June 25, 2018

"Where Is Barack Obama?/The most popular American, whose legacy is the primary target of Donald Trump, has, for now, virtually disappeared from public life."

Gabriel Debenedetti (in New York Magazine) asks the question that perhaps you, like me, have been wondering about.
How did the most ubiquitous man in America for eight years virtually disappear?... He has mostly opted out of liberal America’s collective Trump-outrage cycle. Though he reads the Times and other newspapers, he doesn’t follow daily Trump developments on Twitter or watch television news. He is upset by the administration’s actions, and he’s confided to friends that what worries him most is the international order, the standing of the office of the presidency, the erosion of democratic norms, and the struggles of people who are suddenly unsure of their immigration status or the future of their health-care coverage. Still, in conversations with political allies, Obama insists that today’s domestic mess is a blip on the long arc of history and argues that his own work must be focused on progress over time — specifically on empowering a new generation of leaders. He says his legacy is not what concerns him. (“Michelle and I are fine,” he tells those who ask about it.) And while he often says he misses the day-to-day work of fixing people’s problems, he has even less patience for day-to-day politics than he did as president.

In fact, in private conversations, Obama rarely mentions Trump at all.... One of Obama’s friends repeatedly described the former president as newly “Zen-like,” a striking descriptor given that Obama’s impossible calm has been a hallmark of his entire time on the national stage. To those who’ve known him longest, his confidence in the decision not to wade back into the political muck is the product of the same hyper-self-aware posture he’s had since childhood, growing up straddling worlds and then writing a book about himself in his 30s....
He's aloof. That was always the case. That's kind of what we liked about him, those of us who liked the man who — in my observation — is considered the most likable person to become famous in our lifetime. We're just experiencing the full dimension of coolness. It's not always to your liking, even if you were one of those people who really liked it.

But I think Obama should be allowed to eat his waffle, go to restaurants and be left in peace, write his books, experience down time, and stay out of the fray. He may seem political useful, but that's because he's avoiding being used, and that's exactly what he should do.

ADDED: That waffle video won't work in the embedded form. You can click through and see it at YouTube, but for a workable embed, here's Obama eating noodles in Vietnam with Anthony Bourdain:


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dreams said...

"I respect the post-Presidency insofar as he's mostly stayed out of things."

I guess ignorance is bliss, read this.

"Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing Handbook. Former White House deputy chief of staff Jim Messina runs Organizing for Action.

Obama and his affiliated organizations are not addressing broadly humanistic policy goals, in the model of the Carter Center or even the Clinton Global Initiative. Rather, Obama is the spearhead of a movement seeking to obstruct the administration of his successor. By establishing himself so visibly within the nation’s capital, Obama is effectively turning the postpresidency—up to now, a venerable, if vague, institution—into something more ominous."


wholelottasplainin said...

Obama has virtually disappeared?

I wish he would REALLY disappear.

As it is, he's just a political version of The Cheshire Cat. All the way down to the grin.

Rabel said...

If anyone really, really misses him and is getting the shakes they can get their fix on Thursday in LA. Bring your purse.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He's aloof. That was always the case. That's kind of what we liked about him, those of us who liked the man who — in my observation — is considered the most likable person to become famous in our lifetime.

I think the word you're looking for is called "mature." He doesn't get emotionally wrapped up in a bunch of bullshit just to prove how important his image is... the exact opposite of Trump. Pretty interesting that you're so critical of a president simply for not being the emotionally challenged basketcase that Trump is. What makes you so attracted to drama?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But I think Obama should be allowed to eat his waffle, go to restaurants and be left in peace, write his books, experience down time, and stay out of the fray.

Are you kidding? If right-wingers had manners what would they stand for? Their whole program would fall apart.

DanTheMan said...

Someone called "President Pee Pee Tapes" is now lecturing us on "maturity"

I will give you points for trolling in style.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Quiet, liberal normal people. The Anti-Fact Tantrum Brigade speaks!

Trumpism. The whine heard 'round the world.

DanTheMan said...

I suggested to a friend that we righties should start mobbing and shaming Democratic party officials in public places.

He quite correctly pointed out that we can't do that. We have jobs and families.

Jim at said...

He doesn't get emotionally wrapped up in a bunch of bullshit just to prove how important his image is.

While we're waiting for the oceans to recede, please tell us more about the fake, Greek columns Uncle Fuckster.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Someone called "President Pee Pee Tapes" is now lecturing us on "maturity"

The name is a joke made at the expense of someone who really worried that his pee pee party was caught on tape. I don't make this stuff up, just riff of it.

Next thing you'll be telling us that Warner Brothers, Looney Tunes, Disney, South Park and everything else is immature. Why? Because you're a moron, that's why.

I don't think conservatism stands for anything apart from its own sense of repression and how much difficulty it has dealing with it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Greek columns are a good, classical design. Many buildings in D.C. are featured this way. It's presidential, unlike the current Hairpiece in Chief - Adolf Twitler.

It's also important to reverse environmental damage, rather than to worsen it. Policies always have and can do this. If someone wants to ruin the planet's natural systems they should just admit that coal and oil stock is more important to them than the clean and healthy planet we've been living with ever since the dawn of civilization.

Talk about immature. Republicans are destructive children who don't only just put country above planet, but coal and oil stock above planet. How stupid. They're like the poor college kids who will take $10 for an experimental study of what happens when they're subjected to experimental drugs or poisons, only they want to sign up the rest of the planet - even the energy industries are already moving away from those failed resources for economic reasons. There's just no positives or upsides to any of the stupid things Republicans do - it's all just for an emotional release.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

America was founded as a re-imagined Greek or Roman republic, but only a Republican is stupid and un-American enough to not understand this and rail against "Greek columns." Next thing you know he'll be blowing up the Lincoln Memorial.

If every Republican were locked up in a loony bin the country would be much better off. It would be worth the cost and the normal remainder of the country could go on in a normal way.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He quite correctly pointed out that we can't do that. We have jobs and families.

And not much of an actual identity beyond that.

Can you imagine hanging out with Republicans? The boredom!

Republicans can bore you to suicide. There were a number of them in the neighborhood I grew up in and my parents would have get-togethers with them (as well as all the normal/non-Republican people) just for the sake of neighborliness. The kind of stupidity and and uptightness they used to spew forth while in relaxed settings would knock one's socks off.

I think Republicans are just strange people who try to live conventional lives but are so weak-minded and spirited that when they finally allow themselves to unwind find their minds releasing psychology stranger than anything seen by Freud, or Clarise Starling for that matter. If Victorian Viennese society was uptight and full of strangely repressed lunatics you should get a load of modern American Republicans. Just cuckoo up the wazoo.

DanTheMan said...

> Because you're a moron, that's why.

I can see the hook, sorry. Keep fishing.

At least Inga is sincere.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A republican and a lunatic walk into a bar.

Bartender says, "Which one is which?"


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I can see the hook, sorry.

You perceive everything as a game because, you know, you're a tool.

Have you found your purpose in life yet? I mean, other than to just bore the world?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Republican Anthem:

We bore the world. We alienate children.

We are the ones who make a darker day so let's start giving. (To lobbyists).

Michael K said...

When a post gets over 200 comments does a bell ring to wake up Ritmo ?

Jim at said...

It's fun watching an insane person reveal his thoughts in public.

Screaming at the sky.

Michael K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When a post has very few comments does Michael K find it just boring enough to contribute to and blend in?

True fact: Michael K. reads to 90-year olds. It bores them so much that they wake up, tell him to fuck off and get lost.

Michael K. could bore a sloth.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When Michael K speaks, it's time to watch paint start drying.

n.n said...

Debenedetti cannot argue with principles and achievement, so he lowers himself to force an emotional appeal to Obama's cult of personality.

pacwest said...

PP seems pretty any tonight. Hope you feel better tomorrow dude. You didn't get fired or something I hope.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"pretty any"?

Is this some made-up republicultist term?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When Michael K has a (pharmaceutically induced) orgasm, his wife starts counting sheep.

rightguy said...

"I see Obama derangement syndrome remains strong not just in Oval Office."

Who has Obama derangement syndrome ? The people like myself who dislike him and his policies because he is an anti-American socialist, who seems to sympathize with Islamists. Or are the ODS folks the ones that idolize a full-of-himself slacker with a 2nd rate mind, whose primary strength is verbal BS?

tcrosse said...

Inga was bored today, too.

readering said...

rightguy: The former group.

stan said...

"considered the most likable person to become famous in our lifetime."

Ann, WTF?! Seriously? Whoa.

As for the comment above who didn't understand why people hated Obama. He was the worst liar in the history of the presidency by a factor of ten or more. He lied about everything that was important. He weaponized the govt against his opponents. He should have been impeached for his crimes. His deal with Iran was treasonous. He deliberately inflamed racial tensions for his own political benefit. He was the least talented, most hubristic asshole to ever sit in the oval office -- the complete opposite of a wise man. His disdain for common Americans was so overwhelming he never managed to hide it. It was constant. Not to mention his hatred for the country.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

In foreign policy Obama quite nearly lost a war that he inherited that was essentially won, and started a totally unnecessary war that will make it that much harder for Obama’s successors — and not just Trump! — to persuade petty dictators to give up their nuclear programs. But Althouse thinks he’s likable. Sure.

readering said...

I think folks here need a refresher course on likeability:


Michael K said...

"I think folks here need a refresher course on likeability:"

Yes, delivered by Ritmo.

Nice thought. You sound more sane than most of the leftists here.

I will pay more attention to your comments.

We get such idiots and ignoramuses here on the left, the normal reaction is to dismiss anyone who posts left as an idiot or fool.

Jon Ericson said...

That's one of the reasons they do what they do.
It makes the Althouse blog look bad.
Three or four asshole trolls plus a couple of mobys and look what it has done to this blog.
I block the trolls and mobys, but most people can't or don't, so we see a large percentage of the commenters refuting these assholes and we get the degraded results we see.
We just have to live with it.

Michael K said...

readering showed different colors in another thread. Oh well.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Paging Dr. Butthurt! Paging Dr. Butthurt!"

"We've got a terminal case of unfunny sore butt on Michael K.! Emergency proctologist needed, STAT!"

"Butt, nurse, you know I can't operate on Michael K.! To operate on his asshole would essentially result in.... decapitation. As you know, Michael K suffers from head-up-his-ass syndrome. The two areas were switched and fused together at birth and must now be resected."

"Yes, to perform the needed corrective surgery on Michael K. will unfortunately kill the poor, stupid, unfunny bastard. But to let him moan and moan like that will kill EVERYONE ELSE!"

"Ok, I'll get to work!"

A proctologist's gotta do what a proctologist's gotta do.

Seeing Red said...

considered the most likable person to become famous in our lifetime."

I thought that was explained by Obama and people putting on him what they want to see.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Later that day, Michael K's excellent team of surgeons pioneered the cutting-edge procedure now known as "decapitation by way of proctological resection."

It was a stunning success, in every way. The patient's death was a bonus.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Between Sheriff Michael K and his goofy deputy, Jon Erickson, the Althouse blog will be defended from the Trump dissidents, who have a secret plot to blow up the blog!

Michael Fitzgerald and his hammer is their enforcer. Fear not the blog is safe!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Sheriff Michael K has pledged he will keep you apprised of every comment that any iberal makes, just in case you missed it. No comment by a liberal will be allowed to exist without Sheriff Michael’s commentary. Sheriff Michael is on the job and Deputy Jonny will make sure no troll or Moby other than himself is allowed to step foot on the comments sections.

This trusted duo is working hard keeping the neighborhood safe!

mockturtle said...

Being 'likeable' isn't even on my top ten personal goals.

Michael K said...

The stupid fools seem to have descended once again on the thread.

Do you really think this is clever ?

Michael K said...

The bedpan commando and the mama's basement watchman combine to keep the left's reputation intact.

Good night.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Oh thank goodness Sheriff Michael is here to protect the very serious nature of the blog’s comments sections!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Whaaaat? Oh well I guess it’s ok, Deputy Jonny will hold down the fort.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A humorless, narcissistic, boring twat goes on about "stupid."

It doesn't get any dumber than that.

$20 says Michael's as boring and humorless as his hero, Trump. Betcha he's never cracked a smile.


Can anyone imagine being married to that guy? Or even having to put up with his stupid tall tales at a cocktail party?

It's enough to make someone want to shoot themselves. Seriously, Michael K. is like the opposite of a suicide prevention hotline. He's a guy you'd subject someone to if you want them to commit suicide.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Michael K's the guy that would be forced onstage at an open mic night to help a comedian who just bombed to feel better.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

At emergency room intakes they sometimes have mandatory suicide assessment questionnaires. (True story). Medical committees everywhere are deciding to add the question, "Have you ever had to put up with a guy named 'Michael K' vying for attention?"

Answering 'yes' automatically qualifies someone for 21 days inpatient psychiatric therapy.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Sheriff Michael takes his self appointed position as blog lawman verrrrrry seriously.

Jon Ericson said...

Comment by Inga blocked.
6/25/18, 9:20 PM
Comment by Inga blocked.
6/25/18, 9:21 PM
Comment by President Pee-Pee Tape blocked.
6/25/18, 9:31 PM
Comment by President Pee-Pee Tape blocked.
6/25/18, 9:32 PM
Comment by President Pee-Pee Tape blocked.
6/25/18, 9:38 PM
Comment by Inga blocked.
6/25/18, 9:39 PM

A Mighty Wind

Jon Ericson said...

Gee I don't think they liked being called asshole trolls.
Go figger.

Drago said...

Looks like Inga is back to caring.

Not that it matters.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Deputy Jonny is on the job, keeping the comments sections safe for one and all.

Jon Ericson said...

Steve Scalise, A Target of Leftist Assasination Attempt:
It Would Be Best to Restore Civility to Our Politics

You Should Have Died When Our Pal Shot You Up

—Ace of Spades

Assholes wherever you look.

langford peel said...

Look nobody cares about Obama anyone.

Witness this witless thread.

As the saying goes the Jig is up.

Jon Ericson said...

See, there you go.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I was roused out of my apathy by Sheriff Michael and Deputy Jonny’s deeply touching dedication to keeping the blog’s comments section’s safe from riff raff and dissidents. How could I not care?

I care, do u?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Oh Deputy Jonny! The Peely is here to Moby up the comments sections! Do your job!

Jon Ericson said...

Assholes to the left of me, mobys to the right
Here I am, stuck in the middle with yooou.

langford peel said...

I do think it is fortuitous that Obama is putting his library in deepest darkest Chicago with a murder rate higher than Afghanistan. At least he knows that the black gang bangers will not shoot it up since when do you ever see black people going to the library.

I think if he wants his people to show up he should open up a Presidential liquor store.

Jon Ericson said...

Trolls/mobys always get the last word.

Jon Ericson said...

Two buttons, Sweaty spaceman.

Jon Ericson said...

It's interesting.
All I have to say is "moby", and langford peel is there like flies on shit.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Shorter Jon Ericson - "People commented and my software blocked me from reading what they said because otherwise I'd be too easily triggered if I knew what they wrote."

You go, girl.

Jon Ericson said...

Or call ritmo Pedro. He likes being a Pedro.

Jon Ericson said...

Hi Pedro.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jon Ericson covers his eyes and puts his fingers in his ears because he can only stick them up his butt for so long.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I hope he washes his hands first.

Well actually, I don’t care.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Seriously. A little snowflake boy is bragging about what he prevented himself from reading - lest it triggered him.

And then he complained that two of the people it upsets him to read were able to converse with each other.

That's the right-wing, in a nutshell. Isolated lunatics who can't talk to one another and can't even read what others have to say.

It's almost an enforced stupidity.

Jon Ericson said...

'night Pedro.
Don't choke on your own bile.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thanks, Jon-Jon.

Whenever I want lessons on your special, stupid, arrogant and very childish and insecure brand of "kindness", I'll make sure to let you know, Sensei.

Jon Ericson said...

Or Pee-Pee.

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