Women’s March are there to increase their odds of getting a piece of white-woman ass.
(“Ass” in this context being a stand-in for sexual access and gratification writ large, not the anus proper.)
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