October 24, 2018

"An explosive device was found on Wednesday morning by a technician who screens mail for the office of Hillary Clinton..."

"... a law enforcement official said. A similar device was also sent to the office of former President Barack Obama. The official said the devices were similar to one found at the home of the billionaire philanthropist George Soros on Monday.... That device was constructed from a length of pipe about six inches long filled with explosive powder... Mr. Soros, who made his fortune in finance and is now a full-time philanthropist and political activist, is often a subject of the ire of right-wing groups. In recent days, some have falsely speculated that he funded a caravan of migrants moving north in Mexico."

The NYT reports.

Interesting to see the caravan woven into the speculation. The caravan seems to be powerfully helpful to the right wing.

ADDED: Yesterday, I blogged a WaPo article about the caravan and noted that the most-liked comments over there are working on a conspiracy theory that says "GOP operatives" funded the caravan. This morning, I'm reading a newer WaPo article — "How the migrant caravan became so big and why it’s continuing to grow" — and the same thing is happening in the comments. Here's the most-liked one:
Why isn't the media digging into the possibility that Trump's administration is behind the caravan? The timing of its formation right before the mid-terms seems totally suspect to me.
Maybe just a troll, with trolls doing the up-voting. Or just a sarcastic comedian.


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WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The media reported that the Soros bomb was exploded by officials on his property.

How odd?.

Jim at said...

We will likely know the political leanings of the person by Friday.

Not if it's a leftist, we won't.

Matt Sablan said...

"Unless whoever did it gets the full Christine Blaisey Ford social media scrub before they are arrested."

-- The sorts of people who do this write manifestos. I'd assume the lack of some public statement means something else is probably planned.

Of course, I could be proven wrong and this IS a false flag. At which point, whatever. It's 2018. Witches and exorcisms. The whole world is a crazy place.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The media and the FBI - will they cover it up if this is false flag?

Matt Sablan said...

"The media reported that the Soros bomb was exploded by officials on his property."

-- If they determined it was explosive but with no chemical/radiological/biological elements, it may have been safer than moving it further, especially if they didn't think it would be a big explosion. I don't think that is too-too odd.

Vance said...

I have a question: Why aren't we responding to this like the Democrat and leftists did to Clock boy? You know, the kid who made a fake bomb and took it to school to terrorize his teachers and classmates?

The left praised him up and down, gave him money, invited him to the White House under Obama, scholarships... etc.

Right now, these bombs are fake as far as we can tell. Surely we should be praising the guy and offering scholarship money, right Inga? Just like Clock boy!

It would be racist to do otherwise. That's what you and your people said. And after all, the left loves them some bombs. Think Obama's good friend Bill Ayers.

As to the Debbie Wasserman Schultz thiing.... the ricin sent to Trump and lots of other Republicans not too long ago (which Inga cheered on) was sent by a guy who put his return address on the letters. Stupid, I know... but then these are leftists. So I wouldn't exclude Debbie's office as a suspect.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Oh - Ok. It's just explosive enough.

It is curious that nothing actually exploded.

Gojuplyr831@gmail.com said...

I love the way it is claimed the Soros made his fortune in "finance." Kind of overlooks his having obtained his initial wealth by stealing it from the jews he helped send to the death camps.

My guess is that the bombs will turn out to be from a leftist activist who will quickly be declared a loner nutjob by the media.

Vance said...

Also, let's assume this is a crazed person on the right..... don't we all apply the Inga standard and not condemn it for a year?

I mean, I personally will condemn it right now, but shouldn't we all apply the same standard leftists do for these kinds of things? Or is that selling out our souls?

Matt Sablan said...

I was thinking more of a small amount of explosive like the type that only took people's hands off. So, dangerous, yeah, but it isn't going to do structural damage.

Matt Sablan said...

Either or, we'll know soon enough, so I'm confident not speculating about motives. For now.

Jupiter said...

So, were there nooses on the bombs?

Yancey Ward said...


If they are real bombs, I think it near 100% probable that the sender is a right-wing nut case. If they are fake bombs, I think it 50% probable that the sender is left-wing and not necessarily "crazy". Right now, it appears to me that they are all fake bombs- they have been opened and not exploded- we even have a photograph of one of them with it taken out of the box. I say they are all fake.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Vance said...

Why on earth should anyone believe that Republicans or conservatives sent these, when the vast majority of alleged "conservative" attacks, racist things, etc have been hoaxes and leftists making it up?

Do you have any analysis showing that it is the vast majority? Clearly there are far too many fakes. But those of us on the right tend to make big news out of the hoaxes, so they appear more numerous ( to us ) than they probably are.

I'd love to see an analysis of all reported hate crimes, broken down into: solved-perpetrated-by-conservative, solved-perpetrated-by-liberal, solved-no-political-motivation, and unsolved. I suspect the majority would be unsolved, but have no clue how the rest would break down.

Jupiter said...

Matthew Sablan said...
"If they determined it was explosive but with no chemical/radiological/biological elements, it may have been safer than moving it further, especially if they didn't think it would be a big explosion. I don't think that is too-too odd."

If they determined that it had been sent by one of their colleagues, and had his fingerprints all over it, it would only be common sense to destroy the evidence.

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fernandinande said...

"Envelope containing white powder..."

"Capitol Police investigate mail at Congressional snorting facility..."

Michael K said...

No stamp cancellations.

Fake bomb. Not mailed, which would have added some plausibility but the sender would then risk felony.

Jupiter said...

Ignorance is Bliss said...

"those of us on the right tend to make big news out of the hoaxes, so they appear more numerous ( to us ) than they probably are."

Actually, if you think about it, it is the idiots in the Left Fascist Media who always make a big deal about it, together with the idiots in the Left Fascist university administrations. They still haven't figured out that, unlike these bombs, their hate crimes always blow up in their faces.

Vance said...

That's a good question, Ignorance, but I'm trying to remember the actual "terror attack by conservatives" that have happened. There aren't many, since that's the kind of thing that gets months of coverage while the hoaxes get dropped quickly except by the "see I told you so!" types on the right.

I'm honestly drawing a blank on recent "conservative terror attacks" that were done by actual people on the right, not people who were claimed to be on the right. Maybe that plane attack on an IRS office a decade ago?

Yancey Ward said...

My reading the Soros incident is that the device was exploded by adding explosives to the device as a way of fully disarming it. This is a common practice in real life bomb squad work.

jg said...

Proud-boy type vigilante/demonstrator groups show up expecting trouble but not starting it. Big difference. Look at how the liberal-city police depts treat these clashes: self-defense is not allowed when the right infringe on their turf. Chicago antifa etc attacks on Trump people won Trump the election on the margins.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Vance said...

That's a good question, Ignorance, but I'm trying to remember the actual "terror attack by conservatives" that have happened.

I was thinking more in terms of hate crimes in general, of which there are plenty, but most of which are fairly trivial: graffiti/vandalism type things. So mostly not national news. And mostly unsolved, because they are not worth a lot of police resources to investigate.

Matt Sablan said...

The bombs do seem to be relatively safe, given the way they're being handled (including letting reporters walk up and photograph them). Maybe we'll find out what exactly is going on.

mockturtle said...

"Capitol Police investigate mail at Congressional snorting facility..."

Good one, Fernandistein! ;-)

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Yancy said

"My reading the Soros incident is that the device was exploded by adding explosives to the device as a way of fully disarming it. This is a common practice in real life bomb squad work."

Interesting. The flash reporting i read did not say that. Probably a hack source.

Matt Sablan said...

New update. CNN package not mailed; delivered by courier.

Bilwick said...

Assuming that this isn't some Reichstag Fire type ploy, and that real bombs were actually sent to Darth Soros, the Clintons, et al, I wonder what kind of protest they would make. This is the gang that believes in and advocates force, so they would be getting what they asked for. As Kurt Russell's Wyatt Earp told Ike Clanton in TOMBSTONE, "You called down the thunder--now you got it!"

Bilwick said...

Also, if the bombs are real, another reason to be glad Trump won and the Alinskyite Witch lost. Remember how Bill Clinton used the Oklahoma City bombing to suppress anti-statist dissent? His consort, Queen Cacklepants, would probably be worse.

Robert Cook said...

"I love the way it is claimed the Soros made his fortune in "finance." Kind of overlooks his having obtained his initial wealth by stealing it from the jews he helped send to the death camps."

How did he do this?

JAORE said...

The media reported that the Soros bomb was exploded by officials on his property.

How odd?.

Nope. That's what they do with suspicious packages at the airport too.

Kevin said...

"An explosive device was found on Wednesday morning by a technician who screens mail for the office of Hillary Clinton..."

Hillary has "a technician" screening her mail? Someone who could notice a bomb and not set it off?

The same people commenting at the NYT about how Trump might be behind the caravan, won't consider whether Hillary and the Dems "cooked" this scheme up to divert the "mobs" rhetoric from influencing the mid-terms.

I await the media frenzy about how this "proves" the Republicans are the real perpetrators of violence, while Dems are just peaceful protestors.

Michael K said...

Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
New update. CNN package not mailed; delivered by courier.

With uncanceled stamps. Fake written all over it.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Clinton visits are back-firing.

Anonymous said...

In recent days, some have falsely speculated that he funded a caravan of migrants moving north in Mexico."

Speculation, by its very nature, is neither true nor false. "Speculated without evidence" or "engaged in apparently unfounded speculation" is the phrasing the writer should have used.

Clearly the word has gone out on JournoList 2.0 that the old proscriptions against editorializing the news are to be abandoned, and anything that Trump or his allies say without accompanying hard documentation is to be labeled "false".

Also, it's logically impossible to prove a negative. Does this reporter have any more solid evidence than the unnamed speculators do about what Soros has or hasn't done? To my knowledge Soros hasn't even commented about it.

Given the vast array of George Soros tentacles in the world of left-wing troublemaker NGO's, it would be a great surprise to me if he weren't at least peripherally involved, perhaps even without his direct knowledge.

Kevin said...

You just know Joy Behar is fuming no one sent her one.

Michael K said...

I was thinking more in terms of hate crimes in general, of which there are plenty, but most of which are fairly trivial: graffiti/vandalism type things.

There must be some but all the ones I know of have been hoaxes.

Jupiter said...

Believe All Commie Muslim CIA Spooks

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Michael K said...

There must be some but all the ones I know of have been hoaxes.

Which says more about where you get your information than it says about the sum total of available information. I'm sure there are people who frequent left-leaning comment sections who say that there must be some hoaxes, but all the ones they are aware of have been real.

We should be careful about the limits of our knowledge, and not assume the world conforms to our biases. Otherwise we are no better* than the liberals.

*Okay, sure, we're still better, in many ways. But not as much as we should be.

Darrell said...

The Media seemed to have the stories all ready to go. And Lefty Facebook commenters had a script blaming Republicans and those that wound them up (Trump) ready to post--word-for--word.

Astroturfing is always a sign of Democrat involvement. Wonder if Soros paid for that, too.

Darrell said...

The media reported that the Soros bomb was exploded by officials on his property.

It would have "exploded" too if it were a banana. Police use explosives to do it.

Anonymous said...

I'm honestly drawing a blank on recent "conservative terror attacks" that were done by actual people on the right, not people who were claimed to be on the right. Maybe that plane attack on an IRS office a decade ago?

That guy's suicide note railed against the bailouts of the big banks, the lack of prosecution of large scale corporate criminality such as Enron, and the baleful influence of insurance companies on achieving universal health care. This is the one who wrote "The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed." Not easily pigeonholed as a right-winger.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Darrell - Yancey Ward covered that for me above.
Again -thanks for the clarification not given by the hack press.

tim in vermont said...

The fact that the bombs didn't go off points left. Look at the incompetence of the Occupy bombers.

Michael K said...

Which says more about where you get your information than it says about the sum total of available information.

I'm sure you have a list ready to go.

Inform me.

I'm waiting.

FullMoon said...

The trigger device has two buttons. Bombs came with instructions to "press both buttons, win a prize". Fortunately, nobody did.

Picture of bomb

BJM said...

@DBQ...exactly...this is timed for the mid-terms.

BTW- if these people are so desperate to escape their home countries why haven't more accepted Mexico's offer of asylum? Or why didn't they flee south? Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia are much closer than the US.

tim in vermont said...

One does wonder where those caravan marchers got their fresh t-shirts with Democrat slogans in English.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Even if the bombs are improvised sort-of bombs - if they are not set go off, what is the point?

Michael K said...

Here is the motive.

"Irrespective of what this person’s political leanings or motivations are, we are living in an atmosphere where hate and violence have been not only incited but condoned by Donald Trump," Philippe Reines, former deputy assistant secretary of State under Hillary Clinton and an outside adviser who helped train Clinton for presidential debates in 2016, told MSNBC's Craig Melvin.

Ignorance, I'm waiting ?

tim in vermont said...

It's early and the only thing we know for sure so far is that it's Trump's fault.

tim in vermont said...

Reines left out "incivility."

Michael K said...

Ignorance, how about one example of rightist violence?

FullMoon said...

Michael K said...

Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
New update. CNN package not mailed; delivered by courier.

With uncanceled stamps. Fake written all over it.

Definitely not enough postage, either.

Anybody know what the 'trigger device' is? Is it an actual timer or cell phone? Something that could actually be detonated?

FullMoon said...

Michael K said...

Ignorance, how about one example of rightist violence?

10/24/18, 2:25 PM

Don't worry, Timothy McVeigh comin' right up...(if he hasn't already)

wendybar said...

M Jordan said...
wendybar said...
Mac McConnell..I would go with Bill Ayers, but the Weather Underground bombs went off...and killed people. These seem to be duds.”

Please, you’re giving Ayers way too much credit. The exploding bombs killed his own people, his own girlfriend (or ex by that time, can’t remember.)

NOT TRUE...they killed others too....https://www.aim.org/aim-column/justice-for-victims-of-the-weather-underground/

BUMBLE BEE said...

Same makeup? No video? Simultaneous? False flag.....

BJM said...

"I love the way it is claimed the Soros made his fortune in "finance."

I'm old enough to remember when currency speculation was a bad thing. Soros made a $1 billion on shorting the British Pound, forcing Major's govt to withdraw from the ERM.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Yancey Ward@12:43 My thought exactly. First off, postal terrorists, whether sending bombs like Unabomber or powdered poison, do not do mass mailings. All these going out on the same day, and not one single one exploded.... this is the bullshit, man. Democrat party is behind this, and behind the mobs of foreigners marching on our southern border demanding "asylum". There is nothing Democrat party members won't stoop to to regain control over us.

Matt Sablan said...

"Hillary has "a technician" screening her mail? Someone who could notice a bomb and not set it off?"

-- Probably; her husband was a president.

funsize said...

With google searches being what they are, will those of you who have info on Soro's connections with Nazis please help a gal out? I'd like to read something factual, but google is only giving me snopes and cnn on one side, and infowars garbage on the other. Surely there has to be actual facts out there somewhere, if I could only find them.

Michael K said...

Don't worry, Timothy McVeigh comin' right up...(if he hasn't already)

Fair example but I still wonder about the "Third Man." I guess you could say Ruby Ridge but the feds shot first and the whole thing was entrapment. The Idaho jury wanted to indict the FBI sniper.

Maybe the Bundy standoff but the FBI shot the only one killed. I've seen the video pdf that shooting and the shooter should have been prosecuted,

Steve Witherspoon said...

Before everyone jumps to conclusions we don’t know all the facts. What it appears to be is a coordinated “attack” on Democrats. Why Democrats have been targeted we won’t know until all the facts have been collected and the perpetrator(s) are apprehended, even then we may not know all the why's.

Wait for the facts and don’t jump to conclusions.

Drago said...

The entire lefty firmament has shifted as one with their talking points and attacks.

Almost as if it had all been heavily coordinated beforehand....as if through some sort of "journolisty"-type arrangement and is being weaponized against Trump and republicans.

2 notes:
1) total false flag designed for dems to "project" their tactics onto republicans
2) the republican talking points illustrating the dem mobs must have been having a devastating effect on the voters

Jim at said...

One does wonder where those caravan marchers got their fresh t-shirts with Democrat slogans in English.

Same place as the mayor of San Juan after Hurricane Maria hit.

BUMBLE BEE said...

This "bomb thing" is as transparent as the Blasey Ford charade. This is such Inga-level crap!

Drago said...

"My guess is that the bombs will turn out to be from a leftist activist who will quickly be declared a loner nutjob by the media."

But only after the election.

After the narrative works its magic.

BUMBLE BEE said...

It does get the March of the 3rd world off the front page. What conservative group has bombed anything in recent history? Lame ... so lame.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Guess the field was prepped by Acosta with his, You're saying your a white nationalist, assertion. Fucking lame.

The Crack Emcee said...

I don't want to sound like The Black Alex Jones – But Without Any NewAge-y Supplement Hustle - so I'm keeping that to myself.

madAsHell said...

The stamps on the package to Brennan were not canceled. This is political theater.

You know, in some sense, the story is writing itself. Like a Greek tragedy, Hillary has to go out in a blaze of glory. She's going to start pandering to the "Hillary, we barely know you!" crowd.

Personally, I'd prefer to see her wallow in incontinence.

Michael K said...

Blogger Drago said...
"My guess is that the bombs will turn out to be from a leftist activist who will quickly be declared a loner nutjob by the media."

I could believe a nut but, like that guy who flew his plane into the IRS office in Texas, the media will pronounce him a right winger and we find out later he's a communist.

Jackie Kennedy never forgave Oswald for being a commie.

Jupiter said...


Here is Soros interview. See for yourself;


He admits to helping to confiscate the property of Jews who were sent to death camps. He does not seem to feel there is anything much wrong with that, or even that anyone else might think there was much wrong with that.

chuck said...

I remember when suspected bombs were taken off to large disposal areas and exploded. Isn't it kind of unusual to take them out on the table top and take an up close photo?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Michael K said...
Ignorance, how about one example of rightist violence?

The guy who drove the car into the crowd in Charlottesville.
The guy who shot 8? people in a black church a few years ago.

And thank you for precisely proving my point.

I have no complete list, as would be clear had you comprehended my previous comments. If you want a complete list, go to the SPLC website. Then fact check every one they report, because their list contains all the hoaxes, and all the cases that have not been solved.

n.n said...

The guy who drove the car into the crowd in Charlottesville.

That wasn't rightest violence. It was a single guy reacting badly to what he believed was a kill-zone targeting him.

The guy who shot 8? people in a black church a few years ago.

Rightest in what regard? What is the common principle? If anything, he was a diversitist who acted on a color judgment.

Milwaukie guy said...

Back in 1995 when my wife ran for alderman the woman who eventually won, had a preacher supporter call in a bomb threat to her headquarters. We considered a "normal" tactic, used by candidates in close races, to generate sympathy. Later on, when the preacher got charged, we were surprised they didn't do it the "right" way, i.e., not leave tracks.

Robert Creamer, well-known Democrat dirty tricks operative and Rep. Schankowsky's husband, is from Chicago.

False flag does not surprise me at all. Watching Bill de Blasio bloviate on CNN right now.

EsoxLucius said...

Republicans: Mad Mobs
Democrats: Mad Moms

Ignorance is Bliss said...

That wasn't rightest violence.


Rightest in what regard?

In the standard nomenclature of politics

tim in vermont said...

" So, paradoxically, the wiser we become, the less wise we feel. This is the wellspring of intellectual humility, the Socratic realization that the more you know, the more you realize you don’t know, and the more apparent it becomes that your own opinions are susceptible to fallibility."

Exactly. I am getting sick of America. I know wwhen I am beaten. Let the left and their billionaire allies have it. Trump has set the cockroaches sscurrying from the light, but the sight of them is still revolting.

tim in vermont said...

Brennan heard about it in advance and demanded that one be sent to him too.

FIDO said...

If it was someone on the Right, they would have tried to shoot them.

LEFTISTS, including Obama's BFF Bill Ayers, use bombs.

hombre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hombre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hombre said...

Explosive devices that don’t explode? Scary, eh?

George Soros is not a philanthropist. George Soros is a convicted inside trader (France, 2002) who is trying to buy the country.

Rusty said...

"If you want a complete list, go to the SPLC website"
You got a more authoritative source?
Those SPLC guys got me down as a terrorist.
I once critisized Eugene Robinson.
Turns out 'stupid' is a race.

FIDO said...

'The bombs, falsely ascribed to Conservative actors, failed to go off, suggesting a less Tech saavy person.'

See, both sides can assert things without evidence.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“That wasn't rightest violence. It was a single guy reacting badly to what he believed was a kill-zone targeting him.

The guy who shot 8? people in a black church a few years ago.

Rightest in what regard? What is the common principle? If anything, he was a diversitist who acted on a color judgment.”

THIS is precisely what is wrong with you people. This is a guy who daily speaks about the evils of abortion, yet doesn’t take responsibility for the evil within his own midst.

mockturtle said...

Brennan heard about it in advance and demanded that one be sent to him too.

And Kamala Harris wanted the extra publicity, too, but it turned out to be a false alarm.

BJM said...

Inga, isn't this inciting violence against a Republican candidate?

How about this?

“If there’s some collateral damage, for some others that don’t share our view, well so be it.” Guess who?

BJM said...

Drago said....
"But only after the election.

After the narrative works its magic."

That ole Dem/media magic lost its power in 2016 and the media piling on in an effort to silence Trump (good luck with that) may have the opposite effect.

tim in vermont said...

You should work on your reading comprehension.

And, BTW, the guy who organized the Charlottesville demonstration is still a "former" vocal Hillary supporter who "changed allegiances" soon after Hillary declared the #Resistance. Weird that Clinton crony McAuliffe has seen to it that no further video has come out. All we have is that of a car speeding down the street being attacked by a mob with clubs.

BJM said...

Inga said

...you people.

Tsk-tsk...othering is a microaggression and I'm pretty sure that's an intersectional gender violation too.

Don't you love the new rules?

Jim at said...

Inga lecturing us on not calling out the evil in our midst.

It is to laugh.

Kevin said...

Real ricin sent to Republicans.

Fake bombs sent to Democrats.

Over which does the media freak out?

narciso said...

some tweaker punk that should have already been in jail, like the Tucson shooter, who was protected by sheriff dupnik, yes the splc that denies that hirsi ali had been mutilated in the custom of her native Somalia, whose blacklist put the family research council in the crosshairs, well the khashoggi kerfluffle aka Kemal ataturk's vault fizzled out, so its on to the next squirrel. of course there is also the shadow of maskirovna like the fellow who provoked the 1968 riots in berlin, the neonazi scare earlier in the decade,

FullMoon said...

Photo of bomb sent to WhiteHouse !

narciso said...

if the packages were delivered by courier, where is the footage of the suspect getting the sign in, at the office,

Michael K said...

The guy who shot 8? people in a black church a few years ago.

The bedpan commando knows nothing about the kid. Did anyone see his father ?

He looked schizophrenic to me but the politics demanded that be ignored.

Unknown said...

I ask one question about this well organized, very uniform, high-profile, and intentionally unsuccessful (in actually blowing anyone up) bomb scare.

Who benefits?

It's also curious that Soros was "attacked" a day in advance.

Michael K said...

I have no complete list, as would be clear had you comprehended my previous comments.

I'm sorry, Ignorance. I thought you were a normal person.

Sorry for the mistake. Welcome to Ingaville.

FullMoon said...

Over 500 acts of violence and harrassment by the left

tim in vermont said...

It's also curious that Soros was "attacked" a day in advance.

After that, everybody wanted in. It's like the dozens of hundreds of rape accusations against Kavanaugh. Still Google hasn't learned the spelling on that name. Ha ha ha! The petty bitterness of these people!

BTW, the migrant caravan seems more and more to me like those spontaneous trains loaded with people who brought down the Berlin Wall in '89. Except it was a wall holding them in to their happy worker's paradises. It's pretty clear that a wall is what is needed to keep people from thinking they can just walk in to America and start living the heavy carbon lifestyle.

tim in vermont said...

Throughout Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's brutal confirmation fight, protesters targeted Collins in intensely personal fashion — with one anti-Kavanaugh caller threatening to rape a female staffer if the senator supported the judge, according to Collins. It's not clear whether the letter that was sent to Collins' home was related to her eventual "yes" vote on Kavanaugh.


Michael K said...

Ignorance's list of two incidents matches Inga's quite well, neither of which can be absolutely attributed to Republicans.

The Charlottesville thing is coming to trial unless he cops and we might learn more.

The Charleston thing was a kid who I think is crazy but not any connection to the Republican Party,

Piss poor list, I would say.

Typical of Inga.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

oh FFS! These are just clocks!! Islamic Science Fair clocks!! Get a grip, people!!

FullMoon said...

Anons find exact'bomb clock ' on Amazon

Michael K said...

Hilarious, Full Moon. Proof it is fake.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

LOL Crack. Great!

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Crack @ 3:23

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Somebody set us up the bomb

I'm betting the perp is a partisan Democrat.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

I project the media already blaming Trump - Fox News - Hannity - and Rush Limbaugh.

That's the usual BS that comes down the Democrat hack press pipeline.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Somebody set us up the bomb

I'm betting the perp is a partisan Democrat.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Maxine Waters and New Jersey Booker - they asked everyone to get in the faces of any Republican and to disrupt their meals and bully them.

The next step is violence.

n.n said...


The violence was provoked by Antifa. The assembled were Americans, including historians, and possibly diversitists, but that is not self-evident.

In the standard nomenclature of politics

Refer to The Constitution to orient your politics in America. The right is libertarian. The center is conservative.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The reaction by the press tells you that the bombs are a false flag operation. The coordinated talking points and the timing. It's the October Surprise.

Plus - what Crack said.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Real ricin sent to Republicans.

Fake bombs sent to Democrats.

Over which does the media freak out?”

Ricin was also sent to Obama in 2014. I guess you forgot about that.

“Actress arrested in ricin case – Investigators found that her computer storage devices contained the text of threatening letters sent to the president, according to an FBI affidavit.”


narciso said...

well this can't possibly go wrong:


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The Texas actress who admitted sending ricin-laced letters to President Barack Obama and then-New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg was sentenced to 18 years in prison Wednesday, the U.S. attorney's office said.

Shannon Guess Richardson, 36, also was ordered to pay $367,000 in restitution.

"Today's sentencing brings an appropriate and just end to what is surely one of our most unusual, even bizarre cases," John Bales, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Texas, said in a statement.”

From link posted above.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

A Bernie Supporter shot Steve Scalese. Steve Scalese is still going thru painful surgery after painful surgery to recover.

The press? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

looks like Wile E. Coyote is in charge of the Dems October Surprise efforts.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Suspected Ricin sent to Pentagon, suspicious letters to Trump, Ted Cruz office

When this stuff happens to anyone with an R - the democrats are quietly thrilled.

Michael K said...

Inga's triumphant example of Republican terrorism:

In May 2013, while going through a divorce, Richardson called the police and accused her husband, Nathan Richardson, of mailing letters laced with the poison ricin to several politicians.[1][18] Nathan Richardson has not been charged with any crime.[1][22][23] He told investigators that his wife set him up.[24] Investigators found evidence that she had mailed the ricin-laced letters herself in an effort to set up her estranged husband.

Another feminist heroine.

Ooops that's sexism. "Hero."

Nice work Inga. Did you have anything to do with the Tylenol poisoning ?

Asking for a friend.

rcocean said...

10-1 they never find who did it, or it turns out to be a leftist.

Remember all those antisemtic phone calls to synagogues in 2017? All blamed on Trump. Turned out it was an Israeli making them.

Remember all those Black Churches burning?

Remember all those swastikas and nooses that ALWAYS show up on College Campuses?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Michael K, I didn’t say a word about Richardson’s politics. I said that Obama also had Ricin sent to him. You truly are a knee jerking jerk.

rcocean said...

The most suspicious part is the bombs sent to Obama and Clinton. Why would anyone waste their time or take the risk?

Anyone who sent the bombs knew they would never reach the intended target. They also knew the attention would help the Democrats.

After all, why mail bombs NOW, a couple weeks before the election?

The attempted murder of 9 Republican Congressmen made the news for 3 days. Lets see how long these "mail bombs" last.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“A Bernie Supporter shot Steve Scalese. Steve Scalese is still going thru painful surgery after painful surgery to recover.”

A Trump supporter ran down Heather Heyer, killing her. She’s still dead. What was the name of the rally in which this happened? “Unite the Right”.

rcocean said...

Current MSNBC Scroll:

"Manhunt for pipe bomb Suspect as Trump Holds political rally"

DoJ needs to Sue NBC for making unpaid contributions to Democrat party. Pelosi couldn't have written a better lead.

tim in vermont said...

Who organized "Unite the Right"? A Hillary supporter who professed admiration for agent provocateurs in his pro Hillary blog.

tim in vermont said...

He was also an Occupy activist.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Michael K said...

Ignorance's list of two incidents matches Inga's quite well, neither of which can be absolutely attributed to Republicans.

You asked about rightist, not Republican. The two examples are undoubtedly rightist. I don't claim any connection to Republicans.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Michelle was defensive at first, with the talk of a "suspicious package",
but later was relieved to find out it was just an explosive device.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Who organized "Unite the Right"? A Hillary supporter who professed admiration for agent provocateurs in his pro Hillary blog.

10/24/18, 7:08 PM
Blogger tim in vermont said...
He was also an Occupy activist.”

You people are eyeballs deep in misinformation and conspiracy theory. If the truth were presented to you on a silver platter you wouldn’t recognize it.

Michael K said...

You asked about rightist, not Republican. The two examples are undoubtedly rightist. I don't claim any connection to Republicans.

What was "rightist" about either of those incidents?

Come on. We offered you OK City and the Bundy handoff even though neither was truly "rightist."

See, the left sees anything it doesn't like as "rightist."

Inga is actually making a little more sense than you are.

Michael K said...

Bundy standoff. autocorrect again.

Michael K said...

If the truth were presented to you on a silver platter you wouldn’t recognize it.

The truth wouldn't get within a 100 miles of you, sweetie.

Michael K said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
Michael K, I didn’t say a word about Richardson’s politics

Of course you didn't. The example of a vengeful ex-wife would not fit your model of "right wing terrorism."

Did you have anything to do with the Tylenol murders? It fits your favorite model.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

‘Unite the Right’ is not uniting the ‘right’, they are uniting extremists who say they are on the ‘right’. One thing they are not is right about much.

‘Unite the Right’ organized the march of radicals in Charlottesville. They were joined by as many as 12 groups totaling between 200 and 500 protesters. There were also reportedly an equal number of leftist radicals.

The two most well-known leaders of ‘Unite the Right’ are Jason Kessler and Richard Spencer.

Spencer is famous for his heil Trump speech and his proud self-characterization as alt-right. Kessler is famous for being a long-time leftist who supported the Occupy communist/socialist movement and voted for Barack Obama.

Michael K said...

More on the bomb hoax.

Now to learn who did it.

Bottom Line: Whoever made that wanted it to be painfully obvious to anyone and everyone that it's a "bomb."

This is nearly the same as a bundle of road flares wrapped together with an old-timey alarm clock ticking away.

Lefties most affected.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

When radials fight and riot in the streets, only Trump is to blame.

When a Bernie supporter shows up to kill congress - meh from the left.

Nobody is happy about the death of Heather. The poor girl was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But you leftists happily use her for your grand political schemes.

Michael K said...

Andy McCarthy weighs in on the pipe bomb hoax.

At this point, there is no evidence whatsoever that provocative words from the president had anything to do with the sending of bombs. Indeed, there is as yet no known evidence of who is behind these possible attacks. And speaking of “attacks,” why, in light of the context of a possible bombing spree, is the Times asserting that Secretary Clinton, President Obama, and Mr. Soros have “figured prominently in conservative political attacks”? They have not been subjected to “attacks” in the sense conveyed by this report; they have been on the receiving end of mere political criticism, not the subjects of attempted political assassinations.

There is plenty of media commentary at the moment about incivility, in the form of incendiary rhetoric and actions. This is entirely appropriate. But I’m at a loss to understand how the climate is improved by spicing up reports with thinly veiled suggestions that President Trump may have triggered a series of potentially murderous attacks on political opponents. When Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson opened fire on the Republicans he targeted and nearly killed Representative Steve Scalise, I don’t recall much Times speculation about whether he could have been set him off by Democrats urging their supporters to get aggressive — “get in their face”; “if they bring a knife, we bring a gun” — when dealing with political adversaries.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The most provocative words come out of Maxine, and Booker, and much of Hillarywoodland.

Here's a movie about it

Both sides have their radicals.

The press are only concerned with one side.

FullMoon said...

Good thing the 'bomber' is cheap.
Here is review of timer device from Amazon:

1.0 out of 5 starsNot worth the return postage.
ByJJon July 17, 2017
Verified Purchase
The clock is what I expected, cheap, but the instructions on how to use it are completely worthless. The clock itself does not identify the two buttons on the right of the face so one is left to wonder which one is the "mode" and which one controls "set." I have yet to get this unit set to correctly tell the time, the date and I think it also has a stopwatch function that I have not figured out and maybe a temperature function if one is to believe the paper it came with. The packaging has not one word of instruction printed on it. Save yourself the frustration and don't bother with this purchase, it's not worth the return postage to return it.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Michael K said...

What was "rightist" about either of those incidents?

Okay, I see. No True Rightist is a white supremacist.
No point in continuing. You are beyond my help.

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Ricin was also sent to Obama in 2014. I guess you forgot about that.

By a woman trying to frame her husband.

Obviously right wing violence.

You people are desperate.

The best thing about this is the traitors like Romney and Flake outing themselves.


We all see right through you.

Rusty said...

So you won't entertain the idea that this incident is a little too perfect? A little too un-nuanced. And the timing is wrong if it were indeed a right wing nutjob?
It stinks highly of a false flag operation.

JAORE said...

"You just know Joy Behar is fuming no one sent her one."

No one is wasting 6 inches of pipe on Joy Behar.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Rusty said...

So you won't entertain the idea that this incident is a little too perfect? A little too un-nuanced. And the timing is wrong if it were indeed a right wing nutjob?

If by this incident you mean the pipe "bombs" that appear incapable of exploding, of course I will entertain the idea. At this point it seems more likely than not.

What, in any of my above comments, would lead you to believe that I wouldn't entertain that idea?


MacMacConnell said...

So the "bomb" sent to CNN targeting Brennen who works for MSNBC has no stamp cancellation and no USPost bar codes on the envelope. What does this mean? The package was somehow hand delivered into the CNN internal mail system not through the Post Office. Inside job?

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