October 30, 2018

At the Tuesday Café...


... you can talk about anything.

And think about using the old Althouse Portal to buy some things on Amazon.


CalReader said...


Ken B said...

How can Sinema be close? Do that many people despise their friends and neighbors?

Michael K said...

How can Sinema be close?

I think it must be polls. I was calling voters in CD 2 in AZ yesterday and everybody has voted.

Ann Althouse said...


Oh, good point. Fixed.

iowan2 said...

Ken B
Just like 2 years ago. The polls will tighten up over the weekend to cover the margin of error.
Then like 2 years ago they will say, see? The polls are accurate!

Marc in Eugene said...

There was a wonderful recipe for chocolate pistachio cookies that I noticed at the Guardian this morning.

narciso said...

Well they have pretty solid TV reviews:


Darrell said...

There is a Red Tsunami coming.
Dems are throwing knives over who though the Caravan was a good idea and several other issues. They see the writing on the wall.

Roughcoat said...

End of an era: Whitey Bulger, last of the big-time Irish gangsters, gets whacked in prison.

Note to Mickey Featherstone, wherever you are: keep it up, kid, yer doin' great.

narciso said...

He gets the Jimmy Pappas, I mean limone treatment, from the departed.

narciso said...

And how many did he have shot stabbed or blown up, with the full protection of the bureau and the justice department?

Michael K said...

He and his girlfriend lived for 15 years in a rent controlled apartment in Santa Monica, the People's Republic,

Maybe the landlord turned them in. I would.

Get the rent reset,

stevew said...

Looks to me that Whitey won. He made it to 89 before he died (was killed), and lived good and comfortable life until the end.

Anyone have the stones to ask Mueller how he feels about this?

Michael K said...

Landlord would be a fool to turn that in for "rent reset". Good quiet tenants are hard to find.

Those apartments in Santa Monica rent for about $4500 a month,. I would have turned him in for free to get rid of him.

Humperdink said...

Whitey's girlfriend was ID'd over a cat. That led the authorities to Whitey.

stephen cooper said...

stevew -

his girlfriend (circa the last 20 years) was ugly. Inside and outside.

Whitey had an ugly girlfriend in his 70s and 80s.

Had he been a normal millionaire no way he would have settled for a plug ugly elderly female like that, even at age 70 up.

Normal millionaires have two choices, stay in love with their wife or have a pretty girlfriend.

See what I did there?

Better to be a normal millionaire than a mobster on the run, particularly when you are getting on in years.

Plus she ratted him out.

Damn that is cold.

Ignorance is Bliss said...


How about some answers to the midterm exam? While the thread had a variety of arguments, I think many of us would appreciate analysis from a person whose opinion we respect and trust.

Lacking that, would you be willing to share yours?

Humperdink said...

Apparently it was not a peaceful ending for Whitey.

"One inmate allegedly beat him with a padlock in a sock, then another tried to gouge his eyes out with a makeshift shiv. He was beaten until he fell out of his wheelchair, unconscious and badly bruised on his head.

"Gouging one’s eyes out, TMZ points out, is a trademark signature of 1940s mobsters. They apparently do this to informants and snitches as a warning message to others who may be considering ratting out their buddies."


Christopher said...

Apparently there's an app called "Vote With Me" that allows you to see the voting history (as in did a person vote or not) and party registration of those on your phone's contact list.

I swear that if any person I know ever uses this fucking thing to look up my history I will end that friendship the moment I find out.

mockturtle said...

End of an era: Whitey Bulger, last of the big-time Irish gangsters, gets whacked in prison.

He doubtless lived longer than he would have on the outside.

readering said...

Fun op ed coauthored by WH spokesperson Conway's hubby in WaPo exfoliating POTUS for his EO assertion re ending birthright citizenship. Still no word on who is giving POTUS the legal advice on this. The interview airs on HBO this weekend by which time it will be a dead issue.

readering said...

Exfoliate! Damn autocorrect! Excorriate.

mockturtle said...

Apparently there's an app called "Vote With Me" that allows you to see the voting history (as in did a person vote or not) and party registration of those on your phone's contact list.

When I was campaigning for Ron Paul I got one of 'the lists' including phone numbers. Funny how my voter affiliation showed me to be a 'moderate Democrat'! So much for any semblance of validity.

stephen cooper said...
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Birkel said...

The references to Mary Matalin that readering will not make are interesting.
Or predictable.

Michael K said...

Oh, I think the WH Counsel has been advising him. Kellyanne, unlike some commenters on this blog, seems to be able to tolerate those who disagree, sort of like Mary Matalin.

walter said...

This is for Inga:

Mark said...

Watched the movie "The Visit" tonight. It was OK. Not much action, but a lot of creepy.

"A Bridge Too Far" -- about the 1944 Operation Market Garden battle -- on now before I call it a night. What a poorly conceived exercise in command arrogance that results in needless slaughter of your own troops . . . again.

le Douanier said...

"End of an era:..."

The Cedarford era ended here. But, that sort still seems to be a thing -- even a growing thing -- in the real world.

mockturtle said...
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mockturtle said...

"A Bridge Too Far" -- about the 1944 Operation Market Garden battle -- on now before I call it a night. What a poorly conceived exercise in command arrogance that results in needless slaughter of your own troops . . . again.

El Alamein was Montgomery's only real success. IMO, he was a poor strategist, a mediocre tactician and an insufferable jerk.

readering said...

WH between WH counsels. Last one left abruptly. New one not arrived yet.

Phil 314 said...

Interesting moment just now. Watching the late night Sports Center on ESPN and see an ad for NY Times featuring their work at breaking the story of border family separation.

There was a time when a guy might be up late wanting to check on the west coast scores and maybe see some highlights. That guy didn’t give a shit about some 2,000 word feature in the times. If he read a paper from NY it was the Daily News.

Have we forgotten that for a long time the Times didn’t have a sports section!

How times have changed.

narciso said...

Well ESPN isn't about sports anymore:


The Crack Emcee said...

mockturtle said...

End of an era: Whitey Bulger, last of the big-time Irish gangsters, gets whacked in prison.

"He doubtless lived longer than he would have on the outside."

He got beat with a lock in a sock and his eyes pulled out - that's the way the psycho should've gone.

Clyde said...

If you leave your garage door open and a stray cat wanders in and gives birth to a litter of kittens, are you obligated to take them in and make them part of your family because they were born on your property? That's birthright citizenship in a nutshell.

Humperdink said...
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Humperdink said...

The Whitey Bulger speculation gets more curious:

"While the federal government hasn't released any more details about Bulger's death, the Daily Mail and TMZ have managed to dig up some information that, if accurate, could indicate a motive for what may have been a killing tacitly sanctioned by senior law enforcement officials....According to the Mail, Bulger's death might have something to do with US Rep. Stephen Lynch, who is from Bulger's old neighborhood of Southie, and who recently introduced the Confidential Informant Accountability Act. It's possible, according to the Mail, that Bulger was preparing to open up to a member of Lynch's staff about abuses with the FBI's confidential informant program."

The Massachusetts Democrat last year introduced the Confidential Informant Accountability Act - which calls for congressional oversight into the selection and use of confidential informants. It's possible that Bulger was set to open up to someone on Lynch's team with claims of abuses in the program."


Jaq said...
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Jaq said...

"Just because a cat has kittens in your oven doesn't make them biscuits" That's what old time Vermonters used to say about flatlanders.

Jaq said...

These "network promos" are more about propaganda and in kind contributions to the Democrats than promoting viewership. Why does the Golf Channel run rants by Joe Scarborough? Are they trying to get people to change the channel?

rhhardin said...

Trump's America

On a desolate stretch of desert highway, weary travelers – two men on the run from their past, a band on their way to the next gig, a man struggling to get home, a brother in search of his long-lost sister and a family on vacation - are forced to confront their worst fears and darkest secrets in a series of interwoven tales of terror and remorse on the open road.

DVDs I'm unlikely to buy.

etbass said...

Montgomery... no Wellington.

rhhardin said...

NY local radio news

Robbers broke into the motel room of a dominatrix and bound her in duct tape.

Ann Althouse said...

"How about some answers to the midterm exam? While the thread had a variety of arguments, I think many of us would appreciate analysis from a person whose opinion we respect and trust. Lacking that, would you be willing to share yours?"

My answer is already in the post for anyone with the wit to see it.

gilbar said...

amy schumer has announced that she WILL NOT preform at the Super Bowl, 'cause of Colon Kapernick

I guess I'll have to make an announcement as well.
gilbar WILL NOT be preforming at the Super Bowl, 'cause of Colon Kapernick

Not that anyone's wanted me to, but no one wanted amy schumer either

gilbar said...

Our beloved Professor says;
My answer is already in the post for anyone with the wit to see it.

But what about us?

Ann Althouse said...

"But what about us?"

Where shall I go? What shall I do?!

Jaq said...

My dad was with Montgomery from Cairo to Eindhoven where he met my mother. We have an autographed photo of him with my dad and a couple others. I should send a copy to the model builder who made his plane because they got the insignia wromg.

rehajm said...

But what about us?

Heh. No shit woman. Consider your loyal audience here.

If a phrase turns in the forest and nobody's there to comprehend it would it still be witty?

rhhardin said...

Where shall I go? What shall I do?

Read Ovid.

rhhardin said...

I'd assume if Althouse had a good argument she would have presented it.

She's more open to lines of attack than final words, except on hot-button issues.

rhhardin said...

How to tell clues from penumbras.

Clues like about what words meant when they were written.

Jaq said...

My dad was his radio operator, which is probably why he kept his mouth shut about the whole experience, so I can't relate any personal stories about Montgomery's demeanor to his men.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ann Althouse said...

"Where shall I go? What shall I do?!"

Over to the post, and develop some fucking wit.

gilbar said...

How'd a brit get to vermont? it wasn't even a colony!

rhhardin said...

The tree falling in the forest question is about the meaning of the word "sound."

Is it a sound if it's just vibrations in the air, nobody perceiving it.

"Sound" seems to need the perceiving.

Ultrasonics deals with "sounds you can't hear," but the phrase seems still to need animals that can hear it.

Jaq said...

Montgomery won an American crew and plane in a bet with Eisenhower. Google it if you are curious. My mom was a Dutch citizen when I was born, but citizenship for Holland only passed through the father, at that time. No retroactive fix was included when they changed the law there though. An EU passport would be nice to have.

gilbar said...

thanx TiV, i learn something every day (or two)

Michael K said...

El Alamein was Montgomery's only real success. IMO, he was a poor strategist, a mediocre tactician and an insufferable jerk

Yup and he is still a national hero to the Brits. The exhibit at the Imperial War Museum is adoring.

Poor "Bomber" Harris got sideswiped by Dresden and never got a knighthood.

Jaq said...

From the perspective of my being able to be born, it was a bridge exactly far enough.

Hagar said...

On the birthright citizenship issue it is the abuses you want fixed, and the abuses can readily be fixed by legislation.

Gahrie said...

On the birthright citizenship issue it is the abuses you want fixed, and the abuses can readily be fixed by legislation.

You mean like the deal Reagan made on immigration that was immediately ignored? We were supposed to have a wall decades ago.

Gahrie said...

My answer is already in the post for anyone with the wit to see it.

Nice attitude for a former teacher.

Bruce Hayden said...

"How can Sinema be close? Do that many people despise their friends and neighbors?"

The usual reasons - starting out with a lot of advertising, much of it extremely dishonest. Appears that she and her PACs are spending quite a bit more than her opponent. AZ Republic (major PHX newspaper) endorsement. Union endorsements, including the state troopers union (rescinded because it was never voted on by rank and file, many of whom oppose her, for good reason - but she still runs ads with state troopers (DPS) visible in the background).

Ann Althouse said...

Stop being so help-seeking. That's not a good frame of mind for studying law, and I'm not going to encourage it, except to the extent that I encouraged it by withdrawing from being a law professor.

mockturtle said...

Tim in Vermont explains: My dad was his radio operator, which is probably why he kept his mouth shut about the whole experience, so I can't relate any personal stories about Montgomery's demeanor to his men.

His demeanor toward his men was fine. It was everyone else who found him intolerable.

readering said...

I guess the right exam answer must be something along the lines of "on the one hand, on the other hand...."

Bad Lieutenant said...

Ann Althouse said...
Stop being so help-seeking. That's not a good frame of mind for studying law, and I'm not going to encourage it, except to the extent that I encouraged it by withdrawing from being a law professor.

10/31/18, 9:11 AM

What are you, mental? Nobody here is studying law and if they were they're not studying it from you.

readering said...

I'm still studying law.

readering said...

I'm incremental.

readering said...

From news report:

"President Trump said Wednesday he’s still committed to ending birthright citizenship for babies born to illegal immigrants, but would prefer to go through Congress rather than use an executive order. That’s a softening of his stance from an interview published Tuesday, where he told Axios, an online political outlet, that he was preparing an executive order to test the boundaries of the Constitution’s definitions of automatic citizenship."

So the plan dies days before HBO broadcasts the interview.

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