January 31, 2019

At Pinky's Café....

... you can talk all you like.

And, by the way, have you noticed I've taken down all the ads? But I'm still offering the Althouse Portal to Amazon, which is always over there in the sidebar. Thanks for using it!


Big Mike said...

Nothing personal, Althouse, but if that's your best shot at cubism then ...

tcrosse said...

Jean-Paul Sartre has reincarnated as a rat.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Ah yes, an original Althouse, from her pink period. Valued in the millions.

le Douanier said...


mockturtle said...

The rat looks like it needs some Pepto Bismol.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Rat looks like Zuckerberg.

cacimbo said...

Creepy human-rat hybrid.

Big Mike said...

Rat looks like Zuckerberg.

Or Zuckerberg looks like a rat.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Saturday and Live should do a skit about Don Jr.

Darrell said...

Inga should fall into sewer big enough to handle her bulk.
Head first.

Craig said...

Thank you, Althouse. I prefer the ad-free site. Did the fact that many of us were seeing Ashley Madison ads factor into your decision?

traditionalguy said...

When my targeted Ashley Madison Ads disappeared , I thought at first that I had gotten too old, but now I see it was only the High Standards of our hostess. She cleared out The Chuck and Ashley Madison in one week. Nice work.

narciso said...

In the other thread they referenced the stain Less steel rat a space opera picaresque.

Bay Area Guy said...

Rat Scratch Fever!

garage mahal said...

Here is a Cape May Warbler taken at the UW Arboretum last spring. The Arb is just crawling with warblers during migration, can't wait to see them come through again.

Thanks for the kind words in an earlier post-- I appreciate it!

le Douanier said...

Do dicks shrink in really cold weather?

How about pinks?

Bay Area Guy said...

Democrat Party Platform:

1. Abortions at 9 Momths
2. Open borders for illegal immigrants
3. High Taxes
4. Transgenders in the military
5. Fight Global Warming
6. Racial spoils system.

Freeman Hunt said...

I like all these rats.

chickelit said...

The Althouse blog used to be likened to a vortex. Nowadays, it is more polarized than spun.

Polar vortex grips Midwest.

chickelit said...

@BayAreaGuy: Those planks are for a gallows.

A Western is being played out.

chillblaine said...

Hi darling how about a smooch?

chillblaine said...

Ok thanks for nothing. Kisee kisssee

chillblaine said...

Althouse what a name. Doesn't sound made up, like Blaine. Which is made up from parts of Vivian Blaine and thwt guy Rick

mockturtle said...

Here is a Cape May Warbler taken at the UW Arboretum last spring. The Arb is just crawling with warblers during migration, can't wait to see them come through again.

Wow, garage! Just wow!!! Beyond stellar.

StephenFearby said...

In other news...

On January 29, the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Justice released an investigative summary relating (at least in part) to:

March 28, 2018
DOJ OIG Announces Initiation of Review

"Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz announced today
that, in response to requests from the Attorney General and Members of Congress, the
Office of the Inspector General (OIG) will initiate a review that will examine the Justice Department’s and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) compliance with legal requirements, and with applicable DOJ and FBI policies and procedures, in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) relating to a certain U.S. person..."


The January 29 investigative summary:

"Findings of Misconduct by Two Current Senior FBI Officials and One Retired FBI Official While Providing Oversight on an FBI Contract"


One logical analysis offered to unravel the IG's opaque summary (relying on Jeff Carlson's previous work):

In closing, while very cryptic, using compelling information already available, I deduce that this contractor is likely FusionGPS, and the employees and former employee listed in this summary are likely Bill Priestap, Dana Boente, and possibly James Baker..."


walter said...


walter said...

The ... are worth posting:

If these assumptions are correct, what this means in terms of the danger our country is facing is worse and more destructive than previously imagined. A government contractor, being paid concurrently by our government AND the campaign of an opposing political candidate, utilized the most sensitive information available about US persons and created a false narrative to either prevent, or in the case he was elected, unseat and render ineffective, the President of the United States. Michael Horowitz seems to be getting to the bottom of this.

walter said...

But hey...can you believe "hamberder"?

Birkel said...

Another great photograph, garage mahal.
Please keep those contributions coming.
You have a good eye and I appreciate it.

Thank you!

Big Mike said...

@garage, very good picture. Have you ever taken one of a red-bellied woodpecker? (Strangely dnough, their bellies are not red. Their coloration is sort of like a flicker’s.). We have one that is getting through the winter raiding the suet feeder and the sunflower seed feeder. Beautiful bird.

Ralph L said...

Very nice, but I prefer the Throat Warbler Mangrove.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Then you're a Very Silly Man.

The Vault Dweller said...

A request for the next rat; make it look like it is melting off an edge, or perhaps give it really long, impossibly tall legs.

tim maguire said...

Bay Area Guy said...Democrat Party Platform:

1. Abortions at 9 Momths

Just wait till 9 months becomes normal. Guaranteed they go for 10.

They’re already going for 9 months plus a bit. Any thinking person knows that ovens sit at the end of this road.

Temujin said...

Serge Fe-rat.

Howard said...

Hahahaha. Recucklickins lost the wall, now out of desperation change the subject to abortion to keep you people outraged at fever delirium level 11

Jaq said...

Yes, the Republicans got the Democratics to pass new laws extending abortion to birth. This is why people say you're a moron. And the wall fight is not over, it looks like the Democratics are losing and needing a distraction to me. Don't abandon us, we still stand up for killing babies! Now with more grizzliness!

Jaq said...

Stephen, she doesn't deduce, she infers. I hate that kind of mistake. It implies that she doesn't know the difference.

Jaq said...

BTW, is there any new propaganda play by the Democratics that Howard won't own?

Hagar said...

I do think Trump could have made it clear from the start of that he was talking about walls (plural) in the heavily trafficked urban areas and just clearing paths, better fencing, and other measures as appropriate along most of the border.
This makes sense, which "THE WALL" never did.

Hagar said...

I think Pelosi has also made this issue about her and her position as Speaker of the House, and I wonder how appropriate this is constitutionally.
The Constitution speaks of the Executive and the Houses of Congress, but does not mention a "Queen of the House."

Hagar said...

Headline in today's ABQ Journal:

"Torres Small: Border Barriers can work."

Newly minted Rep. Xochitl Torres Small (D) from Lost Causes, NM also will chair the Subcommittee on Oversight, Management, and Accountability for the Committee on Homeland Security, and will sit on the House Armed Services Committee.

This surprises me as Torres Small's campaign sounded halfways like a "Sagebrush Democrat," which is a breed not popular with Pelosi's Democrats.

Curious George said...

That rat reminds me of the Chicago Picasso in Daley Plaza.

Great shot of that bird GM!

Jersey Fled said...

"Michael Horowitz seems to be getting to the bottom of this."

We can all hope.

BTW what happened to that Huber guy in Utah?

Chuck said...

It will be a pity if, as I expect, Althouse ignores Trump's astonishing bald-faced lie from yesterday wherein he blamed the media for mischaracterizing or misquoting his intel chiefs. Trump went so far as to suggest that his chiefs told him that they had been misquoted, and that the press should ask each of them to correct the larger story.

It was a string of lies, on a pathological scale. And about something very important; some of our greatest international threats.


Hagar said...


Chuck said...

It’s a funny thing, Hagar; my first thought in reading this page of comments was to single one of yours out, for agreement. It was this:

Blogger Hagar said...
I do think Trump could have made it clear from the start of that he was talking about walls (plural) in the heavily trafficked urban areas and just clearing paths, better fencing, and other measures as appropriate along most of the border.
This makes sense, which "THE WALL" never did.

I was going to write that you were exactly right. That “a great border wall... that Mexico will pay for...” was always an impossibility. A fabrication. A laughably dumb promise, that was dumb from the start and got dumber with each retelling. And by some counts, there have been more than 200 recorded retellings.

And that it would be interesting to watch and see if Trump pivots to “strategically placed wall sections as experts direct us” (as lots of bipartisan majorities in Congress have done, and might easily have done under other presidents not named Trump.

I don’t think that Trump has the mental capacity or flexibility to do that.

Maillard Reactionary said...

tcrosse: "Jean-Paul Sartre has reincarnated as a rat."

For the second time! And probably not the last.

It's a long road to enlightenment, when you start as a French Marxist.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Big Mike @11:15 PM: We have a red-bellied woodpecker too here in NJ who visits our feeder regularly. It's right on the deck so we get a great look at him. Although the feeder has a long perch in front of it, he insists on hanging on the side and reaching around to grab the oilseeds.

Also agreed that garage's photograph is excellent. Birds-- not easy to do well!