October 10, 2018

Hillary Clinton: "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about."

"That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again."

Quoted at Facebook (with a link to CNN) by my son John, who adds a quote from me: "Civility is called for to tame the opposition, when it serves your interest."

AND: As long as I'm talking about the woman who lacks the sense to lie low before the elections, let me throw this in here "Hillary says series of sex claims against Bill are NOT like the Kavanaugh confirmation because her husband faced 'intense investigation'" (Daily Mail):


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rhhardin said...

That's what happened to Vince Foster.

Qwinn said...

For the first time in my life, I agree with Hillary Clinton.

Michael K said...

"Civility" as defined by Hillary resembles the actions of Robespierre, in intent if not in body count.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; butthose who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

CS Lewis.

Matt Sablan said...

I mean, that's how you got Trump, by Republicans believing exactly that after seeing the treatment of McCain, Romney and Bush as The New Hitlers.

Matt Sablan said...

Like, I think when you have to remind people that, yes, Democrats DID imply Christine O'Donnell was a literal witch who danced naked in the woods to explain *just how cruel and petty* they were not so long ago, and that's relatively tame compared to rhetoric like wanting to hate rape conservative women, etc., I feel like Clinton is deliberately wearing blinders not to see that Trumpism is a reaction to the Obama-era abuses and lack of civility.

FIDO said...

The one thing I have never heard the politics of the Clintons described as is 'civil'.

Dave Begley said...

When will this woman GO AWAY?

Keep digging Hillary, you idiot.

We don't hate your party; we just disagree. But the Dems are insane. How quickly we forget the shoot up at the GOP baseball practice. Steve Scalise, however, will never forget.

gilbar said...

Hillary Clinton: "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about."

So, Hillary is giving ALL Non Democrats permission to be uncivil to them? The modern Democratic party is dedicated to destroying EVERYTHING that I stand for, and care about

JAORE said...

Yeah, Hillary is my go-to gal on civility.

Like Michael Moore is my go-to guy on dieting.

I'm astounded, even with the virtual monopoly on media, that the left can say the right is the source of incivility.

Yes, they ARE a mob.

tcrosse said...

Harris and Booker's dismal performance at the hearings must have rekindled Hillary's hopes for 2020. Or maybe it's just that she needs the money.

readering said...

She's pretty temperate considering the grateful dead tour plays lock her up at every gig.

BarrySanders20 said...

Best civility bullshit ever

mezzrow said...

Does the civility bullshit exist because people do this, or do people do this because the civility bullshit tag exists?

We can count on Hillary for timely civility bullshit, on tap. A rock in these uncertain times.

Francisco D said...

What does Hillary stand for?

Larry J said...

"Hillary Clinton: "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.""

That's why I don't feel much civility is due to the democrats, especially the likes of Hillary. While I didn't support Trump in the state primary, I gladly supported him in the general election. My main reason was I didn't want Hillary to get the opportunity to nominate judges and justices because I knew the people she would select would destroy what I stand for and care about. Had she won, she would've filled the existing vacancy with a hard leftist, swinging the court to the liberal side. All those close 5-4 decisions of the preceding 10 years or so would've been revisited and reversed. They would not have had to go to the trouble of amending the Constitution to do things like infringe on the Bill of Rights. All it would've taken is some tyrants in black robes (and lifetime appointments) to do their dirty work. Thank goodness Hillary was such a terrible candidate that she couldn't win an election that was being rigged in her favor.

stevew said...

A call for civility in discourse is a slightly veiled admonition to shut up.

If disagreeing about the public policy and government actions a particular political party favors justifies incivility towards those that disagree, is that the only action allowed or does the disagreement justify other actions such as shooting at Congressmen and driving people from public places?


Matt Sablan said...

"Harris and Booker's dismal performance at the hearings must have rekindled Hillary's hopes for 2020."

-- I keep thinking, "Clinton can't think she has a shot at 2020," then I see non-ironic coverage of Avenatti as a potential 2020 contender and I think, "It's going to be Clinton, Biden, Harris, Warren, Booker and then The Clowns, isn't it?"

Original Mike said...

We’ll be civil when we win.

Reminds me of Russ Feingold.

David Jones said...

"Power corrupts..Absolute power corrupts absolutely..the motto of our time...

Ignorance is Bliss said...

You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.

As I said before, she has a point. Trump promised to drain the swamp.

tola'at sfarim said...

At the very least she'll want to play kingmaker (queenmaker?) . She will want all nominees to come kiss her ring, and if there's an opening, she might take a shot at the nom herself.

BJM said...

@Michael K

Hillary has the worst of both the tyrannical busybody and the robber baron; her lust for power and money will never be satiated.

Will the Dems loosen the SJW outrage mobs on Bill to get these two grifters off the political stage before November, or 2019? Go they must.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Francisco D said...

What does Hillary stand for?

See my previous comment.

PB said...

Hillary led the campaign of personal destruction against Bill's victims. She enabled a sexual predator.

mezzrow said...

I was feeling bad about the storm, then while reading these comments I considered the primary process for the Dems in 2020. I feel better now.

Imagine the things they will do.

Oso Negro said...

In the event of a second American civil war, the Clintons will definitely need to flee the country. I wonder where it is they would plan to go?

Original Mike said...

"Hillary Clinton: "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.""

How do Republicans “want to destroy what [she] stands for, what [she] cares about”? They disagree with her. Hillary Clinton, and like-minded democrats, are down right scary. Lindsey Graham nailed it; “Boy, you all want power. God, I hope you never get it.”. But, or course, sooner or later they will.

gilbar said...

Oso Negro said...
In the event of a second American civil war, the Clintons will definitely need to flee the country. I wonder where it is they would plan to go

I'm assuming that you're just being snarky; 'cause *IF* there was a second American civil war, the Clintons would Obviously flee to China

readering said...

You folks keep dreaming she will run again in '20. Never going to happen. Nixon knew to sit the next one out.

MadisonMan said...

What does Hillary stand for?

Making money from her position. Not being held accountable for her actions. Those kind of things.

Freeman Hunt said...

That person was almost president. Yeow!

Craig said...

Is Hillary Clinton the worst person ever? And I voted for her!

rhhardin said...

Hillary is a crazy ex-girlfriend, only old.

Original Mike said...

”You folks keep dreaming she will run again in '20. Never going to happen. Nixon knew to sit the next one out.”

Nixon wasn’t stupid.

Anthony said...

Funny, whenever Tucker Carlson has a lefty guest on his show talking about the violence on the left, said guest always says the same basic thing: "I'm not saying harassing people is acceptable. . . . . .BUT. . . . . . ."

There's always a 'but'.

tcrosse said...

What does Hillary stand for?

Not for long.

Matt Sablan said...

"You folks keep dreaming she will run again in '20. Never going to happen. Nixon knew to sit the next one out."

-- Democrats need to get someone strong then to run. Who is looking at a run that Clinton would step aside for? If someone like Avenatti looks like he's got a serious shot, she may step in to try and save the Democrats from themselves.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bill Clinton(D) raped Juanita Broderick. She actually told people after it happened and there are actual witnesses who can corroborate her story.

Hillary - unconcerned.
Media - not interested.

gspencer said...

I would agree with Hillary if "intense investigation" means "no investigation."

rhhardin said...

She's right about the comparison of Bill to Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh is the product of the #MeToo hysteria, Bill was just the shrugged boys will be boys era.

Hillary is voting for the traditional shrug, which is a plus for her.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Quoted at Facebook (with a link to CNN) by my son John, who adds a quote from me: "Civility is called for to tame the opposition, when it serves your interest."”

Precisely so, calling protestors “angry mobs” does just this and it’s done to silence them and/or pollute the message.

Etienne said...

Many don't realize how Washington is in a death spiral. Everything got too big. Name each department and you can name five things they have failed to execute.

They keep hiring more people, spending more money, but nothing gets executed.

Infrastructure, needs of the states and cities are all tied-up in committee's.

So what do we hear about 24/7: trying to get votes. It's all about getting elected. People are supposed to be concerned about a 1954 ruling, or a 1964 ruling.

Almost nothing about the 21st century is being focused on by the media.

Just an observation...

tcrosse said...

"You folks keep dreaming she will run again in '20. Never going to happen."

Who's going to stop her?

rhhardin said...

Less focus on boob grabs, more on muggings and union knee-cappings.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I demand massive anti-rape protests outside of their tightly controlled tax payer funded secured tour venues. BTW -the Clinton rehabilitation tour is only in CA, NY, and PA. You know - none of those deplorable states with those icky dregs of society.

Amadeus 48 said...

On the one hand, Hillary cuts right through the civility bullshit: she don't need no stinkin' civility when dealing with REPUBLICANS!

On the other hand, she keeps using this word "civility". I don't think it means what she thinks it means.

Original Mike said...

”.../or pollute the message.”

Literally laughed out loud.

FIDO said...

IIRC, the Democrats just cut the throat of the majority of those superdelegates, the ones Hillary bribed to get the nod last time.

So her path to the nomination is a trifle harder, unless she was the one who found another path.

If the Dems had any survival instincts, they'd have purged their party of her activists.

Not sure that they have.

rhhardin said...

Hillary owes a lot of people a lot of stuff, and they'll support her, hoping to get what they paid for.

Etienne said...

In the military we call the people in second place: first losers.


Amadeus 48 said...

If there is one thing we CANNOT do, it is to call angry mobs "angry mobs". It makes the angry mobs angrier when they are called angry mobs, and we don't want the angry mobs to be even angrier and more mob-like.

Darrell said...

Trump fills stadiums
Hillary fills Depends.

Etienne said...

Everyone who hates the Electoral College lives in New York City and Los Angeles.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

The beatings will continue... until morale improves and we win!

Henry said...

"We'll be civil when we win."

Mr. D said...

Grifters gotta grift.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The modern Democratic party is dedicated to destroying EVERYTHING that I stand for, and care about.


The modern democrat party has a corrupt alliance with the modern mass media. It demands rejection.

Jupiter said...

"Hillary says series of sex claims against Bill are NOT like the Kavanaugh confirmation because her husband faced 'intense investigation'"

Has she ever admitted that he was guilty as hell? Of course not. She is a sickening pile of corruption. There isn't a cell small enough for the bitch.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dear Feminists, Why Does Hillary Get a Pass?

Henry said...
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Henry said...

Hillary offers one more variation on the Russ Feingold manifesto.

She tacitly admits that the Democratic party is being uncivil, and ...

“we will not stop until we win.”

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Is there anyone with LESS self awareness than Hillary Clinton?

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

God I hate this woman... to the core of my being... Obama, for all his corruption, is a Cub Scout compared to HRC... I can’t wait until her lifetime of sin finally catches up with her and she faces her judgement...

Brian said...

Incivility in politics is because of the feedback loop of the mainstream media being one sided. The "narrative" is set by 2 east coast newspapers and the 3 cable networks and 3 broadcast networks. One side of the aisle doesn't have to worry about being caught astroturfing an issue, so they, for example, will pay people to provide viral video moments.

A more balanced media would force the parties to not be so over the top, because they know they would be challenged on it.

It's all going to fix itself though, because people are paying less attention to "traditional" media. Their viewership numbers are dwindling. They are a joke. Trump is in on the joke, with his "failing NY Times" comments. Alternatives in the new media space are taking over. Trump used them to get his message out in 2016. Is using them to get the message out in 2018, and likely in 2020 a well.

Watch Brad Parscale's interview on 60 minutes. Internally he's laughing at 60 minutes as he explains the new media messaging to Leslie Stahl who seems incredulous that he could have this kind of control over his message.

Bay Area Guy said...

Gotta love Hillary. Her husband won't touch her with a ten foot pole, sleeps with and/or rapes scores of other women his entire adult, married life, and she enables/promotes all this because it furthers her political ambitions.

Run, Hillary, Run! You can recapture the White House in 2020! It's all been just a bad dream!

Henry said...

Anyone remember that this woman was a Secretary of State?

It absolutely is possible to be civil to people trying to destroy you. It's called diplomacy.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You folks keep dreaming she will run again in '20. Never going to happen."

She won’t run, she knows the base doesn’t want her to.

Original Mike said...

"Hillary says series of sex claims against Bill are NOT like the Kavanaugh confirmation because her husband faced 'intense investigation'"

Did the FBI investigate?

Brian said...

Oh and Hillary's running. Why else give the interview? She's the most tone deaf politician in history. As evidenced by the fact that she has to go on all these "listening" tours.

See I'm listening! I'm listening!

readering said...

Nixon could run again in '68 because he tirelessly campaigned for candidates in the '66 midterms and collected a lot of chits and goodwill. What is Clinton doing in in the '18 midterms?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Henry said...

Love the "and/or" in her statement.

gilbar said...

i just read that Booker wants to impeach Brett; and he say's:
Democrats first need to focus on taking back the Senate majority.

I'd think that the FIRST step would be taking back the House...
and the SECOND step would be getting 67 dem senators

I don't see "taking back the Senate majority" being one of the steps in any way shape or form. But Booker MUST BE smarter than me

E.J. Dionne and Michael Avenatti just want to pack the court, saying: “any Dem that does not commit to expanding the Court has no business running for the nomination.”
At least, With That Plan, a Senate majority would be a step

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What is entirely predicable and vile is that the mob-media take their q's from her. Hey - everything has been investigated. OK then - thanks Hillary.

What. Bullshit.

Paula Jones' case was settled for 850,000. Remind you of anyone? The shunned Bill O'Reilly?

But Bill Clinton is a precious and holy committed democrat. Loyal to the lofty goals of baby parts for sale at PP clinics and secret bragging and denials. Hillary won the Margaret Sanger award for the Death of millions of black babies. Progressives cheer.

Michael K said...

Blogger Etienne said...
Many don't realize how Washington is in a death spiral. Everything got too big. Name each department and you can name five things they have failed to execute.

Which brings up, this essay on what is going on.

The struggle I am having is that I believe in civility, character, and decorum. I am not saying that in a self-righteous or sanctimonious way; I am confessing it to be a liability. It is a liability for me, but also for all of my colleagues at National Review who are similarly handcuffed by standards of decency and morality. These handcuffs are a liability because in the present culture war, the other side has no such self-limiting governor in place. The other side will fabricate the most horrid of accusations against a man of unparalleled character and accomplishment, and lynch him with it. The other side’s use of physical intimidation, coercion, harassment, and abuse will not be limited by norms. They desire an end without norms, and they certainly will not see their means limited by such. To take on an opponent in the battleplace of ideas is difficult when your lead will be a carefully constructed white paper, and their lead will be an unsubstantiated allegation that you are a child molester. The Biblical story of David and Goliath is promising, but in analyzing the present cultural milieu, there are few analogies to capture what we are up against.

Worth reading.

Henry said...

Inga said...

She won’t run, she knows the base doesn’t want her to.

When did the base ever have a say?

It's the donors that will have to step up and tell her to stand down.

Michael K said...

Blogger readering said...
Nixon could run again in '68 because he tirelessly campaigned for candidates in the '66 midterms and collected a lot of chits and goodwill. What is Clinton doing in in the '18 midterms?

Good point but Nixon campaigned especially for Goldwater when nobody else wanted to do so.

Etienne said...

Please, you guys aren't going to drag us through the whole Clinton years again are you?

Get a life. She's history, he's history, move on the the 21st century.

Rick said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
Precisely so, calling protestors “angry mobs” does just this and it’s done to silence them and/or pollute the message.

I'm so old I remember Inga tone policing Brett Kavanaugh. But today she acts as if she always objected to civility bullshit. Such a strange evolution makes me wonder what the trigger could possibly have been.

mccullough said...

Juanita Broderick provided a date, time, and location when she accused Bill Clinton of rape. And details. And the names of the people who she told just after it happened.

Same with Bill’s other accusers.

Bill Clinton is a predator just like Weinstein and Cosby,

Sen. Daniel Inouye was also a oredator. He raped and sexually assaulted at least 10 women.

Inouye controlled the Dem Party in Hawaii. His people helped silence the victims.

One of Inouye’s people is Sen. Maxie Hirono. She told the victims to shut up.

Hillary and Mazie are Rape Apologists.

Despicable people.

Qwinn said...

To those who said Republicans don't want to destroy everything the Left cares about and stands for...

Speak for yourself. Every standard they have that I agree with in principle is a double standard that is only applied when it favors them and disregarded when it doesn't. After Kavanaugh, I cannot think of a single remaining exception. Every correct principle can still be found on the Right. The Left has nothing left to offer, and everything that needs to be rejected.

I want everything they stand for utterly destroyed and their ideology mocked and held in contempt for a hundred thousand years.

tcrosse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mccullough said...

Obama has been friends with Weinstein, Clinton, Cosby, and Inouye.

Dude knows a lot of rapists.

Fernandinande said...

a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims

For example?

The closest I can think of might be some sort of religious society, e.g. people burned at the stake or head cut off, for witchcraft or whatever, to prevent them from going to hell, which was supposedly a lot worse than being burned at the stake.

But I think they burned people because they were sadists and enjoyed torturing people; the hell part was just an excuse or a lie.

The other example might be a society with an active drug-war, but if the drug warriors were actually concerned about the well-being of others they wouldn't lie about nearly everything. The same goes for communists.


readering said...

Where is Clinton speaking today? Belfast. That's in the UK. In the EU.

Earnest Prole said...

If calls for civility are always bullshit, does that make Hillary a truthteller? If so, did Hell just freeze over?

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
She won’t run, she knows the base doesn’t want her to.

Welcome to the basket of deplorables, Inga. SHE...DOESN'T...CARE...WHAT...THE...BASE...THINKS!!!

The Democrat base wanted Bernie. That was just a roadblock to Hillary.

If she wasn't going to run, name one thing she has done since the election that has been a move away from running.

She wrote a book: "What went wrong" - The title itself suggests "this time" to be added to the end.

She went on an international trip - where it appears she wore some sort of brace. Other countries still love me!

Bill and her are on a nationwide listening tour during the midterm election cycle. Don't forget about me!

She's running. She's easily defeated, but that doesn't mean shes not running. If Kamala/Cory/Elizabeth don't turn on her and attack her politically they'll end up begging her to be her VP slot.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'd like to know why Jeff Sessions is such a useless dork?

Hillary should be investigated and all of the money she grubbed using her private server should be forced out in the open.

JohnAnnArbor said...

Translation: "It's OK when we do it."

readering said...

If I only had a $ for every mention of Juanita Broadrickk on this site I'd be well off (especially if 2$ when wrong spelling).

Ficta said...

Hillary is a bizarre phenomenon in US politics. Most national level politicians in America have to have come up through the ranks to at least some extent; they have to have some minimal level of charisma. In person, most senators, for instance, have a jaw dropping level of personal magnetism, regardless of how you feel about their political stances. Because of her path to power, Hillary managed to become a candidate for president(!) despite having all the personal charm of a tire iron.

Yancey Ward said...

Just item 223,004 that shows Clinton is running in 2020. That is why she won't go away, and I am not sure I would bet against her winning the Democratic nomination.

tcrosse said...

Get a life. She's history, he's history, move on the the 21st century.

But they won't go away.

Fernandinande said...

IOW, I don't think there ever has been a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims. It's a straw-man.

mockturtle said...

OT, perhaps, but important: Non-citizens voting in CA This is an AP report and the DMV has said they may have to scrap the 'motor voter' law.

Etienne said...

Michael K said......handcuffed by standards of decency and morality

I think the main thing for me, is when you go to the polls and vote, everything is black and white: this person or that person.

In making that decision it is more often about decency and morality. I will never vote for a bum or a party instrument.

What I have to be careful of, is my vote being stolen. It's not uncommon for ballot boxes to disappear in my town.

Voting is something where billions spent on behalf of a candidate does not impress me. Actually, it is more apt to hurt them.

FIDO said...

Feminists can have credibility or the Clintons; not both.

Actually, if they want credibility, they also need to shuck off Ellison and Menendez just as a start.

But they won't

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Quoted at Facebook (with a link to CNN) by my son John, who adds a quote from me: "Civility is called for to tame the opposition, when it serves your interest."”

Precisely so, calling protestors “angry mobs” does just this and it’s done to silence them and/or pollute the message.

This is worth a chuckle.

You can see the hamsters running as fast as their little hamster legs can go in Inga's pathetic thought processes.

traditionalguy said...

What did the Haitians do so uncivil that she had to rob their billions in donations and steal their parent less children. Oh, yeah they were easy Pickings. And Hillary was hungry for money and children.

Rick said...

This may be the funniest element of her interview but the worst is her continued insistence people don't like her because Republicans have spent money publicizing "lies". People dislike her (and Obama, and leftwingers generally) because she thinks their life's work is hers to loot and give to her supporters.

Clinton: I can't be responsible for every undercapitalized business in the country.
Obama: You didn't build that.

The assumption they are godlike to casually ruin people's lives on a whim is alarming. Not to mention that they foment hate to generate support with their assertions the people they advocate ruining are greedy or somehow stole their assets.

Qwinn said...

Readering translated: It annoys me that conservatives won't stop talking about a rape victim that me and my allies in the media have spent the better part of 3 decades silencing, even as we repeatedly insist that all rape victims must be believed. No fair pointing out we don't really believe a fucking thing we say. Just stop it!

Michael K said...

Blogger readering said...
If I only had a $ for every mention of Juanita Broadrickk on this site I'd be well off (especially if 2$ when wrong spelling).

If you wanted a dollar for every mention in the discussion of sex crimes in the media, you would be out of luck.

The reason you see her mentioned here is because she, and Ellison's girlfriend/victim, are NEVER mentioned.

Ray - SoCal said...

Money & Score Settling

If she cared about the Democratic Party she would retire. I'm astonished at her hubris, that keeps her on the political stage. The Russian Collusion Accusation Witch Hunt has to be one of the most successful dirty tricks ever pulled off, and is pure Clinton.

>Francisco D said...
> What does Hillary stand for?

Achilles said...

readering said...
If I only had a $ for every mention of Juanita Broadrickk on this site I'd be well off (especially if 2$ when wrong spelling).

If I only had a dollar for every time a democrat pretended to care about women or victims of rape, when it is blatantly clear they don't, I would be even more well off than that.

Do we need to talk about what you are defending here?


But thank you for removing the mask.

Etienne said...

I'd like to know why Jeff Sessions is such a useless dork?

The Department of Justice is an organization that is larger, and spends more than most foreign government's.

It is designed to feed itself first.

If you know someone who works for the Department of Justice, you know what an useless fuck they are.

Basil Duke said...

And still she persists.

Achilles said...

Don Lemon cracks up as panel calls Kanye a "token negro."

This is the democrat party.

Nonapod said...

I'm curious what Hillary Clinton imagines the Democrats stand for. Because to me, it seems like they "stand for" acussations without any evidence or coorboration being enough to completely destory a life. It seems like the Democrat party stands for naked hostility and menace towards any and all wrongthink, the shouting down and deplatforming and ruining reputations of all who may offer any kind of disagreement to their orthodoxy. It seems to me the Democrat party stands for completely open borders. It seems like they stand for the endless expansion of bureaucracy and the welfare state, appeasement and apologizing to our enemies, the death of the middle America. If all that is indeed what they stand for, the yes, I'm happy to say I want to "destroy" that.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Fernandistein said...

IOW, I don't think there ever has been a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims. It's a straw-man.

Prohibition is the sort of thing usually offered as an example

Brian said...

Just item 223,004 that shows Clinton is running in 2020. That is why she won't go away, and I am not sure I would bet against her winning the Democratic nomination.

It depends if they pull a Bernie and don't attack her. Bernie lost the nomination the day he said in a debate, "I'm tired of hearing about emails".

It's also going to be a big field. I'm not sure if that plays well to Hillary or not.

She might be hanging on just to keep the gravy train running, but her and Bill have enough money to retire and do the Martha's Vineyard and Hollywood tours. The events she's doing are not that.

Presidential cycle starts November 7th! Book your tickets to Iowa!

Achilles said...

"And the reason you pretend to hold on to opinions you know make no sense is because you're afraid of that happening to you. Snap out of it."

I hope you see how the google firing is deeply problematic.

The leftists are tyrants.

This is why liberals are leaving the democrat party.

Hagar said...

What does Hillary! stand for?
Clinton, Inc.
And Clinton, Inc. is a multi-national business.

Rick said...

The other annoying current talking point is that the Senate's disproportional representation is "undemocratic" and therefore must be changed.

Remember they're pissed the Senate is effecting the Supreme Court, the most powerful non-democratic authority in the country. This is the institution they've spent the last several decades using to force through legislation they can't get enacted democratically. We're supposed to pretend they cane about a lack of popular support?

It's just mind-boggling.

Rory said...

FIDO said, "IIRC, the Democrats just cut the throat of the majority of those superdelegates, the ones Hillary bribed to get the nod last time.

"So her path to the nomination is a trifle harder, unless she was the one who found another path."

I think this tour with Bill might be showing that path, just by demonstrating that they can still take a million dollars a day out of the pockets of their faithful.

Qwinn said...

The Democrats stand for 4 things:

Double standards.

All 4 are treated as religious sacraments by the Left.

I would like to see all 4 utterly destroyed.

FIDO said...

(especially if 2$ when wrong spelling).

I post this for the irony value.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ha-ha! Beat you to it! She's a disaster for the Democrats. Fortunately, I think I saw evidence we won't be seeing much more of her, so take heart:

This nightmare is ending.

BJM said...

FIDO said...

So her path to the nomination is a trifle harder, unless she was the one who found another path.

As my Gran would put it; Hillary couldn't find her ass with both hands and a flashlight.

Charlie said...

Sid Blumenthal, Paul Begala and James Carville could not be reached for comment.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Why be civil with Deplorables? Are they even human?

And it's true, BK didn't face intense investigation. The accusations were simply dumped on the Senate at the 11th hour.

Yancey Ward said...

The Democratic field going into Iowa might be as large as 6 candidates- it will rival the field the Republicans had going into 2016 for size. In a field that large, the candidate with the best name recognition is in a commanding position- and Clinton has that hands down over everyone I think is likely to run, including Joe Biden. In addition, who is likely to have the money to beat her? Really only Biden could come up with it, I think.

Drago said...

Inga: "She won’t run, she knows the base doesn’t want her to."


The next time Hillary cares in the slightest what any of the little people think will be the first.

She'll cook the process and the dems will do what leftists always do: follow orders

Qwinn said...

Oh, I never said I wanted Hillary to go away. Unless it's to prison.

A song as she remains unincarcerated, I want her as the foremost face of the Democrat Party.

Oh yes indeed.

Wait. Actually. I want the same thing even if she is incarcerated. So either way.

Yancey Ward said...

To stop Clinton, the Democrats should have helped to lock her up. In the actual event, they may have to convince Michelle Obama to run.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

This is what Scott Adams calls pacing and leading in reference to Donald Trump. She's pacing the current incivility of her fellow Democrats and moving past the sale on the midterm election to get them thinking about becoming more civil as the next step after winning the election.

Roughcoat said...

a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims

Singapore under Lee Kuan Yew.

steve uhr said...

I listened to the recent debate between Baldwin and Vukmir. Vukmir constantly called Baldwin a liar. I found that somewhat off putting and think most independent voters would agree. She is a sitting senator. Vukmir would have been more effective IMO if she said false or incorrect or confused or ill informed, etc. The appearance of civility does have its place.

mccullough said...

With a crowded field of Loony Senators like Sanders, Warren, Harris, and Booker Hillary could easily win the nomination.

FIDO said...

Hillary Clinton: "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about."

Since all she values and cares about is herself, her family and her coterie of criminal accessories, yes, this is true.

Republicans want to tear her down and destroy her. Because she is evil. And worse, effectively evil.

I don't want to destroy Schumer. I laugh at Warren and Booker. Could give a rats patootie about Ellison. But Hillary has left a wake of destroyed lives in her wake and the allegations of treason are too big to ignore.

So for Hillary, it IS a Death Match...because she has made herself so damned hateful. And she won't budge an inch.

Which is why I never wanted to destroy Bill (though I did want him to pay for his crimes).

Bill is flexible.

Hillary is a True Believer. She will NEVER flex her core principles (and she looks like she's never worked her core in her life)

You can't work with True Believers.

Kevin said...

If Hillary doesn’t run in 2020 she ends her career as the loser to Trump.

If she does run in 2020 she ends her career as a two-time loser to Trump. But that won’t occur to her.

She’s the Michael Myers of candidates. If you hear she’s dead, demand to see the body.

mccullough said...

Hillary hasn’t been the same since that Obama Bro groped her cardboard cutout.

Big Mike said...

Someone needs to hot Hillary in the face with a cream pie. When she sees everyone doubled over in laughter perhaps she will realize that the only people who are telling her to run are the people who will make money from working on her campaign.

Qwinn said...

What Hillary was really saying is: "Remember how utterly annoying we were under Bush? We know you elected Obama just so you could get some peace and quiet. Well, we're going to stay loud and hysterical until we get power this time too. So just give up. We WILL wear you down. Our resources to do so are infinite. You will get no peace as long as we don't rule you."

It has worked before. But I don't think anyone believes they'll be civil if they get power again (they weren't particularly civil under Obama, after all). Quite the opposite. They'll get even worse.

Kevin said...

She won’t run, she knows the base doesn’t want her to.

The base didn’t want Trump. What’s that got to do with anything?

Michael K said...

In a field that large, the candidate with the best name recognition is in a commanding position- and Clinton has that hands down over everyone I think is likely to run,

Good point. The Kavanaugh hearings did not show any Democrats looking competent.

Where is their farm team? Maybe the Colorado Governor, but where is he in the news ?

Harris and Booker did NOT look good in those hearings. Deval Patrick, who was supposed to be the next Obama, has vanished.

The Nation has some candidates.

Jealous and Gillum should go far. The BLM drives the blacks out of the sane zone.

That's it.

BJM said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

"... about becoming more civil as the next step after winning the election."

What if they lose?

Big Mike said...

Who knew that Harold Stassen release 2.0 would wear a pantsuit?

PM said...

Drag a microphone through a trailer park...

Rick said...

In addition, who is likely to have the money to beat her? Really only Biden could come up with it, I think.

Money is not determinative, and even if it were there is plenty of Democratic money for the left. Last time Sanders had no profile to start with and almost made it. This time she starts with the voters (Dem primary remember) believing she's the only person who could have lost to Trump. They think she cost them the election and the SC. Plus she can't use her institutional power to clear the field.

If she does run it's going to be a Dan Quaylesque finish.

Wince said...

Did you see the price for the Clinton Tour tickets?

Available seats right now face value $200 to 2,500 for 15th row in Boston.

As announced in Fortune Magazine
Attending Bill and Hillary Clinton's Tour Could Cost You Up to $750 Per Ticket.
The best seats in the house for the show at the Boston Opera House in Boston will cost you $745.50.

I wonder if the difference in reported prices is due to "dynamic pricing" timed at capitalizing on the fervor of the Kavanaugh confirmation?

Anyway, you'd think people would learn after that awful, avaricious Hillary book tour.

Rick said...

BJM said...
["... about becoming more civil as the next step after winning the election."]

What if they lose?

12 comes after 11.

Kevin said...

What Hillary was really saying is:

The part of women is going to nag the country until it gets what it wants.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Kevin said...”The base didn’t want Trump. What’s that got to do with anything?”


Bay Area Guy said...


The Democrats stand for 4 things:

Double standards.

All 4 are treated as religious sacraments by the Left.

That's pretty damn good! I like how succinct it is. Definitely the last 3. I will cogitate over "tribalism." Of course, if you don't adhere to the tribe (Clarence Thomas, Kanye West), you get excommunicated. Tribe of Leftism, perhaps?

Well done!

MadisonMan said...

Big Mike, that is perfect!

Known Unknown said...

"IOW, I don't think there ever has been a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims. It's a straw-man."

The argument is not that there has been such a tyranny, but that movement toward such a tyranny would be worse than others.

Consider the small tyranny of stupid laws — those which most are designed to protect people from themselves (since they are such horrible ignoramuses) but mainly limit freedoms and choices of a majority of the population (Soda bans, helmet laws, onerous licensing fees and requirements)

mccullough said...


The Clintons are charging a lot for The Rape Apology Tour.

Big Mike said...

Harris and Booker did NOT look good in those hearings.

They had company. Among the Democrat senators only Chris Coons wasn’t a buffoon. The only sane, black senator is Tim Scott, and he’s a Republican.

Chuck said...

It might be easy to say that a statement that stupid might be the product of dementia. But it isn't the first time Hillary has said something so stupid. I think that she's just a dumb person. Especially on her feet and unscripted.

Rory said...

DBQ said: "Is there anyone with LESS self awareness than Hillary Clinton?"

She's completely aware of what she said. She's talking to the crazy Left: if she's to lead them, she must follow them.

Brian said...

The Democratic field going into Iowa might be as large as 6 candidates

One candidate has large name recognition. Avenatti. Sure his name means "porn star lawyer*" but still.

Booker, Warren, Harris, Clinton, Avenatti, Biden, Patrick, And maybe Holder. At least 6.

All but 3 will drop out after Iowa. Or Oprah. If Oprah runs, she wins.

*What a great film noir TV series. "I was a porn star lawyer"... I think i could get Netflix funding on the title alone.

Rick said...

Harris and Booker did NOT look good in those hearings.

People who think this don't vote in the Dem primary.

wholelottasplainin said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Bill Clinton(D) raped Juanita Broderick. She actually told people after it happened and there are actual witnesses who can corroborate her story.
But IIRC she didn't file a criminal complaint. And she muddied the waters when she later denied the claim in a sworn affidavit:

"Rumors circulated about Broaddrick's allegations for many years, but she refused to speak to the media. In a sworn statement in 1997 [nine years after the alleged rape] with the placeholder name "Jane Doe #5",[1] Broaddrick filed an affidavit with Paula Jones' lawyers stating there were unfounded rumors and stories circulating "that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. ... These allegations are untrue".[2]"

"Speculation continued that Broaddrick had more to say on the matter, and in an interview with Dateline NBC that aired on February 24, 1999, Broaddrick told her story in public in full for the first time, this time stating that Clinton had indeed raped her.[3] It is the most serious of the claims that emerged during the 1990s, comprising the Bill Clinton sexual misconduct allegations."

Here are some amazing/uncanny parallels to Ford's charges against Kavanaugh :


The biggest difference between the two cases is that Clinton was credibly accused by several other women, and himself said he had taken liberties with some. On top of that he committed perjury before a grand jury and was found in contempt of court in the Jones case.

So there are more grounds to "believe Juanita", but it's not a slam-dunk case.

Curious George said...

"readering said...
You folks keep dreaming she will run again in '20. Never going to happen. Nixon knew to sit the next one out."

Nixon was young enough to wait. Hillary is not. 2020 is her last shot. She'll take it.

FullMoon said...

Right. Here is my simple, oft repeated test for civility. Put a Trump bumper sticker on your car, see what happens. Even Inga, living in a "red" district afraid to accept the challenge

MBunge said...

Just a reminder...

Donald Trump got nearly 63,000,000 votes in 2016. That is more than the entire population of Italy or Spain.

Donald Trump's average approval rating has consistently hovered around 43%. That works out to about 140,000,000 Americans, which is more than the populations of Japan or Mexico or Germany and is more than the populations of France and Great Britain COMBINED.

Do any of these people on the left understand what they're stirring up?


Bay Area Guy said...

God, I hope that Avennati runs. Maybe, Stormy Daniels can be his Secretary of Commerce.

Chuck said...

The liberal media went apeshit over Justice Kavanaugh's assertion that his inquisition was in part "...revenge for the Clintons..." Including basically false reporting from many idiotic partisan hack reporters that Justice Kavanaugh was asserting "a conspiracy by the Clintons" against him. "Revenge for the Clintons" is nothing like "a conspiracy by the Clintons."

But I think Justice Kavanaugh knows better than any of us, how the old Clinton disputes festered in Washington. Especially among the staff of the Senate Judiciary Committee. I feel certain that if Justice Kavanaugh wrote it himself as his statement, it was as true as it may have been regrettable to verbalize it.

TrespassersW said...

Inga said:
. . . calling protestors “angry mobs” . . .

Please define the difference between "protesters" and "angry mobs."

Chuck said...

FullMoon said...
Right. Here is my simple, oft repeated test for civility. Put a Trump bumper sticker on your car, see what happens. Even Inga, living in a "red" district afraid to accept the challenge

When I see a Trump bumper sticker, it is most often on a vehicle like a Ford Raptor or a Dodge Power Wagon. And I give those people a wide berth. I figure that they are packing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jay -
But certainly more "slam dunky" than Baley Ford.

Michael K said...

I think that she's just a dumb person. Especially on her feet and unscripted.

I think it is time to start recognizing that it has been years, decades, since the Ivy League was a source of highly intelligent people.

Dartmouth has a good business school and engineering school but Harvard and Yale seem to be dominated by the SJWs.

That even goes back to Hillary and her college days.

Michael K said...

When I see a Trump bumper sticker, it is most often on a vehicle like a Ford Raptor or a Dodge Power Wagon.

The only Trump bumper sticker I saw in Los Angeles in 2016 was on a Tesla.

Like garlic and vampires.

Qwinn said...

Bay Area Guy: Thanks. I think tribalism is the most obvious. The Democrat strategy is to divide everyone into tribes (blacks, Hispanics, women, gays, etc.) and then claim to represent all of them except white males. Affirmative Action is tribalism on stilts. The Dems are every bit as racist/tribal as they were in the days of segregation, they've just switched the tribes they claim to be in favor of. The opposite of tribalism is "united we stand", "e pluribus unum", the American tribe subsuming all others, which is the conservative principle on the matter.

Fernandinande said...

Prohibition is the sort of thing usually offered as an example

Although I used "drug war" as a (non)example, I was mentally replacing "tyranny" with "tyrannical society" rather than "tyrannical policy", which is what he was talking about, mostly in regards to the possibility of "humanitarian" policies wielded by bad people, not the "sincere" good people of the quote (note the repeated use of "may" in the part of the quote which is typically repeated).

The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment

...[pg 5, two para breaks added = <>]

"It is, indeed, important to notice that my argument so far supposes no evil intentions on the part of the Humanitarian and considers only what is involved in the logic of his position. My contention is that good men (not bad men) consistently acting upon that position would act as cruelly and unjustly as the greatest tyrants. They might in some respects act even worse.
Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. Their very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level with those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals. But to be. punished, however severely, because we have deserved it, because we "ought to have known better", is to be treated as a human person made in God's image.

In reality, however, we must face the possibility of bad rulers armed with a Humanitarian theory of punishment."

Original Mike said...

Blogger Chuck said...”When I see a Trump bumper sticker, it is most often on a vehicle like a Ford Raptor or a Dodge Power Wagon. And I give those people a wide berth. I figure that they are packing.”

Really, Chuck? You think they’re just going to shoot you?

Francisco D said...

But it isn't the first time Hillary has said something so stupid. I think that she's just a dumb person. Especially on her feet and unscripted.

I don't know. The "vast right wing conspiracy" was a brilliant unscripted moment.

Until the blue dress, Paula Jones settlement, Kathleen Wiley allegations, Juanita Broaderick interview on NBC ...

campy said...

"Really, Chuck? You think they’re just going to shoot you?"

All LLRs constantly worry about other Rs shooting them.

Don't you know that?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Clintons are pure evil. Why the are regarded so well by the hack press.

FIDO said...

The gun control debate in two sentences.

Democrats favor gun control because they live in cities where other Democrats use guns to steal from them.

Republicans oppose gun control so they can have guns to defend themselves from Democrats.

JohnAnnArbor said...

Ficta said...
Hillary is a bizarre phenomenon in US politics.

But not in terms of other nations. She'd be just another lawyer without Bill, but she used her connection to get political prominence for herself, which she used after her husband left office. A Latin America political thing.

The Bush Dynasty is partly like that, too.

wholelottasplainin said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Jay -
But certainly more "slam dunky" than Baley Ford.

What you said was: "Bill Clinton(D) raped Juanita Broderick. She actually told people after it happened and there are actual witnesses who can corroborate her story."

The first sentence is NOT a proven fact.

The second sentence is contradicted by Broaddrick's sworn affidavit in the Jones case. She impeached herself when she later changed her story.

We don't know why she didn't file a complaint after the supposed attack. Sure, she might today claim she was afraid she would become a victim of Clinton Crime Family "arkancide", but she could have sought court protection, and the case's notoriety might have made retaliation against her very difficult.

Dunno know what the Statute of Limitations for rape is in Arkansas, but she would have a weak case today precisely because of her own public contradictory statements. The corroborating witnesses would be offering hearsay testimony, since they were not present during the alleged crime. The Jones and Willey charges would likely not be admissible in court to establish a pattern of behavior, as neither resulted in any conviction for sexual assault or rape.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tammy Bruce says:
Tammy Bruce


Even more disgusting is what Hillary is saying to those who have rejected her: You can stop our abuse of you, and our country by complying. It’s the identical conditioning a batterer engages in: surrender and I’ll stop attacking you.

steve uhr said...

Of couse they are "pure evil" because all dems are "pure evil". Whatever the F**k that means.

Hagar said...

If the Clintons had been a few years younger, they would have become Republicans when that became the way to go in Arkansas politics.

Francisco D said...

Calling protestors “angry mobs” does just this and it’s done to silence them and/or pollute the message.

I was watching the clawing at the Supreme Court doors and it is obvious that one protestor was having fun while another was egging on the crazies, like menstrual lady.

The mobs were led by paid activists doing their jobs in a fairly calm manner. One part of their job was to fire up the hysterical lunatics and mentally ill.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jay - whatever.
We are told by the left to believe all women.

Fernandinande said...

Lewis: "My subject [whence the famous quote] is not Capital Punishment in particular, but that theory of punishment in general which the controversy showed to be almost universal among my fellow-countrymen. It may be called the Humanitarian theory. Those who hold it think that it is mild and merciful. In this I believe that they are seriously mistaken. I believe that the "Humanity" which it claims is a dangerous illusion and disguises the possibility of cruelty and injustice without end. I urge a
return to the traditional or Retributive theory not solely, not even
primarily, in the interests of society, but in the interests of
the criminal.
When this theory is combined, as frequently happens, with the belief that all crime is more or less pathological, the idea of mending tails off into that of healing or curing and punishment becomes therapeutic."

So, pretty narrow subject: the punishment vs curing of criminals.

Ken B said...

I see headlines STORM OF A LIFETIME. I get tired of those, I’ve used up three lifetimes this year already.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jay - Juanita has corroborating witnesses. Blasey Ford does not.

Bay Area Guy said...

My pal had a Romney sticker on his Jeep in Oakland -- got his car keyed.

No, it's not a good idea to put a Trump sticker on your car in the Bay Area.

It aggravates the left-wing mobs.

And, No, it's not a good idea to talk too much politics on Facebook. Then, you get angry comments from Aunt Bessie in Poughkeepsie, NY asking where and how I lost all my empathy.

You can't win! Go Trump!

Brad said...

Nothing that comes out of her mouth surprises me.

The next honest word, the next self-aware word, the next humble word ... THAT would be a surprise.

This is typical, arrogant Hillary, projecting as she routinely does.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I live in a town where there is no doubt my car would be vandalized if I were to show any support to Trump or any non-leftist.

Because tolerance. But don't say mob.

Michael said...


Yep, the deplorables drive pickups and pack heat. You better stay clear motherfucker because they would love to shoot you. Assuming of course there are no black people to shoot.

Is the rest of your life clothed in cliche?

stlcdr said...

“She's completely aware of what she said. She's talking to the crazy Left: if she's to lead them, she must follow them.“

She probably has a huge team of people giving her feedback on reactions to all this stupid commentary she spouts. The results are positive - there’s a raging left that literally wants this sort of thing. Verbal Abuse, theft, violence, oppression of the opposition.

There’s a lot of people on the left who can’t stand that kind of craziness, but also can’t vote or support someone like trump. However, the results speak for themselves. Everyone is actually better off in a lot of ways. You may not like the boss but you can’t really complain about the ass if he’s effective.

JackWayne said...

I disagree this is civility bullshit. If you take her statement as is, it is perfectly reasonable from either side. I think the Democrats should definitely think that the Republicans are out to eliminate their ideas and their party. And vice versa. And I am out to eliminate both of them: One for their forceful exaltation of unlimited government. And the other for their forceful exhalation of a slightly different unlimited government. And consider this: Don’t we really want both parties to fight to the “death”? Isn’t that the Marketplace of Ideas?

Arashi said...

So its OK if a bunch of right wing types put a protest together and roam downtown Portland and burn cars with Democrat bumper stickers on them, assualt ederly folks all the while the Police stand around and watch?

Engaging with the other political pary verbally is fine - but whne you actually advocate violence - you aren't protesting anymore. You are a mob and expressing anarchy - no matter your political outlook.

Too bad that at this time in US history, the folks doing this are the left.

wholelottasplainin said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Jay - whatever.
We are told by the left to believe all women.


Whatever? I just gave you real-life reasons why she is no longer credible, whatever credibility she had at the time of the alleged attack. Leaving aside basic notions of Hearsay, your reliance on "corroborating witnesses" ignores the legal fact that they would be testifying what she told them BEFORE she recanted her own testimony via a sworn affidavit. Any lawyer worth his salt would simply argue that she lied to them---otherwise why change her story while under oath?

"Were you lying then, or are you lying now?"

I don't give a warm dump what we are "told by the left". "Believing all women" is directly contrary to our legal system under our Constitution.

If anything, you are arguing with organs that do not include your brain.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Steve - Democrats are not all evil. Some are. Some are simply fools.

Leftwing politicians are corrupt. The Clintons stand at the top of that pyramid scheme.

Michael K said...

Blogger steve uhr said...
Of couse they are "pure evil" because all dems are "pure evil". Whatever the F**k that means.

Steve, I guess you consider the Clintons to be exactly like all Democrats ?

I hope not. How do you think they got rich, having no occupation other than politics the past 30 years ?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jay - you have a link for her recanted testimony?

I've not seen it.

She supposedly told a friend and the friend noted the swollen lip.

Jim at said...

When they (Republicans) go low, we kick them. - Eric Holder

You leftists have no idea of what you're asking for. None.

But you keep up this shit? You will.

Qwinn said...

Arashi - at every single last point in US history since the Civil War, the violence has been from the Left.

Every. Single. Time.

Paul said...

"Hillary says series of sex claims against Bill are NOT like the Kavanaugh confirmation because her husband faced 'intense investigation'".

'Intense investigation'? Isn't this where Bill and Hillary called Paula Jones 'trailer trash' and all the other women were liars? And dang... And that 'blue dress' popped up show that Bill lied under oath?

And those claims were while Bill was Governor and later President. Kavanaugh's were supposedly in high school and college.

Man... Hillary just will not get over losing to Trump. She is a woman scored and she keeps a grudge.

Qwinn said...

Steve uhr: You can't figure out what "pure evil" in the context of Democrats means? It's easy, just recall what the Left has been calling every single Republican since McCarthy. If you're appalled that the favor is being returned - too frickin bad.

Big Mike said...

@MadMan, thanks but which of my bon mots are you referring to?

Michael K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

Pretty good column by John Kass today.

My old teachers were young in the 1960s. They were civil libertarians and liberals, yes, but not in the modern sense. A liberal then and the hard left of today are very different creatures. And the American Civil Liberties Union has, for partisan political purposes, abandoned the presumption of innocence where Kavanaugh was concerned.

My teachers taught those books with care and purpose. But if they were teaching today, they might be fearful to speak, lest they be branded as the enemy by the mob that has ruthlessly shouted down dissent in American universities.

Alex said...

Jack Wayne - normals do not want this cage match politics. They prefer it when it was 1992 with the townhall meetings.

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