July 24, 2018

"Under Jim Rich, the editor who lost his job on Monday, The [NY Daily] News positioned itself as an unapologetically liberal counterpuncher..."

"... to Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post. Mr. Rich, who declined to comment for this article, transformed the front page... into a venue for criticizing and often ridiculing President Trump," the NYT writes, in the 6th paragraph of "Daily News Newsroom Cut in Half by [it owner] Tronc as Top Editor Is Ousted." The Daily News "was once the largest-circulation paper in the country." It used to be "the staple publication of the city’s working class" and it was the model for the fictional "Daily Planet" in the Superman stories.

But it has "lost millions of dollars" in what the NYT characterizes as the standard problems of a paper newspaper losing out to the internet. Tronc, the new owner, bought the newspaper last year for $1, and, we're told, "Mr. Rich breathed new life into the paper," because  "he regularly published front pages that captured the staccato energy of social media."

But if it's the staccato energy of social media that you want, why would you buy a newspaper? Just look at it as you walk by the newsstand (or glance at the website). Here's an example of a front page that the NYT shows us to convey the unapologetically liberal counterpunching that the NYT itself is too high-class to do:

Is that something you want to be seen reading on the subway?


David-2 said...

The principle of Cause and Effect is completely unknown to progressives.

Along with so many many other things.

Rusty said...

Otherwise known as 'bad luck'.

chickelit said...

People start news pollution; people can stop it.

mccullough said...

The paper has been circling the drain for awhile. I suppose that being the Anti-Trump rag for the non NY Times New York Resistance was a worthwhile try. Turns out there isn’t enough of them who buy it. Focusing on local news, especially sports, is a good idea. Just don’t ask Aaron Judge what he thinks about Donals Trump. People want to read about sports, not some idiot progressive sports reporter’s injection of politics into sports.

traditionalguy said...

Half ass Propaganda all the time gets boring.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The old and busted paranoid Hillary Conspiracy butt hurt that Trump and poot are in on Hillary's grand loss.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Where's the cover showing leftists slicing off Trump's head?

tcrosse said...

Better things to be seen reading on the Subway

Phil 314 said...

A lesson in capitalism.

And the sort of progress this progressive wasn’t expecting.

h said...

I'm not much of a Trump supporter -- I oppose his trade policies and I favor more open immigration than does Trump -- but I am increasingly annoyed by the over-the-top anti-Trumpism in the press.

I'm beginning to imagine that a clever trump supporter will put together a series of short ads that contain a series of images like this one followed by: "Don't encourage them. Vote Republican."

I think those might reach a voter like me.

Ralph L said...

Putin ought to be a lot shorter.
The front page cartoon doesn't offer anything to get an anti-Trumper to open the rag, unlike the Nat Enquirer and Star. They'd be better off going full Onion, but that takes work.

Skipper said...

Go woke, go broke.

dreams said...

Maybe these journalists should relocate and retrain so as to find gainful employment.

Michael K said...

Skipper beat me to it.

Hollywood has China still buying their movies.

The Europeans hate Trump because they see US media.

Comanche Voter said...

If the New York Daily News was once the paper of the New York "working class"---sort of like the Sun in London, then its editors bet on the wrong horse. By and large the "working class" in the USA likes Trump. They may be "deplorable" but they are enjoying the "crumbs" that Nancy Pelosi derides. Let's just say that bad editorial decisions--and failure to predict the future--have consequences.

Sydney said...

he regularly published front pages that captured the staccato energy of social media

This is what is killing newspapers. They are trying to be like the internet/social media. When blogs got big, the papers tried to make their reporters write blogs. Then they switched to Twitter. But doing that stuff takes time and energy away from actually reporting. They would have been better off if they had built their online platforms to contain good traditional reporting with hyperlinks to improve the reading experience. For example, a story about China could include hyperlinks to more detailed background information - geography, history of the matter being covered, etc. But they didn't choose to go that way. They dumbed themselves down instead. To make matters worse, they went more political. Dumb and political are a bad combination.

Tom Grey said...

Actually, this cover is EXACTLY what ... the rich elites want the dumb proles to be thinking, reading, and being seen reading.

The elites want the WWW, er, WWC to hate Trump as much as the elites do. (World Wide Wrestling, White Working Class, no big difference?)

The 30s German elites were much more successful in getting WWC Germans to hate the Jews, but they were using the same dishonest methods.

steve uhr said...

How horrible to make fun of our President like that. Surely trump has something in his bag of tricks to put a stop to such lack of civility.

Big Mike said...

Is that something you want to be seen reading on the subway?

It’s probably okay in New York City or the Washington Metro. Places where it would not be okay generally don’t have subways.

Dude1394 said...

Faster please.

tcrosse said...

If there are "working class" newspapers in New York City, they're probably not in English.

Josephbleau said...

The $1 purchase is embarrassing, could they not get a Mexican Billionaire to give them a decent price?

Jay Vogt said...

and may I say that whoever approved the name "Tronc" should be fired.

Fernandinande said...


Keeping the tradition alive.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Is that something you want to be seen reading on the subway?

No, but I suspect there are coffee bars and cafes in Manhattan where you will get looks if you aren't seen reading it.

Dr Weevil said...

I would say that the $1 purchase is more embarrassing to the buyer: a nickel would have been a fair price, so he overpaid by 1900%.

dbp said...

Let's say you have a tabloid which is aimed at people (mostly men) who want to read about sports, local politics, local stories and gossip; it doesn't seem like a good idea to be political at all. At best, you are writing-off some fraction of your potential audience. In this case, since most working class men voted for Trump, you are writing-off most of your potential readers.

gg6 said...

"...NY Daily News...(did) unapologetically liberal counterpunching that the NYT itself is too high-class to do.."
Oh, yeah, right. When the venerable NYT goes raping and pillaging in the journo-land of fact and truth, they always wear a suit and tie. Klassy, indeed.

furious_a said...

"Don't encourage them. Vote Republican."

What do you mean? That just angries them up even more.

If you think of the former Daily News as trying to keep up with his Manhattan social circle rather than trying to attract and retain readers, this all makes sense. As much as any Woke Business Model could, that is.

Bob Boyd said...

"It used to be "the staple publication of the city’s working class""

The working class doesn't hate Trump.

furious_a said...

Maybe these journalists should relocate and retrain so as to find gainful employment.

LEARN TO CODE, as they are wont to tell coal miners and auto workers.

Michael K said...

Surely trump has something in his bag of tricks to put a stop to such lack of civility.

Yes. It's called "success" and doing what you promised to do.

I know that is a unique concept to the left and also to the LLRs like Chuck.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quaestor said...

Is that something you want to be seen reading on the subway?

Apparently not if the Daily News can be bought for a buck.

The 30s German elites were much more successful in getting WWC Germans to hate the Jews, but they were using the same dishonest methods.

That's a bit unfair. Firstly, the German working class didn't need much prodding to become rabid anti-Semites, especially the workers of the Catholic South. Secondly, by 1933 those periodicals owned outright by the National Socialists became effectively press organs of the national government of Germany, lending the aura of Authority, something all Germans were reared to respect unquestioningly, to what had been seen by many Christian Democrats, the party most Germans who had been graduated from the gymnasia adhered to, as the voice of German patriotism. In 1933 the NSDAP began to evolve from a revolutionary party of the working class into a party of the bourgeoisie. Thankfully most Americans distrust the Media sufficiently to be immune from such manipulation, at least for now. As for the robots (what else to call such un-critical thinkers?) who are being assembled by many of our university inhumanities departments I have no confidence and little hope.

I just finished a recent work in English on the tragic and disgusting l'affaire Dreyfus. The tragedy of the affair was the injustice against Alfred Dreyfus. The disgusting part was the utter corruption of French society perpetrated by the anti-Dreyfusard press, which destroyed France as a world-leading society. Even today France has not recovered the position of influence she held prior to the arrest and trial of Dreyfus. As I read the parallels to the American present day was both striking and profoundly desolatingly. In order to destroy Trump, a President who will be an ex-President in no later than January 2025, the Democrat-controlled Media are quite willing to destroy America.

chuck said...

Every city has its counter cultural rag, but usually it is free. The Daily News may be a bit more upscale, but not enough to justify paying actual money for it.

Wince said...

Maybe the NYDN and others have a hard time convincing readers that Trump is a Russian puppet because people have absolutely no memory of the Obama administration treating Putin as an "enemy" before Trump's election?

Clyde said...

"Get woke, go broke."

-- As seen on Instapundit

Ron Winkleheimer said...

There is something profoundly wrong with the people who are ostensibly in charge of our political parties, large corporations, schools, bureaucracies and various medias. They truly see themselves as apart from and better than the working and middle classes that still retain some vestige of nationalism or simply have the desire to protect themselves and their families from being overwhelmed and displaced.

Gahrie said...

Go woke, go broke

Gahrie said...

Shit shit shit...read the comments first!

Sorry Clyde.

Nonapod said...

Trying to adopt the mannerisms of your adversary (the Post) while maintaining the various pretenses about being the good and fair minded paper of the people is problematic. Whenever lefties try to be provocative by trying to talk tough and sound like the loudmouth at the end of the bar, it always seems to come off as petulant to the so called "working class" people they're trying to persuade and incongruous to their fellow travellers. It's why a lefty version of a Trump for a presidential candidate would most likely fail.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Blogger furious_a said...
Maybe these journalists should relocate and retrain so as to find gainful employment.

LEARN TO CODE, as they are wont to tell coal miners and auto workers.

7/24/18, 9:14 AM

It takes about 7 weeks to get an CDL license. They can make good money being an over the road trucker. Both men and women can do it.

Or relocate to Midland TX and get a job on the oil industry. I'd recommend they get a camper top for their pickup truck because housing is hard to find.

rehajm said...

Scientists should conduct extensive research on the DNA of liberal newspapers because they live with terminal illness forever and never die.

gspencer said...

Memo to self: Remember to have your heart bleed some purple piss over these lefty "journo-lists" losing their jobs

Michael K said...

In order to destroy Trump, a President who will be an ex-President in no later than January 2025, the Democrat-controlled Media are quite willing to destroy America.

It's an interesting phenomenon and it makes me wonder if these people are willing to sacrifice themselves to seek approval with their superiors who must be directing this thing.

Like Los Angeles, New York City used to have a manufacturing base. I'm not as familiar with NYC as I am with LA but there was lots of small manufacturing in LA and, of course, the defense industries were huge. I worked for Douglas Aircraft when there was still a large manufacturing economy. When I move to Orange County in 1972, the cities of that county were suburbs for people who worked in LA. Over the next 30 years, the commuting pattern changed.

Irvine, wisely, built a lot of small industrial buildings and most of the manufacturing that had been in LA moved to OC. Traffic patterns changed with it and the flow of rush hour traffic reversed, from south to north became the opposite.

Maybe that's why OC remained conservative as LA went left. Now OC is moving left and that might be because manufacturing is also leaving for Mexico and China.

People who run small businesses are conservative. That's why doctors used to be conservative but now most doctors, especially in cities, are on salary. Their politics will shift from small business people to employees who have little knowledge of how things work.

Newspaper employees have gone from blue collar to Masters degrees in Journalism and on salary. They know nothing, as Rhodes famously said.

I'm Full of Soup said...

A new librul initiative is to get the govt to subsidize "good worthy journalism". NJ state just pledged $5MM. And I think and the Philadelphia Inquirer is now owned by a non-profit which can accept donations from public including of course wealthy ones who want to support "wink wink influence" so-called independent news organizations.

TrespassersW said...

Is that something you want to be seen reading on the subway?

I'm sure there's a joke to be made here following the template of "How is a [category of potential opposite sex companion] like a moped?"

roesch/voltaire said...

This is as bad as Alex Jones calling for wild west shoot out with Mueller, but visual images are often stronger that just speech?

Anonymous said...

Thomas Franks was correct that the Dems - and their wholly owned subsidiary the MSM- have lost the working class because they no longer support the working class. The News was trying to impinge on the NYT upper east and west side territory and none of those people would be caught dead reading the News.

William said...

I occasionally travel by subway. You never see people reading a paper on the subway anymore. It's mostly smartphones, and I get the impression that they're playing games or sending texts rather than reading the latest news. Myself, I have fossilized reading habits, but I prefer books and magazines to newspapers. The print doesn't come off on your hands, and the pages are easier to turn on crowded trains.......Newspapers are going the way of the vcr, but, unlike the vcr, they have several centuries of tradition and affection embedded in their karma. Some of the most articulate and feeling people in our society will mourn their passing, but, sadly, none but a handful will read their heartfelt eulogies. The caravan moves in, and, what with the noise cancelling headphones, no one hears the dogs bark.

buwaya said...

Its interesting to think that Alex Jones may have a larger audience than the Daily News.

I'm Full of Soup said...

William- they fixed that "newsprint coming off on your hands" many years ago in case you ever think about buying a paper again.

Cameron said...

I take the subway, and as William said, no one reads a paper anymore, but I'd also point out that there are two choices of tabloid, the Daily News and the Post, and the sports coverage is far superior in the Post. 10 years ago, when I'd forgotten a book, I'd sometimes drop a quarter and buy a copy of the post to read the sports.

Michael K said...

R/V may be the only one here who looks t Alex Jones. I would have no idea how to find him.

Josephbleau said...

Actually, other than Academic Journals, Math Stats, I don't pay to read anything. No I pay to read Kindle books.

Drago said...

roesch/voltaire: "This is as bad as Alex Jones calling for wild west shoot out with Mueller, but visual images are often stronger that just speech?"

It's funny when the lefties keep going to the well of "old style charges against republicans that haven't worked in 20 years but they only have 1 playbook and 1 play in that playbook so there you go....."

Keep up the good work r/v. LLR Chuck will be along shortly no doubt to try and help you win the day rhetorically!


n.n said...

Journolism, yellow journalism, tabloids, and soaps have limited appeal, and despite their effort to be mainstream, the world is diverse and people have a right to choose a channel (e.g. family, work) that is more reality-based.

roesch/voltaire said...

Drago by old style charges you mean the the death threats from right-wing blogs that caused Eric Ciaramella to quit the N.S.C.? By mentioning Jones, who has a huge following, I was trying to point out the level of violent depictions and language is prevalent in out culture and seems to come at us from all sides.

robother said...

Trying to imagine how many working class people are even in NYC on a given day, walking past newsstands. Seems like the evolution of the City over the last 40 years has been towards NYTimes readers and the illiterate leisure class.

Jersey Fled said...

Regarding the subheading on the front page shown above, turns out the "Russian Spy" who supposedly met with Trump officials also met with officials of the Obama administration when he was in office.

Wonder if the Post ever put that on the front page.

When you lose your credibility, you lose your readers. I'll bet even the leftys know when they are reading fiction.

Carol said...

I would have no idea how to find him.

Alex Jones is on opposite Rush. He has some interesting guests but I can't stand listening to his damaged vocal cords.

n.n said...

Tuck journolist.

phantommut said...

Remember when the Left claimed target symbols on a map promoted violence?

buwaya said...

Old tabloids were full of violent depictions.
That was part of their charm.
There were genres of crime-scene photography in that vein - Weegee for instance, who did (sometimes) work for the Daily News.
Such things were, I think deliberately, extracted from the news as they were unsuitable to the messages the owners of tabloids wanted them to push.

Imagine a tabloid employing such as Weegee in Chicago, documenting the feast of blood. The Chicago papers are notably unwilling to get into this.

Drago said...

r/v: "Drago by old style charges you mean the the death threats from right-wing blogs that caused Eric Ciaramella to quit the N.S.C.? By mentioning Jones, who has a huge following"


Define "huge following". Precisely.

And in the future, speak up, I couldn't hear you over the gunfire from loyal democrats trying to commit political mass murder by shooting up Republican baseball practices and killing cops and pardoning unrepentent terrorists.

Thanks for playing and good luck with your plans on adopting one of those "spark of divinity" MS-13ers.

Drago said...

BTW r/v, has any democrat apologized for the Little Lizze "Li'l Tomahawk" Warren's supporter who assaulted her republican opponent yesterday?

I'm betting not. I'm even betting that no MSM outlet even reported it.

BTW, the profile of the perpetrator matches that of LLR Chuck.

Just sayin'.

buwaya said...

SF could use a muck-raking tabloid.

The news (Chronicle/SFGate) is notably squeamish of conditions downtown and on BART/Muni, in the Tenderloin and South of Market. A would be Weegee would find endless scope for "street photography" in the underbelly of this city. I can find more newsworthy scenes any given evening than SFGate manages.

Add to that an also endless scope for covering political and financial corruption.

Josephbleau said...

California despises it's middle class. It wants tech billionaires and garden slaves.

Rusty said...

He's not a liberal, Ann. he's a progressive. You're more of a liberal in the classic sense than he is.

Earnest Prole said...

Someday someone will explain the economics of saying "fuck you" to half your potential readers -- oh wait, the market just spoke.

Caligula said...

"A lesson in capitalism."

Perhaps. But Gov. Cuomo apparently is already talking about using state money to bail out The Daily News.


johns said...

When I am riding the Metro in LA, most of the people looking at smartphones are playing video games. Some people bring books, and some read Kindle. No one has a newspaper.

Josephbleau said...

Did Obama, Brennan And Clinton Illegally Collude To Take Trump Down?
FacebookTwitterLinkedInShare Reprints
Russia Investigation: As the saying goes, a fish rots from the head down. Well, so do bad governments. Recent revelations about the behavior of President Obama and his CIA director John Brennan in pushing the bogus Russian collusion investigation suggest that's been the case.

The release of the FISA application by the FBI to investigate alleged collusion between Russia and President Trump's campaign and recent comments made by top officials are eye opening.

Not only did President Obama know about the investigation, he seems to have pushed it from the very beginning.

But don't take our word for it. Here's what Obama's Director of National Intelligence, the nation's former spy master, James Clapper, told CNN's Anderson Cooper:

"If it weren't for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of event which are still unfolding today, including Special Counsel (Robert) Mueller's investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place."

Comedy Gold.

PM said...

"SF could use a muck-raking tabloid."
Ambrose Bierce once ran "The Wasp" - the closest to a muckraker - but it was a magazine. The Chronicle is an amateur-hour pos and a waste of good trees, except for sports.

tim in vermont said...

The only place I ever hear about Alex Jones is from lefties.

And Steve Uhr, why would Trump want to put an end to helpful propaganda like that Daily News cover? Best of all, they do it for free.

Drago said...

Apparently, LLR Chuck's philosophical lefty ally r/v is unable to identify the meaning of "huge following".

More likely, r/v has identified Alex Jones actual following and it puts the lie to his/her/xis/xer's earlier assertion.

tim in vermont said...

"You're more of a liberal in the classic sense than he is."

So now the term classical liberal is gone too. Great.

Drago said...

Tim in Vermont: "And Steve Uhr, why would Trump want to put an end to helpful propaganda like that Daily News cover? Best of all, they do it for free."

I wouldn't be surprised if there were Trump pals helping to fund the Daily News in its daily beclowning of the entire left.

Michael K said...

Imagine a tabloid employing such as Weegee in Chicago, documenting the feast of blood. The Chicago papers are notably unwilling to get into this.

It's all in code. "Youths" mean black gangsters.

In London they are "Asians."

Michael K said...

Interesting video of the attack on the Warren opponent.

Much excusing of the attack in the comments.

Rick said...

People want to read about sports, not some idiot progressive sports reporter’s injection of politics into sports.

If there is any justice Mike Lupica was the first out the door. He wasn't mentioned though so probably not. Isola was among the departed so there's at least some talent looking for a home. Unfortunately so much of the media now is political that political affinity is more likely to determine who ends up with decent jobs than ability and work product. There's always a soft landing for leftists who push politics, that's on the prime benefits of institutional control.



Sigivald said...

"The other is uniquely evil and awful, and you're special for knowing that" is a model that only goes so far, I find.

rhhardin said...

Lupica was funny on Imus. Always humping his kids sports novels and Imus always wondering why there was no sex in them, grilling him on the topic.

Unknown said...

Cartoon’s wrong, He’d pull his Glock from its back holster and shoot the fool dead. On 5th Ave. Helps the SS and their wives sleep at night knowing they’re not the last line of defense, and he’s known for never asking his people to do something he wouldn’t do. He’s not bad, Competing quick draw with the SS, and the right situational moves.

Yancey Ward said...

How many anti-Trump newspapers a day can the average progressive buy? Progressives pretend to not understand why the WSJ and FoxNews are successful. Or maybe it isn't a pretense at all, but real stupidity. Maybe Richard Cohen can opine on it all.

Bad Lieutenant said...

tim in vermont said...
The only place I ever hear about Alex Jones is from lefties.

If such an Emmanuel Goldstein did not exist, the Left would have to invent him. Kinda like that organizer of the Charlottesville rally, who pretended to be some sort of evil right-winger, but was not.

Josephbleau said...

No one can deny that California wants only the White Conquistadors or the Indio slaves.

khematite said...

Hard to see how the Daily News could appear to anyone to be the model for Superman's Daily Planet. The Daily Planet building, with its globe on the roof, more closely resembled NYC's Paramount building than the Daily News building, and the newsroom was filled with people who sounded like characters out of Hecht & MacArthur's Front Page. Most importantly, the Daily Planet was a broadsheet, not a tabloid. I always thought of the Daily Planet as neither the upscale NY Times nor the Republican Herald Tribune, but something more like the NY World-Telegram & Sun or the NY Journal-American--papers aimed at middle-class and lower middle-class office workers and civil servants.

Yancey Ward said...

The Daily News is where the NYTimes is going to be a decade from now. I used to read the NYTimes and the WSJ every day- the two were serious newspapers with different political slants that were usually only really noticeable in the editorial sections. Starting around 2000, though, the NYTimes really began its descent in Bush Derangement Syndrom. I stopped reading both papers every day at around the same time- 2009 when I retired from working full time. Today, I don't recognize the NYTimes on those occasions I do pick it up- the paper I read from the late 80s through the 90s doesn't exist any longer. However, the WSJ is basically the same paper today it was in 1995 even though all of the editors have turned over since then. I imagine the WSJ will be the same paper 20 years from now.

Bob Loblaw said...

Does a city, even a really big city, really need two far-left newspapers? I assume if you're a latte-sipping Trump hater you're going to get the Times, which has a good crossword puzzle.

Drago said...

Still waiting on r/v to provide that "huge following" number for Alex Jones audience.

Can't wait to see it.

It's sure to be a real eye-opener........LOL

Yancey Ward said...

You will wait a long time, Drago. The only times I ever read the name Alex Jones, it is from the keyboard of a progressive- the only times.

MD Greene said...

Big-time journalists always want to cover national news, but in real life, all news (like all politics) is local. For a city with more journalists than any other on the planet, NYC has a serious void in local coverage that doesn't involve celebrities.

This is not rocket science. Both the Post and the Daily News have published more insightful stories about the inner workings of the school district, for instance, than the NYTimes ever has or ever will. People actually care about this stuff.

There are plenty of other matters of interest: the pit bulls raised for fighting and abandoned on the streets: the ongoing battles between the city police union (unions?) and the brass/city hall; homeless trends by neighborhood; and legislative news sourced from the Albany paper, for starters. A daily crime blotter is cheap to assemble and absolute catnip for readers.

Real estate ads still fetch good rates, and a weekly analysis of individual neighborhoods' health or desirability would anchor a page that would be filled with those ads. A low-paid intern using press releases could fill a popular daily page with listings about entertainment events around the city.

And a first-rate sports page, while expensive to staff, would pay for itself many times in new subscriptions and enhanced advertising rates and sales. It would work particularly well if the columnists were opinionated and crotchety, the sorts that people love to hate.

If The Daily News had focused its efforts close to home, it just might be a healthy paper today.

n.n said...

It's quite incredible how often liberals portray transgenders as something separate and weird. And close association with what they perceive to the Soviet Hitler or Mao, implies a deep and progressive fear and loathing. It must be a coastal thing. Perhaps Rich was unmasked by someone who diverged with a slightly different vector.

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "You will wait a long time, Drago. The only times I ever read the name Alex Jones, it is from the keyboard of a progressive- the only times."

It's exactly like how David Duke, following of about 7 guys in a tree fort in Louisiana, magically emerges from hibernation to make major MSM media noise just about every 4 years.....


JAORE said...

The news (Chronicle/SFGate) is notably squeamish of conditions downtown and on BART/Muni, in the Tenderloin and South of Market.

Unless it involves nudity,leather and graphic sexual activity.

Michael K said...

And a first-rate sports page, while expensive to staff, would pay for itself many times in new subscriptions

All sportswriters, beginning with Westbrook Pegler, want to be national new pundits.

Westbrook Pegler was the youngest American war correspondent during World War I, working for United Press.[2] He became a sports columnist after the war but soon wrote general interest articles.

He hated Roosevelt and the New Deal but he had a sense of humor. He once sent a Christmas cars out with a photo of him and Eleanor Roosevelt.

After 1942 Pegler assailed Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt regularly, calling Mrs. Roosevelt "La boca grande", or "the big mouth". The Roosevelts ignored his writings, at least in public. Recent scholars (including Betty Houchin Winfield, Kenneth O'Reilly, and Richard W. Steele) have reported that Franklin Roosevelt used the FBI for political purposes, and ordered wartime sedition investigations of isolationist and anti-New Deal newspaper publishers (such as William Randolph Hearst and the Chicago Tribune's Robert R. McCormick). On Dec. 10, 1942, FDR, citing evidence Eleanor Roosevelt had gathered, asked the FBI's J. Edgar Hoover to investigate Pegler, which it did; the bureau eventually reported that it had found no sedition

At least he had some justification as the Tribune had published both the "Rainbow Five " war plan and the news that the US had broken the Japanese code.

Yancey Ward said...

"The news (Chronicle/SFGate) is notably squeamish of conditions downtown and on BART/Muni, in the Tenderloin and South of Market."

Well, of course they are- the homeless have to wipe their asses with something.

Ken B said...

Sounds like SF needs a muck raking sanitation department ...

walter said...

""If it weren't for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of event which are still unfolding today, including Special Counsel (Robert) Mueller's investigation. President Obama is responsible for that."
Good luck with that Clappy.
Someone of your position should know the key is to throw the other guy under the bus..first.
Time to spill.

walter said...

Shorter: "I was just following orders."

PhilD said...

"Firstly, the German working class didn't need much prodding to become rabid anti-Semites, especially the workers of the Catholic South"

Isn't that nice. And yet the more Catholic a district was, the less votes the NSDAP got. And the main nazi strength was in the north, in the notoriously 'protestant' state of Prussia.
One could of course describe the situation in Germany as the Red and the Browns feeding on each other and destroying the center between them, with ultimately the Browns winning, but that is so less interesting and bigoted.

gadfly said...

So Tronc doesn't have the money to operate the Daily News as a printed newspaper to compete against the Times and the Post but it does have $15 million to pay to Michael Ferro, their disgraced CEO sent packing for sexual misconduct with two different women?

Ferro and other Tronc executives believed they could run a newspaper unlike anything that they had ever experienced from afar. So they made some conservative newsroom employee reductions and continued to dirty up newsprint. Now the presses will shut and information will largely be derived from internet sources for an electronic news publication on the way out of the New York market.

With apologies to Jim Croce:

Yeah, you don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger
And you don't mess around with them

Leland said...

Sydney at 8:35 ought to start an online newspaper. I'd read it. I hear something like the NYDN and WaPo can be had for a $1, if you need a place to start.

stevew said...

I'm reminded of the Roxbury MA pizza place whose mission it was to be a community resource, to pay an above market wage to it's employees, to train people in food preparation and culinary arts, and to provide a space for local artists to show their work. They provided free pizza to students that participated in an after school math tutoring program. They hosted Social Justice Mondays and regular political forums. Apparently what they didn't do was sell enough pizza to keep the place open, so they closed.


Jim at said...

Mike Lupica hardest hit.

I hope.

Jim at said...

Surely trump has something in his bag of tricks to put a stop to such lack of civility. - steve uhr

Actually, I hope he doesn't.
You leftists are doing a fine job of destroying yourselves without any outside assistance.

FIDO said...

They would have been better off if they tried the Page 6 Girls from the Trentonian.

Anonymous said...

Alright I'll ask before I look him up: Who the hell is Alex Jones and why should I care?

Anonymous said...

Ah ha! He's a certifiable nut case that's who Alex Jones is.

lgv said...

Growing up in upstate NY, the Daily News was a daily purchase. I don't think the current version would find its way into that many homes above Westchester County any more.

Rabel said...

Maggie Haberman's brother, Zach Haberman, was one of the laid-off. He'll have more time to spend on Twitter now.

It's a small, small world. Also incestuous.

J Lee said...

The Daily News set itself up for its downfall over 40 years ago, when Tronc's predecessor, the Tribune Corp., allowed the paper to move from the position it had -- as the city's working class tabloid on the right -- towards the left, where by 1975 it was running headlines like "Ford to NY: Drop Dead", where the News took the side of the city's Democratic politicians who had put New York on the brink of bankruptcy and were seeking a federal government bailout.

By moving to a place where other media were, the News opened things up for Rupert Murdoch to buy the New York Post from Dorothy Schiff at the end of 1976, and turn it from the city's most liberal paper into the populist/conservative one that the Daily News had been as recently as the start of the 70s.

By going left, the New simply became one voice among many liberal outlets in the city, and it's most recent efforts to be the city's angriest liberal voice may have made the editors and writers happy, but didn't attract the readership it needed. The Post had to survive a near-death experience in the early 1990s (during the time when Ted Kennedy had gotten a law enacted that forced Murdoch to sell the paper), but it's survived far better than the News since then, because it has it's own niche readership in the city that's on the right, with no competition from the Times, Newsday or some of the alternative weeklies and online NYC-centric sites.

Robert Cook said...

This would be among the least embarrassing things I've seen people reading (or doing) on the subways.

DanTheMan said...

>>Surely trump has something in his bag of tricks to put a stop to such lack of civility.

Never murder a man committing suicide.

DanTheMan said...

>>>>Surely trump has something in his bag of tricks to put a stop to such lack of civility.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Robert Cook said...

The problem has nothing to do with the direction the paper has gone; it HAS to do entirely with the long ongoing deaths of newspapers as a medium of new distribution. A tragedy, as it is the only means to provide lengthy, informative investigative articles.

Of course, that type of reporting has always been expensive and not profitable...so it's been cut out of most newspapers, which have all been transmogrifying into better or worse versions of USA TODAY, which is to day, tv "news" in print form.

tcrosse said...

This would be among the least embarrassing things I've seen people reading (or doing) on the subways.

Maybe it was intended to be read in the limo.

Mary Beth said...

Is this the Trump Curse striking again?

If I were revamping the paper, I would concentrate on a section with a daily event calendar that also articles about lesser-known tourist spots; profiles of galleries, restaurants, or attractions; and interviews with artists, actors, or chefs and then market it to hotels to give to guests. Give them the info tourists want but have articles that make them think they know things that only the locals know.

There would still be a section for news so people could feel like they're keeping up with things, but it would just be quick-read articles from Reuters or another source like that. There may already be something like that, but there still has to be less competition than there is in the "let's all hate on Trump" category. It would also have to be a lot easier for the ad people to sell tourist-related ads than to sell ads focused on the anti-Trump demographic. (What ads do you place in an anti-Trump paper? One for a liquor store? "He's still your president. We have vodka on sale this week.")

rhhardin said...

Disturbing thematic content, violence and terror, and brief strong language. PG-13

tcrosse said...

The Las Vegas Review-Journal is a standard-issue, right-of-center paper, but it contains a section called the Las Vegas Sun, which carries all the Trump-Hate weight. It has its own editorial page, and the NYT crossword, natch. The R-J is given away at all the better hotels, so it's wise business to cater to all tastes. This being Vegas, a lot of what goes on never makes it into print.

buwaya said...

This is an interesting case -

Some updates -
David Daleiden case

Daleiden is a classic sort of muckraker, that would have been the sort that got Pulitzer prizes in the great days of American journalism. Daleiden is a modern Nelly Bly or Upton Sinclair. But in this age of the MSM he is the enemy not only of corrupt institutions, but of the institutional press.

Michael K said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...
The problem has nothing to do with the direction the paper has gone;

No, it just dies faster. I remember years ago, when I was new in the community, I took a TV set to a repair shop. A week later, I got a call from the owner telling me if I did not pick up my TV in a day or two, he was going to sell it.

He never had to deal with me again. The Daily News seems to be learning that pissing off half you customers is not good marketing.

Michael K said...

Daleiden is a classic sort of muckraker,

He just has the wrong politics. CBS ran undercover video series on meat and other topics that appealed to the left.

NBC even blew upo a truck when the real video was not dramatic enough.

roesch/voltaire said...

Infowars gets 23,979.966 monthly page views and more now that his vile stuff is spreading on other social media platforms.

tcrosse said...

Écrasez l'infâme !

Michael K said...

Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
Infowars gets 23,979.966 monthly page views

Probably half of them from leftists like you.

It's like all those people who look at pornography to condemn it. And look over and over.

buwaya said...

Well, with 250K daily unique visitors Infowars is a significant site.

Still, it has a US Alexa rank of 864 vs 433 for nydailynews.com, which is disappointing.
Beating a major newspaper would be a great thing.

Life needs more weirdness, more creative thinking.

Althouse is 24,258 FYI

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

staccato energy < Dragon energy

Josephbleau said...

Viva La CNN! Viva la Mexico! Viva la Villianista! Mexico Mas Grande. Wear the Sombrero! Las Zocalo es Magnifico! Drugs o Guns por los Estados Unidos!

GRW3 said...

So, he put out a paper for people to whom only the. NY Times is important. He chose poorly.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

h wrote:

"I'm beginning to imagine that a clever trump supporter will put together a series of short ads that contain a series of images like this one followed by: "Don't encourage them. Vote Republican."

I think those might reach a voter like me."

Here you go.


I'm sure the Dems will continue to provide the GOP with plenty of ad material.

daskol said...

no thanks. NYP has better covers anyway.

h said...

exiled on main st at 6:37. Thanks for the link.