... talk about anything you like.
(And remember to use the Althouse Portal to Amazon if you've got some shopping to do. We were talking about cookies today, so may I suggest some Stella D'Oro Angelica Goodies?)
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
I see that Jon Kyl, who was appointed to fill John McCain’s Senate seat on an interim basis l, will step down at the end of the month. I hope that Governor Ducey does not appoint Martha McSally to the position. If she couldn’t be bothered to campaign hard enough to beat someone notable only for her blonde hair, big boobs, and contempt for the voting public, McSally doesn’t deserve to be in the Senate.
let's just hope he doesn't appoint megan mccain
of course, you know who WOULD be cool for him to appoint?
John McClane!
Yippee Ki Yay!
Any carbon tax should be structured so as to impact the jet travel plans of billionaires like Bezos, Carlos Slim, and the whole Davos crowd proportionate to the effect on working people trying to commute to their jobs. So jet fuel for private aviation should be taxed at a thousand dollars a gallon or so. Even a billionaire is going to think twice about spending millions of dollars a day on fuel. Get that passed and I will think that maybe our betters are serious.
I remember Althouse talking rather snootily about how Victoria's Secret is a mall brand and she doesn't shop there. I don't shop there either, but my teenage daughters like their bras, so I took them there the other day to get restocked. Man, that place is so overpriced and undergood. I did look at a cute set of satiny black pajamas with spiffy white piping but rolled my eyes at the $99 price tag. I'm sorry, your stuff costs maybe 5% of that to produce in the third world. That's an absurd markup. And they don't even have sales or clearance deals like other mall brands that I occasionally shop, like Childrens Place.
Ms Pants,
VS has good sales if you are patient.
And they offer lots of coupons, too.
@Miss Placed
Vicki C's is a rip!!
for those prices, the model should be part of the deal.
that's what they're selling anyway!
Still Interesting. Must be a couple of crimes in here somehere.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Have you wondered why the Clinton Foundation folded so suddenly after Hillary was no longer in a position of influence? Perhaps this summary will provide some insight?
From their 2014 990 Tax Form; they list 486 employees (line 5)
It took 486 people who are paid $34.8 million and $91.3 million in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION
The real heart of the Clintons can be seen here. Staggering but not surprising. These figures are from an official copy of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation for the tax year 2014. The copy of the tax return is from the National Center for Charitable Statistics web site http://nccs.urban.org/ . You can obtain the latest tax return on any charitable organization there.
The Clinton Foundation: Number of Employees (line 5) 486
Total revenue (line 12) $177,804,612.00
Total grants to charity (line 13) $5,160,385.00 (this is less than 3%)
Total expenses of $91,281,145.00
Expenses include:
Salaries (line 15) $34,838,106.00
Fund raising fees (line 16a) $850,803.00
Other expenses (line 17) $50,431,851.00 HUH??????
Travel $8,000,000.00
Note: $20 Million in Travel & Meetings to decide who gets the $5.160 Million in Charity ?
Meetings $12,000,000.00
Net assets/fund balances (line 22) $332,471,349.00… So it required 486 people, who were paid $34.8 million, plus $91.3 million in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION!
And they call this a CHARITY?
12/3/18, 8:29 PM
...and dont buy lingerie in bulk. In other words,
dont get your panties in a bunch
FullMoon said...
Still Interesting. Must be a couple of crimes in here somehere.
Do you have a link directly to their form? I visited the linked site, but could not find a way to get to the referenced form
@ Tim
Any carbon tax should be structured so as to impact the jet travel plans of billionaires like Bezos, Carlos Slim, and the whole Davos crowd proportionate to the effect on working people trying to commute to their jobs. So jet fuel for private aviation should be taxed at a thousand dollars a gallon or so. Even a billionaire is going to think twice about spending millions of dollars a day on fuel. Get that passed and I will think that maybe our betters are serious.
Genius. I dare Kennedy-Bob to do it.
I buy underwear in bulk. The problem is that socks, briefs and undershirts don't come in commensurate number packages. Ten socks, seven briefs, six shirts. You'd have to buy 210 of each to avoid a left-over.
One improvement you can make is line-dry the stuff after washing. It lasts double the time then, compared to the wear it gets in a dryer.
There's a Croatia contest on. I hear only one Croatian 9A5W and worked him after a couple of tries. He's staying up all night, I guess. So I have one point.
Has anyone ordered food from Goldbelly?
Spouse is into Omaha Steaks. And Victor Super Premium grain-free dog food from Chewy.com for the GSD.
Not sure which is more expensive.
Full Moon -good catch! It's as if the Clintons are running a phony charity and the mainstream Clintonopolois-Maddow-Chuck Todd press could not care less.
Full Moon - I'd venture a guess that some of the people who "work" for the Clinton foundation are also members of the media.
Is Trump correct that consumers and private business can’t be trusted to control China? If China is offering a product better and cheaper than the US version the US government needs to step in and prevent that purchase.
I ask that because apparently China now controls the production of sensors required for quantum computing and quantum cryptography. The American producer shut down due to Chinese compatition
Surely the government shouldn’t be making these decisions.
I'd like to talk about how Michael Cohen is going to jail on eight Trump-related charges.
One would think this is an important thing, given the fact that Trump is technically President of the United States. But mention of this national bombshell is strangely absent from the conservatives driving these comment boards and post topics.
Oh well. I guess he must not really be that important, after all. That's a relief to know.
Full Moon -good catch! It's as if the Clintons...
...aren't in office and watching all their business associates going to jail?
Yes! It's as if that is NOT happening.
If only you could have a president without those kind of problems.
Guess it's easier relying on gumshoe conspiratorial prosecution from a semi-literate housing contractor who believes the earth is kept warmer than space due to kryptonite, or volcanoes or something.
World ends:
Atomic bomb
Catastrophic California earthquake
Over population
Global cooling
Global warming
Climate change
Hole in ozone
Acid rain
Nuclear was
Global cooling
Showed a psychiatrist neighbor a variety of PeePee's comments.
She emailed me this:
Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. People with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally unhappy and disappointed when they're not given the special favors or admiration they believe they deserve. They may find their relationships unfulfilling, and others may not enjoy being around them.
The Clinton-Muller-Media revenge team in full fascist revenge mode.
Re: VS
Was at one to buy a gift card for my partner's daughter for Christmas. For a $200 card, we got a free $10 blanket. All of the women in my life buy their bras there. My partner has dozens of matched sets of undies, that she doesn't wear, as well as a bunch of their PJs, that she doesn't wear either. Back to the VS store - they are planning on starting their January sale starting sometime after Christmas, at least here at PV Mall in PHX.
"Troll" is more accurate and succinct.
Rinse wash repeat, Mueller did much to sabotaw's administration on the interrogation surveillance among allies with AIPAC, the Chapman ring almost fell in his lap, from a Russian walkin (the inspiration for red sparrow(
Volunteered with my oldest son to socialize with puppies tonight. Future service dogs. Not a bad evening.
FullMoon -- You basically asked your neighbor to Google for you.
What kind of dogs, terriers are the liveliest
...vulnerable to...
reacting to stupidity? Oh yes.
Other than that, nice story you made up about your neighbor. It's always amusing to watch Trump supporters talk about narcissism and diagnose it in others.
Doesn't everyone aspire to being admired by shyster housing contractors who believe that space aliens magically keep the earth warmer than the moon?
How cool would it be if someone in California died in a raging wildfire or one of those earthquakes that never happen.
FullMoon -- You basically asked your neighbor to Google for you.
Haha. No shit. Moon makes up stories all the time. He does it as much as he misquotes or wrongly attributes or neglects to contribute what he quotes.
But it's easy for him to be a liar. It makes him think he's a smarter shyster contractor drop-out than he is, helps him identify with his hero Trump, and elevates his ego when going toe-to-toe with anyone who has a brain.
attribute, not contribute.
Interesting perspective:
@narciso -- Golden Retrievers.
"I'd like to talk about how Michael Cohen is going to jail on eight Trump-related charges..."
What's important is that Trump will still be President while Cohen is sitting in the slammer, George Conway is still trying to upstage his wife, and Bill Kristol is still job-hunting.
Not to mention that the talking heads on CNN will still be winding themselves up in Trump-induced rage only to be let down with each passing day that Trump is still POTUS.
Which might be 'til Jan 2025 at this rate....
Interesting article about Vonnegut.
The Boy Scouts are filing for bankruptcy. Here's what led to the demise.
Henry said...
FullMoon -- You basically asked your neighbor to Google for you.
12/15/18, 10:00 PM
Haha! That is apparantly exactly what she did.
So PeePee, Ritmo Toothless:
NPR, medicated
Warming hysteric
P.O. C.literally says he passes for white.
Mid/late fifties
Single, no lasting relationships.
Articulate but incapable of humor.
Multiple alias' here for a decade or so but no variety in style.
Lives at home, caring for aging parents.
Under appreciated and misunderstood at work and in life.
Doesn't date American Women.
Reported to HR at least once by 'Republican woman'
Easily trolled by mis use of "your", mis spellings and gramatical errors and especially any mention of climate change.
Life is good !
@mandrewa -- that's sad news, though the news *that I googled* indicates that they are considering bankruptcy and haven't yet filed.
We were talking about cookies today ...
No we weren't. We were talking about dead, uncooked, fish.
Dead, uncooked, fish full of parasites that would have been destroyed by cooking.
Blogger President Pee-Pee Tape said...
FullMoon -- You basically asked your neighbor to Google for you.
Haha. No shit. Moon makes up stories all the time. He does it as much as he misquotes or wrongly attributes or neglects to contribute what he quotes.
Heres an intelligent quote for ya:
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
I'll be happy to meet either that sociopath Jeans or Moon in person and kick both of their asses. Either individually or together.
Of course, Trump continues to perpetuate the Great White Male DIe-Off so both of them will have shortened lifespans thanks to him anyway. But if either one of them had the balls to show themselves they could get their wish a heck of a lot earlier and in the way they prefer.
A couple turkeys were pardoned a few weeks ago but I'm sure that act didn't apply to either of them.
If you two just overdosed on opioids that would do the trick just as easily. It's good to see what both of you losers live for; I'm sure your personal lives are filled with nothing less hateful and asinine than what you both bring here. Both of you miserable sons of bitches are actually rather transparent that way.
11/22/18, 11:11 PM
Here is anoth et sign were in the crazy years:
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
I'd like to talk about how Michael Cohen is going to jail on eight Trump-related charges.
Why not the "pee pee tape"?
Oh right...
He pled to one 3 year charge, when he could gave gotten 30,
That had NO INFLUENCE on "justice", narciso.
resident Pee-Pee Tape said...
I'd like to talk about how Michael Cohen is going to jail on eight Trump-related charges.
Wrong. He was sentenced to 3 years for tax violations that had nothing to do with Trump. He just also happened to plead guilty to a campaign finance issues which are not crimes in order to get that reduced sentence.
Oh never mind:
So what are you doing about it:
He pled guilty to eight charges, including the campaign finance violation that "Individual #1" (Trump) coordinated - i.e. the payoffs to the porn star and Playboy model so he could influence the election. Even David Pecker is in on the testimony. Enjoy "Individual #1's" term of immunity while it lasts. Couldn't have happened to a nicer fake president.
Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
Ritmo -- in a "nut shell"
What kind of a loser harasses their neighbor in order to get them to Google answers to questions that they would already have professional knowledge of?
I think we know answer to that one: Shyster Contractor.
He's taken to hate-quotes again. I triggered another one of his fits of rage.
That and Version #14 of a made-up list of the evil attributes he imagines I have.
A dumb guy, made angrier. Life is good.
Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by troubles with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. Parents usually notice signs during the first two or three years of their child's life. These signs often develop gradually, though some children with autism reach their developmental milestones at a normal pace before worsening.
chickenlittle -- in his testicle shell
It takes a real moron to think that telling others they're wrong for lying to the public and deluding themselves to support a pathological liar/petty tyrant with a grandiose sense of self betrays a "sense of importance", "need for attention/admiration", "relationships" or "self-esteem." And it actually does demonstrate empathy, given the number of victims that Trump creates (while you cheer him on) daily.
But nice attempt at living in opposite land. You fools would fail a basic undergraduate psychology exam. The fact that you call anyone who takes issue with your Trumpism a narcissist is beyond ridiculous and hilarious. It's a self-parody.
That narcissist needs people as empty as you to have any support. I'm sure once he's in jail you'll still all feel the same way.
Nice empathy you have for those kids he put in the cages and tore away from their parents. Or the people he killed after taking away their healthcare or weakening their water standards.
Nothing to do with Russia, that was just the ewlquivalence of a suggestion box, 25.2 million to get here, the original plea was back in March before the whole special master kabuki was implemented.
If you're called a narcissist by a Trump supporter that must be a form of high praise.
Blogger President Pee-Pee Tape said...
If you're called a narcissist by a Trump supporter that must be a form of high praise.
12/16/18, 1:47 AM
Why? Compared to Obama and Bill Clinton, Trump doesn't seem especially narcissistic.
From the world taking Wisconsin’s lead dept: MSM really pushing for another Brexit vote since they didn’t like the outcome of the last one. It’s of course to relieve the chaos, neglecting to mention the chaos is coming form the twits and bints what didn’t like the outcome of the last one.
seen chalked onto a menu board at a pizzeria:
“The Romaine Empire has fallen.
Caesar is dead.
Lettuce pray.”
Who says when Ritmo shows up the blog post circles the drain? Why everyone.
chek out my sliding bear
It's easy to ignore pp's posts, I am sure that there are plenty who scroll past the donut eating squirrel. Strumpit has grown on me.
The general rule of charities is that they start as a cause, then become a business, and end as a racket.
The Clinton's skipped the first two steps.
This guy has always annoyed me for some reason. Just not sure I ever got the let's jump on the 'Hamilton' bandwagon. He's so often preening and preaching about how we should be. Except for this: Oscar Lopez Rivera
chek out my sliding bear
You videos are even worse than Laslo's.
"Doesn't date American Women."
Doesn't date.
Sounds like a good time. I enjoy hanging out with working breeds.
"She showed the pictures she’d taken to her mother and her co-workers. “Am I missing something?” she asked them. No. They saw racism, too."
Well, this doesn't surptrise me at all. They see racism in EVERYTHING, so why not this too?
Compared to Obama and Bill Clinton, Trump doesn't seem especially narcissistic.
I guess that's because for insects like you, empathy would include treating human children as pieces of meat to be locked in cages and torn from their parents' arms. I mean, our species must seem like a huge threat to those in your own arthropod phylum. So I shouldn't be surprised at the sort of inhuman and disgraceful treatment of living people Trump commits that you approve of.
Oh I always assumed baseball hat-wearing machinists with the brim covering their faces were the platonic ideal of ladies' men. That's just the kind of creepy bore that every chick is looking for. And did we mention, ladies, that he never gets out of the suburban Midwest! How glamorous! How exciting!
How unfamiliar he is with anyone interesting and accomplished enough to have the means and desire to travel beyond their own countries' borders. Hell, he's probably never even been to a major city apart from Chicago!
Don't worry, Rusty. There are plenty of little short-stature illegals there for you to mack on. Once your testicles grow big enough to descend from that constricted body covered in grey-white man-hair of yours.
For a guy like you to work your magic on such fly honeys a pack of Marlboros and a six-pack of Corona will do the trick. All it will take is your first testosterone patch prescription and you'll be good to go! But skip the Viagra. Once they see the worn-out, shriveled member between your legs, replete with traumatic drill-bit scars and the reminder of that unfortunate band saw incident, they'll probably just have to say no.
Did I say Corona? I meant Negro Modelo.
Narcissist PeePee
The song remains the same.
Never change, shorty.
You too, Shyster Contractor!
Agw is a lie.
Genomes !
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
That guy's comment was just awesome.
American women are dumber than a bag of rocks.
Your mother's vagina is a lie. Nothing is that filthy!
Filthy enough to push out a FullMoon!
NPD PeePee literally boasted "I can pass for white" .
Your parents must be proud to have a son with "white" genomes.
BBC 2009 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8299079.stm
Average temperatures have not increased for over a decade
This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998.
But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures.
And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise.
In Shyster Contractor's world, it's still 2009 and no further data has accumulated.
In keeping with his poor understanding of the laws of the universe, he too should have died 9 years ago. No time or data (that he can comprehend) has passed since so obviously to have allowed him to live these past nine years was also an anomaly. A grievous wrong in the fabric of space-time that should be corrected.
AGW is a scam.
Some so called scientists are so invested in their original belief that they are immune to new information.
Too arrogant to reverse a dis credited position.
Typical of narcissists, who must be right at all costs.
Kind of sad, really.
Ritmo said,
"The only women I date are either not from America or are closet freaks"
Keep those borders open so PeePee can 'date' trafficed girls can !
"Less than two years later, the Obama Administration took GM through a managed bankruptcy. With all federally-backed financing paid back, early."
No it didn't. GM still owes the American taxpayers over 10 billion.
Why do you lie when the truth would serve you better?
AGW is a scam.
Right. A shyster housing contractor said so and the oil-funded propaganda channel he watched told him so. Real science.
Some so called scientists are so invested in their original belief that they are immune to new information.
"So called" is Trumpinology. You need to learn to speak English the way those unchallenged by reality do. And the fact is that there is no "new information" that changes the fact of how the earth's atmosphere stays warm, or warmer. Not actual information that explains how the real world works. Just hypothetical and fully discredited speculation funded by those with a stake in changing up the explanations that work. They change up their preferred speculations every day and every year - because that's what an obfuscatory, deceptive agenda requires when truth is not the objective.
As another right-winger used to say, you are not very smart and easily misled.
Trafficked. That's funny.
Moon apparently never dated a girl with a passport and the economic means to travel on her own. I mean, I guess that's something to brag about - given that he grew up in a shack and never saw himself as someone who didn't just grow up in a shack. He's afraid of leaving his city, or state at the very least. Pretty pathetic. And his penis has a little American flag tattooed somewhere on it. Probably right next to the picture of Trump.
FWIW: Shyster Contractor's latest attempt at passing along "new information" on AGW was one of those short BBC clippings from 2009.
Next, he will produce a document from the 15th century on how the germ theory of disease is incorrect.
Blogger FullMoon said...
"Ritmo said,
"The only women I date are either not from America or are closet freaks"
Keep those borders open so PeePee can 'date' trafficed girls can !"
Maybe we shouls send the authorities over to his house and see who he's keeping hostage.
Ritmo keeps insisting , " I'm a real boy!"
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