The Claire McCaskill (D-Weathervane) campaign has issued a press release stated she is now a life member of the NRA, has joined the TEA party, stated she will introduced legislation to fully fund the National Right-to-Life Committee, has purchased her first AR-15, and supports building not one, but two walls on the southern border.
Note: The above positions have a shelf-life of five (5) days.
That Magnificent Bastard seems to be truly enjoying himself, and the crowd loves him. He is quite the master of the show. He's on the tele-prompter for the points he wants to make, and then he's riffing to drive the point home.
Let's see. Heitkamp, McCaskill and Minchin are all toast.
Fifty fifty on Florida. I'm sorry to say that Sinner's Rack will probably win Arizona just from the male tendency towards appearance over reality. She isn't going to fuck you, guys, no matter how much lip gloss and tousled hair she has.
I am putting Menendez in the lose column as well. Corzine, Florio, and Menendez...all POS NJ pols. They keep doing Dems, but once they are blatantly and obviously crooked, Jerseyites tend to kick them out. Plus there are a lot of Dominicans and Costa Ricans in Jersey who have friends.
FIDO I wish I were as optimistic. In a sane world of course Sinema would be, what awas that number, 50 points behind. I think menendez wins. I think minchin wins. I agree Heitkamp loses. I am optimistic mccaskill loses but it’s not a done deal. Billionaire boy Beto loses. Feinstein wins but I’d vote for her loony left opponent.
The stream stopped shortly after Trump said "Good night!!", but I would have sworn the adieu was quickly followed with a Stones song....."You Can't Always Get What You Want".
Scarface has improved with time. When made it was dreadful, now it’s vintage dreadful. Points for nostalgia — “See even before digital photography we knew how to make sucky movies.”
Kavanaugh just turned down $600k from a GoFundMe. This should surprise no one. Has Blasey Ford announced she is turning down any of the money raised in her name? Even though her lawyers were paid for? Is it neutral to ask?
My youngest sister lives in Tallahassee and is a Hillary liberal. Can't ask her about the races there because the last time we discussed politics she ended up not speaking to me for 8 years.
Correction f murrah abraham and the late Robert loggia turn up worse accents, as for Steven bauer, he went a little too method with his acting. If you get my drift.
Navy Vet Janae Sergio dropped to third place last night! We got her back to First but the race is close. Be sure to cast your daily vote for her to get her to stay at the #1 spot! Would be AWESOME to see a lady Navy Vet on the cover of Maxim! Takes 3 seconds to cast your daily vote.
You can also buy votes and contribute to Wounded Warriors at the same time. You get two votes for a $1 now!
Birkel said... Let's see, last election Hillary was up 7, 6, and 4 one week before the election. Plus, she was up 12 a week before that.
Well the RCP average immediately before the election was that she was up by 3%, and she won the popular vote by better than 2%.
If you are suggesting that races traditionally tighten, I think that is a generality that is true in most elections but particularly presidential elections.
If you are suggesting that the presidential polling was wildly in error in 2016, that is clearly wrong.
And how can a still-influential movie, that takes place in the '80s, already feel dated, when something like The Devils (a movie made in the '70s about the Middle Ages) never gets old?
Here are Ann's fears, in less than a handful of dust:
we will just vote for someone like Trump who seems willing and able to protect us from violence.
Good grief it must be lonely and desperate feeling up there in or near Madison, cowering before the caravan, the roving gangs, and the fear of opening the door. Ann is persuaded to be terrified of these invaders? Is she serious? That she and white non-elite are terrified, shows how far they have fallen morally, even though their children can still benefit from all the advantages. The non-elite whites have wimped out.
No, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, the polling served its purpose in 2016. Pretending the goal is accuracy is the stupid sort of NPC crap I expect out of you. The purpose was to manipulate voters to shape the election. Creating an aura of invincibility for the imminently beatable Hillary was the goal. And the fraudulent pollsters did their best.
Taking the last polls done, after the purpose of shaping the election is past, and pretending that means the polls were predictive is stupid.
Your dumb ass can repeat the received wisdom as much as you prefer. But nobody paying attention with a modicum of honesty could believe your falsehoods.
FIDO said... Let's see. Heitkamp, McCaskill and Minchin are all toast.
I expect Beto is, too. The NYT took a giant shit on him Monday. Turns out his father-in-law is William D Sanders aka "the Warren Buffet of real estate". Net worth estimated at $20 billion. Beto, then a lowly El Paso city councilman, backed him in a deal to redevelop a part of downtown that included bull dozing a historic Hispanic neighborhood.
My youngest sister lives in Tallahassee and is a Hillary liberal. Can't ask her about the races there because the last time we discussed politics she ended up not speaking to me for 8 years.
I hear you, heyboom! Liberals are incapable of putting things in perspective.
Blogger Birkel said... No, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, the polling served its purpose in 2016. Pretending the goal is accuracy is the stupid sort of NPC crap I expect out of you. The purpose was to manipulate voters to shape the election. Creating an aura of invincibility for the imminently beatable Hillary was the goal. And the fraudulent pollsters did their best.
Taking the last polls done, after the purpose of shaping the election is past, and pretending that means the polls were predictive is stupid.
Your dumb ass can repeat the received wisdom as much as you prefer. But nobody paying attention with a modicum of honesty could believe your falsehoods.
11/1/18, 9:58 PM
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this is so cute, like watching a four year old have a tantrum because she can't brush her teeth with cookies!
"Good grief it must be lonely and desperate feeling up there in or near Madison, cowering before the caravan, the roving gangs, and the fear of opening the door."
How can you write this on a thread where we're talking about Scarface? It's partially based on the Mariel boat lifts of the '70s - remember? When we mistakenly took in Castro's criminals (and mentally deranged) in an effort to help the poor?
Liberals want to help blacks to "The Promised Land" but only to find it filled-up once we arrive.
So today was at least the second time that I personally recall Trump using the "Well, that's what I was told" line.
See, when Trump knows that he has been caught red (little)-handed in a lie or a particularly embarrassing exaggeration, his go-to line is, "Well, that is what I was told."
The first instance that comes to my mind was his first White House press conference in the East Room, and Trump was spouting off about his electoral victory had been the biggest since Reagan. That was the sort of lie that bemused reporters could just look up on their phones, and debunk it. And so Peter Alexander of NBC did just that, leaving a stammering, yammering Trump to eventually say that, "I was given that information...Actually I have seen that information around..."
Watch it here. (Trump's 2016 electoral victory was actually in the narrowest 1/3 of presidential wins in history. Not only were the Reagan landslides bigger; so was the George H.W. Bush victory; so were the two Clinton presidential wins and so were the Obama wins. (Trump's win ranks between the super-tight 1960 Kennedy-Nixon race, and the 1948 "Dewey defeats Truman" race. 46th, out of 57 U.S. presidential elections. Nearer to "historically close" than "landslide."
And now today, Trump has tried to dodge his having said that no other nation on Earth provides birthright citizenship. Some Althouse commenters tried to backstop the President with a howlingly ridiculous claim, that the President was accurately saying that no other nation offers U.S. citizenship to illegal immigrants. (You read that right; at least that was the claim for Trump's "100% accuracy.")
But ABC's Jon Karl cornered the President on that one and Trump reverted to the dodge of "Well I was told that...they gave me that information."
Trump hires the best people, the very best. So if he was given that information, it was from the best people... And you know, the ability to have his _own_ critical thinking skills.
I presume the best defense of Trump here is the "he is just bullshitting most of the time, and doesn't care whether what he says is true." Of course, the same people who are attracted to that line will also tell you they can never trust the MSM...
She won Californians by 2.8 million...4.3 million of that 'popular vote' coming from California. So popular? Where exactly?
State by state, the polls were widely off, with many showing a bald bias for Hillary by about 3-7 points. Not one poll had ANY path of Trump to winning 270 electoral votes.
They were wrong by FORTY electoral votes, or about 8% or so.
Do you think Trump voters are MORE forthcoming to the media and academics after two years of media and academic hysteria...or less?
Do you think that influences how accurate polling is today vs yesterday?
Don Lemon thinks all white men are terrorists and feminists assert all white men are rapists. Hmm! Which you might answer polls well and truly and honorably, Chuck but the rest of the white men...not so much.
I am guessing about a 10 point poll swing. This won't be enough in most states to swing the Senate vote there...but I think there will be at least two nasty surprises for Dems
Birkel said... No, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, the polling served its purpose in 2016. Pretending the goal is accuracy is the stupid sort of NPC crap I expect out of you. The purpose was to manipulate voters to shape the election. Creating an aura of invincibility for the imminently beatable Hillary was the goal. And the fraudulent pollsters did their best.
Taking the last polls done, after the purpose of shaping the election is past, and pretending that means the polls were predictive is stupid.
Your dumb ass can repeat the received wisdom as much as you prefer. But nobody paying attention with a modicum of honesty could believe your falsehoods.
It's a pet peeve of mine, how that film mainstreamed toxic behavior, of course Oliver stone who has a warped view of Latinos in the first place wrote the screen play.
Yes, saying that Hillary was about to be beaten, when discussing how the polls were wrong a week before an election she lost, is surely wrong. No way she was imminently beatable.
"See, when Trump knows that he has been caught red (little)-handed in a lie or a particularly embarrassing exaggeration, his go-to line is, "Well, that is what I was told.""
But, see, that's why Liberals look like such fools when taking this line of attack - mostly all you're talking about is puffery. I still can't understand how a party that supports Oprah (who said "The Secret" is science) Ellen (who said a psychic predicted her success) and a world-wide con job can complain about a "particularly embarrassing exaggeration" from Trump.
At this point, the Democrat Party is totally based on a fraud, for anyone willing to look and see.
The wiseguy Miami arc had a little more depth but the same narrative (redolent of Iran contra) the specialist same, Ron Howard couldn't get the story of graystone lynch the company man who extolled the brigades bravery but di caprio has a top shelf run with benicio del toro
Blogger Birkel said... Yes, saying that Hillary was about to be beaten, when discussing how the polls were wrong a week before an election she lost, is surely wrong. No way she was imminently beatable.
Great point, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire.
Do you even logic, bro?
11/1/18, 10:36 PM
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Nice, more or less honorable try! As my people say: bless your heart!
When you got excited thinking I had used the wrong homonym, did you get excited? Did you think you would finally execute the finishing move of criticize word choice, or grammar, or punctuation? Does that make you feel special?
Meanwhile, I used the word I meant. A week out, the polls were still trying to shape the election and Hillary was about to be beaten. Her defeat was imminent. And the polls were incorrect if their purpose was to reflect reality. (But the polls are not meant to reflect reality.)
"In other news Macron the hyper man of Europe is underwater in the YouGov poll, by 3/1. Sadly the labor reforms probably brought him down"
If you thought Liberals, here, are bad - Jesus. In France, everybody to the Right of Streisand is a "fascist," and anyone considering going near touching their precious ability to do nothing is on a suicide mission.
Even with the language barrier, I'm always surprised we don't get more news out of there, since any country where 40% of the population uses water as medicine should give you some idea of how "special" their problem-solving capabilities are in action.
"Brian Stelter republican" Chuck: "So today was at least the second time that I personally recall Trump using the "Well, that's what I was told" line."
Thats good memory for a guy who forgot his own racist posts.
Blogger Drago said... "Brian Stelter republican" Chuck: "So today was at least the second time that I personally recall Trump using the "Well, that's what I was told" line."
Thats good memory for a guy who forgot his own racist posts.
Perhaps its situational.
11/1/18, 10:54 PM
If you're going to repost it to fix a misspelling, maybe also fix the homophone (Birkel: not homonym) error?
Crack: "If you thought Liberals, here, are bad - Jesus. In France, everybody to the Right of Streisand is a "fascist," and anyone considering going near touching their precious ability to do nothing is on a suicide mission."
Uh oh.
An entire thread of Crack posts where I agree with him on....just about everything!
Normally I might ask if this is the result of the stars being in alignment...but that would be ill advised....
Homonyms are words that are both spelled and pronounced the same as each other, yet have different meanings. The category is somewhat subjective, because words sometimes have related, only very slightly different, meanings. Some authors use the term more broadly, to refer to homographs (words spelled the same as each other but pronounced differently) or homophones (words spelled differently but pronounced the same).
Crack-I love it when you talk about France. Fascinating-I don't know anyone who has lived there and your insights are great. What's the water as medicine thing?
Sorry, Birkel, I'm not a fan of "some authors" or "broadly defined." You may feel free to be a promiscuous as you'd like, as a cute little toddler out exploring the world.
I wish I could find the authority which establishes that "some authors" or "broadly defined" and "one dictionary on the internet" are inconsistent... But I'm not the researcher that the ol' Birkellator is...
My youngest sister lives in Tallahassee and is a Hillary liberal. Can't ask her about the races there because the last time we discussed politics she ended up not speaking to me for 8 years.
Not being able to talk to family is bad, but not having to listen to the rants of a Hillary liberal is a very good thing.
Looking at the generic congressional ballot polls listed on RCP, fewer than half the polls in each of 2010, 12, 14, and 16 were within the margins of error for those respective polls. The RCP average does not appear to be within the (necessarily tighter) confidence interval in three of those four years.
Granted, it's 435 individual races and the generic ballot is based on nationwide polling - so it's worthless anyway - but the polls do not appear to be useful even for the worthless thing they claim they can measure.
But it's cheap for the MSM to report the useless numbers so let's all pretend they make a huge difference.
Blogger John Pickering said... Here are Ann's fears, in less than a handful of dust:
You're spamming. You're posting the same post on multiple threads. That's grounds for any sanctions that Althouse wants to do to you.
Aside from which. Is your sadism an end in itself or is it a means to gain compliance or to win support? That is, if the hostess were to turn less supportive of your political objectives, or if it could be demonstrated that you were costing your side elections with these vicious tactics, meaning that they were counterproductive, would you stop, or would you keep going as you are? Asking for a friend.
You're so right. To be fair though, my sister and I are as close as can be and have a great time long as we stay away from politics. My older sister is pretty conservative like me. But I love and get along with both of them beautifully.
Well my dumb ass knows the difference between "imminently" and "eminently" defeatable. ***************************
And so Chuck at long last---or maybe "once again" is more apt---self-immolates as he descends into the everlasting Hell that all "Spell Nazis" are dispatched to.
And yes, Hillary was eminently defeatable, and manifestly so (because she LOST), while today's Dems are imminently defeatable, as they will learn next Tuesday.
Why? Because their political philosophy is immanently and intrinsically bad for America.
I just want to occasionally note: the further Trump gets from riding on the Obama economy coattails, the worse things look. For 2018, the DJIA is barely beating inflation (depending on how you calculate, the DJIA isn't beating inflation at all). Trump had one good year when he was enjoying the combination of Obama's work and Trump's own mammoth deficit spending, and now ...
If you use "The Last Jedi" as your point of comparison, "Solo: A Star Wars Story" is not so bad. It's not so militantly pc as The Last Jedi, and the actors aren't so glum......, Why have special effects evolved so rapidly whilst plot lines get dumber and dumber? The original Star Wars was able to give Saturday serial cliffhangers the gravity and power of a religious myth........The very first Sacrface with Paul Muni is worth viewing. I saw it years ago, and I remember that some of the murders were quite good.
"Crack-I love it when you talk about France. Fascinating-I don't know anyone who has lived there and your insights are great."
Thanks. It was a unique place to live, I'll give them that, though I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
"What's the water as medicine thing?"
Homeopathy. While we "regulate" the practice (though how you regulate water as medicine has to be explained) they've pretty much killed it in Spain and Britain, and they're working on killing it in the UK, Germany, and now France. It's a terrible problem that kills in the West and has a devastating effect in Third World countries, like India, which the charlatans prey on for following the West's example.
Of the NewAge arsenal, I can think of no bigger contributor to the malevolent Alice In Wonderland-like quality of life, today, then this. It's implications and ramifications are devastating. Others may think me mad for thinking so, but, I say, let's stop it's spread in it's tracks and find out if the rest of the nonsense stops, too. I started fighting it in 2005, and I want it to be over.
Crack MC, how about we have them place this notice on bottles of homopathic stuff Whenever bottle is (nearly) empty, fill it back up with water; and it will be EVEN BETTER
"Crack MC, how about we have them place this notice on bottles of homopathic stuff Whenever bottle is (nearly) empty, fill it back up with water; and it will be EVEN BETTER"
That's more honest than claiming to regulate it, as the US says we are.
I don't see how people don't "get" that, using the "logic" necessary to even go homeopathic, no one's going to get along (because we're always arguing about it) and nothing's going to work (because there's nothing in it). After living in France, I'm almost sure, their demise as a world power is from an inability to actually think any longer. And now we seem to have the same problem here - Thomas Sowell said so - just as Gwyneth, and Oprah, and all that type push this stuff on us.
As weird as it sounds, making it clear "there's no such thing as a water cure" is part of the answer to finding our way out.
The fact they fight so furiously against a ban - on water with a belief system attached - tells me I'm on the right track.
It's like the whole nation is sold on "The Secret".
When you realize that Hollywood is writing so their films can be understood by the average Chinese factory worker, suddenly the writing quality becomes clear.
fun facts about Homeopathetic 'medicines' (which, you can buy at Most 'drugstores')
In the United States, the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 (sponsored by Royal Copeland, a Senator from New York and homeopathic physician) recognized homeopathic preparations as drugs. by the late 1970s, homeopathy made a significant comeback and sales of some homeopathic companies increased tenfold... Ernst and Singh consider it to be linked to the rise of the New Age movement. Whichever is correct, mainstream pharmacy chains recognized the business potential of selling homeopathic preparations
One-third of a drop of some original substance diluted into all the water on earth would produce a preparation with a concentration of about 13C. A popular homeopathic treatment for the flu is a 200C dilution of duck liver, marketed under the name Oscillococcinum. As there are only about 10^80 atoms in the entire observable universe, a dilution of one molecule in the observable universe would be about 40C. Oscillococcinum would thus require 10320 more universes to simply have one molecule in the final substance
Chuck, you probably wont see this, being the overnite thread and all. But. Why are you sooo dense, as to President Trump's success? What did I learn about birthright citizenship? President Trump says the US is the only nation that allows it. Nope. That's wrong. (lie?) Lots of countries allow it. Gee, why did the President say that? Whats this? NOT a lot of countries. Oh. Wait what? Just a few first world countries, and they have qualifications. And. Countries are all looking at putting reasonable restrictions on birthright citizenship to close the loop holes. In the end I learned a lot more than I did before our leader, led me, to expanded knowledge. What a leader. Teaching. An honorable thing. And doing it in the Socratic method. Intelligent, yes? What a leader. Question for Chuck. Name any other Republican of your choosing, that would have the Republican party in position to retain the Senate and the House, in this mid term. After the two years the Nation has been through, pick a single person that could have done what President Trump is doing. You can't. That person doesn't exist. I can only conclude that you, like all the establishment elite, have no desire to be the party in power. Because Republicans are in power, and the only activity you engage in, seeks to put the Dems in power. Why?
"by the late 1970s, homeopathy made a significant comeback and sales of some homeopathic companies increased tenfold... Ernst and Singh consider it to be linked to the rise of the New Age movement."
Does anyone else notice this NewAge Movement doesn't really make itself known out there? We hear about a few who are in it - and always in relation to something else that's the main focus, like Oprah's show - but the thing itself? We hear nothing. We know the black Civil Rights Movement, the Feminist Movement, the Gay Rights Movement - and who their representatives are and why - but not the NewAge Movement.
They push products, warp our culture, have celebrities, make music - but when was the last time you saw a anything informing us of what this powerful influence is all about? We're just supposed to accept it - and accept it as good - no matter what the evidence says.
Never heard of the stuff - it's got a 4.6/5 rating on Aza-mom.
(Skeptic site) General symptoms: Lean, pale, chronic invalidity, weakness, need for fresh air even when afraid of cold. Stiffness, shivering, feeling too hot, headache, weakness, repeating shakes descending down the body. Feeling of electric current running through the diseased part. Bitter and grayish secretions, not much.
More mysticism in the form of a fake Drudge headline copied from fake headline -
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The Claire McCaskill (D-Weathervane) campaign has issued a press release stated she is now a life member of the NRA, has joined the TEA party, stated she will introduced legislation to fully fund the National Right-to-Life Committee, has purchased her first AR-15, and supports building not one, but two walls on the southern border.
Note: The above positions have a shelf-life of five (5) days.
They will never make a movie like Scarface anytime soon. The acting by Pacino is still first rate, but the writing and the other actors aged badly.
I'm watching the Trump rally in Columbia, MO.
That Magnificent Bastard seems to be truly enjoying himself, and the crowd loves him. He is quite the master of the show. He's on the tele-prompter for the points he wants to make, and then he's riffing to drive the point home.
I'll bet he plays a mean air guitar.
I'm watching the Bucks game. Seen one trump rally seen them all.
Let's see. Heitkamp, McCaskill and Minchin are all toast.
Fifty fifty on Florida. I'm sorry to say that Sinner's Rack will probably win Arizona just from the male tendency towards appearance over reality. She isn't going to fuck you, guys, no matter how much lip gloss and tousled hair she has.
I am putting Menendez in the lose column as well. Corzine, Florio, and Menendez...all POS NJ pols. They keep doing Dems, but once they are blatantly and obviously crooked, Jerseyites tend to kick them out. Plus there are a lot of Dominicans and Costa Ricans in Jersey who have friends.
I am putting the Senate at 53 Pub.
The soundtrack has aged poorly FIDO -- almost painful.
I'm watching the Bucks game.
In your Mom's basement?
I wish I were as optimistic. In a sane world of course Sinema would be, what awas that number, 50 points behind. I think menendez wins. I think minchin wins. I agree Heitkamp loses. I am optimistic mccaskill loses but it’s not a done deal. Billionaire boy Beto loses. Feinstein wins but I’d vote for her loony left opponent.
11 year old has insomnia and is hoping his popular science arrives tomorrow.
The stream stopped shortly after Trump said "Good night!!", but I would have sworn the adieu was quickly followed with a Stones song....."You Can't Always Get What You Want".
Scarface has improved with time. When made it was dreadful, now it’s vintage dreadful. Points for nostalgia — “See even before digital photography we knew how to make sucky movies.”
Tim Minchin’s running? What for & how can I vote for him?
"Seen one trump rally seen them all."
Which one did you watch?
Let's see, last election Hillary was up 7, 6, and 4 one week before the election.
Plus, she was up 12 a week before that.
So by all means let's agree the polls this time signify the likeliest outcomes... because REASONS!?!
What changes to polling gives you guys such confidence?
So far the actual vote numbers betray the pollsters. Take heart.
Pacino's accent wasn't only less pungent than red steigers in the specialist, James woods does chew the scenery with megalomaniac glee though:
Kavanaugh just turned down $600k from a GoFundMe. This should surprise no one. Has Blasey Ford announced she is turning down any of the money raised in her name? Even though her lawyers were paid for? Is it neutral to ask?
There's another bit with gillum, and his Jesse Jackson fixation:
Get woke, go broke edition infinity
Full disclosure: Now that I have learned how to post links in the comments section I'm like a kid with a new toy!
My youngest sister lives in Tallahassee and is a Hillary liberal. Can't ask her about the races there because the last time we discussed politics she ended up not speaking to me for 8 years.
Correction f murrah abraham and the late Robert loggia turn up worse accents, as for Steven bauer, he went a little too method with his acting. If you get my drift.
He spoke at anti Israel foundation emgage?? Just days after pittsburgh
Navy Vet Janae Sergio dropped to third place last night! We got her back to First but the race is close. Be sure to cast your daily vote for her to get her to stay at the #1 spot! Would be AWESOME to see a lady Navy Vet on the cover of Maxim! Takes 3 seconds to cast your daily vote.
You can also buy votes and contribute to Wounded Warriors at the same time. You get two votes for a $1 now!
I listen to trump rallys on YouTube when I'm having trouble sleeping. About 1 per week for the past two months. not kidding
He is the president and I want to know what he says unfiltered by the media
Seems like Don Lemon dressed up like Sarah Jeong for Halloween.
Bummer— $600K could buy some sweet season tickets.
Birkel said...
Let's see, last election Hillary was up 7, 6, and 4 one week before the election.
Plus, she was up 12 a week before that.
Well the RCP average immediately before the election was that she was up by 3%, and she won the popular vote by better than 2%.
If you are suggesting that races traditionally tighten, I think that is a generality that is true in most elections but particularly presidential elections.
If you are suggesting that the presidential polling was wildly in error in 2016, that is clearly wrong.
RIP Willie "Stretch" McCovey. The man could rake and pick it.
is this the "fucked up cracker blog"
The Mormon pageants are disappearing and I'm actually disappointed about that. The failing shelf life of Scarface, not so much.
How can that be?
And how can a still-influential movie, that takes place in the '80s, already feel dated, when something like The Devils (a movie made in the '70s about the Middle Ages) never gets old?
Everything old is new?
Here are Ann's fears, in less than a handful of dust:
we will just vote for someone like Trump who seems willing and able to protect us from violence.
Good grief it must be lonely and desperate feeling up there in or near Madison, cowering before the caravan, the roving gangs, and the fear of opening the door. Ann is persuaded to be terrified of these invaders? Is she serious? That she and white non-elite are terrified, shows how far they have fallen morally, even though their children can still benefit from all the advantages. The non-elite whites have wimped out.
The Raiders suck.
No, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, the polling served its purpose in 2016. Pretending the goal is accuracy is the stupid sort of NPC crap I expect out of you. The purpose was to manipulate voters to shape the election. Creating an aura of invincibility for the imminently beatable Hillary was the goal. And the fraudulent pollsters did their best.
Taking the last polls done, after the purpose of shaping the election is past, and pretending that means the polls were predictive is stupid.
Your dumb ass can repeat the received wisdom as much as you prefer. But nobody paying attention with a modicum of honesty could believe your falsehoods.
He is the president and I want to know what he says unfiltered by the media least, we can agree there!
steve uhr said...
"I listen to trump rallys on YouTube when I'm having trouble sleeping. About 1 per week for the past two months. not kidding"
I haven't appreciated how well I'm sleeping these days, but I think I'm going to now. Wow.
Project Veritas is doing amazing work on this election!
They just got Beto...
The Raiders suck.
To clarify, the 1-6 Raiders are losing to the 1-7 Niners. 34 points to 3.
Gimme another glass, I'm not quite drunk on mediocrity.
FIDO said...
Let's see. Heitkamp, McCaskill and Minchin are all toast.
I expect Beto is, too. The NYT took a giant shit on him Monday. Turns out his father-in-law is William D Sanders aka "the Warren Buffet of real estate". Net worth estimated at $20 billion. Beto, then a lowly El Paso city councilman, backed him in a deal to redevelop a part of downtown that included bull dozing a historic Hispanic neighborhood.
My youngest sister lives in Tallahassee and is a Hillary liberal. Can't ask her about the races there because the last time we discussed politics she ended up not speaking to me for 8 years.
I hear you, heyboom! Liberals are incapable of putting things in perspective.
Blogger Birkel said...
No, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, the polling served its purpose in 2016. Pretending the goal is accuracy is the stupid sort of NPC crap I expect out of you. The purpose was to manipulate voters to shape the election. Creating an aura of invincibility for the imminently beatable Hillary was the goal. And the fraudulent pollsters did their best.
Taking the last polls done, after the purpose of shaping the election is past, and pretending that means the polls were predictive is stupid.
Your dumb ass can repeat the received wisdom as much as you prefer. But nobody paying attention with a modicum of honesty could believe your falsehoods.
11/1/18, 9:58 PM
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha this is so cute, like watching a four year old have a tantrum because she can't brush her teeth with cookies!
Also, man I am loving this:
Great job buddy.
Craig, your logic is difficult to discern, much less counter. Well played, CornTrolleo.
John Pickering said...
"Good grief it must be lonely and desperate feeling up there in or near Madison, cowering before the caravan, the roving gangs, and the fear of opening the door."
How can you write this on a thread where we're talking about Scarface? It's partially based on the Mariel boat lifts of the '70s - remember? When we mistakenly took in Castro's criminals (and mentally deranged) in an effort to help the poor?
Liberals want to help blacks to "The Promised Land" but only to find it filled-up once we arrive.
So today was at least the second time that I personally recall Trump using the "Well, that's what I was told" line.
See, when Trump knows that he has been caught red (little)-handed in a lie or a particularly embarrassing exaggeration, his go-to line is, "Well, that is what I was told."
The first instance that comes to my mind was his first White House press conference in the East Room, and Trump was spouting off about his electoral victory had been the biggest since Reagan. That was the sort of lie that bemused reporters could just look up on their phones, and debunk it. And so Peter Alexander of NBC did just that, leaving a stammering, yammering Trump to eventually say that, "I was given that information...Actually I have seen that information around..."
Watch it here. (Trump's 2016 electoral victory was actually in the narrowest 1/3 of presidential wins in history. Not only were the Reagan landslides bigger; so was the George H.W. Bush victory; so were the two Clinton presidential wins and so were the Obama wins. (Trump's win ranks between the super-tight 1960 Kennedy-Nixon race, and the 1948 "Dewey defeats Truman" race. 46th, out of 57 U.S. presidential elections. Nearer to "historically close" than "landslide."
Watch that Trump press conference here.
And now today, Trump has tried to dodge his having said that no other nation on Earth provides birthright citizenship. Some Althouse commenters tried to backstop the President with a howlingly ridiculous claim, that the President was accurately saying that no other nation offers U.S. citizenship to illegal immigrants. (You read that right; at least that was the claim for Trump's "100% accuracy.")
But ABC's Jon Karl cornered the President on that one and Trump reverted to the dodge of "Well I was told that...they gave me that information."
See the transcript here.
Trump hires the best people, the very best. So if he was given that information, it was from the best people... And you know, the ability to have his _own_ critical thinking skills.
I presume the best defense of Trump here is the "he is just bullshitting most of the time, and doesn't care whether what he says is true." Of course, the same people who are attracted to that line will also tell you they can never trust the MSM...
Earth shattering stuff there, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire.
You cracked the code, eGOP NPC guy.
Is salesman's puffery enough to reach "high crimes and misdemeanors" or what?
Surely Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, believes.
She won Californians by 2.8 million...4.3 million of that 'popular vote' coming from California. So popular? Where exactly?
State by state, the polls were widely off, with many showing a bald bias for Hillary by about 3-7 points. Not one poll had ANY path of Trump to winning 270 electoral votes.
They were wrong by FORTY electoral votes, or about 8% or so.
Do you think Trump voters are MORE forthcoming to the media and academics after two years of media and academic hysteria...or less?
Do you think that influences how accurate polling is today vs yesterday?
Don Lemon thinks all white men are terrorists and feminists assert all white men are rapists. Hmm! Which you might answer polls well and truly and honorably, Chuck but the rest of the white men...not so much.
I am guessing about a 10 point poll swing. This won't be enough in most states to swing the Senate vote there...but I think there will be at least two nasty surprises for Dems
Birkel said...
No, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, the polling served its purpose in 2016. Pretending the goal is accuracy is the stupid sort of NPC crap I expect out of you. The purpose was to manipulate voters to shape the election. Creating an aura of invincibility for the imminently beatable Hillary was the goal. And the fraudulent pollsters did their best.
Taking the last polls done, after the purpose of shaping the election is past, and pretending that means the polls were predictive is stupid.
Your dumb ass can repeat the received wisdom as much as you prefer. But nobody paying attention with a modicum of honesty could believe your falsehoods.
Well my dumb ass knows the difference between "imminently" and "eminently" defeatable.
It's a pet peeve of mine, how that film mainstreamed toxic behavior, of course Oliver stone who has a warped view of Latinos in the first place wrote the screen play.
If other countries embrace the anchor baby phenom, what do you think about it, Chuck?
Yes, saying that Hillary was about to be beaten, when discussing how the polls were wrong a week before an election she lost, is surely wrong. No way she was imminently beatable.
Great point, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire.
Do you even logic, bro?
Chuck said...
"See, when Trump knows that he has been caught red (little)-handed in a lie or a particularly embarrassing exaggeration, his go-to line is, "Well, that is what I was told.""
But, see, that's why Liberals look like such fools when taking this line of attack - mostly all you're talking about is puffery. I still can't understand how a party that supports Oprah (who said "The Secret" is science) Ellen (who said a psychic predicted her success) and a world-wide con job can complain about a "particularly embarrassing exaggeration" from Trump.
At this point, the Democrat Party is totally based on a fraud, for anyone willing to look and see.
The wiseguy Miami arc had a little more depth but the same narrative (redolent of Iran contra) the specialist same, Ron Howard couldn't get the story of graystone lynch the company man who extolled the brigades bravery but di caprio has a top shelf run with benicio del toro
Blogger Birkel said...
Yes, saying that Hillary was about to be beaten, when discussing how the polls were wrong a week before an election she lost, is surely wrong. No way she was imminently beatable.
Great point, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire.
Do you even logic, bro?
11/1/18, 10:36 PM
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Nice, more or less honorable try! As my people say: bless your heart!
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire,
When you got excited thinking I had used the wrong homonym, did you get excited? Did you think you would finally execute the finishing move of criticize word choice, or grammar, or punctuation? Does that make you feel special?
Meanwhile, I used the word I meant. A week out, the polls were still trying to shape the election and Hillary was about to be beaten. Her defeat was imminent. And the polls were incorrect if their purpose was to reflect reality. (But the polls are not meant to reflect reality.)
In other news Macron the hyper man of Europe is underwater in the YouGov poll, by 3/1. Sadly the labor reforms probably brought him down
"When you got excited thinking I had used the wrong homonym, did you get excited?"
Well that's ironic.
And, for what it is worth, "imminent" and "eminent" are neither homonyms nor homophones.
narciso said...
"In other news Macron the hyper man of Europe is underwater in the YouGov poll, by 3/1. Sadly the labor reforms probably brought him down"
If you thought Liberals, here, are bad - Jesus. In France, everybody to the Right of Streisand is a "fascist," and anyone considering going near touching their precious ability to do nothing is on a suicide mission.
Even with the language barrier, I'm always surprised we don't get more news out of there, since any country where 40% of the population uses water as medicine should give you some idea of how "special" their problem-solving capabilities are in action.
The rest of the world should know.
"Brian Stelter republican" Chuck: "So today was at least the second time that I personally recall Trump using the "Well, that's what I was told" line."
Thats good memory for a guy who forgot his own racist posts.
Perhaps its situational.
Blogger Drago said...
"Brian Stelter republican" Chuck: "So today was at least the second time that I personally recall Trump using the "Well, that's what I was told" line."
Thats good memory for a guy who forgot his own racist posts.
Perhaps its situational.
11/1/18, 10:54 PM
If you're going to repost it to fix a misspelling, maybe also fix the homophone (Birkel: not homonym) error?
Crack: "If you thought Liberals, here, are bad - Jesus. In France, everybody to the Right of Streisand is a "fascist," and anyone considering going near touching their precious ability to do nothing is on
a suicide mission."
Uh oh.
An entire thread of Crack posts where I agree with him on....just about everything!
Normally I might ask if this is the result of the stars being in alignment...but that would be ill advised....
Craig: "If you're going to repost it to fix a misspelling, maybe also fix the homophone (Birkel: not homonym) error?"
Not a chance.
Once is my limit for correcting typos, and 15 is my limit for schnitzengrubers.
Homonyms are words that are both spelled and pronounced the same as each other, yet have different meanings. The category is somewhat subjective, because words sometimes have related, only very slightly different, meanings. Some authors use the term more broadly, to refer to homographs (words spelled the same as each other but pronounced differently) or homophones (words spelled differently but pronounced the same).
Crack-I love it when you talk about France. Fascinating-I don't know anyone who has lived there and your insights are great. What's the water as medicine thing?
1a grammar : HOMOPHONE
the homonyms there and their
Ooooh Birkel, you're putting in such good work! You've got promising things ahead of you!
It's shorter if you type "I was wrong" and the slightly longer "I was just trying to bust chops and got a little ahead of myself" is acceptable.
Sorry, Birkel, I'm not a fan of "some authors" or "broadly defined." You may feel free to be a promiscuous as you'd like, as a cute little toddler out exploring the world.
Craig, the first Merriam-Webster definition of homonym is homophone.
That's not some authors or broadly defined.
It's the dictionary definition.
Pedant away if that makes you happy.
I wish I could find the authority which establishes that "some authors" or "broadly defined" and "one dictionary on the internet" are inconsistent... But I'm not the researcher that the ol' Birkellator is...
My youngest sister lives in Tallahassee and is a Hillary liberal. Can't ask her about the races there because the last time we discussed politics she ended up not speaking to me for 8 years.
Not being able to talk to family is bad, but not having to listen to the rants of a Hillary liberal is a very good thing.
I guess I'll go back to trying to learn about puffery...
Looking at the generic congressional ballot polls listed on RCP, fewer than half the polls in each of 2010, 12, 14, and 16 were within the margins of error for those respective polls. The RCP average does not appear to be within the (necessarily tighter) confidence interval in three of those four years.
Granted, it's 435 individual races and the generic ballot is based on nationwide polling - so it's worthless anyway - but the polls do not appear to be useful even for the worthless thing they claim they can measure.
But it's cheap for the MSM to report the useless numbers so let's all pretend they make a huge difference.
Blogger Ray - SoCal said...
Project Veritas is doing amazing work on this election!
They just got Beto...
11/1/18, 10:04 PM
No, Ray. They didn't get Beto.
They got Beto...
Paying for the illegal alien invasion Caravans...
With campaign contributions!
Don't just run that ad in Texas, run it in Arizona! Even Chuck could tell you that's clearly illegal!
But it's cheap for the MSM to report the useless numbers so let's all pretend they make a huge difference.
11/1/18, 11:21 PM
If only the MSM reported things other than nationwide polling... If only...
Blogger John Pickering said...
Here are Ann's fears, in less than a handful of dust:
You're spamming. You're posting the same post on multiple threads. That's grounds for any sanctions that Althouse wants to do to you.
Aside from which. Is your sadism an end in itself or is it a means to gain compliance or to win support? That is, if the hostess were to turn less supportive of your political objectives, or if it could be demonstrated that you were costing your side elections with these vicious tactics, meaning that they were counterproductive, would you stop, or would you keep going as you are? Asking for a friend.
Have you heard this?
True or false?
"a whole helluva" Hellcrack.
A whole helluva Hellcrack.
You're so right. To be fair though, my sister and I are as close as can be and have a great time long as we stay away from politics. My older sister is pretty conservative like me. But I love and get along with both of them beautifully.
Chuck bleated piteously:
Well my dumb ass knows the difference between "imminently" and "eminently" defeatable.
And so Chuck at long last---or maybe "once again" is more apt---self-immolates as he descends into the everlasting Hell that all "Spell Nazis" are dispatched to.
And yes, Hillary was eminently defeatable, and manifestly so (because she LOST), while today's Dems are imminently defeatable, as they will learn next Tuesday.
Why? Because their political philosophy is immanently and intrinsically bad for America.
Some stunningly beautiful music by Philip Glass. The conclusion of Satyagraha, Evening Song
The tempo is much slower than the premiere recording; I like this version even more than the first.
I just want to occasionally note: the further Trump gets from riding on the Obama economy coattails, the worse things look. For 2018, the DJIA is barely beating inflation (depending on how you calculate, the DJIA isn't beating inflation at all). Trump had one good year when he was enjoying the combination of Obama's work and Trump's own mammoth deficit spending, and now ...
Craig said...
I just want to occasionally note:
that you aren't a Grammar Nazi, only a Grammar Nazi manqué? WTF do you mean "occasionally?" In what language does that make sense?
People like you shouldn't smartass beyond their level of intelligence.
"People like you shouldn't smartass beyond their level of intelligence."
Get stupid drunk and hug people. Your ability to love, exuding won't exude again much.
"People like you shouldn't smartass beyond their level of intelligence."
You do worship, and since we know it's Satan and continually call you on it, with Internet's advents, we allow for now your daddy's shame.
Papa Althouse SHame.
If you use "The Last Jedi" as your point of comparison, "Solo: A Star Wars Story" is not so bad. It's not so militantly pc as The Last Jedi, and the actors aren't so glum......, Why have special effects evolved so rapidly whilst plot lines get dumber and dumber? The original Star Wars was able to give Saturday serial cliffhangers the gravity and power of a religious myth........The very first Sacrface with Paul Muni is worth viewing. I saw it years ago, and I remember that some of the murders were quite good.
Some renaissance and medieval music, in a melancholy strain, can be found here:
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
"Crack-I love it when you talk about France. Fascinating-I don't know anyone who has lived there and your insights are great."
Thanks. It was a unique place to live, I'll give them that, though I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
"What's the water as medicine thing?"
Homeopathy. While we "regulate" the practice (though how you regulate water as medicine has to be explained) they've pretty much killed it in Spain and Britain, and they're working on killing it in the UK, Germany, and now France. It's a terrible problem that kills in the West and has a devastating effect in Third World countries, like India, which the charlatans prey on for following the West's example.
Britain called it "Witchcraft".
Of the NewAge arsenal, I can think of no bigger contributor to the malevolent Alice In Wonderland-like quality of life, today, then this. It's implications and ramifications are devastating. Others may think me mad for thinking so, but, I say, let's stop it's spread in it's tracks and find out if the rest of the nonsense stops, too. I started fighting it in 2005, and I want it to be over.
After all these years, I need a rest.
Feinstein wins but I’d vote for her loony left opponent.
I plan to. I'm also voting against Anna Eshoo, the congressional rep. who forwarded “Dr.” Ford's letter on to Feinstein; I'm in her district.
And The Connors are done.
i'm WAY late to this thread, but Scarface has ( i think) held up great for a black&white film
Crack MC, how about we have them place this notice on bottles of homopathic stuff
Whenever bottle is (nearly) empty, fill it back up with water; and it will be EVEN BETTER
gilbar said...
"Crack MC, how about we have them place this notice on bottles of homopathic stuff
Whenever bottle is (nearly) empty, fill it back up with water; and it will be EVEN BETTER"
That's more honest than claiming to regulate it, as the US says we are.
I don't see how people don't "get" that, using the "logic" necessary to even go homeopathic, no one's going to get along (because we're always arguing about it) and nothing's going to work (because there's nothing in it). After living in France, I'm almost sure, their demise as a world power is from an inability to actually think any longer. And now we seem to have the same problem here - Thomas Sowell said so - just as Gwyneth, and Oprah, and all that type push this stuff on us.
As weird as it sounds, making it clear "there's no such thing as a water cure" is part of the answer to finding our way out.
The fact they fight so furiously against a ban - on water with a belief system attached - tells me I'm on the right track.
It's like the whole nation is sold on "The Secret".
When you realize that Hollywood is writing so their films can be understood by the average Chinese factory worker, suddenly the writing quality becomes clear.
Does is strike anyone else that Sinema is a great porn star name?
fun facts about Homeopathetic 'medicines' (which, you can buy at Most 'drugstores')
In the United States, the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 (sponsored by Royal Copeland, a Senator from New York and homeopathic physician) recognized homeopathic preparations as drugs.
by the late 1970s, homeopathy made a significant comeback and sales of some homeopathic companies increased tenfold... Ernst and Singh consider it to be linked to the rise of the New Age movement. Whichever is correct, mainstream pharmacy chains recognized the business potential of selling homeopathic preparations
One-third of a drop of some original substance diluted into all the water on earth would produce a preparation with a concentration of about 13C. A popular homeopathic treatment for the flu is a 200C dilution of duck liver, marketed under the name Oscillococcinum. As there are only about 10^80 atoms in the entire observable universe, a dilution of one molecule in the observable universe would be about 40C. Oscillococcinum would thus require 10320 more universes to simply have one molecule in the final substance
not having to listen to the rants of a Hillary liberal is a very good thing.
While they're ranting it's bliss to show them MrSmugface himself.
Nobody can do smug as GEOTUSA
"In a sane world of course Sinema would be, what awas that number, 50 points behind."
The world is obviously insane. Donald Trump is the president.
"The purpose was to manipulate voters to shape the election. Creating an aura of invincibility for the imminently beatable Hillary was the goal."
That's "eminently."
Chuck, you probably wont see this, being the overnite thread and all.
But. Why are you sooo dense, as to President Trump's success? What did I learn about birthright citizenship? President Trump says the US is the only nation that allows it. Nope. That's wrong. (lie?) Lots of countries allow it. Gee, why did the President say that? Whats this? NOT a lot of countries. Oh. Wait what? Just a few first world countries, and they have qualifications. And. Countries are all looking at putting reasonable restrictions on birthright citizenship to close the loop holes.
In the end I learned a lot more than I did before our leader, led me, to expanded knowledge. What a leader. Teaching. An honorable thing. And doing it in the Socratic method. Intelligent, yes? What a leader.
Question for Chuck. Name any other Republican of your choosing, that would have the Republican party in position to retain the Senate and the House, in this mid term. After the two years the Nation has been through, pick a single person that could have done what President Trump is doing. You can't. That person doesn't exist.
I can only conclude that you, like all the establishment elite, have no desire to be the party in power. Because Republicans are in power, and the only activity you engage in, seeks to put the Dems in power. Why?
gilbar said...
"by the late 1970s, homeopathy made a significant comeback and sales of some homeopathic companies increased tenfold... Ernst and Singh consider it to be linked to the rise of the New Age movement."
Does anyone else notice this NewAge Movement doesn't really make itself known out there? We hear about a few who are in it - and always in relation to something else that's the main focus, like Oprah's show - but the thing itself? We hear nothing. We know the black Civil Rights Movement, the Feminist Movement, the Gay Rights Movement - and who their representatives are and why - but not the NewAge Movement.
They push products, warp our culture, have celebrities, make music - but when was the last time you saw a anything informing us of what this powerful influence is all about? We're just supposed to accept it - and accept it as good - no matter what the evidence says.
I don't get how Americans fall for it.
Never heard of the stuff - it's got a 4.6/5 rating on Aza-mom.
(Skeptic site) General symptoms: Lean, pale, chronic invalidity, weakness, need for fresh air even when afraid of cold. Stiffness, shivering, feeling too hot, headache, weakness, repeating shakes descending down the body. Feeling of electric current running through the diseased part. Bitter and grayish secretions, not much.
More mysticism in the form of a fake Drudge headline copied from fake headline -
Biblical prophecy COMES TRUE as live snake wriggles out of Israel’s Western Wall
(No actual Biblical prophecy mentioned, not that it matters much).
Crack MC: does it Bother you, that you and i are on the same page about Homeopathetic stuff?
It kinda bothers me :)
Trump had one good year when he was enjoying the combination of Obama's work...
Yeah. Because everybody knows a President's economic policies don't start kicking in until the 9th and 10th years.
gilbar said...
"Crack MC: does it Bother you, that you and i are on the same page about Homeopathetic stuff?
It kinda bothers me :)"
No. I'm glad it bothers somebody else. I just found out one of my personal friends has HULU creating a TV show based on his life.
Now THAT'S weird.
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