December 22, 2018

"If estrogen modulates psychosis, it might explain why schizophrenic symptoms in menstruating women were less severe than those in men..."

"... and why these women needed lower doses of antipsychotics to control them. It might even be protective enough to delay onset for a number of years. Sudden, dramatic fluctuations in estrogen during perimenopause, the months or years before a woman stops menstruating, might explain why a woman with no previous history of mental illness might suddenly come down with a bad case of psychosis. And the absence of estrogen after menopause might explain why a woman’s psychotic symptoms could suddenly resemble those of a very young man.... Researchers around the world began to explore the connections between psychosis and estrogen at every phase of a woman’s life.... In 2013, premenstrual dysphoric disorder became an official diagnosis in the new revision of the DSM, an acknowledgment that for 5.5 percent of women, the phase usually known as PMS can be debilitating, contributing to severe depression, lost days of work, dangerous ruptures in relationships, and even suicide. Older feminists opposed the classification, arguing that it made a pathology of being female, but younger feminists disagreed...."

From "Listening to Estrogen Hormones have always been a third rail in female mental health. They may also be a skeleton key" (New York Magazine).


Henry said...

Kudos to that headline writer. That's a memorable pairing of clichés.

RK said...

"pathology of being female"

There's no debate that testosterone has a significant effect on men's behaviors. But let's include feminists in the discussion of the effects of estrogen on women.

robother said...

Denial of biological reality is a foundational principle of feminism. At whatever expense to actual women.

Fernandinande said...

Older feminists opposed the classification, arguing that it made a pathology of being a feminist.

rhhardin said...

The third rail in female mental health is a hot button issue.

Paco Wové said...

"The third rail in female mental health is a hot button issue."

Not to mention the elephant in the room.

Sean Gleeson said...

Feminism has long been a sacred cow, but it may now also be a fly in the ointment.

Christy said...

I wonder then how the obesity epidemic impacts all this? Fat warehouses estrogen and unfortunately releases it into our blood willy nilly, having no regulator. Are skinny women who exercise vigorously over represented among the psychotics?

rhhardin said...

Michael: I'm psychic.
Ashley: Do you take meds?
Michael: That's psychotic.

In a Day (2006)

Wince said...

Will the transgender regimen become a treatment pathway for male schizophrenia?

stlcdr said...

Why does this feel more like a scorekeeping exercise than revealing a new discovery in a marginal section of the population?

traditionalguy said...

What do women want?

D. B. Light said...

Doesn't this sound a lot like that hysterical female thing we aren't supposed to talk about?

rightguy said...

This concept of estrogen modulating your mental state needs to be correlated with the "Hot Crazy Graph".

Bay Area Guy said...

This is a highly technical, medical, scientific explanation of why crazy cat women become crazy cat women.

Fernandinande said...

why crazy cat women become crazy cat women.

They left out the toxoplasmosis, which can result from eating undercooked cat meat.

Lucid-Ideas said...

" might explain why schizophrenic symptoms in menstruating women were less severe than those in men..."

Wait? Menstruating men?

Sebastian said...
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Sebastian said...

Wait, so biology is related to gender?

n.n said...

Sex differences. Sex: male and female, is genotype. Gender: masculine and feminine, is phenotype, and, apparently, choice, including physical and mental (e.g. sexual orientation) attributes.

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

Toxic Femininity.

Darrell said...

Sebastian said...
Wait, so biology is related to gender?

Only when the Left needs it to be.

walter said...

Blast from the past, that caused author's resignation as head of American College of Surgeons:

As far as humans are concerned, you may think you know all about sexual signals, but you’d be surprised by new findings. It’s been known since the 1990s that heterosexual women living together synchronize their menstrual cycles because of pheromones, but when a study of lesbians showed that they do not synchronize, the researchers suspected that semen played a role. In fact, they found ingredients in semen that include mood enhancers like estrone, cortisol, prolactin, oxytocin, and serotonin; a sleep enhancer, melatonin; and of course, sperm, which makes up only 1%-5%. Delivering these compounds into the richly vascularized vagina also turns out to have major salutary effects for the recipient. Female college students having unprotected sex were significantly less depressed than were those whose partners used condoms (Arch. Sex. Behav. 2002;31:289-93). Their better moods were not just a feature of promiscuity because women using condoms were just as depressed as those practicing total abstinence. The benefits of semen contact also were seen in fewer suicide attempts and better performance on cognition tests.

So there’s a deeper bond between men and women than St. Valentine would have suspected, and now we know there’s a better gift for that day than chocolates.”

Mountain Maven said...

It's the NYT so i assume it's a bunch of anti male propaganda.