September 17, 2018

"It is truly the deep state house of cards collapsing — as I have been predicting — right before our very eyes."

Said Sean Hannity on Fox News just now (my transcription).

He's talking about tonight's statement from the White House press secretary:
At the request of a number of committees of Congress, and for reasons of transparency, the President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications.

In addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.


Humperdink said...

It must be devastating to the commie-pinko libs as Adam Schiff-less has labeled it an abuse of power by Trump.

MadisonMan said...

Well, this will be interesting.

David Begley said...

This move by Trump will force Sessions to appoint a new Special Counsel.

Many people are going to jail. The rats will start ratting out other rats.

What rat won the Althouse rat drawing poll?

traditionalguy said...

Happy 17th. The Federal government has run as a huge criminal conspiracy since the Bush Family days. And they have not bribed enough greedy politicians and killed enough witnesses to keep it quiet from the boy from Queens and his Generals. And he now confiscates their hidden stolen wealth. Should we call it Exposure Day?

Sprezzatura said...

I don't know why nobody takes me up re my disclosure plan re curbing loons being loony.

All men should be required to have their (certified) cock size displayed on their chests at all times.

The little fellas can make their pitch. After all, lotsa athletic-build gals are super hot w/ wee tits. The hottest.?

And, the little dudes can say that little cocks can still get gals pergers. So that's somethin!

Many angles.

Until then we have Hannity et. al.. Deep secrets.


Molly said...


Andrea Mitchell freaking out earlier on Twitter: "This is unprecedented during an active investigation - and by a President under investigation."

Well, you know how unprecedented Trump is, dearie.

MikeR said...

Glenn Greenwald is going to have more words of praise for Donald Trump. Good times.

bbkingfish said...

Biggest bombshell since the Nunes Report.

Trump is really getting desperate.

traditionalguy said...

Rumor has it that the declassification of the crimes has been pre approved by Supreme Court Justices on Session's request so the CIA State cannot charge Trump with revealing State Secrets and arrest him. And Loretta Lynch is cooperating with Trump's team.

Much suddenly vacant real estate in DC should crash prices until the Secy of Treasury can auction them off.

Howard said...

This is good. The fucking FISA court should be shut down and it's nice we get to spy on the FBI for once.

Sprezzatura said...

Is it now important to wait for the completion of the gathering of the Kavanaugh docs?

Now, we're in favor of disclosure re docs re folks. Presumably this is especially true re folks who are going to be given a lifetime appointment sans oversight.


Logic is tricky.

stevew said...

Hahaha, transparency is unprecedented during an active investigation, hahahaha, yeah, that's a winning argument!


C R Krieger said...

I ask myself, what if a previous President was doing this to J Edgar Hoover? Would that have cleared up some cloudy events?

Regards  —  Cliff

William said...

Diane Feinstein isn't the only one who can pull rabbits out of a hat.

Michael K said...

Trump is really getting desperate.

Yes and he is coming for your ass. Kiss it good bye.

Logic is tricky.

And it's tough when you have no math or reasoning power PBJ.

The rats are going to have to get ready.

wholelottasplainin said...

traditionalguy said...
Rumor has it that the declassification of the crimes has been pre approved by Supreme Court Justices on Session's request so the CIA State cannot charge Trump with revealing State Secrets and arrest him. And Loretta Lynch is cooperating with Trump's team.

Much suddenly vacant real estate in DC should crash prices until the Secy of Treasury can auction them off.**************

Oh for fuck's sake. The Supremes do NOT give advisory opinions. EVER.

Paul said...

Evil hates the light. And like Cockroaches they will flee when Trump sheds that light.

Been a long time coming!!!

Sprezzatura said...

"Evil hates the light."

Hence no DJT tax return disclosure to the voters of America.

madAsHell said...

Trump is effectively ending several careers, and they deserved it.

tim in vermont said...

Hence no DJT tax return disclosure to the voters of America.

If the IRS had a problem with them, wouldn’t there be prosecutions somewhere?

Sprezzatura said...

"Trump is effectively ending several careers, and they deserved it."

Indeed, he is. And, indeed he and his staff do. Deserve it, that is.

Gahrie said...

"Evil hates the light."

Hence no DJT tax return disclosure to the voters of America.

...or any records for Obama from college.

wholelottasplainin said...

head-up-your-ass traditionalguy, read this:

In the United States, federal courts are prohibited from issuing advisory opinions under Article III of the U.S. Constitution. Article III designates that any legal opinion promulgated by federal courts must pertain to an issue that is “mature for judicial resolution” and the parties must have a palpable interest in the case. Put more simply, the Supreme Court, or any lower federal courts, can only rule in a real case, not just when someone brings a topic to the court to ask for an opinion."

Got that? Now, S T F U

Sprezzatura said...

"If the IRS had a problem with them, wouldn’t there be prosecutions somewhere?"

Well, the DJT run gov did let Hillary off w/o locking her up for her crimes. Hard to imagine that they'd go after DJT for his crimes.

Rob said...

Imagine how pleased the New York Times and Washington Post will be, committed as they are to openness and disclosure of internal Government documents and deliberations.

Henry said...

A lot of long nights ahead for the faithful.

traditionalguy said...

The Supreme Court Chief Justice directly appoints the judges and supervises the mysterious FISA Court that everything secret is being released about. Nice try.

Original Mike said...

Why is Adam Schiiff afraid of sunshine?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Forget it Jay(k). It's TradGuyTown.

Sprezzatura said...

"...or any records for Obama from college."

Did other candidates provide college transcripts?

BTW, we never did get a real birth certificate for BHO. DJT's investigators went to HI and did important investigating re the BHO BC. DJT wasn't lying to y'all to manipulate ya. No. Definitely not. He doesn't trick you folks. Yer smart!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sean is not credible. You need to watch Democrat Clinton "Newz" Network. Taht's the real stuff.

iowan2 said...

I wonder how many reporters are named in those texts?

Of coarse, the DNC emails named names of reporters that would put their by-line on stuff written by the DNC, That never shamed the stenographers.

Henry said...

In order for a house of cards to fall down there has to be an existing house of cards.

The game here is 52 pickup. Who wants in?

Michael K said...

names of reporters that would put their by-line on stuff written by the DNC, That never shamed the stenographers.

Sheryl Atkinson's book "The Smear" names them.

Sebastian said...

"the deep state house of cards collapsing"

Wishful thinking.

Original Mike said...

So all the congress critters know what’s in this material already, right? Telling who wants it released and who wants it hidden.

Francisco D said...

"Rumor has it that the declassification of the crimes has been pre approved by Supreme Court Justices on Session's request so the CIA State cannot charge Trump with revealing State Secrets and arrest him. And Loretta Lynch is cooperating with Trump's team."

Interesting trolling, none of which makes any sense.

Who do you work for?

I can't believe that anyone pays you, but given the increasing desperate corruptness of the Dems, who knows?

Were you molested by an imaginary drunk football player as a teenager?

Michael K said...

Did other candidates provide college transcripts?

Yeah and Bush had a higher GPA than Kerry.

You're welcome.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Strozk media - media Strozk connections are vast.

Andrew said...

It's a beautiful thing to watch.

Especially after the Dems were getting all cocky about Kavanaugh. Trump lets them overplay their hand, then catches them entirely off guard. (I don't know how, but I have an instinctive feeling that the accusations against K are going to backfire during the hearings.)

If Lisa Page is cooperating, along with Lynch or any of the other conspirators, I think the exposure of their activities will be a death blow to the Democratic party.

Even just watching Obama, Hillary, and Biden recently, they seem genuinely freaked out. So do some journalists. I think they know what's coming, and there's nothing they can do to stop it. So they revert to stirring up some more mass hysteria.

Sprezzatura said...

"Sean is not credible."

I'm guessing that Anderson has at least an inch and a half on Sean. Flaccid.

Just look at the way the two comport themselves. It's obvious.

Original Mike said...

”And Loretta Lynch is cooperating with Trump's team.”

Yeah, sure she is ...

Qwinn said...

Oh the hammers and the shredders must be getting worn down to nothin' tonight.

wildswan said...

Balaam's Ass was put midway between two equally enticing bales of hay. He couldn't decide which one to go for and so died of hunger. The media, between two enticing stories, Kavanaugh and the unmasking of Deep State, will tangle in their reasoning (we MUST know what happened about Kavanaugh, we must NOT know about Comey-Clapper-Brennan) and freeze in place and so they will continue toward their demise. Plus Florence is crawling slowly toward DC - that is, it is crawling slowly toward the hills behind DC where the rivers rise. We'll see.

Sprezzatura said...

"they seem genuinely freaked out."


Not like the calm and cool actions of DJT. He has nothing to hide. He's not nervous re a reckoning. Especially re his actions re this thread. Steady and stable genius.

traditionalguy said...

Stay tuned and watch the consternation in the Fake News Media experts as they discover Sessions is back in business and arresting thousands of their inside sources. And Mueller is a Potemkin village prosecutor of Trump. Happy Days.

Humperdink said...

bbkingfish: "Trump is really getting desperate."

Trump plays the long game kingfish. This is just one card in his deck. More to follow. Trump is fully aware of the election schedule and will play his hand accordingly. But he's maroon, right?

Sprezzatura said...

Doc Mike,

They were both dummies.


Henry said...

This is just one card in his house of cards.

Qwinn said...

It is fascinating watching the Left now scream that transparency is the most horrible thing ever.

I think this - having the evidence of their crimes that they've classified being revealed to all - is what they've been dreading for two years. This is what has driven all the lunacy. Remember Hillary said something to the effect of, if they find out what we've been doing, we'll hang.

n.n said...

Trump is breaking through the glass ceiling and tearing down the ivory towers.

Andrew said...

"Not like the calm and cool actions of DJT."

Actually, "calm and cool" is exactly how I would describe Trump. I'm not sure anyone else in the world could withstand the onslaught that he has and maintain his composure. It's otherworldly, like he's a Zen master. The occasional belligerence he expresses is strategic.

traditionalguy said...

Best TV show on tonight was Jay Sekulo on Hannity . Jay was so excited by today's victories that he would not even let Hannity interrupt him no matter how hard Hannity tried. Now that was entertainment.

Sprezzatura said...

"Trump is fully aware of the election schedule and will play his hand accordingly. But he's maroon, right?"

He's smart enough to con you.

Jury is out on what that requires. [But, not looking goo for you, and the like. [Sorry for seeming mean, but I'm not into "participation trophies"]]

rwnutjob said...

Shit's about to get real

cronus titan said...

Good. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Put the material out and let the chips fall where they may. Likely, since the origins of the Russia collusion allegation is a hoa, this information will tend to support that truth. Let's find out who contributed to the hoax.

I also agree that party with the most to lose is the media. At this point, no one finds Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey, Ohr, etc all that credible. They did what they did and it is fairly well established. What we really do not know yet is the extent of media complicity. We will soon find out.

Henry said...

It's cliche madness tonight.

The writing is on the wall. What goes around comes around. The deep state is going to wake up on the wrong side of the bed. It's going to be a bad hair day then, I kid you not.

Comanche Voter said...

Who cut the cheese? There is going to be quite a smell in Washington.

Sprezzatura said...

"Actually, "calm and cool" is exactly how I would describe Trump."

Apparently Andrew is into dystopian literature.

Original Mike said...

Has Inga thrown in the towel?

rhhardin said...

Trump is taking over the news cycle a little earlier than he'd planned; or making good on an old threat in the face of dems doing something already warned against.

Meade said...

"This is good. The fucking FISA court should be shut down and it's nice we get to spy on the FBI for once."

I like your thinking.

Sprezzatura said...

"Sunlight is the best disinfectant."

'Sunlight is the best disinfectant, except re DJT and his finances (e.g. his kid saying the company didn't loans because of Russian dough) and the help he got from Russia.'


MeatPopscicle1234 said...

Mother-fuckin MEGA boom!!!

William said...

Best part of it all is that it will show the DOJ/FBI gamesmanship for all to see. NOTHING of any consequence to “national security” will be revealed. Lots of evidence of how the swamp works to cover its ass will be revealed.

This is gonna be fun.

Sprezzatura said...

"Has Inga thrown in the towel?"

Yep, you folks in these threads are just too smart and witty and aware of reality. It's not like it eventually gets boring and sad to see yer lameness and gullibility re DJT. It's not like Inga is sick of winning as y'all self lose to the LIC -- Loser In Chief.

Molly said...


As I always say, democracy dies in darkness.

narciso said...

Unlike halper who knew a deputy svr head, or mifsud who had ties to timofeevs valdai forum or downer who had his own Russian ties

Humperdink said...

"He's smart enough to con you."

Conned me? You're beautiful.

Allow me to help you: Gorsuch, Tax cuts, US embassy moving to Jerusalem, giving the boot the Palestinians in DC, bringing back mfg'g, low unemployment, 4.4% GDP, scaling back the EPA, telling NATO to pony up .......

Gives new meaning to the word con.

Speaking of cons .... A few years back, we had if you like you doctor ......

mezzrow said...

October is just going to be... Unpredictable and overstuffed with new outrages, I suspect.

Trump's been running the rope-a-dope for awhile. Let's see what he's leading with here. I trust his sense of timing far better than that of the political professionals. If there's dynamite in there, we'll hear the boom.

Humperdink said...


The Godfather said...

If stuff like this is declassified, then "reporters" can't build their careers on getting secret stuff leaked to them by their buddies in the govt. So obviously this is another example of Trump's attacks on the Press.

mezzrow said...

This move by Trump will force Sessions to appoint a new Special Counsel.

Many people are going to jail. The rats will start ratting out other rats.

What rat won the Althouse rat drawing poll?

Well there's rat cake ... rat sorbet... rat pudding... or strawberry tart.

Strawberry tart?!

Well it's got some rat in it.

How much?

Three, rather a lot really.

... well, I'll have a slice without so much rat in it.

Temujin said...

There's a reason he chose not to do this previously, and a reason he chose to do it now. Whatever you think you know, you're wrong. Let the howling begin.

Sprezzatura said...


Just use 'yur.'

And, FTR real conservatives don't think it is acceptable to have almost a trillion dollar deficit in a massively booming economy (even Maynard wasn't for this economic-growth-spiking in a strong economy (so you are the definition of a fool (IMHO) if you are for this Keynesianism that is more Keynesian than Keynes). The other jabber about actions that placate indurstries of the past and the folks who want to control other folks cause that will get them to heaven is also not compelling. I'm not looking for a fire-sale liquidation of America that makes me richer today, w/ the price to be paid by others later (gets back to my problem w/ the almost trillion dollar R-party deficit).

But, different strokes fer different folks.

Shouting Thomas said...

This is a good move, but I would counsel waiting to proclaim the results.

My guess is that this won't resolve the Russia collusion hoax.

narciso said...

It's a brief glimpse, like a layer cake view of the document.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Look, the President is just complying with a legitimate legislative oversight request. That's what the Executive Branch is supposed to do.

chickelit said...

Blogger anti-de Sitter space said...”I don't know why nobody takes me up re my disclosure plan re curbing loons being loony.”

Maybe cuz it sounds like you’ve got the hots for Anderson Cooper. That’s just icky, dude.

Sprezzatura said...

"That’s just icky, dude."

If I'm gay it'd mean an attraction = not icky.

If I claim I'm not gay and I'm hot for him = I'm gay (but making false claims) = not ikcy.

I think yur wrong on this one.

P.S. I do know that writing 'fewer dishes' is better than 'less dishes,' and so on. But, error-ing is fun. IMHO.

chickelit said...

No, I meant about the poop on the desk.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

'Bout time! Democracy dies in darkness.

AllenS said...

This country has needed someone like Trump for a very long time. I hope he goes far back in time and opens up the books for the collusion between the FBI and Whitey Bulger.

Sprezzatura said...

BTW, speaking of poop. I wasn't joking in one of these threads when I said that for six months I was convinced there was a health benefit to drinking a lot of fermented beet juice, and the result was red stool.

Fer realz.

But, icky? Actually, when first noticed it's very alarming rather than icky. But, the correlation/causation was quickly realized. Then it's nuttin. (FTR, nuttin still comes out cracker color.)

Ray - SoCal said...

I wish the Sheryl Atkinson FISA warrant would be declassified...

Along with any other press members FISA warrants...

I think this will happen before the midterms.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

So? What does he think it will prove?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Many people are going to jail. The rats will start ratting out other rats.”

Yes, but who is it that has already gone to jail? Seems to me it’s been Trump campaign people and it’s only the beginning. But you folks just keep spinning more conspiracy theories, they will distract you from the coming blue wave, House for sure, now it looks like the Senate too..

buwaya said...

I dont think this will change much, even if the names (thats whats being hidden here) are shocking. The evidence already at hand, including the masses of information thats been known from the beginning, make it clear to anyone not on the wrong side of the fork of divergence from the lesser simians that this was a criminal and treasonous conspiracy known and approved of by the highest authority.

Anyone questioning this, even now, is a disingenous swine - there are a vast number of these naturally. Fundamental conflicts like this breed many swine.

The reason this has proceeded in this manner is simply the fact of tribal conflict. Law and virtue are irrelevant when so much is at stake. This is moreover not so much a quarrel between politicians, but among the people, who are enraged at each other.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It's not like it eventually gets boring and sad to see yer lameness and gullibility re DJT. It's not like Inga is sick of winning...”

The constant conspiracy theories and unrealistic ideas about just who is in trouble here is just too too boring and repetitive for me. There are much more interesting things happening under your noses.

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed by these commentators that think posting a lot means they've made a point or won the argument. But maybe they don't really think that . Maybe they don't think

mockturtle said...

Sigh. I do miss Monty Python.

Bruce Hayden said...

I think that at east the FISA applications are going to be a bit anticlimactic, esp after Andrew McCarthy's pieces this weekend. What he did was to track the applications to the statutes, and given how closely they track, much of the later redacted stuff is very likely sources and methods, which is probably going to be still somewhat redacted. Some of what remains though will be important -,for example, how could the FBI consider Carter Page as the center of a Russian conspiracy, when months before he had been working with them? Did they really try to corroborate the Steele Dossier through press accounts, that also came from Steele and Fusion? One thing that I do want to see, but might not, is how extensive was the surveillance authorized by the four FISA warrants? Did it extend to just first level contacts? Or did it also cover second level contacts? (Because that would have allowed the FBI to intercept the communications of much of the Trump campaign, transition, and inner WH staff). Did the warrants plausibly cover communications with those people long after Carter Page left the campaign?

The gold though is probably going to be in all the emails and text messages that have been ordered declassified, as well as Bruce Ohr's formal records of his communications with Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson and with the FBI (FD 302s). Also likely to be very interesting are the unredacted text messages between the parties, esp after the extensive redactions in the released Strzok/Page text messages.

Sprezzatura said...

Also speaking of poop, the Numi toilet seems expensive. And, obviously it is compared to a normal hunk of porcelain. But, folks need to consider the lifespan and frequency of use. These things are worth every penny. I feel dumb saying it, but it is true that ass hole cleaning should be and can be done better than wadding up a bunch of paper and smearing shit all over yerself. IMHO.

Works w/ Alexa, too.

Anywho, look at the cost over many, many, many years. It's really not expensive, in that (appropriate) context.

Yur welcome.

traditionalguy said...

Cooper interviewed Blumenthal on the Criminal News Network and both of the looked haggard and miserable. They seemed to sense the gig is up and their futures are uncertain. The CIA State faces a retribution much like the Japanese Empire in 1945 as the US Navy and Marine Corps under Truman closed in. Interestingly that is also what Trump is using on the CIA State...the US Navy and Marine Corps.

Sprezzatura said...

"how could the FBI consider Carter Page as the center of a Russian conspiracy, when months before he had been working with them?"

He did confess to lying to them. And, re other things he "has no recollection" re what other governments say he told them.

It seems like it's best not to lie to the FBI. But, you can recommend otherwise to your clients. Yur the smart lawyer, so if you think it's good to lie to the FBI, you must be right.

cubanbob said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
So? What does he think it will prove?"

Not much other than demonstrating the Obama Administration was rife with criminals.

walter said...

Andrew said... I think the exposure of their activities will be a death blow to the Democratic party.
Think Wolf Blitzer's pen will get hot over this?
The de Shitter faction don't care about this stuff.

mockturtle said...

Andrew rightly observes: The occasional belligerence he [Trump] expresses is strategic.

Exactly! Every time some headline reads, "Trump explodes..." about some issue you can bet it's fake news.

Sprezzatura said...

"Not much other than demonstrating the Obama Administration was rife with criminals."

So now BHO folks are gonna be admitting to and convicted of crimes?

Or, is it just gonna be more DJT folks admitting to and being convicted of crimes?

Bruce Hayden said...

"This move by Trump will force Sessions to appoint a new Special Counsel.

Many people are going to jail. The rats will start ratting out other rats."

It would be interesting to see your logic there, in regards to the 2nd Special Counsel. DAG Rosenstein is probably conflicted out now, or at least should be (esp after certifying at least one of the FISA warrant applications), but hasn't shown any inclination to do the right thing and recuse himself from everything. The Mueller investigation was obviously a setup by the Deep State miscreants, with Rosenstein as either the patsy or an integral player. But the material ordered declassified and disclosed probably doesn't really cover that area very well, about all that we can maybe hope for there is further disclosure that Strzok, Page, and McCabe were instrumental in getting the Mueller investigation authorized and staffed. Indeed, the only way that I can see legally justifying a 2nd Special Counsel is to show that either DAG Rosenstein and/or FBI Dir Wray is/are too conflicted to adequately investigate and prosecute this scandal. Wray probably joined the game too late to be really conflicted or compromised, which leaves Rosenstein.

Jon Ericson said...


Original Mike said...

”The constant conspiracy theories ...”

Says the woman who thinks that Trump and the Russians conspired to steal the election.

Arashi said...

But will it adversely effect tar, feather, rail and rope futures? Maybe?

I will believe it when I can read all of it online or at least go a federal building in my area to read in person.

So how soon does some federal hold-over judge issue a restraining order? Anyone want to take bets (virtual, no actual money)?

eddie willers said...


(had to say that I'll go back and read the thread)

Francisco D said...

"There are much more interesting things happening under your noses."

The Bedpan Commando has an inside source that tells her that Mueller has all the goods on Trump and he will be executed as a traitor before 2020.

I actually had a patient who sincerely believed that.

Arashi said...

I know this is crazy - but is there anyway that this has been a plan from the gitgo and Jeff Sessions isn't a total tool?

M Jordan said...

Today while stuck at a train crossing, I listened to Hannity’s rant. Perhaps rant is the wrong word. He has a vocal quality I cannot name but it drives me to distraction. He doesn’t modulate pitch. Every sentence blurs into the previous one on a somewhat high note. He uses “and” a lot to join the sentences which is appropriate since they are all one big rant salad.

Mark Levin builds — quickly — into his rants but at least you can tell what the highlighter parts are. With Hannity it’s as if every sentence is highlighted.

Very tiresome.

Sprezzatura said...

"I actually had a patient who sincerely believed that."

Believed? Past tense?

So you cured him/her? Now they wear a tricrone w/ dangling tea bags, or whatever it is that is now popular w/ you real Americans now?

Jon Ericson said...

Conspiracy central

Michael K said...

Blogger anti-de Sitter space said...
Doc Mike,

They were both dummies.


PBJ, Nobody said Bush was a genius. Kerry was smart enough to marry a rich widow while Bush married a librarian.

You and Inga are example of why the left usually loses unless you are allowed to cheat.

Original Mike said...

”I think that at east the FISA applications are going to be a bit anticlimactic, ...”

But that’s the point, isn’t it? It promises to put to rest the notion that justification for the surveillance is hidden in the redactions.

Sprezzatura said...

"Mark Levin builds — quickly — into his rants but at least you can tell what the highlighter parts are."


Levin's constantly repeating words and phrases. It's the definition of tiresome.


Plus he's a mega-fatso = gross.


Francisco D said...

"So you cured him/her?"

No. She remains very active in the Iowa Democratic Party.

Michael K said...

I actually had a patient who sincerely believed that.

My students had a guy who was such a well organized paranoid schizophrenic that the family had to put a letter in the chart.

His story was as good as Inga and PBJ's .

He had millions to invest in south Korea and had a plane ticket for next Thursday.

Sort of like the looney who accused Kavanaugh.

Sprezzatura said...

Not that I'm fat shaming.

Maybe Trooper still lurks.

Bruce Hayden said...

"He did confess to lying to them. And, re other things he "has no recollection" re what other governments say he told them."

Maybe technically he did, but that was in a stipulated agreement that ultimately netted him 2 weeks. A small price to pay to get the Mueller investigation, with its bottomless budget, off his case. This was essentially similar to the Scooter Libby conviction, for misremembering dates, with the prosecutors claiming, with, of course, no proof, that it was intentional, and Page figuring "whatever", if they just went away. Of course, this is in stark contrast with the FBI's interview of Crooked Hillary, where she repeatedly had no memory of anything, even stuff that she had gone to class to learn, and had certified under penalty of perjury that she understood. But, then, she has gotten away with playing dumb whenever, over the years, the FBI has interviewed her for this scandal or that one.

Sprezzatura said...

Inga seems to be the only medical pro around here who cares about HIPA.


buwaya said...

The scale of this problem is such that I don't see a way out.
It isn't going to do much to indict (or more likely just slightly embarass) some out-of-office politicians.

That whole side of politics has long been beyond embarassment. The other side is just starting to learn how weak embarassment makes them. The capacity for embarassment is a weakness.

Just the tip of of your problems, clarified a bit in these scandals, are that your actual government, hundreds of thousands of "public servants", form a caste of criminals and traitors, enemies of the people.

And thats just the tip.

Sprezzatura said...

Doc Mike,

How would you like it if your urologist was in these threads jabbering about his surgeon patient w/ a micro-dick. Sure, he's not using yur name. And, sure you've already, inadvertently, self-exposed that your pee-pee is a wee wee.

Even so, he shouldn't be telling us about your tiny cock.


Arashi said...

Is it impolite to mention that someone on the 'net figured out how many lampposts and lamppost like items there are in Washington DC, and the conclusion was that there are more than enough to accommodate everybody in DC that works for the feds - congress and staffs, etc.? Probably impolite?

gg6 said...

This news could not make me any more happy. But will it ever end?- as far as the NYT is concerned this story hasn't even happened yet. Thy must be having an all-night strategy meeting ...

Sprezzatura said...

"Of course, this is in stark contrast with the FBI's interview of Crooked Hillary, where she repeatedly had no memory of anything, even stuff that she had gone to class to learn, and had certified under penalty of perjury that she understood."

That stuff is not as cool as if they had asked her about her conversations w/ foreign governments where she told these governments that the Russians were helping her campaign by stealing documents from her opponent's campaign.

walter said...

anti-de Sitter space said...
Levin's constantly repeating words and phrases. It's the definition of tiresome.
Yeah..shit like "constitution".
I mean, wtf?
"Plus he's a mega-fatso = gross."
Hey..that gives Michael Moore the sads..

Arashi said...

I think the only thing that gives Moore a sad is when the buffet runs out...

Sprezzatura said...


Not like "constitution."

Anyone who regularly listens to him (like me), will know exactly what I'm describing.

Sprezzatura said...

BTW, he and Savage can be hear w/o commercials and whenever you want via their podcasts.

Free, too.

Unlike Rush and CRTV, which I pay for.

buwaya said...

The only truth in US politics lies in conspiracy theories.

These, at least, try to integrate facts not included in the official narratives.
They may be false narratives, but they are certainly less false than any official one.
Anything overt is essentially false, leaving out, as we have seen, much that is essential to understanding.

walter said... you are demanding others listen to him to understand your comment.
Does he pay you for that?

Sprezzatura said...

"Does he pay you for that?"


Totally completely not true. LIE!

P.S. Really, Mr Soros, I would never be a traitor. I only take your dough.

walter said...

Well..he did lean pretty heavily on "un-indicted felon" regarding Hildy..
But if she ain't no wayzze tyred..why should you be?

Bruce Hayden said...

"But that’s the point, isn’t it? It promises to put to rest the notion that justification for the surveillance is hidden in the redactions."

But it is in the redactions, and what wasn't redacted earlier. My point is that we are probably not going to learn anything new because we already know what they did, and how they did it. Here is the gist of it:
- the basis for the Carter Page FISA applications is the Steele Dossier, corroborated by press articles originating from Steele
- also likely a part of it was the push/pull by Misfyp and Downer, likely orchestrated by their CIA handlers, of the supposed fact that the Russians had Crooked Hillary's missing emails. Misfyp told Page this, and then, several months later, His buddy Downer asked Page about it, while the two were drinking together in London.
- several years before, the Russians tried to recruit Page.

But what they very likely did not include in the applications was the following relevant information that they were legally obligated to include:
- the FBI had terminated Fusion as a contractor due to Steele talking to the press.
- that those stories by the MSM that supposedly corroborated the Steele Dossier also came from Steele.
- the FBI had determined the Steele Dossier to be minimally corroborated.
-.Misfyp had received substantial payments as a contractor fro an obscure US intelligence agency.
- Page had worked with the FBI to entrap the Russians who had tried to recruit him, starting in maybe 2013. Thanks to his cooperation with the FBI, several were convicted.
-.Russian intelligence had called him an "idiot"
-.He had met with the FBI in March, 2016, cooperating with them in their prosecution of Russians, only 7 months before the first FISA warrant on him was filed.
- Page reached out to the FBI several times between that 3/16 meeting and the 10/16 FISA application to work with them, and those overtures were ignored.
- The wife of the DoJ #4, (former) ADAG Bruce Ohr, was employed by Fusion GPS as a Russian expert, and had very likely written significant parts of the Steele Dissier (very likely from illegal FISA 702 searches performed in late spring of 2016). ADAG Ohr's direct supervisor, at all relevant times, were the various DAGs who certified the four FISA warrants for the DoJ.
- The Steele Dossier, including monies paid to the wife of ADAG Ohr, was funded by the Croojed Hillary campaign, the DNC, FBI, and possibly a Russian oligarch. This was well known to both the FBI and DoJ.

No doubt, I missed some stuff, but most is very likely correct - but has been known for some time now.

Sprezzatura said...

BTW Bruce,

Do you watch "Montana Ag Live?"

Sarah Vowell was pushing it in the NYT. At some point I'll take a look.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clyde said...

Sunlight is the best disinfectant. And what the sneaks in FBI/Justice were doing was definitely an infection on the body politic. No surprise that Schiffty Schiff and his ilk would be reacting like a vampire having his coffin opened to the midday sun.

Yancey Ward said...

Trump will have to stay on top of this- I guarantee you the first de-redacted documents sent back by the FBI and the DoJ will contain all the same redactions the House committee members requested lifted. This is the bureaucracy at work, guys- they don't just give up when given an order to do so.

Etienne said...

I like how Adam Schiff is running around with his hair on fire.

Craig said...

This post and the comments could not be more Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome. You guys are hilarious!

Bruce Hayden said...

"Do you watch "Montana Ag Live?""

My partner does, but she watches a lot of TV, and I don't.

Craig said...

For instance:

Etienne said...
I like how Adam Schiff is running around with his hair on fire.

9/18/18, 12:01 AM


This is inane, tendentious, partisan misreading at its best. I hope Etienne bought something via the Althouse Amazon portal!

Sprezzatura said...

I don't think that show really counts as TV, in the normal way folks think of TV.

Vowell wrote: "It’s the kind of low-budget, low-key call-in show a viewer might watch to unwind from the razzle-dazzle of C-Span 2."

Anywho, I'm more than 20 minutes into using an episode as background sound. And, it's interesting. Too much so. Distractingly so. IMHO.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Trump will have to stay on top of this- I guarantee you the first de-redacted documents sent back by the FBI and the DoJ will contain all the same redactions the House committee members requested lifted. This is the bureaucracy at work, guys- they don't just give up when given an order to do so."

It was interesting how this order was structured. Trump has the legal power to have just ordered everything declassified,M based on his Article II Executive power. All Executive Branch classifying and declassifying utilizes powers derived from that power by the President. But that had legal and political ramifications, so instead, he essentially ordered th see agencies to cooperate with Congress in their oversight capacity. So,M instead of merely ordering all these documents declassified, instead he ordered his Executive Branch to cooperate with Congress, which has been demanding these documents, unredacted. Politically, it is maybe a little safer, but does provide some discretion on the part of those tasked to declassify the documents, which could, unfortunately, result in many more redactions remaining than Congress, as well as many of us, would prefer. We shall see how brazen the Deep State is here, given this order by the President.

Jon Ericson said...

CADDYSHACK the very best of Judge "Craig"

Jon Ericson said...

Rule 5, "Craig", rule 5.

Craig said...

Bruce Hayden said...
"Trump will have to stay on top of this- I guarantee you the first de-redacted documents sent back by the FBI and the DoJ will contain all the same redactions the House committee members requested lifted. This is the bureaucracy at work, guys- they don't just give up when given an order to do so."

It was interesting how this order was structured. Trump has the legal power to have just ordered everything declassified,M based on his Article II Executive power. All Executive Branch classifying and declassifying utilizes powers derived from that power by the President. But that had legal and political ramifications, so instead, he essentially ordered th see agencies to cooperate with Congress in their oversight capacity. So,M instead of merely ordering all these documents declassified, instead he ordered his Executive Branch to cooperate with Congress, which has been demanding these documents, unredacted. Politically, it is maybe a little safer, but does provide some discretion on the part of those tasked to declassify the documents, which could, unfortunately, result in many more redactions remaining than Congress, as well as many of us, would prefer. We shall see how brazen the Deep State is here, given this order by the President.


Also worth noting: he ordered the documents selectively released. Trump is insisting that much of the documents remain hidden from public view. We can spin that both ways.

Craig said...

Jon Ericson said...
Rule 5, "Craig", rule 5.


Rule 5, "Jon Ericson," new to this blog, rule 5.

Jon Ericson said...

Are you mad, "Craig?"

Craig said...

Do you even lift, "Jon"?

PS - Notice how I put the question mark outside the quotation marks. Study and learn, "Jon" "Ericson." Study and learn.

Jon Ericson said...

You should lodge a complaint, "Craig."

Craig said...

Blogger Jon Ericson said...
You should lodge a complaint, "Craig."


"Oh," "'should'" "'"I"'"?

For what it is worth, I'm enjoying that there are a run of comments about me. Keep it up, contentless "Ericson."

Jon Ericson said...

I think you already know Althouse's email address, "Craig."

Craig said...

Jon Ericson said...
I think you already know Althouse's email address, "Craig."



Quod Erat Demonstrandum

Jon Ericson said...

You're a regular Energizer Bunny, aren't you "Craig?"

Craig said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon Ericson said...

You should act on your strengths, "Craig," like making sure the ballots come out the way they should.

Craig said...

Blogger Jon Ericson said...
You're a regular Energizer Bunny, aren't you "Craig?"

9/18/18, 12:39 AM


It warms my heart thinking of how pleased you must be every time you comment. Everyone deserves to feel that feeling of "I've succeeded!". """"""""J"o"n", it makes me happy to think you might have been acquainted with that feeling. You've contributed to mucking up the conversation; in fact, you've been essential to it. I hope you don't feel the guilt, and I hope you only feel the pleasure of having had the thought to be so witty as to reference the Energizer Bunny. Feeling for you buddy!

Craig said...

Blogger Jon Ericson said...
You should act on your strengths, "Craig," like making sure the ballots come out the way they should.

9/18/18, 12:44 AM


Sending you a hug, big guy. You're trying so hard!

Jon Ericson said...

Comment by Craig blocked.
9/18/18, 12:45 AM

Comment by Craig blocked.
9/18/18, 12:45 AM

Only a daily double, Sad, "Craig."

John henry said...

Jay Elink,

Suggest you actually read Article 3. I just did and it doesn't say anything remotely like you claim. Unless there is some secret text somewhere.

Perhaps you have quotes from the Constitution?

I don't know if the Supremes can issue advisory opinions. I don't think they ever do but I see no constitutional reason why they could not. In article 3, anyway

John Henry

Craig said...

Jon Ericson said...
Comment by Craig blocked.
9/18/18, 12:45 AM

Comment by Craig blocked.
9/18/18, 12:45 AM

Only a daily double, Sad, "Craig."


Chewing up the comments until the click-requiring 200.

Jon Ericson said...

Don't go away mad, "Craig."

FIDO said...

Well, Obama was getting all ready for his 'Magical Mystery Tour', or perhaps his 'Professor Harold Hill Sales Push'. He'd be spending all kinds of time deploring half of America and in particular Trump.

Now, every time he gets on a podium, the press is going to ask him questions about these FISA warrants: what he knew, what other people did, how he feels about the abuses of power and how did these organizations GET this powerful.

This is not the conversation he wants, particularly if he was a major player in these decisions.

You know...there was this 'norm' that former Presidents don't campaign or talk smack about the current president. So for all the talk about Trump 'norm' busting, I know a guy who did it first and harder.

There is also a norm that the CURRENT president doesn't rat out the former president and all his crapulence. Mr. Obama, at this point, is probably regretting busting this norm. He doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut either.

Bush, for all his faults, painted pictures and worked on his ranch. I bet Obama wished he'd taken that option now.

Birkel said...

Carter Page = FISA warrant based on Steele/Fusion GPS lies

Papadopoulos = guy sentenced to two weeks for lying to FBI

Basic facts.

FIDO said...

The press is also not going to like this. They blatantly had several senior reporters put their thumbs on the scale and leak things...and now the editors have to answer those questions and have to face staffing decisions.

But then again, if they are willing to blatantly lie to the people and hire an anti-white misandrist as editor, it is just another day for them as they leak credibility all over the floor.

Achilles said...

It will be fun watching Obama say “no comment.”

glenn said...

FIDO said re Obama

“Now, every time he gets on a podium, the press is going to ask him questions about these FISA warrants: what he knew, what other people did, how he feels about the abuses of power and how did these organizations GET this powerful.”

Highly unlikely that any reporter bold enough to ask penetrating questions will get near His Obamaness. Lapdogs only.

FIDO said...

There is still the WSJ, Fox and other news reporters besides the Liberal Echo Chamber. And even the NYT is desperate to keep SOME appearance of credibility.

Bob Loblaw said...

It will be fun watching Obama say “no comment.”

"I don't recall" will be another favorite.

This strategy has always been viewed as MAD for both parties, since if you release documents detailing all the horrible things we did, the next time we're in power we'll do the same to you.

But there's no Trump party. George Bush supported Hillary Clinton in 2016, so you can imagine just how much Trump cares about Bush's dirty laundry getting aired.

Jon Ericson said...

This song goes out to "Craig."
David Bowie - Panic In Detroit

Jon Ericson said...

Oh, and Chuck too. lulz.

Jon Ericson said...

Brothers from another mother. lulz.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Self Shitter From Space got into the toots tonight!

FIDO said...

On a related note: Ken Starr is also putting out a book right now.

It seems that during his three hour interview with Mz. Clinton said 'I don't remember' something like 100 times during that interview.

He was within a gnat's whisker of citing her for perjury and contempt but didn't because he went soft.

I get tired of being civil and gracious and humane and not getting the same treatment back.

But now the gloves are off and Mz. Ford will find that out to her detriment.

FIDO said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert Cook said...

Deep State “collapsing”? Hahahaha!

Bruce Hayden said...

"Deep State “collapsing”? Hahahaha"

Here, it is really only a cabal at the top of the DoJ and FBI. You look back and wonder how Mueller and Comey ever were confirmed as FBI Director. Both were unscrupulous career prosecutors in the DoJ. Both sent innocents to prison in order to advance their careers. Every Republicans can in the Senate should have voted against confirming Comey after he and his assistant, Preet Baharra, were able to seize control over the DoJ for a short period of time while the AG was incapacitated. Both were held out, somehow, as token Republicans who were tokens of virtue. Far from it. We had Rosenstein rising through the ranks just behind them, more silently, but not that much more cleanly. All three are former DoJ prosecutors who ended up nominated and confirmed to high positions in these agencies. McCabe did the same over on the FBI side. Coming up behind them are Preet Baharra and Andrew Weissman. Bahara might have been able to hold onto his perch as SDNY USA under Trump, if he hadn't sent fellow Indian-American Dinesh D'Sousa to prison for making movies critical of Obama. Weissman, of course, ended up as Mueller's lead prosecutor. Then you had the DoJ #4, its highest ranking career employee, ADAG Bruce Ohr, in the background, with his wife helping to write the Steele Dossier, acting as a conduit between the FBI and Steele/Fusion, in the spying on the Trump campaign. Key here is that the #1 and #2 in the FBI and the #2 and #4 in the DoJ were corrupt, and brought a small number of inside players up with them, like Strzok and Page. The funny thing, to me, is that they seem to believe that they are patriots serving a greater good than the Presidents who come and go. We saw this with Comey and Strzok, and maybe McCabe, who loudly claimed their patriotism, while being called on the carpet for violating its most basic tenet, of following and obeying our Constitution, which requires that Executive Branch employees obey the duly elected President. They had no moral or legal business working to affect a national election, nor to sabatogue the President that they were sworn to obey.

These people have been rising through the ranks for years, but what seems to have set them free of the moral and ethical restraints that had somewhat restrained them, and their predecessors, over recent decades, was the weaponization of the DoJ and FBI by Obama, esp through DAG Sally Yates. She is the one most responsible for weaponizing FISA, first Title VII NSA database searching, and then Title I surveillance warrants. By spring of 2016, political operatives in the Obama White House were routinely unmasking the identities of political opponents thousands of times (the NSA reported to the FISC that roughly 90% of the thousands of unmaskings being done were inappropriate, which essentially means that they were illegal). She also greatly expanded who saw the unmasked search and surveillance results. Meanwhile, the FBI was allowing contractors unfettered and unsupervised access to the NSA databases, and those contractors were apparently using that access for partisan opposition research. Which is to say that the Obama Administration was allowing the Clinton campaign to use these databases, containing every ICE record, tax returns, emails, call records, etc, residing in the multi billion dollar computer facility in Utah, developed in the aftermath of 9/11 to prevent the next 9/11 attack, to dig up dirt on its opponents.

Bruce Hayden said...

Over the weekend, Andrew McCarthy at NRO had three articles:

Manafort’s Guilty Plea

Reading the FISA Redactions: This was the source of my suggestion that the up redacting of the FISA warrant applications is likely going to be anticlimactic.

In the Russia Probe, It’s ‘Qui S’excuse S’accuse’: Elsewhere I said:

This article by Andrew McCarthy is getting a lot of play this weekend, for very good reason. Fearing that prosecutors would use counterintelligence and counterterrorism tools, like FISA, to collect evidence, when they didn't have probable cause for a search warrant, Clinton/Holder DAG Jamie Goerlich (who would go on to sit on the Fannie May board, while it created the junk mortgage loan market, and, thence, housing crisis) implemented her "Wall" in the DoJ and FBI. This prevented the national security side of these organizations from talking with the criminal side. And arguably, one result of that was the 9/11/01 attacks, because the FBI had enough information between the two groups to maybe have made a difference, but the Goerlich Wall prevented them from communicating, and putting the pieces of information. So, the PATRIOT Act, when it revised FISA, and tried to bring it into the 21st Century, tore down the Wall, and tried to put safeguards against misuse of counterintelligence and counterterrorism tools as shortcuts in criminal prosecutions. And, that is precisely what seems to have happened with the Carter Page FISA warrants, as well probably other tools like National Security Letters. McCarthy suggests that the problem with the solution is that they assumed that the abuse would be in the field where most of the prosecutors and FBI agents work, and, thus, the solution imposed was top down, with the #1 or #2 of both the FBI and DoJ certifying FISA warrant applications under oath. But what happens when, as here, the corruption is at the top of these organizations, in the executive suites of these agencies? For example, much of Peter Strzok's infamous "Insurance Policy" appears to have been plotted around DD (FBI#2) Andrew McCabe's $70k conference room table (the same guy who certified several of the FISA warrants under oath). We have the people who routinely approve FISA requests now writing (and approving) them in order to spy on political opponents.

What McCarthy didn't mention is that some of these top level executives not only were the ones approving the FISA warrants, but had personal knowledge of its falsity. For example FBI DD McCarthy was one of the people (along with Counterintelligence Division #2 Peter Strzok) who was in routine communications with ADAG (DoJ #4) Bruce Ohr, whose wife was the Russia expert at Fusion GPS, and apparently had over 80 communications with either Christopher Steele or Glenn Simpson, concerning the Steele Dossier, long after his agency had terminated their formal contact with Fusion, in response to Steele lying about taking his Dossier to the press. Let me repeat that - DD McCabe certified several of the FISA warrants despite the Insurance Policy having been plotted in his office, and him being in the back door loop between Steele and the FBI, after Steele had been terminated for lying and going to the press. He personally knew that the Steele Dossier was highly questionable, yet signed the FISA applications personally. Oh, and one of the more humorous redactions that ultimately was unredacted concerned spending the $70k for the infamous conference room table in his former office, around which so much of this was plotted.

mezzrow said...

What McCarthy didn't mention is that some of these top level executives not only were the ones approving the FISA warrants, but had personal knowledge of its falsity. For example FBI DD McCarthy(should be McCabe here?) was one of the people (along with Counterintelligence Division #2 Peter Strzok) who was in routine communications with ADAG (DoJ #4) Bruce Ohr, whose wife was the Russia expert at Fusion GPS, and apparently had over 80 communications with either Christopher Steele or Glenn Simpson, concerning the Steele Dossier, long after his agency had terminated their formal contact with Fusion, in response to Steele lying about taking his Dossier to the press.

Just an edit. Please continue...

The Crack Emcee said...

Sounds like a good time will be had by all.

gadfly said...

Ah yes, another tactic by the President to expose all those crooks that work for him in order to divert attention from his own unlawful activities. So far, the FISA stuff has proved nothing, the 20 hours of accusations in committee hearings against Lisa Page, Pete Strzok and Bruce Ohr are becomig embarrassing to the GOP folks who will defend Trump at all costs with evidence piling up against the president.

When the mid-term elections are done, Trump will finally go totally berserk breaking more rules by firing Rosenstein, Mueller and Sessions - even if the GOP loses control of the House. Trump, you see is a child used to getting his own way without regard to the consequences. So the remaining two years will be spent on even more frantic activity - this time Special Counsel #2 will be organizing Trump's impeachment trial, soliciting action under the 25th Amendment or busting his racketeering operations under RICO statues - one after another until something works.

Donnie is out-of-control and out-of-his-mind or vice-versa.

Henry said...

The president deals a wish from a deck of wishful thinking.

Anonymous said...

I think the biggest question that's going to come of this is where were all those honest rank and file agents at the FBI. The deep corruption going all the way from the top floor of the FBI to the Oval Office will hopefully finally come to light. How are all those thousands of so-called "honest" rank and file agents going to explain how the saw and heard nothing. (queue the clip of Sgt. Schultz: I know nothing. Nothing.)

pokerone said...

Arashi may like this, with his talk of lamposts, pitchforks, and tar and feathers: What the country needs is a return to a time when dueling was legal. I'll take pistols at twenty paces every time. And no cheating, no ballistic vests. It would hasten a return to civility that is sorely lacking in public discourse.

stevew said...

You know, all these "this means the end of" whatever it is the speaker wants to see end are tedious because they are never, ever correct.


Bruce Hayden said...

“When the mid-term elections are done, Trump will finally go totally berserk breaking more rules by firing Rosenstein, Mueller and Sessions - even if the GOP loses control of the House. Trump, you see is a child used to getting his own way without regard to the consequences. So the remaining two years will be spent on even more frantic activity - this time Special Counsel #2 will be organizing Trump's impeachment trial, soliciting action under the 25th Amendment or busting his racketeering operations under RICO statues - one after another until something works.”

Sorry. There are no rules or statutes protecting their jobs. Rosenstein and Sessions are political appointees, serving at the pleasure of the President. Mueller serves at the pleasure of the DAG (currently Rosenstein). Highest ranking DoJ employee implicated who has any sort of job protections was Bruce Ohr, when he was ADAG. He is still employed, just not in a leadership position. Turns out though that career DoJ and FBI employees can be fired for lying, because their jobs require security clearances, which can be forfeit if caught lying. (Think Peter Strzok here).

No surprise though that the left is going batshit crazy here with the declassifications. Their shenanigans are being exposed, and turn out to be extraordinarily corrupt and illegal. Q had a field day yesterday, reporting, for example, that the Senate Dems were willing to trade giving up their opposition to Kavenaugh’s confirmation for Trump not going through with the declassifications. As with Gadfly, they are talking impeachment for mental instability, for shining a light on Deep State corruption. I think that I can speak for probably a majority of the posters here that that would be very unwise on their part, given the huge discrepancy in gun ownership and proficiency in this country between those who would support impeachment on those grounds, and those of us who wouldn’t. Some of the other Q rumors are that Loretta Lynch has been singing, that AG Sessions has been meeting with UT USA Huber, and that Sessions is trying to figure out how to unrecuse himself.

Michael K said...

gadfly does not improve with time.

Still crazy after all those years.

Meanwhile Veritas is going after the Deep State.

More promised.

Michael K said...


Theocracy is the worst of all governments. If we must have a tyrant a robber baron is far better than an inquisitor. The baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity at some point be sated; and since he dimly knows he is doing wrong he may possibly repent. But the inquisitor who mistakes his own cruelty and lust of power and fear for the voice of Heaven will torment us infinitely because he torments us with the approval of his own conscience and his better impulses appear to him as temptations. And since Theocracy is the worst, the nearer any government approaches to Theocracy the worse it will be. A metaphysic, held by the rulers with the force of a religion, is a bad sign. It forbids them, like the inquisitor, to admit any grain of truth or good in their opponents, It abrogates the ordinary rules of morality, and it gives a seemingly high, super-personal sanction to all the very ordinary human passions by which, like other men, the rulers will frequently be actuated. In a word, it forbids wholesome doubt. A political programme can never in reality be more than probably right.

That is what we have on the left. God help us.

PhilD said...

CS Lewis;
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
I like this version a lot better, especially since it looses the theocracy-bs.