August 1, 2018

Trump defenders: Defend this.

The Trump haters are mocking him. "Donald Trump Says You Need A Picture ID To Buy Groceries In America/The president made the comment while pushing for voter ID laws at a Florida rally" (HuffPo).
To be clear, American citizens do not need a picture ID to buy basic groceries. There are some federal and state regulations that prohibit the sale of alcohol or certain over-the-counter medications without identification, but that does not extend to basic food or cleaning products.

Social media users remarked on Trump’s assertion as “out of touch” and wondered when the billionaire last bought his own groceries....
Some of us remember when George H.W. Bush lost his bid for reelection because he let us see that he was unfamiliar with a checkout scanner and thus that he didn't go grocery shopping like us plebes.

Here's a bad defense: Maybe Trump is the guy who gets out his checkbook when he buys groceries. Bad because: We hate that guy.

So what have you got? There's the Scott Adams idea that Trump deliberately gets some things wrong. What is that theory exactly? His antagonists will feel compelled to talk about it because they can point out what's wrong. (Duh, here, it's so easy.) And then they'll be forefronting the issue he really wants discussed. (Here, it's voter ID and the fear of voting by ineligible voters, emotional issues that cause people, some people, to gravitate toward Trump.)

I'd also say that the people who attack Trump need to attack and attack and attack, so give them some chum, and they may gnaw on it all day instead of something that might really hurt Trump.

Because I don't think Trump is vulnerable to what hurt George H.W. Bush so much. Trump was always an out-and-proud billionaire. Why would he be buying his own groceries? No one imagines him pushing a shopping cart, selecting items, and waiting "on" line in Manhattan! He'd have to walk 4 1/2 long blocks (not short blocks) to get to a Whole Foods from Trump Tower. That's 9 blocks, total, plus the walking in the store. Who even pictures him walking that far, let alone being subjected to the indignities of getting asked if he "found everything" he was looking for and if he's an Amazon Prime member? (Which kind of is like being asked for ID.)

And Trump is different from H.W. not only because he wears his rich-man status proudly. He has also already succeeded in connecting with working-class people. He hasn't seemed effete and out-of-touch, so there's no resonating with a preconception as there was with H.W.

Now, what time is it? I'm getting bored.

IN THE COMMENTS; campy said:
“I refuse even to joke about it,” Amanpour says...



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Freder Frederson said...

I didn’t have sex with that woman

I don't know why bringing up trump's denial about his affair with stormy Daniels helps your case.

le Douanier said...

"Or BJ's Discounts."

Well, if ya gotta pay for it, probably best to avoid a discount.

Michael said...

Yes, what he said was wrong unless, of course, you are buying groceries by check in which case you will be asked to show a picture ID.. Impeach.

readering said...

The right to buy liquor at Target not in the Constitution.

I'm Full of Soup said...

When you apply for a grocery store chain discount/ affinity card, they do ask you for your license.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "You can rationalize it all you want and pretend he didn't say what he said, but his statement is incorrect on its face"

If you like your talking point, you can keep your talking point.

No one will take your talking point away from you. Period.

Drago said...

I didn’t have sex with that woman

Field Marshall Freder: "I don't know why bringing up trump's denial about his affair with stormy Daniels helps your case"

Trump never said that.


Seeing Red said...

that’s interesting. I write grocery store and it’s assumed Tar-jay. Because you think I’m a rube?

Upscale grocery store.

Drago said...

Next up for Freder: Assertions that Palin said I can see Russia from my house.

Some habits are hard to break for our lefties.

Chuck said...

Kristian Holvoet said...
Just to be uncharitable, say Trump was lying on purpose (even if it was just trolling ala Scott Adams) and not just being a bone head or simply misspeaking. What is the impact and benefit (to Trump) of that lie?

Compare with Obama's "If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan"?

Which lie mattered? Who was hurt by Obama's lie? Every tax payer, a lot of poor people, but elected Democrats the

Wait a minute! Can we do some facts here?

Obama never said, "If yo like your health care plan..." Obama said, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor..." And in response to the overall changes made by Obamacare, some private businesses changed their plans (which may have changed in-network physician lists), or some people might have gone to different individual plans, which effectuated changes in primary care providers or specialist lists.

When you say, "every tax payer" was hurt by Obamacare, what is your source? A lot of people were able to get health care coverage via Medicaid expansion or via marketplace plans with perhaps a level of federal subsidization. "Taxpayers" included. Obamacare was a godsend for a lot of people and a lot of providers.

Now I am a Republican who did not favor the ACA and I would have voted against it. I don't think it did much of anything to bend the health care cost curve. It didn't contain any tort reform. There was a lot of bad in the ACA. There was some good; and mostly, Donald Trump has been too stupid and too ill-informed and too disinterested to address any of it in detail.

"Health care reform" is the subject on which Trump's promises have been the most grand, the most unobtainable, the most stupid, and the biggest lies.

Francisco D said...

"It is a lie of omission. He didn't say you need an ID to buy groceries with a credit or debit card or with a check, he said you need an ID to buy groceries."

That is not a lie of omission.

Howard said...

Scott Adams is right. Trump says shit to ignite lefty indignation plus the icing on the cake is goosing his fans to virtually suck his cock and slurp up every drop of jizz. Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Seeing Red said...

Lolol fish in a barrel. Too too easy.

Francisco D said...

Chuckles the LLR is defending Obama and Obamacare again.

You can't make this up folks.

narciso said...

You mean McCain flake Collins and corked, competing to see who was most obstinate?

Drago said...

"Dick Durbin Republican" Chuck: "Wait a minute! Can we do some facts here?"

Self-identified loud and proud Smear Merchants don't do "facts".

As your hilariously pathetic performance yesterday defending dems by re-asserting Trump was not spied upon amply demonstrates.

Try again Jim Acosta-fanboy. Try again.

Drago said...

Howard: "Scott Adams is right. Trump says shit to ignite lefty indignation plus the icing on the cake is goosing his fans to virtually suck his cock and slurp up every drop of jizz."

You seem to devolve to metaphors of that type quite often.

(Sitting down and affecting a heavy German accent): "So tell me, did you love your mutter? Your vater?"

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "Now I am a Republican who did not favor the ACA and I would have voted against it"


Anonymous said...

"... Obama never said, "If yo like your health care plan..." Obama said, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor..." .."

Per: (hardly pro-Trump or Pro Conservative)

• White House Web page (link from reference): "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan."

• Town hall in Green Bay, Wis., June 11, 2009: "No matter how we reform health care, I intend to keep this promise: If you like your doctor, you'll be able to keep your doctor; if you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan."

• Remarks at the American Medical Association, June 15, 2009: "I know that there are millions of Americans who are content with their health care coverage — they like their plan and, most importantly, they value their relationship with their doctor. They trust you. And that means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what."

And others. You can quibble all the f' you want about whether (from my quote) "your health care plan" is the same as (from polifacts quotes_ "your health care plan" or "your health care plan" or "your health care plan", but nearly everyone else is going to go with 'they mean the same damn thing'.

Howard said...

Austrian accent. The details count, Drago

I'm Full of Soup said...

200 plus comments and LLR Chuck focuses on one to find a reason to defend one of Obama's YUGEST lies!? Unbelievable.

Yancey Ward said...

I need a picture ID every time I go out to buy groceries. Most people do. If you can't figure out why, I feel sorry for you.

Michael Gazonymous said...

*delurks* FFS I get asked for my ID so often that I bought a wallet with the ID window on the outside to streamline the process. *relurks*

Jaq said...

ou don't need to interpret. Just need ta know when one number is larger than another number.

That’s why you think that math is “tricky,” because you don’t do it right.

Jaq said...

I think that the left congratulated themselves A LOT over the supermarket scanner thing, but I don’t think it cost “Poppy” the election. I think that the press gaslighting that the economy was in a nosedive when in fact it was coming back played a far bigger role, but they couldn’t really brag about that one.

n.n said...

An exaggeration for effect but true since photo ids are widely distributed and common in everyday life and throughout life.

BJM said...

@Michael K

The crooks wreck life for all the honest people. Period.

As Bobby once wrote "To live outside law, you must be honest".

As if.

Freder Frederson said...

Trump never said that.

I was being sarcastic. Trump has deniedhe had sex with stormy Daniels. He also claimed he knew nothing about the payment,which we nowknow is a lie.

Justifying trump's lies by bringing up past Lies of others really doesn't help your case.

Jaq said...

“I was being sarcastic. Trump has deniedhe had sex with stormy Daniels. He also claimed he knew nothing about the payment,which we nowknow is a lie.”

Did you care when Clinton lied about sexual harassment? Well I thought that that bit of business was already adjudicated, like abortion, stare decisis!

n.n said...

An exaggeration for effect but true since photo ids are common in everyday life and are widely distributed to welfare recipients, to benefits recipients, to insurance coverage, to school applications, to background checks, to gun licensing, to elective abortion providers and consumers (?), etc.

This is unlike the claims of "homo" and whatever phobia, sexism, etc., which are uncommon. Or the claim that certain classes of semi-automatic weapons are assault-style used by law-abiding citizens to commit elective abortion in the thousands. That nationalists of a skin color are equivalent or "=" to German National Socialists. Or Jew Privilege, White Privilege, etc. Or that hundreds, perhaps thousands, of unique Facebook visitors and bots influenced the election, thus justifying a a multi-trimester baby hunt. That human life evolves from conception and that Planned Parenthood et al tortures (from around two months), terminate (i.e. selective-child), and recycle (i.e. clinical cannibalism) wholly innocent human lives by the hundreds of thousands annually... that one is not an exaggeration, and legal under the Twilight Amendment.

Jaq said...

It worries me more that the Department of Justice thinks that raiding a lawyer’s office and seizing all of his files is A-OK and thoroughly American as long as the cause is to get Trump than what Trump did with a consenting adult not his employee, and not as an president of the United States.

Jaq said...

They figure Stormy and Godwin are their best cards, obviously.

MountainMan said...

Just getting so, so tired of all the endless controversies and accusations about this or that or whatever minor thing he says. I just came from one of my frequent trips to the grocery store to pick up some things for tonight's dinner. The elderly woman in front of me wrote a check for her basket of things and had to show her driver's license. When I go to Costco I can't get in without showing ID; can't check out without showing ID again. I show ID all the time, like any time I use a credit card and my signature is not on the back or the store has a policy of showing ID on all non-cash purchases. And I vote in TN, and when I vote, I have to show ID. Have had to show ID every time I've voted in all the years I've lived here. No one has ever made an issue of it. It should be SOP in every polling place in the country for every election, just like it is in every other country. The Dems don't want voter ID because it makes their vote fraud schemes harder to pull off.

Much ado about nothing. Just so, so tired of it.

Michael K said...

Now I am a Republican who did not favor the ACA


I'm Full of Soup said...

Locks are made to keep honest people out.

Achilles said...

Freder Frederson said...
Trump never said that.

“I was being sarcastic.”


Are you so stupid you missed the irony in this post?

If leftists didn’t have double standards...

Michael K said...

I think that the press gaslighting that the economy was in a nosedive when in fact it was coming back played a far bigger role, but they couldn’t really brag about that one.

George Mitchell pulled a great caper by blocking a capital gains tax cut when he was Majority Leader. That caused a short recession that was long enough to make Bush's "No new taxes" plus his clueless "Read my Hips" crack into fatal mistakes.

The irony of all that was that Mario Cuomo, who was a much better D candidate, declined to run because he though Bush was unbeatable after Gulf War I. The stars really aligned to get Clinton in the White House where he could run wild.

Drago said...

Freder: "I was being sarcastic."


You mean you were trying to be sarcastic.

Trumpit said...

"They figure Stormy and Godwin are their best cards, obviously."

Coming from a Trumptard troll not playing with a full deck.

Drago said...

Trumpit: "Coming from a Trumptard troll not playing with a full deck."

A quarter of a deck is all it takes to run rings around the lunatic lefties.

Jim at said...

Some of us remember when George H.W. Bush lost his bid for reelection because he let us see that he was unfamiliar with a checkout scanner and thus that he didn't go grocery shopping like us plebes.

Maybe it's already been mentioned, but H.W. Bush lost his re-election because he raised taxes after promising not to do so. Also, Ross Perot took 20 percent of his vote because of said broken promise.

Jim at said...

The argument is that we have to use ID's for all sorts of common activities - except the Dems believe, voting. - Packerbronco


Michael K said...

Poor trumpit. Still crazy after all these years.

Darrell said...

Certain States require a photo ID to purchase drain cleaner, nail polish, Sudafed, and more that I'm not going to look up. I had to show a picture ID to register for my grocery store's discount card. And again whenever I buy gift cards. Or cigarettes and liquor. Or when I pick up a prescription.

Francisco D said...

"Better to stick with, "he misspoke", rather than spend all this effort trying to turn an incorrect statement into a true one."

What happened to lie of omission, Freder?

You seem far less coherent than Trump has ever been.

Incorrect and true are not opposites, especially when you decide what is incorrect.

Lexington Green said...

"What about markets that won't let you take the shopping cart to your car?"

Dollar Tree. Carts do not leave the store. But where else can you get big containers of Chinese knock-off probably falsely branded Windex that cheaply! And don't get me started on the light bulbs!

At Aldi you have to deposit a quarter, so you have a stake in returning the cart!

This means Aldi does not pay anyone to other carts.

You pay a premium for low prices!

Also, lunch meat at Aldi is ham, bologna and turkey -- no salami!

Sometimes it's the little things that hurt the most.

elkh1 said...

You do need an ID and a membership card to buy groceries at Costco. Why is that, from a liberal establishment?

Darrell said...

When Elizabeth Warren was selected as a Senatorial candidate by that special Democratic committee in Massachusetts (there was no primary due to the death of Kennedy), the voters had to show picture IDs to vote.

Freder Frederson said...

Did you care when Clinton lied about sexual harassment? Well I thought that that bit of business was already adjudicated, like abortion, stare decisis!

Yes I did. I don't know why you think I am apologist for Bill Clinton.

Ken B said...

Need ID to buy beer, wine, sudafed, some cough meds, tobacco — all of which you can buy at the grocery store in most states.

gilbar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Some day we'll need to a have QR codes tattooed on our foreheads to vote, or get food, or to get a job just to join the rat race, or more like sheeplechase. Who says Q is just a QRazy Qonspiracy about Qonspiracies?

WaQe up! The Russian Fembots Qanoodling on their troll farms to fleece us don't really love us!

gilbar said...

Here's a fun fact;
sitting Presidents that had serious primary challengers
George HW Bush => Bob Dole, Pat Robertson
Jimmy Carter => Ted Kennedy
Gerald Ford => Ron Reagan
LBJ => Robert Kennedy, Gene McCarthy

What else distinguishes these Presidents from all the rest since Herbert Hoover?
They were not reelected

gilbar said...

readering said...
The right to buy liquor at Target not in the Constitution.
You'd be kinda hard pressed to find the right to vote for a president in the Constitution too

Ken B said...

Ha! He tricked us all. “You know if you go out and you want to buy groceries you need a picture ID ...”

This is true if going out involves driving. The finite verbs are “go out” and “want”, not “to buy” .

gilbar said...

Here's a video of some Black guy refuting Chuck's assertion that O'Bama never said 'if you like your plan, you can keep your plan'
Here's a video of some Black guy refuting Chuck's assertion that O'Bama never said 'if you like your plan, you can keep your plan'

n.n said...

This is a high grossing thread. That is funny. #PAnon

readering said...

Gilbar, I agree with your list, but add Truman in '52. Like LBJ, he backed out after disappointing New Hampshire primary (losing to Kefauver).

Anonymous said...

258 comments on this nonsense?

Birkel said...

Don't most people have bank debit cards that include a Photo ID on the card?

readering said...

Never heard of photo id on a debit card. Not on mine.

Kevin said...

It won't work. Too many people buy groceries at Costco and Sam's Club and Walmart.

So let me get this straight. Trump talks about voter ID, which the media has no interest in discussing until he says something they thing is categorically wrong, and then they can't shut up about it.

And now every time someone has to pull out their ID in a checkout line, be it at the grocery store or otherwise, they're going to be reminded they have to show ID here but not to vote.

And we're supposed to believe TRUMP is the loser?

Kevin said...

I had to pull out ID yesterday to move money from one of my bank accounts to another of my bank accounts, both at the same bank and after I'd put my ATM card in the machine and entered my PIN.

That was the first thing I thought about when the media started going on about what Trump said.

Birkel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

Second look at my PURPLE ELEPHANTS take?

You people had me here explaining this all and it seems you don't want to learn.

Birkel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...


My bank debit card has a photo of me.
And I don't mind the extra layer of security.

AllenS said...

No photo on my bank debit card.

Tank said...

Defend this?

It's frickkin entertainment sweetie.

Trump is the most entertaining President (person) in my lifetime. He should be doing those beer commercials as the most interesting man in the world. All these people debating when and where you need ID and do you need it to shop; yes, everyone needs ID for thousands of transactions and purposes and we do it every single day without even thinking about it, but … voting? ------> RACIST.

Birkel said...

Allen S,

You should think about asking your bank for a more secure card.
The photo couldn't hurt, am I right?

PackerBronco said...

Blogger Gahrie said...
I've been using my debit card to buy groceries for at least a decade now.....I bet Trump doesn't even own one. The big advantage of a debit card over checks or a credit card is the fact that you don't need to use an ID.

Hmmm how do I get me on them debit card things? I know I'll open an account at a local bank! Gee, do you think they'll ask for an ID?

PackerBronco said...

Blogger Birkel said...

My bank debit card has a photo of me.
And I don't mind the extra layer of security.

8/1/18, 2:54 PM

Photo ID? Buncha racists, don't they know that minorities can't do photo IDs?

Mark Nielsen said...


I really don't want to join the avalanche of abuse that you take around here, but you're making it hard. Obama definitely *did* say that if you like your *plan* (not just doctor), you could keep it. See <a href=">politifact</a>, for instance.

Defending Obama in a genuinely meaningful lie about policy, while at the same time criticizing Trump for a statement (not about anything meaningful) that is, on its face, inaccurate (though everyone with any sense can see what he was intending)? That's how you earn the reputation you have here.

Chuck said...


Now the White House story is that Trump is right because when you buy beer or wine at a grocery store you need photo ID.

The follow up is always so hilarious with Trump.


Glad we got that all clear now.

So, uh, you need photo ID to buy beer or wine in a grocery store. That remarkable pronouncement, coming to all of us from the President of the United States of America. That bland truism is important to a voter ID debate... how?

Again; I support voter ID. I support the need for photo identification. I support identification of citizens versus non-citizens on drivers licenses. I am a devotee of Kris Kobach, and of Hans von Spakovsky. I am not arguing the merits of the issue here.

I am trying to ridicule Trump personally, and alone.

Mark Nielsen said...

I should always use the "preview" feature. Fixed link: politifact.

Pookie Number 2 said...

I am trying to ridicule Trump personally, and alone.

I suspect you do most things alone.

Chuck said...

Mark Nielsen said...


I really don't want to join the avalanche of abuse that you take around here, but you're making it hard. Obama definitely *did* say that if you like your *plan* (not just doctor), you could keep it.

Defending Obama in a genuinely meaningful lie about policy, while at the same time criticizing Trump for a statement (not about anything meaningful) that is, on its face, inaccurate (though everyone with any sense can see what he was intending)? That's how you earn the reputation you have here.

Fuck that, Mark.

I've said any number of times that I never voted for Obama and wouldn't have voted for the ACA. Ask Ann Althouse about voting for Obama.

My point on Obamacare is that the ACA itself didn't mandate any changes in doctors or plans. It may have had that effect, indirectly, when private insurers and employer/purchasers of plans changed after the ACA had gone into effect. That no doubt sucked, for a lot of people. Rates went up. Just like they have been going up for years in all health care sectors.

And my point on Trump is that the ratfucker went out on the campaign trail and told everybody that he'd get everybody in a room and make a deal that would "cover everybody," and would lower all of our rates and our co-pays and our deductibles and we'd end up with "great care." And the simple fact is that Trump doesn't know the first goddamned think about health care and doesn't care so long as he can tick off a talking point as to how he "repealed Obamacare."

Mark Nielsen said...

Chuck says: Fuck that, Mark.

Great argument there, Chuck. Nice factual rebuttal to my having pointed out that you were dead wrong about what Obama did and didn't say.

More Chuck: My point on Obamacare is that the ACA itself didn't mandate any changes in doctors or plans. It may have had that effect, indirectly ...

Yes, and that effect was completely predictable and was, in fact, predicted by everyone not in the tank for Obama. It was a lie. No misstatement. Lie. Don't defend it. I believe you when you say you didn't vote for Obama. Really I do. But your hatred of Trump is clouding your judgment now to the point that you're defending that? Really?

Look, I didn't support Trump in 2016. I couldn't bring myself to vote for either choice. I still don't like the loss of dignity that the office has suffered (but that was going to happen no matter who won that year). But I'm enjoying the substantive results from Trump so far. If you aren't, then maybe what everyone says about you here is more correct than I had estimated.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“No photo on my bank debit card.”

“Never heard of photo id on a debit card. Not on mine.”

Not on most bank debit cards either. I suspect Birkel is telling stories.

Michael said...

Swan into a grocery store and try paying by check. See what happens. An experiment. As it were.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck doing everything he can to salvage his "magnificent" obama's signature legislation.

If you think LLR Chuck is going to allow any of you stupid ccnservatives to attack obamacare without hearing from him you've got another thing coming.

Drago said...

Mark: "Great argument there, Chuck. Nice factual rebuttal to my having pointed out that you were dead wrong about what Obama did and didn't say."

Self-described Smear Merchants like Chuck are only here to lie and advance democrat narratives.

Michael K said...

Not on most bank debit cards either. I suspect Birkel is telling stories.

The fool got her debit card out of a box of Crackerjack.

Michael K said...

"I am trying to ridicule Trump personally, and alone."

And failing, as usual. You only make yourself look foolish.

DavidD said...

Let’s see, does a box of Sudafed count as groceries if I buy it at Kroger?

iowan2 said...

My attack on Trump would be, "What an idiot. He keeps trusting his own instincts for freelancing his remarks in these campaign-style rallies, and he keeps getting stuff wrong. Wrong

The self awareness is stunning.

"he keeps trusting his instincts" Yes, and where has that got him? 'President Trump is crashing and burning, promise, really, this time, for sure, I'm positive this time President Trump is too stupid to breath, this time, this is it, FOR SURE!'

People, the media, Dems, keep thinking that for sure this will prove that the President does not belong on the debate team,(it right there in the rules for the debate club, he is violating plain rules, for God sake) But President Trump is not on the debate club, he is in the marketing club. And its the marketing club that elects the President.

This reminds me of watching a few seconds of Donnie Deustch on MSNBC and he was bloviating about how bad the President was messing up his messaging. Thats right, the President that no poll in America had him winning is sitting in the Oval Office now because of his successful messaging. But nooo, Donnie is sooo much smarter than the President. Ignore the most impressive marketing plan the planet has ever seen, Trump in the messaging idiot.

FullMoon said...

Michael said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Swan into a grocery store and try paying by check. See what happens. An experiment. As it were.

Yeah, and with a Trump bumper sticker on your car, for fun.

Warren Fahy said...


FullMoon said...

Trump probably heard you need id for EBT card purchases. Alcohol and medicine are not groceries. He mis spoke BFD. Not like goofy LLR who intentionally lied about Obama keep your plan. That was a lie, he knew it, he did it . He is worse than Trump.
BTW, Trump seems to have gifted numerous women tens of thousands of dollars out of kindness, where as Chuck went for weeks wanting to physically assault little Greta van Sustern in an attempt to prove a stupid point. Hence, earning the humorous moniker 'titty twister'.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zorfwaddle said...

I have to show my retiree ID card at the commisary down here in Pensacola. Three times: once at the door, once to the person at the self-checkout stands, then scan the ID card to start ringing stuff up. Matter of fact, it's EVERYBODY that shops at the comissary. And the military exchanges.

Jorge (CTIC(SS) (Ret))

CWJ said...

Chuck wrote -

"My point on Obamacare is that the ACA itself didn't mandate any changes in doctors or plans. It may have had that effect, indirectly,"

Bullshit and nonsense. There was nothing indirect about it. The moment Obamacare went into effect, millions in the individual health insurance market, perhaps even the majority, lost their coverage because their plans had been rendered illegal. No mandates? Chuck, did you forget the maternity coverage mandate, the birth control mandate, and all the others buried in the legislation that did not get the media coverage those two did? I was at ground zero in the indivdual health insurance market when Obamacare went into effect. Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

Your stating the nonsense in your quote above is as bad as your denying Obama's repeatedly lying about keeping your plan. For someone who obsesses about others lies, you're the last one to rewrite the facts. Go sit on a sharp stick and cry to Althouse that I'm bullying you.

Marcus said...

Lemme do an "ACKSHULY":
Groceries are defined, at three of the the dictionary sites I checked, as ANYTHING sold by a grocer. That would seem to include Sudafed, alcohol, tobacco, and certain glues. My local WalMart sells spray paint that I need an ID to purchase. But we all know that groceries are food and drink and because of that, impeach the bastard, eh? My local Publix requires photo ID for all purchases paid for by credit card, EBT and check. But let's impeach Trump for being inaccurate in his description. WE got his point.

jr565 said...

you do need a basic id to buy certain things from the grocery store. She had to add the word "Basic" to assert that he was referring to general items and not to the items you'd need an ID for. If grocery store is imprecise he could have said any other place where ID"s are required to make the same point.
Pharmacy. Post office. Check cashing place. Airport. Opening a bank account. etc etc etc. And yes, groceries too.

Gahrie said...

I am trying to ridicule Trump personally, and alone.

Well, at least you admit you're an asshole.

Narayanan said...

Mueller pregnancy ... impregnated by Hillary ... term unlimited ... No abortion ... miscarriage of Justice aimed at and *seeded* for

Bad Lieutenant said...

Freder Frederson said...
Please explain the lie.

It is a lie of omission.

It is economy of language. If he loaded it up with caveats people would fall asleep. Nobody falls asleep watching PDJT!

Saying "No, you can sometimes buy groceries without showing ID" is not unlike saying "No, you don't have to show ID when boarding an airplane," because if you own or hire your own (general aviation) you don't need ID. It is still true in very many cases. It is true enough.

Trumpie, I didn't insult you at all. Blame the guy who called you a lousy cocksucker. Better yet, improve.

Kirk Parker said...

No, you do not NEED photo ID to use a credit card.

Unknown said...


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