December 19, 2018

Frightening the boycotters with "milquetoast both-sidesism with a pro-corporate bent."

It's not easy to get activated aggressors who are fixed on a target to stand down out of concern for a general goal like avoiding milquetoast both-sidesism. Ironically, avoiding milquetoast both-sidesism is a milquetoast both-sidesist goal.

I mean, I get it —We want more extreme speech to survive, to have different sides presented forcefully. But the call for a boycott is a type of extreme speech, and it's milquetoast to want to quiet that down.

By the way, I'm milquetoast enough to wonder if "milquetoast" is homophobic.

And Merry Christmas, everybody — if I may dare say something so extreme.


Leland said...

Merry Christmas Ann and Meade!

rhhardin said...

Rush wouldn't let the advertisers that dropped him in response to boycott calls back on.

rhhardin said...

#MeToo is a boycott movement.

Shouting Thomas said...

Merry Christmas!

#MeToo is a boycott movement.

More specifically, #meToo is a blacklisting movement.

I cut cable 7 years ago. I loathe watching commercials. I've spent hours on the phone with asking if they will structure a Cubs' package that is free from commercials. After all, I argue, I'm paying a fee for the streaming broadcasts. refused.

It's becoming impossible to listen to any classical music of extended length on YouTube, as that platform constantly interrupts with commercials.

Matt Sablan said...

Because we all know the virulent Republican boycott movements. This is just the left asking the right to continue playing by rules they know their team will never follow.

Humperdink said...

"And Merry Christmas, everybody — if I may dare say something so extreme."

This comment, although presumably done in jest, is really telling. So much truth said in jest. This is where the Commie-Pinko lefties have the country. And yet .... and yet, they call themselves call Progressives and Antifascists. Gag me.

Big Mike said...

Who, precisely, is dropping Tucker? Time to get a counter-boycott going! Who is leading the boycott against Tucker’s advertisers? Time to find ways to make their lives uncomfortable.

rehajm said...

Because we all know the virulent Republican boycott movements

My first thought as well. Republican movements tend to be about counter patronizing the boycotted, a lá Chick-fil-A.

Tank said...

We want more extreme speech to survive

Well, we're talking about Tucker Carlson here. If his noticing a few things about illegal immigration is now extreme, Gaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!

It's more "shut up she explained."

Your country is in a bad way when you're no longer able to tell the truth, and that's where we are innit? We're still a dead country walking, Trump already backed down on his wall talk, big disappointment.

Humperdink said...

"Trump already backed down on his wall talk, big disappointment."

I'm thinking rope-a-dope here. He knows 2020 is right around the corner. He's toast w/o a shovel in the ground.

Hagar said...

It is getting trite to point out that these people are essentially fascist, but ... Oh, yeah!

Anonymous said...

AA: Ironically, avoiding milquetoast both-sidesism is a milquetoast both-sidesist goal.

It's bullshit that what we have now is or is tending toward a state of "both-sidesism". What progressive view is being hounded off the air?

Silver: "...only milquetoast both-sidesism with a pro-corportate bent will be advertising-supported"

Yeah, duh, it is and will be "pro-corporate" only. Of course it won't be anti-corporate. Who's paying for the ads? Thanks for the one-part obvious, one-part bullshit insight, Mr. Silver.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I suspect that much or all of the corporate boycotting of conservative speech is being driven by middle-managers on the marketing and PR side who are recent college grads.
The various "studies" courses are poison to free thought and the appreciation of free discussion. College students who are not white & male & hetero are told that freedom of speech is a tool of oppression that is used against people like them, and if they do not actively fight against freedom of speech, they are less authentically female, black, hispanic, or gay.

Craig said...

Silver's next tweet began, "I tend to agree that Tucker is a racist". I have never called anyone a racist on Twitter, so I consider myself to have behaved better than Nate Silver. Thinking about your own moral superiority feels so good! No wonder virtue signaling is so common.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Big Mike said...

Who, precisely, is dropping Tucker? Time to get a counter-boycott going! Who is leading the boycott against Tucker’s advertisers? Time to find ways to make their lives uncomfortable.

12/19/18, 6:17 AM

There doesn't have to be an actual boycott. All that it takes is a head of HR to say that social media analysis indicates that advertising on Tucker Carlson will lead to difficulty recruiting & retaining top people. That way it never has to be shown by the HR fascist that advertising on Carlson's program has an actual impact on the bottom line.
HR policy, other than compliance with government regs, is the worst sort of pseudoscience. It's driven by anecdotes and fads. Can't be proven effective or ineffective in improving the bottom line.
But a degree in HR can lead to a very good career. You can take the talent anywhere in the country, and there is a clear path for advancement.

Anonymous said...

ST: It's becoming impossible to listen to any classical music of extended length on YouTube, as that platform constantly interrupts with commercials.

Can't you pay for no-ad Youtube?

Yeah, the ads are annoying sometimes, but I ain't gonna complain about getting to listen to my choice of performances for free. Being interrupted for a few seconds by someone hawking software I don't want beats the old days of having to go through some NPR nyooooooze drone whenever I wanted to get my classical on.

(Does NPR even offer extensive classical music programming anymore? Locally, they used to have a daytime dedicated classical FM channel, but afaict that now only duplicates the programming on the AM nyoooooze and cat-lady-political-gossip channel.)

Big Mike said...

@Lewis, all I want to know is who to counter-boycott.

chickelit said...

Jeb was milquetoast to Trump's hardtack.

tcrosse said...

ST: It's becoming impossible to listen to any classical music of extended length on YouTube, as that platform constantly interrupts with commercials.

You can scroll down this copious list to Classical Music stations. Have fun with it.
Best Internet Radio Stations

Sebastian said...

"it's milquetoast to want to quiet that down"

No. Trying to get freer expression, including from the extremes, is not milquetoast. At a time when progs rule, it's hard. Defending Tucker and his role in particular is not milquetoast.

chickelit said...

Angle-Dyne asked: (Does NPR even offer extensive classical music programming anymore? Locally, they used to have a daytime dedicated classical FM channel, but afaict that now only duplicates the programming on the AM nyoooooze and cat-lady-political-gossip channel.)

Out here there's KUSC. It's not NPR: it lacks the hacks that pollute the airways with political opinion. It's just 100% classical 24/7. They do talk between sets, but they don't interrupt. They do use the occasional NPR feed, but they cut the politics. They have a fund raiser once per year. I live close enough to get the FM signal, but you can stream it here. Lately they've been getting their Christmas on which I find refreshing.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The left are the VERY FASCISTS that they claim to fight against.

They are a mob of anti-free speech fascist neo-communists.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Big Mike said...

@Lewis, all I want to know is who to counter-boycott.

12/19/18, 8:12 AM

There is no one to counter-boycott.
The companies that dropped advertising on Carlson's show didn't do it because their bottom line was taking a hit, but because an HR, PR, or marketing person, with anti-Carlson sympathies, informed his or her corporate masters that advertising on Carlson's show would be bad for business. As far as I know there was not even a threat of a boycott by anyone.
But if you want to know who dropped Carlson, here is a list.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Anyone who dropped - please don't buy their product.

Bowflex is dead to me. Not that I was going to buy one anyway.

Rick said...

Silver is wrong. The logical outcome is corporate branding for one side or the other and an effective split on our culture.

William said...

What's wrong with being pro-corporate? I recently watched the Netflix series Homecoming with Julia Roberts. I don't want to give anything away, but the villain of the piece is a corporate executive. The villain of the piece is always a corporate executive. It seems all the afflictions of modern man are directly attributable to corporate executives and their pursuit of profits. The villain is white and heterosexual so that adds another dimension of evil to his villainy. Maybe someday we can all live in those sunny uplands where the affairs of humanity are directed by socially aware commissars.

Lewis Wetzel said...

It would be fascinating to examine the process that any of these companies took when they made the decidion to pull the ads from Carlson's show. The name of every person involved, their job title, meeting minutes, etc. Who initiated the process? Who finally approved it, and what process did that person use to come to his or her decision?

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The Anfita communist who works for democrats.

Can we boycott Tammy Baldwin?

Darrell said...

I Think that Nate Silver is a racist.
See? People can think anything they f'in like. Even if it is not true, like Silver's thought.

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between "milquetoast both-sidesism" and "just the facts"?

That said, I think Mr. Silver is wrong. The 'late night comic' genre seems to be doing OK despite its strategy of serving up raw meat for one side or the other.

Howard said...

Milquetoast is the first food to eat after a bout with Montezuma's revenge

Bruce Hayden said...

Here is part of the list to boycott due to their Carlson boycott:

The big ones are:
Pacific Life
Indeed jobs site

John Borell said...

Merry Christmas!

Jupiter said...

Blogger Lewis Wetzel said...
"But a degree in HR can lead to a very good career. You can take the talent anywhere in the country, and there is a clear path for advancement."

And I will point out, that the reason companies have HR departments is to protect them from the government. So the bigger and more intrusive the government becomes, the more jobs there are for people with degrees in Hatred Studies.

robother said...

Nothing brings out the Scrooge in Colorado like wishing a Wiccan/Feminist#MeToo "Merry Christmas!"

Lately, my default season's greeting in general social gatherings has been "Don we now our gay apparel!" or for variation, "Troll the ancient Yuletide carol."

tcrosse said...

'Tis the season.

Not Sure said...

It's just as homophobic to think a thin, shy weakling is gay.

Better not to think at all, citizen. Leave that to le Directoire.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"To Milque!"
"Ah, yes-- to Milque!!"
"To Milque!" they chimed, and raising their glasses, clinked them together in unison.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

a toast to Harvey

narciso said...

Yes its media matters directing the boycott

Lileks said...

Caspar Milquetoast! You can find 17 examples here.

bbkingfish said...

Corporations are too responsive to whims of their markets.