October 27, 2018

The Pittsburgh massacre.

President Trump struggles to speak about the murders:


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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"On his nightstand" My "nightstand" is full of books on Marxism, Fascism, & post-modernism & somehow I manage to remain none of the above.

Are you saying your brain works better than your leader Trump's?

Remember, he has words. He has the best words. And he loves the poorly educated.

Drago said...

buwaya: "In the UC system you have plenty of cases of Jews aligning with Muslims or the left to oppress pro-Israel or religious Jews."

jewish student leaders and academics are some of the biggest backers and members of the BDS movement.

I was quite pleased to see Nikki Haley rip the UN a new one over their moronic and evil treatment of Israel.

Needless to say, the western leftists hated it when Haley called out these European and islamic pigs.

YoungHegelian said...


Did he keep a copy of Farrakhan's speeches on his nightstand the way Trump did with Hitler's speeches?

Where'd you get this from? The same place you got "The South Full of Irish Catholics"?

There is no book of Hitler's speeches. The book that is not doubt being referred to here is Hitler's Table Talks. You notice it's got an introduction by Hugh Trevor-Roper. This is a standard work for anyone interested in the history of WWII, because it's much more readable than Mein Kampf, since, you know, someone other Hitler actually edited the speeches before they were printed.

"On his nightstand" My "nightstand" is full of books on Marxism, Fascism, & post-modernism & somehow I manage to remain none of the above.

YoungHegelian said...


I had to re-post to fix the link to Amazon.

Sorry to confuse you & everyone else!

MayBee said...

Anyway, people should stop hating other people. Partisans should stop using acts of insanity and hatred in this bizarre point-scoring way.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Drago said...

Vance: "Are our leftists here really trying to claim that the left is not anti-Jew?"

Yes, yes they are.

And its hilarious."

Even more hilarious: observant Orthodox Jew Ben Shapiro has been labeled "an alt-right white supremacist" by the Left. The disguise he wears is really quite clever, is it not?

As is the fact that that Nazi Trump has a Jewish SIL, daughter, and Jewish grandchildren. Boy, what Nazis won't do these days to fool people!

In fact, Trump has more Jewish grandchildren than many secular American Jews do, including Inga's late husband.

buwaya said...

I recommend reading the first few chapters of "Mein Kampf".
It is instructive. Best to go over it a few times, it rewards reading between the lines. One ends up with a degree of sympathy with Hitler, the desperate artist and would-be intellectual, and of the working class of industrial-revolution Vienna.

There are usually good reasons for even the worst things. It makes one think about what could have been done by the then powers that were to palliate those troubles, that led to greater troubles.

In a way, indeed, these troubles were overcome, in Vienna. And being overcome while Hitler was in residence, by the efforts of Karl Lueger, an antisemite of another sort. It wasn't Austria that ended up (of its own) with Hitler or Nazis, though it had plenty of both antisemites and Nazis.

Drago said...

PPPT: "All we in non-Evangelical America hear much about nowadays is the "prosperity Gospel," whatever the f*ck that means"

This is insane.

There is a raging battle within the protestant community over "prosperity gospel" (Joel Osteen in particular) and its destructiveness to the core Christian message.

Those who defend it say that perhaps outreach like Joel Osteen's represents an opportunity to perhaps reach people in ways that other outreach would not, and, if so, isn't that a "good thing"?

Its a tough discussion because we know from research that those who do come to the church often come to the church only after they have had a couple dozen interactions/conversations/touches with believers, so who can say whether or not a Joel Osteen approach/framework doesn't contribute to that walk?

However, if you say, and there is no reason for me to disbelieve you, that all you hear is the prosperity gospel side of the house, then it's clear with all the other sources out there that your view/focus/access is quite narrow.

I would recommend a visit to Tim Keller's church in New York if you are close by, to get a better idea of what is happening on the ground on the protestant side.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The disguise he wears is really quite clever, is it not?

If Ben Shapiro thinks that anything is going to unite him to the right any more strongly than all that silly social conservatism that no one cares for any longer, then he's a fucking moron.

Once Trump goes away, the right dissolves. It's toast.

And none of the white nationalists left will give a shit about how his little hat shows how pious he is about social conservative values, or whatever the hell motivates him.

He is the single biggest recipient of hate speech on the internet in at least a single year, if not ever. These were Trump people. The ones who use (((punctuation like this))).

Hitler thought he had a Jewish grandfather. This probably contributed to his paranoia. And he kept a Jewish personal family physician alive and well in Berlin until after even he died. He called him edeljude.

Petty things, but then right-wing concern trolling can be a petty thing in itself.

As are Trump's petty relationships.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Once Trump goes away, the right dissolves. It's toast."

That would make the 6th explicit time in my lifetime the left has claimed that the right is completely toast, history is over, and there is nothing to do but dissolve away.

I suppose if you keep saying it over and over again it just might come true, unlike fever dreams that are so lunatic, like Inga's collusion-gate nonsense, were lies when they started, lies in the middle, and will die the death of lies.

Of course, the arc of history is a funny thing and one never quite knows where it's pointed and thus, where it will end.

Perhaps its true that its just a question of time before the US sunsets and the Dragon rises to preeminent world dominance.

Perhaps it is true that once the dems return to some power and open the floodgates of immigration that millions will pour in and give the dems a permanent unassailable majority and every dem policy dream will come true.

And perhaps that will usher in a new golden age of growth for the US.

But I doubt that.

California is already hollowing out its middle class and looks more and more like a typically latin nation with the super wealthy, a smallish mercantile class and massive throngs of the destitute fully dependent on handouts.

If the dems get their way, they'll take that model national.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Nothing strange, Inga. Just like others have noted here, you tend to conjure up family members whenever you are forced to defend your virulent hatred.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That would make the 6th explicit time in my lifetime the left has claimed that the right is completely toast, history is over, and there is nothing to do but dissolve away.

Yeah, right. Around what, other than Orange Mussolini, are they going to unite?

Around Charlottesville? ("Unite the right!")
The Chamber of Commerce?
The Koch Brothers?
Trade wars?
War abroad?

Your coalition's at war with itself. It's held together temporarily by a man who purposely talks out of both sides of his mouth for a reason.

California's the world's fifth biggest economy (just surpassed UK's) and the driving force for economic growth in the world. Your concern trolling for the wealth gap aside, that's what growth on that scale does.

If you want your needy, greedy red states to stop taking from the federal government all the excess wealth that the blue states create and provide it, by all means lobby to send it back. We can do a lot more useful with it than you guys can.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

$20 says that Drago will reject my offer for the red states to give back their tax expenditure handouts. No doubt he looks at military bases maintained by our over-funded (by their own assessment) DOD as a very important "make-work" program. Guns and militarism are the best pork spending there is! More pork! Guns for pork!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Of course, the arc of history is a funny thing and one never quite knows where it's pointed and thus, where it will end.

Oh! I know! I know! Raise hand!

1929 ---> Uber laissez faire Republicans crash their made-for-aristocracy economy ---> global financial meltdown ---> revolutionary wealth gap ---> ethno-nationalist demagogues tear the world apart in a war with tens of millions dead and the worst genocides seen.

2000s ---> Uber laissez faire Republicans crash their made-for-aristocracy economy ---> global financial meltdown ---> revolutionary wealth gap ---> retention of power and blackmail against the left so they can retain power and foment their own rise of ethno-nationalist demagoguery under which to teat the world apart in a newly ascendant "international right."

Who says you can't learn from history! The right does this every time!

Drago said...

I'm happy to see PPPT is still operating with his dated and humorous false narratives fully in place.

My only hope is that the rest of the left remains there with him.

Michael K said...

Ritmo thread, I see.

buwaya, the Austrians had more SS members than the Germans did.

Drago said...

MK: "Ritmo thread, I see. buwaya, the Austrians had more SS members than the Germans did."

The Austrians got very anschluss-y very quickly, despite losing the large Von Trapp family singers.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Shapiro was a Never Trumper who, unlike Bill Kristol and Jen Rubin, is honest enough to give Trump credit when he does something Shapiro likes - like recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, for instance.

As for social conservatism, well, right now it looks like the scolding prudes are mainly on the Left. I was thinking the other day about how many films of the '70's and '80's, from "Blazing Saddles" to "16 Candles," could not be made today. In the '60's, '70's and '80's, Hollywood was certainly leftist, but was still focused on breaking down the taboos of the WWII generation. Once that was accomplished, it began setting up and enforcing its' own set of taboos - hence the grim PC humorlessness that makes today's cultural scene so dreary.

Bashing social conservatism sure seems dated now that the censors and puritans are all on the left, banning things like productions of "To Kill A Mockingbird." Next they'll cut the rape scene from "A Streetcar Named Desire" since it might traumatize any sexual assault victims in the audience.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Nothing strange, Inga. Just like others have noted here, you tend to conjure up family members whenever you are forced to defend your virulent hatred.”

Annie, I have spoken about my late husband who was Jewish many times in the past on these threads. I did not conjure him, nor my children any more then you conjure your family. I’ve posted here since 2011, you should remember me speaking of my late husband if you were around back then. And yes, your concern and disbelief are strange are insulting.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Good to see that not even social conservatism is an identifiable component of anything strong enough to hold the right together, then. I stand corrected, and reiterate that the right no longer exists - apart from Trump.

Always a great idea to invest your entire politics, philosophy and ideology into the person of one, uh, "man" - if you can even call him that.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Always a great idea to invest your entire politics, philosophy and ideology into the person of one, uh, "man" - if you can even call him that."

Yes, that is exactly what happened.


Please develop all future lefty strategies around that premise.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Mid-Life Lawyer said...
When I first read "struggled" I thought it was probably a putdown. Like he was insufficiently prepared or insincere. But, it seems to me that he did indeed struggle, due to emotion and the inability to find the right words to express the sadness and disgust brought on by this tragedy. He didn't have something written out and a teleprompter like the Comrade most likely would have, so his delivery was more raw. Struggled is appropriate and I often hear struggle and derivatives of struggle used to describe peoples attempts to deal with and communicate about senseless tragedy.

10/27/18, 1:35 PM

True, words did not flow from him quite like an Aaron Sorkin character. I think "struggle" is one of those popular words du jour that is helpful to people who cannot write or think for themselves - very "NPC" to put it in a word.

IMHO few people are doing themselves credit here.

bbkingfish said...

Clinton beat Trump 70-25 among Jewish voters in 2016 U.S. Presidential election.

Somebody better tell U.S. Jews that the right-wing is their new best buddy.

rcocean said...

Yeah, too bad. Can't think of the last shooting in USA that killed large numbers of Jews. Certainly never happened in the 80s and 90s, IRC.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The Austrians got very anschluss-y very quickly, despite losing the large Von Trapp family singers.

10/27/18, 3:27 PM

William Shirer was in Vienna at the time of the Anschluss. He said he was shocked to see the Viennese, people he had always thought of as sophisticated and easy-going, treating the Jews even more viciously than the Germans did. At least 50% of the SS consisted of Austrians.

The Austrians performed a neat little two-step after the war, claiming to be Hitler's "first victims." The Jews who were forced -by civilians - to scrub the sidewalks of Vienna with toothbrushes after the Anschluss were not around to object.

Drago said...

bbkingfish: "Somebody better tell U.S. Jews that the right-wing is their new best buddy."

I recommend having Keith Ellison and obama's pal Farrakhan put that assertion to rest for the dems.

Perhaps Linda Sarsour could make a cameo appearance.

Just don't talk about Israel or the jews too much on campus. The lefties there won't like it, even if you are on their anti-Israel side, which you are.

rcocean said...

"IMHO few people are doing themselves credit here."

Good grief - knock it off. Sorry everyone isn't meeting your standards.

But then no one elected you to "Thread Judge"

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger bbkingfish said...
Clinton beat Trump 70-25 among Jewish voters in 2016 U.S. Presidential election.

Somebody better tell U.S. Jews that the right-wing is their new best buddy.

10/27/18, 3:45 PM

Yes, someone should. Even Steve Uhr sees it. I doubt he breaks loose but with the blessing, more and more have and will #WalkAway from those who wish to use us.

Jupiter said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
"Annie, why does the mention of my family upset you? It’s very strange that you are going out of your way to remark on it."

Because your family members tend to alter their characteristics to fit the needs of whatever lie Soros has you peddling today.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger rcocean said...
"IMHO few people are doing themselves credit here."

Good grief - knock it off. Sorry everyone isn't meeting your standards.

Oh, not you, brother. I didn't mean you. You are right on the beam. Don't ever change.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Somebody better tell U.S. Jews that the right-wing is their new best buddy.

David Duke and Richard Spencer's opinions on the topic were apparently not consulted.

It's funny that the right-wing thinks that the most ardent Nazis should not be questioned, let alone believed, when it comes to why it is that they love the right wing and Donald Trump so much. Apparently the rank-and-file Republiclone Trumpanzees know something about these Nazis that they don't want everyone else to know.

Drago said...

rcocean: ""IMHO few people are doing themselves credit here."

Let me guess.

This is going into our permanent records.

Our permanent records....

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Because your family members tend to alter their characteristics to fit the needs of whatever lie Soros has you peddling today.”

No, you don’t like it when I bring them up in a discussion when it is apropos for me to bring them up. If you go back to 2011, you would see whatever details I have mentioned about my family have not changed from one discussion to the next. So you and Annie can kiss my ass.

Drago said...

PPPT: "David Duke and Richard Spencer's opinions on the topic were apparently not consulted."

David Duke makes another appearance!!


What would he do without the lefties?

The KKK is, like, 7 guys in a some treehouse somewhere and David Duke has a following of about 4 people along with 2 aging KitKat chocolate bars and Spencer makes appearances with around 15 of this no doubt LEGION of followers. But hey, there you go.

Meanwhile, the lefties in Europe just outlawed any criticism of Muhammed, and by extension, Islam.

But don't you call them pro-dhimmitude!! Nosirree! Not at all!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"David Duke and Richard Spencer's opinions on the topic were apparently not consulted."

What's the difference between Duke, Spencer and Farrakan? All 3 hate the Jews.

Only one of them posed for a picture with a US President.

Drago said...

exiled: "Only one of them posed for a picture with a US President."

A very very very pleased obama, who was all smiles with his "jews are termites" pal.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

And how easily the left has forgotten the Jew-baiter Al Sharpton. You know, the guy who was a regular commentator on MSNBC.

When Fox News hires Duke or Spencer, please let me know.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What's the difference between Duke, Spencer and Farrakan? All 3 hate the Jews.

Two of them have a much richer, more numerous and more powerful demography than the other - politically and historically. Guess you're just not as much a fan of history as you'd like to think.

2.5 thousand years of anti-semitic hate, organization, violence and state indoctrination (including the state known as Vatican City) and you're more interested in a few disgruntled rabble-rousers wearing bow-ties loitering at barber shops.

Yep. Jews should really be so concerned about what blacks will do to them once in power.

Apparently Bowers wasn't white enough for you?

Was Hitler white enough for you?

Is David Duke white enough for you?

Good luck on your project to convince Jews to be more worried about black nationalism than white. They're a more numerically literate people than you, though. Maybe you can stand outside their communities or religious institutions documenting how much greater the number of Jews killed by blacks dwarfs the number of Jews killed by whites. Yep, that will convince them.

With a comment like 3:57's, exiledonmainstreet stands out as Exhibit A in white inferiority and underachievement. She reminds me of the white supremacist who called Sam Seder's show, outlined a racial intelligence hierarchy with Jews at the top, and was then finally told after ten minute of incoherent racist rants to listen to his superiors - i.e. the Jews broadcasting the show.

White brains don't matter!

Birkel said...

Royal ass Inga has a relative for every occasion. By my count she has dozens of children. The Duggers are jealous.

And if you doubt her, she has a relative who doubted her and was rebuked.

Leftists are dishonest by nature.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What did Al Sharpton organize against Jews with as much power and legacy as David Duke did?

Drago said...

PPPT: "Was Hitler white enough for you?"

He could've liked barbecue? Wanted to dip his oreo's in milk?

I mean, I'm not sure I know where you're going with this.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jews understand legacy. The KKK is a focused organization. Al Sharpton organized (at most) one mob, one time, that may have questionably more anti-Jewish than it needed to be, and then kind of left the issue alone.

But exiled doesn't even know how to keep track of the kids that come out of her coochie. So she's a little less sharp on tracing back the big issues and how they're shaped then are these Jews to whom she feels she can teach so much. At least when it comes to paranoia for the Harlem residents that she feels all those Jews walking along Riverside or Brooklyn should share her 24/7 anxiety.

Yep. What a great teacher you are.

Drago said...

PPPT: "What did Al Sharpton organize against Jews with as much power and legacy as David Duke did?"

Sorry Yankel Rosenbaum, your murder really doesn't count since the tally for Al Sharpton hasn't yet reached the appropriate PPPT established threshold.

It would be nice if, in the future, the lefties were more clear about these strange and ever evolving threshold levels which always seem to ensnare republicans but always exonerate lefties/dems.

rhhardin said...

The trouble with Anschluss is German compound verbs. I could never figure out what they meant even though I knew the parts.

It's probably like learning phrasal verbs in English.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Pittsburgh synagogue shooting suspect threatened Jewish groups, pushed migrant caravan conspiracies.
The suspect frequently wrote on the social network Gab, where he made a specific threat against Jews hours before allegedly conducting Saturday’s attack.

Bowers frequently posted about the “migrant caravan,” a group of several thousand refugees walking to the U.S.-Mexico border from Honduras to seek asylum. Preventing refugees in the caravan from entering the U.S. has been a major talking point among both right-wing commentators and President Donald Trump, who has spoken about it in recent pre-midterm election stump speeches.

“Bowers’ anti-Semitic posts and his apparent disdain for the caravan are tied to a viral image that appears to show refugees hopping onto the bed of a truck that had a Star of David visible on the side. The image has been widely shared on far-right forums like 4chan and the Russian propaganda operation USA Really. He reposted a screenshot of a video of the caravan that that aired on Fox News, as well as other networks, that does not mention the symbol.”

Not surprising at all.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sorry Yankel Rosenbaum, your murder really doesn't count since the tally for Al Sharpton hasn't yet reached the appropriate PPPT established threshold.

You mad bro? I guess Jews will never live with as much paranoia toward the blacks in their communities in NYC or elsewhere that you'd like all the KKK's targets (especially if black) to live with in the rest of the country.

What a loss for you. How upsetting that must be.

But hey, you read a news clipping from 25 years ago! What an achievement in the annals of white intelligence!

Drago said...

PPPT: "Al Sharpton organized (at most) one mob, one time, that may have questionably more anti-Jewish than it needed to be, and then kind of left the issue alone."

"Protesters' statements and actions during the rioting led Butman to say, "We were always hoping that after World War II no Jew would ever be killed just for being Jewish, but this is what happened in the city of New York."[20] In his eulogy at the funeral, the Rev. Al Sharpton made comments about "diamond dealers" and commented "It's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights."[21] In addition, a banner displayed at the funeral read "Hitler did not do the job."[6]

Edward S. Shapiro, a historian at Brandeis University, later called the riot "the most serious anti-Semitic incident in American history."[4] He points out that there are many interpretations of what happened:

Almost immediately after the riot a host of differing interpretations emerged regarding its nature and origins. This effort at explanation ... reflected the diverse political, religious, and social circumstances, the differing ideological assumptions, and the divergent understandings of the past by the journalists, sociologists, political activists, and historians who wrote about the riot.

— Edward S. Shapiro, American Jewish History, 2002[22]"


Gee PPPT, that does sound a tad "questionably more anti-Jewish than it needed to be".

Once again, Al Sharpton and other leftists receive a pass on their virulent and violent anti-semitism from a political leftist, like PPPT.

Which was the original point made in this thread.

Which PPPT disagreed with.

Before providing a clear example of it!


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...

What did Al Sharpton organize against Jews with as much power and legacy as David Duke did?

10/27/18, 4:09 PM

"Power and legacy?" On what planet does David Duke have power? Admittedly, nobody with an IQ over 90 watches MSNBC for any reason except laughs, but Sharpton still appears on "Morning Joe."

What did Al Sharpton organize against Jews? How old are you? Surely you remember Crown Heights?

"If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house."

Drago said...

PPPT: "But hey, you read a news clipping from 25 years ago! What an achievement in the annals of white intelligence!"

So, statute of outrage limitations is long gone for Sharpton?

Nice to know.

Note to self: it's okay to call for attacks and the killing of jews as long as 25 years passes before you are called to account. At which time you are free and clear.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

On what planet does David Duke have power?

One where whites are less restricted in their wealth, political access and historically documented much greater ability to revolutionize and tyrannize Jews in the wake of 1929 and other Republican economic collapses.

But hey, if you don't like your wealth or the wealth of whites or ability to vote in a less restricted way than blacks or to catch the attention of more politicians in white America, then by all means - go ahead and give it back. We can run your experiment and see how well it works if those things are really that unimportant to you.

Drago said...

Man, when was the last time David Duke was the cause of violence against any jewish citizen?

If it's 25 years or more, according to the newly established PPPT Rule for Anti-Semitic Exoneration, he is good to go!

Possibly with a show on MSNBC! And a moral authority and lecturer!!

Wow. What a swell thing to happen to such people.

Michael K said...

You guys are debating Ritmo and Inga ?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So, statute of outrage limitations is long gone for Sharpton?

Far be it from me to have as much "outrage" as a typical RWNJ has, especially when exhibiting his inability to compare the number of different sorts of non-Jew hating things that Sharpton has done with his life to those done by David Duke - who's longstanding internet and publishing presence is a literal cornucopia of Jew obsession so overwhelming that he could very well be the Willy Wonka of anti-semitism.

You seem to be lacking for a sense of proportion in your life - or at least in what one might refer to as your life.

Drago said...

PPPT: "One where whites are less restricted in their wealth, political access and historically documented much greater ability to revolutionize and tyrannize Jews in the wake of 1929 and other Republican economic collapses"


Now we have PPPT telling us David Duke has the power to direct Jeff Bezo's billions!!

We have officially reached the "PPPT blames human feces on the sidewalks of San Francisco on midwest corporate farms" stage of the conversation!!

Why, it was only yesterday David Duke was tapping into the vast reserves of Bill Gates to direct violence towards American jews!!

Thanks for the tipper PPPT! On point as always!!

Too funny.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Man, when was the last time David Duke was the cause of violence against any jewish citizen?

Good to know you're ok with all that hate propaganda he publishes. Surely winning (or losing) hearts and minds is not for people who lack for either, like you do.

Drago said...

PPPT: "Far be it from me to have as much "outrage" as a typical RWNJ has, especially when exhibiting his inability to compare the number of different sorts of non-Jew hating things that Sharpton has done with his life to those done by David Duke - who's longstanding internet and publishing presence is a literal cornucopia of Jew obsession so overwhelming that he could very well be the Willy Wonka of anti-semitism."

So, now you are arguing that Sharpton is simply more efficient in his jew hatred and incitement to riot and kill jews than David Duke!!

Well, I think we can all agree on that.

So now we have a PPPT "efficiency of hatred" standard to apply to persons as well!!

Our lefty "Hatred Evaluation Equation" is sprouting more variables by the second!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drago seems to agree with black nationalists that whites have too much economic, political and propaganda power.


Drago said...

PPPT: "Drago seems to agree with black nationalists that whites have too much economic, political and propaganda power."

Indeed, I do wish the lefty Powers That Be in the Ivy league weren't so bigoted against Asian students and holding them back as those same institutions did decades ago with jews.

Not that the Asians aren't doing quite well despite the lefts clear bigotry, but still, its wrong. Don't you agree?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Drago seems to agree with black nationalists that whites have too much economic, political and propaganda power.


Drago is really floundering today.

Drago said...

I tell you what PPPT, if Elizabeth Warren suddenly identified as an Asian American (and we can all agree that is a real possibility with her!), would you and your lefty allies be less willing to allow your bigotry to harm Asian chances of being admitted to the Ivy League schools?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Drago Duke again would proselytize to Jews by telling them to be more concerned about black nationalists (or just, blacks in general) than what the white nationalists have been up to - especially given their thousands-year history in this sort of stuff.

Yep, nothing patronizing about that. I guess those Jews just don't know what Drago knows about fearing the black man. One dead Jew! And how many have white nationalists killed in comparison? NONE! EVER!

That's the kind of equivocation Goebbels himself would be proud of.

Have you considered working for the Outreach Arm of the KKK, Drago? They're having trouble making their message marketable enough. I think you have a previously unobserved talent that you could put to work for them.

Keep up the KKK pro-Jewish outreach, Drago. I hear that's what they're really looking for these days.

Jesus Christ! This Drago asshole could get oil and water to mix. Or at least, to temporarily unify for the greater good of drowning his stupid ass.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"So, statute of outrage limitations is long gone for Sharpton?
Nice to know."

Hey, all Sharpton did was incite violence against Jews! It's not like he drank too much at a high school party and did something - groping gang rape, farting - for instance.

It's very, very, very bad to do that and no forgiveness is possible - for Republicans. Evidence is unnecessary! We can take Avenatti's word for it! But if you're a Democrat, what's a dead Jew from 25 years ago? No hard feelings, bro.

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago is really floundering today."

Mueller and the "Military" Times are no doubt closing in!!!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not that the Asians aren't doing quite well despite the lefts clear bigotry, but still, its wrong. Don't you agree?

I'll leave you to quantify "feelings" as being right or wrong, and focus on the effects and origin of those feelings instead.

I mean, actions speak louder than words. Unless of course you're David Duke. Or Drago.

Then it's all about the feels. Feels like bigotry!

Drago said...

exiled: "We can take Avenatti's word for it! But if you're a Democrat, what's a dead Jew from 25 years ago? No hard feelings, bro."

This is, apparently, PPPT's precise position.

But then again, we have seen throughout history that individuals matter not a whit to the left. It is the Party and the Party's objectives that matter.

It's why the left in the last 100 years has happily filled the ground with over 100 million dead in mass graves.

Don't you know, its "for the people".

Fortunately, we have not reached Peak Leftism in Venezuela yet. Like Mao's China, when you reach that level all that's left is cannibalism.

Drago said...

I'm going to have to list PPPT in the "It's okay to discriminate against Asians in higher education admission" category.


My expectation was for him to pull his usual stunt and deny the left every did do it, then seamlessly transition to the Okay okay it happened but its really the work of those secret conservatives in Ivy admissions.

I wonder why he broke his pattern today?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey, all Sharpton did was incite violence against Jews!

One time, anyway. But the selective outrage white nationalists feel against blacks, while always excusing a perennial toxic waste stream of their own in Duke, is very strong.

Apparently Sharpton learned his lesson. But racially inferior whites like exiled and Drago do not understand concepts like "learning," let alone redemption.

For them it's racial antagonism now, racial antagonism today, racial antagonism forever!

Drago said...

We are about 15 minutes away from PPPT regaling us with proof, like, Dan Rather-quality proof, of a dastardly Republican Southern Admissions Strategy which keeps Asian's disadvantaged.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm going to have to list PPPT in the "It's okay to discriminate against Asians in higher education admission" category.


My expectation was for him to pull his usual stunt and deny the left every did do it, then seamlessly transition to the Okay okay it happened but its really the work of those secret conservatives in Ivy admissions.

I wonder why he broke his pattern today?

Apparently this is the kind of typically diversionary screed you need today to let your right-wing race warriors off the hook. Noted.

As with Jews, you knew fewer Asians than an Icelander. But don't let that deter you. Go ahead and use them to whitewash your right-wing anti-semitism.

I'm personally unfamiliar with the lengths you go to to prove how much you lack in the way of having a life.

Drago said...

PPPT: "One time, anyway."

PPPT has officially extended Gloria Steinem's One Grope Rule exoneration of Clinton to race relations and the killing of jews.

Get that?

You can cause the killing of jews but still be redeemed if you limit it to just 1.

Why didn't anyone tell the shooter at the synagogue today that all he had to do was limit his murder of innocent jews to 1 and he would be in the clear as far as PPPT is concerned?

Drago said...

PPPT: "As with Jews, you knew fewer Asians than an Icelander."

Whoa whoa whoa!!

Now PPPT is defending admissions bigotry against Asians by smearing Icelanders!!

Where will this all end?

buwaya said...

Blacks as a collective are no threat of any sort to Jews as a collective.
They can hurt or kill a few, randomly, incidentally, and very rarely, but thats it.
For the most part they exist in separate worlds even in those institutions where both are present.

Farrakhan or Sharpton are annoyances at best, and far more insulting than dangerous.

The people in the front ranks of risk from black people (other than black people) are the lower to lower middle class of whites, Asians and Hispanics, which comprise most of the service providers to the black population and their social interface across races. Thats where the friction is.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

All your Jewish friends must be proud of the work you're doing here today, Drago.

Oh wait, Drago doesn't have any Jewish friends.

That would require him to actually have, you know, "friends."

A friendship would detract from the partisan activities that consume him, as you can see here in this thread.

Drago said...

I am almost reluctant (almost) to summarize what we have learned from PPPT today about what is allowed and over what time frame.

Apparently, there is now a requirement that individual posters online have a personal relationship with a sufficient number of Asian folks before bigotry in admissions at Ivy League schools can be called out.

Naturally, this is another brand new rule introduced randomly by leftists. We have become well acquainted with the tactic and are tempted to begin our own mixing and matching of Official Lefty Rules to see how far the game can be played.

For instance, what if David Duke identified as a Black Nationalist?

According to Lefty "Science", this is allowed and is every bit as legitimate as being born African American and becoming a Black Nationalist.

Actually, I'm getting an idea for a board game......

Drago said...

PPPT has run out of "arguments".

Not that he really had any to begin with.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

buwaya said...
Blacks as a collective are no threat of any sort to Jews as a collective.
They can hurt or kill a few, randomly, incidentally, and very rarely, but thats it.
For the most part they exist in separate worlds even in those institutions where both are present.

Farrakhan or Sharpton are annoyances at best, and far more insulting than dangerous.

You keep talking sense like this, buwaya, and Drago is likely to cut his tongue out and replace it with a kitchen knife.

Drago said...

I wonder if there is a timing issue with PPPT's postings where, after a particular time of day, some sort of chemical-driven change occurs.

It would explain much.

Drago said...

PPPT: "You keep talking sense like this, buwaya, and Drago is likely to cut his tongue out and replace it with a kitchen knife."

I don't disagree with buwaya's point.

I do disagree with giving Sharpton a pass on his advocacy for attacking and killing of jews.

But, hey, that's just me I guess.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I don't disagree with buwaya's point.

Yes you do.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago is trying very very hard to defend these alt right Jew-hating groups by projecting their anti-semitism onto liberals, he even goes so far to say liberal Jews hate themselves. He’s essentially siding with this shooter and intimating that the Jewish people who died today deserved it for supporting immigration.

Drago said...

The biggest threat to black communities as a whole are the growing hispanic gangs which are driving blacks out of neighborhoods they have been living in for decades.

In California this is particularly true.

"Latino gang members firebombed black residents to drive them out of Boyle Heights project, prosecutors allege"


I saw some beginning of this in San Diego back in the 70/80's as critical mass was reached and a newer form of south of the border types began showing up.

Those were the days when we transitioned fully to the much more violent hispanic street gangs right about the same time the drug cartels in Mexico began to solidify their control over the drug trade from the Colombians.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Apparently Sharpton learned his lesson. But racially inferior whites like exiled and Drago do not understand concepts like "learning," let alone redemption."

Oh, spare me, you hypocrite. You called Kavanaugh as a rapist the second Ford's story broke and you didn't care about proof or due process, much less "learning" or "redemption." You fools actually praised and admired that sociopath Avenatti and swallowed his lies because you are so consumed with hatred that no evidence was necessary.

Unlike the imaginary crimes Kavanaugh was accused of, Sharpton is actually on record as inciting violence - very real violence. Just as Ellison and Sansour have made ugly anti-Semitic comments and the Dems ignore them.

Fen's law is proven correct again - you guys don't really believe in any of the things you pretend to believe in.

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago is trying very very hard to defend these alt right Jew-hating groups by projecting their anti-semitism onto liberals..."

From above in the thread:

"Protesters' statements and actions during the rioting led Butman to say, "We were always hoping that after World War II no Jew would ever be killed just for being Jewish, but this is what happened in the city of New York."[20] In his eulogy at the funeral, the Rev. Al Sharpton made comments about "diamond dealers" and commented "It's an accident to allow an apartheid ambulance service in the middle of Crown Heights."[21] In addition, a banner displayed at the funeral read "Hitler did not do the job."[6]

Edward S. Shapiro, a historian at Brandeis University, later called the riot "the most serious anti-Semitic incident in American history."[4] He points out that there are many interpretations of what happened:

Almost immediately after the riot a host of differing interpretations emerged regarding its nature and origins. This effort at explanation ... reflected the diverse political, religious, and social circumstances, the differing ideological assumptions, and the divergent understandings of the past by the journalists, sociologists, political activists, and historians who wrote about the riot.

— Edward S. Shapiro, American Jewish History, 2002[22]"

Inga has unilaterally decide Edward Shapiro simply doesn't count anymore.

Once again, as always, ANOTHER brand new lefty rule based on "Whatever" rears its head.

Inga, PPPT is doing just fine. Your efforts are only hurting the team....


Drago said...

Here's another one from Azusa back in 2011:


Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Its fun watching Strong Dem Bernie-Bro James Hodgkinson Denialist Inga post about political violence.

If we could just keep her talking and get her message out to a wider audience the republicans would never lose again.

Fortunately, there are many many other Inga's out there.

And not always in masks burning down cities!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trump himself has blamed the caravan on George Soros. Soros gets sent a bomb by a Trump nutcase. Trump rants sbout the caravan and some other nut shoots up a Synagogue because he thinks Jews are funding the caravan.

“Robert Bowers’ anti-Semitism fueled other hate speech that he published and shared on Gab.com

Bowers made anti-Semitic comments alongside xenophobic content, claiming that Jews were helping transport members of the migrant caravans in Latin America. He shared a video that another Gab.com user posted, purportedly of HIAS, a Jewish refugee support group, on the US-Mexico border.

In another post, Bowers described HIAS' overall efforts as, "sugar-coated evil."

He believed that those in the migrant caravans were violent because they were attempting to leave countries that had high levels of violence. And Bowers repeatedly called them “invaders.””

“I have noticed a change in people saying 'illegals' that now say 'invaders',” read one post, six days before the shooting. “I like this.”

At 9:49 a.m., in his final post on Gab.com, Bowers said referenced HIAS, saying he believed they brought in “invaders,” that were killing his people.”


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"The American media has been straining mightily to link Donald Trump to the “Alt-right” and to blame conservatives for increased anti-Semitism and social unrest. Nevertheless, the uptick in partisan violence and anti-Jewish rhetoric these days seems to come more from the left than the right. This is not to ignore the actions of neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and right-wing extremists; but they don’t have sympathetic journalists portraying them as legitimate protesters or mainstream politicians rationalizing their conduct.

The Alt-right are also not instigating much of the conflict marring town squares and college campuses today. No, this is most often the work of progressive activists and groups, like the Antifa movement, who engage in confrontation and seek to suppress speech. And the epidemic of campus anti-Semitism is largely attributable to liberal BDS advocates, leftist faculty stooges, and Islamists – not neo-Nazis or white supremacists, who unlike progressives don’t have a symbiotic relationship with American academia.


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"And despite claims of rising Jew-hatred since Trump’s election, research has shown that much of the increase in anti-Semitic activity observed in recent years has been instigated by leftist and Islamist interests (though right-wing Jew-hatred certainly still exists). Consequently, placing sole blame on white supremacists for the current wave of anti-Semitism – including abuses by progressive thugs against Jewish students on liberal campuses across the country – is deceitful, ignorant, or cognitively dissonant."

Deceitful, ignorant and cognitively dissonant - now that describes our resident dullard, Inga, perfectly, although I'd also add "stupid," "senile" and "vicious."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...


10/27/18, 5:03 PM


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You called Kavanaugh as a rapist the second Ford's story broke and you didn't care about proof or due process, much less "learning" or "redemption."

He didn't need any of that; it wasn't and there wouldn't have been a criminal trial. And neither did he indicate that he'd "learned" or "redeemed" himself in any way. He was and remains unrepentant as a black-out drunk who loses his temper (showcased at the hearing; disqualifying for a judge to most everyone) has an overriding partisan interest and didn't care who or what got in the way of any of that. That's what matters, no matter how far he did or did not take things while blacked out 30 years ago. It's clear he thinks being a black-out drunk is a fine excuse for not remembering it and for demonstrating what he did with his poor temperament during the hearing.

Sansour comes from a culture with violent anti-semitic actions and history. She should be given more of a problem for that than some black Minnesotan, who doesn't.

But that's because culture matters to us. After all, we have it. You apparently do not.

Inga...Allie Oop said...


So, you think no other news outlets are reporting this? Well yes, you won’t hear this on a Fox, surely.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Bowers and his white supremacist brethren are, of course, wrong that Jews control global events. But they are right about one thing: Most American Jews stand in support of American Muslims, opposed the Trump administration’s cruel Muslim travel ban, and welcome in refugees from Muslim-majority countries.

American Jewish groups like HIAS and Bend the Arc have tirelessly organized in opposition of Trump’s cruel policies targeting refugees. These organizations are drawing on a well-spring of support in the Jewish community. That support exists because most Jews recognize that when minorities are targeted by a white-supremacist friendly administration, it’s not only right to fight back; it’s an imperative because we know Jews will be next.

The right never stops at Muslims or black people. As the Charlottesville rally and now the Pittsburgh shooting show, Jews remain under the deadly threat of white supremacist violence.”

Read more: https://forward.com/opinion/412821/pittsburgh-shooting-is-a-reminder-jews-and-muslims-are-in-this-together/

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Pee, there is absolutely no proof that Kavanaugh is or was a black-out drunk. You believe it only because you want to believe it. There is plenty of evidence that poisonous anti-Semitism is more of a problem on the Left than it is on the Right.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Liberals and Democrats have every right to disagree with Trump, but they should hold themselves to objective standards of honesty. If they are genuinely concerned about anti-Semitism now, they should explain their silence about it during the Obama years – when synagogues were defaced, cemeteries were desecrated, Jewish college students were assaulted, and the administration was complicit, by act or omission, in some of the most vile, anti-Israel resolutions ever passed in the UN. Likewise, they should condemn BDS and acknowledge that a majority of their party has indeed abandoned Israel. And if they truly want to purge their souls, they should acknowledge their failure to chastise fellow progressives for promoting global Jewish conspiracy myths and seeking alignment with Islamists dedicated to destroying Israel and exterminating the Jews.

It will never happen because leftists are incapable of holding themselves to "objective standards of honesty."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...there is absolutely no proof that Kavanaugh is or was a black-out drunk.



His angry outbursts toward Klobuchar prove it. Are youuuuuu!???!?!?! (a blackout drunk; a tu quoque he quickly apologized for. Looks like a nerve was hit).

The testaments of his college acquaintances only corroborate that.

Drago said...

How can anyone argue there isn't evidence of Kavanaugh being a black out drunk?

Have you seen the size of some of those midwestern houses?

Do you know how big midwest corporate farms have become?

Do you have any idea how many lightbulbs we go through in a year?

'nuff said, eh PPPT?

I mean, if the above work as Cause and Effect for humans defecating on sidewalks in SF, surely they can do double duty in convicting Kavanaugh!!


Michael K said...

Jesus ! Did somebody wind up Ritmo and Inga again?

Robert Cook said...

"Well, there is Linda Sarsour or Jeremy Corbyn. That's two. Pretty prominent on the left."

How are they anti-semitic? Exactly what have they done or said that reveals the hate Jews?

Robert Cook said...

"So, are you saying Farrakhan isn't an anti-Semite...?"

You think Farrakhan is a leftist?!

Howard said...

Relitigate Bart O'K to get back that winning feeling

Howard said...

Robert back from mourning Stalin and reinvigorated

Robert Cook said...

"Antisemitism is a typical in all activist lefty groups on campus. Those groups are the originators of the BDS movements meant to isolate and weaken Israel."

Criticism of Israel ≠ anti-semitism.

Michael K said...

"Well, there is Linda Sarsour or Jeremy Corbyn. That's two. Pretty prominent on the left."

How are they anti-semitic? Exactly what have they done or said that reveals the hate Jews?

You're kidding , right ?

She wants us to stop "humanizing Jews."

Moneys and apes. You know the routine.

Jeremy thinks the "Good Jews" are dead.

Since Stalin did not like his doctors, that might sound OK to you.

I wouldn't take the trouble with Inga, Robert.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
Relitigate Bart O'K to get back that winning feeling

Howard, just be glad you aren't the creepy porn lawyer.

Howard said...

You found Avanetti titillating,Doc?

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
You found Avanetti titillating,Doc?

No but Grassley does.

Grassley just referred Julie Swetnick and her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, to the Department of Justice for possible criminal investigation. Swetnick made allegations that Kavanaugh was present at a party where she was “gang raped,” and further that he habitually attended such parties and even had a hand in drugging girls so that they could be assaulted in this way. Although her accusations were so incredible that only a few Democrats dared talk about them at Kavanaugh's hearings, they were brought up — Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., was among those to mention them as Democrats worked to kill Kavanaugh's nomination and reputation.

I think they are going to make an example of him unless the Dims can take Congress.

buwaya said...

Farrakhan and his ilk are evil but powerless.
And so are the white antisemites, for now.

A much worse danger are the anti-semites in the universities, that insist on a uniform compliant culture of (nearly) everyone, and who are particularly hostile to openly ethnic Jews. Its not just anti-Israel. A very few lives here and there are nothing against the souls of millions.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

A very few lives here and there are nothing against the souls of millions.”

Buwaya offers up sacrificial lambs to his political gods.

buwaya said...

As for the Jewish role as masterminds of the world, the secret conspiratorial government - well, its false, but there is enough truth in it to make it a compelling story. Lets say it is 75% false, and 25% true.

There ARE several cabals at work, Soros is a powerful player in politics, and he has a track record of nefarious acts, both financial and political. He is not the only one of these and most of those super-villains aren't Jews, and most Jews are not in a position to be super-villains, nor are they resposible for those that are. But there are a large number of such Jewish super-villains. Its a complex truth, or a complex lie.

buwaya said...

I offer a reason to ignore Farrakhan Inga.
Not to kill anyone for some greater good.

Michael K said...

A much worse danger are the anti-semites in the universities,

Worse yet is the failure to educate. I kind of despair for my grandchildren. MY children got a good education, even the youngest whose classes at U of Arizona lied to her. I was able to correct some of the lies.

The grandkids are in their teens. These are my younger son's kids. My older son is a leftist and his wife is a nut.

His children I have very little contact with, They have no discipline or manners. Leftism personified. I feel so sorry for them as they will not know why people don't like them.

Known Unknown said...

"It seems like the common thread in recent church shootings is that they have been committed by angry white males."

Would you say the common thread in recent street shootings is that they have been committed by angry black males?

Robert Cook said...

“His children I have very little contact with, They have no discipline or manners. Leftism personified.”

Uh, Doc...”leftism” is not synonymous with “everything I dislike” and it is not the cause of poor manners in young people and children. This is the kind of thinking that drives people all across the political spectrum, possessed by an Idee fixe, like the Trump-loving would-be bomber, and the Trump-hating synagogue shooter...and many commenters here.

Drago said...

Inga: "Buwaya offers up sacrificial lambs to his political gods."

Current day lefty writes this, just now, un-ironically, while standing over a hundred million dead in mass graves across the globe and over 100 years.

All sacrificed consciously, purposefully, gleefully, by leftists seeking to create their lefty utopias.

Too sickening to be funny.

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