Via "Watch as ex-CIA analyst falls victim to Trump Derangement Syndrome, goes berserk on CNN" (American Thinker).
I see "get out" as the iconic line in the movie "Get out"...
... so it's an especially bad line for a white man flying into a rage against a black man.
OOH: Trump tweeted about this:
Just watched former Intelligence Official Phillip Mudd become totally unglued and weird while debating wonderful @PARISDENNARD over Brennan’s Security Clearance. Dennard destroyed him but Mudd is in no mental condition to have such a Clearance. Should be REVOKED? @seanhannity
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 21, 2018
AND: I think you can tell by the degree of disruption in Mudd's mood how much money is at stake.
All retiring government officials should lose their security clearances by default on leaving their positions. Why should they retain such privileges? If there is a specific situation that somehow (however unlikely) requires the specific knowledge and expertise of a retired official, provide him or her with temporary clearance sufficient for the particular matter at terminate with the end of the particular matter about which his or her consultation is sought.
Heh. Tough times when the CNN personality is the reasonable one...
Clearly a security clearance is seen as the retirement grease for some federal employees.
I saw this segment yesterday and cracked up. And they say Trump is mentally unwell. Hoping these people get more airtime prior to midterms.
I don’t remember who it was that said it, maybe John Dos Passos, but it is very difficult to convince a man of something when his livelihood depends on him not understanding it. This applies to just about everybody on CNN and MSNBC when it comes to anything to do with Trump.
BTW, love the screenshot of the Mudd's facial expression. Reminds of those of those captured during Peter Strzok's testimony.
It’s worth nothing and also, if you take it away, a terrible thing to lose.
That argument loses.
I have a security clearance myself for an IT position, and I have to admit I would prefer to have a short period - maybe 3 months - were I to leave my current job and want to seek another one that also required it. As it is, immediately rescinding them would basically force someone in my position to have to get hired for another job, and accept it, before moving on from my current one. Seems to me a short grace period would be fair enough for those who feel uncomfortable job hunting while employed.
That said, if granting that would enable the Brennan's of the world to continue committing treason, then screw it. These scumbags need to be stopped.
I hate to see people making these racially-tinged comments on CNN.
Yikes. THIS guy has access to intel?
Trump really has driven them crazy.
FWIW, the (eternally) lovely Mrs. JAORE had a security clearance. When she retired it went "poof" and disappeared. Despite that she has been consulted by officials during retirement (she is a wonder) w/o having to release classified info to her.
He kept making the same talking points which were denied and apparently didn’t apply to this ex-CIA agent so I found his anger and language carried an emotional honesty in the face of this alternate truth.
Trump tweeted about Mudd last night. He's on the ball.
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Just watched former Intelligence Official Phillip Mudd become totally unglued and weird while debating wonderful @PARISDENNARD over Brennan’s Security Clearance. Dennard destroyed him but Mudd is in no mental condition to have such a Clearance. Should be REVOKED? @seanhannity
The media avoids the topic of lifetime security clearance like the n word. Trying to defend the practice,(the media wont) proves the President right. The President, a non DC dweller is flushing the 'norms'. That is the oft repeated violation against the President, because the 'crime' thing has failed, so they are forced into the violation of norms.
As always, its the swamp that sets the rules, and the swamp needs lifetime security clearance to get rich. I have seen the statement about the President is short circuiting the the process of removing the clearance. That process is created by the swamp. The process exists to give the swamp cover, political cover. President Trump needs no political cover. (that's his Super Power) It has nothing to do with the security of the nation.
I think you can tell by the degree of disruption in Mudd's mood how much money is at stake.
Perhaps, but I also suspect there is a huge amount of status at stake, in the swamps that Mudd swims in.
The man with flecks of foam on his mouth loses most reasoned discourse.
Unless he is a Robespierre. This man has no zen and I wouldn't trust him to watch my children much less my country.
It is simple - you can take away the access, without taking away the clearance. If they need access for a subsequent job (which, IMO, would not include being a TV analyst) it can be given to them again. If the government wants to consult with someone from a previous administration, that person can be given temporary clearance and access. That was not an uncommon occurrence in the military - involvement with a specific operation required access to information that was at a higher level than your clearance. So you would be given temporary access (and have to sign documents swearing that you would never reveal anything.)
Perpetual or taling security clearances are titles of nobility under another name
Absolute proof of Trump's racism. He is always insulting black people.
- Update: got it mixed up. Never mind!
Remarks by J. E. Dyer, a retired Navy Intelligence officer.
.... Why in the world should anyone in America retain official access to classified information while being paid to contribute material to a news organization?
What kind of insanity is that? However that practice got started, it should stop immediately. It is ridiculous to suggest that there is anything judicious or sensible about allowing such a situation.
Many departed officials retain their clearances if they are going to move into government consulting jobs, or other jobs with government contractors. That situation may or may not need review, but it’s not the issue here.
The issue is departed officials, whether civil service or military retirees, or appointed officials like Brennan, who retain courtesy clearances because of their seniority, and then hire out to news organizations to be expert commentators.
It takes an idiot to not see that that is blowing the control valve off the pipeline for classified information.
This isn’t about personalities, power moves, or freedom of speech. It’s about a moral hazard the size of this galaxy and the next six all gaggled together, and one to which an end should be put forthwith. There are conditions for keeping cleared access — the clearance holder’s behavior must comport with that of a professional still employed with the U.S. government — and that should explicitly include not being paid to provide or convey information relating to U.S. intelligence or national security to a media outlet.
You want to comment as a paid consultant on intelligence or national security, with CNN, or NBC, or Fox, or the New York Times or Politico or anyone other media outlet, you should do it without being read in for any current classified access. Yes, it should be just that simple. How foolish to even suggest otherwise.
"I think you can tell by the degree of disruption in Mudd's mood how much money is at stake."
Don't want to judge a man by a single outburst, but TDS is exposing the quality and character of the swamp creatures.
I love that his name is "Mudd."
Secret clearance malfeasance was made a joke by Hillary.
The intelligence community before and after the election have been at war with Trump.
And Trump trolls the entire deep state by taking away an entitlement of security clearance of the most partisan and political cia director ever.
And the deep state is not used to be retaliated / hit back, against.
And Trump hits back.
Amazing the conspiracy against Trump before and after his election. And how well he is doing fighting it.
r/V: He kept making the same talking points which were denied and apparently didn’t apply to this ex-CIA agent...
You sincerely believe that people like Mudd don't trade on keeping security clearances from their former day jobs?
These guys are just losing their minds over the possibility of losing security clearances (that they totally absolutely don't use nuh uh!!!) on the principle of the thing?
Have you always been this sweetly gullible to obvious bullshit, or is this a late-developing condition?
This whole notion of security clearances following people into retirement needs to be revisited. It is inherently insecure to have all these people off on their own having access to secrets they have no need of access to.
The standard defense--we need access to their institutional wisdom--is a red herring. Any time one of them needs to be brought in for consulting, they can be granted conditional access.
The most valuable currency of all is secrets and influence created by the same. The right whisper in the right place is worth Millions (see Hillary whispering in Obama's ear over uranium)
Trump is messing with their livelihood!
He needs to be careful there.
So do they! They are even less popular than Congress.
Or what Robert Cook said. (I usually read other comments first, then comment and I just showed why.)
Security clearance is a privilege; there's no necessity to maintain it once someone leaves the government. His anger is out of place. He has no legitimate right to a clearance, rather it's a generous benefit he should be grateful for having.
If Agent Mudd is your typical ex-spook, it's no wonder we thought Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction before invading Iraq.
What an emotional idiot!
He's used to being in charge.
Brennan has even lost National Review!
Brennan and now Mudd diminished the whole Intelligence Community.
Even Tenet kept a relatively low profile, at the cost of his reputation.
SEALS used to stay off the radar screen, too, but that's all over.
I agree Cook's comment covers it well.
Having an active security clearance does have monetary value. That is simply a fact. Lots of jobs require them. If you don't have one, you won't even be considered. Contractors to the government generally hire ex-military or other government employees because it costs a lot of money to acquire one (investigations cost money) and they don't want to bear the cost themselves.
And what's more, Dennard was revealing the secret hand shake and the secret hand gesture and the secret rituals. Those are death penalty offenses in the Brotherhood.
My father retained his high security clearance beyond his AF retirement by working for certain DODand DOE contractors and as a consulting engineer to both DOD and DOE for twentyfive years.Even retired he still retains the clearance.He is just read intoaccess to the current stuff.You can not extract from his memory what he knows.
If one guy (Brennan) losing his security clearance causes this type of behavior, I am hoping Trump starts plucking security clearances one by one. And sky writes each one.
A clearance is not a skeleton key that allows people to look at anything. It requires both a clearance AND a need to know. The clearance is more about pre-vetting people so that IF they need to know, the government can be somewhat reassured that it is 'safe' to share it with them.
That said, upon leaving a cleared position, there is a short grace period before the systems revoke the clearance (normal people, not these twits), and a somewhat longer period where requiring a clearance can be done in an expedited manner.
BUUUUT, a clearance is a privilege that government gives at its discretion. There is no constitutional right to one.
When John Brennan is on TV, someone should ask him how come Stefan Halper has been paid more than a million dollars during 2012-2018 to write think pieces for the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment (ONA).
Was that how Brennan's CIA paid a retainer to Halper?
Did Halper work also for British Intelligence or just for the CIA?
When Halper was assigned to befriend Carter Page, what instructions were given to Halper?
Was Halper's questioning of Page compensated by his ONA payments or was Halper paid additionally for that special work?
"If Agent Mudd is your typical ex-spook, it's no wonder we thought Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction before invading Iraq."
We didn't. They simply claimed that as a justification for war. (Well, perhaps some among the gullible public believed it.) I was never convinced by their nonspecific claims.
Oh, and what Robert Cooke said. I'm actually shocked that that isn't already the case.
AA: ... so it's an especially bad line for a white man flying into a rage against a black man.
It pains me that an intelligent person can watch that exchange and immediately jump to framing it as a race thing. As a "white man responding to a black man in a problematic way" thing.
Good Lord. Everything going on in that video, layers and layers of rot and crazy *that have absolutely effing nothing whatever to do with anybody's race*, and it's all about the way some white man wrong-footed himself by transgressing the obscure line of [insert some manufactured pop-cultural gotcha here], when talking to a black man.
Jesus wept.
Isn't "get out" a new Yawk-New Jerseyism for incredulity, like "come ON!" That's how I took it.
Anyway, just wait, if something terrible happens henceforth they'll all say it was because all these old hands lost their privileges and immunities etc
because it costs a lot of money to acquire one
It costs even more to hire someone and then have it be denied, or delayed. A fresh out of MIT coworker in the 80's had traveled overseas frequently so it took a year to get hers, during which she wasn't very useful at higher pay than mine.
Well, his name has been drug through Mudd already, I'd be spluttering insane, we!l even moreso than now I guess, too.
What Cook said at the beginning of these comments is the most common sense approach and probably what 90% of people would think should be. There is no other job in America where you retain your security clearance after leaving or being asked to leave. Hell, in a career in sales I've had to return catalogs, pricelists, computers, phones upon leaving a company. Can you imagine how many people this government has churned out over the years- thousands- that are still running around with security clearances? Can you even fathom how much that access is worth on the open market?
The prime job of government is the security of it's citizenry. When the likes of a Hillary Clinton takes her security clearance so lightly as to run it from her home system, then sell access to it, then later deny it- we're in a world of shit. For her failures, she should be brought up on charges. Instead, she still has access and is still selling that access.
It's truly an abomination. I had to return catalogs. These people are selling out the country.
Mudd will need to be sedated if Trump pulls the pin on him (heh).
wild chicken: Isn't "get out" a new Yawk-New Jerseyism for incredulity, like "come ON!" That's how I took it.
Yes. And not just New Yawk-New Joizy. And it's been around for a long time.
Mudd also dropped the n-word and a few other slurs when talking to Don Lemon some months back. CNN said nothing about it, no one batted an eye. When you hate Trump, they let you do it.
I hope you are all appreciat8ng this moment in history. Trump is a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon. I know I’m enjoying it.
Much is being made of the difference between "access" and "clearance". Of course if someone has "clearance" but is no longer working in the government, they don't have direct access to secrets -- they don't have a login account on the system, in other words.
But doesn't having an active clearance mean that others who do have such access, such as current CIA employees or certain members of Congress, can legally share information with you that would be a crime for them to share with someone who doesn't have a security clearance?
That would seem to be the actual value of retired officials like Brennan or Mudd retaining their clearances after leaving government, and would also seem to be a good reason to keep a tight rein on clearance, regardless of whether or not someone has direct access to government secrets.
"totally unglued and weird while debating" That's crazy Schlump talking to himself while looking in the mirror.
Republicans should trash all of their campaign ads and just show a still frame of that screenshot until November.
This guy reminds me of the Primus song My Name is Mud.
Both named Mud. Both explosive temper.
It’s an abuse of presidential power to use the threat of taking away a security clearance and actually doing so to intimidate and punish his political enemies. Trump is using autocratic methods and this is not concerning to you people?
When John Brennan is on TV, someone should ask him what role the CIA played in the payment of $10,000 to George Papapdopoulos by an Israeli on about July 27, 2017.
The Israeli is a man named Charles Tawil. Does the CIA have a collaborative relationship with Tawil?
After Papadopoulos received the $10,000 he immediately flew to the USA, where he was arrested by the FBI immediately after he got off the plane at Dulles Airport -- before he even went through customs.
Before Papadopoulos got onto the airplane, however, he gave the $10,000 to a lawyer in Greece for safekeeping. Therefore Papadopoulos did not have the $10,000 in his personal possession when the FBI searched him.
Because the $10,000 was given to Papadopoulos abroad, it seems to me that that part of the sting against him was not done by the FBI, but rather by the CIA. So, when did the Israeli Charles Tawil begin to work for the CIA?
“I hope you are all appreciat8ng this moment in history. Trump is a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon. I know I’m enjoying it.”
It’s when the politics of spite are more important than the welfare of the country.
There is a Charles tawil who was a middleman in South africa,
"can legally share information with you that would be a crime for them to share with someone who doesn't have a security clearance?"
If the sharee doesn't have access, then the sharer would have to go through the process of giving them temporary access. IMO it would be appropriate for someone like Brennan to still have access at this point, if they weren't involved as a media analyst.
According to wikileaks (ht Stephen mcintyre)
He doesn't get those civilian jobs because of his security clearance, he gets them because of his charming personality.
Anatomy of a Sting: Robert Mueller Likely Used FBI and Foreign Intel to Set-Up George Papadopoulos in July 2017
.... Federal agents were waiting for Papadopoulos at the airport upon his arrival and re-entry into the U.S. If Mr. Papadopoulos had carried that $10k into the U.S. without declaring a U.S. treasury filing, the FBI/DOJ would have nailed him on a treasury violation.
Bringing $10,000 (or more) cash into the U.S., without reporting, is major trouble; add into that aspect the likelihood the set-up included use of an intelligence asset, and the issue can be compounded into laundering money. That’s just the type of leverage Robert Mueller was looking for ....
The Mueller directed federal agents were waiting for him; but Papadopoulos left the cash in Greece. I suspect Papadopoulos likely sensed something was askew. The absence of the cash foiled the FBI’s initial plan and that’s likely why they kept him for questioning. ..... It was a classic set-up; a classic entrapment sting operation. ....
George Papadopoulos and his wife Mangiane Papadopoulos were approached in Greece by a known CIA/FBI operative, Charles Tawil. Mr. Tawil enlists George as a business consultant, under the auspices of energy development interests, and hands him $10,000 in cash to take back to the U.S. Upon arrival at the Dulles airport Robert Mueller had FBI agents waiting. Papadopoulos was stopped and searched; however, he never had the cash because he smartly left it in Greece with his lawyer.
[end quote]
I think it's unlikely that Tawil was a FBI operative. He must have been only a CIA operative. Someone should ask Brennan about Tawil on television.
I can't get over that screenshot. It encapsulates the Temper Tantrums Party so perfectly.
If Trump makes pulling all those security clearances an Executive order, a lot of contracting jobs get pulled and hurt a LOT of people, many of them military.
However, I think that pulling a few clearances from people who act unhinged or LIE TO CONGRESS (to a reasonable person, not to a Swede) is not out of order.
A clearance is a privilege that these 'white men' shouldn't just enjoy 'because'. They actually need to BE trustworthy.
Much more than half the country would vote to pull Brennan's clearance.
But that doesn't matter. It's Trump's RIGHT to do these things. He is President even of people who hate him.
Nothing proves the Deep State better than the unhinged reaction of these intel types.
I am still waiting for Trump to go after Sally Yates again and for Congress to further investigate her actions.
Most of the leftwing hivemind are not in any mental condition to hold security clearances.
Indeed, President Trump.
A fresh out of MIT coworker in the 80's had traveled overseas frequently so it took a year to get hers, during which she wasn't very useful at higher pay than mine.
When I initially got my secret clearance I was 18 and had been in a grand total of three states. Basically they just did a FBI and local police check to see if I had ever been arrested. Since getting out of the army lo those many years ago I have been on so many overseas vacations that I have to think hard about what years I went to which countries. Getting a security clearance at this time of my life would probably be pretty problematic.
All the abuse is coming from the corrupt left, Inga.
BTW, love the screenshot of the Mudd's facial expression. Reminds of those of those captured during Peter Strzok's testimony.
My thoughts as well.
Hillary lost, and with it their gravy train and rice bowls.
Remember when James Comey leaked to his law professor friend and it was ok because the law professor friend had some sort of clearance?
Neither does Royal ass Inga.
All the abuse is coming from the corrupt left, Inga
She's just repeating what she's hearing on the MSM. Lester Holt says Trump is out of control and attempting to silence critics, so that's that. In actuality, Trump is fortunate in his enemies. Far from wanting to shut them up, he wants them to speak up as much as possible. That's why he baits them.
Rob Rosenstein - your job is next, asshole.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
"It’s when the politics of spite are more important than the welfare of the country."
Inga describes her motus operandi.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
actually doing so to intimidate and punish (Trump's) his political enemies.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
It’s when the politics of spite (against Trump) are more important than the welfare of the country.
inga - do you see the connection and contradiction?
I recall the old jim belushi weekend update.
As discussed yesterday:
The theory of clearances for ex-administration folks after their departure from Fed service is that they may be consulted on an old situation. Since none of these Bozo's should be trusted to take out the garbage, they don't need a clearance.
FWIW, 99.9% of cleared staff (the workers):
1. instantly lose "Need to know" and access.
2. have their SCI (and that's what we are talking about here) terminated instantly. You get read on to various compartments:
- TK: Imagery
- YW: Yankee White (WH access)
- etc
Beyond that, there are "Special Access Programs" SAP: Often new technology programs.
Then "Code word" accesses to narrow secrets, shared by a dozen staff.
3. their TS may be downgraded to SECRET
4. after 2 years, any SECRET clearance is admin terminated
Amateurs speak of clearances, professionals worry about investigations. When you leave Federal service, if your investigation is current, say 2 years old of its 5 year lifetime, its easy, if there is a need) to get your clearance reinstated if needed.
PS: NO: Some Intel analyst at the CIA can not share info with some ex-Director on a whim. Private sector cleared persons must have some contractual relationship to the USG along with a "need to know". The criminal statutes make both the Intel analyst and the ex-director vulnerable if they share outside this box.
What a muddy back hole he is.
It is ALL about the money.
The Clinton Democrat Gravy Train Leftwinger Media are irritated she lost... and how dare we point out that we all know the media are hacks who lie.
Ron W.
It's Lester Holt's job to tell us his opinion on the matter. Trump is out of control!
It would be very funny for SNL to lampoon this. However, they probably won't since it aligns with Trump's view of DC.
John belushi sorry, now I'm not making any aspersions about Mr. Mudd
Ron Winkleheimer said...
When I initially got my secret clearance I was 18 and had been in a grand total of three states. Basically they just did a FBI and local police check to see if I had ever been arrested. Since getting out of the army lo those many years ago I have been on so many overseas vacations that I have to think hard about what years I went to which countries. Getting a security clearance at this time of my life would probably be pretty problematic.
Investigations again
SECRET clearances are based on investigations called "National Agency Checks" NACs. Basically your name is run against all the computerized DBs. NACs are good for 10 years
TS Clearances require the NAC part as well as an investigator talking to co-workers, employers, neighbors. The is called an BI. Background Investigation. A BI is good for 5 years, but if you move somewhere, the new place may want an update if the BI is over 2 years old.
Oop said: "Trump is using autocratic methods and this is not concerning to you people?"
No, not at all. We became numb to it when Obama weaponized the IRS.
Quoting a famous statesman .... er .... stateswoman: "At this point, what difference does it make?".
Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
"Rob Rosenstein - your job is next, asshole."
Rob Rosenstein - your job is next, back VentiPort
"Isn't "get out" a new Yawk-New Jerseyism for incredulity, like "come ON!" That's how I took it"
Satire? Or did you read a transcript and not see the video. No one could watch that video and think he was saying, "C'mon, man."
SECRET clearances are based on investigations called "National Agency Checks" NACs. Basically your name is run against all the computerized DBs. NACs are good for 10 years
Yeah, that was my understanding for the secret clearance, which was needed for the MOS I held. If I remember correctly only cooks didn't need any kind of clearance. I actually had access to classified material just a few times during my career, and only once on a regular basis. I set the encryption key for some crypto gear which was used to transmit data after a classified run. I never saw the input because I didn't have a need to, and the output was sent directly to the crypto gear.
The number of retired generals and admirals coming forward to defend their "rights" to keep their national security clearances for life proves that, yes Virginia, there indeed is a "Deep State," and how deep it is.
Inga, you think anything Trump does is an abuse of presidential power. You think he's not a legitimate president and you refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election. If Trump refused to pardon a turkey, you would decry "our eroding norms" and demand his impeachment. Just admit it.
Harcourt Fenton Mudd
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"It’s an abuse of presidential power to use the threat of taking away a security clearance and actually doing so to intimidate and punish his political enemies. Trump is using autocratic methods and this is not concerning to you people?"
Speaking just for myself, I don't think that's happening.
This is a running theme in the condemnation of all things Trump -- The President does something that we agree he has the legal authority to do. We agree that it is the right thing to do and will have lots of benefits. BUT we are certain that his motives were venal and awful, therefore he must be condemned for doing it, and even fought in the courts.
I don't agree with you about his evil motives. And I don't really care about his motives, in any case. I care more about his actual policies and their consequences. Will tweeting about "Little Rocket Man" start a nuclear war or bring Kim to the table? Will the new tax law expand jobs or not? Will tariff threats lead to freer trade down the line, or to a disastrous trade war? If the policies lead to good outcomes, who cares if he only did it for venal selfish political gain. If the policies lead to disastrous outcomes, who cares if he had the best motives in the world?
I'd also point out that calling everything you don't like "autocratic" is a terrible tic. Do you really mean to be saying that the methods of historic and contemporary autocrats are comparable to what President Trump did in revoking Brennan's security clearance? Because that's a breathtakingly horrific minimization of the evils of autocrats.
You can not extract from his memory what he knows.
You know some people like a challenge, don't you?
Brennan's unhinged attacks on Trump, accusing him of treason -- according to Lester Holt(D) and Chuck Todd(D), and the late night comedy idiots, Trump is supposed to take all the unhinged monkey poo flung his way.
The other thing about the segment is that it was a debate between two opposing views and a CNN moderator. Where does one of the debate participants get to boot out the other guy? Especially when Mudd keeps talking past the issue.
BTW, I'm going to laugh when Mueller clears Trump but criticizes him in a report for improperly trying to influence his subordinate, James Comey, and then firing him. Mueller's report is going to be like Comey's July 2016 statement all over again.
And if there are more firings and even indictments after the next DOJ IG report ... man, the Lefties are going to turn hard against Mueller and Rosenstein. All the #Resistance types with Mueller avatars on their Twitter accounts are going to feel really, really stupid.
And if the Democrats control the House come 2019 they'll drag Rosenstein in for hearings so he can explain himself.
How old is the expression "Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms?"
"Quoting a famous statesman .... er .... stateswoman: "At this point, what difference does it make?"."
One of those misremembered quotes Althouse was talking about the other day.
Apparently, it went on a bit longer than that clip:
"Twenty-five years in the service and this is the s--t I get? Get out!," Mudd said again.
A previous Mudd Moment on his CNN gig was calling himself "a proud shitholer", alluding to his Italian roots.
Trump continues to be blessed by his enemies.
And self awareness continues to be a rare commodity in anti Trump world.
Trump derangement syndrome goes both ways. If you support Trump 100% when he says X and then support him 100% when he "corrects" himself and says the exact opposite ( eg Helsinki -- forgot "not") that seems pretty deranged in my book.
Follow the money!
A previous Mudd Moment on his CNN gig was calling himself "a proud shitholer", alluding to his Italian roots.
In that same segment, he said the n-word, sloper, slang-eye, honky, wetback and sp*c.
"Isn't "get out" a new Yawk-New Jerseyism for incredulity, like "come ON!" That's how I took it."
I'm genuinely shocked that no one (including the professor) has mentioned Elaine on Seinfeld.
Looks like Mudd is doing Alex Baldwin impression or is it the other way around
steve uhr said: "Trump derangement syndrome goes both ways. If you support Trump 100% when he says X and then support him 100% when he "corrects" himself and says the exact opposite ( eg Helsinki -- forgot "not") that seems pretty deranged in my book."
Allow me to respond. Does Trump error with his mouth and his tweets? Yes he does. However, on the whole, the scale is heavily tipped in favor of his execution of my positions. Too many to list them all here. Deranged? No. Pragmatic, yes .... in a large way.
How are things coming along with Sebastian Gorka's security clearance?
"If Trump refused to pardon a turkey, you would decry "our eroding norms" and demand his impeachment. Just admit it."
Off topic, but that image made me laugh out loud. Some Thanksgiving, Trump should refuse to grant the ceremonial pardon to the turkey, and lop off its head in front of the cameras. Then after everyone loses their shit, he should grant actual pardons to a 100 worthy prisoners.
The swamp is a bit frothy today.
Trump is like a fish swimming into the Washington swamp. He doesn't necessarily want to change all that much about the swamp, or at least he's not moving all that quickly to do so, but he seems to have a kind of bubble around him that allows all of us to see the swamp more clearly.
Let's see how Mudd's comments from March 2017 fare long-term:
Phil Mudd Goes OFF the Rails. Calls Trump a CIRCUS CLOWN on CNN
These are exactly the kind of cozy relationships unavailable to normal people who have no idea they exist.
Draining the swamp requires examination of what's uncovered at each water level, so the American public can see what's been kept from them for so long.
I haven't seen that face from anyone but my 5-year-old in a long time. Even my 7-year-old is more mature.
he seems to have a kind of bubble around him that allows all of us to see the swamp more clearly.
He's the first in a long time to not need what they're offering.
Their system runs on post-office payouts, which is why they needed an "insurance policy" in case he was elected.
My reaction when I first watched the video was that he is not the type of person we want involved in serious and delicate intelligence operations or to have post-retirement security clearance. Drain the swamp!!!
I can only imagine how restrained Mudd's response was so he wouldn't come off as racist...
Hillary was going to make all these corrupt losers rich.
Clinton and Obama rewarded their political enemies, Inga?
You are purely a partisan hack. You say whatever it takes to acquire power, regardless of fact,
Too many emotionally unstable leftists have security clearances.
And type "security clearance civilian jobs" in google. It's being advertised as a key to a job. That's not their purpose.
Hillary clearly stated in an FBI interview that she had her maid and Chelsea--neither of whom had any clearance--routinely print out her messages without regard to security considerations. Since neither are in jail, or have even been questioned, I assume we have a problem with Law in this country.
Jebus, the more Brennan tweets and becomes more unhinged on t.v the more I wonder why we didn't have more 9/11's happen. He's even scaring Clapper who is now telling Brennan to calm the fuck down.
Get your official Phil Mudd “I’m a Proud Shitholer” T-shirt. Take a stand and show your support for what really makes America great.
My image of an effective Intel operative is one with a flat affect. And yet we have seen that both the FBI and CIA are chock full of emotionally labile drama queens with their knickers in a perpetual twist.
By revoking John Brennan's security clearance, President Trump isolates Brennan socially from many of his former colleagues.
Some (not all) of his former colleagues will avoid future contacts and conversations with Brennan, because they will not want to attract attention to themselves and to their own security clearances.
Nobody whose livelihood depends on his own security clearance will want to be called in to be questioned by the security office about his own continuing conversations with Brennan.
George Smiley he ain't.
If they want their security clearances pulled - do it.
If they want their security clearances pulled - do it.
If you don't do it, they may have a defense in court--if they should be charged.
I don't think he will be isolated socially.
HOWEVER, the ordinary 'nudge/wink' game that Washington Insiders indulge in 'Of COURSE I can tell Brennan...he has a SECURITY CLEARANCE' now is no longer possible.
Now if Morty McFly tells Non Sec Clearance Brennan ANYTHING's a free vacation at Club Fed! So these 'innocent/not really innocent' contacts Brennan has are OVER.
The majority of Federal Employees are not really leakers. They want their retirement; they want their gold watch; and they want maybe a cushy second career because most of them are 'don't rock the boat' kind of people. They like the power and the perks and being inside too much to risk these things.
There is SOME tomfoolery.
But now Brennan can't use ANY of that without the person risking EVERYTHING.
It is not a hypothetical as Strozk and Page can attest.
So sure: steaks on the grill. Drinks after work. "What is the latest scuttlebutt in Langley?'
Brennan is now a civilian outsider...except not just formally.
Mike -- what's your point? Everyone who says negative things about trump, whether in public or in private, should lose their clearance?
"roesch/voltaire said...
He [Mudd] kept making the same talking points which were denied and apparently didn’t apply to this ex-CIA agent so I found his anger and language carried an emotional honesty in the face of this alternate truth."
I feel that Paris Dennard was ambushed because Philip Mudd, the person brought on to debate him, was not an example of the problem Dennard was talking about. So, instead of answering Dennard's points Mudd just kept shouting "That's not true of me." Let's just say that that was true in some swampy sense, still why did CNN pick out a person who would not debate the issue with Dennard but would personalize it? Maybe CNN wants all its reporters to be Jim Acostas? Maybe Mudd wants to be the Acosta of national security?
Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
"He kept making the same talking points which were denied and apparently didn’t apply to this ex-CIA agent so I found his anger and language carried an emotional honesty in the face of this alternate truth."
Apparently didn't apply? I went back and listened to it again, RV, just for you. "I have zero relationships with the private sector that involve my security clearance. Zero!".
That sounds to me like a man trying to weasel out from under an accurate portrayal. Emotional, yes, but not a lot of honesty.
Once a person leaves government service, or moves to a job that doesn't require a security clearance, they should be debriefed and their account suuspended.
If they come back within 3 years, then the account can be re-enabled after they update their SF-86. Over 3 years, they would have to start over with the process.
That's how it worked for me. There should be no difference for even ex-Presidents or anyone below.
steve uhr,
How about "everybody who conspired to cause CIA agents to create contacts with low level Trump Campaign hangers on so that the FBI could secure illegal surveillance warrants against U.S. persons in contravention of the civil liberties guaranteed to free men under the U.S. Constitution loses their security clearance" as a rule?
How does that one sit with you?
Hey, and just for the record, yes, a clearance is worth a lot of money. There is a small supply and a large demand. Contractors eager to suckle on the government teat require employees with clearances. There are job sites devoted entirely to positions requiring clearances.,-AL-jobs.html,-al.aspx?jobid=199255499
steve uhr at 10:38 AM
Mike -- what's your point? Everyone who says negative things about trump, whether in public or in private, should lose their clearance?
I assume you are addressing my comment at 10:14 AM.
That is not my point.
My point is that President Trump is isolating John Brennan from his former colleagues.
Brennan soon will be subjected to subpoenas and prosecutions for his sedition. In the meantime, he is being gradually isolated from many of his former colleagues.
And the CNN host thanked Mudd for his patience after Mudd screams "get out" at Paris. Wow.
By "sedition", I mean Brennan's using his position as CIA Director to try to prevent the election of Donald Trump and then trying to undermine his Presidency.
Do these government mandarins have an ounce of self reflection enough to understand how their impervious entitlement hurts them? I think it was a revelation to 95% of the country that these clowns keep their security clearance at all even after they retired. There is not a lot of sympathy from the rest of us who leave our card key and door key with HR on the way out the door. It would never occur to any of us that our former employer needed to consult with us about how they plan to manage and run their own company. Where do these birds get off even saying this out loud?
His name is Mudd.
I've been speculating to myself about the FBI's arrest of George Papadopoulos at Dulles Airport on July 27, 2017.
I think that he handed his declaration form to the customs clerk, and then he and his form were seized by the FBI. That is why it is said that he was seized before he went through customs.
The FBI agents who arrested him expected to find that he had $10,000 in his possession but had failed to declare the money on his form. To their surprise, however, he did not have that amount of cash (he had left the cash with a lawyer in Greece before he got onto the airplane).
Nevertheless, the FBI agents questioned Papadopoulos about the $10,000 that he had been paid by the Israeli, Charles Tawil. The FBI agents accused Papadopoulos of knowing that Tawil was a foreign intelligence agent and of accepting the money for promising to accomplish some nefarious task.
During July 2017, Peter Strzok was working for FBI Counter-Intelligence and concurrently also for Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller. Strzok was removed from Mueller's staff, however, before the end of that month.
I think that an FISA application (or applications?) against Papadopoulos had been rejected by a FISA judge during June/July 2016 (a year earlier). Perhaps the FBI still was trying to prove that the year-old, rejected application had been valid, because Papadopolous was now again proved to be an agent of some foreign intelligence service.
I sit on an advisory board and don’t get paid.
So your doing it for love of your country then?
Welcome to the real world where people donate their time without an expectation of monetary gratitude.
It’s a shame, the Mudd family’s worked over a century ++ to clear their name from Lincoln’s assignation.
Apparently didn't apply? I went back and listened to it again, RV, just for you. "I have zero relationships with the private sector that involve my security clearance. Zero!".
Then he doesn’t need it, does he?
Re-up the clearance when the USG needs it.
Then who are his relationships with?
Republicans should trash all of their campaign ads and just show a still frame of that screenshot until November.
8/21/18, 8:29 AM
And morph into Mr. Smirky.
@Mike Sylvester I agree that there is more going on with the Brennan situation than meets the eye. Giuliani's interviews over the weekend seemed to confirm this. I had the feeling, particularly in the Fox piece, that he was warning some of the miscreants that there is more bad news coming.
Trump is becoming a master of winding people up to the point that they self-destruct. The anti-Trump covert officials appear to be at best emotionally overwrought, if not down right unhinged. They are making themselves radioactive and doing great harm to their services, and by extension, the country.
Of course the most amusing part of watching this sorry parade of spooks mouthing the left's narrative is that I am old enough to remember when the left despised the covert services, and in particular sought to destroy the CIA.
"Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA," by NY Times writer, Tim Weiner, goes a long way in explaining the utter failure of our intelligence service. If you read the book it makes clear what Trump is up against and why (money, jobs, power). Just ignore the lefty nonsense Weiner dishes out reflexively.
Sedition? Brennen conspired to overthrow the government by force? A textbook case of trump derangement syndrome. Take two aspirin and get some sleep.
Seeing Red yes I think his argument was he needed it for advice he gives to the government, which he doesn't get paid for but just where he collects fees has yet to be determined.
I wonder if Edward Snowden has lost his security clearance. He is now living in Russia under Vladimir Putin's protection. This would seem to indicate that he's colluding with the Russians, but appearances can be deceiving. Unlike Julian Assange, none of the information he released was damaging to the DNC or to Hillary Clinton. His release of classified information thus reveals a higher form of patriotism and should not be held against him. I realize that there are pros and cons here, but in difficult cases it's best to trust in the judgment of Hollywood and Oliver Stone. They recognized his hero status and made a hagiographic movie about him. It's long past time to reinstate his security clearance if they did, in fact, revoke it..........Chelsea Manning has been pardoned. That's a good first step, but he too needs his security clearance reinstated. I hope Scarlet Johansson plays him in the movie. His brave struggle needs to be memorialized in a movie.
“SECRET clearances are based on investigations called "National Agency Checks" NACs. Basically your name is run against all the computerized DBs. NACs are good for 10 years
TS Clearances require the NAC part as well as an investigator talking to co-workers, employers, neighbors. The is called an BI. Background Investigation. A BI is good for 5 years, but if you move somewhere, the new place may want an update if the BI is over 2 years old.”
Not exactly the same, but I had a Energy Dept Q clearance for most of a decade, and did time at most of their national labs west of the Mississippi, and in particular did a year at Sandia in Albuquerque (where they were, at the time, designing “devices” - the nuclear type, not disk drives, etc). Before I got it, I had to be escorted at all times, and couldn’t be in the same room as classified data, period. Took over six months. Funny part was the FBI investigation. I had been asked for a list of references, and I gave them a fairly innocuous one. But then they were asked for other people who knew me, and then they were asked for a third level. Whoops. The problem was that there were (obviously false) allegations of drug use by me while in college, more than a decade before, that came out with those 2nd and 3rd level acquaintances and friends. So, I was dragged into their security office, and quizzed about it. They weren’t worried about what I had done in my misspent youth in college, but rather what I had done since, and I was able to convince them that I had done nothing untoward in that intervening decade. I counted myself lucky - a friend of mine, at the same DoE security office, got himself strapped to a lie detector, due to a felony cocaine conviction maybe 5 years earlier. Still he got his clearance, and ultimately, his PhD, as maybe a consequence.
In one of Eddie Murphy's stand-up routines, he talks about how in haunted house movies, white people always stay, even when scary things are happening - including a disembodied voice whispering "get out!". I assumed that's where the movie title came from, but I'm not sure.
If Benedict Arnold was around today, I bet he'd make the same arguments trying to keep his, and under anyone but Trump, he probably would.
It's nice to know that our intelligence analysis is done by such intelligent, stable, clear-minded individuals as this guy, Brennan, and Clapper, and that our military people's lives are dependent on it.
Brennan conspired to overthrough the duly elected government? Surely. By force? Only if it comes to that.
You need to get out of your bubble and learn how ill-informed you are.
When needed by the government, a clearance could be renewed on a one-time, single use basis, but having it just hang out there is stupid, and dangerous. Millions of them.
The reason that I mentioned the different definitions of “Devices” at Sandia was that one of the perks for working there in a professional capacity at that time is that they made classes available in Device Design. I worked with the computers and most of those Sandia employees in professional positions there took those classes. But not all. The guy I worked with most closely had taken his entire family on a train trip, where they got on the train in London, and off in Hong Kong (don’t know how they got from the UK to France, since the Chunnel was years away). This meant transiting both the USSR and the PRC. When he got back to Sandia, he was debriefed, or whatever. The security guy asked him if he worked with “devices”. He answered “yes”. Panic set in, with the security guy, with visions of our latest nuclear weapons designs having transited, in his head, those countries behind the Iron Curtin. Then after knashing of teeth and frothing on that guy’s part for awhile, the guy who had taken the trip said “oh, sorry, I thought that you meant disk drives when asking about Devices”. Notably, he had avoided those classes that all of his fellow IT workers had taken in Device Design for that exact reason, so he and his family could travel outside this country.
What do Madonna and Mudd have in common?
Besides M?
It’s about them.
In the video, he strangles his straw man to death before he lights him on fire.
These are exactly the kind of cozy relationships unavailable to normal people who have no idea they exist.
Yep. Before Trump exposed these fools, just how many people knew former administration officials kept their clearances long after they left their positions?
Of the general public? Zero.
I think you can tell by the degree of disruption in Mudd's mood how much money is at stake.
Perhaps, but I also suspect there is a huge amount of status at stake, in the swamps that Mudd swims in.
And neither should come into play. You don't have a need-to-know? Bye-bye clearance.
See? That was easy, and viewpoint-neutral as well.
But doesn't having an active clearance mean that others who do have such access, such as current CIA employees or certain members of Congress, can legally share information with you that would be a crime for them to share with someone who doesn't have a security clearance?
NO! For higher than TS ("code word" or compartments), you need to be "read into" it, meaning you have formally agreed NOT to share data unless you know the other person has access. And there is a protocol for formally introducing people who may not know the other people are read in. Even then, the person has to have a need to know before sharing info, even if they are read in.
And leaking to the press is never a reason for that.
The anger is so telling. Get a grip. You're wound up too tight.
Another Deep Stater that the minority elite are preparing to deem nonviable and sacrificed for secular progress. You might have been a beautiful baby, but you're a burden NOW.
SDaly said...
Does anyone know whether it is a violation of law to give classified material to a former government official who still has a clearance? If not, that would seem to be a clear pathway for current government leakers to avoid criminal penalties.
It is. All of these people are missing a critical component which is to gain access to a particular set of information you need to be “read on”. It is compartmentalized. For obvious reasons.
A clearance doesn’t just give you access.
It gives you the clearance to be read on to information you need to accomplish a specific task.
Selling influence and leaking to reporters is not on the list of things the country needs done.
It is time for the swamp to go.
steve uhr said...
Sedition? Brennen conspired to overthrow the government by force? A textbook case of trump derangement syndrome. Take two aspirin and get some sleep.
Brennan oversaw a conspiracy to spy on a political campaign of people who were political opponents of the democrats who appointed him to his position.
Brennan was part of a democrat conspiracy to pay foreign agents for false information and use it as pretext to spy on political opponents applying for FISA warrants under false pretenses and to leak that information to the press and have them report it.
Undermining a duly elected president through illegal means is sedition.
Working with foreign enemies and agents is treason.
Brennan is a traitor and should be treated as such.
Putin probably looks at stuff like this and thinks, "How did we ever lose the Cold War to these guys?"
Mudd apparently thinks that his greed is keeping us safe. How else to interpret his anger? So sad.
Ten years ago:
The CIA is a pack fascist scumbags who lied us into war in Iraq.
The FBI is just like Hitler's SS, illegally spying on Americans!
The CIA is a paragon of All American virtue, and their leaders are the pinnacle of truthfulness.
All FBI agents are beyond reproach. To even suggest otherwise is treason.
I credit Obama for this miraculous transformation.
DJM wrote:
"Of course the most amusing part of watching this sorry parade of spooks mouthing the left's narrative is that I am old enough to remember when the left despised the covert services, and in particular sought to destroy the CIA."
Destroy the CIA, mission accomplished.
This isn’t TDS. This is an example of what Reynolds calls the great unmasking. This guy pretends he’s a humble self sacrificing servant of the people. Why the government pays him almost nothing! In fact he sees his golden egg laying goose threatened. Unmasked.
I had “secret” clearance for a job 25 years ago. I didn’t have access to much, but it was certainly of value to have. It was renewable periodically, and lapsed when not renewed. It's not clear to me why it should automatically follow you once you leave the position it was required for. If you need it again, apply again.
The former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort was convicted of eight counts of fraud, but the jury could not reach a verdict on the other 10.
Cohen pleads guilty, seeks plea deal.
Walls closing in on the Trump criminal enterprise.
Jury got CNN's intimidation threat, decided not to be doxxed and burnt out.
Judge should set aside the jury verdict.
Up is down and down is up for the Trump deranged. If you shove a broken glass vase into your wife's face you're a "good guy" but if you're escaping Guatemala, you're a terrorist. To drain the Clinton swamp, you install the most cartoonishly corrupt cabinet in US history. I don't predict the future but, if a blue wave makes Adam Shiff Intelligence Chair, he will subpoena not only Pumpkin Spice's tax records but the guestbook at Mar a Lago and Trump Hotel. The tweets will accelerate, and it's possible he may quit before the Mueller report comes out. I dunno.
The only blue wave you will ever see is the one that pulls you under on your swim to Cuba.
Are you a snowflake or just Trump deranged? I didn't wish bad on you. Either way, get help.
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