June 25, 2018

"Strzok isn’t just any rank-and-file guy spouting off in one ill-advised email. His fingerprints were on every FBI investigation..."

"... that stood to impact Clinton’s presidential candidacy or to hurt Trump before and after the 2016 election. He was chief of the FBI’s Counterespionage Section and number two in the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division. He led the team of investigators in the Clinton classified email probe and led the FBI investigation into alleged Russian interference in the election. He was involved in the controversial anti-Trump 'Steele dossier' used, in part, to obtain multiple secret wiretaps. He was the one who interviewed Trump adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who pled guilty to lying to the FBI only to later learn that agents reportedly didn’t think he’d lied. And Strzok was the 'top' FBI agent appointed to work on the team of special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate alleged Trump-Russia collusion. The earth-shattering finding on Strzok by the inspector general (IG) confirms a citizenry’s worst fears: A high-ranking government intel official allegedly conspired to affect the outcome of a U.S. presidential election...."

Read "What did Peter Strzok do?" by Sharyl Attkisson.


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Quaestor said...

I’m having fun telling y’all how much I don’t care and mocking your outrage.

That's quite some remarkably lame mockery on your part, Inga, of what I've seen. If you're that easily amused I suggest you'll richly enjoy a rattle.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I don’t even care enough to snark back at Quackster.

Now I must be off to do something I care a great deal about. I’ve saved up my caring about you folks and your outrages, so I’ll be especially caring today.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Don’t hurt yourself with all that outrage while I’m gone.

But honestly I don’t care if you do.

Drago said...

Fascinating. Inga truly thinks this works.

Like a child covering their own eyes and saying "you can't see me".


hombre said...

Inga wrote: Why should I care more for conspiracy theories than you people care about children being separated from their parents...

This is so blindingly stupid it boggles the mind. Why should we care more about illegal immigrant children being separated from their parents than you care for 50 million preborn babies being slaughtered by abortion mills. See how that works, Inga?

In fact, these are separate questions calling for weighing values, not weighing the the political bullshit that governs your thinking as a moral relativist.

The political corruption of the FBI has been established by the IG as fact, not theory. The only theories are about the impact of the corruption on investigations.

Kids are separated from parents because the parents broke the law just as during the Obama administration. Sympathy for the children does not alter those facts, nor does it outweigh the reasons for the law.

The mindless defense of Peter Strzok simply establishes the moral corruption of his defenders. At the very least his failure to recuse himself because of bias is indefensible.

Jon Ericson said...

We're wasting our time. This is the goal. Mission Accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Inga - I think it's cool that you can post when you're as hopped up on goofballs as you appear to be this afternoon, and still not make spelling mistakes or a complete mess of your formatting.

Michael said...

Inga can't find anything even she believes to be worth cutting and pasting and has taken on the new "I don't care" defense which is meant to mock Mrs. Trump. In reality Mrs. Trump got Inga and thousands of easily trollable progs to don shitty green raincoats with stupid slogans on the back thinking they were "ironic." Inga is profoundly dumb. Stone stupid.

Quaestor said...

Inga wrote: I don’t even care enough to snark back at Quackster.

You do not have the ability to snark back at me that would not seem feeble and jejune by comparison.

Michael K said...

The fool is not worth the time composing responses.

She is little better than Ritmo now.

The big Mueller carnival has folded its tent and will creep out of town about August 28. Having spent every cent, of course.

gadfly said...

Peter Strzok obviously violated some law (not yet defined) which permitted some elite bureaucrat to strip him of his hard-earned right to access secret documents. On the other side of that issue is Jarivanka's unimpaired access (earlier denied) to read similar high-level secret information despite the unbelievable private financing obtained by the Trump & Kushner family businesses from foreign political sources.

Until Trump arrived, I believed that Republicans were straight-arrow politicians. Disliking your boss is a common American condition.

StephenFearby said...

In other news today...

'Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said Monday that he made a “bad joke” when he told fundraisers to expect a “wild couple of months” as the committee and special counsel Robert Mueller continue their investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“It was a bad joke,” Warner told reporters at the Capitol when asked about the comments. “You know how seriously I take this investigation ... We’re going to follow the facts.”

Warner’s comments, which were first reported by Politico, came during a fundraiser for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee on Martha’s Vineyard.

“If you get me one more glass of wine, I’ll tell you stuff only Bob Mueller and I know," Warner told the crowd. “If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months."'


All donors who loosened their wallets and gave to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee after hearing (or reading about) Senator Warner's prediction will now be entitled to have their money returned.

In their dreams.

Michael K said...

Until Trump arrived, I believed that Republicans were straight-arrow politicians. Disliking your boss is a common American condition.

Gadfly, try not to appear so foolish.

You sound like a parody.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL - Inga spends her entire day telling us she doesn't care about leftwing corruption.


Big Mike said...

Strzok has been escorted from the J. Edgar Hoover Building. Does that mean he's lost his badge and gun? Hmm. Seth Rich didn't have a gun, either.

Vance said...

I want everyone to record that Inga literally does not care about America and corrupt officials trying to overturn an election. Her words. She does not care that her side is guilty of worse than Watergate and every other scandal put together. She's telling us all about how little she cares.

In short, she's a communist, who also doesn't care about valid elections.

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