October 8, 2018

"Carry Nation’s wrath was a response to matters both private and public: she was furious at her alcoholic husband..."

"... and furious at the legal system that let men like him drink freely to the detriment of women, children, and society at large. Although her means were unusual and her desired ends unfashionable, she was representative of a recurring figure in American history: the woman whose activism is fuelled by anger. Such women are much in the news today, and much in the streets, too, although generally without the hatchet. Since the 2016 Presidential election, countless numbers of them have set out to make hell howl—by disrupting government hearings, occupying federal buildings, scaling the Statue of Liberty, boycotting businesses, going on strike, coming forward with stories of harassment and assault, flooding congressional telephone lines, raising a middle finger at the Presidential motorcade, and attending protests by the millions, sometimes carrying with them representations of the President’s castrated testicles and severed head."

From "The Perils and Possibilities of Anger/After centuries of censure, women reconsider the political power of female rage" by Casey Cep in The New Yorker.


donald said...

Screw Carry Nation and the anti Americans who did her bidding.

Dave Begley said...

"Since the 2016 Presidential election, countless numbers of them have set out to make hell howl...."

And millions of sane women look at these loons and vow to vote GOP.

rhhardin said...

Nagging instinct, directed at men in general. Men in general don't care, so it doesn't work.

deepelemblues said...

Ah yes, Carrie Nation, one of the biggest and most harmful failures in American political history.

What a great example to aspire to.

rhhardin said...

Penis envy.

n.n said...

Hatchets, scalpels, ...

They need to present names, numbers, and evidence, not innuendo, exaggeration, and lies for effect and profit carried forward by ideologically-aligned bullhorns.

rhhardin said...

Historically women carry about giant phalluses in rituals, not pussy hats.

Achilles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Holy shit. Wrong person. This is batshit insane.

Are the leftists seriously Holdoing this person up as a hero?

"Carrie Amelia Nation (forename sometimes spelled Carry;[1] November 25, 1846 – June 9, 1911) was an American woman who was a radical member of the temperance movement, which opposed alcohol before the advent of Prohibition. She is particularly noteworthy for attacking alcohol-serving establishments (most often taverns) with a hatchet.

Nation also had concerns about tight clothing for women. In fact, she refused to wear a corset and urged women not to wear them because of their harmful effects on vital organs.[2]

She described herself as "a bulldog running along at the feet of Jesus, barking at what He doesn't like",[3] and claimed a divine ordination to promote temperance by destroying bars."

rehajm said...

Rage as a danger is a bit of a straw man. Threatening behavior is a danger. Rage itself is bratty and annoying.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Well, she was spot-on about corsets, but 1 out of 3 ain't great.

cronus titan said...

Maybe acting like lunatics is effective persuasion (something tells me Scott Adams would take issue with that). I suppose we will see soon enough. Hillary ran on the female rage thing. Didn''t work out.

The logic train is awesome: My husband was an alcoholic, therefore all men must pay. Same logic train as Kavanaugh: I was sexually assaulted by someone, somewhere, so Kavanaugh must pay.

Achilles said...

Casey Cep at The New Yorker is trying to tie the crazy Harpies of Soros with the fundamentalist christian Temperance movement.

This is an interesting gambit by the media tools.

I wish I had time to do a broader canvas of the media right now.

fivewheels said...

"disrupting government hearings, occupying federal buildings ... flooding congressional telephone lines, raising a middle finger at the Presidential motorcade, and attending protests by the millions"

So, not doing anything of any value or import. Just emotional display. Tantrums.

iqvoice said...

Female rage & out-of-control females in general, just reinforce my opinion that female emancipation was a big mistake. The "strong, independent woman" is a myth, and clearly females need a male guardian to look after them.

Anonymous said...

...countless numbers of them...

I don't think they'd be that difficult to count.

TrespassersW said...

Compare and contrast with William Wilberforce.

Achilles said...

It was easy to see the left trying to play the civility can't we all just get along card a month before the elections coming.

But I don't think they are going to cut losses on the modern day temperance movement removing them from the collective.

It would be an interesting move for them to assume a religious mantle.

It would take several moves to make it work but it is better than what they are doing.

Wince said...

If they can't beat you, join 'em!

Axe-Throwing Bars Are A Hot Trend, Despite What You Think Could Go Wrong

Rob said...

Trying to make sense of it all. Hatchet. Face of the Resistance. Elizabeth Warren. I've got it: Resist Elizabeth Warren's hatchet face.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I called Trumpit "Carrie Nation" a couple of days ago, but that was in jest. (Trumpit was harrumphing about "drunken sex.") I didn't think the left would actually hold Nation up as a feminist exemplar - but that's the sort of prudish killjoys they have become.

I have no doubt that if Nation was alive today, she'd be one of those shrieking grannies with pink-tinted hair and a "Well Behaved Women Don't Make History" bumper sticker on her Volvo.

chuck said...

Somewhere in the multiverse is a reality where The New Yorker matters. Rage on, little ladies, make us proud.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Hysterical cat ladies rage impotently, safe in the knowledge that the Patriarchy protects them from getting slapped in their stupid shrill faces.

How much misery, crime, and destruction caused by prohibition could have been prevented if somebody had just bitch slapped that loopy retard in the face good and hard and said "NO!"

gspencer said...

Aren't they supposa use rolling pins?


Vance said...

So does anyone think that the "Screaming lunatic woman waving a hatchet" look is one that makes others want to join this paragon of femaleness?

neal said...

It is a big country. I shall stumble around and pee freely.
A man can only put up with so much cider and brandy.

It was not me. Damed horsies.

rhhardin said...

Women in national politics are pretty useless. It's proven every day. It does get a soap opera audience, so there's ratings at least. Somebody's making money.

In domestic affairs, women actually do rule.

YoungHegelian said...

It's interesting that a reporter would choose the Temperance Movement as an example of female activist rage, since the Temperance Movement is not considered a success by our modern lights.

Not only did the Temperance Movement feature the sort of Fundamentalist theology as exemplified by "Jesus' Bulldog", but it was famously Nativist (those Catholic Micks, Krauts, & Dagos sure loved to drink, & their faith had no strictures about doing so), racist (the Darkies got into even more trouble than normal when they'd had a bellyful of booze), & sexist (men were by nature given to violence under the influence of Demon Rum).

It also radically affected the nature of American society, which due to its primarily northern European roots, drank alcoholic beverages all the damn time. It's unbelievable how much our ancestors drank! John Adams, for example, started his day with a big tankard of hard cider with his breakfast. You know Johnnie Appleseed? He wasn't planting apples so that schoolkids could eat them for lunch. Those apple orchards were for making hard cider, which was easier to make & keep than beer. And we're not even getting into the "Whisky Rebellion".

JackWayne said...

It’s not odd that women are so closely associated with Prohibition, MADD and #MeToo, all movements that are essentially hysterical. But, luckily, it’s not all women, just a particular kind. Where rage overwhelms reason. All of them preaching a certain kind of social behavior. And the religious upheavals of the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries have all been powered in large part by women. Unexpectedly!

prairie wind said...

Political power of fear-mongering, not rage. Carrie Nation painted a nasty picture of what booze does. Today's women are painting a nasty picture of what men do. Both were/are wrong. Booze is bad for some people. Some men do bad things.

I am tired of the lists of "what women can't do after dark" I see popping up. I don't do much different after dark. I don't carry my keys sticking out between my fingers, I don't ask security guards to walk me to my car, I don't avoid the elevator if there is a man in it, I don't walk in fear. I DO try to be aware of my surroundings--who is out there, what they are doing, what my alternative routes are--but I do that in the daytime anyway. And sometimes I try to avoid crowds of women.

I saw something about how we need to do more to encourage women to go to college even though more women have degrees and more women attend college/unis than men do now.

Women have it pretty good. Are there still some jerks out there? Yep. And women had better learn how to deal with the jerks.

Henry said...

If you read the whole article, you find that at its center is yet another attack on white women. The only good white woman is a dead white woman.

Kevin said...

Trump has already run once as the law and order candidate.

He's already testing the line that Democrats are "the party of crime" for obstructing the border wall and attempting to abolish ICE.

How best could they play into his narrative but to incite women to rage around on the streets?

Maybe he could start tweeting how "the failing NYT" is unsuccessfully trying to rile up women? That should put their efforts into overdrive.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

to promote temperance by destroying bars.

What is it with Democrats and restaurants. Destroying bars, running blacks out of lunch counters and now running republicans out of restaurants.

Kevin said...

What do women want?


When do they want it?


Clyde said...

"Journalistic" standards at The New Yorker have certainly slipped if the "journalist" can't even spell Carrie Nation's name right! Boooo! You suck, Casey Cep!

Michael K said...

"Well Behaved Women Don't Make History" bumper sticker on her Volvo.

I think Subarus are now the in car with lesbians. Haven't checked in a while but I see lot of them around the University.

Much of this is the Puritan ethic of New England carried to insanity. That's why we have to get rid of Harvard and Yale. Both were divinity schools. Al Gore even had his degree in Divinity.

Birkel said...

If they double down on this sort of behavior, I am sure the Democrats will win.

They are not strident enough!

Cato Renasci said...

Carrie Nation's rage led to the almost complete destruction of the thriving American wine industry, the growth of bootlegging and organized crime, and a general contempt for the law from which we have not recovered.

Her rage turned into a national disaster.

The law of unintended consequences.

Maybe women's suffrage wasn't such a good idea after all....

Darrell said...

On June 4, 1913. Suffragette Emily Wilding Davison tried to tie a scarf from her group on the King's horse, Anmer, at the Epsom Derby. She was struck and the horse and rider went down. Davison died of her injuries four days later in Epsom Cottage Hospital.

Two days later, in an emergency session of Parliament, horses were given the right to vote in England--a right they enjoy to this very day.

Jupiter said...

rhhardin said...
"Nagging instinct, directed at men in general. Men in general don't care, so it doesn't work."

Hmmm, yeah. The idea is that nagging is an implied threat to withhold sex. Which means, put another way, that it is an implied offer of sex in return for specified considerations. But in either case, it is only effective when performed by a woman the target is interested in having sex with. In fact, it may well be that the rage results from the insult implied by the utter ineffectiveness of the nagging. The raging of feckless cunts.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Yes, Subaru is the choice of lesbians. When I lived in Bucks County, PA, I was also told that I could not wear a flannel shirt. Nor could I wear my shirt tucked in with a belt through the loops of my jeans as that was strictly for lesbians.

I stopped socializing until I moved the hell out of there. But I still don't own a flannel shirt, and all my tops are untucked.

bagoh20 said...

Hey ladies, you know who steals the most from women? The IRS. So head over to that building first and chop away.

walter said...

"sometimes carrying with them representations of the President’s castrated testicles and severed head."
Well...that's persuasive.
But considered funny stuff on The View.

Cato Renasci said...

"Nagging instinct, directed at men in general. Men in general don't care, so it doesn't work."

The idea is that nagging is an implied threat to withhold sex. Which means, put another way, that it is an implied offer of sex in return for specified considerations. But in either case, it is only effective when performed by a woman the target is interested in having sex with. In fact, it may well be that the rage results from the insult implied by the utter ineffectiveness of the nagging.

It only works when there are not plenty of reasonably attractive women out there perfectly happy to have sex - to hell with sisterhood - or prostitution is illegal and effectively suppressed.

JML said...

Sh!t. My wife drives a Subaru. Double sh!t. So do I...Mike, I didn’t know.

MadisonMan said...

You can't win over voters by telling them they're wrong, or depraved, or deplorable, or that their basic philosophy of life is a terrible, terrible thing. That is the central problem with the Democratic Party at the moment. Look what you can compare it to: A party that says "Come with us and help make America Great!!"

There are parts of Republican Party dealings that I don't like. But I have a choice: A or B. I choose to #Walkaway and go with Republicans. Democrats just seem angry and adrift.

Fernandinande said...

disrupting government hearings,
occupying federal buildings,
scaling the Statue of Liberty,
boycotting businesses,
going on strike,
coming forward with stories of harassment and assault,
flooding congressional telephone lines,
raising a middle finger at the Presidential motorcade,
attending protests by the millions,
carrying with them representations of the President’s castrated testicles and severed head.

IOW, melodramatic noise and harassment.

I was also told that I could not wear a flannel shirt.

Usually the passive phrasing in that standardized expression, "I was told", means your imagination told you. Or was it society?

JML said...

Annie, once when my wife worked at a military instillation she got a disastrous hair cut. She was hit on by a few female NCOs and Officers. She was not a happy camper.

Jim at said...

You're going to have to have more than screaming at the sky, you raging harpies.

You get one ballot. Just like the rest of us.

Bay Area Guy said...

Prohibition was an historic miscalculation of epic proportions. The law of unintended consequences at its finest.

Carry Nation, bless her heart, had great intentions and did see first hand some of the evils of alcoholism, starting with her own husband.

However, banning alcohol increased the "evils" probably 100-1000 fold. In essence, it made millions for the Al Capone mob in Chicago, who got so rich and powerful that they took over all levels of local and state government. Then, they burrowed into Hollywood, the unions and many politicians at the federal level. All from the exorbitant profits they made from that 14-year mistake.

Be careful of zealous liberal women who crusade for stuff. They sometimes make it worse.

JML said...

I should add she was not driving a Subaru at that time.

Doug said...

Yeah, women need to get over themselves and just get to work. Serious people need to stop lavishing so much attention on them.

Spiros Pappas said...

These women were right. The association between alcohol and aggression is huge.
So American men drinking all day long meant trouble (mostly for minorities, women and children, likely in that order). And the stats are absurd. In 1830, Americans drank an average of 7.1 gallons of pure alcohol per year! How is that even possible? And even the Navy would give its sailors a half-pint (!) daily rum ration. What the hell?!

Michael K said...

I was also told that I could not wear a flannel shirt. Nor could I wear my shirt tucked in with a belt through the loops of my jeans as that was strictly for lesbians.

My middle daughter, who was kind of a jock in college, decided she wanted to see if there was an intramural sport she might like at UCLA. She made the mistake of going to a women's rugby practice. It was a year before they quit calling her.

Michael K said...

In 1830, Americans drank an average of 7.1 gallons of pure alcohol per year! How is that even possible? And even the Navy would give its sailors a half-pint (!) daily rum ration. What the hell?!

No cars. Your horse would get you home.

stevew said...

Pardon me, what did you say (scream)?

Check me on this, but I suspect that behavior and demands most people consider to be irrational will simply be ignored.


Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Michael K, I hope she stayed away from softball too.

Rick said...

Well Behaved Women Don't Make History" bumper sticker

Percentage wise pretty much no one makes history. Everyone accepts this except nine year-olds and feminists.

Christopher said...

I don't demand that people be experts on history when they're drawing parallels between modern events and those in the past, but could they at least check out the CliffsNotes?

Yes, lets cite a proponent for one of the most disastrous attempts at social engineering in American history as an example to be followed.

Dear Lord, do these writers have any idea what they sound like?

chickelit said...

“Suspicious that President William McKinley was a secret drinker, Nation applauded his 1901 assassination because drinkers "got what they deserved."[Wiki]

Change a couple minor facts and you have the profile of today’s female SJW.

Mr. Majestyk said...

"... sometimes carrying with them representations of the President’s castrated testicles and severed head."

Okay ladies, I was wavering up until that last bit. Now I see that your logic is impeccable. Your facts are indisputable. I am fully persuaded to your point of view.

chickelit said...

“And the stats are absurd. In 1830, Americans drank an average of 7.1 gallons of pure alcohol per year! How is that even possible? And even the Navy would give its sailors a half-pint (!) daily rum ration. What the hell?!”

I’m skeptical of that stat because no one actually drinks pure alcohol — It’s always diluted and therefore is hard to measure. 7.1 gallons of alcoholic beverages sounds entirely reasonable given that water supplies in cities were often tainted and people mostly drank ales and ciders instead.

Seeing Red said...

Was Carrie Nation a very well paid howler?

Via Insty:

WANT TO GET RICH? BE A PROFESSIONAL LEFTIST PROTESTER! Like Ana Maria Archila, co-executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy (CPD), the screeching girl who cornered Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) in that Senate elevator last week.

You may already know that Archila makes a big salary, but did you know about the other seven CPD big-wigs who are making annual total compensation that is two and in at least one case more than three times the U.S. average median household income? Go here for more, much more, my friends.

Fernandinande said...

In 2018 Subaru had about 4% of the US car market, and lesbos were 4 times as likely to buy a Subaru as were the general public, so Subaru should comprise about 16% or the lesbo market, with 84% not buying Subarus.

SGT Ted said...

They need to bring back the scolds bridle.

Seeing Red said...

And the stats are absurd. In 1830, Americans drank an average of 7.1 gallons of pure alcohol per year! How is that even possible? And even the Navy would give its sailors a half-pint (!) daily rum ration. What the hell?!”

Unclean water. Those stats wouldn’t surprise me.

Fernandinande said...

of the lesbo market

SGT Ted said...

it is fairly well established that feminism has been taken over by the mentally ill. You can tell by how they talk about people.

n.n said...

Sex politics with gender stereotype frosting. How very diverse.

SGT Ted said...

Sailors also had a gallon of beer per day ration.

Fernandinande said...

"One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words ‘Socialism’ and ‘Communism’ draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack, pacifist, and feminist in England." -- Some white guy

Shouting Thomas said...

The problem with this now commonly recited story is that laudanum addiction was epidemic among women during Carrie Nation's era.

Combination of alcohol and opioids.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, really a very large percentage of people living in the 19th century and early 20th century were drunk and stoned out of their minds much of the time.

Arashi said...

Pretty much everybody was half in the bag. I once read a description of Washington's daily intake at Valley Forge - and even accounitng for the generally lower alcohol content of booze ate the time - it is a wonder that anything got done at all.

walter said...

"In the 1990s, Subaru’s unique characteristic was that the company increasingly made all-wheel-drive standard on all its cars. When Subaru marketers went searching for people willing to pay a premium for all-wheel-drive, they identified four core groups who were responsible for half of the company’s American sales: teachers and educators, healthcare professionals, IT professionals, and “rugged individualists” (outdoorsy types).
Then they discovered a 5th: lesbians.
“When we did the research, we found pockets of the country like Northampton, Massachusetts, and Portland, Oregon, where the head of the household would be a single person—and often a women,” says Bennett. When Subaru marketers talked to these customers, they realized these women buying Subarus were lesbian.
“There was such an alignment of feeling, like [Subaru cars] fit with what they did,” says Paul Poux, who later conducted focus groups for Subaru. The marketers found that lesbian Subaru owners liked that the cars were good for outdoor trips, and that they were good for hauling stuff without being as large as a truck or SUV. (In a line some women may not like as much, marketers also said Subaru’s dependability was a good fit for lesbians since they didn’t have a man who could fix car problems.) “They felt it fit them and wasn’t too flashy,” says Poux.
Many of them even felt an affinity with the name.
‘Subaru’ is the Japanese name for the Pleiades, a six-star constellation. When Kenji Kita, the CEO of Subaru's parent company, Fuji Heavy Industries, chose the name in 1954, he chose it to represent how six Japanese companies had merged to form Fuji Heavy Industries. But in English, the constellation is also known as the Seven Sisters—the same name as a group of American women’s colleges."


Arashi said...

Well, some notable persons of the female persuasion did do a commercial for them..


Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Now if only you could explain the flannel thing, Walter. I used to love flannel after it got broken in and soft.

Darrell said...

Subaru would set sales records if they included a u-haul-type trailer with every car. Handy for moving in after the first date.

walter said...

JML said...Sh!t. My wife drives a Subaru. Double sh!t. So do I...Mike, I didn’t know.
Still time to get a VW Slgbug and rock the flower power.

Arashi said...

Yeah, I don't get the flannel thng either - lumber jacks and lesbians?

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

I don't know either, Arashi. But I was told in no uncertain terms, "wear it again and we'll tear it off you." In February, in Pennsylvania.

Arashi said...

Weird - maybe it has come to be like the bloods and crypts thing with red and blue bandanas in parts of LA?

Comanche Voter said...

Women attending anti-Trump (or anti-Kavanugh) protests by the millions? I think Cep Carey is using the same crowd counting "experts" that The Donald used to count the crowd at his inauguration.

I'll give Ms. Cep a generous estimate of say half a million total female protesters aiming to make hell howl since the guy with the "adequate" equipment from Queens stepped into the Oval Office. And I'll throw in maybe another million or so protesters who went out into the streets without making total asses of themselves.

But I'm certain that The Donald with his various rallies around the country has now been seen by at least half a million or more howling enthusiasts who revel at his every word in those rallies. He may be a blowhard---but they fervently acknowledge that he is their blowhard and they are on his side.

And I'll warrant that there are tens of millions of women (not so much after all in a country that has 150 million plus women)who are turned off by the ladies who want to make hell howl. All this sturm and drang is counterproductive.

Darrell said...

Flannel is associated with lumberjacks and "real" men. Some lesbians pretend they are men--and the worst stereotypes of men to boot. I never understood that. It's supposed to be women loving women. Lipstick lesbians fit that bill better.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

I guess that explains the jeans and thick belts, engineer boots and wallet chains too.

Arashi said...

Were they riding Harleys? That dress style would fit.

FIDO said...

There are key differences between Carrie Nation and today:

1) Carrie was not just a single harridan with an ax. She had strong support from Protestant Christian culture.

2) The detriments of alcohol were much more manifest than a 'he said/she said' encounter. Angry women LIE. They go brutal. They talk about your mother.

3) The changes envisioned by the 'Angry women' in this article have a strong NEGATIVE effect for society at large if enacted. Not just men but women as well. Due Process and Presumption of Innocence are far more important than a single SCOTUS pick.

4) And this lackwit has the presumption that the only angry women are on his/her side! What he really means are 'Angry FEMINIST Women'.

For every Inga out there, we have a Mockturtle, a Angel Dyne, and a whole bevy of other women here who are angry AT THE FEMINISTS.

Who was arguing for drunkenness? It was hard to defend. Who is arguing about the Rule of Law? Many on the Right and Center and even some Marge noises from the Left.

So poor scholarship and analogies. It is a pretty typical 'You Go Girl' rah rah speech to click bait the chicks. I can easily see Mockturtle looking askance at this simp.

Freeman Hunt said...

So, rage makes you advocate for things without thinking through their implications?

The Crack Emcee said...

Carry Nation's husband deserved a drink.

FIDO said...

Oddly enough, the Prohibition Museum is in Columbus Ohio and I visited it once.

During the run up to Prohibition, the teetotalers DYNAMITED a saloon that they had issues with.

I would strongly suggest that the Womyn do not follow in those footsteps as it would go badly for them afterwards.

Comanche Voter said...

Hey lay off the Subies! Straight women drive them too. The company has an interesting arc in the developmet of its US market. When Subaru first came to the States its cars were small and sort of like sardine cans. That was true of all of the Japanese manufacturers--their initial shipments into the US had some pretty awful cars.

Subaru was a little slow off the mark in going upmarket. But they've managed to keep their core group of customers (includng the lesbians) along for the ride. I know several very straight women (my wife's cousin, a local neighbor, a friend's daughter etc) who drive Subarus. I can't say I know a lesbian who drives one--but then I'm not verifying the gender "preference" of every apparent female that I know. And for what it's worth, most of the new Subarus you see on the streets were made in Indiana by US workers.

Bay Area Guy said...

"So, really a very large percentage of people living in the 19th century and early 20th century were drunk and stoned out of their minds much of the time."

Hell Yeah! What was the life expectancy back then, like age 40? Life was nasty, brutish and short, back then. Getting stoned made it a bit more tolerable.

FIDO said...

Sorry. I forgot that point. (Apropos, I am drinking at this time. Let me hoist a glass to Carrie/Carry Nation: good on you for fighting a difficult fight)

Back in the day, women had more leverage than today.

Chivalry, marriage as the only proper recourse to status and sex, children and family.

These are POTENT levers for men.

Alas, between destroying Christianity, destroying marriage and ruining family, there are not a lot of levers these women can use against men, since Post Modernism has also killed shame.

After all, shame must be dead for Democrats to behave as they do.

Carry offered Heath and Home to 'proper acting' men.

Feminists can't even offer that. Not credibly.

Jupiter said...

‘Subaru’ is the Japanese name for the Pleiades, a six-star constellation. When Kenji Kita, the CEO of Subaru's parent company, Fuji Heavy Industries, chose the name in 1954, he chose it to represent how six Japanese companies had merged to form Fuji Heavy Industries. But in English, the constellation is also known as the Seven Sisters—the same name as a group of American women’s colleges."

"The moon has set,
and the Pleiades;
it is midnight,
the time is going by,
and I sleep alone."


FIDO said...

Just as an observation:

America had Prohibition. Europeans drink a HELL OF A LOT MORE than Americans do.

So it is hard to characterize Prohibition as a failure.

The average Czech person drinks 140 LITERS of beer a year.

That is a lot of beer.

FIDO said...

I am currently happily drunk, so I bid you adieu.

Sadly, I doubt our Blogtrix will miss me overly much, but she is the Ringmaster. I am here for the rest of the clowns.

They are much more interesting.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Here comes the new puritanism.

n.n said...

and the worst stereotypes of men to boot. I never understood that. It's supposed to be women loving women

Without knowing the side-effects of their transgender attributes, they are infected with the toxic effects of a masculine sexual orientation (i.e. loving women).

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

The Crack Emcee said...
Carry Nation's husband deserved a drink.

Indeed, and then some.

chickelit said...

Christopher Columbus is a hero depicted on American stamps and coinage. Carrie Nation is not. Blame the white patriarchy.

n.n said...

lumber jacks and lesbians

Masculine females. Gender and sex.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

This was horse country. William Shatner brought his show there every year. Five gaiters and jumpers.

The feminine women all rode and their girlfriends all wore flannel and wallet chains.

New Hope, PA. A very different life.

Michael K said...

The company has an interesting arc in the developmet of its US market.

Subaru at one time had the auto market in China sewn up. That's what they were all 4 wheel drive,

Michael K said...

Blogger Annie C said...
Michael K, I hope she stayed away from softball too.

She stuck with martial arts, which was probably good idea.

The first lesbians I ever encountered were women professional softball players when I was a kid.

They liked little boys and I kind of hung out with them. There was a semi-pro stadium they used to play at.

Of course, I had no idea what a lesbian was. It's all in retrospect.

walter said...

"The road to the hatchet however was a somewhat progressive one beginning simply with verbal demands of closure directed at the illegal bar owners in her local town of Kiowa, Kansas. With her warnings not surprisingly falling upon deaf ears and yet empowered with a sense of divinity, Carrie described her next steps as such;
“I wrapped up my rocks, and I didn’t dare to tell a human being what I was about to do”. Entering again one of the saloons, which had been pre-warned, she confidently set about throwing her carefully wrapped rocks at anything fragile within range before leaving the saloon with a mosaic of broken glass and stunned patrons in her wake. This however, was just the beginning. Inspired by a throw away comment from her then husband to “use a hatchet for maximum damage” – less than a month later Carrie would continue her rampage, iconic axe in hand, wrecking havoc upon a further four saloons, three mirrors, 211 glasses and bottles and 26 gallons of beer and whiskey. By the end of the next month, supported by some conscripts from the WCTU (Women’s Christian Temperance Union) a further two towns, three saloons, three mirrors, 175 bottles and 35 gallons of beer and whiskey would be added to her tally. If a door was barred she would simply go at it with the hatchet. "

ccscientist said...

Rage is not a coherent political strategy. It is a precursor to riots, chaos and anarchy. Even female rage (bless their hearts) has no good outcome. Female rage is Bobbit cutting off her husband's willy. It is women marching in pussy hats with no coherent platform or goal. Rage is a teenage emotion, not for adults.

traditionalguy said...

The blue collar working men with family were spending their pay getting drunk every Friday at the saloons. The family would go hungry and out shoes/clothes. Becoming a Christian for these workers meant T-Total on the wagon Southern baptist”.

CARRIE was a heroine to the families whose Patriarch became a sober man again. She only became a bad example recently. And now Marijuana is the Saloon owners new wealth stream.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

There were always some men that did not take care of their families, there were always some women that did not take care of their families. Alcohol, drugs, stupidity, accident, or just plain mean.

From life in the caves to today. And there always will be. Humans and all that.

Bill Peschel said...

In addition to the foul water, dentistry was not as good then, either.

Got a toothache, you had to pull the tooth.

Not to mention the workplace injuries and the veterans who were still in pain from war wounds.

No wonder they drank.

eddie willers said...

but 1 out of 3 ain't great.

In baseball it makes you a hero.

rcocean said...

One problem in those days, was the alcohol poisoning because a lot Saloons adulterated their whiskey and other hard liquors

And if the Booze didn't kill you, the "free lunch" would.

rcocean said...

"Europeans drink a HELL OF A LOT MORE than Americans do."

I know some German tech companies serve Beer in the Company Cafeteria at lunch.

Try that in the USA!

Quaestor said...

Carry Nation is the new feminist icon!

Yeah, right.

Quaestor said...

One problem in those days, was the alcohol poisoning because a lot Saloons adulterated their whiskey and other hard liquors.

Very true. The real reason absinthe was banned in France is the fact the French were buying less wine and more imported beverages of every variety and style, however, the immediate reason, the reason many politicians supported the ban was cheap "absinthe" used copper sulfate to color the liquor.

Bad Lieutenant said...

traditionalguy said...
The blue collar working men with family were spending their pay getting drunk every Friday at the saloons. The family would go hungry and out shoes/clothes. Becoming a Christian for these workers meant T-Total on the wagon Southern baptist”.

Your trouble is the things you say don't mean anything. If you want to quit drinking abusively, become Jewish. Or I suppose Muslim but we won't cut off your head if you backslide. We allow drinking just fine but very rarely do we suffer from alcoholism. Of course you have your professional shikkers like Mailer. But I doubt even he would drink enough to impoverish his family. That's disgusting and insane.

Michael K said...

there were always some women that did not take care of their families.

One of my ancestors, about the time of the Revolutionary War, had his wife run off. Her name was "Jane."

It happened.

chickelit said...

Q wrote; “French were buying less wine and more imported beverages of every variety and style, however, the immediate reason, the reason many politicians supported the ban was cheap "absinthe" used copper sulfate to color the liquor.”

CuSO4 is blue. The only blue absinthe that I know of is La Clandestine. Most a sickly green — sort the color of dilute aqueous Cr3+.

Pookie Number 2 said...

If you want to quit drinking abusively, become Jewish.

If only. I think our stats are none too different than our non-Jewish friends’

Bob Loblaw said...

I wonder how many stupid things we've done as a country to satisfy women's urge to control everyone for their own good.

Ken B said...

Young Hegelian
You are missing the key point. They got an amendment.
Now of course, the stupidest, most destructive amendment, which caused death and suffering, but that's beside the point. Channel Carrie Nation and we can repeal the right to trial, the electoral college, and free speech! It's a leftist's wet dream.

Quaestor said...

Maceration of the Artemisia absinthium produced a pale yellow. Adding a drop or two of the copper sulfate made it green.

Krumhorn said...

We must honor their rage. It’s the nicest thing we can do.

Fortunately, the women in my life are pretty disgusted by it all.

- Krumhorn

Quaestor said...

The only blue absinthe that I know of is La Clandestine.

There's an entire subclass of absinthe known for bluish coloration, mainly of the finest Swiss distillations among them. I prefer the verts because they tend to be less strong on the fennel notes and mintier.

Kubler is a Swiss bleu (very pale blue, hard to see) and quite nice. The blue is more obvious in the louche.

Quaestor said...

Carrie Nation wannabees, Ken Dilanian, and Inga's abandoned love child are why we have the 2nd Amendment.

Get that CCW. Invest in an AR. Put in the range time.

Guildofcannonballs said...

My wrath matters not Nations.

Like Crack's ancestors will owe mine quadrillions.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"My reasons satisfy me Susan" says Althouse to y'all.

MayBee said...

It's so much less romantic when it's the Trump voter who is angry. Or maybe it's that rage is more romantic than anger. Whatever. The Trump ragey people don't "make hell howl", they just divide the country.

traditionalguy said...

@ Bad Lieutenant...My report on Carrie's popular appeal is just rural southern History. The Presbos and Methodists, much less the Episcopalians, never went there. Why should they.

But it was a real social problem in days before welfare programs...not the alcohol, but the impoverishment of the workers by the liquor industry. If they had given it away free, then Carrie would not have bothered them.

Guildofcannonballs said...

figuratively says not "" like I say said says etc.

Althouse (who else?).

Guildofcannonballs said...

Fufure imd orientation demsdns younall pay me , now. Althouuse knows. Ways.

William said...

In the city of my youth, there was at least one bar on every block. Now, I see more Starbucks and other premium coffee shops than bars. I also see a lot of yoga and cycle studios. Somehow along the way, we have evolved into the kind of society Carrie Nation wanted. I don't know how this happened, but I don't think Carrie Nation had anything to do with it.

richard mcenroe said...

One must acknowledge Carrie Nation's gift of organized crime to America, when considering the modern outraged woman.

Shouting Thomas said...

I don't know how this happened, but I don't think Carrie Nation had anything to do with it.

The day to day life of common people improved dramatically. See this interchange:

"So, really a very large percentage of people living in the 19th century and early 20th century were drunk and stoned out of their minds much of the time."

Hell Yeah! What was the life expectancy back then, like age 40? Life was nasty, brutish and short, back then. Getting stoned made it a bit more tolerable.

Life is a lot more tolerable now.

William said...

A fair number of prominent Democrats have been involved in sex scandals. I can't recall any of them being shamed in restaurants. Some lost their careers but they weren't hounded or publicly ridiculed. Their enablers and supporters also never took much of a hit. You'd think that people like Hillary or Matt Damon would be a little circumspect in trashing alleged sex offenders, but you would be wrong.

richard mcenroe said...

William, that's because the new generation drinks in sullen silence alone,in front of their keyboards...

William said...

Why would she lie? Besides the money, fame, book deal, and adulation, she may have lied to advance her political cause. Activists lie all the time for such reasons...... Ethel Rosenberg wouldn't tell the truth to literally save her life. If she had admitted to spying, she would have been given a stiff sentence, but she would have lived and eventually died a free woman. Leftists like to think that the execution of Ethel Rosenberg demonstrates the cruelty of the American justice system. Maybe, it's also an example of the lengths that self deluded leftists will go to propagandize their cause.

William said...

@richard McEnroe: You may be right. I still see a fair number of liquor stores hanging on.

Leland said...

For all the talk of Trump being like Hitler; I don't recall the Jews roaming the streets, some with hatchets, carrying representations of Hitler's severed head and testicles. I see lots of hate in this story, but it is most definitely landed on one side.

Gahrie said...

Rage is not a coherent political strategy. It is a precursor to riots, chaos and anarchy. Even female rage (bless their hearts) has no good outcome. Female rage is Bobbit cutting off her husband's willy. It is women marching in pussy hats with no coherent platform or goal. Rage is a teenage emotion, not for adults.

It's not rage, it's hysteria.

Gahrie said...

Still time to get a VW Slgbug and rock the flower power.

I'm as conservative as they come, and most of the cars I've ever owned have been a VW of one type or another. I love the things. When the electric Transport bus hits the market I'll probably buy one.

walter said...

Really? Have a buddy who was a proud Passat owner years ago and it quickly became a money pit.

walter said...

(He ditched it once he surveyed car forums and found he was far from alone)

walter said...

Actually, one of the issues was emissions compliance in Milwaukee..even though his was not diesel (see scandal), though was turbo.

Gretchen said...

So acting like a screaming lunatic and destroying things because you generally blame men (along with their white wives) for all the worlds ills is celebrated, but an innocent man getting worked up because he is accused of drugging and gang raping women is somehow proof he is mentally unfit and exhibiting inappropriate emotion?

Gahrie said...

I've never owned one of the 'modern" VWs except the new Beetle. I've driven beetles, super beetles, squarebacks, fastbacks, Ghias and the new beetle. I have no experience with golfs, jettas, or passats.

Gospace said...

I had a distant cousin nominated to run a VP on the prohibition party ticket. My grandfather, a much closer cousin to him, was a prohibition rum runner. So even families were divided on the issue. Much like the great unpleasantness from 1860-1865.

Well, he never actually told me he ran rum. He told me that the key to successful smuggling is having 12" less draft than the Coast Guard chase boats and knowing which sand bars you clear by 6". He was also a WWI Navy officer and volunteer NYC policeman. Saw nothing morally wrong with providing himself and friends with consumer goods they all wanted. Wasn't in the distribution business. That was for people like the Kennedy's. So we can blame Carrie Nation for the rise of that crooked bunch, as well as the rise of organized crime. The flow of alcohol didn't stop. The flow of legal alcohol stopped. The prohibition amendment is responsible for a lot of bad aftereffects. And even though quickly passed and enacted, never actually had majority support of the American people. The repeal was ratified more quickly.

BudBrown said...

Blame the KKK, too. I think they supported prohibition. Most of the former confederacy
voted for it. Women's sufferage, not so much. I think Tennessee did finally vote for it. Florida legislature got around to voting for women's voting in the late 60's.

FIDO said...

One thing to remember about Carrie Nation as she was standing all alone in that saloon causing enormous amounts of property damage, surrounded by men, was that she was allowed to get away with this BY the men.

Feminine rage must have the forbearance of less angry men and women to operate.

At this point, I think the rest of us are getting a bit tired of the Yorkie Feminists and considering place kicking them into traffic. They drew blood in their yaps and nips, you see.

Carrie touched upon a strong vein of Guilt in the drinking men of that era. The men knew they were doing wrong by their women.

Except for out and out rapists who feel no shame (The Kennedys and Clintons) very few men feel their sexual shenanigans, however young, were worth this level of abuse. Neither to other women

FIDO said...

The reason the French were drinking Absinthe is because their entire viniculture had died from the Phylloxera pest.

So all French wine you drink today is actually a California graft.

FIDO said...

Is there a 'Justifying Bad Behavior' tag? Just asking for a friend.

FIDO said...

The VictoryGirls Conservative blog just called out a Republican for trying to use the same tactics against a Democrat.

Inga, just so you realize since you never see it on your side: this is what character and principle look like.

Even if this guy is pro abortion. Even though this guy supported Hillary. Even though he has a D next to his name.

Thou Shalt Not Destroy a Man's Life Without Evidence.

Why do we keep needing to have this conversation? Because 'abortion'?

Jesus Wept!

Though if you keep this shit up, that knife is going to turn in your hand if you normalize these attacks, because the 'Free Love' party I'm guessing had a few more bad actors than the stodgy party.

stlcdr said...

“Woa, lady, I don’t think that’s an effective tool for making a sammich!”

Bruce Hayden said...

"1) Carrie was not just a single harridan with an ax. She had strong support from Protestant Christian culture."

My great great grandparents left Oberlin, Ohio in the 1850s to settle in the wilds of Michigan to found a Christian college. We have letters from her, and her six sisters, back in Ohio. These sisters had three causes: abstinence; sufferage; and emancipation of the slaves. The basis of their beliefs there was their Calvinist Protestantism.

Bruce Hayden said...

As for Suburus, I was in the market for a 4 wheel drive vehicle in the summer of 1987, as I faced a three year daily commute between Fort Collins and Denver. Ended up with an Audi 4000Q after my mother had bought one the year before. By year's end, four of us were driving such (and we all drive Audis to this day). Did try a Suburu, but it didn't drive nearly as well, esp at high speeds. Moreover, pretty much everyone we knew who had one, had "turtled" it (rolled it) at some point. It made no sense that they were so gung ho over such an unsafe vehicle. And yes, in my experience, the second largest group of Suburu owners I have known has been lesbians, after the young outdoorsy types who are too poor for an Audi. That was in the past. One of my best friends bought a Suburu this last year and raves about it. Probably going to buy another one, and pass this one on to one of his kids, maybe the one in college, when he can find a mildly used big model that they are introducing. He drives thousands of miles a year on snow and ice, living in E WA and N ID, and driving all over five states. The vehicle is stable at high speeds, and great on bad roads (you need 4wd to get into his lake house 6 months a year). And one neat feature is that it has a removable filter for cabin air, that was very nice this last year in fire season.

Kirk Parker said...

Annie C,

How long ago was this?

Bilwick said...

It's interesting that in the 21st Century, Carry Nation has been transformed in a Nation of Carry Nations (i.e., the "liberal" Hive).

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