September 20, 2018

Christine Blasey Ford communicates that she “would be prepared to testify next week" on "terms that are fair and which ensure her safety."

The NYT has obtained the letter from her lawyer to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

But the letter also says that a Monday hearing "is not possible and the Committee’s insistence that it occur then is arbitrary in any event" and — backing off from an earlier demand — that Blasey just has a "strong preference" for an F.B.I. investigation before she testifies.


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Sprezzatura said...

If anything, CA would probably replace her w/ a more lib D.

Darrell said...

I know I'll win.

What losers say.

Sprezzatura said...

"What losers say."


wwww said...

RE: Evil twin stuff.

This 35th reunion is gonna be awkward af

-Liam Donovan

Darrell said...

Trump said "You won!"
But he wasn't talking about Leftists like you, adSs.
And he was right--WE won. The US of A.

Darrell said...

Check Christine Blasey Ford for a suicide vest, too. Especially if you see the Democrats going for a bathroom break.

Sprezzatura said...

Yes Darrell,

We already saw your "frisk" recommendation in the pre-200 comments.

Dilution = weakening. Something to be avoided when ya start out weak.


P.S. When you say that we won almost trillion dollar deficits so that the job creators can get even richer than the average folks who will eventually get stuck w/ the bill, why is that something you proclaim? Your betters would like to figure out how to keep you (and such) gonin' for a decade or more.

Sprezzatura said...

If your betters keep jabbering about locking up crooked HRC, is that enough?

How about locking up Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, will that divert yo for a decade?

Darrell said...

Alexandria Occasional-Cortex.


Yancey Ward said...

I would say this is confirmation that she won't appear at all. Even if you gave her next Thursday as the date, by next Tuesday she and her lawyers would be claiming that was also arbitrary, and it makes sense to wait until the following week. At this point, Grassley and the Republicans are on good ground to hold firm for Monday, but Trump can offer to fly her with Secret Service for her "safety concerns". Ball is really in Grassley's court, now.

Yancey Ward said...

On the theory of the doppelganger: they do look uncannily alike both then and now.

I will note something here: it is very unlikely this theory is being floated in a vacuum by Kavanaugh's lawyers. It is far more likely that the classmate himself is the one who brought this to NR or Kavanaugh and his lawyers- it is also possible that the other people at this gathering remember it in Garrett's home and remember Ford being there.

wwww said...
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wwww said...
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FIDO said...

Does the attempted rape and the successful sexual attack of a girl performed by an almost adult beat a boss who does creepy sexual stuff to his gal subordinates?

So, do I think the absolutely unsubstantiated allegations of one TEEN drunkenly fumbling with another TEEN, asserted by a woman with psychiatric issues, a contradictory story, with no witnesses, no date, no location

Is somehow the same as


Allegedly assualted a woman in Oxford

Admitted to multiple consensual affairs

Allegedly had State Troopers in full regalia pick up his doxies

Admitted to sexually harassing a minimum of TWO employees (one ALMOST a teen...did you see what I did there? )

ANOTHER 'alledged' rape with details, TIMELY reports, witnesses, and personal idiosyncrasies by old Bill in the story

And Bill being Besties with a known and charged pedophile/sex pervert who is KNOWN to have taken a super secret junket to THAILAND.

One of these has locations, witnesses, grudging admissions of wrong doing, consistent stories and a pattern of behaviors...and then we have the singular unconfirmed assertions of a wacky liberal Feminist without a shred of evidence.

There is a term 'false equivalence'. You might look it up one day.

I get you are trying to reveal inconsistency and bias and you are doing a great job...of revealing your own.

Lewis Wetzel said...

What is PB&J blathering about, now?
Jesus Christ it is like he cannot even understand that he is blathering.

Yancey Ward said...

If you had a good friend in Kavanaugh's position, wouldn't you consider taking the bullet for him? Here there is no criminal jeopardy for Garrett if he wrote that he tried to feel Ford up 36 years ago in a drunken haze. Indeed, there is probably little reputational risk either since, as has been noted repeatedly, even Kavanaugh doing this shouldn't have been disqualifying. And who knows, maybe it was Garrett that Ford is remembering. This is part of the problem with Ford's lack of detail- it can be filled by just about thousands of plausible "confessions"

The Crack Emcee said...

Michelle Malkin: Hollywood Women Speaking Out Against Kavanaugh are ‘Unthinking Cult’

The difference between me and most conservatives: I won't forget I said this next week, whereas they'll pretend it never happened and anyone who said it did is a Democrat and a liar.

Darrell said...

So Democrats are destroying whatever credibility they have left and Republicans have to apologize for taking the right positions now?

No wonder everybody hates you, Crack.

The times you are right are rare, and you always have to deliver a parting shot at your self-proclaimed side. Join the fucking opposition already--you're more than half-way there.

Drago said...

More pretend and conjured nonsense from our resident Guy-on-the-corner-with-doomsday-message-on-a-sandwich-board Crack.

Andrew Shimmin said...

Ford's denial doesn't invalidate the Whelan theory, since it's premised on her being genuinely mistaken. If Judge denies it, it's done. Probably even if the one-armed man denies it, it's done. No one answered the door at his home. Maybe he knew it was coming?

I hope Whelan's right; no other explanation would make as many people wrong, all at once.

glenn said...

Jim at won the internet in post #1 with

“Shut up and vote.”

PhilD said...

"lt's michelle maglalang the hate filled, feces 4 brains and ugly as phuk anti immigration filipino anchor baby"

One of the comments at crack's link. And it isn't the only one of its kind. And of course there is no doubt there that Kavenaugh did the dirty deed, no proof needed (/s).

So what crack's message is here is anybodies guess, unless he really wants to out himself as a racist idiot. But the few times I bother to read anything from him already has convinced me of that.

readering said...

Remember that letter attesting to kavanaugh's character signed by a large number of his prep alums? They included the guy accused by Ed Whelan. Go figure.

MayBee said...

If you think about it, all court and hearing dates are arbitrary.

I don't get it. Testify or don't.

Matt Sablan said...

Where would the FBI start investigating? They'd question her. Then what? Canvas Montgomery County got parties that happened in 1982 give or take a year?

Leland said...

I think the time has come to quit treating Blasey Ford as some weak victimized woman needing special care. She's a privileged woman with a PhD. There is no reason for her to be making demands of the US legal system that fly in the face of the Bill of Rights.

No, you don't get to demand the defendant testify first. No, you don't get to demand that the defendant leave the room when you testify. No, you don't get to demand that when you make a criminal allegation, that only legislators can examine the validity of the allegation.

She's no longer just accusing Brett Kavanaugh of a crime; she's trying to set a precedence that our Bill of Rights is unfair to those who accuse people of serious crimes. She should be treated accordingly.

MayBee said...

She's no longer just accusing Brett Kavanaugh of a crime; she's trying to set a precedence that our Bill of Rights is unfair to those who accuse people of serious crimes. She should be treated accordingly.

Leland- yes. Those who support her and push the idea of "credibly accused" and the campus tribunals are *why* I would support a Kavanaugh even though I am pro-choice. There's a lot more at stake than Roe v Wade.

Matt Sablan said...

The mob begins. They are trying to get him fired from his teaching job. Ayers gets tenure though.

Temujin said...

Calling Keith Ellison. Keith Ellison. Karen Monahan. Calling Karen Monahan. Please report to CNNNBCCBSABCMSNBCNYTIMESWAPO.

Please hand them the story about a real abuse that happened in current time, with real medical records. They seem to not be able to find this story. Because an abused woman needs to be heard and believed. Right?

Matt Sablan said...

Ellison? That's just a local crime story.

stlcdr said...

From a political point of view (it has nothing to do with 'assault' except as a tool to demonize an opponent) it keeps the democrats winning in the republicans back on their heels. From what I've seen, there has been nothing to demonstrate that Kavenaugh team or the republicans a plan for this situation. It's all being controlled by the democrats.

Whatever republicans do will favor the democrats. Vote on Monday? Fires up the base for the mid terms, and with enough demonization about how the republicans are anti-women, in favor of protecting white men, etc. etc. may sway enough middle of the road, voters. Delay and it allows the democrats to make up those very same smear tactics. Oh, too many threats against Ford? We need to delay, again, until the republicans get a hold on their attack dogs.

Hopefully enough people see through this charade. Hysterics don't matter, just which check box is checked at the voting booth (I'm going on the assumption that Kavenaugh being voted to the supreme court doesn't actually matter one way or the other).

BUMBLE BEE said...

How empowering this is. Change the Senate rules CAUSE SHE"S A GIRL/VICTIM.

BUMBLE BEE said...

This is Feinstein's legacy I suppose. Great historical event!

Michael K said...

Blogger readering said...
Remember that letter attesting to kavanaugh's character signed by a large number of his prep alums? They included the guy accused by Ed Whelan. Go figure.

So ? I figured and concluded that the guy who did it knows damn sure that Kavanaugh didn't.

What do you think it means ?

dbp said...

"...the Committee’s insistence that it occur then is arbitrary in any event"

There is nothing arbitrary about Monday. The Senate rules are that no hearing can occur without at least one week of notice. The committee set the hearing for one week from when this issue came to light--last Monday. If they set a new hearing date, the soonest it could be is Monday after next. Ford will undoubtedly come up with some cock-and-bull reason to miss that one too.

readering said...

It means what Ed Whelan now concedes, he made an appalling and inexcusable mistake of judgment in making the accusation.

Big Mike said...

@readering, he’s got you there. Stay away from STEM classes if the ability to reason logically is all that hard.

readering said...

But now POTUS goes, hold my beer.

gahrie said...

It means what Ed Whelan now concedes, he made an appalling and inexcusable mistake of judgment in making the accusation.

Almost as bad as the one Ford made when she made her accusation. I bet she never owns up and apologizes like he did.

readering said...

I bet you are right about what she does and does not do but have a different explanation.

gahrie said...

I bet you are right about what she does and does not do but have a different explanation.

What leads you to believe/assume that she is telling the truth?

walter said...

walter said...
Speaking of skipped over the questions re Feinstein.

9/20/18, 11:09 PM Delete
Blogger anti-de Sitter space said...

She's a…,I mean she's a golden years gal who should be in the Senate for at least a buck twenty five, in centuries.
So...she's just so old she forgot about it?
Not surprised you don't care. It would be inconvenient.

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