December 9, 2018

"I used to be quite attractive — classically handsome male, some might say..."


rehajm said...

Florida Man?

Wince said...

"When I got my eyeballs tattooed, my mom couldn't look at me for a month without getting tears in her eyes."

Mom should have said something sooner.

A Planned Parenthood ad followed the video. Coincidence?

mockturtle said...

As with Michael Jackson, the physical tampering doesn't know when to stop. I think if I were his mother I'd disown him.

Darrell said...

Mental illness. Irreversible vandalism.

gilbar said...

so, what's next for this (formerly) Classically handsome male? Cutting his dick off?
No! that'd be TOO WEIRD!

Mary Beth said...

Cutting his dick off?

Not after he went to the trouble of getting silicone bumps put in.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Ad that plays first is on auto-repeat.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the ad and the video play on automatic. Hard to listen to other videos when this one is on loop. (just fyi)

chickelit said...

He should join the circus and charge instead of giving it away for free. That would raise his self esteem.

Ann Althouse said...

"the ad and the video play on automatic. Hard to listen to other videos when this one is on loop. (just fyi)"

I'm not getting an ad or any sound on the autoplay, but I've put a page break to keep it from bothering anyone who is.

I hate autoplay, but I was just getting silent video autoplaying. I dislike that too -- distracting (especially, in my experience, for a person with eye problems).

gilbar said...

thanx Professor Althouse!

David Begley said...

1. This started at age 11. His parents must have consented. They should be jailed.

2. Face tats are job stoppers. How is he paying for this?

3. Hand and feet piercing are next. Mark my words!

William said...

Tatooed eyeballs. That sounds like some kind of weird Mengele torture. How do you even do that? No, I don't want to know. I've got cataract surgery coming up......I don't like foreign bodies in my eyeballs, and I especially don't want my eyeballs to look like foreign bodies. Heavily tatted chicks probably think he's hot. Maybe he's found a way to. Make this work.

Yancey Ward said...

Mental illness takes a lot of different forms. At some point, though, he will regret all of this. I understand his mother, though- were this my son I would definitely be saddened and horrified at what he has done to himself.

chickelit said...

A classically handsome male sings about his love for a Tattoo'd Lady. Too bad Rory Gallagher didn't live longer.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I would be interested in a Jordan Peterson diagnosis, if one is warranted, I suppose.

I don't know.

If I had to guess I would chalk it up to a manifestation of zero expectations from the collective unconscious.

I've been consuming Jung videos.

The rule of Lemnity said...

for the most part I skip videos on twitter. I don't want to call them toxic, but for the most part that's what they are.

chickelit said...

@Lem: I always knew you were Jung at heart.

Ralph L said...

I would think childhood trauma, probably sexual.
Wonder what his mum looks like.

n.n said...

Now the girls are doing it. The apology is presented with the construction of a congruence between conventional and liberal body modifications. Perhaps in collusion with the progress of transgender/neo-sexual corruption, which has proven to be surprisingly politically congruent.

cacimbo said...

He is 22 and claims to have begun at age 11. Based on the video he appears to still live at home. In my opinion Mom is a fool. First, allowing your 11 year old to do permanent alterations to their body is stupid. Second - don't pay for it. Does anyone really think this kid is paying his fair share of rent - no, I suspect it is Mom's financial support that allows him to get all this. Plus he looks emaciated. No muscle tone at all. If he is not a drug addict then something else is not right for him to have that kind of body at 22.

tim in vermont said...

A case where some animal. testing would have been well advised.

Leslie Graves said...

Oh this is so, so sad.

Trumpit said...

If he turned himself into a human Christmas tree, he would have a seasonal business at the mall.

El Supremo said...

Some people can't help making you feel good about yourself. Thanks, dude. Your sacrifice is appreciated.

El Supremo said...

Someday I may accidentally shoot off my dick, but this guy will be there to make me appreciate the mistakes I haven't made.

Rosalyn C. said...

The guy needed to make himself ugly in order to appreciate that he was OK looking once. No, I don't think he was classically handsome, but he was Leo DiCaprio compared to how he looks now. He wants to look disgusting. Hard to wrap my head around that.

FGH said...

Thanks for posting this video and encouraging discussion of just what this individual's choices say about our contemporary culture. Self-absorption and nihilism certainly come to mind, even as one must marvel at the freedom of expression.

FullMoon said...

Gonna go out on a limb and guess mom did not give the OK for first body mod. And, mom probably not on board for the rest of it either.

From what I have been told, some kids will do whatever they want, whether mom, dad, or the law gives permission. Some kids just will not follow the rules. Go figure..

Breezy said...

The amount of it does leave me to think he's insane. However, I have heard (fwiw), that tattooing is addictive, so it may be as "normal" as that.

That said, the eyes and the tongue split just creep me out. As a mom, my heart breaks for his mom.

Trumpit said...

Michael Jackson destroyed his looks, too, trying hard to look white He wasn't handsome like Donny Osmond, his contemporary, but at least he was natural-looking. His plastic surgeons shoulder the blame as well.

Robert Cook said...

"His plastic surgeons shoulder the blame as well."

Yes. Ethical plastic surgeons should refuse to feed patients' addiction to plastic surgery, and should, at some point, say, "No more, you've had enough." Heck, we expect responsible bartenders to do this.

I have read comments by some tattoo artists that they refuse to do face or neck or hand tattoos on customers who are not already fairly heavily tattooed. They figure that a person with years' worth of tattoos all over his or her body is well experienced with how the tattoos will affect other people (and his or her life), as opposed to tattoo virgins or newbies.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thanks, Ann.

Freeman Hunt said...

Saw a picture of this guy the other day and immediately thought that he looked as though he'd been very handsome before and that he'd undoubtedly broken his mother's heart by doing this to himself.

Cato said...

Mental illness goes mainstream. Well, it is the 21st Century.