August 10, 2018

"It just happened that way. When I’m on a knee, most of the time I’m praying, and thank God for having Albert next to me."

"Being a part of this protest hasn’t been easy. I thought I was going to be by myself out there. Today I had an angel with me with Albert being out there. I’m grateful he sees what’s happening, and he wants to do something about it as well."

From "N.F.L. National Anthem Protests Resume With Players Kneeling and Raising Fists" (NYT). The quote is from Kenny Stills took a knee along with his Dolphins teammate Albert Wilson during the anthem before the preseason game last night. They were the only knee-takers this week, and there were also a couple players who raised a fist.

Did you notice it's time to pay attention to football again? It's early August. I notice that the Dolphin who raised a fist last night (Robert Quinn) is wearing a winter hat...

You don't need a hat in August in Florida, and — think about it — you don't need football.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 369 of 369
gahrie said...

Dumbest question of the day: Because it worked at the Olympics in the 70s.

Did it? What did those protests accomplish?

langford peel said...

Michael Brown was trying to get the cops gun so he could kill him with it.

Yes he deserved to die.

The Crack Emcee said...

Mac McConnell said...
There wouldn't be a police presents in Black communities if Blacks weren't ravaging and preying on each other.

Why do you guys lie to yourselves? Didn't I tel, you one of my friends is a psychopath who REQUESTED patrolling black communities? He'd beat his wife and punch holes in the walls of his house, which I refused to go into after a while, and the cops still took him.

You guys trip much too hard on your own sense of your own goodness.

MayBee said...

Dumbest question of the day: Because it worked at the Olympics in the 70s.

Did it?

langford peel said...

The essence of black culture can be boiled down to this......

"The Law doesn't apply to me."

They will give you a million reasons. Slavery. Racism. Poverty. It all boils down to the belief that the law don't mean shit.

They only recognize the law of the jungle.

Birkel said...

It worked if you mean Leftist ESPN runs pro-protest shows that include the two guys from Mexico City.

And it was 1969. That is not the 70s.

The Crack Emcee said...

Inga said...

"Crack wouldn’t be the first American to be caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to Trump."

Another wrong assumption: I was RELIEVED the night he won. Hillary and the NewAge were OVER - except for Dr. Oz, who someone should tell Trump to kick to the curb - and I wasn't going to have to live with that for the rest of my life.

Now it's just the racists - which were always here - so my life is vastly improved by Trump winning. I HATE NewAge.

Birkel said...


The Crack Emcee said...

I gotta take a break. Make some coffee. Check with my webmaster on the new-new site.

Please don't depress me anymore, Guys: I got cool shit planned for Republicans who are cool.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Now it's just the racists - which were always here - so my life is vastly improved by Trump winning. I HATE NewAge.”

Crack, you probably heard this before, but you are aware that Trump is an Anti Vaxxer, right? That is new age bullshit. I don’t understand your trust in him.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Guys: I got cool shit planned for Republicans who are cool.”

Good luck with that.

Etienne said...

If the NFL would change their name from "National" to "Domestic" they wouldn't have to play any national marching music.

The DFL.

"Are we ready for some Domestic Violence!!?" - White Trash Barker on Monday Night TV

langford peel said...

I agree that there shouldn't be a police presence in black neighborhood. It is happening naturally. N places like Baltimore and Chicago the police have pulled back and stopped enforcing the law. The savages are killing each other in wholesale lots. Which is just fine with the heroes of the NFL.

There is one law that always prevails.


The Crack Emcee said...

langford peel said...

"The essence of black culture can be boiled down to this......

"The Law doesn't apply to me."

Says the people who desecrated the words "All Men Are Created Equal" before they even got them on paper.

You guys are scary pathetic when it comes to American history.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

So, Crack, cops shouldn't patrol black neighborhoods? The murder rate in Baltimore has soared because cops are leaving those neighborhoods alone.

Or they should, but just shouldn't shoot anybody? That will be effective.

Or should only black cops go into black neighborhoods? Well, considering that a black cop shot a black here in Milwaukee a few years back and it was still labeled a racist incident, that doesn't seem to work either.

It's like the only thing whites can do in your mind is pay reparations. Any other possible answers or solutions and "RACIST!" pop up on the Magic 8 ball screen.

langford peel said...

It's "All Men." Not 3/5 of a man.

The founders were very wise.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Crack Emcee said...
langford peel said...

"The essence of black culture can be boiled down to this......

"The Law doesn't apply to me."

So says the people who were lynching blacks as they supposedly fought Hitler because of their commitment to freedom.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Crack Emcee said...
The Crack Emcee said...
langford peel said...

"The essence of black culture can be boiled down to this......

"The Law doesn't apply to me."

So says the people who red lined blacks and then act surprised there's violence in ghettos where gangstas breed.

The Crack Emcee said...

Really, I gotta go - y'all's crazy.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Crack Emcee said...
The Crack Emcee said...
langford peel said...

"The essence of black culture can be boiled down to this......

"The Law doesn't apply to me."

What did America, or whites, do - to make-up for all these wrongs they committed on their black citizens? Nothing - but 50 years later Trump made work available.

Whites are fucking princes.

grackle said...

The kneeling or some other form of display during the anthem will continue. Too bad. I guess the anthem desecrators will need to lose big money before they desist and take their virtue signaling to some other less sacred venue.

The NFL has lost viewers, which is money lost to the owners, but what’s a few million to a billionaire?

As long as they continue I think President Trump will keep pounding the protests on Twitter. Eventually the millions will turn into billions and then we will all see just how serious the protesters are about their convictions.

One of the ironies is that due to the raising of the team cap limit the NFL players are now paid more than ever. After the losses start to mount up into real money I’m wondering if that will continue. Time will tell but my bet is on eventual capitulation by the owners.

The kneeling could have been stopped when and where it began. But the San Francisco owners feared the local backlash that would result, knowing that folks in the San Francisco area are about as patriotic as a turnip and that many, perhaps the majority, hate what the flag stands for. The 49er owners, along with the other owners, have already paid dearly for that lack of foresight and will pay much more in the future.

I love America; I love America’s history and I love that flag. I served proudly under that flag and I will not willingly stand by while it is being defiled.

Seeing Red said...

If only freed slaves didn’t have their unalienable 2nd Amendment rights taken away after the Civil War. 160 years later, that same Dem party is still trying to take guns away.

Or what if Lincoln lived?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

When someone holds radically diametrically opposed views it’s really hard to consider them credible, but not impossible. I think maybe there is some cognitive dissonance going on. But who knows? I can only surmise.

Seeing Red said...

You can give up jeans, antibiotics, etc. at any time, Crack.

Etienne said...

Football, as a professional sport, is over.

The insurance companies are not going to back legalized trauma.

People better start learning to appreciate non-contact sports.

What we are seeing in the NFL, is the death throes of a dead fish.

Jupiter said...

Inga said...
“Guys: I got cool shit planned for Republicans who are cool.”

"Good luck with that."

Once again, Igna and I are in perfect agreement.

Seeing Red said...

Especially a European who spent time in a refugee camp, Inga.

How’s the nursing or tutoring going for those kids separated at the border. Did you have a nice flight?

You should blog about your experience.

Jim at said...

Those poor, poor oppressed millionaires.

Jim at said...

Dumbest question of the day: Because it worked at the Olympics in the 70s.

It was 1968.
Educate your own self.

The Crack Emcee said...


Did Michael Brown have to die? Is this a reason to call the cops - when a black person could die over it?

America's "success" ain't so much to be proud of yet.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Especially a European who spent time in a refugee camp, Inga.”

From birth to three years old. I can hardly blog my experiences based on those years, dummy. What I do with my time is none of your business. Maybe you should blog your experiences at the Klan rally.

The Crack Emcee said...

Jim at said...
Dumbest question of the day: Because it worked at the Olympics in the 70s.

It was 1968.
Educate your own self.

Oh dear God - two years! TWO WHOLE YEARS!

You are my oracle for how to debate in good faith. Now go kill yourself because you're worthless.

Jim at said...

The salary bubble is sustained by TV revenues. When that declines, the bubble pops.

Yep. Ratings are down 18.7 percent over the last two years. TV revenues were down $600 million last year and the league/networks had to shell out a bunch of make-good spots.

It'll be interesting to see season ticket sales, as well as prices for gameday tix on the secondary markets.

Jim at said...

You are my oracle for how to debate in good faith. Now go kill yourself because you're worthless.

No. You attempted to make a point, followed up by an insult.
You were wrong.

I seriously don't get the people who missed your postings when you were gone. You're just as bad as Ritmo.

The Crack Emcee said...

From Instapundit:

"WHY IS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY SUCH A CESSPIT OF VIOLENCE AND ABUSE? Kellie Collins, who was a Democratic congressional candidate in Georgia, has been charged with murder of a man she lived with. The victim also worked on her campaign."

I thought there are no victims, Wingers....

bagoh20 said...

"So says the people who were lynching blacks"

All right, which one of you guys did that?

"So says the people .......
"You guys .....

Nobody here is holding you responsible for capturing and putting Africans into slavery as Africans did hundreds of years ago and continue to today, so don't tar people with less melanin than you as the KKK or lynch mobs or anything else just because of skin color. If you can't separate and respect individuals from races as everyone here is affording you, then you are not a serious thinker or interested in improving anything. That way of thinking is exactly how those assholes got to be a lynch mob. Why would you want to emulate that? That racist approach which once killed, has now done it's work on you. Break the chain.

langford peel said...

Look at that..

I made Crack stutter.

Pookie Number 2 said...

All right, which one of you guys did that?

Not me - my people were enduring pogroms in Eastern Europe at the time.

Interestingly enough, we never got ‘justice’ for that, but we managed to muddle through without total cultural atrophy. (Although we did produce Harvey Weinstein, I guess.)

The Crack Emcee said...

Kanye West talking to Jimmy Kimmel, who, stupidly, tries to correct his english: when he knows what he meant:

"I'm not concerned about the specifics here."

And he got applause.

The public isn't as stupid, or cruel, as some of the people here who play that game.

The Crack Emcee said...

"I'm not concerned about the specifics, Sir."

Even better.

Jim at said...

Keep in mind, all of this protesting bullshit started under President Precious.

Yet, Trump is to blame for politicizing sports.

Sam L. said...

Say what you will, you CAN NOT make me care for football, the game, the players, and the owners. Bummer for citizens of cities paying for stadiums.

gahrie said...

What did America, or whites, do - to make-up for all these wrongs they committed on their black citizens?

Well several hundred thousand White people died to free the Black slaves, dozens of White people died trying to end Jim Crow and White America has been giving free money to Black America for fifty years. Then we passed laws discriminating against White men in favor of Black people.

n.n said...

Are they protesting the Confederacy that held them as slaves and Democrats that still exhibit rabid diversity?

Big Mike said...

Do you have any idea of what the many minorities, especially black military members think about these protests? Hint, they don’t consider them to be unpatriotic or disrespectful.

Inga must talk to different black military members than I do.

Jim at said...

But I'd feel humiliated in front of them to spend hundreds of dollars and then have to endure political posturing by people done in the course of their employment, and not halted by their employers.

Exactly. It has nothing to do with freedom of speech and only a drooling imbecile would think otherwise.

In addition, freedom of speech doesn't mean you get to hold me hostage while spewing said speech. People paid for those tickets to watch football, not to participate in a temper tantrum.

Seeing Red said...

Then we passed laws discriminating against White men in favor of Black people.

And they elected a president.

Seeing Red said...

I think a class action lawsuit against Africa Spain and the Dutch would be a fine start.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga must talk to different black military members than I do.”

I suspect you’ve talked to none. If you’re seriously trying to tell me that the majority of black military members are not in favor of these protests, I know you’re lying. My daughter is a Chief in the Navy, she has numerous black Navy people as friends and aquaintences, I’ve been there with her and black service members, during discussions regarding these protests, the vast majority of them support these protests.

But you go right ahead and try to convince anyone that the majority of black service members think these protests are disrespectful to the flag and to the country they serve.

bagoh20 said...

"Do you have any idea of what the many minorities, especially black military members think about these protests? Hint, they don’t consider them to be unpatriotic or disrespectful."

What's the word for people who think they know what other people think or should think about an issue based on the color of their skin?

There are a couple words for that. The nicest one is "Democrat".

Seeing Red said...

Kanye’s blown thru more money that most of us as a group will see in a lifetime.

Not a good example.

The Crack Emcee said...

BTW - that Kimmel interview is yet another example of a white guy not following up on an important question. In this case, Kanye's feelings about Trump. He digs down, goes to commercial, and then drops the subject.

It happens over and over.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“What's the word for people who think they know what other people think or should think about an issue based on the color of their skin?”

Sorry sweetie, I’m going to believe my own ears, when it’s spoken aloud in my presence. It’s not my concern that you want to believe what you want to believe.

buwaya said...

The empire is well served by bread and circuses.
Bread is necessary for life, but one can avoid the circuses.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The empire is well served by bread and circuses.
Bread is necessary for life, but one can avoid the circuses.”

Since Trump brought up the issue again in a set of tweets, does that make him head clown?

Big Mike said...

Did Michael Brown have to die?

Attacking a police officer and trying to take his firearm is not generally thought of as a life-prolonging experience. He was not surrendering when he died; the forensic evidence is unequivocal that he was rushing at the officer with his arms down and fists clenched.

Fifty plus years ago I demonstrated for a color blind society. Folks like you and Inga, accompanied by the entire Democrat party, are what is in the way of realizing Martin Luther King’s dream.

If there were three digits in your IQ you’d realize that I am treating you like a man, despite your best efforts to act like a whiney two year old who wants someone to come and take care of him.

langford peel said...

Crack is still trying to sell the lie that Michael Brown was an Innocent young boy on his way to apply for college. The fact is that he was a thug and a savage caught on tape robbing a convience store minutes before he attacked a cop. He tossed around a tiny dot head store owner because he could. The law wasn't supposed to apply to him. Micheael Brown only recognized the law of the jungle.

All of this nonsense sprung from this lie.

The fact of the matter black lives don't matter. At least not to blacks.

I give you Chicago this weekend.

Case closed.

Matt said...

The only thing keeping me watching the NFL was Aaron Rodger's incredible skill at quarterback for my favorite team. After his horseshit the other day about "taking power away from Trump" or whatever he said, I'm done with it altogether. That I should be lectured about this stuff by a guy raised upper-middle-class who makes $20M a year? Um, yeah. Fuck that.

With two young kids, I don't have time for 3 hours of beer commercials, politics and games decided by referees anyway.

And here I thought that article about the "men" cheerleaders would be the gayest thing I read about the NFL this week.

langford peel said...

The NFL doesn't want its white working class fan base any more.

Just like the Democratic Party.

They wants the blacks, gays and women.

The ones notorious for not paying the check or leaving a tip.

Good luck with that.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“If there were three digits in your IQ you’d realize that I am treating you like a man, despite your best efforts to act like a whiney two year old who wants someone to come and take care of him.”

Ahhhh, there’s someone emulating Trump with the “low IQ” slur directed at a black American. So predictable.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Ah, I see Mrs. Magoo is playing Noble White Lady Fighting For the Coloreds again.

If Crack walked down her street, she'd think he was casing her house.

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
“If you're protesting during the National Anthem, then you are disrespecting the country and the flag.”

Do you have any idea of what the many minorities, especially black military members think about these protests? Hint, they don’t consider them to be unpatriotic or disrespectful. Are you now going to accuse those serving in the military of being disrespectful to country and flag?"

Our resident dullard thinking she is so clever. Please show me any proof what black military members think about this.

Also, show me any black (or otherwise) military members actually protesting during the National Anthem. Very common to have service members present at games now, and often they are black or latino, and I haven't seen a single one take a knee, or protest in any way. Nope, they stand at attention, and salute the flag.

You're a dullard.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Ah, I see Mrs. Magoo is playing Noble White Lady Fighting For the Coloreds again.”

Ahhh I see the Bitter Bitch is once again fighting to keep The Coloreds in “their place”.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Very common to have service members present at games now, and often they are black or latino, and I haven't seen a single one take a knee, or protest in any way. Nope, they stand at attention, and salute the flag.”

You fucking moron. They are service members not football players who are private citizens.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Ahhh I see the Bitter Bitch is once again fighting to keep The Coloreds in “their place”.

Yep. You got me. I'll ask you what I asked Crack earlier: Do you want police to not go into black neighborhoods at all? Cause that's that they're doing in Baltimore. Do you want police to go in but not shoot anybody? Do you want only black cops in black neighborhoods?

What is the issue about, Inga? And what sort of solution do you recommend?

Forget about gathering your Good White racial brownie points from Crack and tell us your plan.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga probably drank a glass of champagne and danced when Officer Michael Michalski was murdered. He had it coming to him, didn't he, Inga?

Just like that 7 year old girl in Philly who was raped by an illegal had it coming, right? Inga's fine with that. It wasn't her granddaughter.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

You want to know what happens to racists in the military? You folks keep trying to say that minority service members don’t support these protests. You don’t know squat. I suspect that these protests are objected to based on racist tendencies and then wrapping themselves in the flag to cover it up. It’s good to know our military has core values, because the President appears not to.

“CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. – A U.S. Marine identified as a member of a white supremacist group involved in violence during last summer's white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, is out of the military after being convicted at a court-martial.

The Daily News of Jacksonville, North Carolina, reports Lance Cpl. Vasillios Pistolis was kicked out of the Marine Corps last month after serving a jail sentence at Camp Lejeune. Marine Corps Headquarters spokesman Maj. Brian Block said membership in extremist or hate groups violates core values

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Again, Mrs. Magoo, put down your giant virtue signaling flag and tell us what, exactly, these protests accomplish. What is the end game here? What do you think should be done? Specifics - not just "Look at me and how noble I am!"

chickelit said...

Blogger Matt said...”The only thing keeping me watching the NFL was Aaron Rodger's incredible skill at quarterback for my favorite team. After his horseshit the other day about "taking power away from Trump" or whatever he said, I'm done with it altogether. That I should be lectured about this stuff by a guy raised upper-middle-class who makes $20M a year? Um, yeah. Fuck that.”

Seriously? Rodgers did that? What a loser. The celebrities just don’t get it, do they? We don’t want your political opinions. If you want to play Colon Kaepernick, run for office. I’m cutting the Pack loose. it’s been a long haul - 50 years -but good riddance.

rcocean said...

People - not paying attention - don't realize there's no connection between the Marine Corps that fought on Iwo Jima, at Inchon, or in Vietnam and today's PC, lesbian, trans-sexual, Marine Corps.

The MC now has Women Infantry officers. If you want to follow a 5-4 lesbian into combat - join up!


Humperdink said...

After all these years, Alley-Oop has finally found a willing dance partner. I thought it might be LLR, but not to be. I guess LLR was not all he was Cracked up to be.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga probably drank a glass of champagne and danced when Officer Michael Michalski was murdered. He had it coming to him, didn't he, Inga?”

So who murdered him? A football player who was protesting? What is your point?

Francisco D said...

"Instead, you act racist and decide I'm not reflective. Go buy a hood for yourself."

OK Crack. Thats all I needed to know.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Alley-Oop has finally found a willing dance partner. I thought it might be LLR, but not to be. I guess LLR was not all he was Cracked up to be.”

Nope. Crack supports Trump, so it’s you who would be a better dance partner for him than me. He has some cognitive dissonance to work out.

Humperdink said...

Humperdink said: "“Alley-Oop has finally found a willing dance partner. I thought it might be LLR, but not to be. I guess LLR was not all he was Cracked up to be.”

Inga responded: "Nope. Crack supports Trump, so it’s you who would be a better dance partner for him than me. He has some cognitive dissonance to work out."

Sorry Allie, looking at the Venn diagram, you are within Crack's logic boundaries.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Sorry Allie, looking at the Venn diagram, you are within Crack's logic boundaries.”

Not in the Trump section.

chickelit said...

I think the question for many is no longer “how can I possibly support a league in cahoots with racist protestors?” Rather, it’s quickly becoming “how can I actively harm such an arrogant league and the tonedeaf players.” This hasn’t played out well for the team owners and I don’t see it getting better.

The Crack Emcee said...

Big Mike said...

"Attacking a police officer and trying to take his firearm is not generally thought of as a life-prolonging experience. He was not surrendering when he died; the forensic evidence is unequivocal that he was rushing at the officer with his arms down and fists clenched."

And European policing is still superior to what we do, here, with our brutalist outlook.

"Fifty plus years ago I demonstrated for a color blind society. Folks like you and Inga, accompanied by the entire Democrat party, are what is in the way of realizing Martin Luther King’s dream."

King's dream included reparations. Fifty plus years seems like a *pretty long time* for us to have to wait for it, if you're so committed to it. Long enough, I think, to piss more-than-a-few people off and make them doubt your commitment to the cause. And - since your commitment to the cause has ALWAYS been ion doubt, I'd think you'd want to get right on that and make me and Inga shut up. I mean, we do have a 2012 autopsy, read by none other than your hero, Mitt Romney (of some EXCELLENT religious organization) that says you - not me, not Donald Trump, not Michael Brown - are falling down on the job.

That's why your words ring hollow.

"If there were three digits in your IQ you’d realize that I am treating you like a man, despite your best efforts to act like a whiney two year old who wants someone to come and take care of him."

That's a King quote, right? Delivered in his spirit? I'm supposed to think you're a student of his after that? Come on.

You're a racial opportunist. Not even a white Al Sharpton because Al don't falter.

You can't keep your lie straight.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" A football player who was protesting? What is your point?"

The point, my dear:

"what, exactly, these protests accomplish. What is the end game here? What do you think should be done? Specifics - not just "Look at me and how noble I am!"

When that officer was murdered, the news showed black women dancing and celebrating in the streets. They are told by BLM and white liberals like you that the protests are valid because the police hate them. So, yay, cracka down!

Just like you care more about illegals than you do about American children who aren't yours, you care nothing for the lives of police, because they're just deplorables.

It's because of people like you that Trump won.

chickelit said...

“What nation hasn't done terrible injustices? But, America spends a ridiculous amount of time and resources acknowledging and addressing that injustice. Every child learns all about it, everyone pays for it, it sucks up all the oxygen, and it especially sucks the life out of Blacks with distraction and deflection from what matters in life here and now.”

Remember that Crack is just here to pander for money. Reparations for him. Please give generously and assuage your guilt.

chickelit said...

Blogger gahrie said...”Did it? What did those protests accomplish?”

I think Crack would answer that it gave those protestors an enormous amount of pride. They probably got laid as well. Pride, sex, and money is thug heaven.

langford peel said...

European policing?

Are you fucking kidding me?

That gives you no-go zones where the cops can't patrol and animals do what they want.

Oh. Right. That's what we are getting in Baltimore and Chicago.

Never mind.

damikesc said...

There are roughly 6 days and 21 hours there for their protests.

I bet making all white folks look at themselves as white folks will have no negative repurcussions.

The Crack Emcee said...

langford peel said...

"Crack is still trying to sell the lie that Michael Brown was an Innocent young boy on his way to apply for college."

Sigh. You're all making ASSUMPTIONS about what I'm saying and damning yourselves to looking crazy. When will you stop? I'm not going to keep answering the stereotypes in your head, or whatever you heard in the media: I think for myself, damn you, so stop treating me like you can read my mind - you can't. And your attempts to do so are LAME.

"The fact is that he was a thug and a savage caught on tape robbing a convience store minutes before he attacked a cop."

A thug and a savage is also a fucking kid in tough neighborhood who hasn't grown up enough to monitor his size. I'd say, roughly the equal of a white guy marching with a tiki torch, yelling "Blood and Soil" before someone can pull him aside and say "You know those guys lost - BADLY - right?"

Your stance helps no one, especially not the country, and is cruel under the circumstances of modern American life. Mine takes everything into account and reduces both the number of deaths and the level of hatred.

So who's offering a better choice?

"He tossed around a tiny dot head store owner because he could."

I'll let the dot head know you said so.

"The law wasn't supposed to apply to him."

I bet you say this shit in your sleep.

"Micheael Brown only recognized the law of the jungle."

Micheael Brown was a kid.

"All of this nonsense sprung from this lie."

All of this nonsense springs from a crime happening in a place where it was found the entire police force and government was getting rich on the backs of exploiting it's blacks, leading to massive levels of mistrust that - if you ask me - explains and may even justify the public's attitudes at the time. Ooops.

Not that you'd care about, or focus on, a massive crime by police officers and government on the uneducated descendants of former slaves, right? Riiiight.

"The fact of the matter black lives don't matter."

You're a sick little man.

"At least not to blacks."

Because we're not dumb enough to see this from a perspective forced on us. Yours.

"I give you Chicago this weekend."

I give you white flight, red lining, inadequate schools, broken promises by whites now and before, no compensation for past crimes of any kind, and a city that's the home of Al Capone - a white guy you HAVE to admire for his staying power.

This you expect blacks to sort out, alone, after centuries of whites screwing with our lives.

"Case closed."

I'd love to see you pull this shit in my neighborhood, or in South Africa - anywhere YOU'RE OUTNUMBERED, and can't get away with saying it without A) real proof and B) that attitude.

America's your land of plenty. Like all snake oil salesmen, today - white-assed Gwyneth Paltrow comes to mind - you've made a place where there's no price for being white and wrong.

And, if there is, it makes the news.


grackle said...

I suspect that these protests are objected based on their own racist tendencies by wrapping themselves in the flag. It’s good to know our military has core values, because the President appears not to.

“Objected based?” I’ve given up trying to decipher the first sentence. Probably a typo. As for the second – I am grateful that we have a President who will not stand idly by while the flag is desecrated.

I am puzzled by something else. If the issue is police brutality why isn’t the kneeling and fist-raising taking place in front of the local city halls that are responsible for the police in those incidents? I’m sure that if, say, Cam Newton fronted such a demonstration he would attract a lot of attention to the issue.

I hear that the white Democrat Mayor of Chicago is being protested by black Chicago demonstrators. Why, if you are a black NFL player truly concerned about policing issues, wouldn’t you join them?

I would think that the MSM would cover such an event, given Newton’s celebrity value. Is it perhaps because many of those local governments have been run by Democrats for generations and that the spectacle of black players protesting Democrats would spoil the narrative?

Also: While I am sure that there are legitimate instances of police brutality, the Michael Brown incident doesn’t seem to me to be the best example of it.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

grackle wrote:
"I am puzzled by something else. If the issue is police brutality why isn’t the kneeling and fist-raising taking place in front of the local city halls that are responsible for the police in those incidents? I’m sure that if, say, Cam Newton fronted such a demonstration he would attract a lot of attention to the issue.

I hear that the white Democrat Mayor of Chicago is being protested by black Chicago demonstrators. Why, if you are a black NFL player truly concerned about policing issues, wouldn’t you join them?

I would think that the MSM would cover such an event, given Newton’s celebrity value. Is it perhaps because many of those local governments have been run by Democrats for generations and that the spectacle of black players protesting Democrats would spoil the narrative?"

I think we have a winner here.

langford peel said...

I wouldn't go to a place where blacks are a majority. Or even a significant minority. Because it always turns into a shithole. My preference is to be around civilized human beings not savage animals.

Blacks are entitled to everything they want. In their own countries. Cities. Neighborhoods.

Detroit. Baltimore. Hati. Zimbabwe. Soon enough South Africa and Chicago. The whites will leave and you know what happens then.

Americas future is more gated communities and No-bro zones.

As you said the racism card is maxed out. Your bullshit doesn't Super Fly anymore.

gahrie said...

Dumbest question of the day: Because it worked at the Olympics in the 70s.

Dumbest response of the day. You were told above, and responded to it, that the Mexico City Olympics were in 1968, not the 1970's...and the raised fists did nothing but piss people off and hurt the careers of some Black athletes.

Francisco D said...

"He has some cognitive dissonance to work out."

Actually, Crack seems very happy with the bullshit he is spouting. His attitudes are not in conflict.

IOW, he is not experiencing cognitive dissonance, Inga. You are.

You cannot conceive of a Black man supporting Trump due to your low intelligence, limited experience and closed mindedness.

These things are not as simple as emptying bedpans where you read the instructions on the bottom, at least the first time.

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
“Very common to have service members present at games now, and often they are black or latino, and I haven't seen a single one take a knee, or protest in any way. Nope, they stand at attention, and salute the flag.”

You fucking moron. They are service members not football players who are private citizens."

When they are at these games they are private citizens. Many times they are retired military. In any case they all have first amendment rights. Yet not one, any time, has ever taken a knee. Or raised a fist.

And I doubt you daughter has any widespread or substantive discussions with anyone on this subject.

You are so stupid it hurts.

Jim at said...

Don't you just love how some leftists not only get to define what is and is not hate speech but also get to determine just who can and cannot be offended by millionaire athletes protesting the flag and the National Anthem?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“When they are at these games they are private citizens.”

Wrong. You don’t know much about the military, do you? If they are active duty or in the reserves, they must abide by military rules.

Also, if they are in civilian dress, how the hell would you know they were active duty military? You are full of monkey shit, as usual.

Fernandinande said...

Micheael Brown was a kid.

LOL. He was parasitic adult thug and bully, and everyone else in the entire world is better off now that his stupid thug ass is dead thanks to his own stupid thug actions.

Curious George said...

"Inga...Allie Oop said...
“When they are at these games they are private citizens.”

Wrong. You don’t know much about the military, do you? If they are active duty or in the reserves, they must abide by military rules.

Also, if they are in civilian dress, how the hell would you know they were active duty military? You are full of monkey shit, as usual."

Not when they are not actually in service. If they committed a crime they would be tried in civilian court. And I know, as does every other non-retard, that they active military because they introduce them as military you dumb fuck.

They're are also many retired service members, black and otherwise. No kneel. No fist.

You are so stupid.

langford peel said...

You know who is full f monkeys shit?

The monkeys who refuse to stand for the anthem.

The men who founded the NFL would have cut their monkey asses.

Caper nick and Eric Reid are a good start. They need to cut the rest of them if they want to get their game back.

Otherwise they are going the way of the WBA and the WBC.

Big Mike said...

And European policing is still superior to what we do, here, with our brutalist outlook.

If you think European police are not brutal, at least on the continent, then lucky for you that you have never tangled with them. But in many countries -- France, Sweden, and the UK, to name a few -- they simply have "no go" zones where there is no police presence whatsoever, except in daylight and in numbers. The equivalent would be to wall off the entire South Side of Chicago from Garfield south to Riverdale (and beyound?) with zero police presence after dark and hardly any in daylight. The bodies would pile up like sawdust at a sawmill.

If King's dream included reparations this is the first I've heard of it. I'd have dropped him like a hot rock, and so would every other white man. The Voting Rights Act would not have passed. At any rate, if we deduct fifty years of affirmative action and AFDC, it's you who owe us.

And whether you, personally, believe that a man who turned 21 in 1967 participated in Civil Rights demonstrations has no bearing on whether that actually happened. It did, but so what. King's dream is dead. You and your black friends and the Democrats who've been getting your votes for empty promises killed it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

Monkey boy. Stop being a wanna be, it’s very obvious you never served.

Monkey said...
“Not when they are not actually in service. If they committed a crime they would be tried in civilian court.”

“When military service members are involved in crimes, either on or off a military base, they can be prosecuted in either military court or civilian court. And while civilian laws may be broken during the commission of a crime, the military has its own set of laws to deal with crimes.

Crimes by service members are more often tried in military court than civilian court. Military court uses three types of "courts-martial." Here are the types of courts-martial and the penalties that the courts have the authority to impose.”

“And I know, as does every other non-retard, that they active military because they introduce them as military you dumb fuck.”

You know how to groom other monkeys, that’s about it.

“They're are also many retired service members, black and otherwise. No kneel. No fist.”

I’m not concerned with civilians, veterans are civilians, you idiot.

Fernandinande said...

If King's dream included reparations this is the first I've heard of it.

Then someone needs new hearing aid batteries. He was as much a greedy pro-black racist as any modern bogus collegiate activist.

I'd have dropped him like a hot rock, and so would every other white man.

Almost everyone studiously ignores all his statements except his plagiarized "draem/deram" quote.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"If you think European police are not brutal, at least on the continent, then lucky for you that you have never tangled with them. But in many countries -- France, Sweden, and the UK, to name a few -- they simply have "no go" zones where there is no police presence whatsoever, except in daylight and in numbers."

Apparently, Inga was napping when those darling Muslims in the suburbs of Paris were burning cars all over the place. They got away with it because cops don't enter those neighborhoods.

That works out very well for the women and children in those neighborhoods I imagine. Imagine being the victim of a crime and not being able to call the cops because they won't venture into a "no-go" zone. Of course, it will never happen to Inga because she doesn't live in those neighborhoods. She never experiences the downside of the policies she so stupidly champions.

She's OK with other people paying the price.

The Crack Emcee said...

langford peel said...

"I wouldn't go to a place where blacks are a majority. Or even a significant minority. Because it always turns into a shithole. My preference is to be around civilized human beings not savage animals."

Wow. But y'all don't want Republicans to be associated with Nazis, huh? Tell me: Hitler, Himmler or Hess - which one wouldn't this quote have been capable of coming from?

"Blacks are entitled to everything they want."

But we'll settle for justice. That's all we ask for. It's all we ever asked for, as Americans. Justice.

"In their own countries."

This is our country.


That's the tough one y'all don't seem to understand: blacks didn't choose where we ended up - we were running from the South trying to find somewhere the law exists. Haven't found it yet.


Nope. Because blacks can't establish a stable financial base, so even a small failure can result in always having to start from Square One with nothing - thanks to white folks - Mexicans moved my family and a lot of other blacks out of South Central and now we're scattered all over the place again. Vital connections needed to survive lost. Not by choice. They didn't end up in South Central by choice, either. That's where whites let us live.

Why y'all don't understand that is the result of our bad educations, and the historical portion of reparations would help resolve that.

"Detroit. Baltimore. Hati. Zimbabwe. Soon enough South Africa and Chicago. The whites will leave and you know what happens then."

They go to shit because the whites - who claim to be so damned brilliant - are too cruel and boneheaded to produce an MLK themselves.

"Americas future is more gated communities and No-bro zones."

I don't know why - nobody wants to be with you.

"As you said the racism card is maxed out. Your bullshit doesn't Super Fly anymore."

No, I'd say the racism card is bulging with funds still unspent, and ready to charge for more!

Jon Ericson said...

What a smelly thread.

langford peel said...

Black pathology is not the White Mans burden anymore Crack.

Stop looking to the white man for reparations or solutions. That ship has sailed a long time ago.

You want an identity based politics. You got an identity based politics.

Same as it ever was.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Apparently, Inga was napping when those darling Muslims in the suburbs of Paris were burning cars all over the place. They got away with it because cops don't enter those neighborhoods.”

The protesting football players are now all secret Muslims? What do Muslims have to do with American blacks protesting police abuse of American blacks?

You’re moving the goalposts so furiously, you’re forgetting what country you’re in.


FullMoon said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

Hi Chickie!

The Crack Emcee said...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Is it perhaps because many of those local governments have been run by Democrats for generations and that the spectacle of black players protesting Democrats would spoil the narrative?"

I think we have a winner here."

I think, you guys think, everybody thinks like you do. And you're a little paranoid. Which you don't take into consideration as you make ASSUMPTIONS that don't even take normal human behavior into account. They're just your paranoid fantasies of what people are doing, that get them in trouble, much like Stalin used to do. They're guilty of something because that's what you think they're guilty of. Off to Siberia.

When I look at black people, I see an astounding range of education and comprehension levels, from Neal deGrasse Tyson to you don't want to know, reflecting the history of this country so well I, too, would be a monster to abandon the so-called "lesser" of us as you do. This is US. And they're wonderful. Just as you are (when you want to be). This is as ugly as you choose to be. As ugly as you choose to see things. To make them. To ensure they come true.

It's certainly not the world blacks want.

FullMoon said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

Hey Chickie, how’s your pal Trooper York, aka Langford Peel?

FullMoon said...
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The Crack Emcee said...

gahrie said..

"You were told above, and responded to it, that the Mexico City Olympics were in 1968, not the 1970's.."

You obviously didn't see the Kanye/Kimmel talk - "I'm not getting hung up on specifics, Sir." I don't expect you to be the gentleman Jimmy Kimmel was.

"The raised fists did nothing but piss people off and hurt the careers of some Black athletes."

Only if you focus on everyone but blacks, who clearly needed it, at just that time. WE did it. Hindsight is 20/20, and you're the kind of white guy who will act like the sweep of history happens in a place like your mind - a vacuum - where nothing touches anything else, but that's not how these things happen. I know you don't think of blacks, but just try to find ways to "win" a battle over us we were never engaged in.

You're sad, Man. Truly sad.

Howard said...

Trump pals with Racists: False
Trump racist: False
Trump Racial Profiler: True
Trump Sends Racist Dogwhistles: True
Trump Can't win without Racists: True

The same goes for Democrats and socialists, therein lies the rub

The Crack Emcee said...

Big Mike said...

"In many countries -- France, Sweden, and the UK, to name a few -- they simply have "no go" zones where there is no police presence whatsoever, except in daylight and in numbers."

There's parts of Watts and South Central, Los Angeles, where I grew up, that are like that, so it's nothing special. I like that I've lived in or visited all of those countries, so I can say, as a black guy, I get to go into all the "no go" zones and, thank goodness, because the police cause trouble for people, there, too. Why do police departments take the cluelessly disconnected from their peers? Why can I - a black American atheist - freely wander amongst Muslim internet cafes, and even hold court in Kabob stores, but white French citizens can't?

You know why as well as I do.

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
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The Crack Emcee said...

Fernandistein said...

"Almost everyone studiously ignores all his statements except his plagiarized "draem/deram" quote."

Analysis: True.

Doug said...

"As a black man in this world, I've got an obligation to raise awareness,'' Quinn said. "If no one wants to live in unity, that's why we're in the situation we're in.''

So, he has 'an obligation' to put us 'in the situation we're in'?

Played at North Carolina, so ... education.

The Crack Emcee said...

langford peel said...

"Black pathology is not the White Mans burden anymore Crack."

You are a real piece of work, you know that?

"Stop looking to the white man for reparations or solutions."

"Stop looking for solutions." - FIFY

"That ship has sailed a long time ago."

Let's not talk about ships sailing, or we're back to Square One, huh?

"You want an identity based politics. You got an identity based politics."

No, you moron, I'm talking about ENDING it. You're the one making it breathe.

"Same as it ever was."

And the white man is,...

bagoh20 said...

Michael Brown fought a cop for his gun including it discharging in the cop's car. Then he rushed the cop. Brown was much larger than the cop and would have certainly killed him if he got the gun away from him. Michael Brown created the situation and demanded that someone die that day. After Brown made that choice, the cop decided he didn't want to die that day. Anybody who would not have shot him is an idiot, and a dead man. It wouldn't matter if Brown was a 6 year thug old or retarded. Nobody should be expected to die for his thugery but him. Any man, woman, Black, or White who was not paralyzed with fear would have shot him too, or they would be dead. And that all would be equally true if Brown was a white man. Brown made that happen, and refused to let it go any other way.

Bay Area Guy said...

I like Crack. He makes some passionate and interesting arguments. It certainly is true that slavery of blacks was the original sin of this great country.

I reckon that most whites, however, believe that: (a) the Civil War of 1860 to fight the slaveholders did a lot towards purging this original sin and (b) the Civil Rights acts of 1964 to abolish government discrimination of blacks did a lot towards making amends for the original sin. Some would argue that LBJ's "Great Society" spending plans went even further towards helping blacks as did all the bussing fights. Myself, I believe these measures were well-intended, but ultimately counterproductive.

Let me ask Crack a question:

Crack - let's assume your political favorites win Congress and the White House:

What laws or policies would you hope they pass to address the race issues you've raised here?

This is a neutral question, not intended to spur a fight, criticism or a flame war.

Jupiter said...

Blogger langford peel said...
"Black pathology is not the White Mans burden anymore Crack.

Stop looking to the white man for reparations or solutions. That ship has sailed a long time ago."

I think you will find, that it is not the white man that the Crackster is addressing.

eddie willers said...

The person who got the most respect after the 68 Olympics was George Foreman and his little American Flag.

Whatever happened to those two knuckleheads?

The Crack Emcee said...

Trump pals with Racists: False
Trump racist: False
Trump Racial Profiler: True, but right a remarkable number times, which says he's paying attention and speaking honestly - not being racist.
Trump Sends Racist Dogwhistles: False (I don't think he knows how to speak in code.)
Trump Can't win without Racists: True, but the Democrats can't win without the mystical/magical "Yoga Vote" of witches and cultists, pseudoscientific Whole Foods shoppers (who raise the price of food for the poor as well as sell bogus concoctions claiming they're for "health") deliberate manipulation of political facts (Where's the oil for all that blood?) and flat-out lies like it was just a blow job he didn't have with "that woman."

"The same goes for Democrats and socialists, therein lies the rub"

This is like FOX News. There's only one Trump, but literally millions of Democrats opposing him, and - also literally - going crazy doing it, but still they frame the situation as him being the bigger threat.

He's not the one filling the internet with misinformation. He didn't make MY D&D - a stock picking site that used astrology - into The Daily Kos that guided the Left over the cliff. He didn't tell a single liberal to get their news from The Huffington Post - a site put together by the conservative, Andrew Breitbart (to embarrass the Left through exposure) and a former member of that "Wild, Wild Country" cult, the Rajneesh, Arianna Huffington.

The Democrats did this on their own. To themselves. And to black's hopes. That's what I see going on.

"You can believe what you want to believe" was no more true than "HOPE" was a political platform.

The Crack Emcee said...

bagoh20 said...

"Michael Brown created the situation and demanded that someone die that day."

I'm not going to entertain answering this. It's too simple-minded for words.

Rosa Marie Yoder said...

Would someone please get Crack's meds for him? STAT!

I can't think of a more sad existence than to be in a place where Inga is ones only ally.

The Crack Emcee said...

Bay Area Guy said...

"Crack - let's assume your political favorites win Congress and the White House:

What laws or policies would you hope they pass to address the race issues you've raised here?

This is a neutral question, not intended to spur a fight, criticism or a flame war."

I don't think, with Trump in the White House, reparations are out of the question. I think he likes blacks and would want to cut an honest deal with someone honest - not a BLM member. Maybe Bryan Stephenson or someone like that.

But, addressing your question directly, in case none of you have noticed, beyond reparations, I don't want anything racially. We can end Affirmative Action and whatnot. Fine by me. I'm ready to start the new century now.

What I want, otherwise, is for the Federal Trade Commission to be beefed up for it's job of busting the makers of fake cures and worthless supplements who exploit Americans. I want the NCCIH folded into the Dept. of Health and/or abolished. I want laws passed against psychic fraud, and critical thinking taught in schools so Americans are armed, mentally, against con artists. I want more television shows where science and math and logic win over magical and paranormal delusions, instead of the other way around. I want fewer TV hosts like Whoopi Goldberg, who doesn't know if the moon landing happened, and more jokes from people who do. I want more history - real history - and not looking for villains but explaining what happened to get us here. I want more interest in cults, and herd mentality, in America - once a lynching capital but now a cult capital - exposing how we keep ending up at each other's throats while letting Scientology and all the politicians and journalists who helped Jim Jones live and prosper without prison. I want a real version of Harvey Milk's story made, where he's the bad guy and Dan White discovered he was in over his head, fighting evil, and went mad. Oh - and I want President Trump to fire Dr. Oz, ASAP. We're done with garbage people.

So, that's a starter kit from off the top of my head - for everybody.

FullMoon said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

Rosa Marie Yodeler,

You’re more of a natural ally to Crack than I am, he’s a Trump supporter, just like you. How can you possibly know who his friends and allies are offline? This blog’s comments sections are not his only habitat, you dummy. Also Meade and Althouse are his friends, last I heard. They probably don’t give a shit about some one named Yodeler, namely you.

Yes I know your name is Yodel. I’d change that if I were you. You sound like a Mennonite with a personality issue

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Also Yodeler,

Your drawing shows the depths of your experience.

FullMoon said...
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rcocean said...

So, Langford Peel = shouting Thomas

Now, it all makes sense.

Look for him and Crack, to have LOTS of discussions in the future.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

“So, Langford Peel = shouting Thomas”

No, Langford Peel = Trooper York.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Chickelit, what happened to you? Did you have a nervous breakdown...or something? Jesus, you’ve gotten weird, or were you always this way? You know how I know it’s you? References to certain music, an obsessive interest in other commenters private lives and compiling a massive file on what other commenters have said,even from years ago, that you access very quickly. Chickelit did the exact same thing. It’s just too much of a coincidence.

Also I’ve known for months already that Langford Peel is Trooper York. Peel commented about some cheesy reality shows recently that he likes, which were very similar to the ones Trooper York always talked about. There were other giveaways, which I won’t mention until the time is right.

FullMoon said...
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bagoh20 said...

"Why can I - a black American atheist - freely wander amongst Muslim internet cafes, and even hold court in Kabob stores, but white French citizens can't? "

Pretty obvious. It's racism, and sexism, since free women of any kind are also unsafe, but racism is cool when it helps you.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Oh yes, and President Mom Jeans is Sixty Grit, lol. I know this for a fact. It’s old home week! But not in a good way.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Ohhhh, what’s the matter Chickie, am I making you nervous?

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Columbo Inga gonna provide the tapes, when the time is right. Tune in.”

Yes! And it will be fun, fun, fun.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

Thanks for your thoughtful response, Crack. I may agree with it all, but I appreciate your candor and creativity.

To be further discussed.

P.s. Your comments on Dan White/Harvey Milk are provocative. "Season of the Witch" by David Talbot on that and other SF recent history is excellent.

bagoh20 said...

""Michael Brown created the situation and demanded that someone die that day."

"I'm not going to entertain answering this. It's too simple-minded for words."

Oh c'mon educate me. Tell me all the nuance and depth of institutional racism and racial history that you would have pondered and contemplated while Brown was fighting for your gun and rushing toward you a second from plowing into you like a linebacker.

Brown could have gone and played hoops that day or chilled at a friend's house. He could have simply not attacked you.

The cop was doing what the community was paying him for. Who asked Brown to do what he did? There are some who do, and they don't even realize or care the price they are asking of young Black men. Black lives don't matter to them. Not enough.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Francisco D said...

Crack seems to be auditioning for a role as a pseudo-conservstive Black nationalist.

His bullshit is just as transparent as Al Sharpton, but he may appeal to a wider demographic.

It's not personal. It's just business.

0_0 said...

Crack Emcee:

The main issue is that Kaep's issue is not real.

Police (any, really) shootings of black people are tragic, but there is usually a reason. Everyone should be aware that, if the police want to investigate you, they will be on edge until they know you are not armed. Everyone should also be aware that, although resisting arrest isn't a capital crime, sometimes accidents and overreactions happen.

The very few incidents where it can be demonstrated the police were wrong, they (eventually) pay the price.

And despite the news outlets emphasizing the tragedy and highly emotional reactions for ratings, most everyone knows the truth.

So the kneeling and freeway blockages just annoy people.

And the comment about what the generally well-to-do NFLer are doing personally? That;s a fair question. They could at least do some motivational talks for people to reach their potential, not take the low effort path and blame whitey.

And that's the biggest tragedy. Black Americans that put in the effort DO succeed!

0_0 said...

Just saw Inga's Navy-Chief-daughter comment.

It smells like bullshit.

I was in the USN. Family members still are. The only naval fiends and acquaintances Chiefs have are suckups and the rest of the goat locker. At best, Inga describes her daughter and her self-selected friends.

The Navy is largely comprised of regular Americans, but volunteers for the US military do skew more conservative [shock!]. And the top few percent, like the nucs, the advanced electronics rates, the CTs, and the submariners- the skilled enlisted and officers- have no truck with the lazy and unemployed.

But these sailors managed to pay attention in school and stayed out of serious trouble.

grackle said...

And you're a little paranoid…. They're just your paranoid fantasies of what people are doing, that get them in trouble, much like Stalin used to do. They're guilty of something because that's what you think they're guilty of. Off to Siberia.

Persuasion. It’s tricky. Hyperbole doesn’t usually work. I merely asked a question (which I suppose is tantamount to oppression if you don’t have an answer) and offered a possible explanation.

If it’s not too much like Stalin, I am now wondering how the commentor accounts for the NFL players not protesting police brutality in front of the government entities that are actually responsible for the alleged police culprits. Too busy counting their money? Larry Fitzgerald, a wide receiver for the Cardinals, is in the last year of $151 million contract. It takes a lot of time to manage that amount of money, I guess.

The Crack Emcee said...

bagoh20 said...

"Why can I - a black American atheist - freely wander amongst Muslim internet cafes, and even hold court in Kabob stores, but white French citizens can't? "

"Pretty obvious. It's racism, and sexism, since free women of any kind are also unsafe, but racism is cool when it helps you."

bagoh20, give it a break. The French could've assimilated those people but they chose not to, insisting on their lunk-headed bullshit way of doing things - insisting even *attempts* at speaking French were comical, dissing other people's food, making it difficult for them to accomplish simple things like acquiring a driver's license, etc. - so, just like here, there are places in France where nobody wants the French - and it's the French's fault they're staying backward. Whites need to learn this all over the world:

Nobody wants to go into the future with assholes.

The Crack Emcee said...

Bay Area Guy said...

"Thanks for your thoughtful response, Crack. I may agree with it all, but I appreciate your candor and creativity.

To be further discussed."

I hope so. We need more good ones.

"P.s. Your comments on Dan White/Harvey Milk are provocative."

It took me a while to sort it all out, but, when I did - BAM! - I had to side with the "crazy" white guy a little. Then a lot. I went through that same thing. That moment when you really understand what San Francisco is about. It's terrifying.

""Season of the Witch" by David Talbot on that and other SF recent history is excellent."

Good book. I read it and had a bit to add - the same with "Fantasyland" by Kurt Andersen - but the truth is slowly, oh so slowly, coming out. We've been duped, as John Lennon famously said in "Sexy Sadie," and admitting the real depth of that delusion is going to be much more torturous than the discovery of Jonestown, I think. I mean, my wife was in a cult, her friends were in a cult, Rose McGowan was in a cult, River Phoenix was in a cult, Alison Mack is in a cult, Catherine Oxenberg is in a cult, Tom Cruise and John Travolta are in a cult, Mitt Romney is in a cult, Arianna Huffington and Oprah and Shirley MacLaine all lead cults, and on and on - with no one but me seriously saying, for over a decade now, WE HAVE A CULT PROBLEM.

But, since Trump got in, things get shaken up enough the truth, of a whole lot of things, keeps popping up/seeping out/whatever.

The cultists day of comeuppance could come...

The Crack Emcee said...

bagoh20 said...

“Oh c'mon educate me. Tell me all the nuance and depth of institutional racism and racial history that you would have pondered and contemplated while Brown was fighting for your gun and rushing toward you a second from plowing into you like a linebacker.”

Fine, bagoh20, but do me a favor - be a man: when I set you straight, don’t keep coming back like it didn’t happen, OK?

“Brown could have gone and played hoops that day or chilled at a friend's house. He could have simply not attacked you.”

Uh-Huh. Because Ferguson, Missouri is “Mayberry RFD” and all that. You live in a dream world - but not Martin’s.

“The cop was doing what the community was paying him for.”

Now we’re getting somewhere.

“Who asked Brown to do what he did? There are some who do, and they don't even realize or care the price they are asking of young Black men. Black lives don't matter to them. Not enough.”

Nice. Your concern is duly noted. Now let’s get to your argument’s destruction:

This week, the Department of Justice concluded that there is no evidence to disprove Officer Wilson's claim that he feared for his life during the encounter. And the federal agency also presented context that explains why so many black residents assumed foul play and took to the streets in protest: For years, Ferguson's police force has meted out brutality, violated civil rights, and helped Ferguson officials to leech off the black community as shamelessly as would mafia bosses.

So - was Michael Brown faced with someone “doing what the community was paying him for” - or was he faced with someone BROWN AND THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY knew “meted out brutality, violated civil rights, and helped Ferguson officials to leech off the black community as shamelessly as would mafia bosses”?

I’ll stop there and let your white antagonism of the people, who lived under such white oppression for decades - centuries? - until this happened, seep in. Do you think it’s helpful to be an asshole to the oppressed, bagoh20? You talk of your concern, but is it genuine? You know it isn’t, as well as I do. You’re just another racist, doing what he can, floating in and out of the grey area other whites make (like those in Ferguson) for you to move in.

Like a snake, on it’s belly, trying to lick black’s ankles.

The Crack Emcee said...

BTW - I think it's criminal to allow cops to do what they do without knowing American history.

The Crack Emcee said...

And, isn't it weird, that you don't know about this story? It didn't make nearly the impact Brown's killing did. Few follow-ups. Nobody asking how many MORE of these "mafia" communities exist in America. How many ENTIRE POLICE FORCES are in on the con - nothing.

Except white boys yelling about shit they don't understand and calling for black blood and honoring killers.

This country SUCKS sometimes - band, especially, journalistically.

The Crack Emcee said...

Francisco D said...

"Crack seems to be auditioning for a role as a pseudo-conservstive Black nationalist."

I'm not auditioning for anything. Blacks aren't as liberal as anyone thinks. Conservatives are just being too big of assholes for most to want to hang with them. That's it.

"His bullshit is just as transparent as Al Sharpton, but he may appeal to a wider demographic."

See? This is what I said about one of my cop friends - he goes straight to Al Sharpton if you don't tow the line whites have constructed. Y'all suck.

"It's not personal. It's just business."

That's what all white killing has been.

The Crack Emcee said...

0_0 said...

"Everyone should be aware that, if the police want to investigate you, they will be on edge until they know you are not armed."

I've said 100 times that I have THREE friends who are cops. Why are you explaining policing to me? You sound crazy.

The Crack Emcee said...

grackle said...

"I am now wondering how the commentor accounts for the NFL players not protesting police brutality in front of the government entities that are actually responsible for the alleged police culprits."

There could be a million reasons - none of which begin with the cynical "too busty counting their money". White guys have heads full of dark images, put there by white people, that they slap on others - and then, like Stalin, they damn other people for them.

I told you guys I know some blacks who don't know what taxes ARE. I told you there are many things whites know, and take for granted blacks do, too - so is it possible some blacks simply don't understand where the corridors of power are - or where they lead - including those who become rich real fast?

I'd say it's a distinct possibility. But only one.

One your dumb ass hasn't pondered - just like all the rest.

0_0 said...

>Why are you explaining policing to me?

Because you do not appear to understand why Alton Sterling and Michael Brown were shot.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“So, Langford Peel = shouting Thomas”

No, Langford Peel = Trooper York.
8/10/18, 7:26 PM

No, Jon Ericson = Trooper York. I dunno who langford peel is but I'm not happy with him.

chickelit said...

“No, Jon Ericson = Trooper York. I dunno who langford peel is but I'm not happy with him.”

I too thought Langford Peel might be TY — accept for one incident several months ago which made it physically impossible. Plus Inga thinks everyone is Trooper York. She thought “Jim at” was Trooper. She’s always looking for Trooper under every rock.

Hilarious that she thinks she’s somehow outed me in this thread. I have switched my name several times over the years but I have always kept the same blogger account (unlike she). My names are always a play on something fowl. With my latest handle — a Cryliic version of my own handle chickelit — I’m just hoping to catch the attention of conspiracy theorists bent on proving Russian collusion at the Althouse blog. Hey, flimsier stuff has been put forth. As I understand it, 7 US intelligence agencies concluded that The DNC was hacked by Russians based on finding a few trace Cyrillic characters.

chickelit said...

Perhaps Crack was confusing the 1968 Mexico Olympics with the 1972 Munich Olympics — another high point in leftist sports politics.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Crack Emcee said...

0_0 said...

Why are you explaining policing to me?

"Because you do not appear to understand why Alton Sterling and Michael Brown were shot."

I like seeing the conservative problem in a nutshell:

Just as they know 1 line, from 1 speech by Martin Luther King - and decided they're the experts on race - they also know 1 fact, from this 1 incident, and decided they're the experts on policing - while they're MILES AWAY on both.

And they wonder why my people still ain't free.

0_0 said...

>And they wonder why my people still ain't free

Many of "your" people are. Plenty have avoided fulfilling stereotypes and have succeeded.

Stop trying to keep people in chains.

The Crack Emcee said...

0_0 said...

"Many of "your" people are. Plenty have avoided fulfilling stereotypes and have succeeded."

You're happy with "many"?

"Stop trying to keep people in chains."

Stop trying to stop people from freeing them.

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