Hinderaker on PowerLine: "A Country Gone Half-Mad." Judging by the MSMers, Nadler and the rest: yes.
Having Dems control the House could be a boon after all.
Perhaps, at some point, the nice college-educated college-town and suburban Althouses will draw the line and reject the madness. Haven't reached that point yet. Will we?
Since there are no standards of evidence, the Democrats may well impeach Kavanaugh, though it will probably cost them their majority when Trump wins re-election. They can't help themselves. They are convince that America is with them, despite this past election when they underperformed with respect to average mid-term elections where they are the party that doesn't hold the presidency. Go figure.
I guess Democrats are soon gonna regret that the Obama administration, including their top lawman, set the precedent of telling Congress it can take its subpoenas of the Executive Branch and shove up right up their poop-chutes.
It's amazing what the Obama admin & Democratic Congress did thinking that their ilk wuz gonna be in power, like, furever!
YoungHegelian: "I guess Democrats are soon gonna regret that the Obama administration, including their top lawman, set the precedent of telling Congress it can take its subpoenas of the Executive Branch and shove up right up their poop-chutes."
The Holder "I'm obamas Wingman!!" Precedents are gonna really pay off.
This greyhound racing ban has a "bill of attainder" feel to me. Probably not, but it sure seems awfully specific of a matter to be handled by constitutional amendment. Shouldn't the constitution be abstract? Why greyhounds and not horse racing? Can they still race pigs at the fairgrounds?
The first interesting data point will be how many of the new “moderate” Democrats are really moderate. I’m betting on more than one case of Buyer’s Remorse.
Accoster did chop the intern's arm away from the mic. Of course it comes down to whether you believe CNN or your lyin’ eyes. He used physical force, his greater strength and size, and physical intimidation to deny her the ability to do her job.
Trump called Jim Acosta rude, and Trump was 100% correct. Acosta should be denied his press pass until he can satisfy Melania he won't be a bully anymore.
I have lately purchased a Mini Portable Vacuum Cleaner and The World's Smallest Leaf Blower for about $10-12 each. The leaf blower is supposed to be a toy or gag gift, I think, but actually works quite well for gently blowing dust off computers without leaving any residue. Both could need thinner nozzles, but with a little ingenuity you can surely think of ways to DIY that with some paper and glue or tape, or better.
I also bought a Drain-X 35 ft. drain pipe snake that is just the thing for @33. My grease plug was about 30 ft. in from the kitchen sink drain, and my 25 ft. Ridgid snake from Home Depot would not reach it. Also came with a carrying bag and the world's smallest pair of work gloves.
It is unfortunate for LLR Chuck and his lefty allies that republicans successfully "gerrymandered the states" which deprives a number of democrat candidates for congress the chance to be "inaugurated" and "sign bills into law".
A lot of people are chortling about following Obama's precedent.
I don't. Granted, I will USE Obama's precedent, but allowing our elected officials to IGNORE THE LAW is never a good idea because what do you have beyond those cultural norms?
The Democrats fucked these norms away and yes, they will be crying when it is done and yes, their tears are sweet.
But Henry VIII started with small violations of the law. Then he went for bigger violations. Not ascribing this to Trump, but how do you bring the NEXT guy to heel? And the guy after that?
This is a shit show. I weep for our future because how do you fix this? History does NOT offer a whole lot of optimism.
I'm seeing on Twitter that revoking Acosta's credentials is a "threat to the Constitution" and a "violation of the First Amendment." Can someone please explain to these people that there is no Constitutional right to attend a press conference, and that if you're not invited you are still free to publish what you please?
FIDO: "This is a shit show. I weep for our future because how do you fix this? History does NOT offer a whole lot of optimism."
You are in agreement with Buwaya.
I agree as well.
But here we are. There cannot be one set of rules for LLR Chuck's beloved dems and another set, less useful, for the reps which solidifies the lefts ratchet strategy.
I'm seeing on Twitter that revoking Acosta's credentials is a "threat to the Constitution" and a "violation of the First Amendment."
I worked at in the Executive Office "compound" (White House, Old Executive Office Building, New Executive Office Building) for eight years. Anyone, & I mean anyone, who pulled the shit Jim Acosta pulled would have had their badge yanked. I know guys who got their access badges yanked for an awful lot less.
So this is the worst administration in American history am I right folks!?! [Laughs] Mr. President, care to explain why you're such an evil anti-MSM hitler-type person? Am I right folks!?!? [Laughs]. And what's the deal with his orange skin!?!? Hahahahahaha.....
When Obama stuck a press pool reporter in a closet rather than risk him reporting accurately on a fundraiser, these defenders of the free press couldn’t be bothered to even offer a tsk tsk. Now they’re all constitutional crisis eleventy!!!!
They’re right. There is a crisis with the first amendment. But it’s not the one they’re thinking of.
If CNN is standing behind their guy and refuses to apologize, they can cover the White House from Pennsylvania Avenue where they are given a press release.
Inside, there are still about 50 reporters so Trump will be well covered.
I think the biggest sting for CNN is to be treated as so unimportant as to be ignored.
And that should probably be Trump's reaction. I mean, I can't see how much worse they can cover him, though I always get a 'hold my beer' when I challenge the MSM and Democrats that way (but I repeat myself), so you think I would learn.
To Fido's Q re: Norms? Mr Buwaya comments a lot about how there isn't a road back.
Well. Let me put on a journalist hat so I can make grand sweeping assumptions based on little understanding of reality and also so I can use the word "some". "Some" argue things may be fixed into the generational cycles. They cycle up and cycle back down as cohorts move on and off stage. I do think the different age cohorts do matter. But an issue with the 21st century in the west (& parts of the east) is the fact of the decline of future cohorts relative to - notably - the aging boomers in NA and Europe. Younger age cohorts are continuously been supplemented via immigration. So that bulge of oldies are still influencing "norms" because of their numbers, and the younger cohorts are more clearly segmented / Balkanized more visibly into different camps. There is little, it appears, passing of a "norm" torch if the top of the pyramid is still dominant, and the other layers have not enough commonalities to stand and say - ok, we're taking the torch this way.
Drago- inviting an all foreign press corps would be awesome. I’d love to see Trump go back and forth with a bunch of Fleet Street types. It would be Ali-Frazier. Right now it’s Larry Holmes-Tex Cobb, with the White House press corps playing the Tex Cobb role.
Jim Acosta... shit. Why not revoke his press pass and give it to Jerrold Nadler or Ocasio-whats-her-name. They're all working for the same fucking organization. Like CNN is a news outlet... shit. Their propaganda is worse than the DNC's. At least you expect it from the institution that has "Democratic" in its name.
You have certain institutions toppled (Church) and other institutions mocking and trying to replace Western Older Norms.
This is the Academy.
To wit, nobody sends their kids to college primed to riot and start fires. So where do they learn this behavior, hmm?
Even our kind and generous hostess whines more about 'losing our tradition of dissent' as CRITICAL to our educational process. It is as if we didn't see the stench of 'dissent' on our television screens EVERY WEEK!
So the Academy is more intent on sawing at the same norms the parents are trying to promote.
And a-holes like Acosta think they are above civility, law, hierarchies...and who doesn't want to be in THAT cool position to 'do whatever you want'.
So he needs to be made an example of. No cookie or press pass for you, Jim Acosta! Bad Donkey!
Where it falls apart is that half the country will cheer that churl as a martyr.
So how do you have 'norms' only half the nation follows?
I have been away from 'homebase' for a long time. Years.
Yesterday, I was driving and was able to listen to our little local AM radio station.
It was...soothing in a way that is hard to describe. Just some local guys talking about local issues that mattered.
I think part of our frenetic demeanor toward national level things is our impotence to really guide such issues. Smaller places. Smaller things. They have more context.
In Arizona, Kyrsten Sinema cannot yet be certified as the winner of the Senate race, as Democrats have not finished voting. They are expected to do so in the next day or so, after the necessary total has been determined. If needed, absentee ballots will be collected from the approaching Caravan.
@YoungHegelian, Glad to hear it (sincerely). Plus that sounds like a very cool job. I think in Acosta's case it's long overdue. But it's clear that Trump likes using him as a foil.
On the one hand, it wasn't blatant violence and I don't like making mountains out of mole hills. Girls are not so special that they can't be touched. You babes knocked over that pedestal and by gum, you aren't getting super special privileged protections.
BUT...by the same token, Acosta is an asshole. A major flaming asshole. So what to do.
Like Althouse with Kavanaugh, when someone was doing shenanigans to overturn him...like Althouse has been silent at 'super secret last minute ballots' derailing Walker's reelection, I will abide in silence as Trump does what Trump does.
Take of it what you will and ignore the gleeful cackling.
@FIDO, "I think part of our frenetic demeanor toward national level things is our impotence to really guide such issues. Smaller places. Smaller things. They have more context.
Just a silly observation. Carry on."
Not silly at all. A wise and practical observation.
I sometimes feel that being a political news junkie is a curse. I've been this way since I was a teen. I'd probably be much happier if I could turn it off and just focus on smaller, more personal matters. But I've never been able to stop paying attention to national politics, even though, as you said, there's little that can be accomplished by such knowledge. It creates unnecessary anxiety, yet I am drawn to it constantly. And now Trump comes along and upends everything, and creates the most fascinating and entertaining presidency in my lifetime. Now my addiction must be fed at an even greater level than before. Maybe I should take up a healthier hobby. But I think it's too late for me.
I remember when W Bush made a visit to India, one of the Powerline guys described reading about it in the English language Indian Press. He felt there was something *off* about it and he finally had the realization: Hey, these guys don't all hate his guts.
The Brit press would be more interesting but equally antagonistic. I would be interested in seeing a number of Indians and Eastern Europeans in there..
Someone called into Mike Savage's show a couple days ago to say that that thing could make things worse for the chickens.
According to the caller they are to be free, by they're only required to have a squarefoot of space per chicken. Supposedly, they're still cramped, but now w/ no cages.
Could be total BS. Responding to the caller, Savage said that he didn't know one way or the other if this was correct.
Forgot to say both the vacuum and blower are teensy things that run off a USB connector from your computer, the vacuum with an intervening built-in rechargeable battery. I think the little blower is the most useful, at least for my Northgate keyboard.
How can there be 600,000 votes to count in AZ when there are only 7 precincts not in? There are 7m people in AZ including kids, and each candidate has 850k votes.
Making A Murderer has new episodes out. Like the previous iteration it has some riveting scenes. Avery’s new super attorney Kathleen Zellner is, well, just badass. I suspect she will know at some point who, if not S Avery and B Dassey, killed T Halbach.
It’s so embarrassing to see the epic levels of incompetence that cover nearly every aspect of this case. It paints all of WI in a very bad light. I understand many believe that the murderers are already in prison. That may be, but there were so many problems that it is hard not to question the verdicts.
The circumstances of Dasseys confession are the most upsetting part for me.
"I'm heading out there next week to see if I can find a pressure washer for $50 or less. The deck is way too slippery."
Pressure washing wood, if that's what your deck is made of, is a bad idea. It pushes water and mold deep into the board and causes early failure. If you insist, make sure the pressure is very low. I would use a chemical cleaner to rid the mold, algae, or fungus that is causing the slipperiness regardless if wood or composite decking.
Tim in Vermont- thanks for bringing that up. My wife and I are involved with a greyhound adoption group and we’ve been talking about this for weeks.
I always say never underestimate the shortsightedness and emotionalism of people, but I didn’t think that would pass by that margin. It’s absolutely infuriating.
I don't know what is going on in Arizona. I don't understand how the election officials ended up with 600,000 uncounted early votes. How is that possible? Did they allow people to turn in votes today? I did the math from the reported totals, and Sinema could win- if the uncounted ballots followed the vote counted last night, McSally would still be ahead by at least 6,000 votes, but having watched this process more than once over the last several years, I already know that the uncounted ballots will have a shocking and "inexplicable" ratio in preference to Sinema. I will just predict it right now- they count the ballots and Sinema wins the election by 20K or more. I thought I was joking last night when I wrote that Milwaukee would have to find votes for Sinema since McSally's edge was large enough to avoid any recount problems- you can't parody this shit any more.
And the thing that pisses me off is this- Maricopa ended up with 450,000 new ballots to count, but I got the impression that every county that McSally won in Arizona didn't allow late early vote turnins- there was a deadline was my impression of the election law- all but one of them had no additional ballots to count as far as I can tell.
I will say it right now- the election is being stolen in Arizona.
I am sure the people who voted to end greyhound racing will be lining up to adopt these dogs and thousands of them will certainly not be destroyed!
Like when DeBlasio was elected mayor of NYC, practically his first act was to try to shut down the carriage rides in Central Park. Most of those horses would likely have been put down. Fortunately he failed.
“Acosta never put his hand on the intern, and his hand brushing her away was inadvertent!”
He didn't "brush her away." He pushed down on the inside of her elbow so hard she comes off balance. Maybe it was an accident; if Acosta said that, I'd believe it. He was heated and emotional. People are saying: "He was so polite! He said ma'am!" But... that doesn't matter. If you push someone and say, "Excuse me," that's not being polite.
" McSally would still be ahead by at least 6,000 votes, but having watched this process more than once over the last several years, I already know that the uncounted ballots will have a shocking and "inexplicable" ratio in preference to Sinema."
-- I still remember seeing some of the ballots that got reported. One had Franken's circle filled in and an X through it, and Coleman's box filled in. Counted for Franken. Another had the opposite, also counted for Franken.
At that point I realized there isn't necessarily a margin of fraud, but Republican lawyers/candidates are not willing to fight as hard for a win.
Acosta should have been shown the door a year ago- the man is a bully and I think damages the brand of CNN, not that I much care about that. I don't even know why Sanders and other official even allow him to ask questions- it isn't like there is a shortage of question askers at these things.
Whoever sent her to try and grab the mic instead of security either made a really bone headed decision given the fact Acosta is known to be a bit more than aggressive, or a PR genius for knowing that Acosta wouldn't flat out deck her, but might do exactly what he did, which was ignore her and treat her like the dirt he thinks Republicans are.
"Acosta should have been shown the door a year ago- the man is a bully and I think damages the brand of CNN, not that I much care about that."
-- I, on the other hand, believe that Acosta is exactly on brand for CNN. They don't want to just be MSNBC lite any more, but aren't sure how to be going about that. Acosta saw the way.
Growing up in Georgia, Miami was the closest place we could gamble. Either greyhounds or Jai alai. I always bet on the dogs as they couldn't be bribed.
I ain't be knowin' know dif betwixt House and Senate, but if Harry Reid was a Senator didn't he drag the insitution itself down, for a little bit of money?
"Chuck is correct, as if Drago's OCD wasn't proof enough, to stay away from these freaks, in that many ways Walker Stapleton master's in Bushlike isms.
Like his KKK anti-Catholic tradional guy's had always dn"
I was gonna make something of this. Decided not to. Enjoy.
Pelosi and Schumer aren't stupid when it comes to politics. What would the Dems gain from impeaching Trump and/or Kavanaugh? There would be a lot of noise and outrage, they could pass it in the House on a straight party line vote, and then it would go to the Senate where it would fail. The Dems base would be outraged and frustrated, the GOP base would be further mobilized. Trump and Kavanaugh would still be in place, and for different reasons neither would be prevented from doing their jobs.
Talking about impeachment during the campaign was useful. Talking about it now could also be useful. Acting on it would not.
Recently the Supreme Court of Hawaii gave the final green light to the construction of the 30 meter telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea. The Hawaiian nationalists who opposed the construction of the telescope have announced that they will use any means necessary to stop its construction. This was after the TMT project made numerous concessions to the Hawaiians who opposed it, all of which shall still be in force. You see, nothing will settle a blood debt but blood.
I changed my deck to trex about 10 years ago, and haven't had a moment of regret.
I had a guest several years ago spray her feet with sunscreen on my trex deck and the outline of her feet is just starting to fade. Insect repellant does the same thing and I have a couple other spots. They both have “plasticizers”. When I complained the people who told me the stuff was invulnerable said “Well what did you expect?” or something like that. I would rather go with wood, but then inexplicably, I don’t like vinyl siding either. I had an air conditioner mounted in a window a couple feet above the trex deck and there is discoloring that can’t be fixed short of tearing up the deck, and its pronounced and a couple feet by a couple feet. Those are just warnings to you guys, otherwise, the trex decks are great. Just be sure to keep the falling leaves off of it or you will be power spraying off the leaf shaped stains in fall and again in spring probably, but otherwise trex is great. It would be even cooler if it looked as nice as wood!
Car alarms are the worst invention of the modern era. I'm up at this hour courtesy of a car alarm. If there were fewer car alarms, there would be less car hijackings. Ban car alarms. Win win for everybody.........I think Acosta looked like a jerk, but I wouldn't ban him. If you want to make the point that the press is biased, then call on Acosta. What I would do is not allow him to hold the mic at press conferences. Make it known that he is the only reporter in the room who is not allowed to hold the mic.
In my old house my deck was all wood. At around the eight year mark I had to replace some boards, and more around the twelve year mark. We sold the house after living there twenty years, and nearly all of them had boards had to be replaced. Used Trex when I built my deck here in our new home, but it faces south and the “boards” get very hot in the summer. It does look great, though.
Big Mike said... In my old house my deck was all wood. At around the eight year mark I had to replace some boards, and more around the twelve year mark. We sold the house after living there twenty years, and nearly all of them had boards had to be replaced. Used Trex when I built my deck here in our new home, but it faces south and the “boards” get very hot in the summer. It does look great, though.
I am going to be doing a Trex deck and I am very deliberately going to go with an extra-light shade of coloring in the hopes of avoiding exactly what you are talking about. I wonder if it will make a difference.
Point to the contrary: if Schumer et. al. was 'so smart about politics', explain why he didn't shut down the Kavanaugh lynching when it turned pear shaped for Dems from a PR standpoint?
"At least 11 bar patrons and a sheriff’s deputy were killed late Wednesday in a shooting at a country and western dance hall in Thousand Oaks, Calif., that was holding an event for college students, officials said."
Wildlife faces this hideous gun violence every day. When will we ever learn? I blame this violence on the Supreme Court especially that wicked hunter, fiend Antonin Scalia.
Give it a rest, Mister Emcee: 1993 Long Island Rail Road shooting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_Long_Island_Rail_Road_shooting In most robberies and assaults, victim and perpetrator are the same race, but when one is Black and the other is white, odds are 2:1 that the perpetrator was Black and the victim white. Reparations, now!
What I would do is not allow him to hold the mic at press conferences. Make it known that he is the only reporter in the room who is not allowed to hold the mic.
Yes I agree. Keep Accost-her in the briefing room. A nice touch might be for President Trump to announce that they have a new intern, and introduce a retired Navy Seal. Then, the girl that Accost-her assaulted handles the mic duties until the President calls on Accost-her. The Seal takes over the duties. The left will turn the nutty up to 11.
Reparations? Why don't you go out and get yourself a fucking job, instead of begging for money. Between you and Acosta, I don't know who is more annoying.
@Chuck, our HOA allows only black and brown for flooring, though they allow white for railings. They drafted a rule that said they had the right to approve the shade of brown, but got an earful and backed off.
LilyBart: These people are trying to shame white women for not being liberal. What a**es.
As a white suburban woman, I know I'm always seeking the approval of dumb, ignorant people suffering from psychotic racist hate-ons for white men and Western civ.
There's nothing quite so persuasive as a pack of brainwashed idiots bleating that one votes the way one does because one's husband told one to.
A home invasion is an intentional crime - that's not what I'm getting at here.
Crack, murder is an intentional crime. Senseless murder. Peeing in public is a crime, how about snuggled in your own bed with the door locked? Is that a crime?
Yea we get it, a white guy murdered a black guy. It's against the law. White on black crime= bad. Black on white=shut up and listen! Your talents are WAY better than this.
Crack to iowan2: "Yea we get it, a white guy murdered a black guy."
No, you don't get it: that black guy died for white's sense of respectability - which goes all the way back to Jim Crow and slavery.
Unless you've got a link with more info providing insight into the murderer's state of mind, you're pulling this "white respectability and slavery and Jim Crow" explanation out of your ass. Because it ain't anywhere in the article you linked.
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Jim Acosta in the doghouse- WH pulled his press pass...
... you can talk about anything you want.
Can't. Acosta wont give up the mic.
The White House had to pull Acosta's pass in order to protect female staffers.
BREAKING: Huckabey Sanders replaced by Jerry Springer
I think breakaway chairs and spun sugar glass in the press room would be epic.
Hinderaker on PowerLine: "A Country Gone Half-Mad." Judging by the MSMers, Nadler and the rest: yes.
Having Dems control the House could be a boon after all.
Perhaps, at some point, the nice college-educated college-town and suburban Althouses will draw the line and reject the madness. Haven't reached that point yet. Will we?
Since there are no standards of evidence, the Democrats may well impeach Kavanaugh, though it will probably cost them their majority when Trump wins re-election. They can't help themselves. They are convince that America is with them, despite this past election when they underperformed with respect to average mid-term elections where they are the party that doesn't hold the presidency. Go figure.
Haven't reached that point yet. Will we?
I don’t think so.
The most important business of this Congress will be to exact revenge for Hillary's loss and the Merrick Garland gambit.
I guess Democrats are soon gonna regret that the Obama administration, including their top lawman, set the precedent of telling Congress it can take its subpoenas of the Executive Branch and shove up right up their poop-chutes.
It's amazing what the Obama admin & Democratic Congress did thinking that their ilk wuz gonna be in power, like, furever!
"Having Dems control the House could be a boon after all."
Just a couple weeks with the crazies during the Kavanaugh hearings swung Senate seats.
Now, imagine 2 years of Schiff, Maxine, Pelosi, Nadler etc Full Time Prime Time pulling the same antics across the board!
Not even LLR Chuck on his best day will be able to polish that up for his dem pals!!
Not that he wont strive mightily to do so, of course.
I am sure the people who voted to end greyhound racing will be lining up to adopt these dogs and thousands of them will certainly not be destroyed!
YoungHegelian: "I guess Democrats are soon gonna regret that the Obama administration, including their top lawman, set the precedent of telling Congress it can take its subpoenas of the
Executive Branch and shove up right up their poop-chutes."
The Holder "I'm obamas Wingman!!" Precedents are gonna really pay off.
Just like Harry Reud nuking the filibuster.
This greyhound racing ban has a "bill of attainder" feel to me. Probably not, but it sure seems awfully specific of a matter to be handled by constitutional amendment. Shouldn't the constitution be abstract? Why greyhounds and not horse racing? Can they still race pigs at the fairgrounds?
The first interesting data point will be how many of the new “moderate” Democrats are really moderate. I’m betting on more than one case of Buyer’s Remorse.
I may donate a large plot of land to bury all of the destroyed dogs and put a monument up dedicated to the far sightedness of the Florida voter.
The chickens in California are now free too!
Great group name, "The Littles Willies".
Pretty remarkable Twitter exchange by Jim Acosta's boss at CNN. That network is an absolute shit pile.
Also, I didn't realize Chris Wallace is the son of Mike Wallace. I like that guy. A true journalist and I suspect a true liberal.
Accoster did chop the intern's arm away from the mic. Of course it comes down to whether you believe CNN or your lyin’ eyes. He used physical force, his greater strength and size, and physical intimidation to deny her the ability to do her job.
Yes and he agreed with andrea Mitchell per her memoir, that Reagan has gotten too lenient coverage.
“Acosta never put his hand on the intern, and his hand brushing her away was inadvertent!”
“I never had sex with her and besides she enjoyed it!"
Trump called Jim Acosta rude, and Trump was 100% correct. Acosta should be denied his press pass until he can satisfy Melania he won't be a bully anymore.
I have lately purchased a Mini Portable Vacuum Cleaner and The World's Smallest Leaf Blower for about $10-12 each. The leaf blower is supposed to be a toy or gag gift, I think, but actually works quite well for gently blowing dust off computers without leaving any residue. Both could need thinner nozzles, but with a little ingenuity you can surely think of ways to DIY that with some paper and glue or tape, or better.
I also bought a Drain-X 35 ft. drain pipe snake that is just the thing for @33. My grease plug was about 30 ft. in from the kitchen sink drain, and my 25 ft. Ridgid snake from Home Depot would not reach it. Also came with a carrying bag and the world's smallest pair of work gloves.
It is unfortunate for LLR Chuck and his lefty allies that republicans successfully "gerrymandered the states" which deprives a number of democrat candidates for congress the chance to be "inaugurated" and "sign bills into law".
The data shows very clearly that there are white women voting against their own best interests....
I’ve been hearing that BS for 25 years. I’m voting against my own best interests.
You don’t know me, you don’t talk to me so how do you know what my “best interests”are?
I replaced my keyboard with the ordered-ahead spare. Return key not working with consistent force. Ordered another spare.
A lot of people are chortling about following Obama's precedent.
I don't. Granted, I will USE Obama's precedent, but allowing our elected officials to IGNORE THE LAW is never a good idea because what do you have beyond those cultural norms?
The Democrats fucked these norms away and yes, they will be crying when it is done and yes, their tears are sweet.
But Henry VIII started with small violations of the law. Then he went for bigger violations. Not ascribing this to Trump, but how do you bring the NEXT guy to heel? And the guy after that?
This is a shit show. I weep for our future because how do you fix this? History does NOT offer a whole lot of optimism.
Acosta seems a very apt name after today
Hagar-- Harbor Freight, perhaps?
That's our regional supplier of "Works First Time, Only Time" tools.
Seems silly at first but I've bought too many good tools over the years that I've only used once, and likely never will again. Who are we kidding?
I'm heading out there next week to see if I can find a pressure washer for $50 or less. The deck is way too slippery.
I'm seeing on Twitter that revoking Acosta's credentials is a "threat to the Constitution" and a "violation of the First Amendment." Can someone please explain to these people that there is no Constitutional right to attend a press conference, and that if you're not invited you are still free to publish what you please?
Jim Acosta fights like a girl.
FIDO: "This is a shit show. I weep for our future because how do you fix this? History does NOT offer a whole lot of optimism."
You are in agreement with Buwaya.
I agree as well.
But here we are. There cannot be one set of rules for LLR Chuck's beloved dems and another set, less useful, for the reps which solidifies the lefts ratchet strategy.
I'm seeing on Twitter that revoking Acosta's credentials is a "threat to the Constitution" and a "violation of the First Amendment."
I worked at in the Executive Office "compound" (White House, Old Executive Office Building, New Executive Office Building) for eight years. Anyone, & I mean anyone, who pulled the shit Jim Acosta pulled would have had their badge yanked. I know guys who got their access badges yanked for an awful lot less.
So this is the worst administration in American history am I right folks!?! [Laughs] Mr. President, care to explain why you're such an evil anti-MSM hitler-type person? Am I right folks!?!? [Laughs]. And what's the deal with his orange skin!?!? Hahahahahaha.....
Doesn't drop mic. Doesn't walk away.
Still crazy, after all these years
AntiFa plans nationwide protest tomorrow over imagined Mueller slow down
When Obama stuck a press pool reporter in a closet rather than risk him reporting accurately on a fundraiser, these defenders of the free press couldn’t be bothered to even offer a tsk tsk. Now they’re all constitutional crisis eleventy!!!!
They’re right. There is a crisis with the first amendment. But it’s not the one they’re thinking of.
Jim Acosta is asking for a beating. No chivalry CNN.
If CNN is standing behind their guy and refuses to apologize, they can cover the White House from Pennsylvania Avenue where they are given a press release.
Inside, there are still about 50 reporters so Trump will be well covered.
FIDO: "Inside, there are still about 50 reporters so Trump will be well covered."
Just invite more local US and foreign reporters.
In fact, once a month have a Lical/International press conference anyway.
It would fascinating.
"For my friends, everything. For my enemies, the Law"
Acosta likes to pretend that he is an important foil to Trump. He is instead a spectacle.
He gets all the sympathy and understanding that his stance garners from people who do not like him.
As I mentioned elsewhere, Helen Thomas clearly hated Republicans to the core. She spoke and wrote that way.
But she never would have been as unprofessional and uncivil as Acosta.
I think the biggest sting for CNN is to be treated as so unimportant as to be ignored.
And that should probably be Trump's reaction. I mean, I can't see how much worse they can cover him, though I always get a 'hold my beer' when I challenge the MSM and Democrats that way (but I repeat myself), so you think I would learn.
To Fido's Q re: Norms? Mr Buwaya comments a lot about how there isn't a road back.
Well. Let me put on a journalist hat so I can make grand sweeping assumptions based on little understanding of reality and also so I can use the word "some".
"Some" argue things may be fixed into the generational cycles. They cycle up and cycle back down as cohorts move on and off stage. I do think the different age cohorts do matter. But an issue with the 21st century in the west (& parts of the east) is the fact of the decline of future cohorts relative to - notably - the aging boomers in NA and Europe. Younger age cohorts are continuously been supplemented via immigration. So that bulge of oldies are still influencing "norms" because of their numbers, and the younger cohorts are more clearly segmented / Balkanized more visibly into different camps.
There is little, it appears, passing of a "norm" torch if the top of the pyramid is still dominant, and the other layers have not enough commonalities to stand and say - ok, we're taking the torch this way.
Drago- inviting an all foreign press corps would be awesome. I’d love to see Trump go back and forth with a bunch of Fleet Street types. It would be Ali-Frazier. Right now it’s Larry Holmes-Tex Cobb, with the White House press corps playing the Tex Cobb role.
Jim Acosta... shit. Why not revoke his press pass and give it to Jerrold Nadler or Ocasio-whats-her-name. They're all working for the same fucking organization. Like CNN is a news outlet... shit. Their propaganda is worse than the DNC's. At least you expect it from the institution that has "Democratic" in its name.
D 2
You have certain institutions toppled (Church) and other institutions mocking and trying to replace Western Older Norms.
This is the Academy.
To wit, nobody sends their kids to college primed to riot and start fires. So where do they learn this behavior, hmm?
Even our kind and generous hostess whines more about 'losing our tradition of dissent' as CRITICAL to our educational process. It is as if we didn't see the stench of 'dissent' on our television screens EVERY WEEK!
So the Academy is more intent on sawing at the same norms the parents are trying to promote.
And a-holes like Acosta think they are above civility, law, hierarchies...and who doesn't want to be in THAT cool position to 'do whatever you want'.
So he needs to be made an example of. No cookie or press pass for you, Jim Acosta! Bad Donkey!
Where it falls apart is that half the country will cheer that churl as a martyr.
So how do you have 'norms' only half the nation follows?
The staffer is claiming that Acosta did put his hand on her.
And there is video evidence.
And the dems say #BelieveAllWomen.
So, naturally, all of LLR Chuck's lefty allies are calling the staffer a liar.
Because, of course they are.
Speaking of media.
I have been away from 'homebase' for a long time. Years.
Yesterday, I was driving and was able to listen to our little local AM radio station.
It was...soothing in a way that is hard to describe. Just some local guys talking about local issues that mattered.
I think part of our frenetic demeanor toward national level things is our impotence to really guide such issues. Smaller places. Smaller things. They have more context.
Just a silly observation. Carry on.
In Arizona, Kyrsten Sinema cannot yet be certified as the winner of the Senate race, as Democrats have not finished voting. They are expected to do so in the next day or so, after the necessary total has been determined. If needed, absentee ballots will be collected from the approaching Caravan.
Glad to hear it (sincerely). Plus that sounds like a very cool job.
I think in Acosta's case it's long overdue. But it's clear that Trump likes using him as a foil.
I saw the video. He did put his hand on her.
On the one hand, it wasn't blatant violence and I don't like making mountains out of mole hills. Girls are not so special that they can't be touched. You babes knocked over that pedestal and by gum, you aren't getting super special privileged protections.
BUT...by the same token, Acosta is an asshole. A major flaming asshole. So what to do.
Like Althouse with Kavanaugh, when someone was doing shenanigans to overturn him...like Althouse has been silent at 'super secret last minute ballots' derailing Walker's reelection, I will abide in silence as Trump does what Trump does.
Take of it what you will and ignore the gleeful cackling.
"I think part of our frenetic demeanor toward national level things is our impotence to really guide such issues. Smaller places. Smaller things. They have more context.
Just a silly observation. Carry on."
Not silly at all. A wise and practical observation.
I sometimes feel that being a political news junkie is a curse. I've been this way since I was a teen. I'd probably be much happier if I could turn it off and just focus on smaller, more personal matters. But I've never been able to stop paying attention to national politics, even though, as you said, there's little that can be accomplished by such knowledge. It creates unnecessary anxiety, yet I am drawn to it constantly. And now Trump comes along and upends everything, and creates the most fascinating and entertaining presidency in my lifetime. Now my addiction must be fed at an even greater level than before. Maybe I should take up a healthier hobby. But I think it's too late for me.
I remember when W Bush made a visit to India, one of the Powerline guys described reading about it in the English language Indian Press. He felt there was something *off* about it and he finally had the realization: Hey, these guys don't all hate his guts.
The Brit press would be more interesting but equally antagonistic. I would be interested in seeing a number of Indians and Eastern Europeans in there..
he's 'Dead Jim'
"The chickens in California are now free too!"
Someone called into Mike Savage's show a couple days ago to say that that thing could make things worse for the chickens.
According to the caller they are to be free, by they're only required to have a squarefoot of space per chicken. Supposedly, they're still cramped, but now w/ no cages.
Could be total BS. Responding to the caller, Savage said that he didn't know one way or the other if this was correct.
I dunno.
Obama throws a heckler “reporter” out and the press cheers and chants for him. But “media bias” is a strange and persistent delusion of the right.
Accoster got more civilized treatment.
Forgot to say both the vacuum and blower are teensy things that run off a USB connector from your computer, the vacuum with an intervening built-in rechargeable battery.
I think the little blower is the most useful, at least for my Northgate keyboard.
How can there be 600,000 votes to count in AZ when there are only 7 precincts not in? There are 7m people in AZ including kids, and each candidate has 850k votes.
"BUT...by the same token, Acosta is an asshole. A major flaming asshole. So what to do."
Sounds like it's obvious what the Rs should do.
Acosta 2024: Make Assholes Get Ahead
Sorta sad for Pence, but he needs to up his Asshole game. Maybe get some hookers to toss his salad. Stormy style?
Taking Accosters choo choo ticket away is now a “threat to democracy”
Aww, that’s cute
Ken B, some of those precincts are in Mexico City.
November came,
Seeing Red said...
The data shows very clearly that there are white women voting against their own best interests....
I’ve been hearing that BS for 25 years. I’m voting against my own best interests.
You don’t know me, you don’t talk to me so how do you know what my “best interests”are?
These people are trying to shame white women for not being liberal. What a**es.
Making A Murderer has new episodes out. Like the previous iteration it has some riveting scenes. Avery’s new super attorney Kathleen Zellner is, well, just badass. I suspect she will know at some point who, if not S Avery and B Dassey, killed T Halbach.
It’s so embarrassing to see the epic levels of incompetence that cover nearly every aspect of this case. It paints all of WI in a very bad light.
I understand many believe that the murderers are already in prison. That may be, but there were so many problems that it is hard not to question the verdicts.
The circumstances of Dasseys confession are the most upsetting part for me.
"I'm heading out there next week to see if I can find a pressure washer for $50 or less. The deck is way too slippery."
Pressure washing wood, if that's what your deck is made of, is a bad idea. It pushes water and mold deep into the board and causes early failure. If you insist, make sure the pressure is very low. I would use a chemical cleaner to rid the mold, algae, or fungus that is causing the slipperiness regardless if wood or composite decking.
Pressure washing wood, if that's what your deck is made of, is a bad idea.
I changed my deck to trex about 10 years ago, and haven't had a moment of regret.
Tim in Vermont- thanks for bringing that up. My wife and I are involved with a greyhound adoption group and we’ve been talking about this for weeks.
I always say never underestimate the shortsightedness and emotionalism of people, but I didn’t think that would pass by that margin. It’s absolutely infuriating.
" I would use a chemical cleaner to rid the mold, algae, or fungus that is causing the slipperiness regardless if wood or composite decking"
A one gallon tank sprayer and two gallons of bleach will set you back $15.
I don't know what is going on in Arizona. I don't understand how the election officials ended up with 600,000 uncounted early votes. How is that possible? Did they allow people to turn in votes today? I did the math from the reported totals, and Sinema could win- if the uncounted ballots followed the vote counted last night, McSally would still be ahead by at least 6,000 votes, but having watched this process more than once over the last several years, I already know that the uncounted ballots will have a shocking and "inexplicable" ratio in preference to Sinema. I will just predict it right now- they count the ballots and Sinema wins the election by 20K or more. I thought I was joking last night when I wrote that Milwaukee would have to find votes for Sinema since McSally's edge was large enough to avoid any recount problems- you can't parody this shit any more.
And the thing that pisses me off is this- Maricopa ended up with 450,000 new ballots to count, but I got the impression that every county that McSally won in Arizona didn't allow late early vote turnins- there was a deadline was my impression of the election law- all but one of them had no additional ballots to count as far as I can tell.
I will say it right now- the election is being stolen in Arizona.
I am sure the people who voted to end greyhound racing will be lining up to adopt these dogs and thousands of them will certainly not be destroyed!
Like when DeBlasio was elected mayor of NYC, practically his first act was to try to shut down the carriage rides in Central Park. Most of those horses would likely have been put down. Fortunately he failed.
"Having Dems control the House could be a boon after all."
-- That's making lemonade out of lemons.
It is racist to call Democrats lemons.
Yancey Ward: "It is racist to call Democrats lemons"
Especially if one of them identifies as a rutabaga.
“Acosta never put his hand on the intern, and his hand brushing her away was inadvertent!”
He didn't "brush her away." He pushed down on the inside of her elbow so hard she comes off balance. Maybe it was an accident; if Acosta said that, I'd believe it. He was heated and emotional. People are saying: "He was so polite! He said ma'am!" But... that doesn't matter. If you push someone and say, "Excuse me," that's not being polite.
If when you consider the needing toot corp then, well.
What helps Althouse? Why? How? For what? By what manners/mechs*?
Even those mere 110 Qs know it's/its simple me.
A Canadian symphony, from 2005, and a good one https://kenblogic.blogspot.com/2018/11/a-canadian-symphony.html
" McSally would still be ahead by at least 6,000 votes, but having watched this process more than once over the last several years, I already know that the uncounted ballots will have a shocking and "inexplicable" ratio in preference to Sinema."
-- I still remember seeing some of the ballots that got reported. One had Franken's circle filled in and an X through it, and Coleman's box filled in. Counted for Franken. Another had the opposite, also counted for Franken.
At that point I realized there isn't necessarily a margin of fraud, but Republican lawyers/candidates are not willing to fight as hard for a win.
He didn't "brush her away." He pushed down on the inside of her elbow so hard she comes off balance
If that intern had been Michelle Fields*, she would have flopped on her back and posted bruises later on.
*Hint: Corey Lewandowski
Acosta should have been shown the door a year ago- the man is a bully and I think damages the brand of CNN, not that I much care about that. I don't even know why Sanders and other official even allow him to ask questions- it isn't like there is a shortage of question askers at these things.
Whoever sent her to try and grab the mic instead of security either made a really bone headed decision given the fact Acosta is known to be a bit more than aggressive, or a PR genius for knowing that Acosta wouldn't flat out deck her, but might do exactly what he did, which was ignore her and treat her like the dirt he thinks Republicans are.
"Acosta should have been shown the door a year ago- the man is a bully and I think damages the brand of CNN, not that I much care about that."
-- I, on the other hand, believe that Acosta is exactly on brand for CNN. They don't want to just be MSNBC lite any more, but aren't sure how to be going about that. Acosta saw the way.
Growing up in Georgia, Miami was the closest place we could gamble. Either greyhounds or Jai alai. I always bet on the dogs as they couldn't be bribed.
Good thing Obama the demi-saviour God only didn't lose 36 seats.
That would have marked him certainly as the devil incarnate.
But, no, that 63 loss will always remain for Obama and his first-term voters, God bless them each and everyone.
I just want a cut of Acosta saying: "Now we see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I'm being repressed!"
How long before that intern is doxed?
I don't, iffin' I ever done did, which I ain'ta dissavowing....
Violence is bad.
Why did Harry Reid's excercise machine excercise such violence on Haryy?
Richard Mellon Scaife?
Coach COke Kochs?
I ain't be knowin' know dif betwixt House and Senate, but if Harry Reid was a Senator didn't he drag the insitution itself down, for a little bit of money?
I whas taught Senator Joe McCarthy lead/led teh House Un American Commitee.
Cause Senator's, if there bad and die at 42 rightfully so most-likely 'cause their bad and all, lead the House.
Like Paul Ryan.
Sun Tzu Macchiaveeli Napoleon Stalin Mao and most Especially Khan would all line up to such Paul Ryan's cock.
The greatest great man, to ever live, is Paul fucking Ryan from the state of WI.
How many billions he has taken from the working women is impossible to calculate.
"Chuck is correct, as if Drago's OCD wasn't proof enough, to stay away from these freaks, in that many ways Walker Stapleton master's in Bushlike isms.
Like his KKK anti-Catholic tradional guy's had always dn"
I was gonna make something of this. Decided not to. Enjoy.
White man jailed for 25 years after choking a black man to death he saw urinating outside a Denny's
Please find the black equivalent. A white American had to relieve themselves and blacks did _________ to him.
Reparations - now.
Pelosi and Schumer aren't stupid when it comes to politics. What would the Dems gain from impeaching Trump and/or Kavanaugh? There would be a lot of noise and outrage, they could pass it in the House on a straight party line vote, and then it would go to the Senate where it would fail. The Dems base would be outraged and frustrated, the GOP base would be further mobilized. Trump and Kavanaugh would still be in place, and for different reasons neither would be prevented from doing their jobs.
Talking about impeachment during the campaign was useful. Talking about it now could also be useful. Acting on it would not.
Recently the Supreme Court of Hawaii gave the final green light to the construction of the 30 meter telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea.
The Hawaiian nationalists who opposed the construction of the telescope have announced that they will use any means necessary to stop its construction.
This was after the TMT project made numerous concessions to the Hawaiians who opposed it, all of which shall still be in force.
You see, nothing will settle a blood debt but blood.
I changed my deck to trex about 10 years ago, and haven't had a moment of regret.
I had a guest several years ago spray her feet with sunscreen on my trex deck and the outline of her feet is just starting to fade. Insect repellant does the same thing and I have a couple other spots. They both have “plasticizers”. When I complained the people who told me the stuff was invulnerable said “Well what did you expect?” or something like that. I would rather go with wood, but then inexplicably, I don’t like vinyl siding either. I had an air conditioner mounted in a window a couple feet above the trex deck and there is discoloring that can’t be fixed short of tearing up the deck, and its pronounced and a couple feet by a couple feet. Those are just warnings to you guys, otherwise, the trex decks are great. Just be sure to keep the falling leaves off of it or you will be power spraying off the leaf shaped stains in fall and again in spring probably, but otherwise trex is great. It would be even cooler if it looked as nice as wood!
It turns out Al Franken won Arizona.
Car alarms are the worst invention of the modern era. I'm up at this hour courtesy of a car alarm. If there were fewer car alarms, there would be less car hijackings. Ban car alarms. Win win for everybody.........I think Acosta looked like a jerk, but I wouldn't ban him. If you want to make the point that the press is biased, then call on Acosta. What I would do is not allow him to hold the mic at press conferences. Make it known that he is the only reporter in the room who is not allowed to hold the mic.
In my old house my deck was all wood. At around the eight year mark I had to replace some boards, and more around the twelve year mark. We sold the house after living there twenty years, and nearly all of them had boards had to be replaced. Used Trex when I built my deck here in our new home, but it faces south and the “boards” get very hot in the summer. It does look great, though.
Big Mike said...
In my old house my deck was all wood. At around the eight year mark I had to replace some boards, and more around the twelve year mark. We sold the house after living there twenty years, and nearly all of them had boards had to be replaced. Used Trex when I built my deck here in our new home, but it faces south and the “boards” get very hot in the summer. It does look great, though.
I am going to be doing a Trex deck and I am very deliberately going to go with an extra-light shade of coloring in the hopes of avoiding exactly what you are talking about. I wonder if it will make a difference.
Point to the contrary: if Schumer et. al. was 'so smart about politics', explain why he didn't shut down the Kavanaugh lynching when it turned pear shaped for Dems from a PR standpoint?
They lost 3 (three) Senators from that shit.
"At least 11 bar patrons and a sheriff’s deputy were killed late Wednesday in a shooting at a country and western dance hall in Thousand Oaks, Calif., that was holding an event for college students, officials said."
Wildlife faces this hideous gun violence every day. When will we ever learn? I blame this violence on the Supreme Court especially that wicked hunter, fiend Antonin Scalia.
Please find the black equivalent. A white American had to relieve themselves and blacks did _________ to him.
Reparations - now.
Crack you are not that this obtuse. How about home asleep minding your own business?
Give it a rest, Mister Emcee: 1993 Long Island Rail Road shooting
In most robberies and assaults, victim and perpetrator are the same race, but when one is Black and the other is white, odds are 2:1 that the perpetrator was Black and the victim white.
Reparations, now!
I've got a 10x36 wooden porch floor facing south. If anyone can convince the loco Hysteric Commission it's OK, I'll try your plastic flooring.
Crack, there's a law against black-on-white murder, so it never happens.
What I would do is not allow him to hold the mic at press conferences. Make it known that he is the only reporter in the room who is not allowed to hold the mic.
Yes I agree. Keep Accost-her in the briefing room. A nice touch might be for President Trump to announce that they have a new intern, and introduce a retired Navy Seal. Then, the girl that Accost-her assaulted handles the mic duties until the President calls on Accost-her. The Seal takes over the duties. The left will turn the nutty up to 11.
Reparations? Why don't you go out and get yourself a fucking job, instead of begging for money. Between you and Acosta, I don't know who is more annoying.
Eventually, that young intern jumped out of her seat, and took the mic from Acosta. He didn't fight back because she was about to kick his ass.
@Chuck, our HOA allows only black and brown for flooring, though they allow white for railings. They drafted a rule that said they had the right to approve the shade of brown, but got an earful and backed off.
LilyBart: These people are trying to shame white women for not being liberal. What a**es.
As a white suburban woman, I know I'm always seeking the approval of dumb, ignorant people suffering from psychotic racist hate-ons for white men and Western civ.
There's nothing quite so persuasive as a pack of brainwashed idiots bleating that one votes the way one does because one's husband told one to.
iowan2 said...
"Crack you are not that this obtuse. How about home asleep minding your own business?"
A home invasion is an intentional crime - that's not what I'm getting at here.
Lewis Wetzel said...
"Give it a rest, Mister Emcee: 1993 Long Island Rail Road shooting"
You give it a rest. The white guy in my example was not committing a "crime" even in his own eyes. Find me the equivalent.
AllenS said...
"Reparations? Why don't you go out and get yourself a fucking job, instead of begging for money."
Because as long as reparations are called "begging for money" I know they're due.
Was too late, it had taken on a life of it's own.
They aren't perfect at this stuff, just not usually stupid.
A home invasion is an intentional crime - that's not what I'm getting at here.
Crack, murder is an intentional crime. Senseless murder. Peeing in public is a crime, how about snuggled in your own bed with the door locked? Is that a crime?
Yea we get it, a white guy murdered a black guy. It's against the law. White on black crime= bad. Black on white=shut up and listen!
Your talents are WAY better than this.
iowan2 said...
"Yea we get it, a white guy murdered a black guy."
No, you don't get it: that black guy died for white's sense of respectability - which goes all the way back to Jim Crow and slavery.
It wasn't senseless at all if you read American history and lived through Jim Crow.
No, you don't get it: that black guy died for white's sense of respectability - which goes all the way back to Jim Crow and slavery.
Everybody knows that young Black men never attack or kill anybody when they feel disrespected.
gahrie said...
"Everybody knows that young Black men never attack or kill anybody when they feel disrespected."
You moron, that white guy didn't kill because HE felt disrespected.
Jesus, you guys get stupid when it comes to race in your own country.
BTW - it's been HOURS and none of you can come up with an equivalent.
Black lives aren't like white lives at all.
Crack to iowan2: "Yea we get it, a white guy murdered a black guy."
No, you don't get it: that black guy died for white's sense of respectability - which goes all the way back to Jim Crow and slavery.
Unless you've got a link with more info providing insight into the murderer's state of mind, you're pulling this "white respectability and slavery and Jim Crow" explanation out of your ass. Because it ain't anywhere in the article you linked.
Anybody got any word on Mike K?
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