November 26, 2018

At the Monday Night Café...

... you can talk about whatever you want.

And may I point you to the Althouse Portal to Amazon — where you can get just about anything you need to buy?


Original Mike said...

A successful Mars landing today. The mission of the InSight Lander is to study the deep interior of Mars. And a cool first was that two
nanospacecraft accompanied InSight on its transit to Mars so that they were available to relay landing data back to Earth.

Yay us!

Jaq said...

Remember when Abbott and Costello went to that planet of women? It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Drago said...

Original Mike: "A successful Mars landing today. The mission of the InSight Lander is to study the deep interior of Mars. And a cool first was that two
nanospacecraft accompanied InSight on its transit to Mars so that they were available to relay landing data back to Earth.

Yay us!"

I can't wait to hear from obama and the dems how we owe all of this to Islam.

rehajm said...

Obama is black Spicoli. He was President.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

“Islam has been woven into the fabric of our Planet since its founding.”

mccullough said...

Aaron Rodgers now knows what it feels like to be Brett Favre. But Farve did a better job of carrying a mediocre team. Rodgers might want to pull a Romo and retire.

Drago said...

Mr Bolden said: "When I became the Nasa administrator, he [Mr Obama] charged me with three things.

"One, he wanted me to help reinspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering."

Lucid-Ideas said...

MSNBC reported earlier today that most of the migrants are adult men. But with the caveat, "not there's anything wrong with that!"

So small victories I guess...

chickelit said...

Lucid-Ideas said...MSNBC reported earlier today that most of the migrants are adult men. But with the caveat, "not there's anything wrong with that!"

More dudes for progressive women to date -- doing the jobs American men refuse to do!

n.n said...

most of the migrants are adult men

Who are suited for the trek across Mexico. Then rush the gates of America and disperse throughout the country. And conceive citizen children, opening a path to chain migration. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It diversifies/colorizes the nation, changes its character, increases the GDP, and tamps down resistance. It's a neat trick, if they can pull it off.

narciso said...

Just like the Syrian refugees:

narciso said...

Things to consider:

narciso said...

Like re that NCIS case:

J. Farmer said...

A rare Mickey Kaus appearance on with Robert Wright. I discovered BH through Mickey and discovered Ann through BH, so I figured it was a fitting place to play the link. Enjoy!

narciso said...

I liked Wright's Darwin book that was perhaps the last time:

YoungHegelian said...

@J. Farmer,

Holy-moley, poor Bob Wright looks like somebody dragged him through a keyhole! MK just looks older, bot RW looks like he may really be having some health issues!

Fernandinande said...

- But how could your father have left you so?

She looked at him with strange innocence. I do not know
she said.

- And you did not understand your second father? So what
did you do?

- I left that place.

- And what did you do?

- I lived in Sophiatown.

- Alone?

- No, not alone.

- With your first husband? he asked coldly.

- With my first, she agreed, not noticing his coldness.

- How many have there been?

She laughed nervously, and looked down at the hand picking
at the box. She looked up, and finding his eyes upon her, was
confused. Only three, she said.

- And what happened to the first?

- He was caught, umfundisi.

- And the second?

- He was caught also.

- And now the third is caught also.

He stood up, and a wish to hurt her came into him. Although
he knew it was not seemly, he yielded to it, and he said to her,
Yes, your third is caught also, but now it is for murder. Have
you had a murderer before?

fivewheels said...

"A successful Mars landing today."

Yes, yes, whatever. Not important. But tell me, what kind of shirt was the mission director wearing?

Ralph L said...

David Sedaris was an obscure answer on Jeopardy tonight. His beachfront home is named The Sea Section.

I got Final Jeopardy with some confidence. The girl in 3rd place wild-guessed correctly, the two guys way ahead weren't even close.

J. Farmer said...

@Ralph L:

I got Final Jeopardy with some confidence. The girl in 3rd place wild-guessed correctly, the two guys way ahead weren't even close.

I got it as well but with much less confidence. I just guessed based on the context clues of the answer (i.e. a New Hampshire family curse). I had no idea that Hawthorne had a son who was also a novelist. I was shocked at the other twos' answers, but I suppose Thoreau made slightly more sense than Mark Twain(!).

William said...

Sick Note is playing on Netflix right now. It's a comedy series that I can highly recommend. It features Lindsay Lohan in a recurring role. She's pretty good in it, or, anyway, not noticeably bad.

Wince said...

Nostalgically, Wright and Kaus still make me feel like I’m watching them from the other side of their bathroom mirrors in the morning, MK especially.

I’m waiting for one of them to eventually floss or pop a zit.

chillblaine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Churchy LaFemme: said...

Christmas comes early to SC!

Drill baby, drill!

Original Mike said...

NASA's InSight has sent signals to Earth indicating that its solar panels are open and collecting sunlight on the Martian surface.

A show-stopping obstacle hurdled.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Mia Love still gives Trump no love.

“This gave me a clear vision of his world as it is: no real relationships, just convenient transactions,” Love said. “That is an insufficient way to implement sincere service and policy.

She also chastised Washington lawmakers – especially Republicans – for not taking minorities into their “homes and hearts.”

“I’ve seen the cost to conservatives for not truly taking people into their hearts. Democrats saw newly elected black members and women to Congress in this election. This is a matter of fact that Republicans lost in this regard,” Love said.”

Fox News

narciso said...

That's the difference between the moon and Mars, the former has some craters, the latter has Olympia mons those huge canyons other structures too mysterious to gauge.

narciso said...

He was insufferable before:

Michael said...

We should crowd fund a million bucks to award any lefty legislator willing to crash through customs in Heathrow or CDG. Seeking asylum, of course. Or Canada. Or Mexico. Or any other place that considers themselves a country.

Dave said...

What is a small knicknack I might purchase on the Althouse Amazon Portal that would show my support for the blog but at little cost to me? (Please no ironic big ticket items like a Yacht or some such).

chillblaine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chillblaine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave said...

Inga, you are a leftist. Even your truths are a weapon again social freedom, economic freedom, and political freedom. Will you and your fellow leftists dust another 100,000,000 this century? I do think you mean well, but your philosophy is harmful.

Darrell said...


Why don't you just contribute a few dollars on PayPal?
The Amazon commission is a pittance on a typical purchase--like 15 cents.

chillblaine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave said...

Thanks, Darrell!

Anita Villegas said...

why look for the living amongst the dead

Dave said...

Wait, a better question is why are we killing people?

Trumpit said...

I'm tired of the vile savagery & mass murder. Hunting, and the implements of death must be outlawed - NOW!

Dave said...


Dave said...

You know, I've often thought that Hunters and Enviros were natural allies. The Enviros want all people dead, and the Hunters carry guns. QED

Dave said...

I need Titus. NO I DONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dave said...

But these threads could really use Ajax. That should be an enableable?? feature.

Dave said...

Trumpit, Inga, what is the most horrible insult I could throw to troll you out to comment? Christian? Capitalist? America-Lover? I apologize for those. I just need help.

Dave said...


mccullough said...

Mia Love is mostly an opportunist like Sarah Palin. She’s 2-2 in Congressional races in Utah. Time for her to become a lobbyist. Maybe she can get the polygamy ban lifted.

narciso said...

How could telecom skills, run afoul of the copy right,

Mia love will do fine, probably end up on MSNBC like Susan berrard.

Balfegor said...

Kazunori Yamanori is going full Trump against increased immigration in the Diet right now. They are debating a no confidence motion against the Minister of Justice, Yamashita, prompted by the immigration reform proposal. Motion is going to fail, and the proposal will probably pass, but still . . .

Balfegor said...

Yamanoi, not Yamanori, sorry.

Dave said...

"Maybe she can get the polygamy ban lifted." And I would support her 100% because I'm moving there! Damn son, they is the first red state what legalized marijuana! And now poygamy? Me and and 17 stoned women? HELL YEAH!!1!11

Lewis Wetzel said...

I recommend this Tablet article if you want to see what the intellectual Left sees when you look into a mirror:
Three things stand out:
1) The author, (Paul Berman) considers any lestist violence (like mass killings) to be outside of the real Left. So, for example, the fact that whenever Leftists have been in a situation to commit mass murder, they have committed mass murder, means nothing to him. It's a defect that requires a minor tweak in method, not a major fault.

2) The intellectual Left will only listen to the intellectual Left. It does not open itself to criticism from anyone who is not an accepted member of the Leftist intellectual community.

3) The American intellectual Left thinks about the US as a foreign country. It considers Leftism to be its Homeland, not the United States of America.

Narayanan said...

Someone was asking about getting something from Amazon?!

AllenS said...

mccullough said...
Aaron Rodgers now knows what it feels like to be Brett Favre. But Farve did a better job of carrying a mediocre team. Rodgers might want to pull a Romo and retire.

What has to happen is Coach McCarthy needs to be fired. McCarthy's play calling and decisions have cost us a couple of games.

Humperdink said...

"I'm tired of the vile savagery & mass murder. Hunting, and the implements of death must be outlawed - NOW!"

Open day of buck season in PA yesterday. My 12 y.o. grandson got a buck for the second year in a row. Can't start training these youngsters too young.

In a few days the freezer will be full of meat, all organic!!!

Jaq said...

It features Lindsay Lohan in a recurring role. She's pretty good in it, or, anyway, not noticeably bad.

LIndsey Lohan is a first rate actress, with maybe some personal issues common to actresses and beautiful women and people who were exploited as children.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Who are suited for the trek across Mexico. Then rush the gates of America and disperse throughout the country. And conceive citizen children, opening a path to chain migration. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It diversifies/colorizes the nation, changes its character, increases the GDP, and tamps down resistance. It's a neat trick, if they can pull it off."

Except that they really don't increase GDP. The problem is that many of them are ignorant uneducated peasants, completely ill suited for most jobs in this country. They tend to use more social services than they pay for, esp with much of their income under the table, and, thus, untaxed. As usual there is slight of hand going on here. Legal immigrants very likely do increase GDP. But that is a selected group for the most part, unless immigrating as a part of chained immigration, they probably have something to offer, which is why they were allowed to immigrate legally. The illegal immigrants are illegal at least partially, if not mostly, because they cannot show sufficient worth to our country to immigrate legally.

Bruce Hayden said...

Blogger Trumpit said...
"I'm tired of the vile savagery & mass murder. Hunting, and the implements of death must be outlawed - NOW!"

I assume that with the "vile savagery" you are talking the Antifa fascist thugs, and probably also all the leftists who have been hounding conservatives in restaraunts, at their homes, etc.

But if you are talking guns - you are out of luck. I think that we are well beyond the point where the government could feasibly disarm the American public. There are just way too many firearms in civilian hands, and the civilians owning them, and are good at using them vastly dwarf the number of armed government employees that could be deployed to disarm them. Sorry. Ain't gonna happen. You can get a job with the govt, and be the one going door to door to collect guns, and you might survive. But don't expect some nameless govt employees to do the dangerous work for you, because mostly they won't. I would suggest that the fastest way to get a second civil war in this country would be if the left tries to disarm the gun owners in this country.

As for banning hunting - this is the same sort of leftist twaddle that has resulted In the west burning every year. There, urban environmentalists got timber sales on federal lands greatly reduced, and had the fires suppressed. Now we just live with extremely unsafe air pollution every year in August and September as the forests burn almost uncontrollably, and have to be ready to flee for safety if one of their caused fires cones our way. As to hunting - throughout much of the country, deer have become a menace on the roads. You can hunt them, or kill them with your cars, or both. But if they aren't hunted, they will die of starvation. The JP in town, who teaches firearms classes, tells of the year when he had to shoot 300 bears (most with a dart gun) as a game warden. There was a drought that year, so few berries, which resulted in the black bear population moving down to town, where they could find food. Given the choice between starvation and humans, they chose the humans, and a number of them didn't survive. Now the wolf populations have rebounded enough that they have become a dangerous menace in places. But the environmental wackos successfully sued to keep them from being hunted. Ditto with the brown bear population.

Unknown said...

Judge shopping is an anathema. Could someone explain the 'district court' system, specifically why jurisdictions limited to the district?

What would it take and what would be the implications if anything that crosses district lines were adjudicated in a court system with jurisdiction? Is there enough traffic to have a designated court for anything involving Congress as a whole (like laws) or the Executive Branch? Or maybe that should only be adjudicated in the Supreme Court?

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