That is a common enough mistake, to give Mr Trump a break, and he probably does know the correct word. It could well be the texting equivalent of misspeaking.
It isn't a sign of someone who doesn't read much, though it can be. Homonym substitution happens to pretty much everyone who writes without proofreading, and even proofreading isn't fullproof:-). Seriously, who hasn't written their, there, or they're in the wrong place?
Trump makes these faux mistakes intentionally knowing it endears him to his Deplorable audience. And that’s not the only reason: he also likes snagging the “elite” grammar nazis. Reveals them to be the pricks they really are.
Some of the mistakes may be true errors but I know Trump. He’s a sly one, ‘e is.
I don't believe Perez Hilton knew that on his own. After all, this is a guy who got famous for using MS Paint to draw penises on celebrity kids' photos.
He catches publicity, although I don't think he misspells words on purpose. And it certainly doesn't hurt him among his voters, it's all good fun. Heck, I know plenty of folks who can't spell worth beans.
Homonym errors are legion in this era of spellcheck, voice to text, and AI transcription.
They annoy me greatly, but Trump has a lot of company in making them and it's obviously unfair, etc to behave as though that error indicates he's some kind of dullard.
Ann's readers are most disgruntled at her exposure of a fragment of the emperor's new clothes. Many posit that Trump inserted the misspelling on purpose so as to enrage the close readers, who should get a life. But Ann sees the humor! Mazel tov!
As opposed to the MSM and the Democrats "Fanboying" Obama for 8 years.
Quote a single thing I've ever said in defense of that.
Show us all your post attacking them.
Hmm...well, let's see. I support building the wall. I support a minimum 10-year moratorium on legal immigration. I opposed Obama's DACA activity. I opposed his escalation in Afghanistan. I opposed his war in Libya. I opposed his support for Syrian insurgents. I am a supporter of the Bell Curve thesis and am sympathetic to ethno-nationalism. I routinely say that no one should watch television news for any reason other than entertainment. So perhaps you can explain why you think I've ever supported (or denied) the mainstream media's slavish deference to Obama.
The response to that is not to be equally slavish in the opposite direction. I don't give a Frenchman's fuck about Trump the human being. Don't know the man and don't particularly care to know him. What I care about are the policies I support. To the degree that Trump implements those policies, I will support him. To the degree he doesn't, I will oppose him.
I am one of the few who know the distinction between cuckold and wittol. But when I se Perez Hilton's ads for “Cuckold play”, do I correct him? I do not. That would be picayune (not to be confused with niggling, also useful when discussing Perez Hilton and genitals.)
This is one of the "obvious" contrasts between Trump and other leaders, or Trump and everyone else, that I find questionable. How would we know whether other leaders are great readers, or know how to spell? They have staff to work on all their communications. Bush Jr. made a great thing of the list of books he was taking to the ranch. Supposedly he competed with Karl Rove as to who could complete the most books. (A fairly stupid competition at best). I always thought the list of books was pretty much a lie.
With great glee and mirth I give these little insignificant "infantile victories" to the loser left because at the end of the day it doesn't make a damn bit of difference in the overall scheme of things. So while President Trump is enacting policy that will keep America great and prosperous and keep the left from destroying our Republic I will just sit back and enjoy watching them beclown themselves like little 3-year olds.
Poor Darrell, who has never discerned how often the details of an insult redound on the speaker. The poor man shows no evidence of the process of moral inquiry that many adults undergo.
It’s funny how many people think it’s fine or even laudable to be an asshole on twitter, and I don’t mean (just?) our overly twitterous president. Or were these media guys just trying to exemplify what the prez was talking about?
Anyway, “pore over” is an idiom, and idioms are notorious for people to not remember correctly, especially when they’re not that common themselves and, as here, one of the words involved is a homophone of a more common word. Then, the badly-named “autocorrect” can mess you up more often than not if you don’t see the error in time. This was one reason I always used to turn off auto-correct in the old days before the proliferation of barely usable on-screen keyboards.
I see these kinds of mistakes all the time in the Fake News Media. Common offenses are misuse of word such as affect/effect, principle/principal, and ensure/insure. And these were written by someone who was supposed to be thoroughly schooled in spelling and grammar in training for their profession.
In life, it's smart to pick your battles. Correcting unimportant spelling errors is not a battle worth picking. It'd better for Perez Hilton and other twitter trolls to shut up and move on.
I think Trump has found that putting in a spelling 'mistake' gets lefties so smug that they completely neglect to respond on substance - that is, if they knew enough to do so. Can I get you a nice steaming cup of covfefe, Mr Hilton sir?
Wow, this is just like how people used to make fun of Obama for over-correcting his pronouns. (He would sometimes use "I" or "myself" when he should have said "me".) That was always hilarious, how the press would pounce on him (a Harvard man!) who doesn't know the correct pronoun to use.
I bet Trump knows how to pronounce "corpsman", what language they speak in Germany and how states there are in the United States. Even better, he's never lied to parents about why their sons died while standing over their bodies.
“The poor man shows no evidence of the process of moral inquiry that many adults undergo.”
So, Mr. Pickering, is the “un-self-aware erudite asshole” a persona you’re affecting just for this blog? If not, I’d suggest that can be an awful way to go through life.
The poor man shows no evidence of the process of moral inquiry that many adults undergo.”
Neither do you John. I know you reject that thought, probably with a rhetorical question, but there are many layers to morality, and sometimes you have to consider what is best for all Americans, the greatest good for the greatest number, not what is best for individuals who chose to drag their children across the desert to illegally enter the United States.
Reading is one thing. Comprehension is another thing entirely
So if I come to my own conclusions regarding the set of facts and arguments an author presents, do I have "poor reading comprehension"? Because the way I look at it, if I tend to swallow whole without examination, the set of conclusions of an author, I probably am deficient in critical thinking.
That's where I would put a lot of our liberal trolls.
We all know that if this was President Obama constantly making these mistakes the Althouse Hillbillies would be screaming “EUBONICS!!”
Obama did constantly make mistakes, and we surely did jump on them. But they weren’t trivial mistakes, like “pour” vice “pore.” Not knowing how to pronounce “corpsman” shows a major level of ignorance, as does his lack of awareness that Austrians actually speak German. Saying that he visited “fifty-seven states” is a very large error, even if he was bone tired (as, to be fair, he was). Those pale next to the Iran treaty and the Paris accords, which were hideous blunders.
Joke Number Two is that Donald Trump ever wrote a book.
And Joke Number One of was the way that Althouse teed up this perfect little exercise in Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome. As terrible as the far left has become in villainizing Trump at every turn, the Althouse/Adams cultists are matching them in terms of single-minded zeal.
LLR Chuck: "Joke Number Two is that Donald Trump ever wrote a book."
Our #StrongDemDefender takes time out from not writing his own book, not running his own portfolio of global companies, not producing and starring in his own long running reality show, not successfully running for President and not delivering the most conservative year in American governance in the last 60 years to attack Trump.
I think that makes our very own LLR Chuck....Joke #...well, all the numbers....
"Anna Navarro Republican" Chuck: "As terrible as the far left has become in villainizing Trump at every turn, the Althouse/Adams cultists are matching them in terms of single-minded zeal."
That certainly explains all the democrat baseball practices getting shot up and cities being burnt and police/fire/ICE/Secret Service agents getting attacked and/or killed.
Other than that Chuckie, you are "spot on"......LOL
One would have to ponder deeply to find a bigger joke than the political prognostications of a certain self-styled Midwestern specific state electoral "expert".
Big Mike: "Not knowing how to pronounce “corpsman” shows a major level of ignorance...."
Careful Big Mike. You are pointing out a moment when obama's clear non-magnificence makes the claims of him being "magnificent" hilariously inaccurate.
That is a common enough mistake, to give Mr Trump a break, and he probably does know the correct word.
Okay, that is fair enough. But if he does know the correct word, why didn't he use it?
There is zero evidence that Trump is either particularly well read or educated (although his parents did spend a hell of a lot of money to get him into very good schools, but you can lead a horse to water). For all your bellyaching about Obama's school records, why is there not a similar concern about Trump's?
The Articles of Impeachment just keep getting longer and longer. Between this and the extra scoop of ice cream I'm beginning to come around to the Resistance.
" For all your bellyaching about Obama's school records, why is there not a similar concern about Trump's? "
Part of this is that Obamas entire claim to be exceptional hangs on his academic record. Harvard Law, and etc. So the lack of an open record is curious.
Trumps academic record has always been irrelevant.
I have a Kindle Fire which is antagonistic to my train of thought. It replaces correctly spelled words with another word, i.e. Of for If, at the beginning of a sentence. Its word suggestions can make a simple sentence pornographic. It drives me crazy.
buwaya: "Part of this is that Obamas entire claim to be exceptional hangs on his academic record. Harvard Law, and etc. So the lack of an open record is curious."
Remember, the lefties told us obama's wafer thin resume was irrelevant as all that was needed to prove the capability to govern as our Chief Executive was simply by running and winning a campaign.
Of course, that was more than 15 minutes ago so nary a single lefty or LLR is likely to remember that.
The misspelling was a purposeful provocation to get his critics to look elitist by focusing on a spelling error that the average joe wouldn't have notticed. I have no doubt he knew what he was doing. Amazing that these tactics still work; TDS must be to blame.
I have a few friends who are grammar and spelling fanatics. I confess that I purposefully mispronounce words when they are around just to have a bit of fun. When they correct me, I point out that all "laws" of grammar and pronounceation are made up and contrived. I can prounounce and speel a word any way I damn well please. True intellect in not obsessed with convention!
Random Thought: "Amazing that these tactics still work; TDS must be to blame."
The "brilliant" Never Trumpers and LLR's are still laughing at Trump for thinking he could win Michigan and Pennsylvania and for visiting the 2nd Congressional District in Maine!!
Oh, those Never Trumpers and LLR's are so, so, so smart and wired in to what is going on and so marvelously aware of what is happening around them.
We should always defer to their judgement.
If we had, we could have had Merrick Garland and (Insert insane lefty individual here) on the Supreme Court!!
It would have made George Will, High Priest of the LLR Academy, pleased indeed.
People of a certain type of intelligence lack the vision and imagination to comprehend that there are other types of intelligence than that which they possess. I'm sure that there are many on the Harvard faculty who could not saley be allowed to contract out for a kitchen renovation, much less develop a major real state property. I'm not knocking their skills and intelligence, but there are other skills and other uses of gray matter. You've got to be really self centered and limited to think that Trump is stupid.
We won't know the real extent of the criminal impact of this latest tweet typo until the World Court completes a full investigation, which Rod Rosenstein will have transferred to "I Like Whitey Bulger"/"No We Never Did Catch The Actual Anthrax-Sender But I Was Able to Frame An Innocent Doctor" Bob Mueller team....which will, naturally, be transferred to the Southern District of New York to faciliate additional early morning no knock raids on Trump acquaintances and allow for the appropriate "feeling up" searches of wives in nightgowns lying in their own beds while scaring the children.
Once written, twice: "We all know that if this was President Obama constantly making these mistakes the Althouse Hillbillies would be screaming “EUBONICS!!”"
I don't care what side Once Written is on, that was funny.
Lenin wrote over fifty books, each one over six hundred pages. He could read three or four languages. Smart people thought he was really, really smart. He agreed with them. Woodrow Wilson was also considered extremely smart by extremely smart people. He was the president of Princeton University where his superlative intellect almost managed to resolve a dispute among the dining clubs. He didn't write as many books as Lenin, but he wrote a bunch......Warren Harding walked the earth at the same time as those two men. So far as I know, there was only one smart person in the entire world who esteemed Harding higher than either Wilson or Lenin. That man was Eugene Debs, the leader of the Socialist Party. Debs could see how the moral worth of Harding outweighed the super genius of Wilson. He definitely preferred Harding to Wilson.
I used to be quite good at spelling and catching typos, but my eyes are not what they used to be, and a computer screen is not really like paper. Trump is 70+ years old, and the "twittering" must be done with one of these newfangled "machines," Right?
So Trump used the wrong homonym? Well, there you have it: The Democrats' best grounds for impeachment! Obviously such an error should make any decent person resign in disgrace and disappear from public life forever!
I thought after the Dan Quayle "potatoe" thing that I would never see potato misspelled again. I turned out to be wrong about that. I still see it misspelled, even online, where I'm sure spellcheck is telling them it's wrong as they write it. I expect I'll see people continue to use "pour over".
I did an ngram search for "pore over" and the top results were all books on common grammar/spelling mistakes.
There is zero evidence that Trump is either particularly well read or educated (although his parents did spend a hell of a lot of money to get him into very good schools, but you can lead a horse to water). For all your bellyaching about Obama's school records, why is there not a similar concern about Trump's?
Just think what he could do if he was well read and intelligent. RULE THE WORLD !
For all your bellyaching about Obama's school records, why is there not a similar concern about Trump's?
So are you concerned about Trump's but not Obama's? Just curious. I mean who ever heard of the Austrian language before the intrepid explorer and better anthropologist than his anthropologists discovered this new language.
I am going with the on-purpose explanation. Everyone gets all spun up about this or something else equally silly. Mocks President Trump mercilessly for a mistake any of them could have made. I'd include myself as making that kind of mistake but not Mocking President Trump.
Meantime he cancelled affirmative action. I still find it hard to believe that a program that has been around in various forms for 50 years is dead. Not poco-a-poco but BOOM! massive stroke dead.
I think, and hope, anyway. I fear that AA may be zombielike and refuse to die suddenly. There may need to be a couple of oak stakes through the heart before it realizes it is really dead. We'll see.
And people are worried about pour vs poor. Maybe he is dumb and it really is just an incredibly lucky typo. He sure makes a lot of lucky typos and they always seem to happen just when he needs them.
Was it Napoleon who said he would rather have a lucky general than a smart one?
To reprise and rephrase something I told Cookie yesterday in another thread: I don't care whether President Trump is lucky or smart. I love the results either way.
I do think he is smart and hard working. As Lee Trevino(?) said "The harder I work, the luckier I get" I suspect that smarts and hard work is the reason for the great luck.
"Since pour is a common word and sounds identical to pore, many English speakers use the verb pour in the verb phrase pore over meaning “to meditate or ponder intently.”
There is zero evidence that Trump is either particularly well read
In my experience people who complain about lack of other folk's reading habits tend not to be readers themselves. So how many book did you read last week, Freder? So far this year?
President Trump has been pretty explicit about not reading many books. How about you?
For all your bellyaching about Obama's school records, why is there not a similar concern about Trump's?
Because Obama had little else. People claimed he was a super smart genius but he had no public record of ever accomplishing any thing. (Perhaps you could give 3 counter examples from before his presidency?)
Citizen Trump had more than 40 years of highly visible accomplishment to sink or swim on. Who would give two shits about how he did in school 50 years ago.
That's why nobody cares.
And he did manage to graduate from 2 pretty stiff schools. All the money in the world won't get you through their programs, no matter how you got in. So there is that.
Bill Gates and Elizabeth Holmes were both college dropouts. Just think how much they might have accomplished had they stuck it out and gotten their degrees!
Or even just basic certificates in welding or some such.
Why yes, the proper word is pore. OTOH I can't tell you how many dozen times I've seen the illiterate (and probably innumerate as well) reporters and editors at the Los Angeles Times use the word "pour" where "pore" should be. It's not much of a newspaper, but before the pages got red hot with anti-Trump diatribe, it did make a pretty good dog trainer or fish wrapper.
Thank you for taking the time to point out once again that Trump is an illiterate ignoramus. Ridicule is one method of getting rid of him He's also a lying shyster. He and his miscreant children Ivanka, Don, Jr. and Eric, belong in jail NOT in the White House. Since that won't happen, the White House should be turned into a dungeon. The taxpayers will gladly pay for that worthwhile conversion. May they rot there.
"In life, it's smart to pick your battles. Correcting unimportant spelling errors is not a battle worth picking. It'd better for Perez Hilton and other twitter trolls to shut up and move on."
And the alcoholic should put down that drink.
And the hoarder should remove the debris from his home.
I think it's because of voice text. You can use the same word multiple times with voice text and it will be spelled differently each time. And I suppose that just harkens back to the weirdness of English
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I notice things like that too. But I haven't got anything better to do.
That is a common enough mistake, to give Mr Trump a break, and he probably does know the correct word. It could well be the texting equivalent of misspeaking.
It isn't a sign of someone who doesn't read much, though it can be. Homonym substitution happens to pretty much everyone who writes without proofreading, and even proofreading isn't fullproof:-). Seriously, who hasn't written their, there, or they're in the wrong place?
Let he who is perfect cast the first stone. I'm finding at 58 that it's much easier for me to swap in the wrong word.
Actually I read a lot, and would probably make the same mistake.
Just because you read, doesn't make you a good speller or proofreader.
And lo, the press found another PURPLE ELEPHANT. This time, for sure! The press will finally catch that Wascally Wabbit Trumps Bunny.
Scott Adams thinks Trump and his Gang DELIBERATELY make these spelling/grammar mistakes to prove the tweets are authentic and to gather publicity.
Makes sense.
Trump makes these faux mistakes intentionally knowing it endears him to his Deplorable audience. And that’s not the only reason: he also likes snagging the “elite” grammar nazis. Reveals them to be the pricks they really are.
Some of the mistakes may be
true errors but I know Trump. He’s a sly one, ‘e is.
Here's the thing.
The MSM attacks Trump 24/7.
If they can't think of something, they go back to Stormy Daniels, or KIDS ON THE BORDER, or their favorite - RUSSIAN COLLUSION.
But always, always, they launch a coordinated attack on Trump - every single day.
If you're smart - you notice.
I don't believe Perez Hilton knew that on his own. After all, this is a guy who got famous for using MS Paint to draw penises on celebrity kids' photos.
@M Jordan:
Trump makes these faux mistakes intentionally knowing it endears him to his Deplorable audience.
Oh come on. Fanboying a politician is not something any self-respecting person should aspire to.
I like the imagery of pour.
Pore guy, he should have mentioned his slant rhyming.
Howe many different whey kin won person proof their a genus?
As opposed to the MSM and the Democrats "Fanboying" Obama for 8 years.
Show us all your post attacking them.
Poor, Pour, Pore.
Good for you Ann. Still, some of your readers will either excuse the error or say they believe that he really meant what he spelled.
Way to go, even-handed Ann!
Smug mistakes trolling the press.
Well played, Smug.
He catches publicity, although I don't think he misspells words on purpose. And it certainly doesn't hurt him among his voters, it's all good fun. Heck, I know plenty of folks who can't spell worth beans.
Homonym errors are legion in this era of spellcheck, voice to text, and AI transcription.
They annoy me greatly, but Trump has a lot of company in making them and it's obviously unfair, etc to behave as though that error indicates he's some kind of dullard.
Is Pickering really a Chuck sockpuppet as several people have indicated?
If so, ban the cocksucker for good.
They should reign in there worship at the alter of perfectionism.
I can't decide if Trump is Lucy or the Road Runner.
It would take a corpseman to notice stuff like that.
Most authors have editors.
He’s a sly one, ‘e is.
Like e. e. trump
You know who else used random capitalization?
Emily Dickinson.
Old Walt Whitman sung of himself. And was vulgar to boot!
Frost thought about fences.
Thus Trump carries on the national tradition.
He tweets the body electric.
This is IT !
Got him now.
Hitler capitalized all his nouns.
Ann's readers are most disgruntled at her exposure of a fragment of the emperor's new clothes. Many posit that Trump inserted the misspelling on purpose so as to enrage the close readers, who should get a life.
But Ann sees the humor! Mazel tov!
As opposed to the MSM and the Democrats "Fanboying" Obama for 8 years.
Quote a single thing I've ever said in defense of that.
Show us all your post attacking them.
Hmm...well, let's see. I support building the wall. I support a minimum 10-year moratorium on legal immigration. I opposed Obama's DACA activity. I opposed his escalation in Afghanistan. I opposed his war in Libya. I opposed his support for Syrian insurgents. I am a supporter of the Bell Curve thesis and am sympathetic to ethno-nationalism. I routinely say that no one should watch television news for any reason other than entertainment. So perhaps you can explain why you think I've ever supported (or denied) the mainstream media's slavish deference to Obama.
The response to that is not to be equally slavish in the opposite direction. I don't give a Frenchman's fuck about Trump the human being. Don't know the man and don't particularly care to know him. What I care about are the policies I support. To the degree that Trump implements those policies, I will support him. To the degree he doesn't, I will oppose him.
It's not really that complicated.
John Pickering,
When did you stop fantasizing about twisting Greta Van Susteren's tits?
I am one of the few who know the distinction between cuckold and wittol. But when I se Perez Hilton's ads for “Cuckold play”, do I correct him? I do not. That would be picayune (not to be confused with niggling, also useful when discussing Perez Hilton and genitals.)
Liberal Dems are basically petty people.
This is one of the "obvious" contrasts between Trump and other leaders, or Trump and everyone else, that I find questionable. How would we know whether other leaders are great readers, or know how to spell? They have staff to work on all their communications. Bush Jr. made a great thing of the list of books he was taking to the ranch. Supposedly he competed with Karl Rove as to who could complete the most books. (A fairly stupid competition at best). I always thought the list of books was pretty much a lie.
The liberal media and the Dems, I pity the pore/pour/poor fools, not.
I think he does it to show how petty his critics are.
With great glee and mirth I give these little insignificant "infantile victories" to the loser left because at the end of the day it doesn't make a damn bit of difference in the overall scheme of things. So while President Trump is enacting policy that will keep America great and prosperous and keep the left from destroying our Republic I will just sit back and enjoy watching them beclown themselves like little 3-year olds.
The 44th President was a stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable failure.
--Things my Alexa would say. . .
Poor Darrell, who has never discerned how often the details of an insult redound on the speaker. The poor man shows no evidence of the process of moral inquiry that many adults undergo.
Too easy. He never gets tired of doing it. I would.
That's where we differ.
Let he who is perfect cast the first stone.
Guwd grahmer ist ovher ratted.
I like the substitutions on twitter. It’s supposed to be a casual medium.
Nobody likes a scold. Hillary.
It’s funny how many people think it’s fine or even laudable to be an asshole on twitter, and I don’t mean (just?) our overly twitterous president. Or were these media guys just trying to exemplify what the prez was talking about?
Anyway, “pore over” is an idiom, and idioms are notorious for people to not remember correctly, especially when they’re not that common themselves and, as here, one of the words involved is a homophone of a more common word. Then, the badly-named “autocorrect” can mess you up more often than not if you don’t see the error in time. This was one reason I always used to turn off auto-correct in the old days before the proliferation of barely usable on-screen keyboards.
I see these kinds of mistakes all the time in the Fake News Media. Common offenses are misuse of word such as affect/effect, principle/principal, and ensure/insure. And these were written by someone who was supposed to be thoroughly schooled in spelling and grammar in training for their profession.
It’s *pore*.
And it’s also *President Trump*.
In life, it's smart to pick your battles. Correcting unimportant spelling errors is not a battle worth picking. It'd better for Perez Hilton and other twitter trolls to shut up and move on.
I think Trump has found that putting in a spelling 'mistake' gets lefties so smug that they completely neglect to respond on substance - that is, if they knew enough to do so.
Can I get you a nice steaming cup of covfefe, Mr Hilton sir?
It’s funny how many people think it’s fine or even laudable to be an asshole on twitter
If you’re on twitter you’re an asshole. That’s how you tell.
If you poured over this tweet then you are fake news! It is a test with instant results. :)
What a looser.
Wow, this is just like how people used to make fun of Obama for over-correcting his pronouns. (He would sometimes use "I" or "myself" when he should have said "me".) That was always hilarious, how the press would pounce on him (a Harvard man!) who doesn't know the correct pronoun to use.
"ist ovher ratted."
Althouse can "over rat" things if she feels the need.
We probably could use a few more rats.
Unless she wants to attempt a stretch goal and try for, say, a crocodile.
I bet Trump knows how to pronounce "corpsman", what language they speak in Germany and how states there are in the United States. Even better, he's never lied to parents about why their sons died while standing over their bodies.
Let he who is perfect cast the first stone.
Obama, I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,me,I,I,I,I,I,I,I,
Fascist spelling conformists. Like Mark Twain said, I have little respect for a man who knows only one way to spell a word.
It's a joke, man.
We all know that if this was President Obama constantly making these mistakes the Althouse Hillbillies would be screaming “EUBONICS!!”
Blogger Kevin said...
It’s *pore*.
And it’s also *President Trump*.
Ha ha ha!
We all know that if this was President Obama constantly making these mistakes the Althouse Hillbillies would be screaming “EUBONICS!!”
How many states are there in the US?
How do you pronounce corpsmen? Note: Not the zombie army kind.
Where exactly does the intercontinental railroad go?
Did O speak any foreign languages?
I think you meant "EBONICS!!"
“The poor man shows no evidence of the process of moral inquiry that many adults undergo.”
So, Mr. Pickering, is the “un-self-aware erudite asshole” a persona you’re affecting just for this blog? If not, I’d suggest that can be an awful way to go through life.
Supposedly he competed with Karl Rove as to who could complete the most books.
Reading is one thing. Comprehension is another thing entirely.
The poor man shows no evidence of the process of moral inquiry that many adults undergo.”
Neither do you John. I know you reject that thought, probably with a rhetorical question, but there are many layers to morality, and sometimes you have to consider what is best for all Americans, the greatest good for the greatest number, not what is best for individuals who chose to drag their children across the desert to illegally enter the United States.
Reading is one thing. Comprehension is another thing entirely
So if I come to my own conclusions regarding the set of facts and arguments an author presents, do I have "poor reading comprehension"? Because the way I look at it, if I tend to swallow whole without examination, the set of conclusions of an author, I probably am deficient in critical thinking.
That's where I would put a lot of our liberal trolls.
I can remember when "conformist" was the ultimate insult from the left.
The saddest words of tongue or pen
describe the Cuck from Michigan.
"Let he who is perfect cast the first stone."
Let he who is a producer cast the young Sharon Stone.
We all know that if this was President Obama constantly making these mistakes the Althouse Hillbillies would be screaming “EUBONICS!!”
Obama did constantly make mistakes, and we surely did jump on them. But they weren’t trivial mistakes, like “pour” vice “pore.” Not knowing how to pronounce “corpsman” shows a major level of ignorance, as does his lack of awareness that Austrians actually speak German. Saying that he visited “fifty-seven states” is a very large error, even if he was bone tired (as, to be fair, he was). Those pale next to the Iran treaty and the Paris accords, which were hideous blunders.
“Pore” misses the two larger jokes.
Joke Number Two is that Donald Trump ever wrote a book.
And Joke Number One of was the way that Althouse teed up this perfect little exercise in Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome. As terrible as the far left has become in villainizing Trump at every turn, the Althouse/Adams cultists are matching them in terms of single-minded zeal.
Troll level, Master.
LLR Chuck: "Joke Number Two is that Donald Trump ever wrote a book."
Our #StrongDemDefender takes time out from not writing his own book, not running his own portfolio of global companies, not producing and starring in his own long running reality show, not successfully running for President and not delivering the most conservative year in American governance in the last 60 years to attack Trump.
I think that makes our very own LLR Chuck....Joke #...well, all the numbers....
"Anna Navarro Republican" Chuck: "As terrible as the far left has become in villainizing Trump at every turn, the Althouse/Adams cultists are matching them in terms of single-minded zeal."
That certainly explains all the democrat baseball practices getting shot up and cities being burnt and police/fire/ICE/Secret Service agents getting attacked and/or killed.
Other than that Chuckie, you are "spot on"......LOL
tcrosse said...
Hitler capitalized all his nouns.
"The Germans have a word for that."
Chuck: "“Pore” misses the two larger jokes"
One would have to ponder deeply to find a bigger joke than the political prognostications of a certain self-styled Midwestern specific state electoral "expert".
Big Mike: "Not knowing how to pronounce “corpsman” shows a major level of ignorance...."
Careful Big Mike. You are pointing out a moment when obama's clear non-magnificence makes the claims of him being "magnificent" hilariously inaccurate.
LLR Chuck hardest hit.
That is a common enough mistake, to give Mr Trump a break, and he probably does know the correct word.
Okay, that is fair enough. But if he does know the correct word, why didn't he use it?
There is zero evidence that Trump is either particularly well read or educated (although his parents did spend a hell of a lot of money to get him into very good schools, but you can lead a horse to water). For all your bellyaching about Obama's school records, why is there not a similar concern about Trump's?
Trump's typoes don't effect me much.
But has anyone seen Chuck and Perez Hilton in the same room?
Bush: voracious reader, married to a librarian: nitwit chimp.
Trump: nonreading "writer," billionaire married to a supermodel: nitwit orangutan.
Bush turned the other cheek. Trump fights back. I prefer Bush's reading habits but Trump's attitude.
Okay, that is fair enough. But if he does know the correct word, why didn't he use it?
It's a fucking tweet! How many people on twitter proofread their posts? Hell most people on twitter deliberately misspell words!
By the way, Trump has deleted the original tweet and reposted it with the correct word.
The Articles of Impeachment just keep getting longer and longer. Between this and the extra scoop of ice cream I'm beginning to come around to the Resistance.
" For all your bellyaching about Obama's school records, why is there not a similar concern about Trump's? "
Part of this is that Obamas entire claim to be exceptional hangs on his academic record. Harvard Law, and etc. So the lack of an open record is curious.
Trumps academic record has always been irrelevant.
Field Marshall Freder: "There is zero evidence that Trump is either particularly well read or educated..."
Said about every single republican for the last 50 years.
Come up with some new material doofus.
I have a Kindle Fire which is antagonistic to my train of thought. It replaces correctly spelled words with another word, i.e. Of for If, at the beginning of a sentence. Its word suggestions can make a simple sentence pornographic. It drives me crazy.
> "The Germans have a word for that."
The word is "German".
buwaya: "Part of this is that Obamas entire claim to be exceptional hangs on his academic record. Harvard Law, and etc. So the lack of an open record is curious."
Remember, the lefties told us obama's wafer thin resume was irrelevant as all that was needed to prove the capability to govern as our Chief Executive was simply by running and winning a campaign.
Of course, that was more than 15 minutes ago so nary a single lefty or LLR is likely to remember that.
We are also asked to believe that neither Barack or Michelle were affirmative action admits.
The misspelling was a purposeful provocation to get his critics to look elitist by focusing on a spelling error that the average joe wouldn't have notticed. I have no doubt he knew what he was doing. Amazing that these tactics still work; TDS must be to blame.
I have a few friends who are grammar and spelling fanatics. I confess that I purposefully mispronounce words when they are around just to have a bit of fun. When they correct me, I point out that all "laws" of grammar and pronounceation are made up and contrived. I can prounounce and speel a word any way I damn well please. True intellect in not obsessed with convention!
You must be fun at parties
Random Thought: "Amazing that these tactics still work; TDS must be to blame."
The "brilliant" Never Trumpers and LLR's are still laughing at Trump for thinking he could win Michigan and Pennsylvania and for visiting the 2nd Congressional District in Maine!!
Oh, those Never Trumpers and LLR's are so, so, so smart and wired in to what is going on and so marvelously aware of what is happening around them.
We should always defer to their judgement.
If we had, we could have had Merrick Garland and (Insert insane lefty individual here) on the Supreme Court!!
It would have made George Will, High Priest of the LLR Academy, pleased indeed.
readering: "You must be fun at parties"
Alan Dershowitz is tremendous fun at parties.
But the lefty snowflakes can't handle it any longer.
I would have used pour as well. I had to look up pore because I thought it was a skin thing. Can I be president next?
People of a certain type of intelligence lack the vision and imagination to comprehend that there are other types of intelligence than that which they possess. I'm sure that there are many on the Harvard faculty who could not saley be allowed to contract out for a kitchen renovation, much less develop a major real state property. I'm not knocking their skills and intelligence, but there are other skills and other uses of gray matter. You've got to be really self centered and limited to think that Trump is stupid.
I await President Trump’s next tweeting mishap with baited breath.
Darrell wins the thread.
We won't know the real extent of the criminal impact of this latest tweet typo until the World Court completes a full investigation, which Rod Rosenstein will have transferred to "I Like Whitey Bulger"/"No We Never Did Catch The Actual Anthrax-Sender But I Was Able to Frame An Innocent Doctor" Bob Mueller team....which will, naturally, be transferred to the Southern District of New York to faciliate additional early morning no knock raids on Trump acquaintances and allow for the appropriate "feeling up" searches of wives in nightgowns lying in their own beds while scaring the children.
Once written, twice: "We all know that if this was President Obama constantly making these mistakes the Althouse Hillbillies would be screaming “EUBONICS!!”"
I don't care what side Once Written is on, that was funny.
Lenin wrote over fifty books, each one over six hundred pages. He could read three or four languages. Smart people thought he was really, really smart. He agreed with them. Woodrow Wilson was also considered extremely smart by extremely smart people. He was the president of Princeton University where his superlative intellect almost managed to resolve a dispute among the dining clubs. He didn't write as many books as Lenin, but he wrote a bunch......Warren Harding walked the earth at the same time as those two men. So far as I know, there was only one smart person in the entire world who esteemed Harding higher than either Wilson or Lenin. That man was Eugene Debs, the leader of the Socialist Party. Debs could see how the moral worth of Harding outweighed the super genius of Wilson. He definitely preferred Harding to Wilson.
"We all know that if this was President Obama constantly making these mistakes the Althouse Hillbillies would be screaming “EUBONICS!!”"
Good stuff.
You've almost figured out the deplorable hillbilly mindset. Almost.
We'd be "screaming," there goes the phony poseur again, the Hawaiian mulatto using his faux ebonics shtick to relate to the black masses.
I used to be quite good at spelling and catching typos, but my eyes are not what they used to be, and a computer screen is not really like paper.
Trump is 70+ years old, and the "twittering" must be done with one of these newfangled "machines," Right?
So Trump used the wrong homonym? Well, there you have it: The Democrats' best grounds for impeachment! Obviously such an error should make any decent person resign in disgrace and disappear from public life forever!
tcrosse @ 5:39,
LOL. Good one!
I thought after the Dan Quayle "potatoe" thing that I would never see potato misspelled again. I turned out to be wrong about that. I still see it misspelled, even online, where I'm sure spellcheck is telling them it's wrong as they write it. I expect I'll see people continue to use "pour over".
I did an ngram search for "pore over" and the top results were all books on common grammar/spelling mistakes.
There is zero evidence that Trump is either particularly well read or educated (although his parents did spend a hell of a lot of money to get him into very good schools, but you can lead a horse to water). For all your bellyaching about Obama's school records, why is there not a similar concern about Trump's?
Just think what he could do if he was well read and intelligent. RULE THE WORLD !
Pour. Sift. With a bigoted (i.e. sanctimoniously hypocritical) eye. Maybe. Probably.
I await President Trump’s next tweeting mishap with baited breath.
There was a suggestion above that it was a baited tweet.
For all your bellyaching about Obama's school records, why is there not a similar concern about Trump's?
So are you concerned about Trump's but not Obama's? Just curious. I mean who ever heard of the Austrian language before the intrepid explorer and better anthropologist than his anthropologists discovered this new language.
Obama had accomplished almost nothing by the time he became President, BTW.
You can't really expect Trump to tow the line all the time.
I am going with the on-purpose explanation. Everyone gets all spun up about this or something else equally silly. Mocks President Trump mercilessly for a mistake any of them could have made. I'd include myself as making that kind of mistake but not Mocking President Trump.
Meantime he cancelled affirmative action. I still find it hard to believe that a program that has been around in various forms for 50 years is dead. Not poco-a-poco but BOOM! massive stroke dead.
I think, and hope, anyway. I fear that AA may be zombielike and refuse to die suddenly. There may need to be a couple of oak stakes through the heart before it realizes it is really dead. We'll see.
And people are worried about pour vs poor. Maybe he is dumb and it really is just an incredibly lucky typo. He sure makes a lot of lucky typos and they always seem to happen just when he needs them.
Was it Napoleon who said he would rather have a lucky general than a smart one?
To reprise and rephrase something I told Cookie yesterday in another thread: I don't care whether President Trump is lucky or smart. I love the results either way.
I do think he is smart and hard working. As Lee Trevino(?) said "The harder I work, the luckier I get" I suspect that smarts and hard work is the reason for the great luck.
Nope. Not tired of winning yet.
John Henry
"Since pour is a common word and sounds identical to pore, many English speakers use the verb pour in the verb phrase pore over meaning “to meditate or ponder intently.”
John Henry
Ann Richards: “Pour George, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth.”
(She said it so I’m inferring the spelling. Didja know she was an alky?)
Blogger Freder Frederson said...
There is zero evidence that Trump is either particularly well read
In my experience people who complain about lack of other folk's reading habits tend not to be readers themselves. So how many book did you read last week, Freder? So far this year?
President Trump has been pretty explicit about not reading many books. How about you?
For all your bellyaching about Obama's school records, why is there not a similar concern about Trump's?
Because Obama had little else. People claimed he was a super smart genius but he had no public record of ever accomplishing any thing. (Perhaps you could give 3 counter examples from before his presidency?)
Citizen Trump had more than 40 years of highly visible accomplishment to sink or swim on. Who would give two shits about how he did in school 50 years ago.
That's why nobody cares.
And he did manage to graduate from 2 pretty stiff schools. All the money in the world won't get you through their programs, no matter how you got in. So there is that.
John Henry
Bill Gates and Elizabeth Holmes were both college dropouts. Just think how much they might have accomplished had they stuck it out and gotten their degrees!
Or even just basic certificates in welding or some such.
Lack of a degree is a terrible, terrible, thing.
John Henry
At least we know Trump is writing his own tweets.
Why yes, the proper word is pore. OTOH I can't tell you how many dozen times I've seen the illiterate (and probably innumerate as well) reporters and editors at the Los Angeles Times use the word "pour" where "pore" should be. It's not much of a newspaper, but before the pages got red hot with anti-Trump diatribe, it did make a pretty good dog trainer or fish wrapper.
Unlike the poor, Billionaires need to pore over the Pour Over Trust's provisions.
I think these people need to watch Star Wars: return of the Jedi....It's a Trap!
Or it was intentional
Thank you for taking the time to point out once again that Trump is an illiterate ignoramus. Ridicule is one method of getting rid of him He's also a lying shyster. He and his miscreant children Ivanka, Don, Jr. and Eric, belong in jail NOT in the White House. Since that won't happen, the White House should be turned into a dungeon. The taxpayers will gladly pay for that worthwhile conversion. May they rot there.
Trumpit: "Ridicule is one method of getting rid of him (sic) He's also a lying shyster.
Well done, you scamp. That is hilarious.
"In life, it's smart to pick your battles. Correcting unimportant spelling errors is not a battle worth picking. It'd better for Perez Hilton and other twitter trolls to shut up and move on."
And the alcoholic should put down that drink.
And the hoarder should remove the debris from his home.
And the scorpion should not sting the frog.
What happens when a scorpion stings a frog?
I think it's because of voice text. You can use the same word multiple times with voice text and it will be spelled differently each time. And I suppose that just harkens back to the weirdness of English
"The taxpayers will gladly pay for that worthwhile conversion. May they rot there."
Still crazy, I see.
I suppose when Trump's kicking your ass 16 ways to Thursday, nit-picking the spelling in his tweet seems like a worthwhile activity.
For all your bellyaching about Obama's school records, why is there not a similar concern about Trump's?
Because Trump - unlike Obama - doesn't spend every waking moment telling us how fucking smart he is.
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