Writes Brett Kavanaugh, quoted in the NYT. Also in the Times article is this undermining of the New Yorker's publication of a new allegation from a former Yale classmate named Deborah Ramirez:
The New York Times had interviewed several dozen people over the past week in an attempt to corroborate Ms. Ramirez’s story, and could find no one with firsthand knowledge. Ms. Ramirez herself contacted former Yale classmates asking if they recalled the episode and told some of them that she could not be certain Mr. Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself. The New Yorker strongly stood by its article.The NYT also refers to Michael Avenatti's "additional salacious allegations on Twitter," and characterizes Republicans as "caught between the growing anger of many female voters over the Kavanaugh allegations and the demands of core conservative voters infuriated by what they see as a Democratic plot."
The new allegations — from Avenatti and The New Yorker — are, I think, helping Kavanaugh's case. The NYT seems to realize this.
I read between the lines that NYT would not itself have published the Ramirez allegations. It had the story and tried unsuccessfully to corroborate it. And it won't even repeat the "salacious" allegations Avenatti dumped on Twitter. After all the careful work creating credence and empathy for Christine Blasey Ford, we now have an onslaught, a piling on, and it's making Kavanaugh into a sort of hero, who must stand his ground. It's no longer just about the fulfillment of his own aspirations to power and prestige and his own good name. He's now the champion of everyone in the future who — if he fails — will reject the call to public service.
ADDED: A preview of Kavanaugh on FOX News at 7 Eastern:
"I'm not going to let false accusations drive us out of this process." —Brett Kavanaugh
— Fox News (@FoxNews) September 24, 2018
Watch @MarthaMacCallum's full interview with Judge Kavanaugh and his wife Ashley tonight on Fox News Channel at 7p ET. https://t.co/QFmLfIwW4R pic.twitter.com/r8J2TUYQDj
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 237 of 237I am humbled by the wisdom of the Founding Fathers.
They knew enough to not let women vote.
Why did we go away from the original wisdom of our Constitution"
I clearly remember being in my dorm room about 30 years ago when someone yelled "Hey, Freder is grilling up some puppies!" Or maybe they said, "Franky just got some guppies". Let me spend 6 days with my memories and a lawyer and I'll get back to you.
Plus they realized that Africans were 3/5th's of a human being.
They were much wiser than we are that is for sure.
I hope that the Justice will be instrumental in re=litigating the libel and slander laws when he is on the bench.
First hand knowledge is important. I bet we can get the President to direct his Justice Department to bring a case that can overturn the current weak tea that allows these scumbags to defame a honest man.
Ritmo's meltdown is impressive, isn't it? A man who defends Keith Ellison and Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy and Matt Laurer is suddenly against rape.
Oh well. Ritmo's absolutely the best argument Republicans can make for keeping the right in office. After all, putting people like Ritmo in charge would lead, very quickly and very directly, to places even Heinrich Himmler would be terrified of, and Stalin would turn pale. Ritmo has that much hate. And Inga's right behind--anyone else notice how she cheered on destroying a family to score a political point? You can be sure she'd happily pull a lever marked "Zylon B Dispenser" if she could.
A woman victim must always be believed when its a sex crime. Therefore Emmett Till was justly punished when Carolyn Bryant said he had acted offensively. The Scottsboro Boys were also justly found guilty and sentenced after two white women accused them of rape.
Scrubbing her Internet presence indicates consciousness of guilt.
WaPo yesterday, 2:35 p.m.
'Senate Judiciary Committee staff have written lawyers for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, and said they would do everything they could to “provide a safe, comfortable, and dignified forum” for her testimony Thursday. But they also say the committee will decide who testifies, in what order and how they will be questioned.
In an email exchange between the committee and Ford’s lawyers obtained by The Associated Press, a counsel for Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley wrote that the terms over which witnesses to call and questioning are “non-negotiable.” Ford’s lawyers asked for several conditions surrounding her testimony.'
NYT today:
"But just hours after lawyers for Dr. Blasey and Senate Judiciary Committee aides finished negotiations on the shape of Thursday’s hearing, new allegations began to surface."
From the WaPo account, the negotiations between Professor Blasey and the Committee had only reached agreement that she would testify before the Committee on Thursday.
If that's still the case, it's still a game of chicken.
Yancey Ward observes: A lot of progressives don't understand basic logic, or at least they pretend to not understand.
That's always been the question: Are they really that stupid or are they being disingenuous?
After all the careful work creating credence and empathy for Christine Blasey Ford...
Careful? Is this an obscure usage of the word that instead of cautious and attentive means reckless and slipshod? What kind of carefully executed backstap like Feinstein's goes forward without a single corrobatrive witness?
Credence and empathy? If CBF had anything like credence going for her we'd have alien invasion shelters in every town and village with directional signs to them on every on every street corner. Like CBF UFO fabulists have passed polygraph tests and have won the sympathy and credulity of "academic" psychologists, and yet truly real scientific efforts regarding extraterrestrial intelligence have turned up nothing but Enrico Fermi's profound silence.
And empathy is a far too common neologism that carries a tinge of Clintonian "I feel your pain" bullshit crafted to lure the gullible.
A lot of progressives don't understand basic logic, or at least they pretend to not understand.
It's worse than that. They explicitly reject logic in favor of emotionalism...like our hostess.
Ritmo's meltdown is impressive, isn't it? A man who defends Keith Ellison and Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy and Matt Laurer is suddenly against rape.
And which man did that?
You know, for a guy who makes so many false accusations you sure hear a lot of head-noises.
Why did we go away from the original wisdom of our Constitution"
We let the Progressives take charge.
Freeman Hunt
No, not time to vote. That time passed. Now it is essential to get details, under oath, from all parties. If Ford does decline to testify she should be subpoenaed. The alleged witnesses, who contradict her, should also be subpoenaed. Kavanaugh needs to testify too, and be asked to respond to any specific charges Ford makes. Sunlight.
The gang rape lawyer needs to be subpoenaed, and his sources.
"What's your rush?"
Stopping what has turned into a witch trial, a total embarrassment to the country.
Leave it to a lunatic like Vance to fret about how how Hitler and Stalin weren't nuthin' compared to the fantasy fears he's got!
Don't forget to check under your bed, Vance. Take two Thorazine and call your psychiatrist in the morning.
Otherwise, yawn. Like we didn't already know how paranoid and psychotic the right-wing was. Obviously they fear their country and its people for a reason.
Stopping what has turned into a witch trial, a total embarrassment to the country.
What witch trial?
You assume they're lying. Or crazy.
Maybe they are. But if they're telling the truth then I guess you think it's wrong to assume a higher standard than what they allege of one of the nine most privileged people in the country who get to decide our rights. Strange. I would think we could get to expect better of people in such positions. But I guess that being a SCOTUS justice is a right in right-wing land. Not one of the highest privileges it's possible to bestow.
Why not work on letting people vote in their own districts before we start writing into the Constitution anything about the natural rights of potential rapists to have dissent-free full rein to accessing the highest bench. I'd think the right of the people to have someone with actual virtue, rather than partisan virtue, on the court outweighs this O'Kavanaugh guy's sense of destiny and personal ambition. But perhaps I misjudge the right-wing value system.
f Ford does decline to testify she should be subpoenaed
Nope. If she declines, she's made a choice.
langford peel: "Plus they realized that Africans were 3/5th's of a human being."
That is likely a quite purposeful misreading of the 3/5ths compromise and which side supported it and for what specific purpose.
Spoiler: It said nothing about the full humanity of slaves.
Ritmo's Latest Personality Fragment wrote: Lol. Because not having a rapist in the chair is more important.
Like all corrupt proglodytes are excessively tolerant of criminal tendencies unless those tendencies manifest in the highest realms. Prime example, they go apeshit over a shooting incident in a Florida high school, but a typical weekend in Chicago that results in 11 dead and 46 wounded sparks nary a hint of leftie outrage. You'd think they don't give a shit about the suffering of African Americans, and you'd be right.
Ritmo's apeshittery in the matter Kavanaugh is a similar put-on. Kavanaugh has been on the Federal circuit bench since 2006. If he was such a heinous rapist 36 years ago why wait until now to bring it up. He could have been easily impeached when the Dems controlled the White House and the legislature? Why wait? You'd think they don't give a shit about abortion rights and guns and free speech, all matters that came before his court in the past. And you'd be right. All they desire is power.
Prime example, they go apeshit over a shooting incident in a Florida high school, but a typical weekend in Chicago that results in 11 dead and 46 wounded sparks nary a hint of leftie outrage. You'd think they don't give a shit about the suffering of African Americans, and you'd be right.
Showing more concern for kids in a peaceful high school than gangbangers killing each other is just normal human nature. I understand that your psychopathy leaves you no other option than sleazy concern trolling and cheap philosophy, but if you take it to its logical extension it would be like listening to a right-winger protesting the high rates of violence in the wild west. Yeah, I'm really sure that's what would have kept you up at night.
Spoiler: It said nothing about the full humanity of slaves.
Correct. The 3/5ths compromise was aimed AGAINST slavery. It was anti-slavery in intent and purpose.
All they desire is power.
We're not the ones gerrymandering and electoral college-ing and voter restricting and federal bench-making our way into it, asshole. You've lost six out of the last seven popular votes for president. The people don't want what you're shoving down their throats, and your party knows it. It explains everything they're doing to make their power institutional and generational, rather than actually popular. At least the anti-Trumpist cons admit that they don't really care for populism and democracy. You assholes OTOH actually think that those things would legitimize you. ROFLMAO. We know how full of shit you are.
Dems won't care, because GOPers won't attack with the viciousness that the Dems will.
"That's always been the question: Are they really that stupid or are they being disingenuous?"
It is not an either/or proposition.
As a career psychologist, I had social justice warrior colleagues who blatantly misinterpreted scientific research among other types of information. Their lack of shame has always astounded me.
Some of these people are not very bright, some are poorly trained (as is more the norm today) and some are disingenuous because the cause is more important than personal and intellectual integrity.
I am overjoyed to be recently retired. The stress of dealing with these dishonest colleagues during the current crisis is more than I want to tolerate.
The 3/5 compromise was designed to limit the influence of slave-holders and states. It was the first shot across their bow, when a civil war was still out of the question.
The Constitution did not have a diversity provision that discriminated by color or sex. The Founders recognized "People", "Posterity", "Person". Abortion rites are unconstitutional under several amendments, which is why the Twilight Amendment made a point of declaring fetuses/offspring/babies as unPersons, exempt from civil and human rights.
I may be in my sixties but do remember what high school was like. If a boy went too far we ALWAYS told other girls, and we all knew which boys were the pigs to be avoided. We surely weren’t traumatized; more often than not we’d giggle over it.
I can’t imagine destroying a man, his family and his career over high school crap from 35 years ago.
Nothing more than opportunistic liars looking for attention and money.
Also, why should ANYONES high school behavior over rule the 35 years that follow??
"Also, why should ANYONES high school behavior over rule the 35 years that follow??"
That comment takes the cake for stupid. When I was in Jr. High, my horticultural teacher (Mr. Rowlands (?))(yes, we grew tall stalks of corn, etc.) was stabbed by a student because he was being reprimanded for excessive absences. The next day we noticed the drops of blood as the teacher staggered on to the playground. We never saw him again, so I presume he died. Sometimes, your teenage past catches up with you. I still remember the culprit's name although I never met him. Somethings are too horrible to forgive no matter how much time has past.
"Dems won't care, because GOPers won't attack with the viciousness that the Dems will."
No, but Trump and the 60 million or so of us who voted for him are starting to.
The left isn't ready for people who fight back.
The left isn't ready for people who fight back.
The looks on their faces will be reminiscent of those of the morning of 11/9/2016.
John Pickering
Would you like you, your sons, or brothers to be accused with no evidence, resulting in the loss of a job, and your good reputation?
The recent letter was obviously written by her attorneys. Her original letter was poorly written.
July 30, 2018
Senator Dianne Feinstein
Dear Senator Feinstein:
I am writing with information relevant in evaluating the current nominee to the Supreme Court. As a constituent, I expect that you will maintain this as confidential until we have further opportunity to speak.
Brett Kavanaugh physically and sexually assaulted me during high school in the early 1980's. He conducted these acts with the assistance of his close friend, Mark G. Judge.
Both were 1-2 years older than me and students at a local private school. The assault occurred in a suburban Maryland area home at a gathering that included me and 4 others.
Kavanaugh physically pushed me into a bedroom as I was headed for a bathroom up a short stairwell from the living room. They locked the door and played loud music, precluding any successful attempts to yell for help.
Kavanaugh was on top of me while laughing with Judge, who periodically jumped onto Kavanaugh. They both laughed as Kavanaugh tried to disrobe me in their highly inebriated state.
With Kavanaugh's hand over my mouth, I feared he may inadvertently kill me.
From across the room, a very drunken Judge said mixed words to Kavanaugh ranging from "go for it" to "stop."
At one point when Judge jumped onto the bed, the weight on me was substantial. The pile toppled, and the two scrapped with each other.
After a few attempts to get away, I was able to take this opportune moment to get up and run across to a hallway bathroom. I locked the bathroom door behind me.
Both loudly stumbled down the stairwell, at which point other persons at the house were talking with them. I exited the bathroom, ran outside of the house and went home.
I have not knowingly seen Kavanaugh since the assault. I did see Judge once at the Potomac Village Safeway, where he was extremely uncomfortable seeing me.
I have received medical treatment regarding the assault. On July 6, I notified my local government representative to ask them how to proceed with sharing this information. It is upsetting to discuss sexual assault and its repercussions, yet I felt guilty and compelled as a citizen about the idea of not saying anything.
I am available to speak further should you wish to discuss. I am currently vacationing in the mid-Atlantic until August 7th and will be in California after August 10th.
In confidence,
Christine Blasey
Blogger Trumpit said...
"Also, why should ANYONES high school behavior over rule the 35 years that follow??"
That comment takes the cake for stupid. When I was in Jr. High, my horticultural teacher (Mr. Rowlands (?))(yes, we grew tall stalks of corn, etc.) was stabbed by a student because he was being reprimanded for excessive absences. The next day we noticed the drops of blood as the teacher staggered on to the playground. We never saw him again, so I presume he died. Sometimes, your teenage past catches up with you. I still remember the culprit's name although I never met him. Somethings are too horrible to forgive no matter how much time has past.
What the hell are you on? Zero coherence in that.
Maybe Ford will agree to her own chosen lawyer to question her.
(This is now demeaning the word "circus")
mockturtle said...
"He should step down immediately! A mediocre-at-best 'actress' said so!"
You guys are having too much silly partisan "fun" to see America's ghouls are coming out of the woodwork.
Hell, you're already comfortable with them, so I wouldn't expect you to notice.
So you're NOT a believer in force, Pee Pee?
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