Penny, an attractive norway rat, knew that Jeff, a stocky wood rat, had started seeing cynthia, an escaped lab rat. His sly smirk gave him away. The idea that Jeff and Cynthia were now "partners" made her green with envy....
It's going down to -8° here tonight. Kind of scary. Looks like a few even colder nights in the coming week.
I feel as though I can barely leave the house in the next week, and the 2 weeks after that are when I'm getting the cataract surgery. So... I'm picturing the next 20 days indoors.
-8 degrees with the windchill last Monday, 55 degrees with driving rain today, back into the teens and low 20’s this weekend. If you like weather, like I do, this is the place to be!
Someone's doing something with acrylics, and trying to work out the digital component of things.
Recently, ran into an online game called "Fishdom." It's maddening, because "The Octopus's Garden" keeps being played over in different senses, and I am one of those weird pattern recognition sorts.
My best to Mr. Meade: We are trying his watering of avocados after a period of a 2-3 week drought. Just watered things two days ago.
When Joseph Mifsud set up George Papadopolous by telling him that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton, Mifsud was working for an international counter-terrorism network, not a counter-intelligence network.
Of course, Mifsud was not working for Russian Intelligence at all.
Mifsud was working for Western Intelligence services -- in particular for Western Intelligence services' counter-terrorism network.
Mike Sylvester: "This is the best article I have read about the encounter between rambunctious Indian elder Nathan Phillips and the Covington Catholic Kids."
Tread very carefully.
If there is one thing that LLR Chuck hates more than conservative republican politicians with heroic miitary records, its criticism of any kind directed toward hack Stolen Valor democrat liars.
-6 Monday a.m. to +12 high. Tuesday 2 a.m. furnace out till 4:30 p.m. Residence at +58 all day thanks to gas fireplace. Wish you luck and electric blankets.
Bummer. Sub zero temps, the wind is blowing like crazy out in the country. Gravel roads were impassible on the way back home. On top of that. Michigan State is taking Iowa to the wood shed in the second half. But all trifles to staring down an extended force confinement of our host, and surgery concerns.Hang in there, spring will come.
In addition to my comment the other day about the American educational system, also note that the public school systems employees are something like 85% female. This is mentioned by someone from time to time, but there does not seem to be any desire for a public "conversation" about this subject whether from an "employment equality" point of view or what effect the disproportionate ratio of the sexes may have on school policies or - regardless of policies - what effect the kids seeing what they see may have on them.
Hunting rats with a pellet gun tonight accompanied by a night scope, a jar of peanut butter and a bottle of Jack Daniels. The seagulls can carry away the remains tomorrow.
When I lived in cold places in the winter, I needed to fight off cabin fever. I recommend sitting in parts of the house where you don't normally sit and engaging in something you don't normally do like like lifting small weights.
In which Kirsten Gillibrand competes for title of "face-palmiest candidate".
Sorry to employ such long-past-its-sell-by slang, but...I can't even. Is there some rule that says white Dem women candidates must be cringe-tastic (and entirely devoid of any sense of their own dignity)?
"Someone's doing something with acrylics, and trying to work out the digital component of things. "
It's an acrylic paintbrush tool within the app I'm using on the iPad (painting/drawing only with one finger). The app I chose — I have no idea if it's the best — is Sketchbook by Autodesk.
I have a twitter account but don’t read and therefore missed all chatter about the encounter between Sandmann and Phillips until I watched the fuller account Althouse linked and I agree with Mike the Atlantic feature seems to be a more balanced report that is right to take MSM to account, but the last paragraph titles towards a view not justified by one example and ignores that responsible journalist keep checking facts and print corrections. But as I have said on this blog before the characterization of Phillips as a snagled tooth possible mad man seems exaggerated and ignores the question of how easily it would’ve have been to step aside.
-Rand Paul is having surgery in Canada (and was one of a few non-voting senators).
-In any other administration, it would be a milestone of idiocy and incompetency. Now it's just Thursday.
-Prime Minister Abe, speaking in Davos, said that it's now up to the rest of the world to preserve the rules-based international order, but the United States can no longer be relied upon to lead any more.
Ann - I am not a doctor, but maybe, after your surgery (not right after - wait until you instinctively know what is best for you, which might take a few days or more) you could try and spend as much of your indoor time as possible in places with really high roofs.
Preferably with filtered air. Just a couple of hours of each day in such places (churches, skating rinks, upscale indoor malls, smoke-free casinos, libraries with high ceilings, old buildings with lofts and cathedral ceilings, those sorts of places) might make the overall health of someone recuperating from eye surgery, in the middle of winter, better.
Sorry for the unrequested advice. Like I said I am not a doctor.
Too bad you don't smoke, you could quit smoking for a few weeks and that would make you feel better ...
characterization of Phillips as a snagled tooth possible mad man seems exaggerated and ignores the question of how easily it would’ve have been to step aside.
Would of, could of, should of
The Old Indian pretender could have, (should have) never tried to intimidate a 16 year old. But that's what his purpose of life is, creating from nothingness, controversy. He could turn over a new leaf and treat people with respect.
Ferrero-Rocher said: ". . . and ignores the question of how easily it would’ve have been to step aside." Yes, I wonder why Black folks didn't do that when the KKK took over the polling place. Doesn't make sense. Didn't they know how important it was to avoid conflict? Didn't they know how the newspapers would portray the confrontation?
I spend a lot of time with people who are very old and have terminal illness and many of them are very repentant of the evil they have done in the past, even people who not unlike that nasty man who tried to intimidate a child with his drum and his evil Alinsky tactics.
See, e.g., from many years ago, the repentant Hugh Carey as a public example of the repentance of the old and very elderly, long after their public and shameful misbehavior.
the question of how easily it would’ve have been to step aside.
are there Really people on earth that think that the refrigerator mechanic wouldn't have followed him if he tried to step aside? The boy wasn't blocking reefer man's path; reefer man was IN the boy's face.
The boy's options were: Hold ground Retreat (to Where? Kentucky?) (you ever try running from an animal? they chase you) ATTACK!
the constitution is a LIVING DOCUMENT; it means What Ever the democrats Want it to mean. Once President Harris has appointed her 15 Supreme Court Justices; you'll see!
"...and the 2 weeks after that are when I'm getting the cataract surgery. *****&
If it's your first such operation, I think you'll find a remarkable change in how you perceive things.
Whoa! Everything's so bright!
What I'm wondering is, how have you been such a great photographer, with cataract(s) to skew your perception of colors?
In any case, good luck with the operation. Recovery is generally pretty quick, a couple of days. I apparently twitched during my second op and got a uncomfortable scratched cornea as a result, but even that was over with in a few more days.
Cataract surgery is one of those unsung "routine" procedures that have done wonders for millions.
We had an intangibles tax here in NC until the Repubs killed it 20 odd years ago to stop frightening retirees and CEOs away. 25 cents on every $100 of stocks held but don't remember about bonds. There were exemptions and reductions when companies did significant business in NC. It was annoying to calculate for my piddling portfolio. It took them another 20 years to lower the income rate from 7.75 (plus 2% surcharge on high incomes for a few years) to 5.7%.
At this time of his presidency Trump is more popular than Reagan ... and less popular than Obama, bush jr, Clinton, bush sr, carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, kennedy, Eisenhower, and Truman
I lived in Iowa a couple of times and found that once the temperature reached 0º I couldn't tell any difference. (Likewise when it reached 100º.) I was impressed by the fact that people said you could literally freeze to death if you were stranded somewhere and that wasn't an exaggeration.
At this time of his presidency Trump is more popular than Reagan ... and less popular than Obama, bush jr, Clinton, bush sr, carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, kennedy, Eisenhower, and Truman 1/24/19, 10:43 PM
That must be important, somehow. Most of those people are dead.Coincidence?
“We had to pass a constitutional amendment to tax income, but there is no authority for a general "wealth" tax, and there is an explicit prohibition on ex post facto laws, if they try to characterize it as a tax on previous income.”
“The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;”
If you look into it, Congress could have passed an income tax by themselves. They counted on the stupid because the income tax was passed as a TAX ON THE WEALTHY! They CHOSE to use an amendment to hook the voters good. It’s obvious from the Constitution that they can impose a wealth tax if they choose. And notice how poorly Madison wrote the Constitution. He didn’t mandate that TAXES be uniform. So a wealth tax is double-plus good.
Birds are swarming at the bird feeder but they only use the feeder on one side. The second unused side has a second feeder with openings at several levels. The birds try the highest level and when the seed level falls below that the birds just give up and line up for the other feeder. The meaning of "bird brain." This bird story links because it links to cold weather and feeding the birds in cold weather - I'm in that -8 tonight area. Plus some relatives have reported a high wind that lasts forty minutes on its way here from the west. Don't fall. i can't get green rat in, sorry, but i liked the pic.
When I lived in cold places in the winter, I needed to fight off cabin fever. I recommend sitting in parts of the house where you don't normally sit and engaging in something you don't normally do like like lifting small weights.
Just how many drams did it take to put you in a better state of mind?
79 degrees leaving work today, sigh Best wishes for your eyes and thanks Meade for the rat stickers, my husband opened the envelope and was quite baffled. Mission accomplished.
Here in AZ - high is 71, low 40, and currently a balmy 51. Almost too warm to wear a vest, which can be used to hide what the leftists here would probably call my misplaced masculinity. Found a site where they sell bullet proof clothing. The CEO advertises it by shooting himself in the side. It hurts, of course, but most calibers of handgun bullets won’t penetrate. The problem, for me, is that the vest looks like it is down filled, and the regular jacket appears too hot for even this year in AZ. Probably could layer with it though in places with absurd temperatures, like Madison this week.
@IngaChuck: Italians call italics corsivo which is cognate with our word “cursive.” Not cursive in the shit/piss cursing sense, but cursive in the writing sense: the font is a metaphor the idea of running and writing so fast the words are a blur. So I guess that italics make urine flow faster. Flomassimo?
“When Joseph Mifsud set up George Papadopolous by telling him that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton, Mifsud was working for an international counter-terrorism network, not a counter-intelligence network.
Of course, Mifsud was not working for Russian Intelligence at all.
Mifsud was working for Western Intelligence services -- in particular for Western Intelligence services' counter-terrorism network.”
The absurdity there is that a logical argument could be made for counterintelligence, but counterterrorism is much more problematic. In the FBI, BILL Priestap and Peter Strzok worked for (and ran) the Counterintelligence Division. There is also a Counterterrorism Division, both in the National Security Division.
ummm...thanks, I guess. I just needed to know so that i dont fail a urine test, or be culturally insensitive. you know the saying: "When urine Rome, do as the Romans do", right?
Just watched a video which mentioned some news programs dealing with the budget concerns of Section 8 Housing and Welfare funds.
They are running out.
One lady, desperate to find housing in an increasingly upscale Denver says she has been on Section 8 housing for TWENTY YEARS. I am sure that is money well spent.
Democrat voters will start to feel an increasing pinch on their wallets. And while they may not vote for and hate Republicans...they didn't like us or vote for us already.
They will go crying to Democrats...who are a minority and can't open the government by votes, can't shame a Shameless President...and can't shake a base who doesn't care about welfare queens and despises them.
P.S. I hate it when someone says "people". Reminds me of my old Gym teacher in high school who was a Marine in the Korean war.
"People! Line up!"
"People! Get down and give me 50!"
People was almost derogatory. He was talking down to us maybe. It could be "People" was just his way of calling us equals. He never referred to us as "Kids!".
But "For the People" is stupid. You want to be "For America". The illegal alien "people" is something I can't be for. The Japanese should be in Internment camps. That sort of thing. Chinese and Irish should be excluded. They are ONLY "people."
A wealth tax is a feint. Democrat donors would flee the country like has been happening to the New York/New Jersey region. In 2018, 5700 millionaires left the area for places where their capital will experience less friction. No, this is to soften us up for something else, like a VAT.
A friend long ago wanted a rat to strengthen the breedling of his pet store rats he used to feed his python. I had trapped a norway rat in a havaheart trap and offered it.
He reported that the Norway rat was a Nazi rat and escape-by-chewing-out artist, but the progeny he left were okay.
steve uhr: "At this time of his presidency Trump is more popular than Reagan ... and less popular than Obama, bush jr, Clinton, bush sr, carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, kennedy, Eisenhower, and Truman."
And Reagan was my favorite president until Trump came along. So there's that.
"Just a couple of hours of each day in such places (churches, skating rinks, upscale indoor malls, smoke-free casinos, libraries with high ceilings, old buildings with lofts and cathedral ceilings, those sorts of places) might make the overall health of someone recuperating from eye surgery, in the middle of winter, better."
Good idea. I expect to be able to see much better and I'm interested in testing out my new super power. (I know it doesn't immediately produce clear vision. I'm interested in approaching what will be the new condition. Like watching the sun rise?)
"But as I have said on this blog before the characterization of Phillips as a snagled tooth possible mad man seems exaggerated and ignores the question of how easily it would’ve have been to step aside."
As soon as the new view of Sandmann emerged, I said (ask Meade), people need to resist trashing Phillips. Both Phillips and Sandmann were ordinary people living private lives in obscurity. They each did something that got them into the spotlight, but neither really asked or was at all prepared to be inspected and judged by millions. We should be charitable toward both of them. Ideally, they would never have been a news story at all. It is the media — mainstream and social — that deserves criticism.
Oh, oh, oh, oh I've got a green rat named Kamala Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong She's everything to me Kamala Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong I'll never set her free For she's mine, all mine
Both Phillips and Sandmann were ordinary people living private lives in obscurity.
I dislike people piling on the Host for her opinions, but.
Facts do not support the idea that Phillips is an innocent caught up in something bigger. He is an agitator by avocation. Phillips sought out a young white male, in hopes of inciting a reaction. Phillips had his compatriots along, video recording the theater being played out, Phillips the director moving the characters about the stage. Phillips got exactly what he wanted, until the young white boy refused to to be intimidated. That, and lots of bystanders with smart phones took lots of raw unedited video, that revealed the lies Phillips tried to pass off. Phillips has had his crafted persona fact checked, and is found to be large parts of fiction, combined with ambiguous statements, that tell a story of a person making bank on his protected status of American Native.
No the bad actor, besides the news?media is Phillips. All of his incentives center on attracting attention to set a narrative of himself, being oppressed by the Racist bigoted hate filled white man.
Please use the comments forum to respond to the post. Don't fight with each other. Be substantive... or interesting... or funny. Comments should go up immediately... unless you're commenting on a post older than 2 days. Then you have to wait for us to moderate you through. It's also possible to get shunted into spam by the machine. We try to keep an eye on that and release the miscaught good stuff. We do delete some comments, but not for viewpoint... for bad faith.
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Penny, an attractive norway rat, knew that Jeff, a stocky wood rat, had started seeing cynthia, an escaped lab rat. His sly smirk gave him away. The idea that Jeff and Cynthia were now "partners" made her green with envy....
Anyone remember the alt comic Mickey Rat?
Wish I'd kept my old Zaps but they were nasty things...
Trump renominates 51 conservative judges that LLR Chuck's hero Jeff Flake helped his dem pals block.
Da Nang Dick Blumenthal, the far left and LLR Chuck hardest hit.
Big step forward with the addition of color.
It's going down to -8° here tonight. Kind of scary. Looks like a few even colder nights in the coming week.
I feel as though I can barely leave the house in the next week, and the 2 weeks after that are when I'm getting the cataract surgery. So... I'm picturing the next 20 days indoors.
-8 degrees with the windchill last Monday, 55 degrees with driving rain today, back into the teens and low 20’s this weekend. If you like weather, like I do, this is the place to be!
The Media Botched the Covington Catholic Story, by Caitlin Flanagan.
This is the best article I have read about the encounter between rambunctious Indian elder Nathan Phillips and the Covington Catholic Kids.
I had not known that the Black Hebrew Israelites had been mocking a group of Native Americans for a long time before that encounter.
The new guy in Venezuela looks like Beto.
It's going down to -8° here tonight.
Three Rat Night.
Someone's doing something with acrylics, and trying to work out the digital component of things.
Recently, ran into an online game called "Fishdom." It's maddening, because "The Octopus's Garden" keeps being played over in different senses, and I am one of those weird pattern recognition sorts.
My best to Mr. Meade: We are trying his watering of avocados after a period of a 2-3 week drought. Just watered things two days ago.
Death Of Russiagate: Mueller Team Tied To Mifsud’s Network, by Elizabeth Vos.
When Joseph Mifsud set up George Papadopolous by telling him that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton, Mifsud was working for an international counter-terrorism network, not a counter-intelligence network.
Of course, Mifsud was not working for Russian Intelligence at all.
Mifsud was working for Western Intelligence services -- in particular for Western Intelligence services' counter-terrorism network.
Mike Sylvester: "This is the best article I have read about the encounter between rambunctious Indian elder Nathan Phillips and the Covington Catholic Kids."
Tread very carefully.
If there is one thing that LLR Chuck hates more than conservative republican politicians with heroic miitary records, its criticism of any kind directed toward hack Stolen Valor democrat liars.
Chuck does not respond well to that.
At all.
-6 Monday a.m. to +12 high. Tuesday 2 a.m. furnace out till 4:30 p.m. Residence at +58 all day thanks to gas fireplace. Wish you luck and electric blankets.
-8 cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass rat.
We had really heavy rain this AM, but sun this PM. 70 degrees at 4:30 PM.
Green Rat looks rather wide-eyed and naïve; ought not to be wandering into the sort of blog where Sly Rat and Smirking Rat hang out.
I intended to watch the lunar eclipse last Sunday night, but the weather was too cold and windy.
Bummer. Sub zero temps, the wind is blowing like crazy out in the country. Gravel roads were impassible on the way back home. On top of that. Michigan State is taking Iowa to the wood shed in the second half.
But all trifles to staring down an extended force confinement of our host, and surgery concerns.Hang in there, spring will come.
In addition to my comment the other day about the American educational system, also note that the public school systems employees are something like 85% female.
This is mentioned by someone from time to time, but there does not seem to be any desire for a public "conversation" about this subject whether from an "employment equality" point of view or what effect the disproportionate ratio of the sexes may have on school policies or - regardless of policies - what effect the kids seeing what they see may have on them.
Let's See Some Green, Rats!
To forestall senile Dementia
Buy some Althouse Rodentia!
You'll be quite Satisfied
When the order's Rat-ified,
And just tell 'em Meade Sentia !
Hunting rats with a pellet gun tonight accompanied by a night scope, a jar of peanut butter and a bottle of Jack Daniels. The seagulls can carry away the remains tomorrow.
Following up my comment at 7:39 PM
See also A Conversation With Chris Blackburn On The Contradictions Surrounding Mifsud.
The green rat needs fatten up. A Gofundme page?
That one is really good. Nice coloration.
When I lived in cold places in the winter, I needed to fight off cabin fever. I recommend sitting in parts of the house where you don't normally sit and engaging in something you don't normally do like like lifting small weights.
In which Kirsten Gillibrand competes for title of "face-palmiest candidate".
Sorry to employ such long-past-its-sell-by slang, but...I can't even. Is there some rule that says white Dem women candidates must be cringe-tastic (and entirely devoid of any sense of their own dignity)?
"Someone's doing something with acrylics, and trying to work out the digital component of things. "
It's an acrylic paintbrush tool within the app I'm using on the iPad (painting/drawing only with one finger). The app I chose — I have no idea if it's the best — is Sketchbook by Autodesk.
Very nice!!!
Thanks Double A !
we know you have high standards, so we strive to meet or exceed them !
(ps you didnt answer our questions from the morning's thread and it made us sad.
but this kinda makes up for it.)
Green rats are sick rats. They need monochromium-glutamate. It make them light-eyed and dully-tailed. It gives them a nice smirk.
I have a twitter account but don’t read and therefore missed all chatter about the encounter between Sandmann and Phillips until I watched the fuller account Althouse linked and I agree with Mike the Atlantic feature seems to be a more balanced report that is right to take MSM to account, but the last paragraph titles towards a view not justified by one example and ignores that responsible journalist keep checking facts and print corrections. But as I have said on this blog before the characterization of Phillips as a snagled tooth possible mad man
seems exaggerated and ignores the question of how easily it would’ve have been to step aside.
Wow that's cold. Only two more months, Elsa! Best of luck with your cataract procedure. Angels will be watching over you.
News from the comments sections today:
-Rand Paul is having surgery in Canada (and was one of a few non-voting senators).
-In any other administration, it would be a milestone of idiocy and incompetency. Now it's just Thursday.
-Prime Minister Abe, speaking in Davos, said that it's now up to the rest of the world to preserve the rules-based international order, but the United States can no longer be relied upon to lead any more.
The twist I. Mentioned in the shutdown thread
Rand Paul is having surgery at a private hospital.
Prime Minister Abe is full of shit and manages a declining economy with an old population.
What else you got, HT?
Because that crazy doctor crushed his chest about a year ago
the 2 weeks after that are when I'm getting the cataract surgery.
I'd sit and sleep next to a humidifier so your eyes don't dry out. Good for your inner honker, too.
All your rat needs is a fluffy tail and she'd be a real fox.
We remember the miti rules in the 80s, when Japan kept foreign cars out of the country
Originally the rat was bronze, but Althouse left the poor thing out in the bad weather too long.
Batter up:
Blogger narciso said...
Because that crazy doctor crushed his chest about a year ago
Some idiots more interested in the where not why.
They read the headlines and that's all that matters for them,
How many new rats has Ann drawn?
These new rats are bigger than the shutdown!
It's going down to -8° here tonight. Kind of scary. Looks like a few even colder nights in the coming week.
So are you and Meade going to close the bedroom window tonight?
So, Tulsi Gabbard is in - she's the best of lady Dems by far:
1. Elizabeth Warren
2. Kirsten Gillibrand
3. Kamala Harris
4. Tulsi Gabbard
Splinter that primary vote, Dolls!
We are going to be almost 40 degrees warmer tonight. Not that I am trying to make you jealous of Virginia, or anything. Nope. Not me.
Yes I have to concur bay area guy,
“My best to Mr. Meade: We are trying his watering of avocados after a period of a 2-3 week drought. Just watered things two days ago.”
Let us know how it goes, Be. Especially if my method doesn’t seem to be helping.
Blogger Mike Sylwester said...
"I intended to watch the lunar eclipse last Sunday night, but the weather was too cold and windy"
Wifey and I braved the weather. You didn't miss much. Moon was a washed out watercolor red. Eclipse itself was boring to watch.
Might have been romantic but I couldn't feel my fingers.
“close the bedroom window tonight?”
We remember the miti rules in the 80s, when Japan kept foreign cars out of the country
And apples.
I think it was Newt who put a stop to the car protection racket.
Elizabeth Warren is now proposing a 2% "wealth tax,"
That would violate the Constitution. Article I, Section 9 Part 4: No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid
Ann - I am not a doctor, but maybe, after your surgery (not right after - wait until you instinctively know what is best for you, which might take a few days or more) you could try and spend as much of your indoor time as possible in places with really high roofs.
Preferably with filtered air. Just a couple of hours of each day in such places (churches, skating rinks, upscale indoor malls, smoke-free casinos, libraries with high ceilings, old buildings with lofts and cathedral ceilings, those sorts of places) might make the overall health of someone recuperating from eye surgery, in the middle of winter, better.
Sorry for the unrequested advice. Like I said I am not a doctor.
Too bad you don't smoke, you could quit smoking for a few weeks and that would make you feel better ...
characterization of Phillips as a snagled tooth possible mad man
seems exaggerated and ignores the question of how easily it would’ve have been to step aside.
Would of, could of, should of
The Old Indian pretender could have, (should have) never tried to intimidate a 16 year old. But that's what his purpose of life is, creating from nothingness, controversy. He could turn over a new leaf and treat people with respect.
Ferrero-Rocher said:
". . . and ignores the question of how easily it would’ve have been to step aside."
Yes, I wonder why Black folks didn't do that when the KKK took over the polling place. Doesn't make sense. Didn't they know how important it was to avoid conflict? Didn't they know how the newspapers would portray the confrontation?
She's cute. The male rats have thicker tails than the females.
iowan2 ---- there is hope for everybody.
I spend a lot of time with people who are very old and have terminal illness and many of them are very repentant of the evil they have done in the past, even people who not unlike that nasty man who tried to intimidate a child with his drum and his evil Alinsky tactics.
See, e.g., from many years ago, the repentant Hugh Carey as a public example of the repentance of the old and very elderly, long after their public and shameful misbehavior.
the question of how easily it would’ve have been to step aside.
are there Really people on earth that think that the refrigerator mechanic wouldn't have followed him if he tried to step aside?
The boy wasn't blocking reefer man's path; reefer man was IN the boy's face.
The boy's options were:
Hold ground
Retreat (to Where? Kentucky?) (you ever try running from an animal? they chase you)
seems like the boy took the path of non violence
but I don't know what authority the federal government has to tax "wealth."
Chief Justice Roberts will figure it out for them.
the constitution is a LIVING DOCUMENT; it means What Ever the democrats Want it to mean.
Once President Harris has appointed her 15 Supreme Court Justices; you'll see!
What do we have here:
"...and the 2 weeks after that are when I'm getting the cataract surgery.
If it's your first such operation, I think you'll find a remarkable change in how you perceive things.
Whoa! Everything's so bright!
What I'm wondering is, how have you been such a great photographer, with cataract(s) to skew your perception of colors?
In any case, good luck with the operation. Recovery is generally pretty quick, a couple of days. I apparently twitched during my second op and got a uncomfortable scratched cornea as a result, but even that was over with in a few more days.
Cataract surgery is one of those unsung "routine" procedures that have done wonders for millions.
We found a headless hare in our yard this morning. Something must have scared the Coyote away mid bite
Wed in Minneapolis. Low -21. High -10.
We had an intangibles tax here in NC until the Repubs killed it 20 odd years ago to stop frightening retirees and CEOs away. 25 cents on every $100 of stocks held but don't remember about bonds. There were exemptions and reductions when companies did significant business in NC. It was annoying to calculate for my piddling portfolio. It took them another 20 years to lower the income rate from 7.75 (plus 2% surcharge on high incomes for a few years) to 5.7%.
The Green Rat nibbles the Green Man's green cheese.
At this time of his presidency Trump is more popular than Reagan ... and less popular than Obama, bush jr, Clinton, bush sr, carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, kennedy, Eisenhower, and Truman
Seen any new outrageous videos, steve?
I lived in Iowa a couple of times and found that once the temperature reached 0º I couldn't tell any difference. (Likewise when it reached 100º.) I was impressed by the fact that people said you could literally freeze to death if you were stranded somewhere and that wasn't an exaggeration.
-20 feels a lot colder than 0 to me.
steve uhr said...
At this time of his presidency Trump is more popular than Reagan ... and less popular than Obama, bush jr, Clinton, bush sr, carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, kennedy, Eisenhower, and Truman
1/24/19, 10:43 PM
That must be important, somehow. Most of those people are dead.Coincidence?
“We had to pass a constitutional amendment to tax income, but there is no authority for a general "wealth" tax, and there is an explicit prohibition on ex post facto laws, if they try to characterize it as a tax on previous income.”
“The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;”
If you look into it, Congress could have passed an income tax by themselves. They counted on the stupid because the income tax was passed as a TAX ON THE WEALTHY! They CHOSE to use an amendment to hook the voters good. It’s obvious from the Constitution that they can impose a wealth tax if they choose. And notice how poorly Madison wrote the Constitution. He didn’t mandate that TAXES be uniform. So a wealth tax is double-plus good.
At -20 you can literally hear a spit freeze before it hits the ground. Makes kind of a squeaking noise
Birds are swarming at the bird feeder but they only use the feeder on one side. The second unused side has a second feeder with openings at several levels. The birds try the highest level and when the seed level falls below that the birds just give up and line up for the other feeder. The meaning of "bird brain." This bird story links because it links to cold weather and feeding the birds in cold weather - I'm in that -8 tonight area. Plus some relatives have reported a high wind that lasts forty minutes on its way here from the west. Don't fall. i can't get green rat in, sorry, but i liked the pic.
If you’re wondering how dumb people are or how desperately they want to fit in, wonder no more.
We found a headless hare
at least it wasnt a hairless head
btw did anyone figure out what italics do to urine ?
this is bugging the shit out of me
When I lived in cold places in the winter, I needed to fight off cabin fever. I recommend sitting in parts of the house where you don't normally sit and engaging in something you don't normally do like like lifting small weights.
Just how many drams did it take to put you in a better state of mind?
People were smarter in the 80s, the brain slugs had not gone to town
79 degrees leaving work today, sigh
Best wishes for your eyes and thanks Meade for the rat stickers, my husband opened the envelope and was quite baffled. Mission accomplished.
Here in AZ - high is 71, low 40, and currently a balmy 51. Almost too warm to wear a vest, which can be used to hide what the leftists here would probably call my misplaced masculinity. Found a site where they sell bullet proof clothing. The CEO advertises it by shooting himself in the side. It hurts, of course, but most calibers of handgun bullets won’t penetrate. The problem, for me, is that the vest looks like it is down filled, and the regular jacket appears too hot for even this year in AZ. Probably could layer with it though in places with absurd temperatures, like Madison this week.
Trump's top whitehouse attorney is a Covington Catholic graduate?
@IngaChuck: Italians call italics corsivo which is cognate with our word “cursive.” Not cursive in the shit/piss cursing sense, but cursive in the writing sense: the font is a metaphor the idea of running and writing so fast the words are a blur. So I guess that italics make urine flow faster. Flomassimo?
“When Joseph Mifsud set up George Papadopolous by telling him that Russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton, Mifsud was working for an international counter-terrorism network, not a counter-intelligence network.
Of course, Mifsud was not working for Russian Intelligence at all.
Mifsud was working for Western Intelligence services -- in particular for Western Intelligence services' counter-terrorism network.”
The absurdity there is that a logical argument could be made for counterintelligence, but counterterrorism is much more problematic. In the FBI, BILL Priestap and Peter Strzok worked for (and ran) the Counterintelligence Division. There is also a Counterterrorism Division, both in the National Security Division.
The rat is a better logo than the one Kampala Harris picked.
I think you are right about the wealth tax, but I am not a lawyer. If only we had a law professor emerita to address the question.
ummm...thanks, I guess.
I just needed to know so that i dont fail a urine test, or be culturally insensitive.
you know the saying: "When urine Rome, do as the Romans do", right?
""We found a headless hare"
at least it wasnt a hairless head"
You can blow dicks however ya want. Hair, shaved or somewhere in the middle.
It's a free country.
Likewise when you tongue ass.
Just watched a video which mentioned some news programs dealing with the budget concerns of Section 8 Housing and Welfare funds.
They are running out.
One lady, desperate to find housing in an increasingly upscale Denver says she has been on Section 8 housing for TWENTY YEARS. I am sure that is money well spent.
Democrat voters will start to feel an increasing pinch on their wallets. And while they may not vote for and hate Republicans...they didn't like us or vote for us already.
They will go crying to Democrats...who are a minority and can't open the government by votes, can't shame a Shameless President...and can't shake a base who doesn't care about welfare queens and despises them.
This is a problem but it is a DEMOCRAT problem.
The rat colors are better than Kamala's poster.
P.S. I hate it when someone says "people". Reminds me of my old Gym teacher in high school who was a Marine in the Korean war.
"People! Line up!"
"People! Get down and give me 50!"
People was almost derogatory. He was talking down to us maybe. It could be "People" was just his way of calling us equals. He never referred to us as "Kids!".
But "For the People" is stupid. You want to be "For America". The illegal alien "people" is something I can't be for. The Japanese should be in Internment camps. That sort of thing. Chinese and Irish should be excluded. They are ONLY "people."
A wealth tax is a feint. Democrat donors would flee the country like has been happening to the New York/New Jersey region. In 2018, 5700 millionaires left the area for places where their capital will experience less friction. No, this is to soften us up for something else, like a VAT.
'We found a headless hare in our yard this morning. Something must have scared the Coyote away mid bite'
A raptor does that, not a coyote. A Great Horned Owl, I think. I usually find the heads.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
"It's going down to -8° here tonight. Kind of scary. Looks like a few even colder nights in the coming week"
-7 as of 4:40 this morning in th Fox Valley.
That rat looks startled!
-20 in Minnesota? Whoda thunk all those Somalis dug snowboarding? It's the snowbunniest!
When I hear "Kamala" I'm reminded of Leon Russell's classic tune "Lost in the Woods". I miss that Shindog.
chillblaine comes out of the coma swinging for the bleachers!
A friend long ago wanted a rat to strengthen the breedling of his pet store rats he used to feed his python. I had trapped a norway rat in a havaheart trap and offered it.
He reported that the Norway rat was a Nazi rat and escape-by-chewing-out artist, but the progeny he left were okay.
-20 degrees! According to the interwebs it's never been that cold here in eastern MA (-18 is the Boston record low).
Be careful out there!
"you didnt answer our questions from the morning's thread and it made us sad."
I read many but not all of the comments, and I don't know which thread you're referring to. Point me to the questions.
steve uhr: "At this time of his presidency Trump is more popular than Reagan ... and less popular than Obama, bush jr, Clinton, bush sr, carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, kennedy, Eisenhower, and Truman."
And Reagan was my favorite president until Trump came along. So there's that.
"Just a couple of hours of each day in such places (churches, skating rinks, upscale indoor malls, smoke-free casinos, libraries with high ceilings, old buildings with lofts and cathedral ceilings, those sorts of places) might make the overall health of someone recuperating from eye surgery, in the middle of winter, better."
Good idea. I expect to be able to see much better and I'm interested in testing out my new super power. (I know it doesn't immediately produce clear vision. I'm interested in approaching what will be the new condition. Like watching the sun rise?)
"But as I have said on this blog before the characterization of Phillips as a snagled tooth possible mad man seems exaggerated and ignores the question of how easily it would’ve have been to step aside."
As soon as the new view of Sandmann emerged, I said (ask Meade), people need to resist trashing Phillips. Both Phillips and Sandmann were ordinary people living private lives in obscurity. They each did something that got them into the spotlight, but neither really asked or was at all prepared to be inspected and judged by millions. We should be charitable toward both of them. Ideally, they would never have been a news story at all. It is the media — mainstream and social — that deserves criticism.
My wife had a thick cataract removed from her right eye about 4 years ago - remarkable improvement in her eyesight.
"Both Phillips and Sandmann were ordinary people living private lives in obscurity"
Must have been a different Phillips that led the group trying to disrupt the Jan 19 service at the Catholic church in DC.
Speaking of online games (Be @ 7:35pm), I highly recommend Slitherio. The only downside is that it is highly addictive and ruins your life.
Oh, oh, oh, oh
I've got a green rat named Kamala
She's everything to me
Kamala Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong
I'll never set her free
For she's mine, all mine
~Willie Brown and the Kool-Aids
Both Phillips and Sandmann were ordinary people living private lives in obscurity.
I dislike people piling on the Host for her opinions, but.
Facts do not support the idea that Phillips is an innocent caught up in something bigger. He is an agitator by avocation. Phillips sought out a young white male, in hopes of inciting a reaction. Phillips had his compatriots along, video recording the theater being played out, Phillips the director moving the characters about the stage. Phillips got exactly what he wanted, until the young white boy refused to to be intimidated. That, and lots of bystanders with smart phones took lots of raw unedited video, that revealed the lies Phillips tried to pass off. Phillips has had his crafted persona fact checked, and is found to be large parts of fiction, combined with ambiguous statements, that tell a story of a person making bank on his protected status of American Native.
No the bad actor, besides the news?media is Phillips. All of his incentives center on attracting attention to set a narrative of himself, being oppressed by the Racist bigoted hate filled white man.
As pointed out professor, stannard is the tool of the anti American christic institute and his daughter al Sharpton orgNization
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