October 22, 2018

Sexual harassment by a female is presented as cute by The Daily News.

The photo credit — for this picture of panties with images of snowflakes and polar bears — goes to a Daily News photographer. But it doesn't look like the panties described in the article, which begins with the cutesy line, "She was indelicate with her delicates — and now she’s under investigation."
When Detective Victor Falcon complained to Sgt. Ann Marie Guerra about how she regularly left her underwear — including a lacy thong — lying around the unisex locker room at the 72nd Precinct Detective Squad offices on Oct. 7, the 38-year-old cop allegedly snapped.

She ran over and rubbed a dirty panties on his face in an apparent attempt to force them into his mouth, sources with knowledge of the case said.

“They are f---ing clean!” she screamed at the time, the sources said.

The fabric went into the detective’s open mouth...

Sources said Guerra has a salty reputation among her colleagues and has been known to joke about the size of her subordinates’ manhoods.
Salty? Imagine using that word to describe a male in the workplace who used verbal and physical harassment?
“She is a piece of work,” one source said. “She is always emasculating men and commenting on the size of their anatomy. She’s a bullying man-hater.”...

Guerra wasn’t trying to gag the detective — just rub his nose in it a little, the source said.
“She just put it up to his nose,” the source said, chalking up the incident to “exaggerated squad room banter.”
Again, imagine if the sexes were reversed.
Guerra is the squad room’s second-in-command and is responsible for approving overtime and changing detectives’ shifts....
He's a subordinate employee.
In addition to the alleged panty raid on his face, Falcon claimed Guerra had repeatedly denied his shift-change requests so he could make court custody hearings about his autistic son, sources who have seen the document said...
"Panty raid on his face" — like he can't take a joke.  Where's The Era of That's Not Funny when we need it? Court custody hearings about his autistic son is so completely not funny.

I'm only complaining about tone and sexism of The Daily News here. I don't know what really happened in this case, and I don't know how I would have reacted if it had been presented in a neutral way. Falcon may have been out of line, taunting Guerra about her underwear, and her reaction might have been typical locker room horseplay. A unisex locker room? With cops? This is an environment I've never even thought about before, and I'm not really able to visualize the scene The Daily News is purporting to describe.


Random Onlooker said...

I feel like this will be a scene in Melissa McCarthy's next movie.

gilbar said...

i remember this one time, when after Regularly making crude comments about the size of my female subordinate coworkers breasts; i then took my jockstrap and forced it into the face of one of the subordinates, and YELLED
I then made sure that that bitch NEVER got overtime or shift requests approved again

Oh, WAIT! no i didn't; because i didn't want to be fired and sued and sent to Jail

Ignorance is Bliss said...

The fabric went into the detective’s open mouth...


I'd have tried to work the adjective fishy into the description of events...

Fabi said...

Today's theme: women behaving badly.

daskol said...

See Robocop, the 1987 version, for unisex cop locker room background. Also an entertaining movie.

rhhardin said...

Nobody cares. Women are the whiners. Men give them slack.

Bay Area Guy said...

We need to know if said female cop was good looking or not. If an ugly female co-worker is stuffing her panties into your mouth at the workplace, it could be highly traumatic - whether or not said panties are clean or dirty.

Darrell said...

She sounds nice.

SeanF said...

Althouse: A unisex locker room? With cops? This is an environment I've never even thought about before...

There's been a lot of talk over the last couple of years about allowing people to use the locker room of the gender they "identify with."

I hope you never reached or expressed an opinion on that issue if this is something you've "never even thought about before."

Expat(ish) said...

"Detective Victor Falcon" - great name for a cop, or an fighter pilot.

I feel like there should be a name for names (like "Major Major Major") that determine your career.


jaydub said...

" I don't know what really happened in this case, and I don't know how I would have reacted if it had been presented in a neutral way."

This isn't hard. Just assume that the male detective's name was Kavanaugh and the female's Blasey-ford. Then assume this incident happened 38 years ago and there was no corroboration for the male detective's allegations and witnesses didn't know what the male detective was talking about. That should help you come to the right conclusion because it sure helped you regarding the Kavanaugh case. A second option would be to forget about due process and always believe the accuser. That seems work for you too.

Ralph L said...

rubbed a dirty panties
Shouldn't this be "panty" with the article, "panties" without?

rhhardin said...

It's nylons everywhere in tbe bathroom that are the traditional problem.

rhhardin said...

The worst number of kids to have is 3, studies find.

After two you go from man-to-man to a zone defense, A&G claim.

Above 3 the older ones take care of the younger ones.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

He should have cuffed her and taken her to jail on the charge if assaulting a police officer.

If a civilian did this we would have been beaten before arrested.

rhhardin said...

Sexual harassment claims are the nagging instinct. Men don't have it. Women do.

Dude1394 said...

Always press charges, always sue.

Oso Negro said...

@ Jaydub - 😂

Lucid-Ideas said...

Fabi said, "Today's theme: women behaving badly."

Well behaved women seldom make history

Ever seen that bumper sticker? The ladies forget that there's fame, and infamy. Many are choosing the latter.

Otto said...

Yawn. Most of us have had panties in our face many a time and yes sometimes they needed a wash. Guaranteed Ann has had her panties in her partners face at some time and dare i say maybe there was a time when her panties needed a wash.

Rick said...

Again, imagine if the sexes were reversed.

She sounds just like several Women's Studies professors I interacted with.

MadisonMan said...

It's different when women do it.

Fritz said...

Who can afford separate dressing rooms for all 57 (and counting) genders?

daskol said...

The Daily News' tone may arise from the fact that Sgt. Guerra is very attractive.

Original Mike said...

Sexual harassment bullshit.

Jupiter said...

I first read that as "Where's The Bra of That's Not Funny when we need it". It seemed strangely apropos, but I could construct no ready reply.

Wince said...

It's like the shower scene in "Carrie".

James K said...

Who would have thought putting a bunch of men and woman in a coed locker room would lead to any problems like this? Probably the same crazy people who think putting men and women together in military barracks would result in pregnancies, rape accusations, etc. Oh, wait.

Kate said...

Don't leave dirty clothes around the locker room. Man, woman, underwear, socks, whatever. You're a slob.

A woman who drops her underwear into a work environment -- oops! however did that happen! -- is a sociopath.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The problem may stem from the “unusual combination” of a “meek males” and an “all-powerful female.”

Ann Althouse said...

"It's nylons everywhere in tbe bathroom that are the traditional problem."

If you can't afford separate bathrooms, better not get married.

Ann Althouse said...

"A woman who drops her underwear into a work environment -- oops! however did that happen! -- is a sociopath."

Yes, this is why a neutral account would be better. Give the plain facts, and let the readers puzzle it out.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm envisioning the horror of the situation, as Althouse tries to convey it, and I'm failing.

Let 'er rip in the workplace. If a woman wants to wave around her panties and shove her tits in my face... well, that's OK by me.

The men should also have some fun with the women.

Your feminist HR book is a pile of shit, Althouse. I'm tired of your attempts to create paranoia and hatred between men and women.

Let's play and laugh and raise hell like we used to... even at work. Maybe especially.

Why in the fuck would I want to live in the pallid, wimped out, fagged out environment of your feminist dreams, Althouse?

Shouting Thomas said...

NYC was a hell of a lot more fun to work in back before the implementation of Althouse's feminist air conditioned nightmare.

Shift work was especially hilarious. Back in the day, co-workers made dates to go to Plato's and sold coke in the bathroom. (They're probably still selling coke, but much more discreetly.) Sometimes, they even screwed in the janitor's closet.

The girls wanted to strut their stuff, and as I said, shift work was the time for hijinks. That's when all the workers who were pursuing their dreams of being in show biz showed up as freelancers and temps. They didn't give a shit about careers.

Fuck your office propriety, teach. It's a damned bore. I'd rather live in hell.

Freeman Hunt said...

If you rub your underwear on someone's face at work, you should be fired immediately. Is that not obvious? Does that really need to be said?

robother said...

Its almost like feminism was created to empower neurotic and psychotic women, to disrupt smooth-functioning institutions of Western Civilization (family, law enforcement, business).

Shouting Thomas said...

And look at the outcome for the feminist ladies.

The more fiercely the feminist air conditioned nightmare is enforced, they more they dream about rape and gang banging.

Christine Ford is salivating.

Freeman Hunt said...

ST, you think it would be better if the police sold coke in the bathroom and the station were full of wild, crazy hijinks?

Shouting Thomas said...

ST, you think it would be better if the police sold coke in the bathroom and the station were full of wild, crazy hijinks?

That was going on in the NYPD stations in the 70s, and it had good and bad sides.

The bad side was crime gone wild, like in Batman.

The good side was the jolly aura of romping and being bad.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Freeman Hunt said...

If you rub your underwear on someone's face at work, you should be fired immediately. Is that not obvious?

Depends on the job. If you're a stripper or a hooker, that might be part of customer service.

gilbar said...

some boring old guy mumbled:
Why in the fuck would I want to live in the pallid, wimped out, fagged out environment of your feminist dreams, Althouse?

I can't even begin to imagine Why you would, why don't you go away? I'm sure EVERYONE will be missing you... But, we can't miss you until you're gone

Henry said...

robother said...
...to disrupt smooth-functioning institutions of Western Civilization....

You and Shouting Thomas are not on the same page.

Henry said...

The good side was the jolly aura of romping and being bad.

LOL. You sound like one of Peter Pan's lost boys.

tim in vermont said...

Reno 911 is not a "how to"!

robother said...

I was struck by Dan Akroyd's answer about the most important lesson he learned in building his new vodka business:

"Biggest lesson so far is that, when team building, there is no room or time for negative disruptors who have problems with the world because of how they were raised. If their mother and/or father couldn’t do a good job it is not my task to complete. Anyone who exhibits hostility against co-workers needs to be cut right away."

Contrast that with NYPD or any other government/nonprofit sector job environment.

James K said...

Shouting Thomas has a valid point about lightening up and letting people be human in the workplace. But if a boss is doing this stuff to an underling it's not the same thing.

Michael K said...

You only get away with that stuff if you are a "minority" and we all know that women are "minorities."

There was a case in LA where a fire department lieutenant was a bully pushing guys around that were smaller, etc. One time the other guys made spaghetti and used dog food as the meat sauce. Then after he ate it, told him what was in it.

He was Hispanic, you know a "White Hispanic?"

He got $5 million from the city of LA.

Oh, I forgot. He was black and it was $2.6 million.

Firefighter Tennie Pierce, 51, said in his suit that firefighter Jorge Arevalo mixed canned dog food purchased by Capt. John Tohill into Pierce's dinner at their station two years ago and another captain, Chris Burton, knew about the trick but didn't say anything.

Pierce "took a large bite, at which time he noticed the other firefighters were laughing and making noises," the lawsuit said. After taking a second bite, he demanded to know what was in the food but no one would speak up.

Pierce said he suffered retaliation for reporting the incident to supervisors and was subjected to "verbal slurs, insults (and) derogatory remarks," including taunting by firefighters "barking like dogs (and) asking him how dog food tasted."

A fire department investigation suggested the October 2004 incident was intended to be a prank to "humble" Pierce after a station volleyball game where he had said, "You guys keep feeding the Big Dog." He was a well known bully.

The three firefighters were dropped from the lawsuit as part of the settlement. As punishment, the two captains were given one month off without pay, and Arevalo was ordered off work for three days without pay.

See ? You gotta be the right color or sex.

n.n said...

Just boys and girls frolicking in the office? The headline photo is a fraudulent representation of her "dirty panties", which leaves the audience with visions of sugar, spice, and everything nice.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"no woman should ever be made to feel bad or responzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... huh!? ever."

eddie willers said...

Salty? Imagine using that word to describe a male in the workplace who used verbal and physical harassment?

Netflix has just released a new Ron White special where salty vagina plays a part. (He's all for it. Brings a salt shaker to bed with him. With lime)

Howard said...

The patriarchy's not going away, so the best girls get is a few double standards. I'm cool with that.

tim in vermont said...

Always quick with the rationalizations, our Howard.

walter said...


Other detectives in the stationhouse have “objected to her leaving her panties on the unisex shower knob and outside her locker for all to see. The lockers are unisex, too,” the source added.

Guerra has groused about her male colleagues’ manhoods on Facebook, including on Sept. 11, a police source said.

“She has been on social media spouting man-hating rhetoric about fellow sergeants having ‘little d–ks,’ ” the source said.

Her raunchy comment was made on a Facebook post of a New York Post story from earlier this month, about an NYPD officer suing the city for shaming her about pumping breast milk on the job.

Howard said...

I'm sorry you don't have a patriarchy card Tim. Maybe next life.

rehajm said...

See Robocop, the 1987 version, for unisex cop locker room background. Also an entertaining movie.

Also the original Battlestar Galactica. Ally McBeal also featured a law firm with a unisex bathroom.

rehajm said...

In college, when I spent the night at Smith the unisex bathroom was the one I was in.

tim in vermont said...

Rules are for you guys, not us.

walter said...

When they let male reporters into the women's beach volleyball locker rooms, I'll apply.

Earnest Prole said...

This news story sounds like a verbatim transcript of Saturday Night Live’s Office Flirt with Cheri Oteri and John Goodman, which contains line like “I’m hoping to drop something . . . I’m talking about my panties” and “I could use a cup of Joe right now . . . and by Joe, I mean your man-milk.”

Bay Area Guy said...

In that NYPost article, the female officer looks reasonably attractive! She's a randy 38-year old -- not a weirdo Christy Blasey Ford type.

However, she does need to dial it down a notch or two, I'd say.

walter said...

Bay area guy swayed by the photo.

“She has been on social media spouting man-hating rhetoric about fellow sergeants having ‘little d–ks,’ ”

Yeah..if that's true, she's a real gem.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Women shouldn't be considered minority employees. They should be considered employees of minor importance.

gahrie said...

See Robocop, the 1987 version, for unisex cop locker room background. Also an entertaining movie.

Also the original Battlestar Galactica. Ally McBeal also featured a law firm with a unisex bathroom.

Don't forget Starship Troopers.

Ken B said...

SeanF catches Ann.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"typical locker room horseplay"

But it's OK if a woman is the aggressor.

Bay Area Guy said...

I guess in a perfect world, there'd be traditional separate sex bathrooms, a minimal amount of horseplay by men would be allowed at work, and a minimal amount of horseplay by women would also be allowed at work.

That's what it was like when I first got a real job in San Francisco decades ago.

I reckon, though, that I am outta step with the times.


Fabi said...

"If you can't afford separate bathrooms, better not get married."

Fine Scotch through my nose funny! Why didn't you tell me sooner? :-)

FIDO said...

On the one hand, I expect my cops to be tough enough to handle this.

On the other hand, Fuck her! She wants to be a ball busting bull dyke in this age, let her reap what she sows. No exceptions due to vagina.

Far too many cops are bullies. She is an Abner Louima Incident just waiting to happen (a man sodomized by a broomstick handle in Blue State NYC). So nip this clit in the bud.