I surveyed 4,175 adult Americans from all 50 states about what turns them on and published the findings in a book entitled Tell Me What You Want....Oh, he's coming at this from a completely different angle than I wanted! He's assuming that first, you commit to some values, like monogamy or equality, and then, after you've decided how you're supposed to be, you know what is transgressive, and that's what feels sexy so you go there with your fantasy. I thought the eroticism would come first, and you'd begin with some mysterious, bodily feeling for cuckolding or dominance, and your being that sort of person would explain what you found attractive in the Republican or Democratic party.
While self-identified Republicans and self-identified Democrats reported fantasizing with the same average frequency—several times per week—I found that Republicans were more likely than Democrats to fantasize about a range of activities that involve sex outside of marriage. Think things like infidelity, orgies and partner swapping, from 1970s-style “key parties” to modern-day forms of swinging. Republicans also reported more fantasies with voyeuristic themes, including visiting strip clubs and practicing something known as “cuckolding,” which involves watching one’s partner have sex with someone else.
By contrast, self-identified Democrats were more likely than Republicans to fantasize about almost the entire spectrum of BDSM activities, from bondage to spanking to dominance-submission play. The largest Democrat-Republican divide on the BDSM spectrum was in masochism, which involves deriving pleasure from the experience of pain....
What connects Republicans and Democrats, I believe, is that their fantasies are at least partly driven by what they can’t have... Nothing makes us want to try something like being told you can’t do it. This is why taboos, no matter what they are, often become turn-ons...
In that view, you could analyze the results to mean that people who get excited by a great variety of choices are also attuned to the Republican message of a free market and individual responsibility, and people who get excited by bondage and domination respond the the Democrats' offer of greater regulation and impositions from above about what you ought to be doing. I could see how, intellectually, you might say the Republicans have the better set of values but still find yourself getting excited by what the Democrats say they will do to you.
I've said enough!
Aren't you more likely to be married if you are a Republican?
You've said more than enough!
I think your analysis makes more sense. One thing I do know, there's a lot more porn on mainstream liberal websites. New York Magazine, the New Yorker, Salon - they all publish porn. In the early 2000's Salon was actually selling porn to survive financially. I don't know if they still do that. You don't see that stuff on conservative websites.
So, if I am interpreting this excerpt correctly, Trump is giving Democrats what they most desire?
I call bullshit. "Cuckolding" is the giveaway.
Oh, he's coming at this from a completely different angle than I wanted!
You wanted information? I think you're supposed to buy the book.
But there was a smidgen toward the end of the article -
1 in 10 Republicans and 1 in 10 Democrats had fantasized about a politician.
1.7 percent of Republicans had fantasized about a Democrat.
2.7 pecent[sic] of Democrats had fantasized about a Republican.
The most common fantasy among Democrats was having Trump grab them by the pussy, and it was even #1 among the "men", or at least those who self-identify as toxic.
Another unreproducible psychology paper.
Many Republican voters were sick and tired of their elected representatives and token "conservative" writers in the MSM always deferring to the Democrat/Left agenda. They created the cuckold slur. We want fighters, not submissives.
I call bullshit.
Of course it's bullshit.
What does "more likely" mean? 1% more likely? 200 times more likely?
He's assuming that first, you commit to some values, like monogamy or equality, and then, after you've decided how you're supposed to be, you know what is transgressive, and that's what feels sexy so you go there with your fantasy. I thought the eroticism would come first, and you'd begin with some mysterious, bodily feeling for cuckolding or dominance
The concept that we start with instinct and justify after the fact has a lot of philisophical and scientific proponents. Basically, it's sort of like the old "free will is an illusion" argument, we all just function on instinct and justify it after the fact.
Here's an interesting video about it.
When some idiot asks me about my sexual fantasies, I pass immediately into a trance-like state in which it is impossible for me to lie or dissemble.
These are not scientific "results." This is garbage.
The real fantasy here is that you can generalize about groups of people by doing a stupid survey.
Trump's an independent.
It seems to me from knowing plenty on both sides that the differences on politics are many times more severe than on anything else. If you don't mention anything political, it can be pretty hard to identify political preference in most people. Of course some wear it on their sleeve, but most people do not. Maybe we should ban politics. We should all be able to agree on that, except the media of course. Hate pays.
Darrell said...
I call bullshit. "Cuckolding" is the giveaway.
You forget that democrats think "good" republicans are George Will, Max Boot, Kristol, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney etc.
Half that group are traitors. The other half are cucks.
That is not the reason it is bullshit.
My fantasies are basically just LESS risky versions of my real sex life. Less uncertainty, less compromise, fewer strings.
"The largest Democrat-Republican divide on the BDSM spectrum was in masochism, which involves deriving pleasure from the experience of pain."
The largest Democrat-Republican divide on the political spectrum is in the desire of Democrats to inflict their own cruel fantasies on the rest of us.
Funny how many liberals get off on Handmaid's Tale.
"free will is an illusion"
Sometimes when I'm lying in bed in the morning and don't want to get up I think - "I'm not going to let my bladder determine when I get up!" but the bladder always wins. Perhaps the bladder has free will and the rest of me doesn't.
On the other hand, Schrodinger's cat didn't have to die in that radioactive cat-box.
My sexual fantasies involve young, beautiful women. There's no taboo against my having sex with young, beautiful women, but there might just as well be.
I always rationalize it later by thinking "That bladder's not the boss of me! I could have peed in bed but I consciously just didn't want to."
What, no gerbils?
I think you clicked on some master bait.
Today's #metoo fantasies:
"I had my eyes closed, [he] placed his hand on my face and then his other hand touched under my armpit, and stroked down my, across my right breast and on to my hip. It was halfway up my breast, it didn’t touch my nipple I don’t think. It lasted about eight or 10 seconds. It felt slow."
Blogger tcrosse said...
Funny how many liberals get off on Handmaid's Tale.
10/30/18, 1:06 PM
And "50 Shades of Gray."
Do the Democrats' fantasies all still involve Sarah Palin or are they over that by now?
Robots are going to put fantasies out there on full display.
We are less than a decade before they are mainstream.
What will come out?
Men want sex 2 or 3 times a day without nagging and having to beg and cajole and getting roped into hours of cuddling.
Women want to nag and cuddle.
A good robot listener that can successfully cuddle and provide the woman with satisfying emotional responses is going to be way more expensive than what will satisfy a man.
Here's an interesting video about [free will].
He seems to have confused "free will" with "conscious action" (vs post-hoc rationalization) The statement "'turns out the world is not deterministic at all" is irrelevant unless you want to believe that your conscious mind can control quantum actions, which it can't.
Here's a better video, for those who are interested:
I'll withhold my opinion until Laslo shows up.
Jungian surveys: include only respondents contacted within 45 minutes of waking up. Everybody else is just giving you ego-driven protective bullshit.
What about Libertarians?
@Althouse, you really seem to enjoy reading junk science out of the Times, the Post, and Politico.
I think the #metoo movement is grinding to a halt. There are now reports that Special Council Mueller raped a women in 2010.
I'm sure that's just more obstruction.
Cuckolding! Just like Shakespeare!
Kinsey's research was ridiculously poor in design, analysis and conclusions.
Even in today's hyper-PC university environment, he is considered a charlatan by real social scientists.
Did the researcher control for age? Republicans are old enough to remember the '70s.
He seems to have confused "free will" with "conscious action" (vs post-hoc rationalization) The statement "'turns out the world is not deterministic at all" is irrelevant unless you want to believe that your conscious mind can control quantum actions, which it can't.
Yeah, I noticed that too. There's a distinction between whether or not the universe itself is deterministic versus whether humans actually have free will or not. While it follows that if the universe is deterministic than free will is illusory, it's also certainly possible that the universe itself could be non-deterministic and yet humans could still not actually have a conscious "free will".
But personally I don't subscribe to the notion of us having absolutely no conscious free will. I just find the discusion interesting since I suspect that we probably do make far more decisions instinctually (and justify them after the fact) than we realize.
Aren't you more likely to be married if you are a Republican?
The data indicate that married women are far more likely to be Republican or Independent than single women who are far more reliable Democrats.
There doesn't seem to be a significant difference among married vs. unmarried men, although there are an increasing number of Democrat Pajama Boys.
My only fantasy is to have sex with my wife. And that's the old fashioned kind. This guy sounds like a pervert.
Democrats are more perverted than Republicans.
Makes sense, taking all else into account.
This was published at Politico and, I'll be damned, reading about it was painful.
Yeah, where is Laslo? This post is made for his comment.
My only fantasy is to have sex with my wife.
Where can I find a man like that?
Blogger Darrell said...
I call bullshit. "Cuckolding" is the giveaway.
I know, right? Based on Darrels proclivities, no doubt he was expecting cocksucking... maybe it just an autocorrect typo
Blogger Sydney said...
My only fantasy is to have sex with my wife.
Where can I find a man like that?
Wouldn't you prefer reality rather than fantasizing?
Althouse fantasizes about literature profs cooking her dinner.
Howard- yes. But I would prefer the fantasies to not involve other women.
Conjugal Rights Guide
[to cashier] "Kroger says they have jobs for friendly people. That lets me out."
The fantasy would be comprehension.
Blogger Sydney said...
Howard- yes. But I would prefer the fantasies to not involve other women.
Then you perhaps don't really want a man with adequate T-levels.
I am not a sadomasochist. I am repulsed by infidelity. I do not get a thrill from debasing behaviors.
Hmmmm, Thales over at The Declination made the same observation a while back, based on his career as a DJ and some of the "events" he's worked.
That is not the reason it is bullshit.
The follow-up comment explains everything.
Cuckolding was a term used by the people that were sick of the fake conservative writers--the "bottoms" to the MSM Left. They only critcize Republicans and always suck up to the Left. Just like their Maters want. The GOPe practices the same rimming tongue techniques.
Howard loves felching. He can't get enough.
I have called him a cocksucker, so like a five-year old, he repeats the taunt. Not all cocksuckers are suckers of the cock, but in Howard's case, I suspect he is both.
I think your analysis makes more sense. One thing I do know, there's a lot more porn on mainstream liberal websites. New York Magazine, the New Yorker, Salon - they all publish porn. In the early 2000's Salon was actually selling porn to survive financially. I don't know if they still do that. You don't see that stuff on conservative websites.
Have you ever read Day By Day?
Why else would we call fair-weather conservatives and RINOs cucks?
Nobody lets someone else fuck the thing they supposedly love like fair-weathers and RINOs!!!
I thought Dems went in for incest, since they seemed to be salivating over Trump/Ivanka. I'm still seeing that one...they jerk off to it.
Did they only ask men? I'm a Republican but never have fantasized about going to strip clubs. Ever. Nor watching my partner having sex with another woman. Hard to believe many--if any--do.
Believe women? https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/30/mueller-accuses-opponents-of-offering-money-to-make-false-claims-about-him.html
Republicans also reported more fantasies with voyeuristic themes, including visiting strip clubs and practicing something known as “cuckolding,”
A sexualized form of the very same bootlicking for which they're so well known.
This looks good
Rated R for strong bloody gruesome violence, a rape, sexuality, graphic nudity, drug use and language.
I love language.
About Mueller.
Is he saying that women made charges against him and the MSM didn't cover it? Because I've never read anything about a woman making an accusation about him.
I think they just did a google search and came up with a lot of hits for "Republican cucks" and decided that was their story.
I also agree with those above who call BS on this, specifically because of the cuck thing. It's just too unbelievable. I think that is a niche turn-on, like toe sucking.
If most people were like me, their sexual fantasies would involve the things they did in their past, when they were young and free, or almost did and would have, except that x or y interfered. The fact that that isn't even mentioned at all makes the whole thing suspicious to me.
I'm a Republican but never have fantasized about going to strip clubs. Ever. Nor watching my partner having sex with another woman. Hard to believe many--if any--do.
There's a whole sub-genre of porn devoted to cuckolding. It's called "hot wife" porn.
I think republicans do have a better imagination, always helpful for a fulfilling sexy life. Fox commentators saying caravan members are carrying small pox, a disease that was eradicated from the planet in 1980. And Obama was born in Africa. And Soros the Jew is at the center of more conspiracies one can count. And there is a secret deep state that not even the president and hundreds of his appointees can find direct evidence of. ...
My BS alarm kind of went off on the little I read; then I read more at the actual site. 4000 some people from all 50 states? Evenly distributed? Do we have about 2,000 Republicans and 2,000 Democrats from 50 states, so about 40 from each state? Is that right?
Also: "Note that my data were collected in 2014 and 2015 before the Trump presidency began and only into the early days of his campaign."
Was cuckolding a thing then? The big news story about it came out, what, last year?
There's a whole sub-genre of porn devoted to cuckolding. It's called "hot wife" porn.
But it's a guy thing, right? Many years ago I read a book called, Women's Sexual Fantasies [IIRC] and while the entries really ran the gamut [hoo boy!], I don't recall seeing 'going to strip clubs' or seeing their husband have sex with someone else.
Mockturtle- judging by the covers of the books on a google search, I would say, yes, it's a guy thing. But isn't most porn a guy thing? I understand Playgirl was read more by gay men than by women.
Sydney, while porn may be a 'guy thing', sexual fantasies are not.
""My only fantasy is to have sex with my wife.
Where can I find a man like that?"
All the guys who say that are taken.
It's not always possible, but playful seduction is fantastic.
WTF!? and I mean that literally
Acosta begs media cohorts for support after he’s spanked by Sarah Sanders… it doesn’t go so well
Watch Sarah Sanders Drop Kick Jim Acosta
‘Spanked again!’ Sarah Sanders ‘body-slammed’ smug Jim Acosta and didn’t even break a sweat
Chuck Schumer's 'Crying Like A Baby' After Sarah Destroys Him
Sarah Sanders Just EPICALLY SPANKED Lil’ Schiff
and much, much more
Fran D, to be condemned by “real” social scientists as a charlatan is the deepest circle of dispair indeed.
"...Oh, he's coming at this from a completely different angle than I wanted!......"
Well there's the sexual fantasy -spectrum, right there, explained in the post
Since much of Alfred Kinsey's research has been discredited, how much of this is believable? And it is sociology, really, so bogus in equals bogus out.
In sociology if a researcher controls data for bullshit, the researcher can publish only blank pages.
It's interesting that liberals seem to relish BDSM. I wonder if that explains the Communist tendency to torture and murder opponents?
a completely different angle than I wanted!......"
Well there's the sexual fantasy -spectrum
A constellation, where each fantasy can be represented by a vector, with a direction and magnitude, that is space, time, and ideologically variant.
Dear Althouse,
I can't believe I'm writing this letter...
Gerry wrote: "It's interesting that liberals seem to relish BDSM. I wonder if that explains the Communist tendency to torture and murder opponents?"
I never knew about "liberals" (by which I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government humpers and State fellators") being into BDSM; but I wouldn't be surprise. Your average "liberal" is either fantasizing about holding the whip hand and bossing other people around; or else telling Big Brother: "Tax me! Rule me! Put your iron boot on my neck! I'm not worthy of liberty!"
I've always thought the average "liberal" fantasy fetish was Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama wearing a leather Ilse-She-Wolf-of-the-IRS outfit.
Dr. Althouse, your reading of the data is far more exciting than theirs by making perfect sense. Thanks
Ben & Jerry's
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9:13 AM - Oct 30, 2018
some fantasize about being gang-raped by a boofing, barfing future SC justice
Speaking of sexual fantasies, the hoax bomber worked at the nightclub where Stormy stripped, at the time he sent the "bombs."
If you can count on anything, it's on the fact that Republicriminals think rape is a real hoot. Check out the comment above.
Shorter version: Yes! Beat me with your big government fuck-stick!
OT a bit , but a fantasy coming true : Trump lawyers send Stormy Daniels a bill for Trump's legal fees.
This post and especially the comments had SO much unrealized potential ... calling Laslo ...
+ on down the excellent list - SEx - all good just shut up about it.
SEx - all good just shut up about it.
Most conservatives know that people generally find them gross so of course they instinctually shut up especially about that. Must be one hell of a private activity. No wonder they never get outside.
Basically to be a conservative is to have a Jeckyll-Hyde split personality. It's about not being able to admit things to yourself or others. It's about keeping secrets, about being secretive - shady, even.
It's about knowing how nasty you really are and how much people would despise you if they knew that much more about you.
That's what being a conservative is, basically.
Give your $$ to Billionaire Ben and Jerry and they will help resist Trump's tax cuts.
Cucks: David French, Rod Dreher, Erick Erickson, Kevin Williamson, Jonah Goldberg.
Super-cuck: John Kasich, Jeff Flake, David Brooks
Bill Kristol, George will, Burt Stephens, Rick Wilson, Steve Schmidt, and Jennifer Rubin can no longer be considered Cucks - since they are no longer conservative.
peepee - ah no.
Bill Kristol has now dropped the mask and come out for open borders and hate for Fox News.
By 2020, he'll be a Bernie Bro.
Rape is a hoot - excusing rape even better - right Bill Clinton supporters?
The original use of the word "Cuck" came from Cuckold. An old term, well known to anyone with learning.
But of course, the Left has a million slang words for weird sexual practices that EVERY MSM journalist seems to know.
So they came up the weird idea that "Cuck" meant a white guy watching his wife have sex with a black guy.
Just like tea-party (1775 Boston etc.) somehow became "Tea-baggers" (Gay oral sex) in their weirdo minds.
The Right is full of lovable, gullible fools.
So, Bill Kristol, national review, George Will, etc. could piss on them for years, and say it was "Conservative Ice cream" - and they'd believe it.
Charles Johnson at LGF literally had to publicly call conservatives "Nazis" and "Fascists" for 2 years, before Conservatives, finally, reluctantly, gave up on loving him.
I wonder what political philosophy the guy who hemorrhaged and died taking a horse cock up the ass at the bestiality brothel was.
Here’s my fantasy. It’s 2012, the second Presidential debate, and Romney has accused Obama of denying that the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi was a terrorist act. Obama says that in his Rose Garden press conference he repeatedly called the attack “terrorism”. Debate moderator Candy Crowley says, Yes that’s correct, let’s turn to another issue.
But Romney (in my fantasy) says, No, Ms. Crowley, we aren’t going to turn to another issue. Your job is to moderate this debate, not pass judgment on what I say or what the President says. Mr. President, what you just said is false. Of course you talked about terrorism in the Rose Garden – How could you not talk about terrorism, which has been one of the major features of your administration. But you did NOT say that the attack on our embassy was a planned terrorist attack – your administration’s spokespersons had been saying all week that it was a spontaneous demonstration that got out of hand, inspired by a video that hardly anybody had ever heard of, much less seen – but that was a lie and you knew it. This was a planned terrorist attack – they didn’t come with protest signs, they came with heavy military weapons! -- and your Administration failed to prepare for it, failed to provide adequate defense for the US personnel in Benghazi, and made no effort whatsoever to protect those brave Americans when you learned about the attack. And you tried to cover this up because your re-election campaign has been based on the claim – the FALSE claim – that your administration has defeated terrorism. Your whole administration has been based on trying to fool the American people with slick lies. It’s time for that to end. Ms. Crowley, please let the President explain, if he can, why our American ambassador and other brave men had to die to support his reelection campaign.
Then, the 2016 Presidential election would have been Romney's relection, and Trump would still be just a reality TV star and a real estate developer who's great friends with the Clintons.
The best thing that happened today is that Mueller is saying that people are smearing him by making unsubstantiated claims of sexual harassment.
Rape is a hoot - excusing rape even better - right Bill Clinton supporters?
Ok. I'll take Bill Clinton out of the White House and you can take Barf Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court.
But I know you're not decent enough to agree to a fair bargain.
I remember LGF. Back in the day, one of the few.
You can usually trust the data in these studies, but IMHO, your conclusions are probably as good as theirs.
I remember LGF. Back in the day, one of the few.
Yep. Chuckie went off the rails, but never forget it was his movable GIF that blasted Rathergate.
peepee -
We'll keep Kavanaugh, thanks.
Did Kavanaugh rape anyone? Even if baby-talking from the 80's was accurate in her false memory of circa 15-17 year old romp - he never actually raped her.
Or do you buy the Avanatetti-Swetnick rape room lies?
The throbbing memo. Ah - good times.
you can take Barf Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court.
Gawd, you're a dishonest fuck.
Even if what the precious Doctor Ford said was true, it wasn't rape.
But Romney (in my fantasy) says, No, Ms. Crowley, we aren’t going to turn to another issue. Your job is to moderate this debate, not pass judgment on what I say or what the President says
Giuliani did that with a CNN girl one time. He said "Who am I debating here ?"
Romney didn't have it in him.
I wasn't polled, but I stil have fantasies about Phyllis Diller.
Phyllis Diller was brilliant and a concert pianist. Sink your Fangs into that!
@Michael K: That’s why it’s a fantasy.
Blogger The Godfather said...
@Michael K: That’s why it’s a fantasy.
I know. I donated more money to him than I have ever given any politician.
What a waste.
"...Oh, he's coming at this from a completely different angle than I wanted!......"
At long last, to hear about Ann Althouse's introduction to anal sex!
Ok. I'll take Bill Clinton out of the White House and you can take Barf Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court.
But I know you're not decent enough to agree to a fair bargain.
That's what you call fair? BJ Clinton is already out of the White House. I got your fair right here. I'll give you Kavanaugh if you give me Robert Mueller.
Did Kavanaugh rape anyone?
He wouldn't know it if he did, given how great a fan he is of his well-documented aggressive, belligerent, black-out drunk drinking.
Kavanaugh definitely got out a little grabby with the girls when he was blacked out. He was belligerent and threw a temper tantrum during his hearing and how partisan he made it. Disqualifying!
That, and lying about it all. Plus whipping his dick out on that one girl.
He definitely wanted to get in on Club Renate but even Renate didn't want anything to do with him.
He was and remains a belligerent, rapey dork and total partisan hack.
Kavanaugh yelled at the girls who wouldn't fuck him just like he yelled and cried at the senators who wouldn't confirm him. LOSER!
BL writes: "...Oh, he's coming at this from a completely different angle than I wanted!......"
At long last, to hear about Ann Althouse's introduction to anal sex!
That crossed my mind, as well. ;-)
"I wonder what political philosophy the guy who hemorrhaged and died taking a horse cock up the ass at the bestiality brothel was."
I'm an Independent who doesn't vote, so I fantasize about kneeling down in front of the cute girl in bluejeans who works at the restaurant down the block and giving her head for hours on end.
"Basically to be a conservative is to have a Jeckyll-Hyde split personality. It's about not being able to admit things to yourself or others. It's about keeping secrets, about being secretive - shady, even.
It's about knowing how nasty you really are and how much people would despise you if they knew that much more about you.
That's what being a conservative is, basically. "
Writes a guy whose personal experience with conservatives is probably zero. Unless the guy who brings him his meds is a conservative.
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