September 14, 2018

Sign at Obama rally attacks based on skin color.



The Crack Emcee said...

Wait a minute: white people have been saying "I don't care if you're blue, green, yellow, or polka dot" my whole life, but didn't nobody talk about orange.

There oughta be a law.

rhhardin said...

Orange people have an IQ even above Asians, so it's not really a bad stereotype.

"Get rid of smart people" is Obama's urging.

rhhardin said...

Roy G. Biv. Orange is his middle letter.

rhhardin said...

Hire the orange.

rhhardin said...

From red scare to orange scare.

rhhardin said...

Better orange than nothing. Nothing would be black.

rhhardin said...

The color wheel of fortune.

rcocean said...

Trump isn't Orange.

He's Tremendously Orange.

tcrosse said...

OJ, call your office.

rcocean said...

Remember white people's love affair with O.J.

The "Juice".

Wow, did that backfire.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

He wasn’t born orange, was he? His Scottish and German heritage didn’t make him orange, did it?

rcocean said...

You can tell that Trump likes black people.


He doesn't have an once of racism in him.

But that will get him NOWHERE with Blacks. He'll get 10% of the black vote - no matter what. Time to write them off. Maybe they'll change - maybe they won't.

But the orange people won't have an impact.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Everyday a new outrage to Trumpists.

Drago said...

Its quite clear that many are green with envy over the orange.

David Begley said...

Go away Barack. Go hang out with the murdering mullahs in Iran.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Try introspection for a while Inga.

Jim at said...

Everyday a new outrage to Trumpists.

Or maybe you can stop being such assholes every fucking minute of every fucking day.

Francisco D said...

"Everyday a new outrage to Trumpists."

Inga has a new line that she is repeating on different posts.

Reminds me of my dogs when they learned a new trick or got a new toy.

The only difference is that my Golden Retrievers had better learning skills.

Francisco D said...

"He'll get 10% of the black vote - no matter what. Time to write them off."

Trump got 8% of the Black vote in 2016 which is a big improvement over Romney in 2012. If he gets 10% in 2020, that's an improvement of 25%.

I don't think its time to write off the Black vote.

tcrosse said...

Everything is a slight to Trump for Trump sycophants. Deranged even.

Every night I cry myself to sleep. Boo hoo.

Drago said...

Inga is a little late to this latest contrived rhetorical tactic.

Howard, much to my dismay, has already been running full speed with the reverso-reality-projection-ploy.....and not to good effect.

Inga, being a perpetual tail-end Charlie, is once again way behind the curve and even less effective.

gilbar said...

His Scottish heritage didn’t make him orange, did it?
it would depend where he fit into the Battle of the Boyne.
Orange => William and Mary => Protestant usurpers
Green => The Rightful King James II (appointed by GOD) => Catholic

Were Trump's people Jacobites? Like all True Scotsmen?

rcocean said...

"I don't think its time to write off the Black vote."

Yeah, after 50 years of trying, the Republicans might get 11%

Woo Hoo!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Could it be that maybe, just maybe Trumpists’ overly sensitive behavior regarding the object of their sychophancy has become a thing of bemusement to at least half the country? The overreaction to every little slight directed at Trump is comical and pathetic.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is in the heads of Trumpists. Trump is finished, we’re just watching it all play out. No need to insult him anymore, he’s an insult to himself.

Pettifogger said...

Get rid of the orange man? Why, as a Scots-Irish protestant, I am aggrieved and demand reparations. How insensitive of these ignorant people!

One Sunday mornin while on me way to Mass
I met a bloody Orangeman, and I killed him for his pass
I killed him for his pass, me boys, and sent his soul to hell
And when he got back, he had a strange tale to tell!
Fol de rol de rolly ra, fol de rol de rolly ray
Fol de rolly rolly rolly, whiskey's in the jar!

When an Orangeman dies his toes turn cold
His bones begin to rattle, and the Devil takes his soul
The gates of hell fly open, and the Devil cries for joy:
"I've a nice spot prepared for you, my bold Orange boy!"

If I had a yard of an Orangeman's skin
Sure, I'd make it into drums for me bold Fenian men
And when the drum would rattle, and the pipes begin to play
Sure, we'd all march up t'Mass on St. Patrick's Day!

rcocean said...

Here's the thing about Blacks.

You could run Trump as a D - and he'd get 90% of the vote.

Run him as an R - and he's gotten 8% of the vote.

The R's have run *blacks* as R - and they're gotten 25%.

Indigo Red said...

Haven't you heard? Orange is the new black.

Big Mike said...

The chyron should properly have read "Obama demagogues about demagoguing."

MayBee said...

Is that Kasich with Obama?

MayBee said...

Big Mike said...
The chyron should properly have read "Obama demagogues about demagoguing."

Ha! Perfect.

Michael K said...

Go hang out with the murdering mullahs in Iran.

I think Kerry booked the last room in Hotel California.

Once you check in...

mccullough said...

Donald of Orange

Obama is clueless. Trump is a much better president than Obama. After W and Obama, Trump looks really good. So far a good economy and no stupid wars. He’s also not a self righteous douchebag like W and Obama.

MayBee said...

I think the way Obama, as a former president, is talking about the current president is unacceptable. I can't remember another former president talking like that about a successor.

Jim at said...

I can't remember another former president talking like that about a successor.

Nor can we remember a President blaming his predecessor for the entire eight years of his administration.

He's a prick. Always has been.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I think the way Obama, as a former president, is talking about the current president is unacceptable. I can't remember another former president talking like that about a successor.”

Thank goodness for President Obama. History will treat these two Presidents very differently, rightfully so.

rcocean said...

Obama = zero.

I don't hate Obama. I just think he's a mediocrity. I think he'd be a cool guy to golf with, or have a beer with.

But when he talks, I tune out.

Which is better than Hillary or Bill. When they talk, I throw things at the TV.

rcocean said...

Obama is sorta like a black Joe Biden.

Howard said...

MayBee: Trump expanded the Overton window for everybody since grab em by the pussy. Trump does not follow convention or the rules, so it OK for everyone, including Obama

Francisco D said...

" Trump is finished, we’re just watching it all play out."

After all is said and done:

1. More will be said than done;

2. Mueller will negatively allude to Comey's firing, but say it was within Trump's power as POTUS;

3. More heads will fall at the FBI;

4. Charges will be brought against FBI members for FISA abuses;

5. Inga will insist that the fix was in and the next Special Counsel should be Chelsea Hubbell.

Howard said...

Nice attempt to Drago my name into your convo with Inga. You flinching more lately... Unexpectedly

buwaya said...


You could sing this -


My aunt married a Prod Ulsterman, from County Down - he was working for Jardines in Hong Kong.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

What I love is anti-Trumpers calling him an orangutan, under the impression that "orangutan" has something etymologically to do with "orange." "Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool ..."

Andrew said...

It's a little hard to tell, but I think the man behind Obama is Richard Cordray, who he's campaigning for.

Francisco D said...

Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Orange who?

Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

(Because banana would be a racist dog whistle).

Jaq said...

This is how the joke goes,

A man walks up to the White House early afternoon, January 20th, 2017

“Knock knock.”

“Whose there?”


“Orange who?”

“Orange you clad I didn’t say Hilary!”

Michael K said...

Trump expanded the Overton window for everybody since grab em by the pussy.

No, Bill Clinton's DNA did that.

Do you know why Craig Venter did not get a Nobel Prize for discovering the human genome ?

His company did the DNA analysis on Monica's blue dress.

True story.

Meade said...

Okay that was good, Tim.

Michael K said...

History will treat these two Presidents very differently, rightfully so.

The first thing in a long time I have agreed with the fool.

Francisco D said...

"“Orange you clad I didn’t say Hilary!”


I am happier as every moment passes.

rcocean said...

Things I learned during the Clinton Administration:

1. Everyone lies about Sex.
2. Lying under oath is no big deal - if its about sex.
3. Sex with an intern is A-OK.
4. Extra Marital Sex is OK, and no one else's business.
5. Anyone who accuses the POTUS of Rape is Liar.
6. The POTUS never sexually harassed anyone.
7. If he does, its A-OK, because they're trailer trash

MayBee said...

Thanks, Andrew. I think you're right (I HOPE you're right).

MayBee said...

MayBee: Trump expanded the Overton window for everybody since grab em by the pussy. Trump does not follow convention or the rules, so it OK for everyone, including Obama

I can't tell if this is ironic. Trump didn't say grab em by the pussy when he was running for President. He said something privately that got recorded years before he ran.

Obama has always been Obama. Better than everyone else, and free to say awful things about people who disagree with him because he knows he is on the side of the righteous. But Ford and Carter became best friends, 41,42 and 43 have all been completely respectful and friendly toward their successors. Only Obama needs to be divisive--- in the name, of course, of unity.

Jimmy said...

obama has never been anything more than a bit actor hired to play the part. He was chosen by others to be a front man, to sell the left wing BS to middle class white women mostly. Like Biden said, he's a clean Negro. Nice smile too. photogenic. perfect. The only problem was and is, he isn't the brightest bulb. He spent millions, or rather others spent millions, so he would never be vetted. No school pics, no school records. No records at all. He did a lousy job as President. Gave good speeches about nothing, no substance, no results. That is, as long as the teleprompter was working ok.
He did nothing for the Dem party, except be President while they lost something like a thousand seats, in local, state and national politics. He will be exposed as one of the most incompetent, corrupt, and soul less nincompoops ever to be President.
He was a figure for sad white liberals to project their guilt on, and thus feel so good about themselves.

Narayanan said...

Can Republicans win more votes by claiming * Trump is my copilot*

n.n said...

Diversity or color judgment and discrimination is the new normal. In other iterations, Trump is identified as an orangutan, an orange orangutan. One of the many colors of apes on Planet of the Apes. That said, I hope the White Asian-American lawsuit exposing rabid diversity at Harvard succeeds.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga likes and admires Peter Strozk. All you need to know about her morals.

Darrell said...

Obama sends John Kerry to various countries to speak with the established governments to discuss US policy. Sounds like treason to me--running an unelected shadow government. But Obama will never see the noose. Or the inside of a Federal prison for the other laws he broke while in elected office. Sad. The Left built a wall around the law as far as they are concerned.

Robert Cook said...

"Obama is clueless. Trump is a much better president than Obama."

It's hard to differentiate between degrees of shitty.

"After W and Obama, Trump looks really good."

He looks like just one more shitty vassal of the wealthy elites and military/corporate/intelligence complex who run things. He's less well-mannered, infantile and mercurial, but the crimes of empire continue on course. As Henry Miller wrote,"The weather will continue bad....There will be more calamities, more death, more despair....There is no escape. The weather will not change."

"So far a good economy..."

How do you know the economy is good?

"...and no stupid wars." Are you fucking kidding?

And... He’s also not a self righteous douchebag like W and Obama.

He's not self-righteous because he has no real beliefs or convictions to be self-righteous about. (To be fair, Bush wasn't self-rigtheous.) A narcissistic douchebag, however, Trump is.

Robert Cook said...

That Obama would appear at a rally like this and pontificate (timorously) about what a shitty president Trump is shows that Obama is easily and equally as classless and egocentric as the Infant-in-Chief, a would-be oracle of the enlightened who is actually a panderer to the other half of the country responsible for a nullity like Trump sitting in the White House.

Robert Cook said...

"What I love is anti-Trumpers calling him an orangutan, under the impression that 'orangutan' has something etymologically to do with 'orange.'

No. They're just comparing Trump to the branch of great apes who happen to be orange. They're punning on the similarity of the words to make a derogatory comparison. I assume they make the comparison not knowing how intelligent orangutans are.

Robert Cook said...

"obama has never been anything more than a bit actor hired to play the part. He was chosen by others to be a front man, to sell the corporate agenda under cover of a neutered progressive facade...."

I fixed it for you.

Robert Cook said...

How could someone so belligerent, so aggressive and violent, so war-criminalish, not be loved and hailed by the right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Orange skin is a fake and undesirable color, achieved through UV radiation and other artificial means.

People have to be deranged to defend that guy, especially on the basis of that sign. Why don't you try acting normal for a day?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do you know why Craig Venter did not get a Nobel Prize for discovering the human genome ?

They didn't discover the genome, you fucking moronic shit-for-brains. They sequenced it.

Put your Caribbean medical degree to work and learn the difference.

What a fucking dummy.

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