August 4, 2018

For those of you who miss The Crack Emcee...

... here's "UNMASTERED/A New Political Series By The Crack Emcee."


campy said...

Hating wipipo before it was fashionable.

Pete said...

Sorry. I don't miss him.

Tank said...

Surprised he's not writing for the Times yet.

le Douanier said...

Is there a Palladian version of this question?

I'd like to be able to affirm.

Openidname said...

I see the Crack Emcee has a Patreon.

Can we set up Patreons for tcrosse and Laslo?

Darrell said...

Is he stable again?

buwaya said...

Laslo would have my money. Monthly.
Or whatever avatar that entity prefers.

CWJ said...

"Is there a Palladian version of this question?"

Perhaps the only PB&J comment with which I totally agree.

CWJ said...

But yes, I do miss Crack Emcee.

eddie willers said...

I remember when he lost his mind. Was amazing to see.

Unknown said...

Darrell said...
Is he stable again?

Maybe he's a stable genius?

Fernandinande said...

Shitty website.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

That's one so far.

Anonymous said...

nope, have not missed him

Anonymous said...

but you probably knew that

Birches said...

Blast from the past.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I am not so curious that I am willing to pay to view his website.

Sheridan said...

I miss Aridog far more.

traditionalguy said...

Crack was once a true friend of mine. Once a friend always a friend. I wish him God's speed and a sucessful life.

rcocean said...

No, I don't miss him at all.

Nor do I miss "Shouting Thomas" showing up on every thread screeching "What's wrong with you!!"

Don't miss that drama - at all. But hope every is happy.

Marc in Eugene said...

I remember CE being alternately rather sensible and then rather obnoxious and, to be honest, I prefer that melodrama to the sometimes tedious sniping between Chuck and the anti-Chucks.

And there was a brief period when he and AA seemed to have signed a mutual admiration pact, which ended for reasons that I don't recall.

Once he posts at Patreon, I will happily volunteer to do a bit of editing work for him (e.g. I expect that he is formerly of the bands X Y and Z, not of them formaliter).

William said...

He came from an unusual place and had an original albeit cranky viewpoint. He was articulate and sincere, but I wouldn't want him negotiating any trade deals. There's a net loss in his absence.

langford peel said...

Who in their right mind would miss the Crack Emcee?

You might as well miss Colin Ferguson or Larry Davis.

HT said...

I liked him! I would like to know why he left. I'm sure it was in one or two or three postings which I did not read. Impossible to get through them all.

chuck said...

I thought both Crack Emcee and Shouting Thomas were interesting when they talked about things they knew, but both tended/tend to go over the edge.

Roughcoat said...

No, I don't miss him. He was a crybaby and an asshole. Good riddance.

langford peel said...

I know it is hard to believe but some people miss herpes.

It reminds them of the only time they ever had sex.

Looking at you Ritmo.

Kelly from Georgia said...

I miss Garage. What happened to him?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Today’s @realDonaldTrump approval ratings among black voters: 29%

This time last year: 15%

(link: @POTUS @realDonaldTrump

Guildofcannonballs said...

WOW! Black support for @realDonaldTrump has DOUBLED since last year.

Do you all remember when people laughed at me? When people said the idea of us blacks waking up to the reality of our mental enslavement was a delusion?

They aren’t laughing right now.

- Candace Owens

Robert Cook said...

It's quite catchy!

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I miss Crack. He was sooo close to understanding the truth. He just couldn’t quite admit to himself who the White Devils actually were. He’s far from alone.

FullMoon said...

Crack has had his own website all this time. Kinda interesting. Think he left around the time he became enamored with TaNishi.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I never missed him.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

His was a unique voice and I do miss it. He teased me once or twice about my screen name (which for the record is a Simpsons reference).

I also miss Palladian. I sent him some money when he was going through rough times. I've never given money to anyone else on the internet before or since. I hope he is doing ok.

Kentucky Liz was always a fun read.

Xmas said...

I would say I miss Crack, but I follow him on the Twitter. Though he's not been tweeting much lately.

Njall said...

I enjoyed his visceral rants, although I didn’t always get his point. I worried about him, his emotions seemed very raw, and seemed too close to the edge of a Nietzschean void that he was gazing into. He lost me when he became, seemingly overnight, a racist. Do I miss him - no. I miss Chef Mojo.

Ann Althouse said...

If I could bring back one commenters (and I will exclude 2 who I know died), it would be Bissage. And I hope Bissage didn't die.

Phil 314 said...

Sports writers talk about all of the successful coaches who worked under Bill Walsh

Does this hold true for those who used to comment on Althouse?

The Crack Emcee said...

I wish more than one person had listened to the song (I think it's great FOX News fodder, myself) but, it's nice to see I'm remembered, if despised. I'm still sad to see the Republican's 2012 autopsy - saying it's the rest of you with a racial problem - is still true, still being ignored, and still being blamed on blacks - especially me - when we make more of an effort than most. Oh well.

Please, listen to the song, and pass it around if you like it. Forget about me. The midterms are coming. Use it as the leverage, it is. The Democrats? It's a cult.

Take care, Y'all.

Shout out to Ann & Meade.

Big Up - and "Thanks for listening!"

Drago said...

CE: " it's nice to see I'm remembered, if despised...."


Not in the slightest.

Life's far too short.

Drago said...

CE: "Forget about me."

Forget about you?


Life's got plenty of room for some good memories too.

D.D. Driver said...

I like the track. Are there others?

The Crack Emcee said...

Thanks. My webmaster is determined there will be (He's a fan, from India, demanding I flesh myself out to the public as a guru - I'm not kidding) so there will probably be lots of older stuff, as well, to fill in the blanks of what's occurred in the SF Underground of the late 20th Century. But, I'd like this one to get a *little* notoriety before releasing much more fresh material, so, please, pass it around:

It doesn't cost a thing - and the midterms are coming!

Jaq said...

I actually listened to it, but had to shut it off because I had liberal houseguests and “The Democrats, It’s a cult” was probably going to start a row.

The Crack Emcee said...

That's hilarious.

I don't know why I imagine everyone listening to music in headphones, but I do.

Ann Althouse said...

"The Democrats? It's a cult."

"My webmaster is determined there will be (He's a fan, from India, demanding I flesh myself out to the public as a guru..."

So... you should be a cult.

I think the best medium might be a podcast.

The Crack Emcee said...

"So... you should be a cult."

It does keep coming up - doing the Krishnamurti thing. At least I wouldn't have to fake it.