November 2, 2018

At the Glass Roof Cafe...

... you can see your way clear.


Andrew said...

Trump has a unique ability to send a strong message while entertaining his supporters and trolling his adversaries. His Game of Thrones tweet - "Sanctions are Coming" - is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. And part of the humor is knowing that liberals and the press will go insane.

chickelit said...

The Swedish woman said “roof of glass” in the previous post. That’s French syntax. Syn, like everything else, is taxed in Sweden.

rcocean said...

Ah the Glass Ceiling. I hope Althouse cracks it.

Unknown said...

Ann hasn't mentioned Gov. Walker lately. I'd like to read her thoughts on Walker vs Evers if she's willing to comment.

Lucien said...

Scott Adams was talking past the sale today, addressing whether CNN was choosing the right stories to focus on in the week before the election in order to beat Trump. The possibility that CNN might just want to be a news channel didn’t enter into things.
But if not CNN and MSNBC, then who is leading the left?

Lucien said...

Aren’t the Clintons ahead of the game whenever the discussion is about Lewinsky rather than Broaddrick, Willey, Jones, etc.?

JML said...

We are watching “The Greatest Showman” tonight. It is about a man who knows how to play to the crowd, create and expose hoax, and make a bunch of deplorables normal.

David Begley said...

300 people at the Warren rally. Bigger crowds at grade school basketball games.

narciso said...

Two masters of the genre:

narciso said...

Somethings out there:

mockturtle said...

Never watched Game of Thrones, as I don't have HBO but have rented it from Netflix and watched the first four episodes so far. Great script [a rarity] and the acting is good, too. Guess I'm hooked!

mockturtle said...

We are watching “The Greatest Showman” tonight. It is about a man who knows how to play to the crowd, create and expose hoax, and make a bunch of deplorables normal.

Sounds a bit like The Wizard of Oz.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Never watched Game of Thrones..

I suggest reading Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire instead.

Big Mike said...

Legal Insurrection has linked to a group of naked women urging everyone to vote (apparently for Democrats). Some women would do better to stay dressed.

320Busdriver said...

I almost always vote early here in Waukesha County.

Today I encountered more early voters for this election than I have ever seen in any of the Presidential Elections over the years.


Added: Watching Ingraham and her group of AZ voters I'm pretty convinced we're doomed. Seems race issues will forever define us and if leftists gain control we won't have a country worth defending.

Ken B said...

Warren had a rally? She is unelectable — as president— after her DNA debacle.

mockturtle said...

I suggest reading Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire instead

I'm currently reading histories of feudal Japan. Maybe when I decide to change genres...

buwaya said...

Oumuamua was very weird.
An alien space probe conforming to the current human understanding of physics would behave just like that.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

The Clinton's might be exiled by the democrat party at this time, but it has little to do with any #MeToo guilt trip. Democrat party women would get on their knees right now for either Clinton, shit it was 6 months ago that we found out that Hillary's longtime pastor had been credibly accused of sexual harassment by a young staffer, and Hillary Abuelita shitcanned the young woman and kept this spiritual advisor until after the story broke- 10 years later! Remember the backlash Hills endured for that #MeToo treason? Lulz... she was given an award for her advancement of womankind just a few days after the story broke.

The reason the Clinton's aren't part of the democrat party war machine is because they're out. It's the party of Obama now. Of SJW's blocking the streets, mobbing political opponents out of the public sphere, deplatforming dissenting voices, assaulting opposition party members, turning the power of the government against law-abiding citizens, getting in people's faces and bringing guns to the knife fight. A party comprised of people openly hostile to God and country, proud of their prejudice and hate, dedicated and determined to fundamentally transform America.

narciso said...

Maybe but it doesn't explain the solar sail,

steve uhr said...

Lots of heckling Obama today. Lots. Not confined to one side.

walter said...

Blogger Big Mike said...
Legal Insurrection has linked to a group of naked women urging everyone to vote (apparently for Democrats). Some women would do better to stay dressed.
Looks like a sort of threat..

Big Mike said...

@walter, clarify please?

walter said...

I mean.."Vote to our liking or we'll stay naked."

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Alec Baldwin was arrested in NYC today for allegedly punching a man in a dispute over a parking space.

William said...

I'm reading a biography of Lord Curzon. He was the Viceroy of India at the high tide of British imperialism. People wonder why a well born aristocrat should take such a demanding post. There are perks to government service. If your position is of sufficient stature and importance it enhances your appeal as a status object. Who among us would not like to marry a wealthy, beautiful heiress, but you need a gimmick to close the sale.. Curzon married an American heiress whose father settled a dowry upon her that was several magnitudes greater than his family's income. I think part of Curzon's appeal, beyond even his title, was his important government position. People treat you nice if you're rich and beautiful, but they only bow before you if you're the Viceroy's wife. This sets you apart from the other fortune hunters.........I wonder if John Kerry, John McCain, and Roberto O'Rourke had ever read the biography of Lord Curzon and learned the important lessons of history.

chickelit said...

SNL should allow Trump to play Baldwin in a cold open: Hilarious game changer for SNL.
Won’t happen.

Big Mike said...

@walter, now that’s a serious threat!

Big Mike said...

@chickenlittle, God forbid that SNL ever became, you know, funny. I mean yo people other than the limousine liberals living in the Upper West Side.

Jimmy said...

Non political question. I have used an iPad mini 2 for reading books. the mini recently went to apple heaven. Commenters on this blog seem to read a lot. So I would be interested to know if iPads or Kindles are preferred. Have been looking at Kindles, online. They don't seem to have speakers, so no audible, at least without bluetooth.
I believe that the Professor uses an iPad for reading and audible stuff. Anyone enjoy inverted text, white on black?Some times that seems easier on my eyes, and I don't think Kindle has that feature.

wholelottasplainin said...

rcocean said...
Ah the Glass Ceiling. I hope Althouse cracks it.
Retired con law prof, sucking on the state teat her entire life, and with a huge pension in retirement?

I think she cracked it very well, and "fuck you very much" to the taxpayers of Wisconsin!

heyboom said...

Unknown said...

Ann hasn't mentioned Gov. Walker lately. I'd like to read her thoughts on Walker vs Evers if she's willing to comment.

I'm sure she's constructing some careful thoughts because she wouldn't want to leave comparing Walker to Evers to chance.

Arashi said...


I just use a Nook Book. No frills, just lets me read books with black print on white pages. I like it a lot. Simple.

wholelottasplainin said...

William said...
I'm reading a biography of Lord Curzon. He was the Viceroy of India at the high tide of British imperialism. People wonder why a well born aristocrat should take such a demanding post. There are perks to government service..........I wonder if John Kerry, John McCain, and Roberto O'Rourke had ever read the biography of Lord Curzon and learned the important lessons of history.


How about the old notion of "noblesse oblige"? Take a look at all the American aristos who served in combat roles in both World Wars?

Then compare them to the trust-fund shitbirds who have sat out every American conflict sin ce.

eddie willers said...

We are watching “The Greatest Showman” tonight.

Loved the cinematography, hated the music.

walter said...

Unknown said...
Ann hasn't mentioned Gov. Walker lately. I'd like to read her thoughts on Walker vs Evers if she's willing to comment.
Nor Baldwin vs Vukmir..more consequential to the broader blog commentariat.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Here is my e-reader opinion: I have been very happy with my E-Ink Kindle "keyboard" model. This is not a general purpose tablet like the Kindle Fire, and does not do color. However, the black and white text will *not* wash out in the sunlight, and the battery will last for weeks. It does in fact have a speaker, and an aux jack. On long trips, I plug the power into my car cigarette lighter and plug the aux jack into my car stereo. The kindle will read your books to you out loud and the miles fly by. Note that this is not a human narrator, but the kindle actually reading the text from the book. I had to fiddle a bit to get it to read with a female voice and a bit more slowly than it wanted to at first, but it's not difficult. There are certain quirks in the accent, but once you latch on to it, it's great. (The speaker/aux can also play mp3s, but I have other stuff for that).

Best of all, it is old tech and is now very cheap, on the order of $25 right now used.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I have a Nook I got for an emergency where I drove off from a hotel with my kindle sitting on my car. Don't like it. B&N makes it very difficult to download epub files to your computer, or extract them from the nook and that makes it a pain to use with Calibre. Also, the one I got has no audio.

gilbar said...

Jim I got a kindle as a company bonus present (part of my 20 year anniversary loot), so it was free. I like it a lot. Like you say, it's Very Basic; but the screen (black on white) looks remarkably like print, and dosen't hurt my eyes at all .
Upsides: You can change font to however big you want, doesn't hurt eyes, battery last weeks
Downsides: you have to have external light to read; so no reading in bed (or dim restaurants)

I have an Audible app on my phone, and use it to play books on tape (or whatever you call them). There's a kindle app for android phones, but i Really prefer the print like screen on my kindle.

It was Well worth the cost (absolutely free). Wait a minute; I GAVE TWENTY YEARS OF MY LIFE FOR THAT THING? WHAT RIP OFF. (oh wait, i also got the pleasure of driving to desmoines for twenty years too; so the kindle wasn't That expensive :)

Churchy LaFemme: said...

And you should use Calibre ( with Apprentice Alf's plugins ( so you actually own your ebook files and can back them up and transfer them to other devices.

gilbar said...

I know others have already said it; But: Sinema? Is that a Bisexual softcore porn channel or what?

eddie willers said...

Anyone enjoy inverted text, white on black? Sometimes that seems easier on my eyes, and I don't think Kindle has that feature.

If you are really into reading, get the Kindle. iPads etc, are little TV screens which "refresh" (turn on and off) many times a second. You can't see it, but your brain does and it leads to fatigue.

The Kindle is static. Just "ink" on "paper". Easier to read than a paperback because of the LED side lighting.

I love my new Kindle Oasis because it has a larger screen than the other models (7" vs 6") and is waterproof. No more putting one in a ziplock bag if I want to read in the tub. The Nook is a good e reader, but let's face it, Amazon won the war. Plus they own Audible and their interest is to keep you happy and for you to purchase the regular book plus the audio version. (I think it is just Bluetooth though, no speakers)

I have read that it does do the reverse thing (white letters on black background) but have never tried it.

It does carry a premium price, however. But if it's reading that is important, buy something who's first job isn't playing YouTube.

Here's the best : Kindle Oasis E-reader - Graphite, 7" High-Resolution Display (300 ppi), Waterproof, Built-In Audible

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Amazon makes a case for my kindle with a little LCD light on an extender that runs from the kindle battery. Keeps the screen safe and lets you read in bed.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

If your kindle does text-to-speech (which is not "Audible"), hold down Shift and hit Sym and it will start. Other incantations are needed if your kindle does not have a keyboard. I think newer kindles, sold since Amazon started pushing "Audible" may not have this feature.

eddie willers said...

Downsides: you have to have external light to read; so no reading in bed

Amazon makes a case for my kindle with a little LCD light on an extender that runs from the kindle battery.

No longer needed as even the basic model is LED backlit. My last hour in bed is with my Kindle with the lights off.

I linked the best (but more expensive one by far) in my last post.

Here's what is probably the "best buy". All the sharpness and 300 dpi and bright white "paper" as my top-of-the-line. Two main features lost is waterproofing and 6" screen vs. 7".

Let me amend that last sentence. They have now upgraded their "Paper White" model to be waterproof. All-new Kindle Paperwhite – Now Waterproof with 2x the Storage

eddie willers said...

as even the basic model is LED backlit.

I have to amend that as the $79.99 model is NOT backlit. But I wouldn't even consider that one for that very reason..

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I tend to buy my same old model used when I need a "new" one. The aux jack and text to speech are very important to me, I already have the lighted case, and I have been through the rooting and adding busybox process several times so it's not a big hassle anymore. It's surprisingly useful to be able to ssh into your kindle over wifi..

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Heyboom@11:12 That was so good, that was Fractured Fairy Tales good. I bet you even composed it so "Walker to Evers to Chance" began their own line.

Gahrie said...

Never watched Game of Thrones..

I suggest reading Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire instead.

Books are almost always better than adaptations. However GoT is simply the best television ever produced. I would recommend reading the books and watching the series.

Gahrie said...

Never watched Game of Thrones, as I don't have HBO but have rented it from Netflix and watched the first four episodes so far. Great script [a rarity] and the acting is good, too. Guess I'm hooked!

I'm so hooked, I spend hours on YouTube watching other people watch GoT while I wait for new episodes.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger mockturtle said...

Never watched Game of Thrones, as I don't have HBO but have rented it from Netflix and watched the first four episodes so far. Great script [a rarity] and the acting is good, too. Guess I'm hooked!

I watched GOT until it became silly. It is a hodge podge of current pop-culture ideas about a mythical past.
Sorry, you do not get the pageantry of the middle ages without Christianity. You would get something, but it wouldn't be knights in shining armor.
Also I hated the first episode where the King's treasurers referred to the king's debt in millions of gold pieces. The word "millions" is of recent coinage (har!), real Medievals would have said "thousands of thousands."
GOT is silly at a fundamental level.
I hate the dragons. They are a cheap plot device. There were no dragons and they weren't a large part of Medieval imagery. In GOT they are deus ex machina, a sign of lazy writing, and Martin is a lazy writer.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Non political question. I have used an iPad mini 2 for reading books. the mini recently went to apple heaven. Commenters on this blog seem to read a lot. So I would be interested to know if iPads or Kindles are preferred. Have been looking at Kindles, online. They don't seem to have speakers, so no audible, at least without bluetooth.
I believe that the Professor uses an iPad for reading and audible stuff. Anyone enjoy inverted text, white on black?Some times that seems easier on my eyes, and I don't think Kindle has that feature.”

I. Run three iPads, all having both Nook and Kindle apps loaded. Alternate back and forth between the newer two, using the iPad Pro, with 4G/LTE, during the day, when I am out and about. When it is charging over night, I use an older iPad. The third one is a backup, and can be used for my partner’s TV shows, if requested. No real problems encountered. I tend to prefer the Kindle app, because it seems easier to load PDFs into my library, and Amazon seems to charge a little less for books than B&N.

I got a Nook for Christmas maybe 6-7 years ago, and never really used it. Wanted a tablet, but didn’t get one. Sent the Nook off with my kid when they went off to Europe for a semester in college. I think that both services have weird licensing restrictions for being out of this country, that my kid got around by running through a VPN back to their college in the States. We have shared the Nook account ever since, which works decently well, because our taste in genres is not that dissimilar. That is the another criteria that helps determine whether I use Nook or Kindle - I will use Nook if I want to possibly share books, and Kindle if I don’t want to share.

Big Mike said...

I see that another woman who falsely accused Kavanaugh of raping her is going to face investigation by the FBI, thanks to Senator Grassley. Did not I say at the time that women lie? A little stretch in prison may help her understand the seriousness of s false rape allegation.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Big Mike... I'm so old I remember when getting nude women to signify was sexist.
Steve Uhr soils self cause after 10 years somebody heckles Obama. The vapors, better have a lie down.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Kindle commenters +1000 for the tech advice.

rhhardin said...

I successfully set the clock back one hour on my ancient Drake R8B receiver whose buttons no longer work, using a computer serial interface. Another year of automatically recording Rush secured.

Humperdink said...

Obama got heckled = Kavanaugh's children being surrounded by protesters at a Senate hearing.

Lefty logic.

Michael McNeil said...

My partner and I use iPhones (her or mine, 8+ size) as Kindle platforms. When I'm off by myself, away from home, I'll just read directly off the phone, which has adequate resolution for that I'd say — but when home, we'll plug the phone into an HDMI adapter and watch/read it on a big-screen TV I have on my desk to work with. We often read to each other that way.

AllenS said...

My first thought of Obama being heckled was how small the crowd was so that Obama could hear him/them heckle.

George said...

Battered Wife causing problems in Australia

The Crack Emcee said...

Giving you more of what you're funking for - you are funking, aren't you?

Danno said...

rhhardin said...I successfully set the clock back one hour on my ancient Drake R8B receiver whose buttons no longer work, using a computer serial interface. Another year of automatically recording Rush secured.

At least you're not a day late and ...

RMc said...

I'm sure she's constructing some careful thoughts because she wouldn't want to leave comparing Walker to Evers to chance.

The saddest of possible words...

FIDO said...

I was once stuck in a disaster area. My power was out for 4 days. While I had adequate food and water, there were no lights or internet.

But I had my Kindle...

I spent days luxuriating in reading and never used half of the power. Light, reads well, back lit.

Alas I use my iPhone more simply because I carry it but am still majorly fond of that Kindle.

Gahrie said...

Sorry, you do not get the pageantry of the middle ages without Christianity

There's this new concept that's all the rage. It's called "fantasy".

mockturtle said...

There's this new concept that's all the rage. It's called "fantasy".

Yes. GoT does not purport--or even attempt--to portray history. It's entertainment.

mockturtle said...

However, as Lewis Wetzel observes, to young, uneducated audiences, this series[GoT] might give that impression. History without Christianity. Pure entertainment or propaganda?

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Speaking of the books only (I have not seen the HBO series), there are clearly religious analogs to Christianity (and paganism) in Martin's world and they perform some of the same functions. Recall that Cerci stupidly let the church back into sponsoring armed bands after centuries of policy from all dynasties to get them *out*. They were also responsible for her walk of shame. As for pagentry etc, well, Martin has a pretty brutal take on Knighthood and all its trappings.

320Busdriver said...

Head of Penzeys Spices at it again on his facebook

"Plenty of seats still available on the Right Side of History Train. Thing is, it leaves the station when the polls close Tuesday. Until then, you can still be one of America’s good guys. Not comfortable with his latest race-based immigration fears? Don’t let history lump you in with the white hoods and robes crowd. History has its eyes on all of us, and history remembers."

Need some spices?

Bill can help you. You just have to worship at his alter.

Leigh said...

Here's 90+ minutes of an English woman looking askance at Jordan Peterson. It's a long interview (she's with GQ, apparently), but it's well worth watching (example: "how would your life have been different if you were born a woman?" Peterson: "Multiple orgasms."). She tries "gotcha" at every turn and Peterson sets the boomerang every time. Listen to it on a commute -- best interview I've seen yet.