September 17, 2018

Good! — "Brett Kavanaugh and His Accuser Say They’re Willing to Testify."

The NYT reports.

AND: Trump is fine with it:
Mr. Trump vigorously defended his nominee, calling him an “outstanding” judge with an unblemished record, and dismissing as “ridiculous” the prospect that Judge Kavanaugh might withdraw his nomination. Still, he told reporters that he was willing to accept a delay in the judge’s path to confirmation in order to air the new information.

“He is somebody very special; at the same time, we want to go through a process, we want to make sure everything is perfect, everything is just right,” Mr. Trump told reporters at the White House. “If it takes a little delay, it will take a little delay — it shouldn’t certainly be very much.”


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eric said...


What's he going to testify to?

"We're you there that night?"

"Which night?"

"The night in question."

"I don't know ow what night that was. Do you have a date?"


"A day of the week?"


"Ok, if you don't have the time, how about the place? Maybe I can recall being at the place. Where did this happen?"

"We don't know that either."

"So, at some time and at some place I assaulted this woman?"


"I've never assaulted any woman."

"Oh, but, how can you know that for sure when you just admitted you don't even know the time or the place?!"


Original Mike said...

"Good! — "Brett Kavanaugh and His Accuser Say They’re Willing to Testify.""

Uh huh. When?

Rumpletweezer said...

Maybe we can get Shirley MacLaine to say that Kavanaugh molested her in a previous lifetime.

h said...

I fear for what this bodes for the future. First, to the accuser: "We are trying to get a sense of your character so that we know how much credence to give your claims: Have you ever abused your child? You've admitted to having sex with 45 different partners between the ages of 17 and 23. Can you give us their names so that we can call them to testify and see if there is a possibility that could have confused this one encounter with any of the others you admit to?" Second to future (Democratic!) nominees: "Have you ever participated in a sexual act that is illegal? For example did you participate in an oral sexual encounter in a state where that was illegal? Can you give us the dates and partners for those illegal acts?"

Perhaps Democrats are counting on Republicans being too demure or gentlemanly to ask these kinds of questions, but I really think we have opened a Pandora's box.

Ann Althouse said...

I presume that Ford will go first and will be questioned and forced to go as far as she can providing details. Then Kavanaugh will answer based on that.

I presume he'll say he's never done anything like that, so it won't matter if she can't pinpoint where and when. He'll give a blanket denial. Then people will do what they want with the new evidence. It probably won't change any vote.

Achilles said...


Lets get democrats on TV spouting their bile.

This is worth a senate seat for republicans by itself.

Earnest Prole said...

I suggest they both engage in a reenactment.

n.n said...

"We're you there that night?"

"Which night?"

"The night in question."

"I don't know ow what night that was. Do you have a date?"


That's the testimony. It's late in the first trimester, journolists, representatives, and constitutional scholars frame excuses to deny appointment and civil rights (i.e. due process) based on an emanation from a penumbra of political immediacy.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...
I presume that Ford will go first and will be questioned and forced to go as far as she can providing details. Then Kavanaugh will answer based on that.

I presume he'll say he's never done anything like that, so it won't matter if she can't pinpoint where and when. He'll give a blanket denial. Then people will do what they want with the new evidence. It probably won't change any vote.

It will change senate votes.

It is hilarious that these disgusting people think this is a good idea.

It is dispiriting that there are seemingly intelligent people who support this means of attack for political purposes.

These people must be shamed.

Roughcoat said...

Go after the accuser with hammer and tongs. Drag her through the mud. Ruin her reputation. Make her cry.

Ralph L said...

Let's reward the Democrats for trashing the confirmation process yet again by giving their vulnerable candidates cover for voting against their constituents' wishes.

Original Mike said...

”We're you there that night?"
"Which night?"
"The night in question."
"I don't know ow what night that was. Do you have a date?"

Kamala Harris would be the obvious choice for interrogator.

n.n said...

These people must be shamed.

They are running a campaign on anti-shaming... This approach will not work to influence people who function at the Twilight fringe.

RK said...

I'm pretty sure that the next female SCOTUS nominee grabbed my junk at a high school party. I've been in therapy ever since.

AlbertAnonymous said...

I hate what’s happened to our confirmation process (one thing I have in common with RBG).

The left is all over CNN claiming “I believe her” and “this has to be believed” and “why are people impugning her character, don’t they know how much courage it takes to come forward” etc. etc.

Really? How can he possibly defend himself? If she alleges it she MUST be believed, and if he denies it he must be a liar?

And how does he prove a negative “it never happened”?

Sure looks like the dem playbook.

Michael K said...

the attorney for Ford, named Katz, says she attended U of Wisconsin law school. Does Ann remember her ?

She also says Debra Katz, the attorney for the woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, said that it is not her client’s job to corroborate her claims.

Is that what UW law school taught her ? The accuser/prosecutor has no responsibility to prove the accusations true ?

Dave Begley said...

!. "You've admitted to having sex with 45 different partners between the ages of 17 and 23...." Is this true regarding CBF? That's 7.5 per year.

2. She's going to be crossed by Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Lindsay Graham, John Cornyn and Ben Sasse. Good luck, lady. You're going to need it. I predict a blood bath.

rhhardin said...

“Just what the hell did you mean, you bastard, when you said we couldn't punish you?" said the corporal who could take shorthand reading from his steno pad.

"All right," said the colonel. "Just what the hell did you mean?"

"I didn't say you couldn't punish me, sir."

"When," asked the colonel.

"When what, sir?"

"Now you're asking me questions again."

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm afraid I don't understand your question."

"When didn't you say we couldn't punish you? Don't you understand my question?"

"No, sir, I don't understand."

"You've just told us that. Now suppose you answer my question."

"But how can I answer it?"

"That's another question you're asking me."

"I'm sorry, sir. But I don't know how to answer it. I never said you couldn't punish me."

"Now you're telling us what you did say. I'm asking you to tell us when you didn't say it."

Clevinger took a deep breath. "I always didn't say you couldn't punish me, sir.”

Henry said...

Trump loves drama.

Achilles said...

Dave Begley said...
!. "You've admitted to having sex with 45 different partners between the ages of 17 and 23...." Is this true regarding CBF? That's 7.5 per year.

2. She's going to be crossed by Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Lindsay Graham, John Cornyn and Ben Sasse. Good luck, lady. You're going to need it. I predict a blood bath.

Ben Sasse is on her side.


robother said...

I assume this obscure professor is looking to cash in, by becoming the new Anita Hill at least. Her tears will fall on every MSM talk show, and her to be ghosted memoirs will start a bidding war. Democrats like DIFI will look like eros to the SJW Left if they block any vote prior to the mid-terms and re-take the Senate in part because McCaskill, Manson and Heitkamp avoid taking a tough vote.

chuck said...

DiFi isn't fine with it, and maybe Ford's lawyer as well.

JPS said...

h, 3:15:

"Perhaps Democrats are counting on Republicans being too demure or gentlemanly to ask these kinds of questions,"

Are you kidding? They are absolutely praying Republicans ask her the most awful questions they can. It'll be the greatest thing that happened to them since Todd Akins' remarks on rape.

Look at it this way, either they sink Kavanaugh, in which case they win, or they don't, in which case they can (a) run against those horrible women-hating Republicans in the fall and claim every single Kavanaugh ruling, relating to women in any way, as coming from a justice credibly accused of sexual assault, nominated by a president who bragged about sexual assault.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Rhhardin, that snippet from Catch-22 is perfect for what's going on here.

Vance said...

If I were Grassley, I would open up the hearing with "Can you tell me about Keith Ellison? Do you believe the multiple, credible accusations against him? Should he resign his campaign? What about my colleague Bob Menendez--do you believe his accusers? Should he resign in disgrace as well? Did you support Ted Kennedy as a Senator? Why, when he literally killed a woman?"

It will become very clear, very quickly, that this is nothing but a partisan witch hunt by the left. Rub them in their hypocrisy until it screams.

Richard Dolan said...

The show must and will go on, and quite a show it will be. As for investigators, I am told Andy McCabe and Peter Strozk have time on their hands.

Wonder how Ted Cruz, Ben Sasse and Lindsey Graham will handle their cross of Ms. Ford. Skillfully is my bet.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rae said...

They're trying to pre-Kavenaugh Kavenaugh.

Yes, I just pre-coined a term for what's about to happen. Come at me, bro!

Achilles said...

Ralph L said...
Let's reward the Democrats for trashing the confirmation process yet again by giving their vulnerable candidates cover for voting against their constituents' wishes.

Don't hinder your enemy when they are destroying themselves.

If Kavanaugh is voted down, and Manchin or Baldwin stand up and say they refused to vote for Kavanaugh because of an obvious bullshit charge?

They lose their elections then and there.

traditionalguy said...

Danger Will Robinson, danger: Evil Genius at work. This insane charade trying to destroy Mr. Perfect will spike the Deplorable/Dregs of Humanity into going out and voting for Trump's endorsed GOP Congress people in November.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Ernest Prole,

"I suggest they both engage in a reenactment."

Heh! God bless you, Sir.

Dave Begley said...

If Ben Sasse doesn't back Kavanaugh and Trump on this, he's toast in Nebraska. I'm here in Nebraska.

Achilles said...

Dave Begley said...
If Ben Sasse doesn't back Kavanaugh and Trump on this, he's toast in Nebraska. I'm here in Nebraska.


But he is on the other side.

The question is when he will betray the voters of Nebraska, not if.

His masters will spend him when it matters, not before. If he is the 50th vote he will betray us. The globalists have Flake and Corker who are already burnt. No need to spend Sasse at this point.

Jim at said...

Trump loves drama.

This isn't about Trump.

This is about the left destroying Brett Cavanaugh's entire life in their relentless pursuit of power.

Some people have had just about enough of this shit.

Leland said...

Great news, but it shouldn't be by phone. Christine Blasey Ford needs to make her statements under oath. If this is a serious accusation, then treat it as such. She's had months to prepare, as apparently she's been recounting the encounter for over 5 years and wrote her Senator several months ago. If she needed more time, Feinstein failed to provide it to her or Kavanaugh.

PM said...

I see them face-to-face, hooked up to polygraphs, with a recently-exhumed Sam Kinison screaming questions.

Anonymous said...

As Ford's story collapses and her personality, history and background are exposed do the Dems really think that this is going to help them at the polls in November? I have recently noted less talk about impeachment from the Dems which I figured they had finally realized was providing incentive for Republicans to go to the polls. Now this.

From what many have said Ford has scrubbed her history from the internet. I find it hard to believe that it isn't all out there somewhere and clearly she (and her co-conspirators)thought it would be harmful.

Henry said...

Some people have had just about enough of this shit.

But not Trump. Trump loves drama.

Does Trump have Kavanaugh's back? He's got no one's back.

Bay Area Guy said...

Most likely scenario: Of the 40-50 guys, this crazy teenager slept with, she probably did cross paths with a few aggressive jerks. She might have met young Brett Kavanaugh at a party - and is mentally transplanting an amalgamation of her awkward sluttines onto him.

37 year old recollections of drunken high school parties carry zero evidentiary value.

D 2 said...

The screenplay writing above is slightly surreal.

"Where you there?"
"You know, the night the witness has stated you were assaulting her."
"Prove it."
"I was working at the Tasty Freez."
"But there wasnt any exact date put to the assault."
"Well I seem to recall there was a party I missed on the night I was working. So I am thinking that was the party where something happened that didn't involve me."

gahrie said...

Bull fucking shit.

It's time to go William fucking Sherman on the Left.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...


Why not subpoena Keith Ellison and Sen. menendez?

Get them to deny under oath the allegations against them. They can testfy to what it's like to be falsely accused.

Achilles said...

Henry said...
Some people have had just about enough of this shit.

But not Trump. Trump loves drama.

Does Trump have Kavanaugh's back? He's got no one's back.

Trump understands his enemy and he understands the American voter and how this situation will turn out.

I am sure Trump would prefer if the democrats would stop being amoral traitorous pieces of shit.

But if they choose to act like this he doesn't mind the American people seeing who the democrats really are.

I don't think he minds the traitors like Flake and Corker being unmasked either.

I hope Sasse gets outed in this fiasco but that is probably too much to hope for.

Anonymous said...

Personally I wish that Trey Gowdy could examine this woman in committee. Talk about being stripped bare.

Ignorance is Bliss said...


What good do you believe will come of this?!?

I could certainly see it benefiting one side or the other politically. Maybe the Democrats succeed in stopping Kavanaugh and all future Trump nominees. Maybe this circus helps Republicans ( or Democrats ) in the mid-terms.

But I don't see any way that hearings on this will resolve who is telling the truth. Even if Ford shows herself to be a lunatic who keeps contradicting herself, there will be plenty of liberals, particularly in the press, who claim that is evidence of how traumatic this episode was for her.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"It's time to go William fucking Sherman on the Left."

Careful, you might say something to hurt someones feelings. We can't have that.

Kavanaugh is the one getting his reputation, family, and career raped. But don't you dare say something mean to those that cheer it on and give legitimacy to it.

gahrie said...

It probably won't change any vote.

So what's the point besides sliming a Republican appointee?

Equipment Maintenance said...

Legal question here: Because she's released her therapist's notes, has she waived Doctor/Patient confidentiality ? Are her therapist's notes now available for review - all of them ?

Achilles said...

Ignorance is Bliss said...

What good do you believe will come of this?!?

I could certainly see it benefiting one side or the other politically. Maybe the Democrats succeed in stopping Kavanaugh and all future Trump nominees. Maybe this circus helps Republicans ( or Democrats ) in the mid-terms.

But I don't see any way that hearings on this will resolve who is telling the truth. Even if Ford shows herself to be a lunatic who keeps contradicting herself, there will be plenty of liberals, particularly in the press, who claim that is evidence of how traumatic this episode was for her.

You need to read all of the posts on these threads.

Look at the totality of the sentiment.

The leftists know this is indefensible.

It is enraging to anyone with a conscience.

And it is clear and obvious who is crating this situation, that it is being handled in the most underhanded and disgusting manner, and most importantly it is unmasking traitors both republican and democrat for all to see.

This will force the left to over extend themselves less than 2 months before an election not giving voters a change to forget how deranged and blatant the uniparty has become.

Unknown said...

Man, it's been years since I checked in here--when did Althouse become a hate site? It makes no sense to have an opinion on this allegation until both the Prof and the Judge have been heard under oath--as even Sen. Collins has said. But the comments here are more in line with those idiots that have been bullying the wrong Prof. Ford on-line. Althouse: Law professor to the women haters! Might make a nice caption.

traditionalguy said...

The Evil Genius is going to let Mr. Perfect stew in a Fake News lead personal destruction attack for a while, in hopes that light will go in in Kavanaugh's soul that forever gives up on the moderate Kennedy swing man role to please the Insane-ocrats.

Birkel said...

Michael K,

The lawyer, Debra Katz, cannot suborn perjury. She must advise her client not to lie. If she has reason to believe a lie will be told, she has an ethical obligation to withdraw from representation.

Therefore, we can reasonably expect Ms. Katz to be the least informed person on the face of the planet when it comes to this client. She is willfully ignorant as a matter of professional ethics.

Count on it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Not so fast.

Corrupt Feinstein, Clintonesque money grubber, isn't returning calls.

Grassley: Feinstein's Office Not Cooperating With Scheduling Follow-Up Calls With Kavanaugh and Accuser

It will take a while for the leftist accuser to get her story straight. I'm sure Diane's lawyers are working on it. Plus - delay.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm noticing even the left know this is bogus.

I wonder if the left's war on men will pay off in the long run? I'm hoping it bites them in the ass.

D 2 said...

The timing of it all. The accusation could have seen light months ago. A part of the MeToo sweep in 2017. It could have been raised and reviewed when an SC list was released pre '16 election. It sounds like it could have been identified in 2012.

The scrubbing. That needed tactical pre arrangement. A missile was sent to hit at this point and only this point in time. With a pre planned scrubbing, it removed the ability to find further context. Who scrubs while - at the same time - demanding time for investigation?

Eventually, or so history teaches us, tactics are learned by all parties. The Plains Indians became proficient with horses. I foresee a day when 10,000 well scrubbed individuals will demand justice against 10,000 members of the political academic entertainment business elites modelled to fit the same template. You must believe. One and all. Amen.

Let 100,000 flowers blossom.

Unknown said...

I don't know, sports fans, Mr Trump seems to be acting in a decidedly calm, adult, non-dramatic fashion this time.

Anonymous said...

Comments by Trump;

“I’d like to see a complete process,” he said. “I’d like everybody to be very happy. Most importantly I want the American people to be happy because they’re getting somebody that is great. I want him to go in at the absolute highest level. And I think to do that you have to go through this. If it takes a little delay it’ll take a little delay.”

When a reporter asked Trump if Kavanaugh had offered to withdraw his name from consideration, Trump scoffed.

“What a ridiculous question,” the president said.

Caligula said...

"Perhaps Democrats are counting on Republicans being too demure or gentlemanly to ask these kinds of questions."

Well, she might cry. And for those who "think" with their emotions, that might be decisive.

Besides, Hillary Clinton has just declared, "American Democracy Is in Crisis." I think perhance it's just Hillary Clinton who's been in crisis, but what do I know?

Dave Begley said...

Debra Katz - CBF's lawyer and WI Law alum - said that there was another girl there.

Disclose her name. It's Brady material. What has she said? Is this the trick Katz has been setting up? Has Katz talked to her? Surely she has.

Achilles said...

Kavanaugh will be voted into the Senate just in time for Trump to confront the open borders traitors in the republican party over funding for the wall in the next budget.

It will be a wonder to see how he works the release of the FISA warrants and the DOJ communications and various other parts of the stone wall into the run up to November.

I wonder if any indictments will be dropped in October?

They certainly have McCabe teed up.

Going to be a glorious month and a half.

rehajm said...

Uh huh. When?

Kavanaugh: Yesterday

Christine Blasey Ford: Preferably Never, holding up the confirmation indefinitely. Barring that, when I get my stories approved by pre-trial to be 'bullet proof' and the narratives are focus group tested and set by MSM.

Birkel said...

Di "Chi Spy" Fi cannot return calls because she is on conference calls with her ex-staffers, one of whom is funding Fusion GPS and the other of whom is a Chinese spy. She is thoroughly corrupt. She is a vicious partisan who does not want to lose her re-election bid to a truly loony Democrat in that jungle-primary system California has. She's selling out for one 6 final six year term.

Ford's brother is a lawyer connected to Fusion GPS.
This is a smear based on lies, just like the dossier.

Jim at said...

Man, it's been years since I checked in here--when did Althouse become a hate site?

Unknown Inga finally decides to comment.

Kevin said...

Next up, Corey Booker releases the DiFi letter as an act of courage.

Matt Sablan said...

Kavanaugh is making a mistake. He's going to be demonized. Until a falsifiable claim is put forward with concrete facts, there is no reason he should say more than what he has.

WisRich said...

I doubt Ford will ever testify.

Michael K said...

She is willfully ignorant as a matter of professional ethics.

Count on it.

At least she will say so.

“The standard procedure for updates to any nominee’s background investigation file is to conduct separate follow-up calls with relevant parties. In this case, that would entail phone calls with at least Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford. Consistent with that practice, I asked Senator Feinstein’s office yesterday to join me in scheduling these follow-ups. Thus far, they have refused. But as a necessary step in evaluating these claims, I’ll continue working to set them up.

It's a setup.
Hold the vote and go to the Senate with no recommendation necessary. After this, I expect Kavanaugh will follow through.

Michael K said...

Matthew Sablan said...
Kavanaugh is making a mistake. He's going to be demonized.

He has already been demonized. He has nothing to lose now.

SteveM said...

I find it interesting and possibly telling that there has been no discussion of any overlap in their social circles. For instance:

1. Had Ford met Kavanaugh before the party? Had Ford attend other parties also attended by Kavanaugh before or after the party at issue? If not, what is she basing her identification of Kavanaugh on?

2. Can Kavanaugh and the 65 women who signed the recent letter attesting to Kavanaugh’s character say we don’t know who Ford is or we didn’t socialize with her back then?

3. Who invited Ford to the party and how did Ford get there and get back home afterwards? Back when I was 15, it was very rare for an older teen to drive me in a car to a party. If Ford walked or rode her bicycle, that would place the party close to her house.

AustinRoth said...

Kavanaugh has no choice but to face it head on. Anything else will turn 3 - 4 votes against him.

bagoh20 said...

So what if they come up with another one from grade school, and then one who claims the judge is an alien and he probed her in her sleep dressed as a KKK Grand Poobah?

This kind of bullshit should not be accommodated. The Dems certainly would have none of it if they were in charge, and we all know the Republican wouldn't even try it. The parties may both be dispicable, but not to the same degree - not even close. If the more decent behavior can only be gotten from one party then at least enforce that standard when you have the power to. We should not always go to the lowest standard, just becuase some can't resist it. It's the Congress of the United States - not the Housewives of New Jersey.

Michael K said...

Blogger Equipment Maintenance said...
Legal question here: Because she's released her therapist's notes, has she waived Doctor/Patient confidentiality ? Are her therapist's notes now available for review - all of them ?

Good point. Unknown empty profile thinks this is "hate." This is truth. As Harry Truman said, "I tell the truth and they think it's hell."

Kevin said...

It probably won't change any vote.

Well how many do you need? Two? I know some D's voted for Gorsuch, but he was going to be confirmed anyway.

Let's see how many of them are willing to cross party lines when they'll be the deciding "yea".

rcocean said...

Talking heads on TV are saying "they believe Her" and "feel sorry for her". And "we'll never know what really happened"

Incredible. So, if I accuse you *without any proof* of being a child molester, well, it could be true or could not.

Who knows?

bagoh20 said...

Since the standards of our government only seem to go one direction - down, then what will be next? Is there any accusation too far, too late, too obviously partisan duplicity? If so, tell me what that is, and tell me how you know the Democrats would not go there. Some of them think Guam is gonna tip over, and some think Socialism is a swell idea. Yea, tell me you can count on their intelligence, self-respect, and decency.

Kevin said...

Just wait until the photo of Kavanaugh in his Little League uniform appears with him giving the OK sign...

rcocean said...

According to Joe Biden - We're in a fight for America's Soul
According to Hillary - Democracy is in Crisis.

Matt Sablan said...

All it will take is one I don't know and that'll be the smoking gun from Kavanaugh. Testifying is stupid. They may drop an altered year book signature on him that he won't be able to answer or show it has been altered. Or any number of other dirty tricks. There is no upside to agreeing to this.

rcocean said...

Grassley is doing his usual dance with Feinstein.

Grassley: What the Democrats want is unheard of, it breaks all Senate Traditions, its irresponsible, and disrespectful to me and the Republican Members. We'll do it the regular way.

Feinstein: No, we won't. We'll do it my way.

Grassley: We'll do it her way.

bbkingfish said...

What a difference a day makes.

Trump and Grassley totally change their tune.

Only two (2) of those 65 signatories to Grassley's "Brett-is-Groovy" letter, which he had all ready to pull out of his briefcase, have re-iterated their support.

200 classmates from Ford's high school have come forward to say they believe her. Some of them have said they heard plenty of accounts like this about the exploits of Groovy Brett.

And WPPers seem to be assuming that this is the only rabbit that Feinstein has to pull out of her hat.

Tommy Duncan said...

I'd like Ford to tell us what happened after the incident. If the event was a traumatic as she claims I suspect she was a sobbing 15 year old wreak after it. Did someone console her? Did someone help her leave the party? Did someone help her find a ride home? Were her parents involved? Were friends involved? Did friendly strangers help her?

I suspect those details won't be revealed because they would point to witnesses who could be questioned.

narayanan said...

question from Kavanaugh to any and all Dem senators should be

one of them "Do you know the people involved"
then "How well do you know them"

mccullough said...

Trump loves this stuff. It proves his point. Never apologize and take no prisoners because you aren't dealing with decent people.

All Trump wants now is a vote on Kavanaugh. Trump is hoping for a no vote so he can campaign against the Dems on this.

Kavanaugh will become a martyr. Trump will be at the rally talking about what a swell dad Kavanaugh is. Coach K. And how bad the Dems are for voting against this guy.

Trump will be calling out Claire McCasskill and Heitkamp for looking the other way while their friend Sen. Bob Menendez had sex with underage girls but they vote No on a good family man like Kavanaugh.

This fall is going to be awesome.

iowan2 said...

I repeat. What questions, exactly are the Senators going to ask. The witness, does not know the year, the day of the week, the date, the time, how she arrived, how she left, who was present, the city, the street, the house. Until 2012, she didn't even know the event that she is now testifying to, took place. Exactly what is Judge Kavanaugh supposed to rebut? There are Zero facts to rebut.

Matt Sablan said...

Kavanaugh's ex girlfriends say this doesn't sound true.

Kevin said...

Grassley: [takes attendance] Kavanaugh? Kavanaugh? Kavanaugh?

Feinstein: Um, we have to delay the vote. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who said Bret made a pass at her in high school. I guess it's pretty serious.

Grassley: Thank you, Diane.

Feinstein: No problem whatsoever.

Kevin said...

What questions, exactly are the Senators going to ask.

Sen. Harris: Did you take and pass a lie detector test?

Prof. Ford: Yes.

Sen. Harris: Did Bret Kavanaugh sexually assault you on the night in question?

Prof. Ford: Yes.

Sen. Harris: No further questions.

Matt Sablan said...

So. We have a bunch of people who hate him suddenly recalling rumors that the girls who dated him never heard. Who do we believe? Random nobodies who want him to lose or his high school ex girlfriends?

Matt Sablan said...

I wonder if prior to attacking her, like Roy Moore, he conveniently identified himself and signed something she never showed anyone for decades. Like I disliked Roy Moore, but this is making me think people weren't skeptical enough. I wonder if the people who heard rumors about Kavanaugh are like the people who heard Moore was banned from the mall. In other words, gullible saps.

Wince said...

I say they roll a bed into the hearing room, crank up the FOGHAT and let them go at it in a historical reenactment.

wishfulthinking said...

I am astonished at how angry conservatives are at this 11th hour stunt by dems. Just listening to my two millennial sons I can assure you that if they ever doubted voting in Nov, it has now become crystal clear that they will bust down the doors and crawl over broken glass to vote against the Democrats. I guess they are no longer complacent about the midterms!

Roughcoat said...

Dear GOP: Don't go wobbly. Man up. Attack, attack, attack. Offensive à l'outrance. Go nuclear. Release the hounds. Destroy her utterly.

iowan2 said...

Sen. Harris: Did Bret Kavanaugh sexually assault you on the night in question?

What nite was that?

I cant wait until one of those Dems tries to ask Kavanaugh a question. It'll be funnier than "who's on first"
Dem: Judge did you ever attend a gathering of teenagers that had beer an music?
Judge: Yes
Dem: so you admit you were there on the nite in question?
Judge: What address are you asking about?
Judge: What date are you asking about?

Tank said...

The left ruins everything they touch.

Matt Sablan said...

If the left will question Kavanaugh hiring women, the right should point blank ask wht Ford was in couple's counseling and tie the memory was recovered.

Laslo Spatula said...

Kavanaugh answering questions in this situation would be not much different than Trump sitting down with Mueller: this is not to be a good-faith attempt to determine truth, it is a public-relations perjury trap.

He will have to try to answer cobweb questions about her non-specific dates, non-specific years, non-specific people, non-specific locations, non-specific parties -- and anything he doesn't remember absolutely correctly after 30 years will be raised in triumph as proof of his lying, and his lying will be proof of his guilt.

Anything he doesn't remember? Proof of his obfuscation, and his obfuscation will be proof of his guilt.

Anything in his defense? He is raping her all over again.

Let it burn.

I am Laslo.

Sebastian said...

"I really think we have opened a Pandora's box."

Nah. It's only open as long as the Dems can use it. Republicans are pussies and won't play the game.

Althouse has already told you this is about women's bodies, and she's fine with smearing Kavanaugh. She's a leading indicator that way.

mccullough said...

Interesting that Ford has two sons and Kavanaugh has two daughters.

Kavanaugh's daughters seem normal. Let's hear from Ford's sons.

Unknown said...

If the vote goes against Kavanaugh, those evil Rs tried to place a rapist on the Supreme Court.

If Kavanaugh withdraws, those evil Rs tried to place a rapist on the Supreme Court.

If the vote goes in favor of Kavanaugh, those evil Rs put a rapist on the Supreme Court.

All of the above make Rs look bad for midterms.

Birkel said...

Trump ordered the declassification of the FBI/DOJ and FISA documents.

Kevin said...

Trump, who undoubtedly was waiting until after the Kavanaugh vote to do so, has just ordered the docs related to the Russia probe declassified. (WSJ)

Matt Sablan said...

Republicans will never go this scorched Earth.

Kevin said...

Birkel, you owe me a Coke!

Curious George said...

"Dave Begley said...
!. "You've admitted to having sex with 45 different partners between the ages of 17 and 23...." Is this true regarding CBF? That's 7.5 per year."

So we are to believe that Brett Kavanaugh was the ONE guy this skankwhore didn't voluntarily fuck? No.

Roughcoat said...

Let it burn.

Let it burn, hell -- blow it up. Level the ruins. Plow salt into the earth. Make a wilderness and call it peace.

Solitudinum faciunt pacem appellant. Oderint dum metuant.

Curious George said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trumpit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mccullough said...

Republicans are pussies. And inept. Trump proved that in 2016 by just slapping around The Greatest Field of Candidates Ever led by the one and only Jeb.

It's too bad Hatch is retiring. He has a set of balls unlike Romney.

Cassandra said...

This whole thing seems so dishonorable, on so many levels.

I have been trying to figure out what would be the right thing to do if I were D. Feinstein. With a whopping 2 months to think about it, it seems they could have done some investigation of their own. Perhaps questioned the accuser, to determine how her testimony might hold up. Asked for more corroboration before going public. Actually assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the story they're being asked to get behind.

That's not an unfair thing to do, when someone is (if we believe Feinstein) asking the Democrat party to push this forward -- albeit anonymously at first.

So, if you're DiFi and you've done your due diligence, at some point it HAS to occur to you that you didn't afford the same opportunity to the accused (Kavanaugh). Does that seem fair? Does it trouble you, that you're going public with an unsubstantiated smear that's so vague it can't EVER be refuted in any meaningful way?

Before you signed your name to such an accusation, would you not stop and think, "Jeez - what if this guy is innocent? What affect will this have on his family? What affect will this have on future nomination hearings? Is this REALLY the precedent we want to set, going forward?? Should an (initially, because that's how this started) anonymous accusation with not enough details to allow ANYONE to perform a meaningful investigation just get tossed out as though it wouldn't cause real pain to everyone involved? Including the accuser, who according to what DiFi said originally (the story shifts so fast, it's hard to keep track), wanted to remain anonymous?

For years now, I've been listening to people telling me random sex with people you neither know nor care about is "no big deal". Yet paradoxically, I'm now also supposed to believe that a single negative encounter is emotionally and mentally scarring... for life? Which is it? A meaningless experience with no lasting impact (that women are just as able to compartmentalize as men)? Or are there actual differences between men and women and the way we experience sexual encounters?

FWIW, like many other women my age, I was occasionally groped by boys. I think I could honestly say I had a few who tried to push the proverbial envelope. With 1 exception, they ALL backed down (and then, I was rescued by another young man). I'll never know if what would have happened, had he not looked out for me.

Oddly, I was NOT traumatized for life, and did not require therapy. I *was* a lot more careful and suspicious for the experience.

Wince said...

"Hey, Jerry, when do you consider sex has taken place?"

Matt Sablan said...

While DNA would be persuasive, an actual date and place would be helpful too.

Original Mike said...

”Trump ordered the declassification of the FBI/DOJ and FISA documents.

Ordering them is one thing. Getting them to do it is another.

rcocean said...

If its the best interest of kavenaugh NOT to have a public hearing...

does anyone believe the Senate R's won't cave - and hold a public hearing?

Michael K said...

this is making me think people weren't skeptical enough. I wonder if the people who heard rumors about Kavanaugh are like the people who heard Moore was banned from the mall.

What were the rumors about Kavanaugh, especially the ones that were investigated in the 6 FBI background checks?

I had an interesting experience many years ago. I used to sit in on trials. This was before medical school when I might have been giving some thought to law. The trial I remember the most was of a man accused of molesting a girl about 9.

When the jury acquitted him, the emotions of his family were something to see.

There was a teacher and coach in Orange County about 20 years ago who was accused by TWO girls of molesting them.

He was fired and went to trial. The girls finally admitted they had lied and did it because he scolded them for not dressing for gym class.

MountainMan said...

bbkingfish said: "200 classmates from Ford's high school have come forward to say they believe her. Some of them have said they heard plenty of accounts like this about the exploits of Groovy Brett."

No, not 200 classmates. 200 alumnae who attended her high school between 1967 and 2018. None of them are classmates and none of them know Ford or Kavanugh. Perhaps it would help if you read the entire article in the NY Post instead of just reading the headline on Facebook:

"More than 200 women who attended the same all-girls school as Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser have signed an open letter supporting her allegations of sexual assault when they were both high school students.

The letter says the women — who graduated from the private Holton-Arms School in Bethesda, Md., between 1967 and 2018 — believe California psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford “and are grateful that she came forward to tell her story.”

"The letter is posted on the Google Forms website and says it’s been signed by “200+ alumnae,” but the names of the signatories aren’t included."

This is what is known as "Fake News". I really think you should get the facts before wasting our time with this. This effort by these women is completely useless and only stirs the pot a little more, which is probably exactly what they intended. And people like you fall for it.

The letter was posted on Google by

Cassandra said...

Good Lord - "effect", not "affect". Shouldn't comment hurriedly at the end of the work day.


mccullough said...

Feinstein is 85 years old and running for re-election. She'll do whatever she needs to do to get re-elected.

If Kavanaugh doesn't understand what he's up against, then he deserves to be voted down. Al Franken had no idea what hit him. There are no friends in The Arena.

Trump understands. It's a game of Last Man Standing. Kavanaugh better step up. His wife needs to go on TV right now and kick this accuser in the fucking teeth.

Trumpit said...

She would be even more believable if she saved her bloodied knickers with his semen stain. DNA doesn't lie. Even one of his teenage pubic hairs is enough to convict him. I'm sick of these perverts pretending to be goody two shoes little league baseball dads. I hate little league and the horrible little league fathers touting their own idiot kids to the exclusion of the other kids. Damn Brett Kavanaugh! Damn Yankees!

rcocean said...

I'm with Matthew. I want to know all the little details from Prof Ford.

Y'know like the date and location of the assault.

Michael K said...

I was NOT traumatized for life, and did not require therapy. I *was* a lot more careful and suspicious for the experience.

They had closed hearings. That was the place for this.

I think a lot of the current campus rape hysteria is related to a lot more drinking by girls than I was ever aware of.

It's not just the 50s. My youngest graduated in 2012. She drank but never to be out of control. Two friends of hers got drunk her graduation night. The guy starting beating up the girl. Annie called the cops. He came after her and she locked herself in her own car.

She testified against him.

Michael K said...

Damn Brett Kavanaugh! Damn Yankees!

Crazy trumpit doesn't need no evidence.

Birkel said...

Original Mike,
I think Trump would throw his giant president dick over his shoulder, march his happy ass over to the FBI and DOJ offices, picking up Devin Nunes on the way, and personally take the documents.

This is war.

Matt Sablan said...

I wonder how many FBI hard drives are spontaneously failing.

rcocean said...

If a Policeman writing a report on this attempted rape it would look like this:

Date of Attempted Rape: Sometime between June 15th and September 1, 1982
Location of Attempted Rape: Some house in the DC Area.
Witnesses: Mark Judge (extremely drunk) and some guys. Name/Sex/Age unknown. As few as 2 or as many as 12.

Michael K said...

I really think you should get the facts before wasting our time with this.

bbking get facts ?


wishfulthinking said...

Yuuuge. Love this man!!!
He fights!!!

rcocean said...

Note: Mark Judge was extremely drunk AND participated in attempted rape. But also broke up attempted rape.

rcocean said...

Blumenthal - FBI Must investigate before any hearings.

Sprezzatura said...

"Althouse: Law professor to the women haters! Might make a nice caption."

She's writing a book. She'l need a title and chapter titles.

Presumably this suggestion will fit somewhere.

Virgil Hilts said...

I'm imagining a mysterious figure showing up at the hearings, a classmate of BK who (at that time) bore a remarkable likeness to our likable scoundrel. Called to the stand over the shrieking protests of Kamala, Walter testifies that it was he, yes he, who accosted the young waif (he was actually trying to tickle her, but she was drunk and started panicking, and then ran into the bathroom). BK is, of course, 100% innocent. As Walter concludes his testimony, now in tears, "Brett was the best of us at a time when none of us were very good." I want something like Godfather II at this hearing.

rcocean said...

According to NYT - Hearing will be held on Monday. Sept 24th.

Matt Sablan said...

She's not even sure if 1982 is the right year. That's a guess based on the alleged ages in her psychologist's notes that her and her husband agree has factual inaccuracies included.

Cassandra said...

She testified against him.

Good on her, Michael.

I think drinking is a big part of the problem (it certainly is a huge factor in military sexual assault cases). But also cultural expectations. I grew up with the 60s and 70s free love ethos. Compared to that, today's girls operate in a world I don't recognize.

It doesn't seem healthy for either sex, and there doesn't seem to be much realism about human nature or weakness.

Matt Sablan said...

... Delaying the vote is stupid. Why exactly is this a credible accusation?

Ray - SoCal said...

Which is one of the reasons I am not a teacher...

I'm pretty sure nothing happened to the girls either!

Being male, your basically guilty until proven innocent, unless you are a Keith Ellison.

>He was fired and went to trial. The girls finally admitted they had lied and did it
>because he scolded them for not dressing for gym class.

Matt Sablan said...

Think how much people in the party must have hated Franken to not have given him the shield of double standards afforded luminaries like Ellison.

rcocean said...

"She's not even sure if 1982 is the right year."

Yeah, maybe she can pin it down for us.

BTW, how much you want to bet, that the Democrats are hiring PI's right now, to find out when Kavenaugh was out of town at camp/vacation/etc. during 1981-1983, so the time can be "adjusted" as needed.

mccullough said...

Gillibrand didn't hate Franken. He was just a means to an end.

None of this is personal to these people.

Gillibrand needed to up her profile and knifing Franken did it. I should say that she handed Franken the knife and told him to knife himself. And Franken did it because he's a pussy. Al Franken quit. That's on him.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Eh, he'll wear the wrong tie color and you'll all decide he's a liar. Whatever. It's difficult to avoid concluding that most of us don't deserve American freedom.

rcocean said...

They agreed with his politics, but do really think the D Senator's were happy having a Failed Comedian as a fellow Senator?

David Begley said...

Woman on MSNBC screaming, “I don’t know how anyone could NOT believe her.”

I kid you not.

Bluementhal with her on the panel.

rcocean said...

Yeah, its not like Franken impressed anyone, or was a big fund raiser.

He was definitely expendable.

rcocean said...

"Bluementhal with her on the panel."

Shocked to see how many Never-trumpers are on MSNBC. I've seen Podhoretz, Sykes, and Kristol so far.

Gahrie said...

You've admitted to having sex with 45 different partners between the ages of 17 and 23...." Is this true regarding CBF? That's 7.5 per year."

So we are to believe that Brett Kavanaugh was the ONE guy this skankwhore didn't voluntarily fuck? No.

Her story will be that she had all that sex because of Kavanaugh's brutal attempted rape.

buwaya said...

"Gillibrand didn't hate Franken. He was just a means to an end."

True. But a better way to look at it is that they are playing pieces on a board.

"Gillibrand needed to up her profile and knifing Franken did it."

Someone told her to do it.

"And Franken did it because he's a pussy."

Someone told him to do it. It doesn't mean that he wasn't a pussy, or a swine and a cad as well, but those didn't figure. What I wonder about was what, besides money, was at stake for Franken, or all the others in this position. The only one who fought and has done something, at least, to build his own platform and restore his career to a degree is O'Reilley.

Virgil Hilts said...

Two interesting metoo potential boomerang twists from last few days:
If the anonymous complaint about something that may happened 30 years ago is the new standard for incrimination, WTF are they going to do with Keith Ellison?
Rowan Farrow picked up the Christine Ford story early on and gave it credence as something worth believing. Then, like the next day, Woody's wife -- Soon-Yi Previn -- comes out and describes horrible abuse inflicted by Mia (Rowan's mom) some three decades earlier. What strategy is Rowan going to use now to defend his Mom?

CWJ said...

It better be Ford goes first! But I don't expect the Dems to play fair. I expect they expect to get a clean shot at Kavanaugh along the lines of our accuser isn't quite ready, but since Bret's available now, why waste time, he can go first.

Browndog said...

The hearings will "raise more questions" that "must be answered before any vote can take place."

It's simple: she brings credible, verifiable evidence this event took place, or the hearing is adjourned--floor vote in 2 hours.

Virgil Hilts said...

Looks like Trump has decided people are paying too much attention to all this!

Michael K said...

Blogger Cassandra said...
She testified against him.

Good on her, Michael.

They weren't even students. She worked after class as a waitress and bartender at an upscale restaurant in Tucson.

They were friends from work.

The guys lawyer tried to get her out of testifying.

Nothing doing.

etbass said...

I hope one of the questions to be asked and pursued thoroughly, is whether any money has been given or offered to Ford in the past year concerning this story.

buwaya said...

" but do really think the D Senator's were happy having a Failed Comedian as a fellow Senator?"

There are a lot worse than failed comedians over there.

mccullough said...

Realistically, Kavanaugh can't go first. He has to rebut what she says and he can't rebut if he doesn't know her story.

In the meantime, Kavanaugh's wife needs to go after Ford. How she is distressing Kavanaugh's girls. "Brett is only concerned about how these lies are affecting his daughters." Turn Ford into the one who is anti-female. "What kind of woman would slander my daughters' father."

Soon the narrative will be that Ford made up the story in 2012 because her husband caught her cheating. She can't even keep her story straight. It was four nameless guys assaulted her now it's Brett and his friend egged him on. She can't even keep her story straight. She's a cheater and a liar.

The husband is the weak link. Go after him.

Howard said...

You people love this shit: it gives license to let your misogynous freak flag fly plus the bonus of playing the victim card. Cuck Heaven.

Achilles is right, this is the democrats gambit to swing the senate. It is a dangerous game that could backfire. DiFi needed to take a risk in response to the shunning she got from Cali democrats who did not endorse her.

Matt Sablan said...

Honestly, while I think it would be therapeutic to drag Ford through the same gauntlet she's doing to Kavanaugh, that's pointless.

Any interview of her should be simple: Produce facts that can be contested. The first question should be:

"Over the years in question, how many parties did you attend?"

From there, find out if she can give time periods for the various parties. Are there any she might not remember? The goal is to try and narrow down a list of possible days that Kavanaugh can legitimately be questioned about. This is a serious charge, so serious in fact, that Democrats should be moving to impeach Kavanaugh *if they believe her.*

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Maybe Trump is in favor of this kabuki because he knows Kavanaugh has a solid alibi. There's an assumption to think we're in Roy Moore territory here. It would be wholly like the Left to think we are and wholly like Trump to know we're not.

Unknown said...

Do you want to know how ridiculous this is? I did a little thought experiment: Rt1Rebel is a candidate for a political office. Vicki, who went to high school with Rt1Rebel, makes a claim that she went out on a date with Rt1Rebel at a certain time, and he drove her to the Stables, and tried to rape her. Well, Rt1Rebel most certainly did take Vicki on a date to the Stables at a certain time, and there was some making out, but no rape or attempted rape, yet Vicki has two important facts that this story doesn't even have.

Birkel said...

Fusion GPS is involved.
Count on it.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...I presume he'll say he's never done anything like that, so it won't matter if she can't pinpoint where and when. He'll give a blanket denial. Then people will do what they want with the new evidence. It probably won't change any vote.

What "new evidence?" Will this testimony be given live, on camera? If not what new evidence could there possibly be? If live on camera you could say we could get evidence of/from their visual & auditory presentations...but even then any problems for the accuser would be dismissed as her dealing with the trauma, the pressure, etc, and we'd be right back to being women-haters/rape apologists for not automatically siding with her.

It's a farce, at best. There is no possible way for him to defend himself. You'd almost think the story was designed that way! The accusation is enough.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A big progressive accused Ellison.

Media = hole.

The Godfather said...

This isn't our first rodeo. (If you don't get the country music reference, here's the video:

Remember Anita Hill? The Dems (Ted Kennedy) pulled her out of well-deserved obscurity in an attempt to block the nomination of Clarence Thomas, that uppity niggra, to the Supreme Court. As soon as I saw her testimony I knew she was a psycho. Were you around then? Did you have a different reaction? The Senate didn't.

But Ford may not be as obvious a flake as Hill. We won't know until we see her. Maybe she'll look like a regular person with a story to tell. If so, and if Senators are going to cross-examine her, then Kavanaugh is in trouble. Although many Senators are former lawyers, I've never seen any of them conduct an effect examination of a hostile witness. They are all posturing for the voters at home. Trump ought to press the Republicans to hire a really good lawyer to question her. I recommend Bob Bennett - he's pushing 80, but he's a Hell of a good trial lawyer. He's at Hogan Lovells now (we were both at the predecessor of that firm, and he stole my secretary, but he's still the guy I'd pick if I were ever in real trouble).

mccullough said...

Political operatives and their media friends are going to drag her through the shit. This won't be Lindsay Graham at a hearing. Before Ford even testifies, if she actually does, we'll know all about her character and her husband's.

But maybe the GOP isn't competent or Kavanaugh isn't worth it. There are 100 guys who can do the job. Next man up.

Matt Sablan said...

And, on cue, because a Republican talks to a lawyer, they're guilty as sin. Just like a Republican hiring women is a sign of them hating women.

This is ridiculous, and Republicans willingly giving in to this circus kind of deserve to lose Congress. The Democrats are running it as is anyway it seems.

Matt Sablan said...

"There are 100 guys who can do the job. Next man up."

-- Why? So that he, too, can be accused of something at the last minute with no way to defend himself?

Matt Sablan said...

Republicans need to check this, now, and stop this from happening again. There is no reason for anyone to consider working for Republicans if all they can expect is character assassination and then abandonment. At least the left dragged Cindy Sheehan around for a few years before callously discarding her.

David Begley said...

Lawyer Katz says there was another girl at the party. She better testify at thearing or otherwise she’ll go on MSNBC and said Brett lied under oath. That’s the Katz trap.

Matt Sablan said...

If Republicans don't ask who the other people at the party were, they kind of deserve whatever political points they lose.

Original Mike said...

”Why? So that he, too, can be accused of something at the last minute with no way to defend himself?”

At some point it will stop working. I’m hoping we’re already at that point but if not, “Next man up.”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Golly - the DNC-=MSM are falling all over themselves knowing it's all TRUUUU!

MountainMan said...

bbkingfish said: "Only two (2) of those 65 signatories to Grassley's "Brett-is-Groovy" letter, which he had all ready to pull out of his briefcase, have re-iterated their support. "

Boy, fish, you really blew it again. Here is the real story:

Daniel Lippman and an associate at Politico tried to reach about 2 dozen of the 65 women who signed the letter to see what they would say. They could only reach 4. Two of the 4 refused to speak to them. The remaining 2 still fully support Kavnaaugh. So, of those they could actually speak with - 2 of 65 - Kavanaugh's support is 100%!

So your conclusion is pretty dumb, i.e., it's like the headline on the Facebook post from what I could tell. Bother to actually read the article and then follow-up with what some other sources had to say? Nope, you're too busy spreading the #FakeNews to do that. So you're batting 1.000 today on spreading bad information. The Stasi - oops, I mean Democrats - would be proud of you.

Please, quit wasting our time. If you don't know what you are posting about, don't, Or, as Samuel Johnson once said, "Best to keep silent and let everyone think you are a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."

David Begley said...

Mark Judge also better testify under oath. I hope he’s a good witness.

Matt Sablan said...

"Mark Judge also better testify under oath. I hope he’s a good witness."

-- What else does he have to say? He's been accused and denies it; is there any reason to drag him through this?

cronus titan said...

We should be embarrassed as Americans that we are taking this nonsense seriously. Monday will be a useless circus of heat. She will give a sketchy tale of woe (He could have KILLED me!!) with zero evidence but plenty of melodrama. She will remember zero information other than the drama. He will say that it never happened, which is the case but of course since she cannot remember anything there is way to disprove or prove it.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger MountainMan said...

"Please, quit wasting our time. If you don't know what you are posting about, don't, Or, as Samuel Johnson once said, "Best to keep silent and let everyone think you are a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."

MM, this is what trolls do. They plant false information that the Inga's of the world can cut and paste.

mccullough said...

Republicans are pussies. It's a given. Kavanaugh's nomination to the court of appeals was held up for three years because the GOP are pussies.

The GOP needs more Republicans like Trump, not Romney. Romney couldn't even handle Candy Crowley for fuck's sake.

Right now, Romney is sitting around with his brain trust of loser advisors trying to figure out how to address the accusations against Kavanaugh. He's worthless just like Flake and Corker.

Trump is enjoying watching the establishment GOP fuck up this Kavanaugh nomination. The Dems are grabbing the GOP establishment by the pussy.

buwaya said...

Only extremely exceptional persons can be elected Senator, and retain independence.

In that sense its a natural job for a billionaire, or some billionaires anyway, those who can arrange their affairs such that they can't be retaliated against. The key is to not be financially vulnerable or beholden to backers.

But not many in such a position even think of trying.

hombre said...

If Ford goes first and Grassley brings in a competent female trial lawyer to question her, based on what I’ve read Kavanaugh won’t have to testify. It would be fun to have a go at the polygraph examiner as well.

When I was a prosecutor I would have considered it an ethical breach to put her on the stand without a disclaimer. And if a disclaimer were warranted, I’d have had no business prosecuting.

As an apostate Democrat I find it personally gratifying to have the sleaziness and/or stupidity of today’s Democrats confirmed often. As an American, however, I find it deeply troubling.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger cronus titan said...

""We should be embarrassed as Americans that we are taking this nonsense seriously."

Good point. If the roles were reversed the Democrats would say the Republicans are playing petty politics while people are suffering and dying in North Carolina.

Hagar said...

I have not seen any quotes from Kavanaugh that he said he was not at "that" party; I only see Orrin Hatch to have said that, and he may be mistaken.
However, if he is right, and Kavanaugh has said that, it means someone(s) has figured out what party Ms. Ford was talking about and pinned down the place and the date. Possibly, simply by asking Mark Judge, whom I have not seen anyone quoting beyond "it never happened." Possibly an effort has been made to query their classmates and there were clues in Ms. Ford's story that enabled someone to pin down the where and when and so enabled Kavanaugh to conclude he was not there. If so, I surely hope that he also can prove he was elsewhere, or we are still stuck with "she said/he said."

mccullough said...

All Kavanaugh has to say is I was never at a party with only four boys and one girl.

Hatch is giving him an easy out. Kavanaugh had better take it. Hatch is actually a competent operative. It's a shame that pussy Mitt Romney will be replacing him

Matt Sablan said...

"All Kavanaugh has to say is I was never at a party with only four boys and one girl."

-- Why? All they'll do is add or remove people. Like, "There were four guys there, but some of them left before Kavanaugh got there," or anything else. He should *say nothing.*

mccullough said...

Who is she going to add or remove? She already told her therapist four nameless "high profile" guys assaulted her. The damn story is already changing.

Make her keep changing it.

Michael K said...

But not many in such a position even think of trying.

I think Tom Coburn might have been one. He lost interest, probably because he saw what a bazaar it is.

It may also be that he learned about his prostate cancer then.

BUMBLE BEE said...

As for social media NSA has copies of everything. Watch the Unredacted Dump.

CWJ said...

Debating true or false is be beside the point. If true, so what? How is this disqualifying other than in a Captain Renault sense. The Dems have successfully led us down the rabbit hole. We should never have followed.

Browndog said...

By reading the comments here, it seems some are gearing up for an O.J. trial.

In my view, she has no standing to allege anything without proof, let alone stop a nomination in it's tracks.

I don't blame Feinstien or the democrats. It's who they are and what they do.

Qwinn said...

"However, if he is right, and Kavanaugh has said that, it means someone(s) has figured out what party Ms. Ford was talking about and pinned down the place and the date."

I'm going to say this is virtually impossible. Maybe in 30 years from *now*, someone could go back and pinpoint something like that happening today because of the existence of texts and emails now with people sending each other the date/time of the party. But in 1982? Please, invites to a high school party were nothing but word of mouth back then. How the heck would such a date or time of a party ever be documented, aside from someone winding up in the hospitalas a result, or say, a contemporaneous police report? Maybe if she'd written a letter to somebody about the event... but all of the above are missing in this story. There's virtually no way. We saw the same thing in Moore's case. Hey, maybe they'll dig up a high school yearbook signed by somebody whose penmanship changes between the first and last name again.

mccullough said...

Her word is evidence. So is his denial. So is the fact that no one else has ever accused him of similar conduct.

Ford doesn't need 10 witnesses backing up her claim.

She was very shrewd to pick out Kavanaugh's drunk friend and throw him into the mix.

hombre said...

Blogger Unknown said...
“Man, it's been years since I checked in here--when did Althouse become a hate site? It makes no sense to have an opinion on this allegation until both the Prof and the Judge have been heard under oath--as even Sen. Collins has said.”

Oh, absolutely right. Because oaths are magic. Because the Democrats and their consorts don’t have an opinion and that’s why the vote has been postponed. And why would lawyers here, for example, have an opinion about the strength of evidence from the accusers own hand, etc. And what about all that new stirring evidence or corroboration that is likely during a hearing when the accuser’s lawyer has explained that she owes no corroboration. /s

This isn’t a hate site. There are just very few of us who just fell off the turnip truck. And you?

mccullough said...

Kavanaugh's denial and lack of other accusers isn't going to be enough. Operatives need to dig up dirt on Ford and her husband and then bury them under it.

Browndog said...

How many character witnesses will the democrats schedule for hearings a month from now that will testify that this woman would never lie about such a thing?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey unknown at 3:56 I read you stuff at NYT!.

Browndog said...

If you don't think the dems can't trot out another political operative to corroborate this absurd haven't been paying attention.

The door is open.

Liberals play to win.

mccullough said...

Ford already lied. She told her therapist 4 "high profile" guys attacked her. Now it's 1 attacker with a cheerleader. Her story now is that the therapist wrote down her story wrong.

bbkingfish said...

The GOP is delaying the vote because Mitch McConnell is the brains of the WPP, and he prefers being Senate Majority Leader to being Senate Minority Leader.

The WPP has both feet in lose-lose territory now. Trump may be forced to end up nominating Merrick Garland in 2019.

rcocean said...

But in 1982? Please, invites to a high school party were nothing but word of mouth back then. How the heck would such a date or time of a party ever be documented, aside from someone winding up in the hospitalas a result, or say, a contemporaneous police report?

This is the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever read. We're not looking for EXACT DAY. We're looking for a month, year. Within one or two weeks. This wasn't just some random party. This was THE TRAUMATIC INCIDENT THAT SCARRED HER FOR LIFE.

She can remember Mark Judge, who was in the room, and what she wore. And how she escaped, and the record player with the loud rock and roll music.

But she CANNOT remember whether it was early June 1982 or Late August 1982. No, the best we get is "Summer 1982" and we're not even sure of 1982!

And that she can't remember *where* is even MORE bullshit. She can't remember who's house it was? She can't remember how she got there? She can't remember the ride home? Did she even give us a City? LOL!

mccullough said...

Ford first came up with the story in couple's therapy. Classic manipulative maneuver. There's no doubt Ford pulled a lot of shit in her life. There must be a good dozen credible people to tear into her this week.

rcocean said...

Hey unknown at 3:56 I read you stuff at NYT!.

Michelle Goldberg has never escaped the Althouse Vortex.

hombre said...

Trump’s folks need to bring forth the “real” culprits who identified themselves to Ford as Kavanaugh and friend. Those two then need to assert that Ford was drunk, invited them into the room for sex then backed out whereupon they left her unmolested in the room. No recollection or explanation beyond that is necessary. End of story!

Politics, Democrat style.

rcocean said...

I hope - and I know I'll be wrong - that Grassley keeps this plain and simple.

Lets hear from Prof Ford. Lets hear from Kavenaugh. And lets hear from Mark Judge.

And that's it.

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