"I felt very vulnerable, because I can work out, I can eat healthy, but I can’t change the fact that both of my kids enjoyed the left boob more than the right. All I wanted was for them to be even and for people to stop commenting on it."
From "Gisele Bündchen Reveals She Got a Boob Job After Breastfeeding Kids — but Instantly Regretted It."
"When I woke up, I was like, ‘What have I done?’ I felt like I was living in a body I didn’t recognize," but her best husband in the world, Tom Brady, said "I love you no matter what," and that taught her, "What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger."
I'm blogging this as refreshment from other, more dire problems afflicting women. Body image can be troubling for many of us, but this is Gisele Bündchen, famously beautiful, rich for her beauty, married to a beautiful man who is rich for his physical prowess. You don't get any more beautifully elite than her. She was always praised for her body, and that creates an exquisite problem: other people expect you to have a beautiful body, and they notice and talk about little things that have gone wrong, things that for all her hard work on her body — exercise, eating right — were something she could not control. Two babies enjoyed the left boob more than the right. It's those outside forces, the people with their expectations and the babies with their left-boob preference, that drove her to seek outside help. In search of perfection, she got the surgery, and surgery, she learned, is another imperfection, an alien imperfection. Better the unevenly sucked breasts than the surgically invaded ones! But she learned. She learned through the wisdom of her gorgeous husband and the hoary old aphorism that maybe he taught her or maybe she found for herself:
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Now, back to Christine Blasely Ford and Brett Kavanaugh. Did what didn't kill them make them stronger?
ADDED: If you Google "What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger" (or "What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger"), you don't get a lot of interesting stuff about Nietzsche and the uses of his aphorism, you get a screenful of stuff about Kelly Clarkson and her hit song "Stronger." If Nietzsche weren't already dead, it would make him stronger, presumably, to see that.
Now, back to Christine Blasely Ford and Brett Kavanaugh. Did what didn't kill them make them stronger?
It weakened our political institutions.
Tom Brady likes his footballs with less air. Gives him better grasp and touch.
So why did she get them blown up? Makes no sense.
Oh god.
Whatever doesn't kill you will make you wish it had.
CBF looks and sounds to be very emotionally fragile. She also comes across as not too bright considering her academic position. Imagine being late fifty-ish, tenured at a major university, and NOT understanding exculpate.
Did it make her stronger? There's no way but up for someone already so weak she could not face the kind of examination someone making an evidence-free felony charge should expect in a just society.
Kavanaugh came out amazingly strong. Strongly to his credit, he did not make that stupid "I'm not 100% certain I'm not a serial rapist" plea Althouse bizarrely suggested yesterday.
Christine Blasely Ford discovered her courage.
Like the cowardly lion.
Fake breasts are icky.
I'm happy with my breasts and simply pray I don't ever get breast cancer. If I do, however, off they go.
These nice ladies make soft cushy hand-make knitted breast inserts. Good enough.
Knitted knockers
Andrew Sullivan speaks and the left should hang their heads in shame over their desperate totalitarian illiberal behavior.
Christine Blasely Ford discovered her courage.
Like the cowardly lion.
Maybe if you had Google in German....
I can’t change the fact that both of my kids enjoyed the left boob more than the right.
Right boob milk is boss. I do not come onto this blog to here this disparagement of right boob milk. I don't know what the hell you're feeding your babies--left boob milk, presumably--but your babies need to get their mind right.
It's okay to be on the right boob, little baby! Tasty milk! Try it, you'll like it!
A little right boob milk is not going to turn you into Nixon.
This is how socialism starts. All those boobs on the left.
Two babies enjoyed the left boob more than the right.
If Tom was such a great husband he should have offered to balance things out. Probably not allowed under his TB12™ nutrition plan
The only thing that would make Ford stronger would be to face a man (like me) who refuses to accept her lies and tells her to her face that she's lying.
She still has enablers and she'll continue to lie so long as she senses she has a single enabler.
So, no, she didn't learn a thing. The psychotherapeutic business is now almost 100% an arm of the Democratic Party, particularly in terms of feminist/gay sexual ideology. Ford's lying is professionally motivated. Bragging about victimhood is the way to attain star status, get books and articles published and have your colleagues fawn over you. (You noticed yesterday that Althouse pretended that Ford was acting without any identifiable self-interest?)
So, she's going home to pious applause over her martyrdom. This will encourage her to cook up even wilder lies and fabricate drama queen martyrdom myths. I've seen women do this to such a crazy extent that they have to be institutionalized.
From now on, whenever I think of Boobs, I'll think of Mazie Hirano.
I've never been with a woman with fake boobs, but I'm willing to try.
ALTHOUSE: "I'm blogging this as refreshment from other, more dire problems afflicting women."
Oh, that's funny, - here I was thinking the most "dire problem' in the news right now was about a Male - you know, that awful Judge K male?....And I guess we'll have to await the vote to see who 'gets killed" and who "gets stronger"? Or whether such a bullshit cliche ever applies to anyone? So much for refreshment.
If Tom was such a great husband he should have offered to balance things out.
For that matter, I would have happily offered my services...
When Judge Kavanagh becomes Justice Kavanagh, I hope his jurisprudence includes returning the favor for all the dirty disgusting Democrats who smeared him.
Ford is the prototype of the millennial snowflakes who have been recently matriculated and are now just starting whatever bullshit career (mostly gubmint jobs one can be sure) they're prepared for, or more precisely, unprepared for — they want the big money and the powerful position but they want to be treated like pampered children.
When Ford was asked if anything other than the alleged assault had made it necessary for her to see a therapist, she started into psychology babble with something like "oh, I see what you mean, the ideation of the factors..." This struck me as a departure from her careful attitude of being meek, humble and just there to tell us how much she was damaged by the assault. I don't know what it is that bothers me about this little analysis she came up with, but it made me believe her less.
"ideation" means "the formation of ideas or concepts". I had to look it up.
Scott said...
When Judge Kavanagh becomes Justice Kavanagh, I hope his jurisprudence includes returning the favor for all the dirty disgusting Democrats who smeared him.
I hope ( and expect ) Justice Kavanaugh will rule based on the Constitution and federal law, and completely impartially with regards to who is on which side of any individual case.
The fact that this will result in him ruling against Democrats 100% of the time is just a nice coincidence.
The smear campaigns against both Thomas and Kavanaugh served several purposes. First, they had a chance to kill the nominations. They didn't, but not for lack of trying. Second, the smears could be referenced to diminish the stature of the one attacked. Thomas and Kavanaugh will be referred to as "the accused" by leftists forever, despite rather thorough debunkings of both smear campaigns. Third, the smears could be referenced as propagandistic "evidence" of both individual and party stance against women.
Not bad for a one page letter with zero collaborative details, and an alleged can of Pepsi.
I prefer Riddick's rule: You keep what you kill.
Kavanaugh killed it. He now owns the Democrats.
I like the Carol Bayer Sager song, "I'll be Stronger than Before."
Not very feminist. I put in the sound track of my Transpac movie.
I prefer Riddick's rule: You keep what you kill.
Kavanaugh killed it. He now owns the Democrats.
I like "I eat what I kill."
Oh, and fake boobs? Better than pancakes, is all I want to say.
(The breakfast food sold at IHOP, you vile things.)
Ford is not stronger, but richer. At least $400K on Gofundme.
Kavanaugh got some of the puss boiled out of him. So he is stronger.
Good palette cleanser.
We are drinking beers right now on honor of Georgetown Prep grads everywhere. The only radio we could get here I the Smokies that was not bible teaching is NPR, and boy were their announcers in
Mourning. The hillbilly preacher was a better listen. MPR wants a National day of mourning like Yom Kippur.
mikee said...
I prefer Riddick's rule: You keep what you kill.
Kavanaugh killed it. He now owns the Democrats.
Good stuff.
To expand on this though it was the necromongers rule, not riddick’s.
The necromongers and the Democrats have a lot in common. Uncanny in fact.
And Kavanaugh is more of one of the swan pies than a hero. He is one of the people kneeling in front of Riddick as he sits on the throne.
Trump is obviously Riddick. He is using their rules and tactics against them and has defeated them.
This will be apparent in a month.
Most women are asymmetric, even in their faces. Movie stars, even.
In this case, what doesn't kill you makes you larger.
Haha for a second as I was reading that I thought she felt body shamed by her babies.
It's interesting to me that even beautiful women can be so insecure about their bodies. But then again, Trump had beautiful wives and he seems to have cheated on every one of them, so I guess you can never be completely confident about your looks, or their power over others.
Gawd. Seriously, in 50 years this will be happening:
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." -- Clarkson
Does she still model? If so, she should suck it up. Your looks are your job. This very blog several years ago had a discussion of how Britney Spears was being blasted for looking fat at her comeback performance. Most of the discussion centered around the fact that "fat" for a regular person is very different from "fat" for a performer.
Just acknowledge it and move on.
I didn't read the linked article and have no intention to, but just going by the posting:
Maybe she's blaming the wrong thing. Is it not possible that, undetected by her, there is something in her hands or arms or posture that caused the babies to prefer being held by her right arm (thus appear to prefer her left breast?
I presume Dr. Ford is taking the train home.
It didn't kill her, yes. It also didn't break her. And she is alive and stronger because now she knows herself and her husband beyond a reasonable doubt.
That said, both she and her husband are good and deserve each other.
Doesn't the way you hold your babies determine which boob they get? If you hold them with their heads toward the left they get the left one and vice verse? Isn't a woman in autonomous control of her body and can switch to balance the load?
More than just registering disgust for this article it has to be explained.
Our women are raised to be pathetic creatures who define themselves by how hard life is for them.
A woman can’t come out and brag about her accomplishments and the difficulties she has overcome.
No. I regret getting breast surgery and I want to get sympathy and this emotional time has made me stronger.
For fucks sake.
The sad part is Gisele probably hates the article her publicist pushed on her and wrote for her to attract the people who buy vogue magazine.
Stupid impressionable women.
It is gross what progressive popular culture is doing to the women in our society. They are disgusting people.
Lovernios said...
Isn't a woman in autonomous control of her body and can switch to balance the load?
You can lead a babe to boob, but you can't make him nurse
"refreshment from other, more dire problems afflicting women"
You mean, like, a recovered-memory-claiming whiny partisan lefty undermining the #MeToo movement with a baseless charge full of holes against an upstanding judge?
And Jeff Flake continues the GOPe, RINO, LLR tradition and gives Democrats what they want.
Never argue with a woman about women's looks and if she starts in about her own, find a way to leave the premises, stat!
Ford appeared to be weak and vulnerable. Cultivating that persona played very well to the tribe and to those who were at least attempting to be impartial prior to yesterday's fiasco. Did it make her stronger? If she truly is as damaged and traumatized as she claims - and the jury is out on that IMHO - then I would think it would give her some closure and thus, she could now march publicly into all kinds of avenues claiming to be "strengthened" by finally telling her tale.
How could it strengthen Kavanaugh? He is a man on the verge of being utterly destroyed with the very real probability that he is innocent of doing anything even remotely like what Ford's accusation has morphed into in the sphere of public opinion. He will live with this for the rest of his life whether he is confirmed or not. If he folds, resigns as the circuit judge, becomes a raging alcoholic and drinks himself to death, or ends it before that point, then no, I guess it didn't strengthen him. If he does none of those things, then could you claim it strengthened him?
I am reminded of the story about the rabbi and the feather pillow. It is "lashon hara", that is - slander or gossip, and in Jewish teaching, it’s like murder because it is also irrevocable. You kill a person’s reputation.
"One day, feeling remorseful, he begged the rabbi for forgiveness and said he was willing to do penance. The rabbi told him to take several feather pillows, cut them open, and scatter the feathers to the winds. The man did so, but when he returned to tell the rabbi that he had fulfilled his request, he was told, “Now go and gather all the feathers.”
The man protested, “But that is impossible.”
“Of course it is. And though you may sincerely regret the evil you have done and truly desire to correct it, it is as impossible to repair the damage done by your words as it will be to recover the feathers.”"
I'm laying claim to this "gossip". As I've said before, I believe Ford is damaged. Something may have happened to her as a child/young teen. The swim suit under her clothes has had me circling around it. Finding out her family are Republicans and not signing on to daughter's bandwagon is another piece. Her moving to the opposite coast to "get away" is yet another. My gossip? Either:
a) her father molested her
b) a wealthy, powerful friend of the family molested her and dad and mom looked the other way
c) she was a problem child (it happens) who may or may not have gotten enough attention. She became rebellious. She learned she could threaten to lie about her father and say he was molesting her just to get her way
Prove me wrong.
What a shit show this entire debacle has been.
Things didn't kill me but I don't feel stronger
Life is short but it feels much longer
When you've lost that fight, yeah, you've lost that hunger
To pull yourself through the day.
Frank Turner - If Ever I Stray
Going to see him tonight at the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom. ( I'm going as refreshment from other, more dire problems afflicting our country )
I prefer the philosophy of Megadeth. “You said I wasn’t kind. Just not your kind.”
About twenty or twenty-five years ago I read an essay by a woman who had a boob job. She wrote about the physical pain after the anesthesia wore off and how she couldn't even wipe herself for days. ( She was staying with friends during her recovery, and I infer that they must have been very good friends.) Then she wrote how she saw herself in a store window while walking down the street later, and thought that she finally looked like a real woman.
And I thought to myself that a woman who has any sort of boob job (except for breast reduction surgery when she's so well-endowed that she regularly gets back pain, or total mastectomy for women with breast cancer or the BRCA mutation) is nuts. She has two X chromosomes, she has a uterus, vagina, and clitoris, she can give birth, and I understand that women with an A cup can nurse every bit as effectively as a woman with larger breasts. So it's just so wrong at so many levels.
"Sphere of public opinion?" WTH autocorrect?
Court of public opinion.
I hate linking to them, but a great essay on beauty. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/771127
she must be right handed
What doesn't kill me, leaves me sick and debilitated and longing for death.....Debates about Supreme Court Judges have no discernible impact on my health.
Karen of Texas, interesting comment. In the other thread I posted:
I think the "event" happened at her house when her parents were away. That's why she didn't need to have anyone drive her there or "home". I also think it was her boyfriend who tried to take things a little further than she was ready for. Kavanaugh and Judge may have been present, but since nothing actually happened don't remember it. Judge may even the one who pulled the boyfriend off her.
At that point she, or her brothers, threw everyone out, and of course, never told her parents. So it was a bust of a party, nothing memorable happened for anyone except Ford.
Now I'm thinking could it have been one of her brothers? Were they old enough at the time? And rather than face the truth about that she blamed Kavanaugh?
High school was an unpleasant experience. I went almost immediately from high school to basic training. I remember standing on the tarmac at Lackland AFB with sweat running down my forehead, feeling an almost irrestible urge to wipe it away, and holding myself immobile because some lunatic was threatening awful things if I moved a muscle. It was then that I had the sudden, poignant epiphany that high school might not turn out to be the unhappiest days of my life......The way it has worked out is that my life has been a continuum of unpleasant experiences. To date I can honestly say that they were much better than being dead, but I don't think any of them made me a better, stronger person.
this is Gisele Bündchen, famously beautiful, rich for her beauty, married to a beautiful man who is rich for his physical prowess.
I would've guessed that "Tom Brady" was a member of the eponymous Bunch, but I've never heard of Ms. Furrinername.
Now, back to Christine Blasely Ford and Brett Kavanaugh.
I bet their tits are bigger because what doesn't kill you makes your books bigger and they're not dead yet. Not books, boobs.
For that matter, I would have happily offered my services...
Surprising that it took nearly 15 minutes for someone to say this.
From now on, whenever I think of Boobs, I'll think of Mazie Hirano.
Here's a picture of her with no clothes.
So, Mr. Brady gave her that encouraging advice after the surgery?
DiFi looked like an animated corpse.
with emphasis on the 'Die'
"I'm blogging this as refreshment from other, more dire problems afflicting women."
OMG..rhhardin missed this yuuuuuge opening...
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
DiFi looked like an animated corpse.
with emphasis on the 'Die'
9/28/18, 3:52 PM
Hold your tongue, you're talking about a Sith Lady here! Well, maybe Lady isn't the right word...
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