January 5, 2019

Coddo Woddo.

My new favorite pronunciation of "Colorado." But only usable out loud by very young children. In my mind I'm pronouncing it "Coddo Woddo."


rehajm said...

A few more years of weed and it will be the way adult residents pronounce it, too.

tcrosse said...

Baba Wawa wikes it.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Ha. "Bronco Bama" in Coddo Waddo.

This is a link.

Guildofcannonballs said...

From the comments to previous link:

I guess Abigael would say now : Ronald Dump and Hillbilly Clapton.
2 years ago

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


Many many years ago the Denver Post had a photo of a guy in shorts on the cover. (so long ago I forget who he was and why he was on the cover)
It was not clear at first, but if you looked, one of his scrotum was hanging out and sitting on the side of his thigh. It could have been a shadow, but once your mind decided it was a single ball, that's what it was. He made a big splash - talk of the town.

We called him Scrotie from Coloradie.

Ann Althouse said...

My father used to answer the phone "heddo."

Mary Beth said...

But only usable out loud by very young children.

Challenge accepted. When someone tries to tell me that's not how it's pronounced, I'll say, yeah, not by newcomers.

Darrell said...

Bill Kristol used to answer the phone "ahoy, ahoy."

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


I'm stealing that.

Ron said...

Sure that isn't a tequila from Sammy Hagar?

Bob Boyd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Boyd said...

She da Taywa of Coddo Woddo Bouwa Vad

Wince said...

I suspect a significant number of people actually split there time between Cabo and Coddo Woddo.

n.n said...

Very young children and addled mature minds.

chickelit said...

Reminds me of Cabo Wabo, an overpriced tequila.

Fernandinande said...

Bill Kristol used to answer the phone "ahoy, ahoy."

He might have gotten that from Alex "Invented the Phone" Bell. Supposedly Edison popularized "hello" out of some sort of inventive jealousy.

chickelit said...

What do La Befana, Santa Claus, and Branco Bama all have in common?

Perfect for tomorrow's Epiphany.

Bilwick said...

Coddo Wado, land of the gun-toting hippies. (See today's Instapundit.)

ALP said...

In a handful of South Park episodes, Norwegians creating a "Troll Trace*" system pronounced it "Colo - reee - do".

*Troll Trace, if you don't know, is the system created to reveal the true identity of the author of every single 'troll' post on the internet.

stevew said...

I had to go to Colorado a few weeks ago so my 2 year old granddaughter learned that it was a place and now says it, and pronounces it as I read it in this post - she's a MA girl it sounds like this: Cod-oh Wah-Doe with a little extra emphasis on the ah.

Josephbleau said...

My daughter said Caddarada. Why go l when you can d, I suppose.

Ralph L said...

They tell me I called the Alexandria Monument (G. Washington Masonic Temple) "Amafamia Monament" when I was 4.

I found out later my step-grandmother's father was a big-cheese Mason when it was built.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Coddo Waddo is bought and paid for by the scheming leftwing.

chillblaine said...

This Cope Land, Lush is Guest Host. First, "caller," is Benny, and I almost say Benny from Colorado, but it's really just Lush trying to say the word, "caller."

Cope Land - Lush Guest Host

chillblaine said...

whoops. lol. ok.

Cope Land - Lush Guest Host grr

chillblaine said...

Cope Land I this is the launch pad for my satirical sports blowtorch nation. Includes my idea for making the NFL more inclusive.

'TreHammer said...

cah dough wah dough

Bunkypotatohead said...


crypto news said...

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