August 14, 2018



... there's a morning café.


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Churchy LaFemme: said...

France has never gotten over the Revolution and the army never got over the Dreyfus Affair.

Some truth to that. Shirer's more proximate take on the Third Republic was that it never commanded the allegiance of the elites because it was the second choice of all the pooh-bahs in the room at the time. The majority was for a monarchy, but none of the Bourbonists, Orleanists, Napoleon-I-ists or Napoleon-III-ists could get a majority so they all compromised on a republic they didn't want.

buwaya said...

The Third Republic was resilient enough to carry France through WWI despite tremendous casualties, the highest rate per capita of any major combatant nation.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“...but then I remembered that Inga has declared Vox to be a "right wing rag", so I declined to do so.”

Still depending on lies to further your propaganda, I see. Obviously I never said Vox was a “right wing rag”. You’re getting kind of pathetic Drago.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"If you were a motherless child you wouldn't say you felt like one"

Exactly why nobody needs to say it. Or sing it.

narciso said...

I noticed that shirer's declinist model has been challenged in some recent publications, yes the dreyfus affair still stung, blum's left wing credentials, plus the terrible economy of the mid to late 30s.

yes, apelbaum, who is truly a polymath, with a bewildering skill set is very impressive, meanwhile Inga is just reading from the fusion press kit,

narciso said...

societal and economic cleavages, sometimes sustain a country through two cycles, the mcmeakin revision to the revolutionary hagiography of reed, is a case in point, it wasn't destiny that the regime would fall, it took several sharp blows,

Drago said...

Inga; "Still depending on lies to further your propaganda, I see. Obviously I never said Vox was a “right wing rag”"

tsk tsk

Yesterday I referenced the obvious and well-documented (and now entirely predictable) lefty physical assaults of the police, media and bystanders.

I then linked to a Vox article which, surprisingly, reported on those very things.

You than flatly asserted I only use "right wing rags", so you in fact did make that claim.

But I can see that today you need the story to be a little different so its History Reset Button time again!

On the encouraging side, after first arguing that these attacks never took place, then arguing that left wing rags that documented it were right wing rags, then arguing that yes, it happened but perhaps only because Trump had emboldened these lefties with his rhetoric (that was my favorite Inga/LLR lefty diversion attempt yesterday), Inga then went to the never fail Inga tactic:

What do these antifa types have to do with anyone else on the left!!


LLR Chuck could not have done it better.

narciso said...

So bely's Petersburg, showed the strain, retroactively. of the russo Japanese war,

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"What do these antifa types have to do with anyone else on the left!!"

Yep, Mrs. Magoo holds us (and Trump) responsible for 20 pitiful losers who show up to march in DC - but when her side riots, beats people, shoots up baseball fields and sets cars on fire, well, it's got nothing to do with her side.

But there does exist one liberal with integrity. Not Inga, not Ritmo, but a black journalist named Al Letson who threw his body over a marcher who was being beaten by 6 brave antifa warriors. (Because it really takes guts to gang up on someone, especially when you and your buddies are all wearing masks.)

"Asked if he had any hesitation protecting someone who, for all he knew at the time, could be part of an alt-right group, Letson said he didn’t think about that:

What came to me was that he was a human being, and I didn’t want to see anybody die. And, you know, I’ve been thinking a lot about the events in Charlottesville, and I remember seeing the pictures of a young man being brutally beaten by these guys with poles, and when I saw that I thought, “why didn’t anybody step in?”

And you know, in retrospect, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t see my humanity, what matters to me is that I see his. What he thinks about me and all of that, like — my humanity is not dependent upon that."

Hey, now, you can't expect leftists to approve of such crazy talk. He's getting trashed on Twitter by his fellow liberals. They bring up an excellent point - why is this guy a liberal? This certainly isn't the Party Line in 2018. Doesn't he know that the correct liberal stance is to wish death on people who have ideas you don't agree with? He'll need a few leftist reeducation sessions to get this "humanity" nonsense out of his brain.

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Achilles, I used to think you were just an extremist, now I see you’re an ignorant uninformed extremist, even worse.

You are just a complete idiot.

You believe it was ok for the Obama administration to spy on the Trump campaign.

You believe in stalinist prosecutions where the only question is who whom.

Mueller gave immunity to people who did exactly what he is charging Manafort with. Mueller worked for the same people Manafort did.


We know you are a stupid and amoral person.

I told you over a year ago you would be running from the Russian Collusion investigation. Here we are.

I have been right about everything.

You have been wrong about everything.

When your heroes start to go to jail we will still be here. Laughing at you and your stalinist shithead friends.

Have fun with the next 6.5 years of the Trump administration.

I give even odds that Brennan rats out Obama to shorten his prison sentence.

The next special prosecutor is going to be busy.

The Crack Emcee said...

Motherless children wish they could merely feel like a motherless child.

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