September 12, 2018

At the Brewers Win Cafe...

... you can talk all night.


BamaBadgOR said...

OK trivia fans, here's today's question. When the Milwaukee Braves won the World Series in 1957, they received an unexpected major contribution from an unknown rookie who was called up late in the year from Wichita after the Braves had played 100 games and after CF Billy Bruton hurt his knee. It was the highlight of this player's career and he was out of baseball three years later.

What was this player's name and his nickname?

There's a reason why I was reminded of him today.

Butkus51 said...

got it, but kinda sorta cheated, so I'll shut up, but a good one.

Sebastian said...

Breitbart has a fun video showing Google bigshots commiserating about Hill's loss, in front of their employees

The conventional prog attitudes are to be expected, of course, but the completely unreflective groupthink, ironically larded with the usual BS about tolerance, is still striking. They assume no one in the room could possibly think differently.

They are the anointed, they really do consider us deplorable, and they think they deserve to rule.

Madison Mike said...

Hurricane Bob Hazle

David Begley said...

No picture of Meade. I’m concerned.

Original Mike said...

”No picture of Meade. I’m concerned”

I was on Picnic Point this evening, I didn’t see Meade. Probably doesn’t mean anything ...

Ralph L said...

Read this Dalrymple and thought of the 1950-54 liberal cohort discussed earlier:

To judge from the people in the airports, the elderly dress with no more dignity than the young. The explanation for this, I suppose, is that those who were young adults in 1968 have never recovered from their adolescence or realized or accepted that it is now over.

BJK said...

"Brewers Win Cafe" is my favorite kind of cafe.

mccullough said...

The Brewers were 1-7 against the Cubs in April. 7-4 against them since then. Good job making up some ground but every game counts. If the Brewers finish a game or two out, they will kick themselves. Taking the season series is often the difference in who wins the division.

traditionalguy said...

Miracles are happening in Atlanta. The Braves have won 3 straight from the giants and are 7.5 games ahead in their division. The average age of the starting lineup is about 19.

Achilles said...

The fascists at facebook just banned the founder of #walkaway.

The leftists are running scared.

They truly have no confidence in their own positions or message.

They know they cannot win without thuggery and force.

robother said...

So'd the Rockies! Walk-off 2 run homer. Still 1st place in the division. Exciting September for fans in the NL West and Central Divisions.

Kansas City said...

Love the Brewers with many ex-Royals. I think they catch the Cubs.

traditionalguy said...

Hurricane Florence seems to be hitting a miracle wall of prayers.

wildswan said...

Sebastian said...
Breitbart has a fun video showing Google bigshots commiserating about Hill's loss, in front of their employees

I saw this video also and everyone should look at it. The only firm conclusion I came to was that Google should be broken up. How is it that it so unrepresentative? How is it that no one can describe what Trump supporters want in positive terms? How is it that not one single Trump supporter dared get up and speak of what might be positive in the election? We are talking about half the voters in a very large country and in the Google mind we are all half wits, trembling in our caves as New Things happen outside. We are afraid of Google the Great, that's what that session amounted to. Remember that song by Carly Simon "You're so strange, you probably think this song is about you" etc. Fascism and communism are caused by boredom and fear and half the US is suffering from that because they don't work at Google or Amazon. What can Google do for bordemo-fearios? I believe Sergey proposed artificial intelligence, not sure what he meant, maybe a chip implant to override the tremblies when we get them.

Here's what I think Google and the rest might think about. Most of the country in terms of area is made up of farms, orchards and ranches with areas where mining predominates. These center on small towns with small businesses and hospitals, the whole knit by a large number of truckers. Many people from these areas join the military. So these people who you are categorizing as bored and/or fearful are the people running farms, orchards, ranches and small businesses or they are miners or truckers or doctors and nurses or the people fighting the wars. They all use IT apps all the time. They are objecting to unfair trade deals and to taxation that drives them out of business and to regulation that stifles them and to a smug insufferable group which thinks like these Googlies that IT and the media, the googley part of the economy, is made up of an especially gifted admirable group.

Admirable and gifted, some of you Googlies are, yes. Thank you for Google. Totally enriched my life. But you are cubicle-bound and you are behaving in this video like a bizarre cross of the Mole and Toad when a little whiff from the World Beyond The Walls reaches you. (The Mole and Toad are characters in a book. Look it up on Google and buy the print book on Amazon - which I know you can do. Then, read it if you can.)

Yancey Ward said...

I watched about 20 minutes of the Google video- it is fucking damning- no other way to describe it. Every proclamation from that organization that they are fair and balanced when it comes to political speech on their platforms now not only rings false, but is all but certain to be a lie.

FIDO said...
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FIDO said...

Checked my retirement account today.

Since November 8, 2016 to today, the increase in my account was 36.6%.

Getting rid of Obamanomics and Hillary's Oligarchy of Corruptocrats has added a third more money in practically no time at all.

Thank you Mr. Trump, not for being a financial wizard or being responsible in any way except one: You are not Obama or Hillary, which was like a fifty pound weight on the chest of the economy.

FIDO said...

“Protect your own good in all that you do, and as concerns everything else take what is given as far as you can make reasoned use of it.

If you don’t, you’ll be unlucky, prone to failure, hindered and stymied.” EPICTETUS, D ISCOURSES , 4.3.11

For those raging at Hillary: she has not protected her good and she has been stymied twice as a result.

Narayanan said...

My take on doings of the past few years ...

Bill Clinton let Chinese *do the something* for him.

Trump trying to put stop to it.

Jaq said...

An anti-Trump sociology professor at the College of Southern Nevada shot himself on campus last month as way to protest the president, police said. Mark J. Bird, 69, was found bloodied outside a bathroom in the Charleston campus K building with a self-inflicted gunshot wound the morning of the second day of classes August 28. Inside the bathroom, was the .22-caliber handgun he used as well as a spent shell casing.Bird also left a $100 bill taped to the bathroom mirror with a note that read: ´For the janitor,
- Daily Mail

Democrats should be ashamed for what they are doing to their voters to keep them riled up for the mid-terms.

Leland said...

And the Astros swept the Tigers.

Bay Area Guy said...

Don't forget the Oakland A's! Playoff bound, tiny salaries, tiny attendance, no-name players, but a heckuva team, 30 games over .500.

Let's go A's!

dustbunny said...

Tom Waits has recorded an old Italian anti-fascist song.

rehajm said...

The inequality between MLBs haves and have nots this year is as great as I can recall. I'm surprised Liz Warren hasn't called for government intervention on behalf of the Orioles.

Original Mike said...

”Democrats should be ashamed for what they are doing to their voters to keep them riled up for the mid-terms.”

They are amoral.

David Begley said...

I will remain vigilant.

Recall those pictures from Meade’s alleged camping trip to Colorado? He was never in the pictures!

Mr. Groovington said...

Google leak first up?

Meade said...

"I was on Picnic Point this evening, I didn’t see Meade. Probably doesn’t mean anything ..."

Have you checked the bog? Also, look for disturbed soil around the ancient sacred Indian mounds. Search for evidence of foul play. A red ball cap? A motion W on it tells you one thing. Make America Great Again? Contact the authorities.

Ann Althouse said...

"Make America Great Again? Contact the authorities."

The authorities in Madison? They're supposed to take an interest in a dead Trumpster?

Humperdink said...

I need something 'splained to me. The global warming crowd hysteria is based on computer models.

As Hurricane Apocalypse approaches the US coast, forecasters have been looking at two sets of computer models: the US computer model and the European models. And then they mutter the European models have proven to be more accurate in the past. How can this be? Two models????

The Crack Emcee said...

Achilles said...

"The leftists are running scared."

Listen to leftists and it's conservatives, huddled in their closets, terrified of anyone smelling of patchouli and burning sage.

Whatever happened to "We're winning!"?

Original Mike said...

”The authorities in Madison? They're supposed to take an interest in a dead Trumpster?”

It certainly wouldn’t make CNN.

Bob Boyd said...

"A motion W on it tells you one thing."

Hmmmm...cryptic. If Meade is deade, the killer is toying with us.

The Crack Emcee said...

That should've read "Listen to leftists and it's conservatives, huddled in their closets with their Bibles and an arsenal of weapons, terrified of anyone smelling of patchouli and burning sage."

The Crack Emcee said...

Bob Boyd said...

"If Meade is deade, the killer is toying with us."

But Meade is deade - and you'll never catch me!

The Crack Emcee said...

BTW - Frank Zappa is the only way anyone will ever be able to associate me with the words, "I had a Roger Daltry cape on."

Bob Boyd said...

"You'll never catch me!" usually devolves into "You'll never take me alive!" then "I want a lawyer!" followed by "I didn't want to do it. The other guy pulled the trigger." to "I steak and some chocolate ice cream."

Paco Wové said...
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Paco Wové said...

2nd try:

Dalai Lama says 'Europe belongs to Europeans'

The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, said Wednesday that "Europe belongs to the Europeans" and that refugees should return to their native countries to rebuild them.

"Receive them, help them, educate them... but ultimately they should develop their own country,"...

"I think Europe belongs to the Europeans," he said, adding they should make clear to refugees that "they ultimately should rebuild their own country".

Maybe the Catholics could trade Pope Francis for this guy.

Bob Boyd said...

@ Paco Wové

link about that horrible, Nazi, racist the Dalai Lama, isn't working right.

Ralph L said...

They're supposed to take an interest in a dead Trumpster?
You'll need a death certificate for the life insurance, so I hope you left the body in another county.

Unknown said...

Good to see you back, Crack Emcee.

The Crack Emcee said...

Bob Boyd said...

"You'll never catch me!" usually devolves into "You'll never take me alive!" then "I want a lawyer!" followed by "I didn't want to do it. The other guy pulled the trigger." to "I steak and some chocolate ice cream."

The Patrice O'Neal "Paper Trail Theory" for black men (interacting with white people)

Bob Boyd said...

I was picturing James Cagney.

The Crack Emcee said...

Matthew Blaine said...

"Good to see you back, Crack Emcee."

Thank you, Matthew. I don't remember the name (I'm sorry to say) but, if you like me, then you know what's up and I'm glad to see you back, too. Did you see/hear the new series? (Put those tracks in a music player and listen to them end-to-end. The next track(s) will be coming ASAP.) That's the beginning of a whole new, bigger, grander, more fantastical online project I'm working on, but don't tell anybody;

If they realize they've never seen me and Elon Musk in the same place at the same time, not only is his cover as a black man going to be blown, but my donations are really going to dry up. Go check it out. It was made for you.

The Crack Emcee said...

Bob Boyd said...

"link about that horrible, Nazi, racist the Dalai Lama, isn't working right."

Um, that hit a little too close to home: I wrote Goose-stepping To God back in 2007.

Bob Boyd said...
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Ralph L said...

The Dalai Lama forgets how much the Europeans migrated around Europe and later, the world.
But he's right, India needs their doctors, etc, more than we do.

Bob Boyd said...

"Um, that hit a little too close to home: I wrote Goose-stepping To God back in 2007."

Interesting, but seems a reach to declare the Dalai Lama a closet Nazi based solely on the connections cited in your piece. Maybe talking to these Nazis is what brought him around on guns and the idea that some people just need shooting.
I was being sarcastic above, hopefully that was obvious. But what do you think of the Dalai Lama's comment re Europe?

Big Mike said...

Make America Great Again

Democrats sought to blame Florence on Trump, so he raised his mighty pinky finger, and BEHOLD!!! Florence has stalled on its path towards the Carolinas and is dowgrading to a Cat 2 on its way to a tropical storm.


Lucien said...

Thanks Crack: Roger Daltry cape reminded me of “she stripped away her rancid poncho . .”

But the “Paper Trail” link was even better.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"They're supposed to take an interest in a dead Trumpster?"

What if was about to write a tell-all book?

The Crack Emcee said...

Lucien said...

"Thanks Crack: Roger Daltry cape reminded me of 'she stripped away her rancid poncho . .'”

I remember, the first time I heard "rancid poncho," I let out a "Oooh!" involuntarily. Zappa does that to me. Also, sometimes, I do this thing with my hands, like I've been holding something too hot and need to cool them down. He keeps me on my toes.

The Crack Emcee said...

Bob Boyd said...

"What do you think of the Dalai Lama's comment re Europe?"

I saw Arabs and Africans being mistreated in Yurp, as I was (because they thought I was African or, sometimes, even American) so what they want to do is on them. I see the Dalai Lama as a charlatan (That guy's reincarnated? Really? Come on. He wears GLASSES! And the Lamas weren't so cool when they were in power anyway) so why anyone would listen to him is beyond me. I'd tell him to stuff it and let non-reincarnated grown folks talk.

Bob Boyd said...

To be fair, reincarnation has been linked to astigmatism.

Meade said...

Posted by Big Mike to Althouse at 9/13/18, 8:32 AM

Someone told me long ago
There's Obama 'fore the Don
I know -- it was comin' for some time
Now it's over so they say:
"We'll impeach now any day"
I know -- anti-trump derangement

I wanna know
Have they always seemed insane?
I wanna know
Have they always seemed insane?
Calm em down, Donald J

Andrew said...

At Ann and Meade,
Do you guys ever talk, or do you only blog comment to each other?

Just kidding. Glad you're okay, Meade. Unless Ann is using your account to keep up appearances.

Andrew said...

@Big Mike,
It is amazing, isn't it? And the Dems thought that Obama was the Messiah. Little did they know what was coming.

Bob Boyd said...

I think the Dalai Lama is probably coming at this from the perspective of a Tibetan whose homeland has been occupied by the Chinese. I'm sure he would also say, "Tibet belongs to Tibetans"

mockturtle said...

Re the Dalai Lama: Some of us recall when he was practically worshiped by the left. They dropped him like the proverbial hot potato when they found out how conservative he is.

Unknown said...

Hi Emcee, thank you for noticing my post. In the past you have conveyed your feelings about life, and I have tried to accept them even though some of them feel like they reflect poorly on me and mine. That's on me. So, lots of what you wrote got through. And this has led me to an attitude of somewhat greater acceptance.

Thank you for linking me to your music. I will try to give a listen. Best.

Unknown said...

Nice riff, Meade. May John Fogerty forbear somewhat your silly take.

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