November 29, 2018

"Ordinarily I wouldn’t condone making fun of a person’s physical appearance, but in Hyde-Smith’s case I’m willing to make an exception. 'Tiny racist teeth.'"

The second-highest-rated comment on "'Tiny racist teeth': Amy Schumer responds to Hyde-Smith’s victory with video of herself vomiting" (WaPo).

Once you make an exception, the whole principle is shot. But say something unpleasant about Amy Schumer's appearance at your own risk. Okay, I will. I'll make the observation I've made before, because it's so specific and uncanny: She looks like Rush Limbaugh.


Amadeus 48 said...

Once you have said she looks like Rush, there is nothing left to say except "Ditto, Althouse."

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Do you think anyone has told her of her resemblance to the left's archenemy?

Henry said...

Once you make an exception, the whole principle is shot.

Let the wild Trumpus start.

Well it already has. Make an exception for yourself and it's harder to feign outrage at Trump.

Dave Begley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Saint Croix said...

I'll make the observation I've made before, because it's so specific and uncanny: She looks like Rush Limbaugh.

wow, she does!

Separated at Birth?

Dave Begley said...

But she's not nearly as funny as Limbaugh.

She's best remembered by me for a scene in "Trainwreck" where she is on her back and getting pounded. Funny! And what a talent!

Amadeus 48 said...

By the way, I'd be in the front row for Amy Schumer's public hanging.

Roy Lofquist said...

When Amy Schumer was a little girl she said she wanted to be a stand up comedian and people laughed at her. Well, nobody's laughing now.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Tiny racist teeth.

I don't know if the teeth are racist. I just know they would look great in my collection...

Kevin said...

Ordinarily leftists don’t condone racism but they make a exception for white people.

Ordinarily they don’t condone sexism but they make an exception for men.

Principled exceptions expose the absence of espoused principles.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Amy Schumer DOES look like Rush Limbaugh.

By the way, I'd be in the front row for Amy Schumer's public hanging.


Darrell said...

Amy Schumer stole the video idea, too.

Big Mike said...

Who is Amy Schumer?

Sebastian said...

"the whole principle is shot"

It was principle bullshit to begin with.

mezzrow said...

Excellence In Regurgitation.

Wince said...

And they complain about Trump "using his gut".

mezzrow said...

When Amy Schumer was a little girl she said she wanted to be a stand up comedian and people laughed at her. Well, nobody's laughing now.

LOL. I'm not laughing with her, I'm laughing at her.

tim maguire said...

"Ordinarily I'm a decent human being, but in the case of anyone I want to say something nasty about, I’m willing to make an exception."

JPS said...

Angry leftists only make exceptions to their principles of fair play and decorum under really rare circumstances, like someone disagreeing with them.

They're a little like the adults in South Park, trapped in a snowstorm and forced to resort to cannibalism after four hours.

chuck said...

The WaPo caters to the DC crowd, the same folks who aspire govern us all. Scary.

TrespassersW said...

It's different when the Left does it because shut up.

Carol said...

What's the implication of tiny teeth, anyway. Victorian writers were always wrote things like "her smile revealed a row of small sharp teeth" like that meant something. Resemblance to rodents? said...

She's got principles. If you don't like them, well, she got others.

Bob Boyd said...

Tiny teeth don't appeal to the discerning collector like the big ol' chompers do.

Birches said...

I always thought Miss Piggy.

SeanF said...

Roy Lofquist: When Amy Schumer was a little girl she said she wanted to be a stand up comedian and people laughed at her. Well, nobody's laughing now.

I am stealing this.

Meade said...

Maybe NPR can hire Amy to replace David Edelstein.

Warning: Can be triggering and give hurt feelings to those of us traumatized by Don Lemon.

gerry said...

By the way, I'd be in the front row for Amy Schumer's public hanging.

Yuck. When her body reached the end of the rope and the neck-breaking yank occurred, so much flatus would be released that persons in the vicinity would pass out.

And the hangover from Amy flatus must be terrible.

chickelit said...

If Trooper York were here, he'd remind us that Amy Schumer looks like Ms. Potato Head.

Nonapod said...

As always the rule remains that it's perfectly OK for both liberal women and men to make fun of the appearence of conservative (un)women. This is especially true if the conservative woman is prominent and successful and when they're political apostates. Cindy Hyde-Smith switched from (D) to (R) years ago.

Known Unknown said...

Amy Schumer is what happens when a Cabbage Patch Doll grows up.

Wilbur said...

I wouldn't know Amy Schumer if she walked into wherever I was and said hello, I'm Amy Schumer.

But the fact that something makes her vomit brightens up my day.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

How is Hyde-Smith, or her teeth, racist? She said she'd gladly go to a public hanging; she didn't say she'd gladly go to a public hanging of a black man who wasn't duly prosecuted and sentenced to death for a capital offense.

Fernandinande said...

But the fact that something makes her vomit brightens up my day.

The vomit video was a poorly done fake. I was quite disappointed.

Infinite Monkeys said...

I am stealing this.

From Bob Monkhouse. I don't think he'll mind.

Wilbur said...

"The vomit video was a poorly done fake. I was quite disappointed."

I just took AA's word for it. I'm not gonna click on a WAPO link … or an Amy Schumer link.

stevew said...

This is a breakthrough! All we have to do is examine people's teeth to determine who among us are the racists!

walter said...

"The star of “I Feel Pretty” is pregnant and has been dealing with severe second-trimester nausea that caused her to be hospitalized earlier this month."

walter said...

Someone should drop the "Is Amy Schumer's real Dad Rush Limbaugh?" meme into the intertwibs.

LYNNDH said...

you insult Rush.

Temujin said...

She DOES look like Rush Limbaugh. She's just not as smart as Rush Limbaugh. She's also not as funny as Rush Limbaugh, which is sad because she thinks of herself as a comedian (or, as I like to call them, a comedienne). I guess vomiting on yourself is too nuanced for me to get.

Ann Althouse said...

@Saint Croix

You link to a Daily Caller observation from 2016, but I said it earlier, here in 2015.

Tim said...

The Left is vile and corrupt. But you knew that.

Bay Area Guy said...

If I may paraphrase the sainted authority figure in Animal House, Dean Wormer:

"Fat, drunk and ugly is no way to go through life, Amy."

rcocean said...

Yeah, what a great observation - she DOES Look like Rush Limbaugh.

She also has crazy eyes, but maybe she's just drunk/drugged out in the picture I saw.

Ray - SoCal said...

Due to Amy Schumer’s low ratings on Netflix, Netflix eliminated ratings.

This reduced the value of Netflix tremendously to me.

Ray - SoCal said...

Amazing the left does not celebrate the first female senator from Mississippi.

If not for double standards, the left would have none.

n.n said...

Tiny is politically incongruent. The PC term is "little". Also, colorful teeth? Rabid diversity.

Sigivald said...

Eh, it's the standard tactic - "it's completely wrong to mock physical appearance, except of course when we do it to The Other, who aren't really people".

(See "respect and trust women, who are great because they're women and women are just great per se ... unless they're Republicans, in which case those gender-traitor ugly bitches deserve it."

Civility bullshit, indeed.)

Rick said...

To many Mississippians, Hyde-Smith’s remark evoked the state’s brutal history of lynching,

When this started I figured it was another inexcusable gaffe. Only much later did I discover she didn't reference lynching but a "public hanging". WAPO continues this effort to obscure the truth by refusing to print the actual quote substituting only the left's inaccurate representation.

A public hanging is a reference to duly sentenced convicts punished in public not extra-legal murders.

JMW Turner said...

If I was fatso Schumer, I wouldn't make fun of other people's appearances.

n.n said...

A public hanging is a reference to duly sentenced convicts

Hanging is politically congruent to lynching. So, they are in principle interchangeable. Also, the use of lynching, without respect to an individual's diversity class, as an extrajudicial remedy, is a politically incongruent footnote that should be ignored for purposes of press and color judgments.

Fernandinande said...

I'm not gonna click on a WAPO link … or an Amy Schumer link.

I usually follow the same proscription, but wanted to see a vomit video and didn't think of youtube until it was too late; washing hands, and perhaps eyeballs, after visiting disreputable sites like WaPo or NYT is a good idea in any case.

MacMacConnell said...

Amy is a fatter version of Rush.

lge said...

"Tiny racist teeth"? Racism isn't in the teeth.
If you want to see tiny teeth, look at the Toothless Wonder, Quentin Tarantino. I always want to tell him, "When you go out, WEAR YOUR TEETH!"

JaimeRoberto said...

I thought there was a special place in hell for women who don't support other women, but I guess that's just another BS principle.

Rick said...

Hanging is politically congruent to lynching. So, they are in principle interchangeable.

This is false. Lynching specifically means outside the legal system.

HoneyBee said...

Using the term racist to describe teeth --- how far will the left stretch that term? I am so sick of the term racist I'm going off to grind my tiny white racist teeth post haste. Laughable.

Known Unknown said...

"To many Mississippians,"

We're just assuming here, it's not like we went to Mississippi (yuk) to ask any of them.