That's Blanche Gardin, who is featured in a NYT piece today, "The Woman Who Still Finds Louis C.K. Lovable/The French comedian Blanche Gardin is taking on all of feminism’s orthodoxies."
As a teenager, she suffered from depression... In her early 30s, when she was hospitalized after a breakup.... Ms. Gardin began watching videos of Louis C.K. on stage.... Ms. Gardin was struck by how Louis C.K. simply stood at the microphone and described his own life, flaws and all. “It was Louis C.K. and the psychiatric hospital” that saved me, she later explained.... “I am obsessed with Louis C.K., his series and shows,” she told another interviewer. “I’ve watched everything eight or nine times. He’s a monster of sincerity.”....
Ms. Gardin defended Louis C.K.... “[T]he fact that we put a producer who rapes actresses in the same bag as a guy whose fetish is to masturbate in front of women, after asking if he can do it, means our modern society has a big problem with nuance.” She argued that it’s hypocritical to shun Louis C.K. His humor, she noted, “explored his dark side, his perversions, and deciphered the darkness of the human soul. People loved him for that... because it made them feel better about their own dark sides.”...
Whereas the American version of #MeToo often seems like a battle of the sexes or a story of male domination, Ms. Gardin expresses sympathy for men. She describes how their desires can make them vulnerable, and how this can give women power. Men are driven to have sex, she says, while “we just need to get to the point where we can sense, in the man’s eyes, that we can ruin his life.”....
In an era of so much exhausting groupthink, Ms. Gardin is refreshing because she doesn’t seem to belong to any camp. She’s what the French admiringly call a femme libre — a free woman.....
Do we know that? Has Harvey been sent to jail or convicted of anything? Where is he?
She should marry Louis CK and move to somewhere without phones or internet.
it's funny, because IT'S TRUE
The projection of fuckability is what actresses have to sell.
So, no, nothing will change because fuckability is what movies have to sell. For both actors and actresses.
Be useful. Or go home. The audience wants to see beauty and sex. The job of a producer and director is to select out the actors and actresses who project fuckability.
The movie biz, the arts and the music biz will continue as before, with everybody involved selling sex.
The #meToo thing is just another Hollywood PR offensive. It will fade away and in time a new sex PR offensive will take its place. The PR tactic of having a cause will one day fade away too. It's a relic of the 60s.
"Do we still have the right to have sex in exchange for roles?"
Well, you still have that right. But part of the old deal was not to bitch about it afterward.
Now that's gone. So who will take a chance on you exercising your "right"?
I deleted about thirty blog posts from the heady, frothy MeToo days. But you know what, reminder to never toss away anything, even a rough draft, even a 'mistake,' and also, this, that once you've sputtered it out, then, it is still accessible. l8tr
As a teenager, she grew into yet another attention-seeking crazy chick.
She is to us as Jerry Lewis is to to them.
Scripted entertainment would improve immeasurably if all performers were replaced by CGI images. Live performers can find jobs at Shakey's Pizza or somewhere.
I found the quotes funny, and perfect in the tradition "of holding up a mirror" to our ugly selves.
If SNL enforces orthodoxy, this women destructs it.
She has to promote it as pro-woman because women can't figure it out for themselves.
"[T]he fact that we put a producer who rapes actresses in the same BAG as a guy whose fetish is to masturbate in front of women ...."
This is how we can tell she is French. In the US now, the relevant term is BUCKET. A couple years ago it might have been WHEELHOUSE.
What kind of "free woman" ends up in the hospital, apparently traumatized, after a breakup? Or keeps mentioning the fact afterward? The kind who wants to be one of this week's featured victims in the Sunday Times.
The don’t have the time BECAUSE they don’t have the talent.
Because if we can’t do that anymore, we’ll have to learn lines and go to casting calls, and frankly we don’t have time."
This is why I love the French.
Scripted entertainment would improve immeasurably if all performers were replaced by CGI images.
Maybe in fifteen years, but right now, GGI characters are like actresses that have overdone the botox. Just look at the emojis and their over emoting features. We are not there yet, and unless the characters are going to be animated by some kind of AI that is in charge of all of the “muscles” and is better than any AI we have today, you end up with children’s cartoon stuff.
It was Louis C.K. and the psychiatric hospital” that saved me
But mostly the psychiatric hospital. And ECT.
"Do we still have the right to have sex in exchange for roles?"
That does seem to be the question that never got resolved. If the answer is yes, then surely powerful men have the right to give the role to the woman who puts out. But how can the answer be no? Doesn't a woman have a right to choose?
“The movie biz, the arts and the music biz will continue as before, with everybody involved selling sex.”
No sex selling in the Green Book. Excellent movie.
I am watching a show on Netflix, Call My Agent!. It’s about French actresses, mostly. It’s a little bit sappy, but it’s kind of funny too.
The answer can be “no” because it puts all of the other actresses in the position of having to give sex against their will or not work. Well, they can work, as waitresses or whatever square jobs they can parlay their looks into getting without having sex with the boss, maybe Democrat Senator... Oh wait...
Do ex-presidents and their money grubbing wives get to stop lying about all of Bill's past sexual abuses?
Nuance to corruptocrats is Blasey Ford and her psycho story of a high school aged nothing burger without a single soul to corroborate.
They call that RAPE!
But Bill Clinton gets a pass.
Hillary campaigns for Menendez. This is CNN - and Nuanced America.
Look at the 24 second mark for a stark "that's not funny" reaction.
Look at the Orwellian world we are forced to live in - all because the left's chosen corruption queen lost the election.
Breitbart gets a "warning" on facebook
someone said: " But how can the answer be no? Doesn't a woman have a right to choose?"
of COURSE she has the right to chose!
if a woman Wants her baby... It IS a baby; if she doen't... it's a lump of inanimate flesh
if a woman Wants to get Drunk and hook up... it's her RIGHT to drink AS MUCH AS SHE WANTS
if, LATER a woman Decides she has regrets... then it was RAPE!
if a woman Wants to dress sexy to get stuff... it's her RIGHT to DRESS ANY WAY SHE WANTS
if one of those MEN (that she wasn't trying to attract looks at her... THAT'S RAPE TOO!
if a woman wants to work the hours and position a guy does... it's her Right
if a woman Doesn't work those hours... She has the Right to complain about income inequality
Women have the right to chose to do ANYTHING they want to chose... Except voting Republican
There needs to be a trigger warning on that video because it in French. Makes me want to invade, set up a puppet government and have sex with all their women.
"Do we still have the right to have sex in exchange for roles?"
"That does seem to be the question that never got resolved. If the answer is yes, then surely powerful men have the right to give the role to the woman who puts out. But how can the answer be no? Doesn't a woman have a right to choose?"
Prostitution is said to be the oldest profession, and if you expand it to mean women trading access to their wombs (via their vaginas) for something of value to them, then I think that is clearly the case. Maybe even up to and including marriage. And that can be attributed to the reality that the cost is f creating descendants, of perpetuating our genealogy, is so unequally divided between the two sexes. The male contributes several grams of seman and sometimes as little as a couple minutes of his time, while the female contributes her body for the next nine months, and maybe her breasts for a bit longer.
Maybe because she grew up in Vegas, and her mother was a choreographer, my partner discovered this aspect of show business early. She was a dancer, and thought that it might be fun to do it professionally. Her mother got her an interview at maybe 15. He told her that she danced great, but how about some T&A? No thank you. No professional dancing for her (but she did help her mother run a studio where professional dancers worked out together). The stories there of cocktail waitresses knocked up by casino bosses and their sons there are legion. You would see them moving through the casinos with their pack of flunkies and bodyguards, followed inevitably by female employees looking for a bit extra. Maybe a step up professionally. Maybe a condo. Being a young adult there, she got propositioned by them on a regular basis. As well, of course, by a lot of the stars in town to put on shows (the only two that she remembered always being perfect gentlemen were Elvis and Cosby).
What used to work somewhat was slut shaming the women involved. It didn't eliminate it, but it drove it a bit more underground, with the potential for exclusion from decent female company sufficient to at least hide the commerce a bit. Will the #MeToo movement eliminate these transactions? I don't think so. Or at least not without slut shaming the women. Most of these were mostly volunteer transactions, and there are going to be plenty more women willing to make the same exchange, as long as there is little to no downside for them.
“The Handmaid’s Tale” is coming, but the “Sons of Jacob” will be the sons of Mark Zuckerberg and they will be leftists. Us right-wingers tend to be happy with our wives.
They keep trying to rehab Louis CK. Even French comedians have heard the call. Louis CK has a peculiar hold on other comedians. He's much more admired and loved by other comedians than he is by the public at large.......I never thought Bill Cosby would end up in jail, but there he is. Weinstein is free as a bird. We need Louis CK to do a bit about perversions and prosecutions. So many anomalies in the way we treat them,,.......King George V, who was an English monarch during the 20th Century, said that the proper way for a homosexual to escape a public scandal about his sexuality would be to commit suicide. Nowadays homophobia is a far more scandalous aberration than homosexuality, and it is King George V who is shamed. Maybe in more enlightened times we will recognize that performers like to masturbate in front of people. It's a relatively harmless bit of self indulgence. Maybe we will look upon Louis CK as the Oscar Wilde of his generation, and his critics will be viewed the way we view King George V.
I don't mean to sound prudish, but I think what Jeffrey Dahmer did was wrong, and he deserved to be put in prison.
He is pretty funny when he is drinking
Louis C.K. on 05/22/2010*:
“also sorry i said that sarah pallin needs a penis cake shoved up her hairy, smelly asshole. oh wait i hadn’t said that yet. anyway sorry.”
“When she was standing on that stage at the f*cking convention holding a baby that just came out of her f*cking, disgusting c*nt… her f*cking retard-making c*nt. I hate her more than anybody…”
Louis C.K. on 09/01/2010:
“@SarahPalinUSA kudos to your dirty hole, you f*cking jackoff c*nt-face jazzy wondergirl”
Louis C.K. on 09/01/2010:
“I want to rub my father’s c*ck all over Sarah Palin’s fat tits.”
Louis C.K. on 09/01/2010:
“people think that sarah Paalin is really mean but she has a family of chinese poor people living in her c*nt hole. sorry.”
Louis C.K. on 07/08/2010:
“…I like CAPS because their [sic: they’re] BIG like Sarah Palin’s father’s VAGINA.”
Louis C.K. on 06/08/2010:
“I’m not going to say anything about Sarah Palin this time. Because really it’s not that interesting that both of her tits are disgusting.”
Louis C.K. on 5/21/2010*:
“Sarah palin says US law should be based on the bible. Let’s start by spraying diarreah into her mouth. like it says to in the bible.”
Louis C.K. on 05/21/2010*:
“I have a great idea how to plug the oil leak in the gulf of mexico. kick sarah pallin right in her stupid vagina. Then plug the leak.”
Louis C.K. on 05/21/2010*:
“because i would never shit in sarah palin’s mouth sarccastically. i need two rum and cokes for that. seriously though. shes the new hitler”
The primary difference evolutionarily between the human female and the female of the other great apes is that human females are always sexually receptive whether or not they are in a fertile part of their cycle, unlike the rest of them. This allows the human female to keep the man around for protection, for gathering food, etc. This is a mistake in evolution and women should not exploit it! Not to worry, the process of erasing eons of evolutionarily laid brain wiring won’t take more than a couple more years! In the mean time women, DO NOT USE THIS POWER granted to our sex by nature!
Rape or rape-rape? Superior exploitation?
Will #MeToo persist in social justice adventures, diversity, and warlock trials when politically congruent?
William said...
I don't mean to sound prudish, but I think what Jeffrey Dahmer did was wrong, and he deserved to be put in prison.
11/25/18, 10:55 AM
Well, everybody is entitled to their own opinion.
Jeffry Dahmer Creamy Tender Thigh Soup
1⁄4 cup butter
1 cup chopped green onion
2 cups frozen sliced carrots, thawed and drained
1⁄4 cup flour
5 cups turkey broth, divided (or chicken bouillon)
2 cups milk or 2 cups cream
2 teaspoons salt
1⁄2 teaspoon white pepper
1⁄8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon dried parsley
3 cups chopped cooked young man tender thigh meat
8 ounces noodles (fusilli, rotini or similar)
Saute onions and carrots in butter until soft, not brown.
Add flour and mix well.
Gradually add 2 cups broth and milk.
Cook and stir until it thickens.
Stir in remaining 3 cups broth, and all remaining ingredients.
Add meat
Simmer 10-12 minutes
Add cooked warm noodles
Healthy, Hearty and Satisfying
"We should rejoice — from now on it’s clear for everyone that producers no longer have the right to rape actresses."
There is a Constitutional rite to not merely privacy under the Twilight Amendment that established the Pro-Choice Church, selective, opportunistic, and politically congruent. They want to have their baby and abort her, too.
@FullMoon: The jokes CK made about Sarah Palin are far more disturbing than his sexual quirks. They're really hateful and ugly to a pathological extent. Perhaps they're part of the same pathology. Make shameful jokes about Palin, perform shameful acts before comediennes......Worth noting that although some fellow comedians have come to his defense about the wanking thing, none have criticized him for the vile jokes about Palin. Is it even possible for a comedian to make a career damaging joke about a Republican? Perhaps if CK actually decapitated her and ate her brains, some fellow comedians would say that he crossed the line.
Ever hear of furries? Some people like to dress up as furry mascots and then have sex. As perversions go, it's surpringly benign and unthreatening. To each their own......I put the wish to jerk off in front of consenting comediennes in this class. It's more weird than creepy.....I always liked Carol Burnett, but she tickled the funny bone rather than the boner. Generally comediennes aren't that hot. Upon serious reflection, I think it would be possible to jerk off with Mary Tyler Moore, but only if she worse lingerie or, at least, yoga pants......And by Mary Tyler Moore, I mean a young, alive Mary Tyler Moore. No matter how well they embalm the corpse, it's just wrong to masturbate in front of them. You've got to draw the line somewhere.
My spidey sense tells me that Louis would like to do nothing better than to masturbate in front of Sarah Palin. He sublimates that urge by telling extremely dirty jokes about her. It's a win win for everyone involved. Sublimation is the sincerest form of masturbation.
She should masturbate in front of Louis.
See how he likes it.
The jokes CK made about Sarah Palin are far more disturbing than his sexual quirks. They're really hateful and ugly to a pathological extent.
She's very much high road, though.
Louis CK apologized to her in 2015.
The conversation went like this:
Sarah: "You're funny."
Louie: "I owe you an apology. I said some vile things about you."
Sarah: "Well, you're a vile person."
And then she invited him to go fishing with her if she is ever up in Alaska.
Class act all the way.
Interesting to read this from 2015:
Louie CK is probably one of the most feminist comedians working today.
And from 2012:
Feminists and comedians are natural enemies.
“Stereotypically speaking, feminists can’t take a joke,” he said, eliciting groans from “The Daily Show” studio audience, which then prompted Louis C.K. to say, “See?”
“And on the other side, comedians can’t take criticism,” he added
Here's that Daily Show clip.
yes, he did but previously when Bradley cooper, beat the carp out of him in American hustle, that was very satisfying,
Sarah Palin... Class act all the way.
Yes, she was, is. She would have been, perhaps still is, a good candidate for president.
Some people like to dress up as furry mascots and then have sex. As perversions go, it's surpringly benign and unthreatening.
Civil unions for all consenting adults. #NoJudgment, albeit politically incongruent (i.e. not "=").
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