July 15, 2018

In "Warren is Preparing for 2020. So Are Biden, Booker, Harris and Sanders," the NYT seems bent on boosting optimism for Democrats.

But it's a ghastly failure:
Ms. Warren, 69, now leads a small advance guard of Democrats who appear to be moving deliberately toward challenging President Trump. Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., wielding a political network cultivated over decades, has been reasserting himself as a party leader, while Senators Cory Booker of New Jersey and Kamala Harris of California have emerged as fresher-faced messengers for the midterms. And Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, the runner-up in the 2016 primaries, has been acting like a candidate as he considers another race.

All five have been traveling the country, raising money for Democrats and gauging the appeal of their personalities and favorite themes. As a group, they are a strikingly heterogeneous array of rivals for Mr. Trump, embodying the Democratic Party’s options for defining itself: They are distinguished by gender and race, span three decades in age and traverse the ideological and tonal spectrum between combative Democratic socialism and consensus-minded incrementalism.
I chose my adjective "ghastly" when I read the ludicrously overachieving prose "traverse the ideological and tonal spectrum between combative Democratic socialism and consensus-minded incrementalism." I picture a feeble, fading liberal reading those words and clinging to the precious remnant of belief we are the smart people.


Expat(ish) said...

When it was clear what the 2016 election was going to look like, I diverted ammo money into popcorn.

I am not long popcorn.


rhhardin said...

advance guard

If only there were an English word for this.

Michael K said...

The sixties are taking a long time to die off.

tcrosse said...

They left out Hillary.

Michael K said...

The sixties are taking a long time to die off.

rehajm said...

I picture a feeble, fading liberal reading those words and clinging to the precious remnant of belief we are the smart people.

That guy posts here all the time!

Humperdink said...

Trump has already massacred the Cherokee chick. She's dun' fer

Hagar said...

Don't forget Hillary! She is not traveling the world collecting money for nothing!

rehajm said...

Despite the lying about being a minority she's still just another Massachusetts wannabe running for President. Is there some statute that requires one every cycle?

M Jordan said...

Ann, you nailed it. Liberals belief that they are the smart people is the number one tenet of their self-regard. Equaling it on the opposite side is their belief that conservatives are racists. The irony of it all is 1) they aren’t the smart people and 2) they are the ones obsessed with race.

rehajm said...

Deval Patrick is another Massachsetts wannabe taking the time tested Bain Capital path that worked so well for Mitt.

AllenS said...

Out of all of these candidates mentioned, I await the confrontation that will happen when Hillary announces her candidacy. I doubt that any of them will have anything close to the funds that Hillary has, just starting out. Who knows, Hillary might even take someone's scalp.

caplight45 said...

More like ghostly. Biden is 75. Bernie is 76. Warren is 69.

Ann Althouse said...

"Ann, you nailed it. Liberals belief that they are the smart people is the number one tenet of their self-regard."

No, there are 2. The other is we are the good people.

tcrosse said...

As always, Follow the Money. And we'll see if any of these likely candidates end up hanging from hotel doorknobs.

FIDO said...

They are incorrect on both counts far too often

Tommy Duncan said...

The Democrat primary votes will be spread across at least a half dozen candidates. It is likely that 30% to 35% of the vote will win most of their primaries. Under those circumstances, Hillary will win the nomination if she runs.

Meanwhile, Trump will be running largely unopposed and running on his record of achievements.

Bob Boyd said...

They also believe they are good. Smart and good.
I picture a liberal, striding confidently forward, smug and self-satisfied in the sure and certain knowledge that he is part of the smartest and bestest group of humans who ever lived.

Suddenly the ruthless rake-handle of reality smacks him hard in the face.

That's Trump.

Fernandinande said...

I'm voting for the intersectional ground-shaking giant killing socialist king maker from the future, good old what's-her-name, the one with the big teeth, the one who almost got elected to something.

J. Farmer said...

Frankly, I am not sure if I believe that a white man can ever become the presidential nominee for the Democratic Party. Ask Joe "I can't help that I was born white" Crowley.

Darkisland said...

And Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, the runner-up in the 2016 primaries, has been acting like a candidate as he considers another race.

It also says that he is raising money for Democrats.

I find the last hard to believe. He has always, except for about 6 months in 2016, been emphatic about being an independent. He has always, in the past, refused to raise money for Democrats on the basis of his not being a party member.

I have never understood why he or anyone else expected the Democrat party to welcome his campaign when he has never been one of them. The only reason he was treated as well as he was is because he was the only one fool enough to run against Crooked Hilary, he made her look somewhat sane by comparison and the optics of CH running unopposed were not good.

The Demmies can't prevent him from running under the Demmie banner. Hell, I was a Democrat candidate for Prez in 2016. They certainly don't need to help him and would certainly be within their legal and moral rights to hobble his campaign.

I never understood the panty-twisting about him being treated unfairly by the party in 2016. It seemed like they did way more for him than they should have.

John Henry

Dave Begley said...

I can’t wait to question every single one of them in Iowa for Power Line.

Humperdink said...

Looking forward to the first democrat debate where two hefty security men hoist HRC, feet dangling, to her podium.

Bay Area Guy said...

What a sorry lot of leftists. Instead of putting on a brave, neutral face, the NYT should be bracing its readers for another 4 years of Trump.

Dave Begley said...

And why do these media dunces fail to mention the former CEO of Starbucks? Howard Schultz could win the nomination.

Humperdink said...

"Frankly, I am not sure if I believe that a white man can ever become the presidential nominee for the Democratic Party. Ask Joe "I can't help that I was born white" Crowley."

I agree Biden, but I think Bernie has been grandfathered in by the commie-pinko wing of the democrat party.

Darkisland said...

Blogger M Jordan said...

2) they are the ones obsessed with race.

Not just obsessed with race, racist to their very core, obsessed with keeping blacks down. Remember the sold south? Remember the 63 filibuster against the Civil Rights Act (68 days of standing and talking, IIRC) solid support for and by the KKK to the point of selecting a KKK official to be their long-time majority leader. And so on.

More progressive pretty much always means more racist. Madison is well known as one of
the most progressive cities in the US. One might argue that progressivism was born there with the LaFollettes.

It is also, by objective measurements, the, or one of the, most racist cities in the US.

Racism and progressivism (what you prefer to call liberalism and I prefer to call fascism) always go hand in hand.

What is going to be really interesting is what happens with blacks in 2020. If Booker or Harris is the candidate they have a real conundrum. Do they vote race or do they vote their wallets? Now that they are getting a taste of paychecks, will they be willing to go back to cheese checks?

John Henry

Big Mike said...

The sixties are taking a long time to die off.

You can say that again!

AllenS said...

The sixties are taking a long time to die off.

Darkisland said...

Re the above:

Most blacks have always worked but there have always been a lot that didn't.

The economy under President Trump has been very good for everyone but especially good for blacks. Lowest black unemployment ever, those who have been working in the past are doing better and have more opportunities.

What is Foxconn, with its 13m manufacturing jobs going to do for the inner cities of WI? They are going to have trouble filling those jobs and are going to be scouring the ranks of people who have never worked. AKA reliable Demmie voters.

Having one's own money, earned by one's own productivity, does wonders to a person's political outlook.

John Henry

Browndog said...

The next election is socialism vs capitalism. The names and faces behind them are just fodder for character assassination.

mccullough said...

No governors mentioned. All senators and a former senator in Biden. So blowhards. I guess a Dem governor wouldn’t wade into this shitshow. Not even Cuomo. Governors have to be somewhat practical. Senators can just talk. It’s Obama’s legacy to the Dems. Just bullshit your way to the top.

MadisonMan said...

I'm picturing them racing around an oval track, with money dangling in front of them, all using walkers.

The Party of the Old.

MikeR said...

It really makes no difference; they are jockeying among themselves for position. If Trump's popularity improves (say North Korea takes further steps toward peace), no one will have a chance against him. If it gets any lower, no one could lose to him; the Democratic nomination will determine the Presidency.

Temujin said...

we are the smart people

Ever heard Kamala Harris talk?

Big Mike said...

Harris and Booker, because the country was governed so well the last time we had a President who was an undistinguished junior senator from a deep blue state. Biden, because we can never have too much of a senior administration official inappropriately touching young girls on camera — and once he’s Presiddnt of the United States he can really let those hands roam!

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"Consesus minded incrementalism" = Camel's Nose communists.

Rob said...

What's interesting is the absence from the field of governors, the traditional source of presidential candidates. With the single exception of Obama, it's been quite a few decades since a senator won the presidency. It should be noted, however, that Hillary Clinton had been a senator (though she ran as "Secretary Clinton") and did win the popular vote and would have been president except that the Koch brothers engineered a coup using some obscure constitutional provision about an "electoral college," which is undemocratic, unfair, un-American, not used by any other country on earth, rural-dominated, racist and just a bunch of big fat stupid old poopy-heads!

Michael K said...

Temujin said...
we are the smart people

Ever heard Kamala Harris talk?

Senator Harris did not get where she is by talking.

She did use her mouth but not talking.

Browndog said...

Ever heard Kamala Harris talk?

She will be on display for the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. Guaranteed to be jaw dropping must see tv.

Darrell said...

Trump should sponsor a Constitutional Amendment to make Capitalism our Nation's economic system.

Big Mike said...

And now I see that the California Democrats have declined to endorse Dianne Feinstein for reelection, preferring her extremist Hispanic male opponent. Interesting.

Crimso said...

"Having one's own money, earned by one's own productivity, does wonders to a person's political outlook."

My mother-in-law, who has been moving steadily to the right since I met her 20 yrs ago, once wailed in desperation "What is it about people in this family that when they get some money they turn into Republicans?!?!"

MadisonMan said...

@AllenS @8:59AM: LOL

Wince said...

caplight45 said...
Warren is 69.

Shudder, it's gonna take a while to get that image out of my head.

Paul said...

Same old has-beens. Oh hum. It's failure time for the Democrats.

The Godfather said...

My money's on Warren: The Dems need the Youth Vote.

Browndog said...

Ocasio-Cortez to campaign with Bernie Sanders in Kansas

n.n said...

Socialism is minority rule with redistributive change.

Capitalism is retained earnings and democratic economics.

Neither ideology is good or sufficient in practice. Well, that's not true. Principles matter.

James K said...

Hillary won’t make it. There’s too much anger at her among Dems for losing to Trump. Warren is too much like Hillary, an aging scold with a history of lying. Biden and Sanders are too old and white. Booker and Harris have the best shots, but will be stomped by Trump. Obama already used up the “vote for me because I’m black” schtick.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“What is Foxconn, with its 13m manufacturing jobs going to do for the inner cities of WI?”

13 million?


Ray - SoCal said...

Per crazy days and nights there may be pictures out there if a party Kamela attended with her boyfriend...

AMDG said...

Hillary will not run. She is just feigning a run to keep the cash coming in for as long as she can.

The ones list in the post are a motley crew. I think if the nominee came from that bunch it would have to be Booker (would T-Bone be his runnIn mate) or Harris (who achieved prominance by spending a considerable amount of time on her back or knees) because the nominee will have to be black, otherwise, Trump might bleed off enough black male votes to make victory impossible. Can the Demks win if they get only 85% of the black vote?

‘Coupe’ Deval (Obama mini me) or Eric Holder (Obama wingman) would probably have a better chance than Harris or Booker.

Who in the Governor’s ranks would be viable? Hickenbottom maybe but he has the issue of being white. I would love them to nominate Cuomo (a nasty corrupt thug cuckolded by a Kennedy). I would love to here him explain if it is just New York that has no place for pro-life people or just New York.

Then there is ‘Bolshevik’ Bill Deblasio. Another dream candidate but God does not love me that much. He personifies the stereotypical Democratic Socialist.

The table is set for Oprah if she wanted it because she would,plow through this field faster than Harvey Weinstein through a gaggle of aspiring starlets.

She would win the whole thing to.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It will be Hillary Private Server.

Robert Cook said...

"They are distinguished by gender and race, span three decades in age and traverse the ideological and tonal spectrum between combative Democratic socialism and consensus-minded incrementalism."

Old time journalists, rarely college educated, would rightly have spit on that passage. A writing teacher once write this critique on a piece written by a friend of mine, "You're too in love with your voice."

The writer could have written, ""The traveling senators are diverse in age and background, and run the gamut politically from liberal to moderate."

mezzrow said...

I picture a feeble, fading liberal reading those words and clinging to the precious remnant of belief we are the smart people.

The other is we are the good people.

A useful structure for analysis. Credit to Althouse.

Back when I was younger, dumber, and more liberal the structure I likely believed (as I remember it) is that there were smart people who were conservative, but they were not good at heart, or they'd have agreed with me. It was just greed or a void of compassion (or both) that made them what they were. Likewise there were good people who were conservative, but they're not particularly smart. Only those of the progressive strain could be both smart and good. That's why they should decide.

My view has evolved beyond that as life has bludgeoned me into shape over the intervening years.

Robert Cook said...

"'Ann, you nailed it. Liberals belief that they are the smart people is the number one tenet of their self-regard.'

"No, there are 2. The other is we are the good people."

Of course, this is a universal belief.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jon said...

@Inga - for a moment I thought the same, but "m" is the older way to say 1000. Million used to be "mm". (Showing my age, and the fact that I existed before PCs, etc).

Anonymous said...

@ Inga You stuck your face in it again: "Traditionally, M is used as the symbol for thousands and MM for millions in the business world, particularly in accounting." (source :Stack Exchange)

"For the most part, the abbreviation “M” is used is used as in settings that deal with money and financing, such as bank and corporate accounting records. “K” is a more casual abbreviation.

Using “M” as an abbreviation for thousand dates back to the Roman numeral system, where “M” was the symbol for thousand. It is still used in instances like CPM, or cost per thousand impressions." (source Writing Explained)

M: one thousand — see table of numbers (source Merriam Webster Dictionary)

tcrosse said...

Of course, this is a universal belief.

That's the story they tell one another. It is not a truth universally acknowledged.

Darkisland said...


You say "if trump's popularity gets any lower" as if it were low.

Yet he is more popular than Obama was at this point im his presidency.

Pretty much every month Drudge links an article with comparable poll numbers by the major pollsters showing thay president trump has higher approval ratings than Obama did at the same point. Eg 6 months in, 8 months on, 18 months in and so on.

This in spite of the incessant trump bashing and constant Obama praising.

He does not need to get more popular, though it never hurts. He is popular enough today.

John Henry

Gahrie said...

The writer could have written, ""The traveling senators are diverse in age and background, and run the gamut politically from liberal to moderate."

And would have been wrong. The proper sentence would be: "The traveling senators are diverse in age and background, and run the gamut politically from Marxist to batshit crazy.

Robert Cook said...

There are no establishment Democrats who are Marxists.

Shouting Thomas said...

There are no establishment Democrats who are Marxists.

Says the Marxist liar, Cook.

Cook, you'd be running the GULAGS, too, if you had the chance.

You're a lying bullshitter. Lying to conceal your motives and objectives is fundamental to Marxism.

You're a great representative of that philosophy.

The commenters here who carry on about what a lofty idealist you are are full of shit. You're evil as hell.

Robert Cook said...

"There are no establishment Democrats who are Marxists."

Or crazy, I should add.

Self-serving, foolish, ignorant? Yes, you'll find these traits among many Democratic politicians, and among just as many Republicans. Crazy? No.

Robert Cook said...

Shouting Thomas weights in.

Talking about "crazy"....

Shouting Thomas said...

Warren, Sanders, Cortez are all Marxists.

You're lying is very tiresome and transparent, Cook.

You're not even good at it.

Darkisland said...


Innumeracy can be overcome if you work at it. In your case it will take a pretty intense effort, though.

You can't even get the metric system right. m=10^-3


Perhaps you are thinking "mega" which is M.

In any event, I am an American and m=10^3

Foxconn will employ 13,000 people.

John Henry

Robert Cook said...

Warren and Sanders are certainly not Marxists. Ocasio-Cortez is too new a quantity, and I know too little about her to know exactly what she is. However, she is not even elected yet, so it is premature to get your Depends in a bunch over her, ST.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

Jesus, what a liar you are Cook.

As I said, you need to work on your lying.

You're a failure even at that.

I don't think you'll ever amount to enough to merit your own GULAG.

I could program a VR game for you so that you can play Stalin. You don't have the right stuff to get there on your own.

You're a failed Stalin. Not an idealist. You just can't manage the terror and enslavement. You're an incompetent commie who can't even get together your own little genocide. Keep working on it.

Darkisland said...

Jon, khesanh,

You are both right. I commonly see both M and m as well asmm and MM.

I tend to use m, myself as it seems less likely to be taken for Mega.

Otoh, as Inga demonstrated, even that is not foolproof especially with bigger fools.

John Henry

Gahrie said...

There are no establishment Democrats who are Marxists.

Would you agree to: "There are no establishment Democrats who confess to being Marxists."?

Gahrie said...

Wait...am I the only one who uses 'k" for thousand?

Anonymous said...

@Inga and your source is....?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Lower case m is often used to mean million.


Uppercase M is sometimes used to mean a thousand.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Most people understand K to mean a thousand.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Gahrie said...”Wait...am I the only one who uses 'k" for thousand?”

You and me.

Scientists use k.

Michael K said...

Hillary will not run. She is just feigning a run to keep the cash coming in for as long as she can.

Oh, she probably has donors that want something for the money they already gave her. Some of them might be "Godfather" types.

But she is an egomaniac, much more so than Bill who seemed more realistic.

Michael K said...

The fool is educating us about math. Counting bedpans does a lot for math sense.

AMDG said...

Marxist is a reach but Sanders, Warren and Harris are certainly Democratic-Socilasts. They see Venuzuala (as long as you get the right people in charge) as a goal as opposed to a cautionary tale.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Senile Michael K said...
“The fool is educating us about math.”

“Blogger Gahrie said...
”Wait...am I the only one who uses 'k" for thousand?”

Original Mike said...
“You and me.

Scientists use k.”

Inga said...
“Most people understand K to mean a thousand.”

Anonymous said...

@ Inga Ah the fall back "most people" gives away the weakness of your case. You should stop digging. Most of us here are familiar with the 1.000's being abbreviated as m or K. When we want to be absolutely sure that the reader understands that we mean 1000's we will write the number out. When using the shorthand m or K we assume the reader is bright enough to understand the context in which it is used and understand that it means 1000's. In John Henry's case he made a mistake to assume that you were serious enough to understand the context. "Most readers" would quickly conclude that it is unlikely that FoxConn will employ 13 million people in WI - especially since the population of WI is only slightly over 5MM.

For your further edification: "The Roman numeral M is often used to indicate one thousand, and MM is used to indicate one million. For example, an expense of $60,000 might appear as $60M. Sales of $3,000,000 might be written as $3MM. Internet advertisers are familiar with CPM which is the cost per thousand impressions.

In recent years some people began using k to represent one thousand. For example, an annual salary of $60,000 might appear as $60k instead of $60M.

In a recent business publication I saw million represented by mn and also by m (both lower case). This means it is possible for you to see $1,400,000 expressed as $1.4 million or $1.4mn or $1.4m or $1.4MM or $1,400k or $1,400M." (Source The Accounting Coach)

Michael K said...

Inga, if you ever posted anything intelligent, we might respect you. Instead we get a steady diet of Trump hate and ignorant comments about stuff you know nothing about.

tcrosse said...

We can then discuss whether a Billion is 10^6 or 10^9. It all depends where you're from.

Comanche Voter said...

The NYT sees a bright future. I see a group of geriatrics waiting outside an old folks home to see if they can check in. Some are in walkers, others use canes--but none of them are what one might call a "fast mover". Now Booker and Harris aren't there yet--but the rest of them are definitely in the "over 70" set. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but for the Trumpster "over 70" is more like "The New 50". Energy counts.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, WI Population is closer to 6MM. Still not enough to employ 13MM at FoxConn

Darkisland said...

Blogger tcrosse said...

We can then discuss whether a Billion is 10^6 or 10^9. It all depends where you're from.

I think 10^6 (1,000,000 for the I.N.G.A.s here) is always million the world round. I think billion in Europe and some other places is 10^7 (or maybe 10^8?) I can never remember since I have never paid much attention to it. 10^9, of course, in America.

It never made sense to me. They go thousands, millions, trillions, quadrillions and so on in groups of 3 just like normal people. Why does billion, with the "bi" fall outside of the normal tri, quad, quint and so on convention?

My daughter once had a Spanish math teacher who thoroughly confused her and us with this.

John Henry

Michael K said...

I think billion in Europe and some other places is 10^7 (or maybe 10^8?) I can never remember since I have never paid much attention to it. 10^9, of course, in America.

Churchill referred to it as "A thousand million" which sounds easier to understand, if not for the Ingas.

Darkisland said...

Back to politics, what about Bloomberg? He was a successful mayor, so some exutive political experience. Also a very successful and high profile businessman. Wealthy enough to self finance. At $50,000,000,000 (for Inga) or so about 5 times as much as President Trump.

He has made noises about running. I disagree with him on a lot of stuff but he seems pretty competent at running things. Other than his position on 2A and some incessant nannyism, I think he would be a viable candidate and could support him, though not against President Trump.

He would certainly be better than any of the folks named.

John Henry

tcrosse said...

Churchill referred to it as "A thousand million" which sounds easier to understand, if not for the Ingas.

In Churchill's day the British Billion was a million million (10^12). A thousand million (10^9) was what we Yanks called a Billion. We still do. Occasionally the Churchillian form is used for clarity.

Yancey Ward said...

If this is the field, Clinton will run for sure- and win the nomination.

Yancey Ward said...

Biden missed his opportunity in 2015-16- he would have beaten Clinton had he announced he was running by late Summer of 2015.

Warren doesn't have a prayer- she makes Clinton look lively and intellectual.

Yancey Ward said...

Of those discussed, the only serious candidate there is Sanders who has an actual base to work with inside the Democratic Party.

grimson said...

Cook at 10:14

"No, there are 2. The other is we are the good people."

Of course, this is a universal belief.

Not quite. Many believe themselves to be good people, but not the good people, and the others not.

As Krauthammer phrased it: "Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil."

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

Inga thinks you are stupid, stupid, stupid, so much so that she really believes you meant 13 million and not 13,000. It of course says a lot more about her intelligence than anyone else's.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Khesanh 0802 said...

@ Inga You stuck your face in it again"

Well, it's a day ending in "y."

The liberal belief in their own superior smartness and niceness is the reason why all the election night 2016 video compilations on You Tube never cease being funny.

Yancey Ward said...

Ferdnandistein, M and MM are old finance conventions that are still in widespread use. I never use them myself having never worked in finance, but am aware of the convention since I read a lot of financial publications for other reasons. My only criticism of Darkisland would be his use of the lower case (it always looks odd to me), and the fact that in such a comment section, writing out the number would probably be better because most of us probably aren't aware of the convention. Inga gets criticized for being obtuse enough to think it really was meant as million- even if I wasn't aware of the convention, my first impulse would be to think it was a typo.

HipsterVacuum said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wholelottasplainin said...

" They go thousands, millions, trillions, quadrillions and so on in groups of 3 just like normal people."

Not in Japan and many other parts of Asia. They "go" hyaku (hundred) , sen (thousand), and then for large numbers, man(ten thousand), oku (ten million)..in groups of four digits.

Thus a million yen is a hundred ten-thousand yen. (hyaku man en)


India's traditional numbering system, used throughout the subcontinent, does much the same thing for large numbers with lakh (100,000) and crore (10 million). They also use entirely different comma-separated groupings of their numbers.


I taught English in Japan, and once tried to teach the class of trading company employees how to pronounce numbers according to the Western numeral system.

I wrote a big number on the whiteboard: 123,400,500 or some such.

I asked an older student to say it aloud in English. He couldn't. So I put a $ sign in front of it.

Instant understanding: "Oh! That's one-hundred twenty-three million, four hundred thousand, five hundred dollars!'

Yancey Ward said...

I have, myself, mostly taken to writing out the number if it is less than 10,000 and writing the words specifically such as thousands, millions, billions, etc. for numbers that are above 10,000.

FIDO said...

This is like running Dole against Clinton: it is their turn and it will be a throw away election. Unless 10 Republican senators die and get replaced by Dem governors, the chances of the Dems winning the Senate is functionally zero.

So how do Dems credibly promise, much less give away the public fisc for votes? They can't.

All these guys are like Marius, too old to run but they have the fire in their bellies but no juice.

Kamala is setting up for her SERIOUS run after Madam Pantsuit finally has that public health breakdown. This is name recognition.

Michael K said...

He was a successful mayor, so some exutive political experience.

I would question that. I never lived (Thank God) but he seems to be a typical leftist Mayor with lots of pronouncements on world affairs while the garbage piles up. The snow did not get plowed at one point, which was enough to drive out a Chicago Mayor in the days when competence meant more in Chicago than it does now.

Superstorm Sandy found the city unprepared and the subways flooded.

Jerry Brown has been big on global warming while California dries up with no water conservation.

I remember the Irvine CA Mayor running for president while his wife a gastroenterologist supported him and Irvine traffic piled up.

It is a real leftist pathology. Trump built things and if he fucked it up, he lost his shirt,

His worst failures were Atlantic City casinos which were overbuilt and subject to the crooks running New Jersey.

Ralph L said...

Don't forget about O'Malley.

He's got great national name-recognition.

Haven't we already had the kmmMM argument here?

Then there's millimeter, meaning thousandth of a meter, not millionth. Fucked up French.

Ralph L said...

So how do Dems credibly promise, much less give away the public fisc for votes? They can't.

They're running to defend the giveaways they already put in place. It's easier and appeals to more people than necessarily small increases in entitlements. People won't fall for another Obamacare fiasco for a few years.

AllenS said...

Yancey Ward said...
If this is the field, Clinton will run for sure- and win the nomination.

Agree totally.

AllenS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AllenS said...

When Crooked Hillary is standing in front of the assembly of Democrats, and accepts the nomination, there'll be a scalp hanging from her belt. Everyone will recognize it.

Bad Lieutenant said...

The great thing about k is that it means nothing else but thousand. I think generally m for thou is used by older people.

Kevin said...

Most people understand K to mean a thousand.

Most people don't take at face value the notion that someone else thinks the Foxconn investment created 13,000,000 jobs.

Kevin said...

I think generally m for thou is used by older people.

And anyone using Roman numerals.

I was in finance. We used MM for million routinely.

tcrosse said...

The m means whatever Inga needs it to mean in order to mock it.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger FIDO said...
This is like running Dole against Clinton: it is their turn and it will be a throw away election. Unless 10 Republican senators die and get replaced by Dem governors, the chances of the Dems winning the Senate is functionally zero.

That's what people thought in 1992, wherefore Mario Cuomo, the sfaccimm, did not run, after a long and tiresome Hamlet will-I-won't-I routine. So they all want to be the new WJC.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Kevin, so did my mom. Note "used," "was."

AMDG said...

Who was the last Democrat to get the nomination after waiting their turn prior to Hillary?

It seems that the Democrats fall in love with somebody new every four years.

It did not happen in 2016 because of their week bench (thanks Obama)!

Francisco D said...

"Most people don't take at face value the notion that someone else thinks the Foxconn investment created 13,000,000 jobs."

Inga mocks people because she likes the reaction. She doesn't give it much thought because she is a dumb leftist who thinks that her mission is to annoy people who gravitate to the center-right. Then again, she has demonstrated that she is not capable of much independent thought.

cubanbob said...

The presumptive Democrat lineup is interesting ( in an odd way). They run the gamut of Left, more Left and Far Left. Then there is the age cohort: old and tired and young and dumb. Trump has the energy of a man 25 years younger than his age. And in terms of practical governance, light years ahead of what any of the Democrats are proposing.

"Darrell said...
Trump should sponsor a Constitutional Amendment to make Capitalism our Nation's economic system."

An astonishingly good idea. Imagine having the Democrats having to make a public vote on the matter.

Jim at said...

It appears eight years of President Wonderful - and a loss of more than 1,000 state and federal elected offices - left the Democrats with no bench.

Couldn't happen to a finer bunch.

tcrosse said...

Who was the last Democrat to get the nomination after waiting their turn prior to Hillary?

Gore and Kerry waited their turn. Obama butted in line ahead of Hillary, whose turn it was in 2008. Thus H>er increased sense of entitlement in 2016, and I would suggest 2020.

Clyde said...

tcrosse said...
Who was the last Democrat to get the nomination after waiting their turn prior to Hillary?

Gore and Kerry waited their turn. Obama butted in line ahead of Hillary, whose turn it was in 2008. Thus H>er increased sense of entitlement in 2016, and I would suggest 2020.

I am reminded of when I was a kid and didn't like lima beans. We had them for dinner one night and I wouldn't touch them. I didn't get any dessert, and the horrible lima beans appeared on my plate the next night. Democrats, I hope you like those Hillary lima beans, because that's what's on offer.

Clyde said...

rehajm said...
Despite the lying about being a minority she's still just another Massachusetts wannabe running for President. Is there some statute that requires one every cycle?

Yes, Democrat rules say that there has to be a Masshole.

Clyde said...

J. Farmer said...
Frankly, I am not sure if I believe that a white man can ever become the presidential nominee for the Democratic Party. Ask Joe "I can't help that I was born white" Crowley.

Given the way the Democrats all squeed over Peter Strzok, I'd make him the frontrunner for 2020 if he wasn't a white male. Maybe he can Dolezal up some color from his family tree like Granny Warren did.

FIDO said...

It appears eight years of President Wonderful - and a loss of more than 1,000 state and federal elected offices - left the Democrats with no bench.

Well, to be fair, now that the mask is off their ideology, it would take someone more charming and a better salesman than Slick Willie and Obama combined to sell that swill to the average non insane voter

Jim at said...

Foxconn will employ 13,000 people.

That's not important. What's important is focusing on the letter behind the number and then laughing out loud like an idiot.

Qwinn said...

Krauthammer's wisdom is sadly outdated. Yes, I used to give liberals the benefit of the doubt and figured they were just stupid. I've come to realize they were stupid *and* evil all along. The very few that are smart pretend to be dumb because it facilitates the evil.

Clyde said...

Darkisland said...

Having one's own money, earned by one's own productivity, does wonders to a person's political outlook.

John Henry

And especially paying taxes on one's own money does wonders to a person's political outlook. People with skin in the game tend to be less inclined to give away lots of free stuff to freeloaders.

Clyde said...

Browndog said...
Ocasio-Cortez to campaign with Bernie Sanders in Kansas

That is just what the Democrats in Kansas need, to have a couple of effete Eastern liberals come in and tell the folks what they should do. Because that has always worked so well with the rubes! "What's The Matter With Kansas?" Not a damn thing.

Clyde said...

AMDG said...
The table is set for Oprah if she wanted it because she would,plow through this field faster than Harvey Weinstein through a gaggle of aspiring starlets.

She would win the whole thing to.

If she did, she would be like the proverbial dog that caught the car, and had no idea what to do with it.

eddie willers said...

The great thing about k is that it means nothing else but thousand.

A strikeout.

tcrosse said...

The great thing about k is that it means nothing else but thousand.

Potassium. Degrees Kelvin. Morse code for "Over".

Bad Lieutenant said...

And M is 007's boss, but I didn't go there.

Michael K said...

Blogger tcrosse said...
The great thing about k is that it means nothing else but thousand.

Potassium. Degrees Kelvin. Morse code for "Over".

And Kilometer and a thousand other things.

Ralph L said...

I believe Potassium and Kelvin are always capital K.

There's bound to be some Kevin who affects a small k.

Doug said...

Frankly, I am not sure if I believe that a white man can ever become the presidential nominee for the Democratic Party

Nonsense. White men still prevail because women and minorities act like exactly what they are ... women and minorities.

Bob Loblaw said...

More like ghostly. Biden is 75. Bernie is 76. Warren is 69.

Trump is 72, so I doubt that will hurt them, assuming they don't have a health crisis.

MadisonMan said...

Degrees Kelvin

Redundant. Just Kelvin.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Democrats "traverse the ideological and tonal spectrum between combative Democratic socialism and consensus-minded incrementalism", do they? In other words, between socialism now and socialism eventually. Their breadth of opinion runs the gamut from A to B.

Doug said...

Trump winds 2020 in a walk, a new world's record if Shrillary gets the nomination. So Booker and Harris should run - and lose - to establish cred for a 2024 run against Pence or Ivanka.

Howard said...

This looks and smells like more Trump winning. It's like the democrats didn't learn a single lesson from 2016

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
This looks and smells like more Trump winning. It's like the democrats didn't learn a single lesson from 2016

Howard, you are in danger of letting down the Ritmo/Inga team by letting reality intrude.

I really would be happier to see a rational Democratic Party.

When I was on the Legislative Commission for the CA Medical Association, we worked mostly with Democrats.

I got to know Jesse Unruh. He was an amazing guy. Willie Brown is very smart although he is
too facile at using the race card.

Another young Democrat legislator was very promising but I think he got into trouble with alcohol.

I worked with Democrats much more than Republicans who had little interest in healthcare.

The Godfather said...

I hope that Hillary runs in 2020 ("third time's the charm"). If she does she will join other great losers in the history books like Alf Landon, Barry Goldwater, and Walter Mondale. And she really deserves that recognition.

Robert Cook said...

"Trump built things and if he fucked it up, he lost his shirt."

Well...he would have...except for his being bailed out and propped up by his father.

Michael K said...

Cookie, that's a myth put out by Socialists like you.

He did it all by himself. Fred Trump died in 1999.

Sam L. said...

Clearly, the Dems are NOT smart people.

tcrosse said...

It's like the democrats didn't learn a single lesson from 2016

To the extent that they believe Hillary lost because of Russian Collusion instead of her own mistakes and shortcomings, then yes, they learned nothing. If she runs in the same old way, she'll lose in the same old way.

Robert Cook said...

"He did it all by himself. Fred Trump died in 1999."

This all happened years before 1999.

Michael K said...

Cookie, the casino trouble was 2004.

Try again. More myths from the left. Entrepreneurs are very strange creatures to salarymen like you.

Robert Cook said...

Read the article. Trump had casino troubles years before 1999. You can close your eyes and plug your ears and shout Trump is Great! Trump is Great!" all you want...it doesn't make the facts go away.

Howard said...

Trump sells his name and does TV. He's done well for himself, no doubt, but he does little of real value beside entertainment and facade. As far as getting a leg up from the old man, he pretty much squandered all that but was too big and popular to fail, so the banks bailed him out and he built himself out of that crater. He went on to become President. It's a mistake to underestimate his drive, ambition, gamesmanship and success.

Michael McNeil said...

And anyone using Roman numerals.
I was in finance. We used MM for million routinely.

Of course, “mm” in Roman numerals means two thousand, not a thousand-thousand.

Michael K said...

"so the banks bailed him out and he built himself out of that crater"

I suppose that is one way to look at it.

Do you think they ere irrational to do so ?

He went on to become President. It's a mistake to underestimate his drive, ambition, gamesmanship and success.

I agree with that.

Michael K said...

You can close your eyes and plug your ears and shout Trump is Great! Trump is Great!" all you want...it doesn't make the facts go away.

I don't do that and you would be wise not to do the same and shout "Marx is Great !"

My interest is that he is doing what I want and what he said he'd do. That is a novelty,

Michael said...

Robert Cook
The article linked was based principally on the Newsweek article whic was scantily resourced. It had to be because Trumps business dealings were not public. Eichenwald points to a billion dollar loss but does not make it clear that it could not have been, and wasn't, a cash loss. Depreciation of large real estate projects before the tax law revision of the 80s was on an accelerated basis which amplified losses for tax purposes His father guaranteed certain loans, apparently, but Eichenwald only notes a few million in out of pocket subsidies.

Complex financial dealings simplified for a lefty audience are not trustworthy.

Bruce Hayden said...

Blogger The Godfather said...
“I hope that Hillary runs in 2020 ("third time's the charm"). If she does she will join other great losers in the history books like Alf Landon, Barry Goldwater, and Walter Mondale. And she really deserves that recognition.”

Hard to believe that the Dems would be that dumb. Trump has her number, and AF-1. All he needs to do is ask where she is. Taking days off from campaigning? Again? His energy is likely to kill her this time around. Not only can he outcampaign her, with one hand tied behind his back, he could do so while running the countries, traveling around the world brow beating national leaders. She is just too unhealthy to even attempt to keep up. And, probably, at times, too drunk. Pretty much any of the others listed above would probably do better than Crooked Hillary. Definitely healthier and more energetic.

Bruce Hayden said...

Reinforcing my point about Crooked Hillary’s health and endurance:

Bad Lieutenant said...

You mean she's not No Ways Tired no more?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Hey, I know what happened to Hillary! She's tired of all the winning!

Bad Lieutenant said...

She wants to run so badly, but she knows that if things keep going on like this, she'll lose 57 states.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Maybe she's Now Ays Tired. What is Ays?

Robert Cook said...

"I don't do that and you would be wise not to do the same and shout "Marx is Great!"

I ask you to provide me a citation where I have ever said that or anything that could be construed to mean that.

Now...if I were ever to read Marx, I might be blown away by it and say, "Marx is great!"

Or not.

But, having never read him, I can't make any appraisal of his work.

Kirk Parker said...

So we've got a second-hand Marxist on our hands?

Or maybe I should paraphrase Richard Blaine: "I don't mind a Marxist--I object to a cut-rate one."

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