September 18, 2018

I think the answer is evolution.

The women Roberts posits did not survive to reproduce. And assuredly, much of the reproduction that did take place began with rape and many of the babies who survived to go on to reproduce had mothers who had the psychological wherewithal to go on despite rape. Women are not hotheads, freaking out about rape, attempted rape, and the burdens of avoiding rape. That's why it's taken so long to reach #TimesUp. But time is up, and it should be.

IN THE COMMENTS: Meade wrote:
I don't think David Roberts was being sarcastic with his tweet but Cathy Young was with hers.
I said:
I sure thought he was, but I see he's at Vox, so.... do I need to break out my rarely used "I was wrong" tag???
Meade said:
Young was snarking on his tweet signaling how woke he is.


Ralph L said...

On TV, they're basket cases--on shows oriented toward female viewers. If I were female, I'd be outraged.

MayBee said...

Women are not hotheads, freaking out about rape, attempted rape, and the burdens of avoiding rape.

And also, falsely and possibly falsely accusing men of rape.
And fat shaming.

Twittier is about daily freak outs.

Ralph L said...

You've got extra letters this morning: one despite rape - this post, hearning in the previous.

Ann Althouse said...

Thanks, Ralph. I had seen and corrected those.

I appreciate the heads up. I continue to proofread after publishing, but still I miss some things. I try to get everything perfect... at least within the first 5 minutes after posting.

rhhardin said...

Women add details until they reach a satisfying level of rage. It's what tells them how much to fantasize, and makes their day interesting. That's how evolution keeps women amused doing cavework while the men are out hunting.

rhhardin said...

You have to picture an early cavewoman dusting and fuming with rage. No wonder the guys like to go out and hunt.

rehajm said...

I wonder the same thing every time a tweet like this crosses my feed

I don't get this- she's outraged he's pointing out women are always outraged? Crazy women don't like being called crazy?

Maybe I do get it...

rhhardin said...

#TimesUp is another cavewoman development.

RBE said...

As an older woman, who was out in the world during the beginning to middle of the sexual revolution, I now understand that younger women have been damaged by the escalating "sexual no rules" rules. I think we have a generation of women that are not thriving by all the conflicting demands of our current culture. I grew up in time where there were two parent families, kids weren't having sex as part of a first date and women were not torn apart by the economics of two parent careers being the norm. My two daughters are thriving but they were not constantly exposed to the decadence of main stream culture. Social anarchy.

rhhardin said...

Thurber covered this in Is Sex Necessary.

The real problem started when women started making themselves attractive, so guys had to be interested in them instead of just brushing them off as useless.

Paco Wové said...

"But time is up,"

On what?

Oso Negro said...

@Althouse - I am with you, provided it is “rape” as commonly defined in, say, 1965. If it is the 2018 lesbian feminist women’s studies professor’s definition, then it’s a “no”. American women, despite their fantastic self-regard have no monopoly on vaginal access. And to be honest, there are cultures on earth uncontaminated with toxic feminism.

rhhardin said...

One of the early caveman hunting accessories was a 28-day egg timer.

Oso Negro said...

But a man would have to travel to know that.

Saint Croix said...

And assuredly, much of the reproduction that did take place began with rape and many of the babies who survived to go on to reproduce

Actually, many of those babies were killed.

And rapists were killed, too.

Marriage has been around for a long, long time. I would suggest the vast majority of people come from a long line of married parents, not a long line of single moms.

Of course slavery--legalized rape--happened all over the world, and a lot of pregnancies happened that way. But infanticide also happened all over the world. These are twin evils, and they often go hand-in-hand.

For most of us, the creation of a baby is a wonderful thing, not an act of evil. Love can happen amidst evil, of course! But it's easier to love when there is love. So, I would posit, most of the people who are here are here because of love, and marriage, over and over again.

Eleanor said...

When a cave woman came across a cave man who could contain himself long enough for sex to be pleasurable for her, too, she spread the word. Pretty soon other cave men got the idea they could have all the sex they wanted if they just pleasured the women, too. The evolution required was a bigger brain.

Oso Negro said...

@rhhardin - now we have apps for that. I track my women on “Flo”

CStanley said...

Robin Eatmon @ 7:17:

Ralph L said...

Previous generations lived with great dangers from disease, famine, childbirth, etc, so they had to be tough--even if they pretended to be "delicate." Where did all the phlegm go?

The Crack Emcee said...

"Women are not hotheads, freaking out about rape, attempted rape, and the burdens of avoiding rape."

True. The victim of the most brutal rape, I know of personally, has blocked it out completely - and has a ton of kids. Most of the others just went on, though not all. I know of one suicide, and another woman who's possibly still freaking out, when the incident happened over 40 years ago.

Then there's the women in WWII documentaries, who are always like "And then the Soviets came,..." with an acceptance that says they knew what their men were up to on the Russian front. No major complaints, there, either.

Just horrible people.

traditionalguy said...

Actually, Rape is a normal military activity in conquest of an enemy/competitor tribe. The replacements needed after battles and plagues was the captured women and children taken as breeding stock and workers/slaves.

The question is not whether to rape, but whom to rape. Rape of a family member is illegal Rape of the enemy is a duty.

Once more the real progress in stopping rapes was a result of Samuel Colt's peacemaker. A weapon that can be carried and concealed on the woman stops rape like Dirty Harry did it. Since the late 1800s The small revolver was designed for and used by prostitutes who needed it every damn day.

Phil 314 said...

“You can have it all!”

“But I want it all my way!”

Anything less is the Handmaids Tale.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, women are loony.

A lot of them fantasize endlessly about rape and gang banging.

And often, they fantasize so feverishly about it, a la Kavanaugh's accuser, that they are convinced that the rape and gang banging actually occurred.

Sometimes, they are so pissed off that the rape and gang banging didn't happen that they want revenge on men for their failure to perform.

This goofball professor obviously had a crush on Kavanaugh and she's pissed off that he didn't want her. She's carried the grudge for 35 years.

Henry said...

Oh great, the "lets generalize about women" guys have all shown up at the salt lick.

Here's another evolutionary thought. When physical force defines the power differential, the smaller, weaker people who don't go along are killed.

Shouting Thomas said...

To top it off, this woman was a whore who fucked anybody and everybody when she was an adolescent.

Not that I have anything against an honest whore.

So, she was doubly offended that the high status, rich boy (who undoubtedly knew her whore reputation) didn't want her.

LordSomber said...

The Rationalization Hamster turns rabid.

Kate said...

Roberts tweets something ingratiating and gets many head pats for being a good boy.

Glen Filthie said...

It is my conviction that too much of a good thing is bad - and the fact is most of today's North American women are educated far beyond their intellects. Some women can handle it. Some - like A-house... are borderline. Most go off the deep end.

It's so bad now that it's not even an argument anymore. Most women should be in the kitchen and the home.

Henry said...

We live in great times.

Gahrie said...

Women are not hotheads, freaking out about rape, attempted rape, and the burdens of avoiding rape.

Then why the persistence of the lie that 25% of women are raped in college? Why the railroading of men in college kangaroo courts? Why the whole toxic masculinity bullshit? Where did the idea that all penis in vagina sex is rape and heterosexuality is a tool of the Patriarchy bullshit come from?

Gahrie said...

Oh great, the "lets generalize about women" guys have all shown up at the salt lick.

Because we all know that no woman has ever generalized about men, or created a whole movement dedicated to generalizing about men and accusing them of various crimes.

rhhardin said...

"The movement was born amid the sounds of the morning wash being automatically battered and dried in the laundry rooms of suburbia. The last crumbs of breakfast had been lugged away, the coffee was poured, and a scowling Miss Betty Friedan sat with the most awesome circle of women ever gathered under the roof of a modern ranch-type house. Together they deliberated, as rage feathered the linings of their bowels. The whole day yawned before them. Soon it would be back and forth, back and forth to the powder room. Coffee and house work can have that effect. These brave women were trapped with a vast expanse of desolate hours stretching out to that remote time when the kids returned from school and the idiot traipsed in with his evening paper. It was insanity, and still the infernal washing machine kept vibrating in the background. Soon the maid would be emptying it and feeding it, emptying it and feeding it. There would be telephones and shopping and God knows what all. Rosa Luxemburg had been right ; so had -- their genitalia notwithstanding -- C. Wright Mills and Norman O. Brown. It was time to hoist the black flag. Penis envy, ha!

"The women began to read, and in time they began to shout. Millions of witches had been burned in the Middle Ages, yet here we were in the early 1960s and still no inquest had been held. Not even many books on the atrocity could be found. There was much work to be done."

- R Emmett Tyrell _Public Nuisances_

Henry said...

Because we all know that no woman has ever generalized about men, or created a whole movement dedicated to generalizing about men and accusing them of various crimes.

And more stupid helps how?

Henry said...

Treat people as individuals. There's an idea. And it's a pretty recent idea, evolutionary-wise.

rhhardin said...

Generalizing helps when the crazy one is picked from a population of 150 million women. There are lots of crazy ones out there, and they self-select.

Ann Althouse said...

"You have to picture an early cavewoman dusting and fuming with rage. No wonder the guys like to go out and hunt."

If women were really so infused with rage, why would I keep @rhdino as my cave pet?

traditionalguy said...

The Althouse Blog as a "Salt lick". Sounds about right. Salt is a sine qua non to animal life on earth. And I are one. Blood that carries all soul life until circulation stops is basically salt water . Pepper we can live without , but salt we cannot live without.

And intelligent women we cannot live without.

William said...

What you can't change, you duly and dully accept as part of nature. I live with my arthritic knee and mortality and consider it a blessing that I have lived long enough to limp along and reflect on mortality. If there was a pill that cured arthritis and mortality, I would consider my present state unbearable.......Just so with the women of Germany. They had lived long enough to be raped by the Soviet soldiers. What a blessing. If you can't call it luck, you call it fate and muddle through.

campy said...

Yeah, you "let's generalize about women" guys! Why can't you treat people as individuals?!

Henry said...

What would we do if comments didn't have names attached?

rhhardin said...

If cavewomen had all been connected by internet there would have been something done about men, assuming the men are still out hunting. Otherwise porn would have happened a lot sooner.

Fernandinande said...

Women are not hotheads, freaking out about rape, attempted rape, and the burdens of avoiding rape.

Of course not.

#TimesUp. #MeToo, pregnancy, rape

"Rape" appears 13 times on your main page; Cathy Young's blog: three occurrences, all in a quote of someone else.

Unknown said...

> Women are not hotheads, freaking out about rape, attempted rape, and the burdens of avoiding rape. That's why it's taken so long to reach #TimesUp. But time is up, and it should be

Exactly, like that rolling stone story girl or mattress girl or duke stripper.

rhhardin said...

Men see sexual difference as comedy, women see it as tragedy.

rehajm said...

If women were really so infused with rage, why would I keep @rhdino as my cave pet?

@rhdino? Sounds kinda sexy- Freudian slip?

Shouting Thomas said...

Yeah, you "let's generalize about women" guys! Why can't you treat people as individuals?!

Stereotypes became stereotypes because they are usually reliably accurate.

Within any stereotyped group, only a few people individuate and exit the group stereotype.

rehajm said...

My cave pet @rhdino! Fetch me another cosmo, love...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Blogger Henry said...
Treat people as individuals. There's an idea. And it's a pretty recent idea, evolutionary-wise.”

Now apply it to governing. Get back to me when you’re done...

Shouting Thomas said...

Look at Althouse. She fits almost entirely the stereotype of the female liberal arts college professor.

She's agog over gay men because they are her allies in office politics. She's kinda fanatic about abortion. In her old age she's taken up with the gardener. (Believe me, I've seen this one over and over.) She's a Dylan teeny-bopper. She's a poor little rich white girl from wealthy suburban NJ who claims to have been oppressed. She likes to throw a bone to black racists like Crack to demonstrate that she's really still hip. And on and on.

She does have a powerhouse intellect, she likes men and she believes in absolute observance of the First Amendment.

Most of her female peers, I'd bet, fit the stereotype completely without any of Althouse's kinks.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Sure, modern women (the products of evolution) are hardcore bad asses who can take any sort of trouble or pain and shake it off.

Also: a minor incident from 3.5 decades ago was so scarring and emotionally traumatizing that the alleged victim of it is still shaken to this day.

Sorta seems like you should have to pick one, no?

Just kidding: women are all good things and everyone knows it--it should be a crime to point out logical inconsistencies in the portrayal of women's strength.

Henry said...

The Cracker Emcee Rampant said... Now apply it to governing.

I apply it to voting. That's the best I can do in this fallen world.

Ann Althouse said...

"Actually, many of those babies were killed...."

Of course, I am implying that. Some live and some die, and evolution means we have the genetic makeup of the ones who lived long enough to pass their genes to the next generation. The baby of a rageoholic mother would die and not reproduce, so we live in a world where the angriest women have been filtered out. Either they fought their rapists and died, they languished to death while pregnant, they figured out how to end their pregnancies or died trying, or they failed to adequately nurture their child to independence and to inspire it to get out and mate. Rape was tolerated, rebounded from, and encouraged in the next generation of males, while the next generation of females was encouraged to make the best of it, submitting, enduring, and even developing a way to fantasize it into a good life. These are our ancestors. Please analyze all your thoughts and feeling on the subject of rape and other sexual subordination in light of what you should know about our genetic inheritance. There is an alternative humanity that would cover the earth, instead of us, if rape had not been part of humanity, and who knows what these women and men would be like by now? We can barely conceive. You talk about how terrible it is that some fertilized eggs did not become born human beings with entire lives to live, but I want to talk about how terrible it is that rape has determined who would be born. What of the gentler souls, the men who never reproduced because rapists monopolized the women? What of the women who survived because they didn't resist to the point of death? Who would have been born if the gentle man had been able to form a true bond with a woman who wanted him and the world could have had their children to carry on humanity? That humanity never existed, and it's damned hard to create it now, considering our origins.

Meade said...

I don't think David Roberts was being sarcastic with his tweet but Cathy Young was with hers.

rhhardin said...

Evolution is responsible for women saying that's not funny.

campy said...

"What would we do if comments didn't have names attached?"

I give up. What?

Ann Althouse said...

"But infanticide also happened all over the world. These are twin evils, and they often go hand-in-hand."

Our ancestors are the ones who lived, not the aborted and murdered babies. If women were supported, loved, and happy, rather than raped and subordinated, more of their children would have lived. Who were those murdered babies and what would we be with their genes?

"For most of us, the creation of a baby is a wonderful thing, not an act of evil."

What about for a rape victim? I'm sure all of us are here because some raped woman in our ancestral line did not kill her baby. Thinking of her baby as a "wonderful thing," a gift of God, is a way of getting along and bringing that baby to the point where it can reproduce. We have the genes of women who could take that point of view, so your numbers — "most of us" — even if true, don't impress me.

"Love can happen amidst evil, of course! But it's easier to love when there is love. So, I would posit, most of the people who are here are here because of love, and marriage, over and over again."

That's very nice to think and probably has great survival value, especially for women.

rhhardin said...

Kleist's Marquise of O is a nice rape story.

Shouting Thomas said...

The world you visualize, Althouse, would be an incredibly dreary bore.

This combination of animal and God that we are is far more interesting and compelling than that boring shit you're peddling.

Ann Althouse said...

"I don't think David Roberts was being sarcastic with his tweet but Cathy Young was with hers."

I sure thought he was, but I see he's at Vox, so.... do I need to break out my rarely used "I was wrong" tag???

Michael K said...

That's why it's taken so long to reach #TimesUp. But time is up, and it should be.

And the time may be up for western civilization as the angry feminists seem to have taken over.

Islam has a cure for the angry feminist. And the angry western feminist is all for it. Not for herself but for all those other women who haven't been Woke.

Who would have been born if the gentle man had been able to form a true bond with a woman who wanted him and the world could have had their children to carry on humanity? That humanity never existed, and it's damned hard to create it now, considering our origins.

My great grandmother had 12 children and they all lived to adulthood. All but one into their 80s.

My paternal grandmother had 10. My mother told my wife that she asked her about whether she had ever had any problems about sex. The answer was "I never even came close to losing a baby."

Althouse is asking the wrong questions but that is why western civilization is slowly dying.

Shouting Thomas said...

More to the point.

Lucifer is tricking you by appealing to the vanity of your intellect.

You are easy prey. The trickster knows precisely how to get to you.

My prediction. We will continue down the road to trying to appease women in all things. And at some point in the future women will commit the most horrendous, unimaginable atrocity in order to force us to recognize the demon in them.

Read Isaac Bashevis Singer's "The Gentleman from Krakow."

traditionalguy said...

After all that evolution theory with genetic determinism by survival of the fittest (which is Margaret Sanger's Nazi Theory of murder to advance the race) , it is almost a relief that men and women can be born again as new creations in Christ.

rhhardin said...

I don't think there were rape victims. Rape is a social construct within a system that itself has to evolve in order to do the construct.

To get the hot-button account to work, you need to balance the evolutions.

#MeToo has evolved the system to the point that men no longer give a shit about women.

Meade said...

"I sure thought he was, but I see he's at Vox, so.... do I need to break out my rarely used "I was wrong" tag???"

Young was snarking on his tweet signaling how woke he is.

Ken B said...

Meade is right.

MayBee said...

Ahhhh Thanks for the update Changes the meaning a lot

pdug said...

Probably right. I've wondered if Stockholm syndrome or the accounts of white women taken captive by native american tribes who slaughtered all the menfolk (and "married" to tribal members) who refused to return or leave the tribe is a reflection of an evolutionary adaptation.

buwaya said...

It probably is an evolutionary adaptation, and it may go back to the pre-chimpanzee common ancestor, as chimps seem to commonly rape, and otherwise mistreat the females too. And moreover the meaner males seem to breed more successfully.

Female chimps also sleep around, with every male they can catch.

All the social problems of the decadent underclass are simply those that come most naturally. Pat Moynihan was fighting nature itself. And the pick-up-artists point of view is at least partially biologically correct.

To conservatisms credit this too is understood there, in that the point of civilization is to suppress and channel what comes naturally, else there is no civilization. But nature has been reasonably well understood, in an empirical way, and conservatism supports the social structures that have arisen to accomodate it, in an empirical way.

Modernity, liberalism, has brought hubris, and a destruction of empirical structures, while requiring an ignorance of nature, insisting on a formal ( "scientific") derivation of knowledge. But this is a subject probably too complex to analyze this way within current capabilities. And there is an underlying reluctance to admit the validity of the old empirical understandings of its ancient enemy, even when science, limited as it us, comes to the same conclusions.

Feminism, a silly fad, is blind to nature, on the whole, and at its highest intellectual levels entirely rejecting both empiricism and science.

Kirk Parker said...


I am reading the comments and wondering why the heck no one is mentioning War Brides, but then at the very end I see pdug at least hints at it.

Kirk Parker said...

... or at least mention the book of Ruth.

Gahrie said...

If women were supported, loved, and happy, rather than raped and subordinated, more of their children would have lived

Then why have the most privileged and pampered women in history stopped having children?

Henry said...

Maybe the neanderthal guys were gentle men.

Ralph L said...

In the wildlife TV shows, the females usually choose the males they want to mate with. Herd/pack females seem to accept the alpha males without running away, and they have their own hierarchy.

I doubt men evolved to be larger, stronger, and more aggressive so they could rape women.
Are arranged marriages rape?

Moravians used to decide by lot if a semi-arranged marriage could proceed.

Michael K said...

Are arranged marriages rape?

I am reading a biography of DeGaulle. His marriage was arranged by his domineering mother and the family of the bride.

How many great public leaders had domineering mothers ?

Roosevelt's mother lived in the White House. MacArthur's mother moved to West Point when he was in the military academy,

buwaya said...

In the wildlife TV shows it was human writers and editors putting their interpretations on animal behavior. Especially in order to please their audience, and avoid unpleasant controversies.

Michael K said...

Especially in order to please their audience, and avoid unpleasant controversies.

Who are 98% women. Do any men watch nature channels?

Ralph L said...

Do any men watch nature channels?


Ralph L said...

Women should be glad we don't have a barbed penis like cats do.

Human society would be a little different if it took sex with a second man to conceive. Eventually, the first man would figure out those aren't his children.

Henry said...

I doubt men evolved to be larger, stronger, and more aggressive so they could rape women.

Depends if we're baboons or bonobos.

Michael K said...

Blogger Ralph L said...
Do any men watch nature channels?


OK There's one.

My wife watches them all the time.

rcocean said...

All these evolutionary explanations are always Bullshit. But here's mine:

back in caveman days, the human species couldn't afford to have women who were childless. Due to disease, infant mortality, etc. the number of kids that reached reproduction age was quite small, IOW, each women had to have about 3 kids just to keep the tribe's population level.

But, childbearing was dangerous and unpleasant. So, lots of rape and arranged marriages. Women who could "go with the flow" fared better.

rcocean said...

Nature Shows?

I'm like Trump - i love Shark week.

rhhardin said...

Romantic marriage began with Shakespeare. They'd been political, aka arranged, before that. Anthony and Clsopatra was a play about the change.

n.n said...

We are discussing duck dynasties (i.e. heredity including genetic) and evolution. Evolution (e.g. life) is a chaotic process, and has progressive accuracy in a limited frame of reference.

robother said...

Selfish genes want what they want.

Ann thinks she knows "evolution" is headed to a kinder, gentler place, but how can we explain that the women voters of Germany, Sweden and the US both demand respect even as they vote to open their borders to men from the cultures least respectful of women.

Saint Croix said...

we live in a world where the angriest women have been filtered out.

I think that's glib. People have free will. I don't believe this idea of extinct emotions, or emotions that didn't reproduce and so we don't have them anymore. I posit that we have the same range of emotions that our ancestors did. We might repress them more--I think it's highly likely that we repress them more--but love, hate, anger, fear, they have been around as long as human beings have been around.

You are suggesting the "angriest women" cannot reproduce. I dispute that. But regardless, we know as a biological certainty that homosexuals do not reproduce. And yet, they still are here, mocking all the social Darwinists by their very existence.

If you're going to argue that human behavior has been "filtered out" via sex selection, then you'd have to explain why there are still people who only engage in homosexual sex.

Free will explains these things. Darwin explains very little.

Achilles said...

Henry said...
Because we all know that no woman has ever generalized about men, or created a whole movement dedicated to generalizing about men and accusing them of various crimes.

And more stupid helps how?

So you think catering to a lying whore bent on gaining power for her tribe over other people helps women how?

Women should be judged as individuals. Every man here knows at least one Dr. Ford type woman.

The question is do we have to treat all women as if they were detestable shit heads because a moral degenerate like Dr. Ford will make up some unfalsifiable story in 35 years?

These people are a cancer and they force distrust and fear into every relationship in our country.

Saint Croix said...

Rape was tolerated, rebounded from, and encouraged in the next generation of males

Althouse, for fuck's sake. Men have wives and daughters they love. It's bizarre to separate out the sexes as if men only think about men and women only think about women. The way reproduction happens is a unity of man and woman, called marriage.

Fathers protect their daughters from rape. Husbands protect their wives from rape. Even if you want to dismiss love, which is idiotic, what about male pride?

Rape was punished by death for most of human history. And it's been men who inflict that punishment.

Ann Althouse said...

“Ann thinks she knows "evolution" is headed to a kinder, gentler place...”

That takes the cake for misreading!

robother said...

Make it German Chocolate! I assumed you were talking evolution (which can be cultural as well as biological--mimetic as well as genetic) when you referred to taking so long to reach TimesUp, but now Time is up.

Ralph L said...

One of my late step-monster's conversational bricks was that she had been gang-raped by Mexicans in Colorado and aborted the baby. Later, we realized she had Munchausen's so it was almost certainly a crock. My father had no idea women could be so nutty, histrionic, and selfish, as every woman in his life had been the opposite. My sister is merely self-centered.

We thought it was karma that suddenly he was waiting on someone hand and foot, but her nastiness soon revealed itself--well before her financial incontinence. Her 2 doormat sons married 4 women almost as nutty as she was.

Ralph L said...

Women are not hotheads, freaking out about rape

I think this may be what robother was referring to. Perhaps if women had kept hunting as other carnivore females do, they would have higher testosterone and be just as bloodthirsty. Which came first, specialization or differentiation?

Gahrie said...

Rape was punished by death for most of human history. And it's been men who inflict that punishment.

The problem is, most men aren't prepared to call an unwelcome advance or an appreciative stare as rape. Or you know, heterosexual sex.

Gahrie said...

Fathers protect their daughters from rape.

Althouse believes that tens of thousands of fathers every year send their daughters off to spend years at institutions where 25% of them will be raped.

Known Unknown said...

The simple answer is that women are not human.

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